What does scabies in the cheeks mean - interpretation of signs by day of the week

Why is my right cheek itching?

Often people want to know why the cheek on the right begins to itch very much. In fact, this is a good sign that portends only positive changes in life. In the near future there will be good news regarding career and financial well-being.

Itching may also indicate that a person needs to give vent to emotions and feelings. You should not keep everything to yourself, as this can negatively affect your emotional state.

If the cheek on the right itches very much, it means you will soon have to go on a long trip. This could be a work trip or a trip to another country.

In rare cases, the right cheek begins to itch before a serious conversation with relatives.

Itching of left cheek

Many people are interested in why their left cheek itches. This sign portends that a person will experience success in his personal life. Soon a love relationship will begin, which may ultimately end in a wedding. However, this is far from the only interpretation.

The sign may also mean that a business meeting will take place soon. It will help improve your financial situation and career growth.

If the itching is accompanied by a burning sensation, it means you will soon have to face unpleasant events. They will concern your personal life. You may have to end a long-term romantic relationship because your partner has cheated.

If both cheeks itch, it means conflicts with your loved one will soon begin.

General meaning of the sign

The right cheek symbolizes the mind, the bright beginning of a person. Your cheek reflects your emotional state. If something is wrong, the body reacts with itching and redness. Moreover, only one cheek often turns red and itches. This is where the folk signs of why the left cheek itches came from.

When a person has well-developed intuition, itching symbolizes our condition. The emotional state is expressed by different sensations. If you do not reset the negative, emotions can lead a person to a nervous breakdown. Even if you just talk about a topic that is unpleasant to you, before you know it, you will have entered into a serious quarrel or even a fight. Therefore, do not let this happen, but take action as soon as you feel discomfort.

  • People said about the itching of the left cheek that a person needs to shed negativity. This means that there will soon be a quarrel with loved ones. Remember old grievances, start a scandal, and it will lead to a break in relations with loved ones. You can expect a divorce from your loved one.
  • When your left cheek itches, go on a long journey. For example, go on a business trip or relax by visiting another country that you had only dreamed of before.
  • Also, itching on the left indicates a quick recovery for the big man.

If you worked hard, your achievements will be recognized. But for this to happen, try to control yourself and not argue with colleagues or superiors.

Why does a girl's left cheek itch?

  1. The first thing a girl's left cheek itches for is an imminent meeting. The meeting will be with an old friend or acquaintance. You will be glad to see this person. The meeting may have a romantic meaning, although the girl already knew this man.
  2. The second meaning of the sign is financial difficulties. They will pursue the girl indefinitely.
  3. The third meaning is that a guy who likes a young girl most likely reciprocates her feelings. Wait a little, he will take the initiative. You might have to push it a little. For example, hint at your feelings.

Woman's left cheek itches

When a woman’s left cheek itches, a representative of the fair sex will meet with a loved one. Another meaning of the folk sign is that you will hear good news from your loved ones. The essence of the news is not easy to define, since the concept of “good news” is different for each person. To receive good news sooner, tune in to it. Imagine exactly what you want to hear.

Itching on the left cheek of a pregnant woman is an excellent sign that warns of an easy birth. Moreover, most likely a girl will be born. Both cheeks itch - there will be twins or twins. Of course, modern diagnostic methods are more reliable, but it is all the more interesting to check this particular side of the sign.

If a married woman’s left cheek itches regularly, it’s time to have a serious conversation with her husband. Perhaps it was he who caused the financial problems. He spends his money on empty entertainment. When the itching first appears and is not too severe, a passionate night with your loved one awaits you.

In other words, in order to determine what actions to take when a sign works, you need to focus on the situation.

The man's left cheek itched

Men are susceptible to omens no less than girls. When a man’s left cheek itches, he will soon have a new love adventure. Romantic meetings will be very emotional and bring a lot of pleasure.

But there is a negative meaning of the sign - conflict. Moreover, it will be tied to the labor area. Argue with your superiors, ill-wishers and enemies will appear. But having successfully survived the conflict, you will have the opportunity to greatly advance your career. The main thing is to demonstrate your professional skills, abilities, experience, and poise. There is a chance to take the place of the boss. You will have to travel a lot on business trips, but the duties in question will be a joy.

The sign in question also affects the love front. Soon you will meet the love of your life. Be sure to marry her. This will be a successful union. The woman will turn out to be a faithful companion, a reliable rear. She will surround you with love and care. It is enough to reciprocate her feelings.

Both cheeks itch

There are situations when people start to itch both cheeks at the same time. In fact, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing the approach of trouble. Most likely they will be related to personal life.

  • You should expect bad news from your loved one. Perhaps he decided to end the relationship and leave for someone else.
  • Also, a sign may foreshadow a meeting with an ill-wisher.

However, such itching also has another interpretation. If both cheeks itch not at the same time, but alternately, it means that soon everything will work out in your personal life. All quarrels with your soulmate will stop.

Medical opinion

Sometimes itching of the right cheek is nothing more than a common superstition. Sometimes this minor symptom can hide serious diagnoses. True, you don’t need to worry in all cases. You should see a doctor if your cheek itches in unusual ways:

  • itching is felt constantly;
  • the symptom is systematic;
  • causes severe discomfort or pain.

Be sure to consult a doctor as soon as you notice these symptoms. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis and find out the cause of the itching. She can be quite prosaic. For example, an allergy or a mosquito bite.

Interpretation depending on the day of the week

To find out exactly why your cheeks itch, you need to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the signs for each day of the week.


If itching begins on Monday, then an unexpected surprise awaits the person. It can be presented by a loved one, work colleague or close friend. Also, itching at the beginning of the week portends meeting a new person. A friendly conversation will begin with him, which may end with a business proposal.

If your cheeks are very itchy on Monday, you should pay attention to your appearance. It is necessary to get yourself in order in the morning and put on decent clothes.

You may have to go on a romantic date in the afternoon.


Scratching your cheeks on Tuesdays is a bad sign that foretells conflicts with close relatives. To prevent them, you need to control yourself and control your emotions. If this is not done, the quarrel may get out of control and because of this it will be difficult to make peace.

Also, itching on Tuesday indicates that you will soon have to face a lack of money. Perhaps wages will be delayed at work. Therefore, it is recommended to save money and not make thoughtless purchases.

If it itches a lot on Tuesday, problems with finances will appear.


Itchy cheeks on Wednesdays only bode well.

  • Success awaits a person in all his endeavors. Therefore, in the near future it will be possible to do all the previously planned things.
  • Positive changes will also affect a person’s personal life. There is a high probability that you will soon be able to meet a worthy partner.
  • Also, a sign may mean that in a few days you will be able to improve your financial condition. This will allow you to acquire something that you could only dream of just recently.

If your itchy cheek turns red, it means you will meet new people in the near future.


Itchy cheeks on Thursdays foreshadow unexpected changes in life. They will affect career and family. You will be able to get a promotion and make peace with your loved one. The sign may also mean that you will soon have to receive guests. These could be relatives or close friends.

If your cheek not only itches, but also hurts, then you need to carefully monitor your health. Particular attention should be paid to eating. You need to give up junk food and stop drinking alcohol.

Itching on Thursday foretells the arrival of guests


If the itching appears on the last working day of the week, it means you will soon have to host guests at home. Most likely these will be relatives. However, a visit from close friends should not be ruled out.

The sign indicates that a person will have success at work and in his personal life. In the near future you will be able to get a promotion and increase in salary.

If on Friday the cheekbones on the right began to itch very much, you should prepare for the fact that you will soon have to face troubles.

They will concern relationships with your loved one. It is possible that your partner will betray you, which will lead to a break in the romantic relationship.


The Saturday itch foretells that serious financial problems will appear in the near future.

  • It is worth preparing for a delay in wages.
  • You will have to refrain from thoughtless purchases and try to save money.
  • You also need to give up loans and not borrow money.

This sign also has another interpretation, foreshadowing a romantic meeting. Perhaps your loved one will invite you on a date. Single women and men can expect to meet new people.

For guys and girls who are already in a relationship, the sign indicates an approaching quarrel.


Some people are interested in why a girl or guy’s right cheek itches on Sundays. This sign indicates that you will soon be attending a fun party or going on a picnic with close friends.

If on Sundays not only your right but also your left cheek itches, it means positive changes will occur in your life. The sign portends financial success and a change in field of activity.

Also, the Sunday itch can be considered a warning that you need to take care of your health.

If your cheeks itch on the last day of the week, you will soon have to go on a picnic with friends

Sign by day of the week

When deciphering signs, the day of the week is also taken into account:

  • Monday promises an unexpected meeting; the outcome depends on the person himself. He can win you over by enlisting the support of a loyal comrade. On this day you can expect surprises not only from loved ones, but also from casual acquaintances.
  • An itchy cheek on Tuesday warns of troubles and possible conflicts with loved ones. It is important to restrain your emotions to avoid quarrels and scandals.

Cheeks itching on Wednesday - good luck

  • On Wednesday, the sign portends success and good luck; you can safely make wishes. It’s worth taking advantage of fate’s favor and starting to implement your plans.
  • On Thursday you need to remain calm; at first glance, a negative event will have an unexpected turn and bring joy to life.
  • Itching and redness of the cheeks on Friday may mean the imminent arrival of guests. The sign also promises good news, a positive resolution of the ongoing cases.
  • On Saturday it warns of financial waste; it is better to spend a large amount on vacation. Don’t waste your money; take a rational approach to unplanned expenses.
  • Sunday can bring dramatic changes in your personal life. You need to calmly accept both gifts and blows of fate, maintaining emotional balance.

Interpretation by time of day

The meaning of the sign largely depends on the time of day. Therefore, in order to interpret it, it is necessary to take into account exactly when the cheeks began to itch:

  • In the morning. Sometimes itching appears in the early morning. This may mean that soon life will change for the better in every sense. Success will concern both personal life and career.
  • During the day. If it itches during the daytime, meeting new people is approaching. In the future, you will be able to make friends with them and become best friends.
  • In the evening. Evening itching portends changes in your personal life. Quarrels with a loved one can lead to a break in the relationship.
  • At night. If your left and right cheeks itch at night, this is not a very good omen. It indicates that a dark streak in life will soon begin.

If the itching in the evening is accompanied by a burning sensation, problems with work will begin.

Interpretation for women

For girls, this sign portends a meeting with friends.
For young girls and women, such a sign portends that they will meet old friends. Such a meeting will bring them a lot of positive emotions. However, if the right cheek begins to itch in the evening, then this indicates financial difficulties.

Sometimes girls only have itching on their left cheek. This is a bad sign, indicating that a serious conversation with your lover will soon take place. The conversation will not be the most pleasant and may end in a quarrel. Therefore, when communicating with a loved one, you must try to control yourself so that the conflict does not get out of control.

For pregnant

Sometimes the cheeks begin to itch in pregnant girls. Some people consider this itching to be a bad sign. However, it foretells only good news. The sign indicates that the pregnancy will pass without complications and problems. If both cheeks often itch, this may mean that the woman will have twins or twins.

Itching warns guys of conflicts at work

In a pregnant woman

If a woman’s cheeks itch in position, in order to decipher the secret signs, you need to take into account which side the discomfort arose:

  • On the right side it means an increase in the level of aggression; an emotional outburst can lead to quarrels with others.
  • Helps in determining gender - the pregnant woman will have boys, possibly twins.

Pregnant woman's cheeks itch for twins

  • Itching on the left side signals a serious conversation with your spouse. You shouldn’t expect trouble, you need to tune in to the conversation in a positive way. The sign also foreshadows the appearance of a girl in the family.

Interpretation for men

For guys, the sign that itching on the left cheek foretells the approach of conflict situations.

  • In the coming days there will be a serious conversation with your boss at work.
  • A quarrel with close relatives or a lover is also possible.

Itching of the right cheek foretells success at work. You will be able to get a highly paid position. Because of this, you will have to spend a lot of time on business trips.

If you have to scratch both cheeks, you should expect success on the love front.

Itching extends to cheekbones

There are times when the cheek begins to itch first, and then the cheekbone. This indicates that the person will soon be praised. Such praise can be related to work or family matters.

If the cheekbone on the left is itchy, you should prepare for the fact that false gossip will start spreading behind your back.

You need to wash your cheeks with holy water and the negativity will recede

How to ward off possible trouble

The negative influence of omens can be completely avoided if you take simple protective measures. For example, holy water helps protect you from big and small troubles: just wash your face with it and cross yourself.

For non-believers, washing with snow or applying regular ice from the refrigerator will help. A substance that repels negative energy is salt. You can use it to lay out a fencing barrier on the threshold of your home or simply throw a few grains over your left shoulder.

Superstitions come true only when a person believes in them, since people, created in the image and likeness of the Creator, are the masters of their own destiny. If a sign predicts a negative development of events, it will be quite firm to believe that nothing bad will happen.

How to get rid of negative consequences

There are several ways in which you can get rid of the negative effects of omens:

  • Rinse the burning areas with holy water to cleanse yourself of negative energy.
  • Use white salt. It must be placed at the front door. You can also rub salt on your cheeks.
  • Apply ashes to your cheeks and rinse them with cold water.

If your right cheek itches, this means that soon everything in life will change. To find out the more precise meaning of such itching, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic interpretations of signs for boys and girls.

How to eliminate negativity

If you are superstitious and afraid of negativity, you can follow a few simple steps that will calm you down:

  1. Mix ash and salt and rub onto itchy skin, then rinse with running water. Since ancient times, salt has been used in magic for cleansing and protection from evil; it will take away negative energy. Plus it's a great scrub. Salt should not be applied to the face if the skin is too sensitive.
  2. Take snow from the windowsill or ice from the freezer and wipe your face with it. The itching will go away, and the negativity will go away along with the melted water.
  3. Touch the skin with a gold ring; the cold metal will soothe the itching. Gold drives away evil and attracts good luck and prosperity to the owner.
  4. Wash yourself with holy water.

And most importantly, try not to get hung up on bad thoughts. If you replay in your head over and over again an unpleasant situation that did not happen, it will come true with almost 100% probability. And the point is not at all in the omen, but in the fact that you are setting yourself up for trouble.

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