How to get to the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad on your own or by car, where to park, schedule of services, a brief history of the monastery

The Trinity Lavra of Sergius is a visiting card, the main significant place of Sergiev Posad. It was she who gave rise to the formation of the city and became the pride of Russian Orthodoxy. From the moment of its foundation and in all subsequent times, this monastery has been and remains one of the main attractive spiritual and cultural centers. It is impossible to walk around, comprehend and evaluate all the buildings of the Lavra, and there are more than 50 of them, in one or two visits.

The monastery was always reconstructed, remodeled and updated. Life activity in it did not stop or freeze for a minute, and, probably, not a single building retained its original image. Several roads lead to the Lavra; the main gate is the Holy Gate with the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, built in the 17th century.

Every year, thousands of believers make a pilgrimage to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra to see the shrines of the monastery, get acquainted with its history and architecture, and take part in divine services.

Hotels near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

How to get to Sergiev Posad by bus

It’s very convenient to get there on your own, take intercity bus No. 388. Take the metro to the VDNKh station, follow the sign to the Cosmos Hotel. There are a lot of arrow signs, follow them strictly.

Coming out of the crossing, look in the direction of the traffic, you see the Cosmos Hotel, go to it, after a hundred meters there is an intersection with a traffic light in front of you, turn your head to the right and see the VDNH Bus Station, take bus 388 to Sergiev Posad, they leave every twenty minutes, so don't worry about the schedule.

Bus 388 schedule

The fare is 240 rubles, travel time depends on traffic jams, the earlier you leave, the fewer there are. Leaving on the first bus at 06-40 you will be there in exactly one hour and fifteen minutes.

When approaching the city of Sergiev Posad, warn the driver to stop opposite the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The bus will stop opposite the Pyatnitskaya tower of the monastery.


- a huge male Orthodox monastery with the most important spiritual and historical significance

At the crossing, go to the opposite side, you are there. By the way, next to the crossing there is a public toilet, very clean, then you follow to the central entrance to the Lavra, the Red Gate Tower.

Abbots and governors

From 1344 to 1560 35 abbots were replaced, and from 1561 to 1766. 34 Archimandrite. The current governor, Thomas, is already 41 in the ranks of his predecessors. He is the vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow, formally considered the main monastery.

It is interesting that only 16 primates of the Russian Orthodox Church before the current Patriarch of Moscow headed the Lavra, among them are such famous ones as Metropolitan Philaret and Patriarch Tikhon, who entered into open confrontation with the Bolsheviks over the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in the state.

How to get to Sergiev Posad by train

You can also get there no less comfortably by train from Yaroslavsky Station. You get to the Komsomolskaya metro station, go upstairs, go right and left to the suburban ticket offices.

Electric trains Sergiev Posad

The first morning train towards Sergiev Posad leaves at 04-58. Ticket price is 208 rubles, travel time is about 2 hours, in a comfortable modern train, with a toilet, soft seats and Wi-Fi.

Exit the Sergiev Posad railway station to the right and straight ahead, do not turn anywhere along Sergievskaya Street. Walk 800 meters to the monument to Sergius of Radonezh, take a right onto Voznesenskaya Street, follow it until you see the Red Gate Tower of the Lavra, you are there.

Architectural monuments on the territory of the Lavra

When going on an excursion to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, you need to spend a lot of time not only to see the external beauty of the architectural monuments, but also, if possible, to get inside and enjoy their unique decoration, and venerate the relics of great people buried here. The oldest structures that have survived on the territory to this day will amaze with their grandeur. The Trinity and Assumption Cathedrals, Mikheevskaya, Nikonovskaya, Refectory and Spiritual churches, the Baptist Church, the bell tower and other Orthodox buildings delight and amaze with their beauty and uniqueness. Such diversity and at the same time harmony in the architectural ensemble is not found in any monastery in the world. A trip to Sergiev Posad and the Lavra is impossible to forget; it will give unprecedented strength of spirit for many years.

Svetlana Vorobyova specially for

How to get to the Holy Trinity Lavra of Sergius in Sergiev Posad by car

Getting there by car is very easy, but you need to leave as early as possible to avoid getting stuck in traffic jams on the way out of Moscow. Drive along the Yaroslavl highway, don’t turn anywhere, the road is perfect, almost a highway.

At the 62nd kilometer of the Yaroslavskoe highway, the road forks, take a left onto the Old Yaroslavskoe highway, it goes through Sergiev Posad, the Yaroslavskoe highway goes to the right.

Sergievo Trinity Lavra

As you enter the city, the Old Yaroslavskoe Highway turns into Moskovskoe, then into Red Army Avenue. You drive along it, the Trinity - Sergius Lavra is on your left, you pass by McDonald's, it will be on the right side, you reach a large intersection, next to it is a building with the address Red Army Avenue, building 186A.

At the intersection, turn left under the arrow onto Green Lane, follow it to the T-shaped intersection with 1st Shock Army Street, and turn left again.

When you reach the shopping center, it will be on the left side, and on the right is the Resurrection Church. Opposite it is the entrance to the parking lot. It is paid, 50 rubles per hour, in other places it is much more expensive and there are always parking spaces.

Sergiev Posad

There is no other way to get up; there are plenty of signs prohibiting the parking of personal vehicles. The entire road after eight o'clock in the morning will be clogged with parked tourist buses. Two hundred meters ahead you will see the Duck Tower of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, you are there. Then walk past it, along the wall to the Assumption Gate.

Schedule of Divine Services in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra

Schedule of Divine Services on weekdays

  • Prayer service with akathist to St. Sergius of Radonezh 05-00

Trinity Cathedral

  • Confession 06-00

Church of the Baptist

  • Early Liturgy 06-30

Trinity Cathedral

  • Confession 2nd 08-00

Church of the Baptist

  • Late Liturgy 08-30

Sergievsky Refectory Church

  • Evening service 17-00

Refectory Church

Schedule of Worship Services on Saturdays

  • Morning prayers and midnight office 05-30

Trinity Cathedral

  • Confession 06-00

Church of the Baptist

  • Early Liturgy 06-30

Trinity Cathedral

  • Confession 2nd 08-00

Church of the Baptist

  • Late Liturgy 08-30

Refectory Church

  • Evening service 17-00

Assumption Cathedral

Schedule of services on Sundays and holidays

  • Prayer service with akathist to St. Sergius 05-00

Trinity Cathedral

  • Confession 05-00

Church of the Baptist

  • Early Liturgy 05-30

Assumption Cathedral

  • Second Liturgy 07-30

Trinity Cathedral

  • Confession 2nd 07-30

Church of the Baptist

  • Late Liturgy 08-30

Assumption Cathedral

  • Evening service 17-00

Refectory Church

Holy Trinity - Sergius Lavra, history

The Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra contains many legends. Over the seven hundred years of its existence, all Russian emperors and empresses, all false Dmitrys, have been here.

Godunov prayed here for the gift of children, Polish-Lithuanian gangs besieged the Lavra for sixteen months, plundering everything in the area for a hundred miles.

Here Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible was baptized, Sofya Alekseevna took refuge from the rebellious archers with her young brothers, princes Ivan and Peter.

Peter I hid here during another Streltsy revolt. Andrei Rublev painted his famous icon of the Life-Giving Trinity for the Lavra. The history of the Lavra is the history of Russia.

Venerable Sergius of Radonezh, parents

Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra Sergiev Posad

The future Saint Sergius was born in the village of Varnitsa near Rostov in 1314 into the boyar family of Cyril and Maria, the boy was named Bartholomew, and at the age of seven he was sent to study literacy in a church school with his brothers.

His brothers mastered reading and writing successfully, but Bartholomew lagged behind; reading and writing was not given to him. One day his father sent him to the field to fetch horses, and on the way he met an Angel sent by God in the form of an old man.

The youth turned to him with a request for help in his studies, the elder blessed him, saying that from now on Bartholomew would be able to read and write well.

Sergievo Posad Monastery

Having become a young man, Bartholomew wanted to go to a monastery and take monastic vows, but his parents asked him to stay with them and arrange for their old age. After the death of his father and mother, leaving his part of the inheritance to his brother Peter, Bartholomew and his older brother settled in the wilderness, not far from Radonezh.

Beginning of the Trinity Lavra of Sergius

In the wilderness, the brothers built a tiny hut and a small church in the name of the Most Holy Trinity; this temple was the beginning of the Sergius Monastery. Just as the Volga begins with a stream, so the great monastery began with a modest wooden temple.

In October 1337, abbot Mitrofan tonsured the young Bartholomew as a monk, with the name Sergius. A new monastic life began.

Two years later, in the surrounding villages they started talking about the hermit, the holy life, wandering monks began to visit the young monk Sergius, and village residents began to come to the hermit for advice. Some asked permission to settle nearby in order to escape with him.

Who founded the Trinity Monastery

A couple of years later, a small monastery grew out of the Trinity Hermitage, the abbot of which was its first monk and founder, Sergius of Radonezh.

In 1359, during the Nativity Fast, the monk, as usual, prayed before the image of the Mother of God, and the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him.

He heard: “Behold the Most Pure One is coming.” Hearing these words, the saint went out into the hallway and fell on his face, unable to bear the bright light that illuminated him. He saw the Mother of God in front of him and heard her words that until the end of the century She would not leave this monastery as her cover.

Prince Dmitry Donskoy and St. Sergius

XIV century, already the second century, Rus' is under the yoke of the Mongol-Tatars, hunger, endless exactions, and internecine wars do not leave it. Before the decisive battle, Prince Dmitry goes for a Blessing to Sergius of Radonezh.

Sergiev Posad Lavra

Father Sergius not only blessed him for the battle, but also sent two monks-boyars Andrei Oslyabya and Alexander Peresvet to the battlefield. Having received a blessing from St. Sergius, Prince Dmitry Donskoy and his army moved to the Kulikovo field.

The battle took place on September 8, 1380, on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a victory was won over the regiments of Mamai, and the liberation of Rus' from the Tatar yoke began.

During the Battle of Kulikovo, St. Sergius prayed earnestly, remembered the dead by name, and told the brethren about the course of the battle and about our great victory over the infidels.

Miracles of St. Sergius of Radonezh

The whole life of Sergius of Radonezh was filled with miracles, through his prayers a dead youth came to life, a stream began to flow in a dry place, healings of the sick and crippled occurred almost daily.

Trinity Lavra in Sergiev Posad

Holy Metropolitan Alexy wanted to make Abbot Sergius his successor, but the monk refused. In 1365, Sergius of Radonezh went on foot to Nizhny Novgorod in order to bring the Nizhny Novgorod prince to reason and reconcile him with the Moscow sovereign, thereby preventing a bloody internecine war.

The Monk Sergius passed away into eternal life at the age of 78, in 1392. Thirty years later, his holy relics were found, when they opened the saint’s coffin, everyone felt a fragrance and saw that decay had not touched the remains of the saint.

Trinity Cathedral, shrines of the Holy Trinity Monastery

At the site of the discovery of the relics, they laid down and began to build the Trinity Cathedral, which was erected by the Monk Nikon, one of the oldest white-stone cathedrals in Moscow Rus'.

At the same time, the Monk Andrei Rublev painted an icon of the Life-Giving Trinity when painting the interior walls of the Cathedral.

Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity of Sergius Monastery

In the Trinity Cathedral, next to the shrine of St. Sergius, there is an inconspicuous vaulted door with a torn round hole. A core of Polish savages left their mark here, flying into the temple during the long siege of the monastery in the 17th century.

Once upon a time, on the site of the Serapion Chamber there was a cell of Sergius of Radonezh, and it was here that the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to the monk.

Today, the relics of many saints are kept here, the right hand of the first martyr St. Stephen, a particle of the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, a cross with a particle of the Blood of the Lord, the bone of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra, Mary Magdalene, particles of the robe of the Theotokos, the reliquary cross of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Shrines of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra

The entire interior space of the Trinity Cathedral was painted by Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny. We can see the icons of the letter of St. Andrew today in a unique five-tiered iconostasis; they have darkened greatly over time, but the Grace emanating from them does not dry up, but only exaggerates over the years.

Restoration of the Lavra

Immediately after the end of active hostilities in 1917-1918. In the area adjacent to the monastery, the Bolsheviks created a commission to protect the ancient valuables that were kept in the monastery, as well as organizations to carry out restoration work. But this work was carried out very poorly, since there was no single idea of ​​what the new monastery should look like and why it was needed at all.

On a note! Systematic restoration work began only in 1938 after the young architect Ignatius Trofimov was invited to participate in it.

It took Trofimov two years to prepare a certificate about the museum and a project for restoration work. On February 1, 1940, the Lavra and the surrounding territory were declared the Zagorsk State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve. Trofimov was appointed chief architect, allocating 6 million rubles for restoration.

The war prevented its completion. But despite the hostilities and post-war devastation, the destruction of the monastery was avoided. Some of the monuments were restored, while others were built almost from scratch.

Restoring the Lavra is the primary and most important task that the government set before Trofimov. In 1950 Trofimov’s work was continued by his student, architect V.I. Baldin. In 1963, A.G. got involved in the case. Ustinov, who insisted on a comprehensive restoration of the Lavra ensemble. By the beginning of the 1970s. Most of the restoration work was completed, but the restoration of the monastery did not stop there.

The work of the first architects was continued by the younger generation. Many parts of the monastery can now be seen thanks to the work of architects Yu.D. Belyaeva and Yu.N. Shakhova.

In 1990-2000 The Lavra was restored to its original pre-revolutionary appearance, some walls were repainted, the previous painting was recreated, and the bell tower was repaired. In 2004, the Tsar Bell returned to the bell tower. It had to be cast again because the previous one was melted.

Important! In 1993, UNESCO included the Trinity-Sergius Monastery on the list of world cultural heritage.

Time of Troubles, siege of the Holy Trinity Monastery by the Poles

Years passed, and by the 16th century, the Trinity Monastery of Sergius was the most influential and rich monastery in the Moscow kingdom. The monastic lands extended far beyond the boundaries of the Radonezh district; it owned arable land, peasant yards with vegetable gardens, water meadows, and fisheries.

Among the monastery's possessions, the largest was the village of Klementyevo, the basis of the future Sergiev Posad; in the village there were one hundred and thirty-four households, most of which belonged to artisans of various specialties necessary in the huge monastery economy.

Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity Lavra of Sergius

In troubled times, the monastery was plundered and devastated by Polish-Lithuanian bands, who besieged the monastery-fortress for sixteen months; everything for dozens of miles in the area was looted and burned.

The fortress was defended from 15,000 foreign murderers by two thousand four hundred militia, among whom were archers, boyars with their servants and monks. And, as always, the enemies did not pass, all attacks were repulsed.

Activities of the parish

Numerous excursions are organized at the Lavra. The brethren gladly accept help from volunteers and workers for the benefit of the monastery. There is a refectory at the monastery. A health center has been organized here, where hieromonk Moses and monk Meliton receive patients. The center sells medicinal herbal teas, which can also be purchased via the Internet.

Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Chernigov-Gethsemane Trinity Lavra of Sergius

The work of the pilgrimage center is aimed at solving organizational issues related to the arrival of guests. It also conducts missionary work in orphanages, prisons and hospitals.

Help for the sick and possessed at the Lavra

People often come to the monastery who, according to doctors, are mentally ill. In the Orthodox community, such illnesses are called demon possession and corruption. In churches, the possessed person is reprimanded. For this purpose, special prayers are used, which have been known since the 4th century. During the ritual, some pretty creepy things happen. A person possessed by a demon makes strange sounds, his body wriggles in unnatural positions. It is not recommended for ordinary, inexperienced people to attend. There is a possibility of catching a demonic entity yourself.

Father German (Chesnokov) is considered the most experienced exorcist in the city. It is to him that those who are desperate to return to normal life try to get to because of their obsession.

Holy Trinity Sergius Monastery becomes Lavra

Lavra in Sergiev Posad

The new flourishing of the Holy Trinity Monastery was marked by the accession to the throne of the daughter of Peter I, Elizaveta Petrovna; by decree of the empress, the monastery was awarded the honorary title “Lavra”, and the Metropolitan of Moscow became its head.

By the end of the 18th century, up to thirty new settlements had grown around the monastery. As a rule, they were named according to their location; later all the settlements were united into six parishes, according to the number of parish churches.

In 1782, Catherine II ordered the establishment of Sergievsky Posad from Sergievsky settlements and villages. Posads differed from cities in their lower status, which was expressed in a smaller number of local governments, in the absence of a coat of arms, the right to which only cities had the right.

Sergievsky Posad

But as now, so then, the Trinity Lavra of Sergius remained the center of the city; it was built by the best architects of Russia; its ensemble included more than fifty buildings, including the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary.

Architecture of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

The largest temple of the Lavra, the Assumption Cathedral, was built by order of Ivan the Terrible for twenty-six years. The project is reminiscent of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

The famous healing spring flowing on the central square of the monastery was discovered in 1644, during the renovation of the porch of the Assumption Cathedral. The first to see from its water was the blind monk Paphnutius.

Sergievo Trinity Lavra

The thousands of healings of the sick and crippled that followed him made us believe in the holiness of the source. Today, like hundreds of years ago, hundreds of pilgrims flock to him for healing every day.

The refectory was built in the 17th century, by order of the princes Peter and John Alekseevich.

The central place in the architecture of the Lavra is occupied by a five-tiered bell tower; it is visible from all sides, several kilometers before the entrance to the monastery.

Sergiev Posad Monastery

Not far from the bell tower, a memorable tetrahedral obelisk made of stone was installed in 1792 by Metropolitan Platon Levshin. During the War of 1812, sitting in the fall in burned Moscow, successive bands of European educators twice attempted to capture and plunder the Lavra.

The first time a thick fog fell on them, they got lost and had difficulty returning to Moscow. Another time they saw elders galloping towards them and turned back in horror.

Organization of the Theological Academy within the walls of the Trinity Lavra of Sergius

In 1814, the Moscow Theological Academy was moved to Trinity Lavra of Sergius, at which time the Lavra became not only a spiritual, but also an educational center; it had a printing house and published books and brochures of religious content.

Lavra in Sergiev Posad

It is symbolic that within the walls of the monastery there are theological schools; now more than six hundred people, future ministers of the church, are studying there. After four years of study at the Seminary, those who wish can continue their studies at the Theological Academy.

Now the theological schools also include the Regina and Icon Painting Schools, in which the traditions of church art are being revived and continued.

In the 19th century, a road and highway were built from Moscow to Pasad, which immediately increased the number of pilgrims coming from all over Russia. The population of Sergiev Posad also increased, but the most terrible test was approaching. The Bolsheviks - atheists - came to power

Educational institutions on the territory of the monastery

In 1742, Elizaveta Petrovna ordered the opening of the first educational institution on the territory of the monastery. It became the Trinity Lavra Theological Seminary. The first experience turned out to be positive, because in subsequent decades and even centuries the monastery walls hosted students. Worthy of attention:

  • Moscow Theological Academy (1814 - 1917);
  • Schools of icon painting (1885 -1917);
  • Moscow Theological Seminary (1989).

Note! In the first years of Soviet power, various schools were located on the territory of the monastery, which had nothing to do with students receiving spiritual education.

Life of the Trinity Lavra of Sergius under the yoke of red Satanists

Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius

The most difficult times for Sergiev Posad began after the October coup. At that time, about nine hundred monks and seven hundred novices were saved within the walls of the monastery.

Neither the Poles nor the French were able to destroy the Lavra. But this was done famously by our own, home-grown atheists - Satanists; they don’t want to destroy. After the Bolsheviks issued a decree on the separation of church and state, the clergy lost the rights to manage church property. The looting of the Lavra began. The communists took everything away and plundered it.

The opening of the relics of St. Sergius was scheduled for April 11, 1919, it was the Friday before Lazarus Saturday, the people learned this news, the alarm sounded and many parishioners gathered in the square in front of the gates of the Lavra. The Red Satanists opened fire on people with a machine gun at point-blank range.

Trinity Sergius Lavra

Soon a decree was issued to close the Trinity Lavra of Sergius; on May 31, 1920, the last Liturgy was served, the bells in the Lavra rang for the last time.

The Bolshevik Satanists swaggered and had fun with all their black souls in the refectory chambers, they set up a cinema and a shooting gallery. Before a movie show, have fun shooting at the Images on the icons.

Sergiev Posad turned into Zagorsk, in honor of the Red Commissar Lubotsky, who had the party nickname Zagorsky, as it is written about him in the encyclopedia: “He did not engage in any creative work, completely devoting himself to the cause of the revolution.”

Monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh

Through it, secret contacts between the Bolsheviks and the Kaiser of Germany were carried out; in short, the city was named after the enemy of Russia and the German spy.

The Bolsheviks turned the Trinity Lavra of Sergius into a historical and architectural museum; church utensils, which they could not melt down and steal, were exhibited as museum exhibits.

Reviews and comments from tourists, pilgrims and ordinary visitors

Anastasia: “On the territory of the monastery there is the impressively beautiful Trinity Cathedral, and this is its main attraction. It’s hard to call me a believer, but even I was amazed. It is also a historical relic; it was interesting to take a closer look at it. The high ancient walls and domes were impressive. It is not for nothing that the Lavra today, yesterday and even tomorrow played and is playing a major role in the spiritual enlightenment of people.”

Dmitry: “I visited the Lavra for the first time. Today my childhood dream came true. I never regretted it, even though I traveled quite far. The only thing I was worried about was the place to stay, but it turns out that the monastery also includes two hotels where you can stay comfortably.”

Sergey: “The Lavra is impressive in its scale. When I imagine that all this was still being built when Mamai went to Rus', it fills me with indescribable delight. The priests are friendly, I accepted confession.”

The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is the center of Russian Orthodoxy. It was founded by Sergius of Radonezh at the beginning of the 14th century. Since then, the monastery has been rebuilt and restored, but has managed to preserve both its spiritual and historical significance. Every year hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world come to the Lavra. Many people strive to join the holy relics of Sergius of Radonezh.

Revival of the Lavra

Communists come and go into oblivion, but the Trinity Lavra stood, stands and will stand until the end of time. The Liturgy was not served for a quarter of a century; the revival of the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh began immediately after the war, on the personal orders of Stalin.

On Great Saturday on the eve of Easter, the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh were returned to the Lavra, and the bells rang again. The history of the Trinity Lavra itself is a miracle, a monk who came to the wilderness and the tiny church he built gave impetus to the growth of Orthodox monasticism and Russian statehood.

Assumption Cathedral in Trinity Lavra

The saint and the Trinity Cathedral he built inspired more than one generation of artists, architects, and builders. The artist Nesterov treated Sergius of Radonezh with special love; he depicted the image of the abbot of the Russian land at all ages, from a boy to an old man.

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