Why the right and left ear burns, both ears in girls, women, men in the morning and evening: signs by day of the week. Why do your cheeks and ears burn at the same time? Why do people's ears burn, according to doctors?

Why do ears burn on different days of the week?

As a rule, by “burning” we mean a person’s condition in which there is an intense rush of blood to the ears and cheeks, due to which they acquire a bright red color and begin to “blaze.”

Some people experience this phenomenon almost every day. Some people suffer from this, for others it only brings a little discomfort, and for others they don’t even notice.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that everything that happens to the human body has its own explanation. So, let's start finding out the cause of flaming ears.

Why do people's ears burn?

How often do we think about what is happening to our body? Some phenomena happen with such regular frequency that we simply do not notice them, and even if we pay attention, we simply do not attach much importance to them.

For a long time, people have attributed some processes occurring in the human body to a mystical origin, which is how signs associated with human physiology once upon a time appeared. Nowadays, we also often turn to signs; as a rule, this happens when there is no logical explanation for what is happening.

Quite often we are faced with the fact that our ears are ringing, our hands itch, and our ears and cheeks often “burn” and without finding an explanation for this from a medical point of view, we are accustomed to interpreting this with the help of signs.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the manifestation of certain phenomena can be explained from the point of view of two approaches:

  • medical, that is, from a scientific point of view
  • mystical, that is, from the point of view of folk beliefs

Let's start with popular beliefs. The most common signs are “burning” ears and cheeks.

Ears are burning

If we look at folk signs and beliefs, there are many reasons why people’s ears burn. It has long been believed that ears can burn if you:

  • remember
  • are discussing
  • they talk about you

Of course, when we say “remember,” we mean in this process the presence of absolutely neutral emotions. Simply put, it means that someone remembered your actual existence, without discussing or talking about you.

If your ears are burning because someone is talking about you, then most likely you are being portrayed in a positive light, or the conversation in which you are indirectly involved does not have a negative connotation.

Burning ears portend conversations about you

Regarding discussions, it is clear to everyone without explanation that such a conversation has a negative message, or they are talking about you in an unfavorable light.

We have figured out the reasons for this phenomenon, now let’s move on to a more specific characteristic.

Meanings of signs for men and women

For men, this sign is often associated with professional activities, but for young people it can be interpreted as a change in their personal life. For adult men, a burning ear on the right portends a promotion at work, and on the left – family troubles and financial losses. For young people, the left ear burns to difficulties at work and in personal life. Men should not commit rash acts or make hasty decisions.

For women, burning ears are most often associated with love affairs. For girls and married women, burning of the left ear predicts a quarrel with a lover or spouse. A lonely girl's ears are burning for an invitation to a date. Flaming ears can also mean the appearance of a secret admirer.

Why does the right or left ear burn?

As a rule, a burning right ear is usually interpreted as follows:

  • they say something good and flattering about a person
  • the person is praised
  • tell the truth
  • someone really wants to find you to tell you important news

It is necessary to clarify that anyone can say good things and praise them: from a boss who is satisfied with your work to relatives who love you.

Another version of the interpretation that we mentioned says that someone is looking for you. The essence of the explanation for this sign is as follows:

  • the person is looking for you, but does not know your address
  • the person can't reach you
  • there was a promise on your part that was not fulfilled and for this reason the person is looking for a meeting with you

One ear at a time or both may burn at once.

If your left ear is burning , it should be explained as follows:

  • They are telling lies about you
  • gossip
  • perhaps you are even condemned for something, or scolded

Just like in the cases with the right ear, it should be noted that the person who is having unpleasant conversations about you can be anyone, even close relatives.

We should also not forget that there are lucky people who are “doubly lucky.” In cases of such luck, a person’s two ears burn at once.

How to neutralize the negative consequences of omens

They say thoughts are material, so they advise you to simply ignore signs coming from outside. However, this does not neutralize the consequences of the sign. A person simply will not connect a sign with its consequences. To prevent the sign from working, you can use one of the following techniques:

  • wash your face with cold water, imagining that all the negativity goes away with the water;
  • apply ice instead of washing if one side is burning, especially the left;
  • come up with and pronounce a spell for the waning moon;
  • buy and light a magic candle that helps stop gossip;
  • find out who is gossiping and just talk to him, perhaps the person will stop spreading tall tales.
  • At the same time, you need to clearly formulate your intentions to completely eliminate troubles.

Why do two ears burn at the same time?

This phenomenon should be understood in no other way than that someone thinks and remembers about you. Moreover, these “memories” are much stronger and brighter than when only the left or right ear is burning.

And if in a situation where one of the ears is burning, thoughts about a person remain thoughts, then in cases of simultaneous “burning” thoughts should be followed by action, meaning that a meeting with the very person who was thinking about you is soon possible. Sometimes, redness of both ears also indicates that someone is talking both good and bad about you at the same time.

Ears burn at the same time

Our ancestors believed that you can get rid of this phenomenon in the following way: you need to list everyone one by one who could be the cause of the “burning” of your ears, and as soon as the name is guessed, everything will stop.

Sometimes you may encounter that not only your ears, but also your cheeks burn, and sometimes this happens at the same time.

If one ear is hot and the other is cold


Heat on the left side, complemented by weakness and malaise, indicates unfair slander from gossipers. If the sensations are not very pronounced, this indicates a neutral mention of you in the conversation.

Read more about why the left ear is burning.


Redness and increased temperature in the area of ​​the right ear occurs if someone is in a hurry to see you. Also, heat in the right ear indicates praise and positive feedback regarding your person.

Why do your ears and cheeks burn at the same time?

If suddenly your ears and cheeks turn red , then this may be a sign that discussions of your personality are being carried out too actively, and not one or two people are doing this: sometimes we can talk about a whole group of people for whom you have become an object conversation.

Ears and cheeks burn at the same time

The sign also suggests that this may be a manifestation of the evil eye or damage to you. Our ancestors considered it not superfluous in such cases to wash with holy water and read a prayer.

Old people believe that a more accurate interpretation of this phenomenon is depending on the days of the week and even on a certain time of day. And if we consider this option, then it is worth noting that in this case a big role is played not by which ear “burns”, but on what day this happens.

Scientific evidence

Blood vessels completely cover our body, and blood flow can increase or decrease depending on the physical, mental and emotional state of the body. Accordingly, when the blood flow increases, the body temperature increases, this also applies to the ears. Therefore, there are several scientific justifications for this action:

· Brain activity. Any thought process is a load on the brain. At this time, he needs additional oxygen, which comes with the blood. Blood flow increases, which leads to dilation of blood vessels. A person feels warmth and sometimes heat in the head or ears.

· Sudden change in emotional state. Excessive joy, anger, fear or fright is stress for the body. In such situations, a defensive reaction is activated and a powerful release of adrenaline occurs. This is accompanied by warmth throughout the body, including the ears.

· Weather or atmospheric phenomena. Extreme heat causes blood to rush through the body faster. This is a protective reaction to overheating; as a rule, blood flows faster to all organs, but especially to the limbs - arms, legs, ears.

· Infection or disease of the body. If heat in the ears is accompanied by burning, swelling, itching, then you need to consult a doctor. Most likely, you have medical problems and no signs have anything to do with it.

· The simplest but most common reason is that the headdress is not comfortable. Perhaps it compresses the ears while you wear it, and then the body tries to make up for the lack of blood. Another option is that the headdress rubs the sinks, and this leads to regular heat in them.

Why do your ears burn on Monday?

  • in the morning this means that you have become the object of someone's conversation
  • daytime redness indicates that most likely you will soon have a rather serious meeting (this could be an important business meeting, or, for example, a meeting with an old acquaintance or friend)
  • in the evening, your ears may burn as a sign that an important conversation for you will soon take place (most likely the conversation is not only very important, but also long-awaited)

By time of day

If the ears lit up in the morning or daytime, then someone remembered or started talking about the person. At this time, the body is very sensitive to energy flows, especially of a negative nature.

The superstitious person notices that his ears often turn red in the evenings, which means that a lot of energy is wasted. The energy is directed in the wrong place, and he is on the wrong path. But it’s not all bad; girls’ ears burn the evening before a date or an unexpected meeting.

At night, the human body is relaxed and detects changes in the weather, so burning ears at night portends rain, increased wind or snow.

Why are your ears burning on Tuesday?

If your ears “flare” on this day of the week, regardless of whether it happens in the morning, afternoon or evening, this may be a sign of separation from a loved one. But in this case, you shouldn’t immediately see a negative connotation under separation.

Ears burn on Tuesday for parting

In this context, separation may be associated with a situation when a loved one simply leaves somewhere (work, vacation).

Why are your ears burning on Wednesday?

On Wednesday morning the ears turn red to:

  • meeting someone soon (this could be either a chance meeting that will bring you joy, or perhaps a pre-planned meeting, for example, a meeting of classmates).
  • receiving long-awaited news (for example, a response to your resume, receiving a response to a letter).

Symptoms on Wednesday promise a meeting

Daytime “flaming” can indicate the following:

  • you have an envious person
  • you have an ill-wisher

If the “heat” catches you in the evening , you can talk about a new acquaintance.

Why do your ears burn on Friday?

Flushed ears on this day of the week can foretell a great chance for you to meet, which could very likely develop into a more serious relationship. That is why, if you are still looking for a life partner, on this day you should not reject the attentions of fans.

Ears on this day burn for romance

For those already in a relationship, this could be a sign of a romantic date.

Why do my ears turn red and burn very often?

The answer to this question is simply simple. Again, if we turn to folk signs for an answer, it’s worth remembering what we talked about a little earlier. According to our ancestors, the frequency of red ears directly depends on how often they think and talk about you, and if you “suffer” from this every evening, it means that someone is really overly actively remembering you.

Ears often turn red

It is worth paying attention to the fact that you should not take signs and beliefs too seriously, since, unfortunately, today we cannot reliably convey the meaning that was once invested in them by our ancestors.

Of course, we should not forget about the second approach, which explains why people’s ears “burn”, and this approach is by no means mystical. Why we encounter this phenomenon can be explained in very real ways, with the help of physiological and pathological processes that occur in our body.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that first of all it is necessary to exclude medical causes of this phenomenon, since frequent redness, and indeed redness of the ears in general, can tell us about quite serious diseases.

Medical opinion

From a scientific point of view, ears turn red mainly due to a strong rush of emotions, hence hormones. It could be anxiety, shame or anger. Mental stress can also cause redness. It stimulates blood flow to the head, which explains this effect.

Ears can also burn due to sudden changes in temperature. Remember the situation when you come home from the cold. The ears may burn for several more minutes.

The cause of burning can also be various infections. If the discomfort does not go away within several days, then you should definitely go to the doctor.

Why do my ears burn, according to doctors?

So, let’s start with the physiological causes of “red ears”. It could be:

  • overly intense mental activity
  • individual characteristics
  • high air temperature or very low
  • hormone imbalance
  • stress and anxiety
  • incorrect wearing of hats

It's no secret that blood circulation in the human body occurs continuously, however, it is intensely activated in those organs that are currently most involved. That is why, during intense mental work, blood actively rushes to the brain, as a result of which redness of the face and ears in particular can be observed.

Burning ears also have medical symptoms

Individual characteristics can be understood, in principle, as everything that contributes to a change in complexion and ears. In this case, it can also indicate the shyness of a person who, being embarrassed, becomes “blushing” and then can “walk away” for a long time, and the structure of the skin, which can also contribute to a certain complexion.

If the air temperature is too high, absolutely anyone will blush and this is quite natural, because our body is not designed to stay in such an environment.

When a person overheats, the following happens:

  • the person becomes ill.
  • the vessels of the face expand sharply, and blood actively flows into them.
  • blood flow worsens.
  • the face and ears quickly turn red (some people may experience redness in other areas of the body).

It is also worth noting that a person’s prolonged stay in severe frost will not lead to anything good. When entering a warm room, frostbitten ears become noticeably “filled” with blood. This happens because in the warmth a person’s blood vessels dilate, and blood begins to flow intensely to the frozen areas.

It is worth noting that if we are talking about a physiological hormonal imbalance, then this is not a disease, this is a normal phenomenon for the human body. Fluctuations in hormones are typical during the following periods of a person’s life:

  • period of adolescence and puberty.
  • menopause in women (here it should be noted that although such a phenomenon as menopause is characteristic only of women, changes after 40 years also occur in the body of men).
  • older age period is a period of human aging, a slowdown of all processes occurring in the human body.

With excessive anxiety and even more so stress, everything happens as follows:

  • the person experiences a kind of fear.
  • The hormone adrenaline is released into the blood.
  • Together with the hormone norepinephrine, adrenaline “drives” the blood.
  • as a result of accelerated blood circulation, we get a rapid heartbeat, narrowing and dilating blood vessels.
  • The circulatory system of the face is very superficial, so we immediately see a reaction - redness.

Very often we harm ourselves through our own stupidity and ignorance. Frequently wearing tight hats leads to impaired blood circulation in the ears, as a result of which the ears will not only change their color, but also become quite painful.

Red ears can be due to stress, anxiety

Next, we will name the pathological causes of “burning” ears . These include:

  • diseases of the cervical vertebrae (may be accompanied by pain in the ear canal).
  • age-related hormonal imbalances, which, unlike physiological ones, are not normal and natural for our body.
  • diseases that cause flushing.
  • hypertension.
  • tumors.
  • diseases of the hearing organs (especially pay attention if there is frequent one-sided redness of the ear).

Of course, whether to believe in folk superstitions or not is a personal matter for each person, but based on the above, it is absolutely clear that before looking for the answer in superstitions, it is necessary to make sure that there are no medical reasons for this or that phenomenon. It is very important to remember that our health is in our hands, and the main task of every person is to treat it as carefully as possible, because this is the key to a long and happy life.

In men

Men should also pay attention to age, since the sign is interpreted differently.


  • Serious problems await in many areas of life. It is especially worth paying attention to relationships; perhaps they are deceiving you or are planning to break off any communication.
  • Single guys can meet a girl, but this meeting will not bring anything interesting. However, parting will be difficult for both partners.
  • The right side is lit - difficulties in the professional sphere. Most likely you will be faced with a situation from which there is no way out. There may also be conflict with management, which will lead to long-term problems.
  • Left – there are two possible scenarios here. The first is that misunderstandings with a partner will lead to a break in the relationship. The second is serious financial problems that will drag on for a long time.

Young people can calm down if the burning occurs after lunch. The sign will only work in the morning.


A man, on the contrary, should pay attention to the evening time. It is at this time that superstition speaks its truth.

  • An accomplished man should prepare for difficulties at work. This may be due to any external factors.
  • The tips are burning - a difficult period is coming. You will experience sudden mood swings. However, this will not last long, but it is worth preparing in advance.
  • Right side - if you solve a serious problem at work, you will definitely be noticed. This will lead to a promotion or a substantial cash bonus.
  • Left - nothing good is expected in the near future. This applies to many areas of life - from relationships to work. In addition, you may be deceived, so beware of new acquaintances.
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