The meaning of the 7 of Cups card in readings for relationships, love, work and health

Illusions, imagination, deception of the senses, delusions - these are the main meanings of this card in the layout. The Minor Arcana Tarot card Seven of Cups tells us what a strong weakness people have for obviously imaginary hopes and expectations, how they love to be misled by beautiful stories and promises. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Seven of Cups speaks of illusions; there are no clear guidelines, stability, or clarity in the life of the questioner.

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

A person tends to exaggerate his own problems, deceive himself, build castles in the air, and wishful thinking. Where is the line between truth and fiction, how long do you live in an imaginary world, and what are the dangers of escaping reality? The Seven of Cups answers these questions.

Take a look at the classic image from the Rider-Waite deck. You will see on the map a man and 7 cups floating in the sky. Please note that the vessels differ in contents.

Classic 7 of Cups from the Rider-Waite deck

Tarot readers belonging to different schools interpret cups in different ways. Some point out that the cups contain the seven deadly sins that dominate man. Other experts believe that alchemical passions are seething in the vessels.

7 terrible sins are:

  • pride, it is also called vanity and arrogance;
  • greed (stinginess, greed, stinginess);
  • envy;
  • lust;
  • anger;
  • gluttony (gluttony);
  • despondency.

The man depicted in the picture is faced with a choice of which bowl to choose; he is indecisive and doubtful. One of his hands is stretched out to the cups, but he still does not know that they are not real, filled with illusion and deception.

Experts do not have a definite answer. For a novice magician, I recommend trusting your intuition and interpreting the card, listening to your inner voice. Pay attention to the personality of the questioner, ask leading questions.

The Seven of Cups describes states typical of someone who is in a situation where a choice is necessary and is afraid of taking the wrong step. Often it falls to people torn by doubts and contradictions, weak and subject to outside influence.

Key ideas of the map:

  1. Deliberate self-deception, avoidance of problems.
  2. Illusory perception of the world, so-called. pink glasses.
  3. Indecision and confusion in the face of force majeure circumstances. The desire to relieve oneself of responsibility.
  4. Castles in the air, unrealized fantasies.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

In the upright position, the card indicates a weak-willed person who cannot pull himself together and make a vital decision. The 7 of Cups symbolizes suppressed will, the desire to go with the flow, and the inability to resist circumstances. In an allegorical sense, these are fantasies and illusions, attempts to hide in an imaginary world. In a literal sense, seven indicates delusion, a tendency towards mental illness, drug or alcohol intoxication.

Reversed card meaning

There are two views on the reverse position of the Seven of Cups. Some tarot readers believe that the negative message of the Arcanum is neutralized. A person really looks at the world, stops dreaming about the unattainable, and is cured of painful fantasies.

7 Cups from Nikolai Kolesov's Tarot-93 deck

Experts from the other camp say that the choice has been made, all that remains is to reap the benefits. Now you will have to pay for what you have done, correct mistakes and atone for sins.

Tarot reader advice. I look at the neighboring cards, they suggest which interpretation options are appropriate in each specific case.

The video is dedicated to the meaning of the 7 Cups in the upright and inverted position:

The meaning of the Seven of Cups in various layouts

For career and work

Lack of a clear idea of ​​what a person wants and where to move next.
Finds it difficult to describe your strengths and weaknesses. Endlessly ponders business projects, none of which turn out to be viable. The desire to constantly confer, consult, change plans, strategies, but this approach does not produce results. Likes to constantly start everything from scratch. There is a possibility that all current ideas and plans are in fact just an imitation of vigorous activity and are not planned to be implemented in practice. However, perhaps there are still intentions to translate the idea into reality and you just have to wait for a sign. The appearance of positive cards in a reading may hint that a person is in thought.

A creative approach to your profession or a creative profession that brings joy to a person. Acting, photo industry, fashion world, design, dancing, etc. Writing fairy tales and stories. Inventing and implementing fraudulent profit-making schemes such as “pyramids”, etc.

For finances and property

The card hints at a vivid play of imagination when choosing ways to generate income. The choice often falls on illegal transactions, counterfeit goods, speculation, etc.

For love and relationships

Seven of Cups Tarot meaning in relationships again speaks of endless sweet fantasies and dreams. Sometimes a person is very mistaken in his judgments about his current relationship. He can think for his partner and at the same time not see what the partner is trying to show him. Often does not want to fully open up and keeps something secret.

Sometimes the card tries to say that the questioner, because of his vivid imagination, can love not the person himself, but the fruit of his fantasies. Of course, sooner or later this leads to a difficult separation and worries. Also, the Seven of Cups may indicate that a person incorrectly interprets the actions of another, ahead of everything in his mind and wishful thinking.

The Seven of Cups is marked by sexual fantasies, immodest thoughts and actions. Eroticism and sensuality, love for gentle games and the embodiment of all secret sexual desires.

The Seven of Cups is always excessive, always over the edge, and it is not without reason that one of its meanings is “orgy.” Speaks of excessive pleasures, the severity and depth of sexual experiences, complete dissolution in them, pleasure leading to addiction.

The card very well describes a person who sees everywhere and in everything a call for sexual pleasures; he often sees erotic overtones. His powerful imagination is capable of delivering intense pleasure, and no real action is required from him in relation to the opposite sex. He’s already enjoying everything. This is probably why he is, as a rule, only good at visualizing love pleasures, but not in practice.

This man loves very much with his eyes. He likes to watch his partner move, show his pleasure and try to seduce him with all sorts of tricks. He really likes to play with these pictures in his imagination. Such a person has practically no boundaries in the ways of obtaining pleasure in sex. He is open to the most daring tricks and wishes.

For health status

The Seven of Cups in a reading is a sign of such ailments as illness of the soul, insomnia, visions, neurological diseases, and intestinal disorders. Most often, the card talks about various kinds of human addictions. Alcohol, drugs. Sometimes somatic illnesses, hypochondria.

The meaning of the card when fortune telling about affairs, work, financial condition

The appearance of seven Cups in business scenarios is not a good sign. The questioner is mistaken about the true state of affairs, relationships in the team and prospects for career growth. Illusions and unwillingness to look at the reality of affairs will lead you to collapse, the cards warn.

In the upright position, the 7 of Cups indicates self-deception, false achievements, dubious goals. The questioner thinks that by occupying a certain position, he will increase his authority and earn a lot of money, but in reality this is not at all the case.

Under certain conditions, cards indicate financial scams, false promises, and financial fraud. There is deception everywhere, do not trust flatterers, they want to benefit, and you will be left with nothing.

7 of Cups from the Witches Tarot deck

The material well-being that appears under the map turns out to be imaginary in reality. A person does not receive decent pay for his work and is mired in loans in pursuit of expensive new products. Outwardly, he looks quite prosperous and even chic, but this is imaginary wealth, there is no real money in his wallet.

Another option for interpreting the symbol regarding work. Before us is a man who has not made his choice. It seems to him that in his new position he will receive more privileges, money and bonuses, but he does not want to give up his old job either.

In this case, I advise clients to remember the legend of Buridan's donkey. The animal died of starvation, unable to decide which haystack tasted better!

In the reverse position, the value of the card remains virtually unchanged. The questioner aggravates the situation by stubbornness. He refuses to look at the world realistically and is ready to adhere to false beliefs to the end.

What features of the human psyche does the lasso indicate?

7 of Cups is a dreamer, in whose head new tempting ideas are constantly born, but they do not achieve any embodiment in reality. They're basically sand castles. There is a lot of creative energy. But it is not structured, has no priorities, and therefore does not give good results.

Such a person has poor contact with reality. He daydreams most of the day and therefore cannot be productive. He is often absent-minded and unable to perform his duties. Often he simply forgets about them. He finds it difficult to care for others. This is not a person you can rely on.

Sevens of Tarot Cups usually have high self-esteem and are susceptible to flattery. They do not doubt their talents, especially those related to art. Talents may actually be present. But usually they are buried in the ground, since laziness and passion for empty fantasies do not provide the opportunity to develop innate abilities.

Often such people throughout their lives persistently search for its meaning, without wanting to live what is given to them. They are prone to esoteric wanderings and mysticism. Mainly for the sake of avoiding real worries and work.

In an unfavorable environment, the card gives the individual an escape from the realities of the world, which manifests itself especially strongly and is expressed either in depression or in the pathological inability to do at least something.

The meaning of the card when divining for love and relationships

The easiest way to understand the Seven of Cups is to apply it to love and friendship relationships. Illusions are still the key word for the symbol.

In the upright position, the Seven of Cups says that you idealize your partner. This is good at the early stages of falling in love, but over time a person begins to see the shortcomings of the chosen one. Not in the case of 7 Cups!

A romantic aura will accompany you throughout the entire novel, and awakening from dreams will be a painful experience.

The second interpretation option is strange sexual preferences, unhealthy interest, psychological problems, erotic fantasies.

In reverse position, the card has two meanings:

  1. The collapse of illusions, a difficult separation, lost hopes and dreams.
  2. Chasing two hares.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Seven of Cups reversed means a pleasant feeling of completing all assigned tasks, a strong character, and balanced decisions. A high degree of translating what you want into reality, a willingness to act.

Sometimes an inverted card is usually interpreted as if a person had previously made a wrong decision, and today it is important for him to do everything to reduce or completely eliminate the bad consequences of his choice.

The reversed Seven of Cups demonstrates a person's inner strength to overcome temptations, resist charming but insidious thoughts, see clearly, think clearly, and make informed and balanced choices.

People and Places of the 7 of Cups

A person who lives one day at a time has his head in the clouds, builds illusions, does not think about tomorrow, this is how one can describe the character of the questioner.

Here is a dreamer who lives in a fictional world. He judges people by first impression, ascribes to them non-existent vices and virtues, and then is offended that they do not meet his requirements.

The owner of the Seven of Cups lives for show, wants everything at once. He easily believes in fraudulent schemes and succumbs to the tricks of the creators of financial pyramids. In pursuit of illusory wealth and illusory luxury, he easily spends his last money and takes out loans at extortionate interest rates. When he realizes that things are bad, he complains to others about the injustice of fate, seeks support and begs for financial assistance.

Often the card indicates a person who is interested in several things at the same time.

The team doesn’t like such active workers, because they are bursting with ideas, for which everyone has to take the rap.

Responsibility for missed plans and deadlines is usually placed on others.

When you take a card as a significator, interpret its meaning based on its direct position. This advice is relevant for beginning tarot readers. This makes it easier to understand the meaning inherent in the symbolism of the Arcana. Based on the adjacent signs, you will determine how accurately you describe the client’s character and inclinations.

Places below the map:

  • Entertainment establishments where easy money can be found.
  • Microcredit financial institutions offering quick enrichment at high interest rates.
  • Bars and restaurants, i.e. places where you need to choose from a large selection.
  • Alcohol and food supermarkets.

To more accurately determine the place to which the 7 of Cups points, be sure to pay attention to the three adjacent cards that fell next to each other.

Psychological state described by the card

In the upright position, the Seven of Cups indicates dangerous misconceptions of the questioner. He lives in illusions, caring little about what happens in the real world.

7 Cups from the Psycho Tarot deck

Arkan points to a person who does not know how to make decisions and tries to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of friends and family members.

In the reversed position, the 7 of Cups slightly softens the negative aspect. She says that you will have to return to current affairs, emerge from the veil of dreams. Be prepared for the recovery to be painful and long.

A depressed state and mental anguish also occur under the Seven of Cups.

Personal Description

Difficulties in distinguishing the main and the secondary. A state of confusion and embarrassment from the abundance of options and their apparent equivalence at first glance. A wild play of imagination, generating a huge number of ideas regarding the desired future. A heap of desires and too many paths and chances.

Positive features

The Seven of Cups has a connection with the creative component of a person and indicates that a person has a very strong imagination, which helps him build his own world in his head, which he chooses for life. Continuous dreams and renunciation of the outside world. However, such people create masterpieces of art. Sometimes, in addition to creative skills, the card indicates a person’s extrasensory abilities

The Seven of Cups can be fully associated with a special state of mind in which she takes care of herself, takes a break from worries and worries by watching pleasant pictures from her imagination. This state can be beneficial and be associated with reality.

Negative traits

Permanent stay in dreams and separation from reality. And if a person tries to return himself to reality, then, when faced with a variety of options, he gets scared and returns to his comfort zone and is again engaged in endlessly building and adjusting plans, waiting for a more suitable option.

It is difficult to endure life according to a schedule and under someone's close supervision. Rarely can he clearly and in detail describe his plans for the evening. Completely at the mercy of his thoughts and imagination. Sometimes it seems that the person who is physically next to you is currently in another, deeper reality. At this moment, it is as if he is seeing a dream in reality.

In this dream, as a rule, a person completely disconnects from the life he leads while awake, and allows his subconscious to build a new reality. It is traditionally believed that in this way the body communicates the need to take a break and rest the body and soul. Sometimes it is believed that a person is trying to get away from problems in life in this way.

Sometimes a person falls into depression and strong negative emotions, since everyone copes with the results of such a state differently. One will receive enlightenment, while the other will remain with a heaviness in his soul. Often the card indicates precisely apathy and more complex forms of poor health, from which a person flees by fleeing into the world of illusory reality and may forget about the usual earthly needs and responsibilities.

Sometimes a person turns out to be very attractive to the opposite sex, but he himself never becomes attached to anyone and often changes partners. Often he does this only in his imagination, since everything is much easier in the imagination than in life.

Such people believe in their exceptional talent and revel in this thought. However, all their talent remains in their head and is not used in life, since it is much more pleasant for them to just lie down and make plans, drawing beautiful pictures with their vivid imagination. They are not used to acting. We are not used to getting results.

The Cups can indicate serious weaknesses of a person in the face of any difficulties. Such a person always feels sorry for himself and is unable to give up alcohol, drugs, computer games and other things that can alleviate his real problems and lead him into a more pleasant world of constant pleasures.

A person strives for praise and tries to shift responsibility for his actions to someone else, just so as not to stress himself by making important decisions and making difficult choices from many options. Lack of initiative and desire to move towards achieving real goals.

On a deeper level

The secret of this Arcanum lies in its constant presence in our worldview to a greater or lesser extent. And if we were deprived of the power of this Arcanum, our life would be perceived by us as punishment. She would seem so scary, joyless and pathetic. If she were like that, we would be deprived of the opportunity to endow everything in this world with some characteristics, beautiful epithets, pleasant comparisons with beauty. We could only see the essence that is often unpleasant for our eyes.

Fantasies, dreams of what is not destined to come true, hopes. A person loves to dream, to make inspired plans for the future, thereby distracting himself from everyday worries. The card reflects in its depth the union of the real and the illusory.

The Seven of Cups makes it clear that a person is very hungry for something and spends a lot of time building castles in the air. His ability to sweep away barriers and move the horizons of his dreams can be envied: he has a very vivid imagination.

The card provides a huge service to the questioner; it tries to help him answer the main question in life. This question will lead a person to think about what in his life makes him happy, what he dreams of. When thinking about someone or something, a person begins to smile and his breathing quickens. What does his Soul strive for?

It is important to understand that the Seven of Cups draws our attention to the importance of identifying our own dreams, rather than the dreams of most people. Most may be deaf to what their Soul asks. It seems to them that wealth, power, revenge on an old enemy will make them happy, but not a single Soul needs such things. All these are markers of happiness imposed by society.

A person is immersed in the search for answers concerning the world order. He is interested in the laws of the universe, the forces of various energies with which he can nourish his spirit and his body, with which he can heal himself. Mysterious thoughts and emotions, a craving for knowledge of one’s “I” and special ways of perceiving reality. Searching for answers to the question why a person lives. The desire to perceive reality differently without the use of dangerous drugs. may be watching certain films, special preferences in music, visiting exhibitions of unusual artists, etc.

However, when interpreting the Seven of Cups, many are skeptical about it and view its appearance more as a sign requiring a person to be wary. All these dreams and love of soaring in the clouds, of course, are a wonderful way to relax and calm the soul and nerves, but for the person himself they do not carry any value or benefit. With their help, he will never become stronger in spirit and more mature as a person.

Classic combination with the Major Arcana

Using traditional examples, let's look at how the 7 Cups and Major Arcana cards interact.

Hierophant, 7 of Cups and Temperance

How the meaning of the symbol changes when trump cards appear nearby.

  • The jester says that the fortuneteller’s fantasies are stupid, empty and unpromising.
  • The magician advises to be careful, not to fall for scammers, and to listen to the voice of reason.
  • The High Priestess speaks of vague prospects and circumstances that require clarification.
  • The Empress warns that reckless actions lead to dire consequences.
  • The Emperor recommends planning before doing anything.
  • Hierophant - disappointment in friends or loved ones. Deception, meanness, dishonest intentions.
  • Lovers indicate discord in personal relationships, confusion, disagreements.
  • The chariot suggests that the fortuneteller dreams of going on a journey. Option: recommends putting things off and leaving for a long time.
  • Power – don’t try to control everything, it’s an illusion.
  • Hermit - the desire to retire, unrealistic dreams, happy loneliness.
  • The Wheel of Fortune is an unclear life situation that will become clearer over time.
  • Justice - you do not know how to soberly assess current circumstances. Calm down, give yourself a break.
  • Hanged Man - collapse of illusions.
  • Death - changes are inevitable, but a person tries not to notice them, does not react to the signs that fate gives.
  • Moderation - plans are destined to come true, it remains to wait a little.
  • The devil is the temptation of carnal pleasures. Alcoholism, drug addiction, morbid fantasies.
  • The tower predicts the collapse of hopes.
  • Star - pleasant experiences, tempting offers, a fabulous world of dreams.
  • Moon - vain dreams, delusions.
  • The sun – clear plans, specific tasks. Follow the instructions strictly and do not deviate from your intended goal.
  • The court promises retribution for mistakes.
  • The world is global plans.

When deciphering the symbolism of the layout, do not forget that the Major Arcana have an advantage over the Minor Arcana. Their meaning will be the main one; tie the meaning of the court card to it.

Seven of Cups in combination with the Tarot Arcana

The arcana that are in the layout next to it will help you clarify the meaning of the Seven of Cups card.

  • With the lasso “Jester” it means a game of imagination, to be stupefied.
  • With the Arcana “Magician” - fall under bad influence, lies and fraud.
  • With the lasso “High Priestess” there is a confusing situation and unknown facts.
  • With the lasso “Empress” there is an opportunity to find yourself in an interesting position.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - plan your activities.
  • With the Hierophant lasso - you trusted the wrong person, deception.
  • With the lasso “Lovers” - uncertainty in relationships.
  • With the “Chariot” lasso - dreaming about travel, going the wrong way.
  • With the lasso “Strength” it speaks of unfulfilled dreams.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso - to be in the grip of illusions.
  • With the "Wheel of Fortune" lasso - find yourself in a hopeless situation.
  • With the lasso “Justice” speaks of self-deception and bias.
  • With the lasso “The Hanged Man” it means defeat due to vain hopes and illusions.
  • With the lasso “Death” - look at the world through rose-colored glasses.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - a realistic look at things, planning actions.
  • With the “Devil” lasso - problems with alcohol or drugs, obsessive states.
  • With the lasso “Tower” - the collapse of hopes and fantasies.
  • With the Star lasso - dreams and illusions.
  • With the lasso “Moon” - to be mistaken, to fantasize.
  • With the lasso “Sun” - sudden insight.
  • With the lasso “Judgment” - retribution for committed deeds.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - build grandiose projects.

The 7 of Cups is a card of mirages and ghostly illusions, fantasies and self-deception. She tries to warn us against false promises and vain hopes, which inevitably lead to defeat and disappointment. Advises you to realize your mistakes and look at the world realistically.

Complete the information about the Seven of Cups card by watching the video:

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Let's see what meanings the 7 of Cups takes on when cards of a similar suit appear nearby.

Page, Seven and Eight of Cups

  • The Ace of Cups and the Seven of Cups are dreams of love.
  • Two - unfulfilled promises, false promises.
  • Three are dreams.
  • Four means a project that will never be realized.
  • Five – sadness, sadness, bad mood, gloomy thoughts.
  • Six indicates mistakes in the past.
  • Eight is a deliberate misrepresentation of oneself.
  • Nine – addiction to potions: alcohol, drugs, tranquilizers.
  • Ten means that the fortuneteller curries favor with people, submits to public opinion, and seeks approval for his actions.
  • Page - illusions have completely absorbed a person; he does not separate the fictional world from the real one.
  • Knight - there is a flatterer in your circle.
  • Queen – lies, insincerity in relationships.
  • The king is a man with base desires, immoral, irresponsible.

Arcana energies

The 7 of Cups is filled with the energy of imagination, which can brighten up even the drabest everyday life.

Astrologically, the card is associated with the third decade of Scorpio, which, together with Mars, is ruled by Venus. The combined influence of Venus and Mars gives an extremely acute development of feelings, leading a person to temptations, inflating the desire to indulge his whims.

Scorpio is a dark mystical sign. And the Seven of Cups is filled with a passion for magic, witchcraft, fantasies that go beyond the bounds of reason.

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

Pentacles and Cups: what the cards that fall next to each other in the layout will tell you.

7 of Cups, Queen and Ace of Pentacles

  • Ace of Coins and Seven of Cups - dreams of money, often in vain.
  • Two - doubts about the correctness of the choice.
  • Three - you have little experience to get down to business.
  • Four - the questioner thinks in a stereotyped way.
  • Five is a morbid imagination.
  • Six - be careful, there are scammers nearby.
  • Seven are overrated forces, there is little chance of success.
  • Eight Denariev - deal, conspiracy, conspiracy.
  • Nine – financial scams, manipulation of money.
  • Ten is a surprise.
  • Page – detachment from reality.
  • Knight of Coins - actions that will not bring results, empty dreams, stupid plans.
  • Queen of Pentacles – fantasies, dissatisfaction with life.
  • The king is a resourceful man.

Card of the day:

In order not to chase ghosts, you will have to maintain concentration all day and not succumb to provocations. Today, the danger of deception and self-deception is greater than ever. Do not accept any offers, even the most tempting ones, take time to think. Don't sign any hasty agreements. Be careful with alcohol. Undoubtedly, there may be a sound grain in the dreams and plans that arise on this day, but decide whether to implement this plan and how to do it another day.

Card tip:

Do not blindly follow your imagination, a balance in the form of analysis and calculation is necessary.


By running away from reality, you succumb to bait that leads directly to death! Daydreaming is a great way to have fun, but beware of being reckless and impractical. Don't flatter yourself too much. All the proposed options may turn out to be dummies.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Severe Swords and the Seven of Cups: what does this combination promise.

7 of Cups, Nine and Six of Swords

  • Ace is a dubious offer.
  • Two warns of deception.
  • Three is unpleasant news.
  • Four - wishes will come true.
  • Five - beware of revenge.
  • Six advises changing plans.
  • Seven betrays envy and dark thoughts.
  • Eight - you are captive of your own illusions and delusions.
  • Nine – nightmares, mental problems.
  • Ten - dreams that are not destined to come true.
  • Page of Swords - they are spying on you.
  • A knight is a good idea, but don’t rush to implement it right away.
  • The Queen is a treacherous and vindictive person.
  • The king is a lover of behind-the-scenes games and an intriguer.

Classic combination with the suit of Staves

Can the appearance of the Staves suit affect the negative aspects of the seven?

7 of Cups, Ace and Three of Wands

Let's look at the meaning of the card using examples that are usually found in layouts.

  • Ace – creativity, fantasy, creative approach to business.
  • Two - unclear prospects.
  • Three speaks of the unpredictability of future events.
  • The Four of Wands warns against alcohol abuse.
  • Five advises you to defend your opinion.
  • Six – lack of purpose and motivation.
  • Seven - you are fighting emptiness, do not waste your energy.
  • Eight - hopes that did not come true.
  • The Nine of Scepters indicates suspicion bordering on paranoia.
  • Ten – violent but empty fantasies.
  • Page – ideas without implementation, vain dreams, unfinished projects and affairs.
  • A knight is vanity that brings no sense.
  • Queen of Scepters - you are at the peak of love.
  • King - dreams of self-affirmation in society.

Tarot is an amazing tool that helps us understand the world and lift the veil of secrecy over future events. Do not limit yourself to the interpretations given above, look for your own images and combinations.

Natural cycles in the Tarot. Created karma

The most common method of forecasting is related to natural cycles and in everyday life provides enough information for making everyday and social decisions. The sphere of created karma creates the conditions for choice every day and every minute. There is simply no time for deep research into the issue.

The Aces have no zodiacal significance; they personify the original principle of the elements, and are energetically connected with natural cycles and the primitive nature of man.

Ace of Wands

Seed - germination stage - activity - spring - birth of an idea.

Ace of Cups

Sprout - formation stage - evolutionary process - summer - the idea takes shape.

Ace of coins

Fruit – stage of completion – product of evolution – autumn – collection of seeds – the project becomes independent.

Ace of Swords

Fruit is a product of consumption – transformation – winter – stagnation of external processes, activity of internal life – profit from invested efforts.

Ladies, Kings, Knights

describe the 12 months of the year in four natural seasons according to the solar calendar.

  • Spring
    - Queen of Wands, King of Coins, Knight of Swords.
  • Summer
    – Queen of Cups, King of Wands, Knight of Coins.
  • Autumn
    – Queen of Swords, King of Cups, Knight of Wands.
  • Winter
    – Queen of Coins, King of Swords, Knight of Cups.


associated with the end of the season of the year, the depletion of the quality of the elements and the beginning of a new season.

  • Page of Cups – spring equinox – March.
  • Page of Swords – Summer Solstice – June.
  • Page of coins - autumn equinox - September.
  • Page of Wands – Winter Solstice – December.

With the minor arcana

Tarot in the solar calendar is associated with the ten days of the month.

  • January 1-31: 3.4 coins, 5 swords.
  • February 1-29: 6.7 swords, 8 cups.
  • March 1-31: 9,10 cups, 2 wands.
  • April 1-30: 3.4 wands, 5 coins.
  • May 1-31: 6.7 coins, 8 swords.
  • June 1-30: 9, 10 of swords, 2 of cups.
  • July 1-31: 3.4 cups, 5 wands.
  • August 1-31: 6.7 wands, 8 coins.
  • September 1-30: 9.10 coins, 2 swords.
  • October 1-31: 3, 4 of swords, 5 of cups.
  • November 1-30: 6.7 cups, 8 wands.
  • December 1-31: 9.10 wands, 2 coins.

In the Zodiac, the 12 Major Arcana signify the sign of the Zodiac

; In each sign, three decans describe the Minor Arcana cards of the corresponding suit.

Element fire

  • Emperor – Aries – 2,3, 4 of Wands
  • Strength – Leo – 5,6,7 of Wands
  • Moderation - Sagittarius - 8,9,10 of Wands.

Element earth

  • Hierophant – Taurus – 5,6,7 coins
  • Hermit – 8,9,10 coins
  • Devil – 2,3,4 coins.

Element air

  • Lovers – Gemini – 8,9,10 of swords
  • Justice – Libra – 2,3,4 of swords
  • Star - Aquarius - 5,6,7 swords.

Element water

  • Chariot – Cancer – 2,3,4 cups
  • Death – Scorpio – 5,6,7 cups
  • Moon - Pisces - 8,9,10 cups.

The Other Ten Major Arcana

– maps of planetary rulers of the Zodiac signs.

  • Tower - Mars, ruler of Aries and co-ruler of Scorpio.
  • Empress - Venus, ruler of Taurus and Libra.
  • The magician is Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo.
  • Priestess - Moon, ruler of Cancer.
  • Sun – Sun, ruler of Leo.
  • Judgment: Pluto, ruler of Scorpio.
  • Wheel of Fortune - Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and co-ruler of Pisces.
  • The world is Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and co-ruler of Aquarius.
  • The fool is Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius.
  • The Hanged Man is Neptune, ruler of Pisces.

Information about the zodiac rulers and co-rulers provides a reliable guide in the interpretation of cards in pairs and triplets in complex layouts.

For example:

Topic of the year:

2 of Wands (beginning) Devil (business) 9 of Wands (publishing religious literature).

The end of March - the recruitment of supporters under the banner of a new idea in Aries.

Preparation of a package of documents for opening a business is possible in early December in Sagittarius.

Presentation of the project on the eve of the New Year on December 21-30.

In the topic of one month

2 of Wands (control) Devil (banking or partnership) 9 of Wands (claims).

On the topic of one day

2 of Wands (I want) Devil (to visit my father) 9 of Wands (and give souvenirs from Thailand).

The interpretation of the minor arcana within the framework of natural cycles and routine tasks is easily mastered by beginners and strengthens their desire to develop mastery.

From daily intentions, actions, words, emotional reactions, each of us weaves our own lace called “created karma”, puts together our own mosaic of fate.

With the two of cups we flirt and make eyes, with the two of wands we declare our intentions and look for a partner, with the two of swords we gossip and write letters, with the two of coins we rush to the grocery store to bring food into the house.

With the three of cups we have wild fun, with the three of wands we achieve success, with the three of swords we get divorced and get rid of danger, with the three of coins we count blood rubles until we get paid.

With the Four of Cups we experience satiety, with the Four of Wands we are satisfied with the fulfillment of a momentary desire, with the Four of Swords we take a break from struggle and work, with the Four of Coins we rejoice at a small amount for current expenses.

With the Five of Cups we explode with the desire to take revenge or hit back, with the Five of Wands we resolutely defend our idea, project, with the Five of Swords we must show courage and integrity, with the Five of Coins we stubbornly and persistently replenish our barn and wallet.

With the Six of Cups we are going on a date with delight and rapture, with the Six of Wands we experience a creative impulse, with the Six of Swords we are in a hurry and fuss, with the Six of Coins we are knocked off our feet for the well-being of the family.

With the Seven of Cups we swim in illusions, with the Seven of Wands we defend principles, with the Seven of Swords we lie to ourselves and others, we suffer from betrayal and slander, with the Seven of Coins we are dissatisfied with what we have achieved.

With the Eight of Cups we hide vicious passions, with the Eight of Wands we start a new life, with the Eight of Swords we fight depression and neurosis, with the Eight of Coins we learn and improve our craft.

With the Nine of Cups we are defeated in earthly love, we are looking for ideal love, with the Nine of Wands we discover the strength in ourselves, with the Nine of Swords we rehabilitate our health and authority, with the Nine of Coins we receive gifts.

With ten cups we defeat selfishness, with ten wands we learn humility, with ten swords we lick our wounds, with ten coins we enjoy the well-being of our home.

Importance in health matters

In the upright position, the 7 of Cups card is an indication of unhealthy addictions. In combination with unfavorable Arcana, seven speaks of nightmares, mental disorders, depression, and a depressed state of mind. These diseases will not go away on their own; the questioner should consult a doctor to stop attacks of melancholy, hopelessness and despair.

In the reverse position, the seven Cups do not change their gloom. The condition worsens, the person is overcome by sad thoughts, and physical ailments appear.

The meaning of this or that card cannot be called good or bad. Tarot points out mistakes to a person, helps to overcome a crisis, and gives advice.

The Seven Cups recommend that the questioner look at life more simply, set specific goals and systematically implement them. Remember, parting with illusions is painful, unpleasant, but necessary, warns the 7 of Cups card.

Dream if there is such a need, but do not break away from reality. Try not to let your fantasies lead you into an illusory world. Don’t give up when failures are on your heels, because despondency is one of the seven deadly sins!

Tags: Fortune telling, Meaning of cards, Ksenia Likhachevskaya, Cups, Tarot

About the author: Ksenia Likhachevskaya

Esotericism for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden. More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life. Tarot reader services

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Council of the Seven of Cups

You should trust your fantasies and assumptions. They are able to lead to the correct answer. Allow yourself to want and desire something, imagine it in your head next to you. Let your thoughts and desires control you, get a buzz from it, relax.

Workaholics are advised to turn all their attention inward and hear the quiet voice of the Soul, its desires and requests. Forget for a while about discipline, business and deadlines. Remember the desires of your body, give it pleasure. At the same time, you should be naive, distinguish between facts and fantasies, and not let yourself be fooled. There is a threat of getting confused and losing touch with reality, mired in your illusions.

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