What does a painting with wolves in the bedroom mean? Paintings in the house and Feng Shui. Tiger and wolf in feng shui

Meaning of the wolf in cultures and countries

In the folklore of the peoples of the world, the wolf is a popular character

In Greek mythology

The Greeks believed that the symbol of the wolf was the god of war Ares. Also, many Greek heroes considered wolves their ancestors.

In Celtic culture

The wolf in the Celtic tradition represents courage, loyalty and integrity.

In Norse mythology

The Vikings considered the wolf the most terrible beast in battle, which always emerged victorious.

In the Bible and Christianity

The wolf is depicted as a creature that devours human flesh. In ancient Christian beliefs, wolves are anthropomorphized, representing a person who cannot be trusted.

Wolf in Slavic mythology

It was a symbol of darkness, a cloud obscuring the sun.

Different peoples perceived the wolf in their own way

In Japanese culture

Folklore associates the wolf with the mountains, and the animal is considered benevolent and fierce. There are also some Japanese myths about lone wolves that protect people from danger.

In Indian culture

The white wolf is an important tribal symbol for some Native American clans, representing strength, loyalty and success in hunting.

According to Cherokee legend, a grandfather once told his grandson a story about a battle between two wolves, one representing anger, envy and jealousy, and the other representing joy, peace and love. When the grandson asked who is really winning, his grandfather says: who are we feeding?

Most peoples have a positive image of the wolf. A negative image began to form due to wolf attacks on livestock. This is where the image of a bloodthirsty predator emerged.

In Chinese culture

Wolves, for the most part, had a negative connotation, especially in southern China. Seeing a wolf foreshadowed danger and death.

Northern China viewed them more favorably for their strength, courage and cooperation, so wolf images appeared on weapons.

In medieval Europe

The wolf often appeared on the coat of arms of royal and noble families, symbolizing kindness and courage.

Wolf in alchemy

Considered a symbol of antimony.

Wolf Totem

This totem begins to manifest itself in a person quite early . It cannot be confused with any other. And its owner knows 100% who he is and who his animal of power is.

Outwardly, a person who has a wolf as his main totem can be quite strong, slender and even lean. He is physically resilient, often recovers quickly and recovers. He is distinguished by his eyes, an intelligent, observant gaze that notices everything.

These people value solitude and protect their inner world from strangers; they are more prone to introversion . They protect their own territory and loved ones, value intimacy in relationships, and do not like guests. Observant and insightful.

They choose partners for life, their loyalty and devotion are absolute. They have few real friends, because they have a great understanding of people and cannot be deceived or bribed. Maximalists do not forgive betrayal.

A man with the Wolf totem can be very sociable if he wants to please him - he easily succeeds. He is, by definition, a predator, sensitive to danger and changes in the situation, has animal intuition, knows how to leave in time and escape from traps prepared for him. If necessary, he shows aggression and does not feel pity, as he feels his natural right to punish the offender.

In relationships he does not reveal his intentions; he is usually honest. He senses his woman, doesn’t advertise his intentions, but doesn’t hide it either. As a husband and father, he is devoted and caring, and will do everything necessary for the family. He usually trusts his wife and will not infringe on her freedom. Raises children to be strong.

The Wolf is an individualist and experimenter; creative professions associated with personal search are well suited for him. These can be excellent craftsmen, artisans, engineers, artists.

They also achieve excellent results in the private detective field, legal practice, journalism, and literature. In addition, their fighting qualities and sense of group hierarchy can provide a career in the military and security sphere.

A woman with a wolf totem is even more intuitive than a man. She knows how to behave in society, in the team she is usually valued and respected for her intelligence and insight, and sometimes they are afraid of her. Although she looks cheerful and passionate, she is in no hurry to let you into her inner world.

In personal relationships, she is sexy and devoted to her partner. He often has a beautiful and deep voice, which he knows how to use and influence the feelings of others with its sound.

She devotes a lot of time to searching for herself, is restless, lives with spark and interest. Children for her are an opportunity to reveal the best qualities of her nature, depth and creativity.

Life tasks of those whose animal powers are Wolf

Since the image and character of this totem is contradictory, its owners also have some kind of internal mystery.

The wolf man lives in a “pack” and takes care of its members, but can realize himself as a loner, regardless of company. This is a lesson in one’s own boundaries, solving issues of interaction between general and personal trajectories: how to preserve one’s self while remaining in WE.

This person has sufficient intuition for life and a wonderful sense of self, at the same time he is constantly in search of even greater wisdom, becoming deeper and more interesting throughout his life.

While on a spiritual quest, discovering ways to realize himself, he can periodically turn on his wild, cruel qualities, animal instincts, which reminds us of werewolves.

He is doomed to constantly balance between duty and independence, his own individuality and group hierarchy, between personal freedom and the power of belonging to the pack.

Wolves also have a complex relationship with the color red .

The red string maintains the energy of movement, which is what the expression “the wolf’s legs feed” is about. The task of a person who has this totem is to be fed by his internal abilities, brains, and not just “legs”. Otherwise, all his life he will have a feeling of being trapped, when there are enemies around him, and his trajectory is limited by red flags.

Also, for a wolf totem, it is not advisable to react to easy prey, which itself goes into its hands, such as the “Little Red Riding Hood” . These stories also end badly.

Pair of wolves

A pair of wolves embroidered on canvas is the personification of fidelity, boundless devotion and eternal love, over which time has no power. Such mesmerizing paintings often decorate married bedrooms. This embroidery is given to couples in love and single people who dream of meeting their other half.

Despite the fact that wolves are quite freedom-loving, they are one of the most loyal predators, creating a mate for life. That is why it is believed that owners of embroidery with wolves will have a strong and long-lasting alliance.

The popular “Happy Couple” pattern is one of the most popular bases today for cross-stitching touching formidable predators. This work is quite difficult to perform. A craftswoman can spend up to six months on this type of embroidery. But looking at the result, all the efforts spent bring a positive effect. The work uses beige or cream colored canvas No. 14 and several layers of thread. In total, 39 colored threads of related tones are used during embroidery in order to make a smooth transition and give realism to the embroidery. The size of the finished product is 40 by 30 centimeters.

Be sure to give your embroidery with wolves a finished look by choosing a worthy frame for it in the form of an interesting baguette.

A stunning embroidered picture of wolves presented as a gift is an unforgettable surprise that will definitely bring prosperity and good luck to its owners.

We have looked at several basic examples and the meaning that this or that work carries in itself, which depicts wolves. Below you will find patterns that can form the basis of a new magnificent cross stitch.

Why do wolves howl at the moon?

Scientists have a number of explanations for this phenomenon.

First: by doing this, wolves mark their territory. They howl to warn strangers not to trespass on their borders.

It’s a pity, the wolves have no chance of getting on TV, they sing better than many of our singers

The second explanation: they call together members of the pack who have lost their way.

Third explanation: they sing for their own pleasure.

Animal of the ancient Greeks and Romans

Even in Hellenic times, wolves were already credited with magical abilities. Thus, in the records of the father of history, Herodotus, mention was made of tribes whose totem was the wolf. In addition, among the Greeks it was considered the animal of Apollo.

In ancient Sparta, the appearance of wolves before battle was considered a bad omen. For the Romans, they were very respected animals. According to legend, it was the she-wolf who fed the legendary founders of the eternal city, the twins Romulus and Remus, with her milk. In addition, the wolf was an animal sacred to Mars.

In Roman culture, the symbol of the wolf was very often present, and even more often - the she-wolf. Females were considered symbols of sexual attractiveness by the Romans. In this regard, women who sell their bodies were sometimes called she-wolves. An ancient holiday, Lupercalia, was also dedicated to the wolf.

History of the symbol

  • In Indian tribes, the wolf is considered a symbol of intelligence.
  • In Roman mythology , it was believed that the founder of the state was suckled by a she-wolf.
  • In North America , the wolf symbolized the dances of shamans.
  • The Celts have a myth in which a wolf eats the sun. Norse myths are not far behind , in which the wolf appears as a huge and terrible symbol of chaos.
  • Only Chinese myths : here the wolf is a symbol of debauchery.
  • Among the Indians it is a symbol of the lower world, the world of the dead.
  • In Greco-Roman mythology, the wolf accompanies Apollo

In astronomy and astrology, the wolf is represented by the constellation Sirius.


In this video, you can watch the process of applying a tattoo of a wolf's face to the arm below the elbow:


Collection by Aksana Chun





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