Moose and deer antlers in the house: are they a bad omen, why should you find them in the forest?

Since ancient times, people have decorated their homes.
And this is not surprising, because every person, coming home, wants to rest, relax and simply enjoy the comfort of home. Many years ago, houses were decorated with beautiful stones, wood carvings and, of course, animal skins. Time has passed, tastes and opportunities have changed, as a result of which modern houses have an impeccable appearance and sometimes resemble museums, but there are a number of classic things that will probably never go out of fashion, because, you see, in our time, like many years ago ago it was fashionable to decorate apartments with exclusive sabers, knives and horns. But, be that as it may, the choice of such things must be approached responsibly. The thing is that sometimes we, without even wanting to, introduce negative moments and emotions into our lives, because it’s no secret that things have their own energy and influence our lives. So, according to eniology, sharp objects should never be placed in the bedroom. This promises lovers separation and frequent scandals. Also, never place a mirror so that your bed is reflected in it. It is believed that at night the mirror will feed on your health, causing you to feel unwell the next morning.

But as for the antlers in the house, a lot depends on where exactly you place them and whether they are real. If these horns are made of wood, you don't have to worry as this item will bring wealth to your home. It is recommended to place wooden antlers in the hallway or living room. If they are placed in the bedroom, the person will sleep poorly. Real horns must be treated with caution: it is one thing if the horns fell off on their own, and completely different if they were taken from a dead animal. The thing is that in this case such a trophy will contain the energy of death, which will negatively affect the well-being and life of all residents of the apartment. Such horns will bring failure, separation, illness and even death to your home. The same applies to animal skins. Therefore, there is no need to risk your life; it is better to give up the trophy than to regret later and “swallow” your mistakes.

What do the horns carry?

Nowadays, not only a hunter can get horns for home, but also a person simply walking through a forest abounding with ungulate inhabitants. In addition, you can simply buy them in the store. But is it worth decorating your home with them?

  • Horns taken from a killed animal, although they demonstrate the hunting prowess of the owner of the house, are not approved by esotericists. It is believed that they have a bad aura, which will gradually destroy family well-being and undermine the health of household members.
  • Another thing is decoration discarded during the natural course of the animal’s life. Finding it portends good luck, and mounted on the wall of an apartment, it will fill it with positivity and promote peace and prosperity, unless, of course, it hangs in the master bedroom. Decorating this part of the house with horns can push one of the spouses to cheat.
  • If you are wary of a “bone crown” taken from the head of a deer or elk, and the interior requires something of this kind, then simply purchase a wooden product. With this decision, the room will take on a finished look, and you will not be disturbed by unpleasant premonitions. In addition, signs claim that horn-shaped decor made of wood brings wealth to the house if it is placed in the “right” place: in the living room or hallway.

Where is the best place to hang it?

The optimal place is above the front door. Can be hung anywhere in the hallway. If the house is large and there are often guests who can carry negativity, then you can place it in the living room, for example, above the fireplace. In an office or store, it is usually hung above the entrance to attract income and remove negative energy from the premises brought in by clients and partners.

Can't hang:

  • in the bedroom - you will often suffer from insomnia;
  • in the kitchen and dining room - there will be frequent quarrels and conflicts.

Who the owner is also matters

If finding any antlers means good luck in general, then the animal species is able to predict the future more specifically.

  • The lucky one who discovers a deer antler will soon find an heir (son or grandson). If the family has a daughter of marriageable age, then soon they will have to get married and meet their son-in-law.
  • You will be lucky to find a decoration from the head of an elk , and the family will be replenished with a beautiful female. This could be either a newborn baby or an unexpectedly appearing adult relative, for example, a son’s wife.
  • It’s not bad if you happen to decorate your home with bull horns. They are the most effective talisman that protects your home from enemies and evil entities.

Signs about moose have different interpretations. For example, horns, correctly placed in a home, are a powerful amulet (why you shouldn’t keep a stuffed owl in your house); meeting an animal means positive life changes. If you shoot down an animal, you can expect big troubles.

Which horns to choose?

For the energy of the house, it is important what material the item is made of. Decoration made from material of non-animal origin can be safely placed in any room, since its energy is neutral. Wood antlers are considered a particularly good interior detail. They bring prosperity and prosperity.

But you need to be careful with real deer or elk antlers. They are safe for the energy of the house only if the animal threw them off itself. If a person finds them dumped in the forest, then he can safely carry them into the house.

But in most cases it is difficult to say whether they were dropped or whether they belonged to a killed animal. Therefore, without knowing, it is better not to take risks. If you really want an original decoration, then it is better to purchase a wooden or plastic version.

Signs about moose antlers

Interpretations of beliefs associated with animal antlers depend on where, when and by whom they were found. If the animal itself has lost its horns, then such a souvenir can become part of the interior of the house. But the item should only be placed in walk-through rooms. A trophy obtained from a killed animal cannot be stored in the house.


If you find elk antlers, they can become a powerful amulet. By hanging them in your home, a person will find good luck. For a man, the find promises the imminent birth of a son. The father of a family with an unmarried daughter will soon meet his future son-in-law.

If elderly people meet elk antlers on their way, they will soon have grandchildren.

In general, according to legend, finding a decoration from an animal’s head means the arrival of a new female family member. Perhaps your daughter will soon be born, an adult relative will suddenly appear, or your son will get married.

Which ones to choose

Horns made from artificial materials have neutral energy, so they can be safely made part of the interior of all rooms.

Esotericists believe that to attract wealth and good luck, it is better to choose wooden antlers.

Real moose antlers should not be placed anywhere in the house. Such a trophy is safe only if the animal dropped it itself and the person brought the find home. But it is often unknown whether the outgrowths belonged to the killed elk or whether the animal itself got rid of them. Therefore, it’s not worth the risk; it’s better to buy a souvenir made of plastic or wood.

Which horns are better to choose?

To create a certain aura in the house, it is important what materials household items are made from . The human body is greatly influenced, both positively and negatively, by superimposed energy information.

For very suspicious and superstitious people, the best solution is wood products . In this case, the interior of the room will take on a finished look, and bad thoughts will not enter your head. In addition, a wooden product, if placed correctly, will bring wealth to the house.

But real horns need to be treated with caution and carefully study the circumstances of their appearance. After all, a big role is played by the fact whether the animal dropped them on its own or was caught by a hunter . However, in most cases, reliable information about the method of origin of a product is very difficult to obtain.

In special stores you can buy a kind of cornucopia that will bring joy and prosperity to its owner. It is sold as a souvenir or figurine. This is a powerful talisman that can make its owner rich if he has good intentions.

Important! The plastic versions of the horns look impressive: they are beautiful and do not carry negative energy.

Whether or not to believe in signs and predictions, each person decides for himself. However, one should not ignore the experience accumulated by previous generations.

In any case, the purchased jewelry should first of all please its owners, and if there is the slightest discomfort, it is better to get rid of it. Sometimes it is better to give up a trophy than to regret and blame yourself for such a mistake later.


Signs about moose

The ancestors believed that seeing an elk running among the trees or across a field was a good sign. But the sign has a positive meaning only if you see the animal from afar. In this case, you should expect positive life changes.

See on the road

Seeing a moose on the road is not always a good omen. The sudden appearance of an animal is a harbinger of imminent problems. It doesn’t matter if an elk crossed the road in front of a pedestrian or a car. The path will be difficult, and all plans related to the journey will be upset. Perhaps something will break or you will have to return home. From the point of view of signs, seeing a squirrel is a more favorable sign.

In order not to invite trouble, you cannot bypass the forest dweller. It's better to wait until the animal gets out of the way. Then you need to find 3 stones and throw them over your left shoulder. Next, say the phrase: “Go your way, but don’t touch me.” The thrown stones must then be picked up and stored until the end of the journey.

Get hit by a car

If a person hits a moose, the omen has a negative connotation. Definitely, such an event will lead to problems and financial losses. At a minimum, you will have to pay a fine for car repairs.

In general, finding elk antlers is a good omen, but only if the animal shed them on its own. A trophy from the head of a killed animal cannot be kept in the house. Such a talisman will bring only negativity into your home.

Signs and superstitions

Esotericists say that horns should not be placed in the residential part of the house: bedroom, kitchen, office. The hall or hallway is another matter: these rooms are considered a transition from the yard to the residential part of the house. Horns placed in the hallway acquire the status of a talisman: they block the path of negativity.

Horns found in the forest are one of the strongest amulets.

But even hunters bring trophies taken from killed animals into the house. They are hung not in living rooms, not in the corridor, but in a special trophy room. In this case, they do not protect the home, but protect the hunter.

Posters and paintings with moose and deer in the interior

Instead of a real head or stuffed animal, you can use paintings to decorate your living room - any posters or paintings on a hunting theme, with elk or deer, as well as any other animals. This poster can be hung on the wall instead of a picture, or placed in a frame on the dressing table or on the mantelpiece. And it’s not difficult to find a suitable drawing; you can even select the photographs yourself, print them and insert them into frames.

A funny poster with a moose will decorate a coffee table or dressing table


The second name for roe deer is wild goat. The animal has a relatively short body, and its rear part is slightly higher and thicker than the front. An adult male reaches 32 kilograms with a height of up to 126 centimeters. The average height at the withers is 66-81 cm. The female roe deer is smaller than the male, and sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed.

The head of a roe deer is short and wedge-shaped, narrowing towards the nose. The long, oval-shaped ears have a noticeable point. The large eyes are slightly convex and have slanted pupils. The animal's legs are long and thin, with short and narrow hooves.

The color of the fur of a roe deer (photo of the animal is presented in the article) is different in summer and winter. In the warm season, its coat color can range from gray to reddish-brown, and in cold weather - brownish-gray. The lower part of the body is usually lighter than the upper part. In addition to the usual colored roe deer, black, white and motley ones are sometimes found.

Which horns are better to choose?

To create a certain aura in the house, it is important what materials household items are made from . The human body is greatly influenced, both positively and negatively, by superimposed energy information.

For very suspicious and superstitious people, the best solution is wood products . In this case, the interior of the room will take on a finished look, and bad thoughts will not enter your head. In addition, a wooden product, if placed correctly, will bring wealth to the house.

But real horns need to be treated with caution and carefully study the circumstances of their appearance. After all, a big role is played by the fact whether the animal dropped them on its own or was caught by a hunter . However, in most cases, reliable information about the method of origin of a product is very difficult to obtain.

In special stores you can buy a kind of cornucopia that will bring joy and prosperity to its owner. It is sold as a souvenir or figurine. This is a powerful talisman that can make its owner rich if he has good intentions.

Important! The plastic versions of the horns look impressive: they are beautiful and do not carry negative energy.

Whether or not to believe in signs and predictions, each person decides for himself. However, one should not ignore the experience accumulated by previous generations.

In any case, the purchased jewelry should first of all please its owners, and if there is the slightest discomfort, it is better to get rid of it. Sometimes it is better to give up a trophy than to regret and blame yourself for such a mistake later.

Meeting with forest inhabitants


Meeting a spider is not uncommon and, as a rule, promises news. Their character depends on the direction in which the spider crawls: up for good news, down for bad news.

A lot of cobwebs in the forest means good and clear weather.

If a person saw a lot of cobwebs in the forest, then he could assume that the autumn would be warm and not particularly rainy. At the same time, winter promises to be snowy and frosty.

Spiders generally occupy a special place in folk superstitions, and, as a rule, seeing a spider is good.


Meeting a snake in the forest is rather a good sign. As a rule, such a meeting promises success in your endeavors and a beneficial completion of things already begun.

There are also signs according to which, whoever kills a snake is forgiven 40 sins


Our ancestors associated a meeting with a fox with unfavorable events. It was believed that a witch could turn into a fox, so they tried to avoid meeting these forest beauties.


With these cowardly animals, not everything is so simple: some say that a hare encountered in the forest is an unkind sign, supposedly it (the hare) can scare away good luck. Others do not see anything terrible in this meeting.

It is important to pay attention to the color of the fur coat of a forest animal: the dark “summer” color of a hare promises success, while the white color portends failure.


It is not difficult to meet a hedgehog in the forest, and this event always foreshadowed something good.

According to popular belief, such a meeting promises to receive good news, and a hedgehog running towards you is a sign of future prosperity and luck

(more details about this sign here).

Why are there so many mushrooms in the forest?

Often the abundance of mushrooms in the forest is associated with an impending war, famine, epidemic or other unfavorable situation in the country.

Such fruitful years for mushrooms fell during the Great Patriotic War. Perhaps this is how this sign took root in the minds of our compatriots.

However, the growth of mushrooms is influenced not by the political situation, but by weather conditions.

Fans of “quiet hunting” should pay attention to such signs indicating a good mushroom harvest, such as an abundance of rain and the appearance of strong fogs. In wet weather, you need to look for mushrooms in clearings, and in dry weather, in the shade of trees.

Also, a large harvest of mushrooms promised a grain year, even such a saying appeared among the people: “If there is mushrooms, then there is grain.”

DOMOSTROYPlumbing and construction

Since ancient times, people have decorated their homes. And this is not surprising, because every person, coming home, wants to rest, relax and simply enjoy the comfort of home. Many years ago, houses were decorated with beautiful stones, wood carvings and, of course, animal skins. Time has passed, tastes and opportunities have changed, as a result of which modern houses have an impeccable appearance and sometimes resemble museums, but there are a number of classic things that will probably never go out of fashion, because, you see, in our time, like many years ago ago it was fashionable to decorate apartments with exclusive sabers, knives and horns. But, be that as it may, the choice of such things must be approached responsibly. The thing is that sometimes we, without even wanting to, introduce negative moments and emotions into our lives, because it’s no secret that things have their own energy and influence our lives. So, according to eniology, sharp objects should never be placed in the bedroom. This promises lovers separation and frequent scandals.

Feng Shui horns

Horns. To be or not to be in our home? Let's figure it out. Firstly, there are different horns, that's a fact. Cattle destined for the slaughterhouse wear horns; antlers adorn the heads of small animals, such as goats, roe deer, etc., and red deer also have a beautiful, beautiful mountain adorning their head, like a crown. The list can be continued for a very long time and list the varieties of horned animals, their habitats and the like. So is it possible or not to keep horns in the house according to Feng Shui? - you ask. The answer here is: depending on what the horns are.

Horns of killed animals.

Shed deer antlers.

Some sources claim that if you hang such horns in your home, you will soon have a male child. It is unknown how true this information is; we cannot say for sure, but you can always check it by experience. There is, however, another side of the coin: such horns, especially if a man in the house starts trying them on himself or takes a photo with them, his wife or girlfriend will cheat on him, “cuckold”. This fact is also untested, so you can also check it yourself if you want to tickle your nerves. So it is entirely your choice whether to keep shed antlers in your home or not.


There is, however, a horn that will definitely bring you good luck, joy and prosperity. This horn is the Horn of Plenty in Feng Shui. You can buy such a horn in a specialized Feng Shui store (including in the form of a figurine) or make it yourself. We talked in detail about the Horn of Plenty in the previous article, but let us only recall that the Horn of Plenty is a very powerful talisman; it is capable of making its owners rich, but only if your motivation for wealth is useful, without the desire to harm anyone.

Live richly and happily, and our professional Feng Shui masters are always happy to help you with advice and consultation! Learn Feng Shui and be happy!


A little bit of history

The genus Capreolus Gray has its roots in the Miocene muntjacs, which belong to the subfamily Cervulinae. During the Upper Miocene - Lower Pliocene, a group of forms similar in some characteristics to modern roe deer (genus Procapreolus Schloss) already lived in Europe and Asia. Closer to them is the genus Pliocervus Hilzh (Middle Pliocene).

The genus Capreolus dates back approximately to the Upper Pliocene or Lower Pleistocene, and the existence of the species Capreolus capreolus (European roe deer) at the end of the Ice Age is reliably established.

Magic - Signs for the beginning of the year: what will 2020 be like for you?

There are many beliefs about how to attract good luck in the new year. Signs for the beginning of 2021 will help everyone avoid troubles and become much happier.

From time immemorial, the New Year has been an important time, and it is not for nothing that the most important night of the year was endowed with special qualities. Experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the signs, thanks to which everyone can catch luck by the tail and avoid making annoying mistakes at the beginning of the new year 2021. It will be a leap year, which means it needs something special.

Magic - Signs: signs that today is a good day for you

When luck is about to smile on us, some signs may indicate this. They are the ones who will tell you how successful any day can be. Be careful not to miss the moment when Fortune is favorable.

Anyone who does not believe in good omens or notices them extremely rarely should use rituals for good luck more often. They will help you overcome any difficulties in life and cope with the pressure of troubles even on the most unfavorable day.

Many have probably heard about that.


In the relatively recent past, the habitat of the roe deer (a photo of the animal is presented in the article) in temperate latitudes was continuous. The zone of greatest abundance of this animal covers areas with a snow depth not exceeding ten to twenty centimeters. Due to predatory extermination in the years before the revolution, the habitat of these animals fell apart. Only as a result of certain measures have roe deer in recent years begun to repopulate areas where they had been absent for several decades.

Today this animal inhabits the territories of European countries as far as Scandinavia and the Gulf of Finland. Roe deer live in the vast expanses of Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic republics. Crimea, the Urals, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Tien Shan and Altai, Siberia, Korea, Northern Mongolia and northeastern China are also the natural habitat of this animal.

Although the roe deer's habitat covers vast territories, their widespread (continuous) settlement in these areas is not observed. Where roe deer live, there are vast forest-steppes and deciduous light forests with large clearings covered with thick grass. Under the influence of active human attacks on forest-steppe areas (both in Europe and in most regions of Asia), as well as due to the occupation of vast lands for agriculture, roe deer began to be pushed further into mixed forests (except for taiga zones).

On the territory of the southern borders of their range, roe deer have taken root well in mountain forests, in reed and bush thickets, in lake reeds and forest plantations, in farmland fields, and so on.

Weather signs in the forest

Moss on trees can be found on the north side, and riper berries can be found on the south side.

The winter grove begins to make noise - a quick thaw.

If on a windless summer day the vegetation rustles in the forest, get ready for a downpour.

Before a thunderstorm, the forest becomes quiet.

If coniferous trees have lowered their branches, the bad weather will drag on.

Haze over the forest means plenty of rain.

If there are few rowan trees in the forest, there will be little rain in the fall.

A lot of acorns - for a harsh winter.

If the birch tree begins to turn yellow from the top, then spring will be early, if from below it will be late. By the way, if you didn’t know, then omens strongly do not recommend planting a birch tree near your house.

An abundance of wild berries predicts a cold winter.

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