What peasant children could do 100 years ago (12 photos)

Feng Shui paintings have a powerful impact on a person’s life. Some bring happiness to your personal life, others allow you to climb the career ladder, and others help resolve disputes. But there are also paintings that not only evoke negative emotions, but can bring big troubles into life.

Any canvas is a figment of the imagination of a master who, consciously or unconsciously, puts into its creation a momentary mood and part of his soul. Therefore, when coming into contact with the energy of any painting, each person living in the house may experience different sensations. In order for a painting to bring only positive emotions and have a beneficial effect on fate, it is necessary to carefully select images and place them correctly in the house.

History of the talisman

The painting, which became a symbol of successful conception, was painted in the 12th century by the court artist Su Han Chen. He often painted carefree childhood, and presented his best work, depicting hundreds of boys playing in a spring garden, to the emperor with the wish of endless offspring. And so it happened: boys in the family of the Chinese emperor of the Sun dynasty were born very often and were famous for their health. Since then, in China, a painting of a hundred children has become the most popular gift at weddings and for childless spouses, and it has always lived up to its purpose.

Painting “100 children”

Working on the ground

In Russian villages, farming was a confirmation of full male status. Therefore, teenage boys had to work in the fields. They fertilized the soil (spread manure across the field and made sure that its lumps did not impede the work of the plow), harrowed (loosened the top layer of soil with harrows or hoes), led a horse harnessed to the harrow by the bridle, or rode on it “when the father is driving the furrow.” . If the earth was lumpy, the father would sit his son on the harrow to make it heavier, while he led the horse by the bridle. Teenagers took an active part in harvesting. From the age of 11-13, the boy was already involved in independent plowing. At first, he was allocated a small plot of arable land on which he could practice, and by the age of 14, the teenager could confidently plow the land himself, that is, he became a full-fledged worker.

Fruitful Application

The science of Feng Shui is deeply symbolic: 100 is the number of the absolute, of many possibilities; garden - future fruits; boys - active and fruitful yang energy. In ancient China, everyone dreamed of a large number of sons, but this does not mean that the picture will contribute specifically to the birth of a boy. It’s just that the energy of creation that overcomes problems has a yang character. It would be great to hang a print of Su Han Chen in your bedroom, but it is not necessary. Chi energy is familiar to ancient symbolism - any other image with children will also work effectively, even a collage of several photos, but it is better not to deviate from the number one hundred. However, in practical application there are several important nuances:

For beneficial conception, according to Feng Shui, the most favorable direction according to the husband’s Gua number is traditionally activated. Therefore, placing the painting in the appropriate sector and placing the head of the bed in the same direction will work best.

If the Gua number is not yet known, the painting “100 Children” is hung in the western part of the bedroom, since this direction is responsible for children and creativity. A gold or silver frame will be a great addition, since the element of this place is Metal. Ceramics are also suitable, because the Earth is friendly to the material.

This picture prophesies health and longevity for all children living in the house. For this purpose, it should be placed in the western sector of the living room. If a married couple does not plan to have any more children, then the image of many children in the bedroom will eventually extinguish their passion for each other and encourage them to think only about children.

What a boy could do 100 years ago

Perhaps the requirements for boys were stricter than for girls, because it was the sons who were supposed to grow up to be future “breadwinners”, “carers” and protectors. In a word, real husbands and fathers.

In the first seven years of his life, the boy learned many of the basics of peasant labor: he was taught to care for cattle, ride a horse, help in the field, as well as the basics of craftsmanship. For example, the ability to make toys from various materials, weave baskets and boxes, and, of course, bast shoes, which had to be strong, warm, and waterproof, was considered an absolutely necessary skill. Many 6- and 7-year-old boys confidently helped their fathers in making furniture, harness and other household items. The proverb “Teach a child while it lies across the bench” was not an empty phrase in peasant families. In the second seven years of life, the boy was finally assigned stable and varied economic responsibilities, and they acquired a clear gender division. For example, not a single boy was obliged to care for his younger brothers and sisters or to garden, but he had to learn to plow and thresh - girls were not involved in such physically difficult work. Often, already at the age of 7-9, peasant boys began to earn extra money “with people”: their parents gave them to be shepherds for a reasonable fee. By this age, it was believed that the child had already finally “entered the mind”, and therefore it was necessary to teach him everything that the father could and knew.

All success factors

There is much evidence of the miraculous impact of the picture, when literally a few weeks or months later the couple announced the imminent arrival of the baby. But quick results also depend on a combination of favorable factors. In order to enhance the effect of the talisman, certain conditions must be met:

  • the surrounding space of the living space must be cleared of rubble;
  • the location of the bedroom and front door is favorable for the inhabitants;
  • the color scheme in the bedroom interior is observed according to the compass direction;
  • the number of the husband’s Gua is determined and the space is built with a primary orientation towards him;
  • absence of serious health problems in spouses or strict adherence to treatment.

If a house or apartment has many lesions with negative sha energy, then the effect of the picture will be weak, so you must first improve the general feng shui of the home, even if you have to move for this, and then hang the picture. Don't forget that thought is also energy. The picture should be visible to those who dream of a baby. Looking at it, you can meditate and imagine a happy future, and then it will not be slow to become a reality.

feng shui picture of 100 children

The painting, which became a symbol of successful conception, was painted in the 12th century by the court artist Su Han Chen. He often painted carefree childhood, and presented his best work, depicting hundreds of boys playing in a spring garden, to the emperor with the wish of endless offspring. And so it happened: boys in the family of the Chinese emperor of the Sun dynasty were born very often and were famous for their health. Since then, in China, a painting of a hundred children has become the most popular gift at weddings and for childless spouses, and it has always lived up to its purpose.

The science of Feng Shui is deeply symbolic: 100 is the number of the absolute, of many possibilities; garden - future fruits; boys - active and fruitful yang energy. In ancient China, everyone dreamed of a large number of sons, but this does not mean that the picture will contribute specifically to the birth of a boy. It’s just that the energy of creation that overcomes problems has a yang character. It would be great to hang a print of Su Han Chen in your bedroom, but it is not necessary. Chi energy is familiar to ancient symbolism - any other image with children will also work effectively, even a collage of several photos, but it is better not to deviate from the number one hundred. However, in practical application there are several important nuances:

There is much evidence of the miraculous impact of the picture, when literally a few weeks or months later the couple announced the imminent arrival of the baby. But quick results also depend on a combination of favorable factors. In order to enhance the effect of the talisman, certain conditions must be met:

If a house or apartment has many lesions with negative sha energy, then the effect of the picture will be weak, so you must first improve the general feng shui of the home, even if you have to move for this, and then hang the picture. Don't forget that thought is also energy. The picture should be visible to those who dream of a baby. Looking at it, you can meditate and imagine a happy future, and then it will not be slow to become a reality.

What a girl could do 100 years ago

Our people have long said: “a small deed is better than a big idleness.” This principle was strictly adhered to in raising children. By the age of ten, both boys and girls in peasant families had already become an independent “economic unit” and had many responsibilities.

Girls were taught to do hard work very early, even earlier than boys. So, from the age of 5-6, they should already be able to spin, help around the house and in the garden, in caring for younger brothers and sisters, poultry and livestock. By the age of 10, thanks to the “science” of mothers, grandmothers and other older women in the family, they moved to a new level of responsibility. A ten-year-old daughter was considered a fully grown girl with all the ensuing requirements for her. If acquaintances and neighbors gave a teenage girl the derogatory definition of “slobber,” this was a very bad description, and she could not even count on a good groom later.

How was the learning process structured?

Exclusively by personal example: usually the mother, in the process of household or field chores, showed and explained to her daughter how and what she was doing, then trusted her to do the simpler part of the work. As the girl mastered the necessary skills, the functions performed by the girl became more complex. If at 5-6 years old the little housewife had to look after the chickens, then at 10-12 years old she had to drive the cow out to pasture and milk her. This progression and continuity of the process guaranteed high learning results. Did teenagers rebel against this way of life? Of course no. On the one hand, the labor skills instilled from early childhood allowed them to survive in rather difficult social realities; it is not for nothing that the people have a saying: “If you go all over the world with a craft, you will not be lost.” On the other hand, among ordinary people the Christian tradition was very strong, and precisely in that part of it that concerns the harsh Old Testament.


According to him, serving father and mother was likened to serving God, and insulting parents and disobedience was equated with insulting higher powers. From an early age, children were instilled with such concepts as filial/daughterly duty, respect for old age, and the awareness that family is the most important thing in life, and any work for its benefit was respected.

"Babi Kut"

This is the “female kingdom” at the stove. Usually it was separated from the rest of the hut by a curtain, and the stronger sex tried not to go there unless absolutely necessary. Moreover, the appearance of a stranger in the “woman’s corner” was equated with an insult. Here the housewife spent most of her time: preparing food, maintaining order in the “warehouse” (the cabinet where kitchen utensils were stored), on the shelves along the walls where there were milk crocks, clay and wooden bowls, salt shakers, cast iron pots, and in wooden stands with lids and in birch bark containers where bulk products were stored. The ten-year-old girl actively helped her mother in all these chores: she washed the dishes, cleaned, and could prepare simple but healthy peasant food herself.



In large families, “keeping an eye” on the younger children from older children was a stern necessity, because the parents worked a lot and hard in the fields. Therefore, a teenage girl could often be seen at the cradle, which was attached by a ring to the central beam of the ceiling (“matitsa”). The elder sister, sitting on a bench, inserted her foot into the loop, rocked the cradle, and did her needlework. In addition to rocking the baby to sleep, by the age of 10 the little nanny could change the baby herself, make a pacifier from chewed bread, and feed him from a horn. And, of course, calm a crying baby, entertain him with songs, “pestushki” and jokes. If there was such a need, then at the age of 10-12 the girl could be given to a nanny - “nurser”.

Over the summer, she earned from three to five rubles - a considerable amount for a teenager. Sometimes, by agreement with the parents, the nanny was paid with “natural products”: flour, potatoes, apples, other vegetables and fruits, and pieces of fabric.

Cattle care

Another important component of peasant life, which women were not trusted (they could only milk cows or goats and drive them out to pasture). The youths had to feed, remove manure, and clean the animals under the strict guidance of their elders. The main breadwinner in a peasant family was always a horse, which worked in the field all day with its owner. They grazed the horses at night, and this was also the responsibility of the boys. That is why, from a very early age, they were taught to harness horses and ride them, drive them while sitting or standing in a cart, and drive them to watering places - in full accordance with the saying “Things teach, torment, and feed.”

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