Real names of demons from hell - men and women in Russian

Mysterious things have always attracted people. You can believe in mysticism and notice it at every step, or, on the contrary, not see the otherworldly even if it is very close. However, the topic of mysticism is often raised, such as demons. Even realists who laugh at the unknown know who they are, and when different thoughts pop into your head at night, you might wonder, what if they really exist? You won’t be able to find reliable facts supported by photos, but you can study this interesting topic.

Myths and legends of demonology

Demonology combines all the myths, legends, and scary tales that are associated with demons and passed down from generation to generation. All the stories that were passed down are very ancient because of this, some demons faded into the background, and some became inspiration for theaters, books and even movies.

Due to the fact that mysticism is a large storehouse of the unknown from which one can glean a lot of new information and present it in a new light, creators often use it for their inspiration.

Like other myths, demonology can easily be attributed to cultural heritage. It includes a list of demons, and their names are arranged alphabetically or according to the hierarchy of demons.

Are you afraid of demons?

Not really

Planetary correspondences according to Cornelius Agrippa

Ancient occult sources contain information about the spirits that patronize the planets. For example, the demons of the planets were mentioned in the ancient treatise “The Key of Solomon”. Cornelius Agrippa compiled a detailed table of the correspondences of demons to the planets, which can be found in Occult Philosophy, volume 4. The author described the appearance of the creatures, behavioral characteristics and a number of questions that can be addressed to them when called.

If you need to make a love spell or sexual attachment, you turn to the spirits of the planet Venus. If it was necessary to defeat an enemy, they turned to the spirit of the planet Mars. That is, each of the seven planets of the solar system had its own patron demon. When calling entities, all the correspondences specified in the treatise had to be strictly observed. These include the hour of the ceremony, day of the week, precious stone and other attributes.

Demonology and Christianity

In Christianity, demons are represented as fallen angels. The first and most important was Lucifer. This was a beautiful angel who wanted to outshine God. But from this moment on, several branches appear. One says that it was Lucifer who began to create evil spirits. In another, it is noted that he could not do this and God is responsible for their creation. Then all demons are angels, only of a lower rank, who knelt before the king of Hell.

Lucifer is called the Devil and Satan, the Lord of Hell. It is also stated that he is locked in Hell, and his subjects are heating up the heat there. The names of the male demons of hell are headed by him.


Capricorn demon

Unlike the regular horoscope, which begins with Aries, the Dark horoscope begins with Capricorn. This is the most demonic of all signs, since its symbol resembles the famous appearance of Satan or Baphomet. The Demon of Capricorn is Dagdarion. It corresponds to red and cloudy silver colors. Its appearance is similar to that of a toothy, voracious fish; it can also take the form of a satyr or a typical devil with horns and hooves. This is a demon of coldness and indifference. He is ruled by the planet Saturn, associated with the 10th house, so it is better to call him during this period.

Dagdarion gives Capricorn resilience, but also makes him proud, arrogant and incapable of emotions. He also does not allow one to relax and over time makes his ward callous to the experiences of others. At the same time, it gives the strength to withstand other people's emotions without becoming infected by them or suffering from them. It provides good protection against so-called “energy vampirism”. However, Dagdarion himself consumes the psychic energy of the person he patronizes, so in the worst case, he can make a person completely insensitive, and in the best, a calculating manipulator. Dagdarion helps in your career and helps you acquire useful connections. To help, it is advisable to make its symbol and carry it with you.

Soulless creatures or evil spirits

Opinions also differ regarding the question of whether demons have souls. Considering Christian demonology, you can notice that it claims - yes, there is undoubtedly a soul. Other sources note that demons are angels who have fallen and are of the highest rank. And evil spirits are people who have gone to Hell for their crimes.

There is a third option, that they are soulless. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, but for demons they are black and do not reflect anything. For this reason, these creatures do not feel anything. Therefore, a person who ends up in Hell is doomed to suffer there forever and will not get out of prison even in a demonic form.


Bairiron's patronage to the sign of Aries

Bairiron patronizes Aries. This dragon-lion is black with a hint of dark red, the creation of the great demon Samael, prince of the fallen angels. Can also take the form of a wyvern or genie.

Bairiron demons are creatures of fire, they have a fiery character: active, fearless and cruel. They are also associated with air and Dark Matter. They help their ward to raise morale and give a desire for conquest, but they can make him overly aggressive in communication. These spirits strive for absolute power and can drive a person crazy, making them obsessed with delusions of grandeur. They help to gain leadership qualities, freedom and inflexibility, insight and firmness. However, Bairiron’s powers have a destructive effect on a weak person. To cope with these forces, you need to develop self-control through yoga and meditation.

List of demons of the highest hierarchy

There are many questions regarding demons, but it is impossible to answer each one unequivocally. But there is one thing that is certain about demonology: names. Demonologists have compiled a list of names of famous demons of hell that have gained popularity through literary works, biblical events, unusual stories and even cinema.


From Latin, Lucifer is translated as the bringer of light and he is the King of Hell. He was a beautiful angel, but after he was expelled from heaven he acquired a terrible appearance. His skin became terrible, his head was crowned with horns, and on each finger there was a sharp claw.

His power is limitless, and everyone worships him in Hell. The qualities associated with Lucifer are knowledge, pride and freedom. Lucifer's main sin was that he tried to overthrow his father from the throne.


Wife of Lucifer and mistress of hell. You can rarely come across her name in sources. And in Christian demonology she is practically not mentioned. It is known that she descended to Hell of her own free will, but the true motives for such an act are unknown.

There is speculation that Kasikandiera comes from the line of Gods and is herself a goddess. She has no rivals equal in strength in Hell, so the demons obey her. As for her appearance, there is no exact description of her, all that is known is that she is the only beautiful girl who can conquer all three-dimensional worlds with her beauty.


This is one of the angels who followed Lucifer, for which he was cast into hell. Astaroth is the right hand of Lucifer. In some sources, the demon has intelligence, beauty, but also cruelty. Others, on the contrary, refer to the fact that he is ugly. But they all agree on one thing - he has extremely great power.

Astaroth, as the first after the Devil, most often appears on earth. He is able to answer any questions, give the gift of controlling snakes and even make a person invisible.


Wife of the Devil's right hand. Some sources merge these two images into a single whole. Their names are spelled the same in Hebrew.

On the other hand, the ancient Phoenicians worshiped Astarte. They considered her the goddess of motherhood and wars.


This demon is also considered a co-ruler of Lucifer. He commands the legions in Hell and commands the flies. Very often Beelzebub is confused with the demon Behemoth, this is explained by the fact that the Lord of the Flies takes on different forms: from a fly to a creature with three heads.

He received the name Lord of the Flies according to one of two versions. In the first, it is believed that it was Beelzebub who sent the plague along with flies to Canaan. According to the second version, flies are simply associated with the dead. Beelzebub's wife is Bufovirt.


There are many legends about Lilith. In some, she was the first wife of Adam, but since she was created from fire, her disposition was obstinate and freedom-loving. Eve was created after her and was more flexible. According to other stories, Lilith was a snake who, out of jealousy, seduced Eve to try the forbidden fruit.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that Lilith could appear not only in the form of a demon, but also an angel. In some descriptions, Lilith is the wife of the Devil. The demons of hell treat her with respect. If you made a list that included the names of female hell demons, she would be at the very top.


A more famous demon called Abbadon. This is the lord of the Abyss, a demon who destroys, destroys around him and brings death. Sometimes his name is used as Satan's middle name.

Modern classification

Nowadays, another attempt has been made to classify demons by occupation. This was done by demonologist Stephanie Conolly. She compiled a classification convenient for magically summoning one or another demon or demon.

To cast love spells and incite passion, turn to Lilith, Astaroth or Asmodeus. They are also approached to attract a soul mate and find a sexual partner.

To inflict damage and revenge on enemies, they turn to Abaddon, Andras or Agaliarept. With the help of these demons, they try to defeat an enemy with superior strength and skill. Their servants also help in the dirty work.

To kill the enemy physically, they turn to demons who are in charge of necromancy. These are Babael, Baalberith and Evryn. They are also consulted to avoid premature death.

Black magic is used not only for love spells and damage, but also for healing. To get rid of serious illnesses, they turn to the demons Belial and Verrier, as well as Verrin.

To enhance the results of magical rituals and contact with the elements, they turn to Dagon, Leviathan, Lucifer. These demons control the natural elements and will be able to help in establishing contact with them.

To acquire wealth or ruin an enemy - these requests are addressed to Mammon, Beelzebub or Belphegor. These demons are in charge of the material component of people’s lives, and you can also ask them for luck to solve any issue.

The demons Python, Delilitor and Ronwe help you increase your information luggage and comprehend secret magical knowledge. However, these demons reveal secret knowledge only to black magicians who work with light forces and the path to this information is closed.

Animal Demons

Above was a list of demons from the highest hierarchy who are capable of taking on the appearance of a human. In addition to them, there are also demon creatures, they are in animal form. Topping this list is Behemoth and Leviathan. These are large monsters that were created by God. There is a legend that they must fight to kill each other.

Let's look at the name and description of each separately.


This is a demon that can take the form of any large land animal. According to Jewish legends, Behemoth is the king of beasts. He is often depicted in the form of a large, fat elephant, because this demon is a symbol of such sins as gluttony and gluttony.

The demon has great strength and is very cruel, he is capable of bringing out the most disgusting animal qualities in a person. It influences people indirectly, gradually awakening the desire to sin. In Hell, Hippopotamus guards the night. The hippopotamus can be found in the work and film adaptation of “The Master and Margarita”.


A huge monster about which there are many legends. Some sources claim that it was an angel cast down from heaven. Others say that this is the same tempting serpent. Still others, that this is a monstrous creation of God, and leviathan himself is neither an angel nor a demon.

All these sources agree on only one thing: Leviathan looks like a snake of monstrous size. The demon's name translates as “twisting serpent.” The first mentions of it can be seen in the Old Testament.

It was assumed that God himself destroyed the created monster. However, here it should be remembered that there is still a fight between him and Behemoth. More often, neither Leviathan nor Behemoth are called demons, but simply monsters created by the Creator to show the incomprehensibility of his creations.

Nine Demonic Ranks

Some demonologists have suggested that the demonic hierarchy copies the angelic one and contains nine ranks:

  1. pseudo-gods led by Beelzebub;
  2. spirits of lies led by Python;
  3. the inventors of evil deeds, led by Belial;
  4. the Avengers led by Asmodeus;
  5. deceivers led by Satan;
  6. causing disasters and infection, led by Merezin;
  7. furies led by Abaddon;
  8. accusers led by Astaroth;
  9. tempters and spiteful critics led by Mammon.

Pseudo-gods are those who pretend to be the true God. These include the entire Greek pantheon and pagan deities.

The job of the spirits of lies is to deceive using fortune telling and prophecy. This continues to this day; a whole army of “clairvoyants” is leading the people into demonic delusion and delusion. All kinds of fortune tellers “from God”, soothsayers and soothsayers lead people away from the truth, passing off lies as truth.

The task of the inventors of evil deeds is to evade the fulfillment of God's commandments. To do this, they created many varieties of vicious arts and activities.

The task of avengers and punishers is to make people live with thoughts of retribution instead of fulfilling the commandment of love and forgiveness. Demons convince them that it is necessary to take revenge on someone who deserves it.

Deceivers deceive humanity with false miracles. Their task is to lead away from the truth. They may take the form of just a person with a gift from God, but sometimes they appear to be a messenger of God himself.

Infectious spirits dominate the air, through which they transmit various epidemics and pestilence.

The task of the furies is to incite discord, push people together, and lead them into a state of war and hatred. They work both with individuals and with entire nations and states.

Accusers manage slander, false denunciations, slander and gossip. They lead people into bewilderment, and send all the incriminating evidence to their leader Astaroth.

The task of tempters is to plunge people into sins. The transformation of a God-fearing person into a sinner is considered particularly lucky.

Lucifer, Satan, Devil - are they different demons?

In Latin, as in Russian, these names do not give a clear answer, but there is a little background. If we translate Devil from Latin, we can see that Satan and the Devil are synonymous.

The devil is the opposite image of the Creator, which means the point of view that the Lord created everything can be refuted. And then another legend appears that the devil is Lucifer, who was expelled. While in hell, he changed his name and Satan appeared before the world.

Despite the fact that the connection can be traced, there are many legends that claim that these are different demons with different qualities.


The Dark Side of Adimiron

The demonic side of Taurus is Adimiron. These are demonic creatures, half-lizards, half-lions, chameleons and chimeras. Colors: gray and yellow. They are very strong-willed and unyielding in character, they cannot be broken. Adimiron endows his wards with these same qualities. They give willpower, endurance and determination, and can help in working hard on something.

For those who stubbornly overcome obstacles on the way to their goal, Adimiron will provide enough strength to reach the end. The lion part gives them physical strength, and the reptile part gives them coldness and rationality: they concentrate on what is useful for the business, without paying attention to details. They also provide a strong survival instinct. The negative side is that a person under the influence of such a demonic entity can become stubborn and completely uncommunicative, as a result losing all connections with friends and loved ones.

Samael - between angels and demons

Special mention should be made of Samael. He remains a mystery to demonology. He is not on the list of angels or in the lists of demons. He is described as an angel of death who takes neither the side of good nor evil.

But Samael is not so simple. He is sometimes considered one of the main Archangels of God. You can also find references to the fact that he is the creator of all living things, and therefore the Lord himself. At the same time, they claim that Samael is the real name of Satan, which means he is a demon. But in this case it is not clear who Lucifer is.

Some sources of demonology claim that Samael was the tempting serpent himself. There is also an opinion that it was he who came to take Moses away.

a lion

Patronage of Shelhabiron

The patrons of Leo are known as Shelhabiron. They appear as werewolves, jackals, a cross between a lion and a snake, or a huge shadow. These are spirits of fire, but not restless, like Aries, but a stable, even flame. Their color is fiery yellow.

By nature they are evil and ruthless. Their main qualities are aggression and dominance. They can give a person strength for particularly difficult tasks beyond his own capabilities. For example, crush a powerful enemy. The second side of the powers of the Shelhabrion spirits is the realization of creative potential. They send a person a whole stream of ideas for creativity, which all that remains is to implement. The strength, rage and creative fire of these spirits help their charges to manifest themselves more clearly in this world, but they can also make a person cruel and heartless.

Minor employees

If we consider all the demons, then we need to focus on such small ones as succubi and incubi. Despite the fact that these are serving demons, people also know about them. They are believed to be tempting demons. A succubus is a female representative, an incubus is the opposite.

Their demonic form is disgusting. A seductive devil may appear in dreams and steal dreams, but in reality they are ugly monsters. These demons target sinners and influence their subconscious and mind.


Neheshitiron's patronage for Scorpios

Nekheshitiron are the patrons of those born under the sign of Scorpio. These terrible demons look like devilish insects with human heads. Perhaps they are the ones mentioned in the Revelation of John the Theologian as locusts with human faces. Their color is copper. These are aggressive and strong creatures, but at the same time completely reckless: acting together, they sweep away everything in their path.

Neheshitiron are demons of destruction, this is all they can do. If a person does not follow his own path, then they begin to actively destroy his life. They can make a person a maniac or psychopath, but they can also help achieve inner transformation. True, in a very painful way - through the complete destruction of the old personality. Devilish insects do not have pity; they obey only blind instinct. To cope with their power, you need to learn to listen to your heart.

Where do they live?

They themselves love the night and are active at this time. During the day they go to dark and damp places - attics of old houses, basements, cemeteries. Sometimes they are found near morgues, in wastelands, in caves, near bodies of water, even in garbage dumps. They live close to people because they are dependent on them.

Since they drive people to debauchery, they are interested in brothels. They do not disdain any energy. Sometimes they are attracted to slaughterhouses and places of execution. There they can absorb the remaining energy after executions. During executions, people become more excited, which causes a release of energy (gallows, scaffolds, executions in arenas).

They gather in the old temples of Venus or lunar deities. Sometimes they also visit monasteries, as mentioned. Prayers in this case are ineffective. They don't scare away.

Sometimes they hover in forests and parks, where loving couples often walk. They look for a victim and go after it.

The danger of a succubus for people

Most often, the succubus will come to its victim until he drinks all his energy, and the man dies. That’s why they sometimes say that a succubus is a vampire, or rather one of the varieties. A man cannot resist the seductress, and the pleasure she gives him overshadows all the dangers.

It happens that a succubus abandons its victim, but the man does not live long after that. Longing for the demoness “eats” him and usually such poor fellows commit suicide. If he tries to move on with his life, he cannot start a family or have children - memories of a seductress from the other world haunt him.

It is believed that a demoness can give birth to a child from an ordinary man and he will have supernatural powers. Afterwards, she can throw it to his father and the life of such a person turns into real hell, literally, like in the movie “The Omen.” Such children are extremely cruel, love cruel jokes, are very jealous - in general, it is impossible to get anything but trouble from raising such a child.


Patronage of Nahashiron for Sagittarius

The patron demon of Sagittarius is Nahashiron. These are entities that have a strange reptilian appearance with dog heads. Their colors are yellow and various shades of green.

They help their ward in the fight against their own negative character traits. In order to work through those traits that prevent one from becoming strong and whole, Nahashiron attracts difficult situations into a person’s life, where he has to make a choice and overcome himself. Their food is the emotions that a person experiences during this overcoming. They support continuous and passionate movement towards a goal, providing fire energy for positive change. Their negative impact is that a person may not be able to withstand such rapid progress and acquire various diseases in the process, including nervous exhaustion. To cope with their power, you need to streamline your life as much as possible.

For full development, you need to know both sides of yourself - light and dark. To turn to the light and see the positive sides of your personality, you can take the “What kind of angel are you” test. Angels balance the influence of demonic entities on a person, care and support in difficult moments of life.

Guardian of the Gardens Priapus

By its nature, Priapus differs from the above-mentioned demons and other characters of lower mythology. This is the ancient Greek god of fertility with his own cult, who was revered by the Romans as the patron of gardens and fields. The main distinguishing feature of Priapus in the images is the fabulous size of his genitals. Glorifying the phallus and processions in its honor is a quite common practice for pagan festivals, associated with fertility and abundance, as well as decorating with phalluses everything from which prosperity was expected. However, in relation to everyday life, the sexual aspect of the priapic cult and the role of the protector of gardens were refracted in a special way in the consciousness of ancient people, making the deity a threat to thieves.

Judging by the places where images of Priapus are found, he patronized roads, piers, brothels, as well as fields, gardens, vineyards and apiaries. Tenants of Ancient Rome believed that Priapus protected their property and would come to the rescue if someone decided to steal honeycombs or fruits. Garden theft was a common problem: olives, oranges, figs and many other fruits attracted travelers, mischievous youths and the poor. Statues of Priapus or simpler crafts with his main symbols served as prohibitory signs for thieves. And the poems on them served as a warning.

Among the Greeks and Romans, Priapus was a popular character in anonymous poetry—priapeia. Such verses can be found on the walls of sanctuaries and on sculptures. Latin poems dedicated to the deity and the way he punishes garden thieves were included in the collection “The Book of Priapus.”

This is what Priapus said, setting a condition for the boy, As it is written in the two following verses: “My garden is open, take it without fear, If your garden gate opens for me.”

"Book of Priapus", verse V

In this context, Priapus becomes a guardian spirit who punishes trespassers in a harsh manner - with the help of his hypertrophied phallus. Simply put, the fruit thief will be so finished that he will “go through his own ass,” as one of the priapes promises. In fear of ritual and edifying violence, some thieves preferred to stay away from the lands protected by the overly gifted deity of nature.

If Priapus failed to catch up with the victim, he sent curses after him, which could make the offender unattractive, “reward” him with impotence or other troubles related to the sexual sphere.

Whoever picks a rose or a violet here, snatches a fruit or steals a vegetable, will be rejected by a boy and a woman, will be tormented by lust, like me, constantly, but - damned - in vain: The drooping horseradish will not raise its head.

"Book of Priapus", verse XXIII


An amulet against Lilith is also suitable as a talisman. Talismans against all lunar creatures were often made of silver. The most famous one is in the shape of a five-pointed star with the names of angels or God written on it. This is a late option.

Previously, the goddess was depicted on the crescent moon, and on the other side a square with certain numbers or a list of names. Such amulets were polished to a shine. The moonlight reflected light and thereby scared away the succubi. They are effective at night, but on moonless days they will be of little help. They don't work during the day either. It is not advisable to keep them in direct sunlight.

Also, for protection purposes, they use signatures of contracts with different creatures. For example, with an archangel. The signature is placed on a silver plate and then on the bracelet. Or they put the signs of the lunar goddess on the ring. The signs of the guards or the seal of the moon god are engraved on the tablet and sewn onto the forehead bandage. This was practiced by the Sumerians. Talismans provide other benefits besides protection.

Protection from visits

How to protect yourself from visits from infernal creatures? Men can easily cope with this task if they start leading a healthy lifestyle with one regular partner. The lack of regular sexual intercourse causes fantasies of a sexual nature in men, which are bait for infernal creatures.

Also dangerous are passions for pornographic pictures and films, which also attract demons of lust and debauchery. An orderly sex life and sincere feelings for a partner are protection from attacks by demonic creatures in a state of dozing or sleep.

How to get rid of incubus visits? The method of protection is the same as for men: find a permanent sexual partner and get real pleasure from intimate contacts. If a connection with an incubus becomes more attractive for a girl than with a real man, then the infernal entity will simply destroy her physically through energy depletion.

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