What do the same numbers on the clock mean, tips from guardian angels

"Magic" of numbers

The mysterious magic of numbers assigns each number its own vibration, made up of a combination of certain properties.
By deciphering the meaning of numbers in a date of birth or name, you can find out the archetypal quality that embodies natural talents, character and fateful signs on a person’s path. Since the time of Pythagoras, specific characteristics have been assigned to each elementary digit.
Let us consider in detail the meaning of numbers in numerology. Did you know that a person's numerological profile consists of more than 50 numbers, each of which describes a certain aspect of his personality?
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How do angelic messages manifest themselves and what do they mean?

The “strongest” combinations consist of three identical numbers. Did you notice this number on the house or on the receipt you received after purchase? Find out what the angels want to tell you!


Having noticed a combination of three zeros, a person must realize that he is always under the supervision of the Almighty, and his fate is in the mighty hands of the Creator. The presence of the Higher Powers can be noticed in every thought, in your every word and deed. The Creator knows your whole history from birth and carefully protects you from falls.

To comprehend this is to accept the wisdom of the entire universe. You have to be a messenger for those who need help, be true to your word and to the people who have done you good at least once in your life.

What do the numbers 1 to 9 mean in numerology?

As we mentioned earlier, each number in numerology has a strictly defined, “magical” meaning. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

The value of the number 0
personifies absolute non-existence, the non-manifestation of matter.
The meaning of number 1
: Power, might, courage, bravery, vitality.
The meaning of number 2:
Grace, femininity, delicacy, flexibility, partnership.
The meaning of number 3
Fantasy, creativity; lifestyle characteristic of a “star”.
The meaning of number 4
: Stability, consistency, work, patience, organization.
The meaning of number 5:
Mobility, changeability, change of place, curiosity, sensation.
The meaning of number 6
: Harmony, tranquility, romance, family.
The meaning of the number 7
The path of the researcher, the philosophical mindset, introspection.
The meaning of number 8
Materiality, wisdom, confidence, compromise.
The meaning of number 9:
Sociability, scale, versatility, diversity.

Who is Doreen Virtue

Many people notice patterns and relationships that repeating numbers show. However, it was relatively recently that it was possible to organize knowledge and turn it into a whole system. This was done by the American writer, esotericist and practical philosopher Doreen Virtue. She studies spirituality and human psychology and has extensive experience working with indigo children.

According to the writer, she communicates with angels from a young age. Doreen Virtue has published more than fifty books about mysticism, esotericism, inpots and fortune telling. One of the most famous is the work on angelic numerology. In the book, the writer talks about how higher beings communicate with people using matching numbers.

Interesting! Doreen Virtue willingly appears on television. Esoteric took part in such famous programs as “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and “Good Morning America”.

The doctrine of angelic numerology is extremely popular among millions of people. Now Doreen Virtue has a lot of followers. For example, predictions by numbers are practiced by the witch Anaconda and personal growth coach Nata German.

How are numbers calculated in numerology?

To find out the meaning of numbers of any size, the method of addition (numerological reduction) is used. This technique of reducing the complex to the simple helps to reduce all digital values ​​to simple numbers from 1 to 9. It is based on the principle that elementary numbers are the initial elements with which the entire numerical variety can be expressed.

For example, by performing two additions in succession, the number 88357 turns into the number 31, and then into the number 4.

  • STEP 1. 88357
    → 88357 → 8 + 8 + 3 + 5 + 7 =
  • STEP 2. 31
    → 3 + 1 =

When performing a reduction, you must constantly keep one important rule in mind: if at one of the steps you get a combination of numbers 11,22,13,14,16 or 19, then there is no need to make further reduction. You have received a special number.

Beautiful combinations

There are 6 such combinations:

  • 01.23 — The time has come to simplify your own life by getting rid of unnecessary things: delegate tedious and complex tasks to competent people, throw away trash from your house or apartment, break off or renew relationships with loved ones and important people.
  • 02.34 - in addition to the guardian angel, you can safely ask the Archangels and God for help in business and relationships.
  • 03.45 — Higher powers help to introduce into the usual rhythm of life the changes necessary for further growth through unpleasant events.
  • 04.56 - There is no need to worry about worries and small changes in life - your guardian angel will take care of them. They will bring more blessings into it later.
  • 12.34 — The Guardian Angel and God hear all your thoughts and will soon help you bring them to life. Therefore, there is no need to think about harm to other people or scold yourself for mistakes.
  • 23.45 - The answer to the prayers read in previous days will soon appear in the form of signs or changes in the environment. In order for the changes to be useful and to come as soon as possible, you need to maintain a good mood and not be sad because of everyday trifles.

The meaning of special numbers in numerology

Numbers consisting of double digits, such as 11, 22, 33, have a special status. They are called dominant numbers because they reveal more potential than others.

  • The meaning of the number 11
    The number 11 is shrouded in a mystical aura and symbolizes magical power, which can be expressed in excess and arbitrariness. Doubled one, enhanced by the potential of two. Unity of opposites.
  • The meaning of the number 22
    The number 22 - two squared is not as ideal as 11, since it is not built on the balance of antagonisms. The number of logic, law, balanced actions and worship.
  • 13, 14, 16 and 19 are considered karmic numbers in numerology.
  • Double figures
  • Three digit numbers
  • Repeating numbers
  • Paired numbers

Triple numbers

  • 01.11 and 11.10 - Any thought, regardless of content and emotional coloring, will come true in 2-3 days. Therefore, you need to monitor the train of thoughts and their content so that they do not interfere with the achievement of the main goal. Thoughts containing fear can be transformed into a request to God to get rid of it.
  • 02.22 and 22.20 - There is no need to doubt the decisions made - in the end they will lead to the desired result, and everyone involved in the process will be awarded according to the size of their contribution to the matter.
  • 03.33 — The angel asked God to take patronage over his ward and protect him from misfortunes.
  • 04.44 — The Guardian Angel is trying to make his presence known.
  • 05.55 — Major changes begin in life. To maintain the same direction, you will need to think positively and not deviate from the plan to achieve your goal.

The meaning of numbers in the date of birth

The numerological code, calculated by date of birth, carries sacred information about a person’s fate. By following the destined path, a person has a unique chance to discover the luck bestowed from above. To fully understand the secret symbolism of the numbers of your birth date, find:

  • Life path number - shows the karmic goal of human incarnation.
  • Birthday number - determines the optimal path for successfully translating this goal into reality.

The meaning of numbers in a person’s life is fraught with an inexhaustible amount of knowledge; you can learn more about it from the section devoted to the numerology of the date of birth.

Regarding planned actions

By showing the 1444 symbols, the Guardian Angel encourages you for the right actions that have been taken recently.

People who are lucky enough to see this combination of numbers are considered very purposeful and always achieve their goals. Each of their work is done with soul and conscience. In an attempt to achieve success, they will not stop at any difficulty. The number 1444 distinguishes people who are strong in spirit. They are very practical, not afraid to experiment and make difficult decisions with ease. Their main virtues are responsibility, patience and determination. They can always achieve any goal if they try and work hard. Success can be achieved through hard work and diligence. After all, the main key to success is patience.

The number is a sign that should be used wisely. In any business, great success and dramatic changes for the better await you. Luck and changes should not be expected at every step; they will come unnoticed. Higher powers want you to believe in your strength and go to the very end. That same success will await you there.

The meaning of the numbers of a person's name

If the numbers of the date of birth determine the potential capabilities of a person, then the numbers of the name make it possible to comprehend the hidden abilities given to him from birth.

Name numerology operates with three significant numbers:

  • The number of Destiny (name, expression, expression) - reveals the essence, mission of a person on Earth. The meaning of the numbers shows what talents nature has endowed him with to achieve his cherished goal.
  • The appearance number
    is a designation of the image that his surroundings see in a person.
  • The number of Personality, Soul (Heart, Heart's desire, Passion) - shows the source that motivates action.

The meaning of 14:44 in a love relationship

Love is the most important feeling in life. The angels want you to know this. And the number 1444 on the clock warns you about this. It makes you feel. Without love, a person will be an empty shell.

Loved ones should come first, and career second. Making a conscious decision to spend more time with friends and family will improve your well-being.

The angel sign reminds you to have a romantic evening with your loved one. Make sure there is a connection between you. People with the sign 1444 are emotional and, at the same time, sincere. They are ready to do anything for the sake of their loved one.

Your loved one is comfortable with you, he sees you as an attractive and sweet girl. You are a great companion, which is why he enjoys being with you. If you are still looking for your soulmate, then the number 1444 means that a loved one will soon appear in your life, and your relationship will end in a happy marriage.

For those who have already found their other half, the time value of 14:44 confirms the right choice. Number 1444 reminds you that relationships need some improvement. Are you sure you are paying enough attention to your loved one?

Numbers and figures in the Pythagorean square

The Pythagorean square is a separate structure in the numerology of numbers. Pythagoras took the meaning of numbers from the Egyptian priests as a basis and combined them with the mathematical aspect of quadratic harmony. Today, two methods are used to calculate the Pythagorean square:

  • A technique described by numerologist David Phillips.
  • Psychomatrix - digital analysis by A. Alexandrov.

Using the Pythagorean square and the Psychomatrix, you can calculate the characteristic personality traits: psychotype, degree of communication, professional inclinations, health potential. This technique is somewhat different from the classical one; you can find its detailed description on the pages of our website.

Mirror numbers

Note. God in these and other lists should be understood as the central figure in religious teaching. In Christianity it is Jesus Christ, in Islam it is Allah, in Buddhism it is Buddha. This principle applies to other religions as well.

  • 01.10 and 10.01 - All desires and thoughts will begin to come true in the coming days. It is recommended to think about them only in a positive way. You should not be afraid of the problems that may arise during their implementation - your guardian angel will help you overcome them if you turn to him in prayer.
  • 02.20 and 20.02 - Everything in life is going well and this will continue for 2-3 months. To prolong the effect, you should turn to God with a prayer of gratitude or engage in meditation.
  • 03.30 — Higher powers will fully support any endeavors and aspirations.
  • 04.40 — The guardian angel hears the wishes of the ward and helps to fulfill them, protecting them from negativity and giving them love.
  • 05.50 — The coming changes will be difficult, but will lead to a better life option. To get through them without shock, you should enlist the support of an angel through prayer.
  • 12.21 and 21.12 - Don’t get upset and think about the bad if everything in life goes awry. Because at this moment the guardian angel is doing everything possible to return things to their previous course and improve overall well-being.
  • 13.31 — Too many thoughts about the material world, which leads to sadness and disappointment. It is worth devoting more time to improving the mind and soul - studying philosophy, reading religious books, and engaging in Eastern spiritual practices. This will help you take a fresh look at the world around you and give you a good mood.
  • 14.41 — Intuition is more important than ever before. It will help maintain optimism in the current situation and allow you to cope without serious losses of material resources and spiritual strength.
  • 15.51 — At the moment, the world around us is changing dramatically. Maintaining an optimistic outlook on life will help you survive it and get results from previously made desires.
  • 23.32 - The answer to prayers will appear over the next 3-4 days, if at the beginning of any business you say, “With faith, everything is possible.”

Mobile number

If a person’s activity involves frequent conversations on the phone, then he is recommended to pay attention to the combination of numbers in the phone number. Psychologists note that people are more willing to answer calls coming from numbers containing 7 and 9, and this is no coincidence, because these numbers contribute to material and spiritual growth. In addition to the numbers 7 and 9, the number must contain at least one one and three. The first will help develop the makings of a leader, and the second will allow you to direct any energy in a positive direction.

Using the meanings of all numbers in Feng Shui, you can change your destiny for the better and achieve what you want.

What does 1444 mean in work and creativity?

Creative people, together with the numbers 1444, will receive relief from a severe crisis, and positive changes will be expected in their work. However, you should not passively expect the situation to change for the better, since such a combination of numbers means a call for active action.

A change in work, a change in the direction of creativity, for example, a transition from sculpture to ceramics or replacing painting with drawing, will have a positive effect. This also applies to hobbies. If you stubbornly cannot master embroidery, perhaps you should use beads instead of threads. Such a simple action can radically change the outcome and become the basis for success. The angels will support those who are trying to fight for their lives, because “he who walks can master the road.”

See also

The meaning of identical repeating numbers on a clock according to angelic numerology

Vehicle number

The license plate on a car should consist only of numbers with positive energy. This will help the driver avoid any troubles: accidents, car breakdowns. The number 4 should not be allowed on the license plate, as it attracts all the negativity to the car and its owner. The unfavorable influence of the four can be weakened if it is placed between the lucky numbers. It is impossible for a four to be preceded by a two, since the latter will increase the negative influence of the neighboring number.

It is optimal if the number ends with one. This number will always bring good luck to the car owner and protect him from troubles. To attract material prosperity, it is better to compose a number of nines and eights.

As for the number “zero,” it has no meaning in Feng Shui, so it can be present in license plates.


When you come across angel number 1444, take it as a special message from the angels. Guardian Angels use this number to guide you in the right direction in your life.

If you haven't been paying attention to this number, you don't need to worry. Angels will send you this number until they capture your attention.

You will see it everywhere, in ordinary, everyday things and actions. It will come to you during the news hour while you are watching TV. You'll see it on your mobile phone or on your store receipt.

In fact, it may appear when you least expect it. This means you won't be able to ignore it.

Listen to the message of this angelic sign and see your life soar to even greater heights.

Independent interpretation of meanings

Probably everyone has their own lucky number, or significant numbers associated with certain dates - their appearance on the dial at a casual glance is perceived as a good sign.

Intuitively, many people attach meaning to “beautiful numbers” - identical, mirrored or “round”:

  1. "Round" values. It is believed that if, by chance looking at your watch, you marked the minute hands at 12 (or 00:00 on an electronic watch), then this is a change that can be different depending on whether you perceive the number on which it stands positively or negatively hour hand. But accidentally looking at the clock at exactly midnight always promises the fulfillment of a wish.
  2. Repeating numbers on a clock . Most numerologists and just lovers of fortune telling agree that the same numbers on the clock carry the same meaning as round numbers, but amplified two or more times, this is like a repeated reminder. They can also be interpreted from the point of view of your personal perception.
  3. Mirror values. Mirror values, unlike identical and round ones, are not always noticed on the dial of a regular watch, but they cannot be ignored on an electronic watch. There is an opinion that the number of the hour plays the main role, and the number of minutes plays a secondary role. However, this opinion is focused on our perception of reality (we read from left to right), which is not related to the processes occurring around us. It is still more correct to give both numbers the same meaning and interpret them from this point of view. When interpreted independently, mirror numbers are often interpreted as a sign that the options for the desired and undesirable development of the situation are 50/50. However, we should not forget that mirrored numbers can also take on a balancing, stabilizing value.
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