Qi Men Dun Jia calculator for calculating Qimen hourly schedules

A little background on Qi Men Dun Jia's or why this article came about.

The Internet space of professional Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics is replete with walks and activations that are offered to everyone who is too lazy. “If you go there, you will see it and get happiness or money, or improve relationships. I did that too and it worked . Your success is guaranteed, because I can see it. Yes, and you see for yourself. You see, right?”

But everyone in life has moments of awareness in one situation or another, at work. When this moment comes, you realize that what you did before is no longer acceptable now. Time passed and the world changed . It is either not needed or does not lead to where you wanted.

“Every surgeon has his own graveyard,” says an old medical saying. (may my colleague forgive me).

Working technology or just another nonsense?

I in no way want to downplay the possibilities of walks and their effectiveness, because you still go on walks, looking for them in groups on VKontakte, Facebook, on other sites, and trying to purchase them on various portals.

But no one tells you that any activation has consequences . Without knowing or deeply understanding the art of Qi Men Dun Jia , you go on all the walks that are given to you, and do not think about the consequences of this walk. You want to achieve what you want, but you don’t understand the full depth of the technique.

“Qi Men Dun Jia”

Qi Men Dun Jia ” is the science of determining the exact time to perform a certain action in a certain place in order to obtain the desired result. The exact time is determined by observing the occurrence of predetermined "phenomena". The desired result will be achieved when we begin to act in compliance with the predetermined phenomena. Examples of some phenomena are "birds starting to sing in a nearby tree" or "a woman dressed in red walking by." The Qi Men Dun Jia diagrams describe the phenomena that must occur to obtain the desired results.

There are two main methods in “ Qi Men Dun Jia

  • The 9 square method, also known as the San He “ Qi Men Dun Jia ” method;
  • The San Yuan method “ Qi Men Dun Jia ” is based on the 64 hexagrams of Xuan Kong Da Gua.

The 9 Square Method (San He) is the main method of “ Qi Men Dun Jia ”, which involves placing the 10 Heavenly Stems, Eight Doors, Nine Stars and Eight Gods in a table consisting of 9 Squares. One of the 10 Sky Stems will be "missed". The 9 Square Method involves searching for the "missing" Heavenly Stem in the 9th square to determine phenomena that are about to occur.

The San Yuan Method is the hidden secret and “key” to the practice of San Yuan Xuan Kong “ Feng Shui”

“. This secret is passed down only in a direct line from previous Masters. The San Yuan method is based on 64 hexagrams. Each chart is divided into 64 hexagrams of Xuan Kong Da Gua. There is a predetermined phenomenon for each of these 64 hexagrams.

In order to practice San Yuan “ Qi Men Dun Jia ”, you need Pan San Yuan Luo, containing 64 hexagrams of Xuan Kong Da Gua. Xuan Kong Da Gua Method of choosing a favorable time to start an action only allows us to determine the appropriate “Chinese hour”. One Chinese hour is equivalent to two Western hours. This allows us to determine during this Chinese hour the exact "moment" when the action must begin in order to obtain a guaranteed result. This “moment” occurs when a predetermined phenomenon is observed.

The effectiveness of applying “ Qi Men Dun Jia ” in real practice lies in our ability to observe the occurrence of predetermined phenomena. Sometimes this phenomenon takes a slightly different form and the practitioner needs to detect it.

Qi Men Dun Jia ” makes it possible to increase your chances of achieving your desired goals. It can be used to forecast income and develop the necessary solution for the following events:

  • Business related activities;
  • Application for employment or other careers and pursuits;
  • Health, marriage and relationships;
  • Finding a lost item;
  • Litigation;
  • Sports and competitions, competitions;
  • Threat identification;
  • Stock market, elections and more.

The secret of 97% of cases or the difference in understanding

Have you observed successful people? How do they behave? How do they live in harmony with the world? They feel this world with every fiber of their body.

Look at your life and worldview. How do you live and how do you go on these free walks? After all, most of you do not live here and not now. Even while you are walking, you have a frantic herd of thoughts and experiences in your head. This is especially evident during personal consultations after asking a targeted question. You simply are not in this world, space.

What do you think about when you are on a Qi Men Dun Jia walk? About what your experience was in relationships, or about how to make money? What is happening to you at this moment? What do you pay attention to while doing walks?

The thing is that when you go for walks, you think with your head, with your mind , and mainly from a position of fear. From a position, how to make sure that “this and that” don’t happen. The deities Qi Men Dun Jia , which you ask while walking, as well as your subconscious, which you activate by walking, remove the excuse NOT from their work! The first dangerous moment. When you want to get an answer to the question “How can I avoid getting pregnant from Vadim?” your subconscious will slip in the best solution without the excuse NOT.

Further. As soon as you are in a tense state, with your thoughts and actions you completely block all kinds of information channels to obtain the necessary information with the help of which your issue can be resolved. Up to a spasm of the upper “diaphragm” at the base of the skull with compression of the paravertebral arteries and deterioration of blood circulation in the brain. You simply have nothing to think about - your brain has no food.

More serious consequences await you when you go for a walk and fall into the astral state. The point is that the astral state works at higher levels of world perception. It is this state that allows you to get what you want. However, it very often happens that you went for a walk after one thing, and while walking you fell into the astral plane and thought about something completely different. DANGEROUS! It is very dangerous, since the difference between the energies you entered during the walk and what you wanted in the astral plane can lead to very serious consequences.


Tuesday, August 04, 2015 11:49 + in quote book Signs of Qi structures Men Dong Jia Qi Men Dong Jia is an ancient metaphysical art, magic in its purest form. This is what works in ways that are incomprehensible to us when we synchronize with it. Signs help us “recognize” and connect with the energy we left the house in search of. Signs are just clues to the mind, which needs to see something to believe it. At the very beginning we really need to see "animals fighting on 4 legs" or "men carrying treasure". Later, when you get used to different types of energies, you “recognize” them much easier. And suddenly you begin to notice the necessary images on the signs of restaurants and shops, on clouds, in reflections in puddles, the play of shadows, the pattern of tires in the snow... You move to a more subtle level of perception of these energies. You feel them and at times, probably, intuitively you leave the house at the right time and in the right direction. Those lucky enough to have good beats often manage this naturally. Everything works much more powerfully when we are aware of what we are doing. Our consciousness creates our world. You can simply successfully go out to buy bread, or you can go to a good structure at the right time, and at the same time buy bread. You also expect that unexpected income will appear in 30 days! And what we expect comes to us. Isn’t this what was described in fairy tales, “if you go to the left, you will lose your horse, if you go to the right, you will fight Baba Yaga, if you go straight, you will receive the Princess and half the kingdom”? The signs can also be used to guess winning numbers in lotteries. For example, we go for a walk for luck in the lotteries. We consciously decide that today I ask the world to give me signs of the winning numbers. We decide which system we will use to “decode” the signs of these numbers. The world, even though it is smart, is still easier to talk to us in a language we understand. So, everyone probably has special signs for “prophetic” dreams, our internal code for communicating with the subconscious. The simplest translation systems are the Lopan compass and the Lo Shu square, if you are into Feng Shui. For example, while walking, on the way to the lottery kiosk, we saw SIGNS, i.e. something that especially caught our eye or attracted our attention: a snake (on a sign), a black cat, 3 dogs at one intersection. Snake – SE on the compass, on Lo Shu – 4. Black cat – Cat/Rabbit, B on the compass, 3 on Lo Shu. Black color – Water, North, 1 on Lo Shu. 3 dogs - number 3. Dog - NW on the compass, 7 on Lo Shu. The resulting numbers were: 1, 3, 4, 7, 33 (3 appeared 2 times) plus their combinations 13, 14, 17, 31, 34 - if it is “5 out of 36”, for example. So, what can you observe in space when using the structures of Qi Men Dong Jia: Trigrams. Kan. It is located in the north, so the element is water. This is the middle son, age from 15 to 30 years. Midwinter, ears, kidneys. Professions: sailors, fishermen, people working at sea, anything related to water, such as frozen food, ice cream, bars, etc. Kun. This is the SW palace, the mother's palace, the element of the soil palace, these are women over 45 years old, or simply an older woman who has children. Stomach, gastrointestinal tract, spleen, nose, mainland. Professions: farmers, villagers, fat people. Zhen. Thunder, east, eldest son, man 30-45 years old, spring. Feet, hair, liver, big tree. Professions: athletes, hot-tempered people, aggressive entrepreneurs. Shun. SE palace, wind, eldest daughter, age 30-45 years, early summer. Hips, buttocks, genitals, small tree, widow, monk. Tien. NW Palace, men over 45, patriarch, man with children. Sky, late autumn, head, brain, mind, lungs, important people, bosses, celebrities, emperor, president, i.e. the most significant people. Blow. Western Palace, youngest daughter, lake, girl under 15, mid-autumn. Mouth, teeth, tongue, small metal, singer, actor, announcer, translator, maid. Gen. NE palace, this is a mountain, the youngest son or boy under 15 years old, early spring, hands, arms, hermit, people who have a lot of free time. Lee. Fire, South, middle daughter or woman from 15 to 30 years old, summer, eyes, heart, people with big bellies, people with glasses, pilots. Heavenly trunks. Yang tree 甲 Jia. Symbolic meanings of the Yang tree 甲 Jia: In the sky - the Sun On the earth - highlands, forest. Among the people - noble people, aristocracy, ruler, high-ranking official, ambassador, many people around. Mood, character - strict, strong, direct, honest, joyful, decisive, independent, stubborn, wasteful, majestic, happy, powerful In the body - gall bladder, eyes, tendons. Items include metal, jade, precious stones, a ruler's headdress, and blue-green items. Buildings and structures - palaces, palace chambers, pagodas, temples. From food and drink - sour foods, beautiful food. Occupations: art, industry, business, career. Yin tree 乙 Yi: Symbolic meanings of the yin tree 乙. In the sky - Moon, sunset On earth - meadow, plain, garden, flower garden. Among the people - a traveler, an empress, a sailor. Mood, character – sensitive, suspicious, abstract imagination, patient, dependent, soft, weak, selfish. In the body - liver, veins, fingers. Objects - silver, mercury, lost object, everyday items, green objects. Buildings and structures - a dining room, a place for gathering people, a conference room, a club building. From food and drink - products with a tart taste, ordinary food. Activities include secret arts, navigation, Tibetan Buddhism. Yang fire 丙 Bin: Symbolic meanings of Yang fire 丙 Bin: In the sky - Jupiter. On the ground - dry land, a clearing. Among the people - a general, a commander, a religious patriarch, a chancellor, the leader of something, a prime minister. Mood, character - direct, fair, kind, compassionate, forgiving, decisive, generous, broad, vain, superficial views. The body contains the small intestine, lips, pulse, veins. Among the items - tin, zinc, medical equipment, potions made from stones, medicinal raw materials, red objects. Buildings and structures - a place of sentencing, a high-rise building, a hotel, a court, a skyscraper. From food and drink - foods with a bitter taste, fruits, regular food. Occupations include science, pedagogy, politics. Yin fire 丁 Ding. Symbolic meanings of Yin fire 丁 Ding: In the sky - Venus. On the ground there are burnt wastelands, traces of a fire, a busy street, scorched earth, city bustle. Among the people - a driver, a fortuneteller, an official, a messenger, a worker. Mood, character - friendliness, progressiveness, loneliness, explosive character, cruel, inclined to contradict, cheerfulness, disobedience. In the body - heart, lips, breath. Items include lead, white gold, tin, foil, scissors, cart, colored objects, platinum, heavy equipment. Buildings and structures - library, barnyard (or where animals are bred), art gallery. From food and drink - aromatic foods, foods with strong odors, fried foods, rich foods. Occupations include astrology and fortune telling. Yang land 戊 Wu. Symbolic meanings of Yang land 戊 Wu: In the sky - Mercury. On the ground there is a plain, a dam, a livestock farm. Among the people - an ambassador, a poet, a teacher. Mood, character - smart, reasonable, quick-witted, eloquent, insidious, obedient, cunning, calculating, deceitful, false, hypocritical, cowardly. The body contains the stomach, tongue, muscles. From objects - books, brushes, ink, objects for a scientist's office, yellow objects, manuscripts Buildings and structures - high school, shop, bookstore From food and drink - sweet products, fresh food. Occupations: medicine, trade. Yin land 己 Ji. Symbolic meanings of Yin land 己 Ji: In the sky - Uranus. On the ground there are fields, vegetable gardens, a plain, an uneven field. Among the people - a dancer, a singer, a prostitute, a person of uncertain occupation, a hermit, pensioners. Mood, character - good manners, gentle, obedient, honest, faithful, reliable, devoted, receptive, gentle, lazy, lustful. In the body - spleen, tongue, body fat. Items include clothes, rings, and orange objects. Buildings and structures - a theater, a brothel, a small room. From food and drink - sweet food, cereal products, porridge. Activities include art, theater, opera. Yang metal 庚 Geng. Symbolic meanings of Yang metal 庚 Gen: In the sky - Neptune. On the ground there is a mine, a pond, a pool, minerals. Among people - a sorceress, a mediator, a drunkard, a witch. Mood, character – sensitivity, excessive emotionality, idealist, careless, deceiver, restless, tenderness. The body contains the large intestine, nose, and skin. Among the objects are steel, iron, religious utensils, blades, knives, white objects. Buildings and structures - cemetery, mirage, graves, fairyland. From food and drink - foods with a spicy taste, sweet foods, sugar cane. Occupations include hunting, catching animals, animal husbandry, animal breeders. Yin metal 辛 Xin. Symbolic meanings of Yin metal 辛 Xin: In the sky - Saturn. On the ground there is a wasteland, abandoned lands, graves. Of the people - a peasant, a carpenter, a carpenter, a saint, a realist who has achieved immortality. Mood, character – realistic, conservative, ordinary, thoughtful, sad, difficult, distant, cold. In the body - lungs, nose, hair, skin, hands. Items include an axe, agricultural tools, an iron awl, a bow and arrow, and transparent objects. Buildings and structures – monastery, temple. From food and drink - spicy foods soaked in vinegar or oil. Items, savory foods, sauerkraut. Activities include land reclamation /building dams/, martial arts and military affairs. Yang water 壬 Ren. Symbolic meanings of yang land 壬 Ren: In the sky is Mars. On the ground - a battlefield, a battlefield, a combat front. Among the people - a warrior, a robber, a cook, ordinary soldiers, robbers, deceivers. Mood, character - active, positive, bold, courageous, decisive, rude, enthusiastic, uncouth, quick-tempered, harsh. The body contains the bladder, ears, bones, nose. Items include a steel cannon, a device for melting iron, candles, torches, an earth rammer, and black objects. Buildings and structures - military camp, barracks, prison. From food and drink - very salty foods, fried foods. Occupations: military affairs, butcher, army. Yin water 癸 Kwei. Symbolic meanings of Yin water 癸 Kwei: In the sky - Pluto. On earth there is a dark place, a cemetery, the afterlife. Among the people - a mediator, a funeral master, a murderer, a spy, an elderly man. Mood, character – consistent, proactive, agile, active, organizer, compulsory. The body contains kidneys, ears, hair. Among the objects - dark paper, all sorts of records regarding acts of civil registration, a coffin, purple objects. Buildings and structures – cave, Yin dwelling (crypt, morgue, grave). From food and drink - unleavened food, salted vegetables, light-colored food, food with a small amount of sauce. Occupations: police, inspectorate functions, military. Earthly branches. Rat (Tzu) – North. Manages reservoirs, dams, canals, rivers and all places related to water. Among people, this is a woman, a robber. Animals and plants include a swallow, a bat, a snail, a pumpkin, aquatic radish, and duckweed on the water. Bull (Chow) – ST. From places he manages mulberry gardens, bridges, palace pavilions, ritual premises, graves. Among people, this is a noble person, an elder and revered person, the immortal Buddhas. Animals include a cow, a mule, and a donkey. The items include a key, a woman's jewelry, a piece of jewelry, a ladle or ladle, and shoes. In business, if it coincides with a happy spirit or occurs in a happy scenario, it indicates joy, reassignment, promotion. Tiger (Yin) – ST. Among the places it is a mountain forest, beams and bridges. Among the people, this is an experienced husband, son-in-law, a noble person, an honest official, a person from a government institution. Of the objects, he manages papers and documents, receipts, certificates, tickets, incense burners, looms, financial documents, coffins. Animals include a tiger, a leopard, and a cat. Rabbit (Mao) – East. Among places, this is an avenue, a road. Among people, these are brothers, a girl, a woman, a robber, a craftsman. Among the objects are a boat, a carriage, doors and windows. Animals include a hare and a cricket. Dragon (Chen) – SE. Among the places, this is a high hill, a hill, an earthen rampart, a grave, a grain field, a Taoist or Buddhist monastery. Among the people, these are Buddhist or Taoist monks and women. Among the objects are porcelain and ceramics, ceramic vessels, a basin for ash, a brazier, incense paper, and skins. Snake (Sy) – SE. Of the people, this is a woman, a younger daughter, a younger woman, a beggar. Animals include slug, worm, cicada, and firefly. Objects include painting and calligraphy, hieroglyphs, flowers and fruits, tiles and bricks, ceramics. Horse (U) – South. Among the places, this is a large hall, a conference room, a cinema, a club. Among the people, this is a Buddhist monk, a horse rider, a secretary, a palace lady, a delivery boy. The items include a TV, a stereo system, electronic devices, painting and calligraphy, clothing, banners and pennants. Goat (Wei) – SW. From places it indicates a large courtyard, a place surrounded by walls, graves, fields and steppes. Among people, this is an old woman, an elderly man, a shepherd tending sheep, a widow, a sorcerer or a healer. Animals include ram, eagle, and starling. The items include clothing, medicines, food products, and wine vessels. Monkey (Shen) – SW. Places include a church, a Buddhist temple, a wheat field. Among people, this is a traveler, a military man, an evil person. The items include a bicycle, a three-wheeled cart, a motorcycle, a train, a car, a sword, gold and silver, and iron objects. Among the animals this is a monkey, a lion. Rooster (Yu) – West. Among the people, this is a woman, a youngest daughter, a Yin noble, a person who sells wine. Among the items, these are gold and silver, jewelry and jewelry, sword, fur, melons, bones and claws, stone pillar, covers. Of the animals, this is a rooster. Dog (Xu) – NW. Among the places, these are a mountain range, a hillside, a Taoist and Buddhist monastery, a grave, a toilet, a prison. Among people, this is an elder, kind person, a Taoist or Buddhist monk. Animals include a dog and a mule. Plants include soybean, kaoliang, and buckwheat. The items include bricks and tiles, ceramics, medicine, human bones, a key, straw sandals, and shoes. Pig (Hai) – NW. Among the places, these are rivers, lakes, seas, warehouses, Buddhist monasteries, towers and pagodas, toilets. Among the people, these are small children, beggars, shoemakers, swineherds, drunkards, delinquents, robbers. Animals include fish, shrimp, and crabs. The items include fur, hemp fabric, silk, brushes and ink. Gates. Gate Rest. Symbolic meanings of the gate Rest: There are clouds and dew in the sky. On earth there is a market, an ocean. Among the people - a noble person, an official, an old man. Mood, character – enterprising, broad, optimistic. In the body there are kidneys, ears, urine, bones. The items include white powder and liquid substances. Buildings and structures - stock exchange, market. From food and drink - wine, milk. Occupation: commerce. Gate of Death. Symbolic meanings of the Death gate: There is dirty air and frost in the sky. On the ground there is a foundation, a wild wasteland. Of the people - a prisoner, a jailer, a corpse. Mood, character – firm, decisive, stubborn, greedy. In the body - spleen, cheeks, feces, muscles. Among the objects - black objects, hard things. Buildings and structures - a prison and a funeral home. From food and drink - flour, dry foods. Occupation: Police. Gate Wound. The symbolic meaning of the gateway wound: In the sky there is fresh spring air, thunder, lightning. On the ground there are hunting grounds, forest, thicket. Among the people - a sick person, a doctor, a disabled person. Mood, character – angry, cruel, rude. In the body there is a liver, jaws, pus, tendons. Among the items - turquoise-colored items, cracked items, broken and broken items. Buildings and structures - hospital, clinic, factory. From food and drink - animal food, meat of domestic animals. Occupations: pharmaceuticals and medicine. Gate Impassability, Cache, Hide. Symbolic meanings of the Cache Gate: There is a purple rainbow in the sky, a light breeze. On the ground there is a military camp, a trench, a ditch, a canal. Among the people - a robber, a policeman, a young man. Mood, character – obedient, careful, doubtful, suspicious. In the body - liver, eyebrows, tears, breath. Among the objects - green objects, soft, flexible objects. Buildings and structures - decorated buildings, a hotel. From food and drink - horse meat, fish. Activities include hunting and fishing. Gate Opening. Symbolic meanings of the gate Opening: There is an early dawn in the sky, thick fog. On the ground there is a wide field, a plain. Among the people - a wise man, a Taoist, an employee of the observatory, the head of the household in the temple and monastery. Mood, character – stability, strong, independent, decisive, strict. In the body - intestines, forehead, sweat, hair. Objects include yellow objects and medicines. Buildings and structures – temple, monastery. From food and drink - cereals and boiled food. Occupations: Taoism, Buddhism. Gate Anxiety, Shock. Symbolic meanings of the gate Shock: In the sky there is yellow rain, thunder with peals. On the ground there is a cliff, steep cliffs, a cave. Among the people - a military man, an officer, a commander. Mood, character - cowardly, hypocritical, resourceful, indecisive. In the body - lungs, mouth, saliva, skin. Among the objects - red objects, fragile objects. Buildings and structures - military establishment, official establishment. From food and drink - radish, fried products. From classes - military affairs. Birth gates, life. The symbolic meaning of the gate is life: in the sky - typhoon. On the ground - a desert, meadow, mountain peak, fish soils. Of the people - the bride, an official, the head of the salt. Mood, character - perseverance, inconstancy, activity. In the body - stomach, snot, nails. Of the items - yellow items, new objects. Buildings and structures - the Hermit of the Hermit, a house for entertainment with girls. From food and drink - vegetables, fruits. From classes - agriculture. Gate splendor, scene. The symbolic values ​​of the gate scene: in the sky - the red sun, evening dawn. On Earth - the capital, avenue. Of the people - beauty, ambassador, official, scientist. The mood, character is direct, honest, conceited, warm, hospitable. In the body - heart, eyes, blood, pulse, veins. Of the items - purple objects, beautiful things. Buildings and structures - a palace, a brothel. From food and drink - cakes, sweets, New Year's sweet pie, pancakes. From classes - the State Inspectorate. Stars. Sile Pan. The symbolic meanings of the Star Tian Pan. In the sky - cloudy and rain. On Earth - rivers and seas, ponds. Of the people is a wife, a sailor. The mood, character is a thoughtful person, unexpected, unpleasant, gloomy. In the body - ears, kidneys, bladder. Of the items - a pole, an umbrella, a raincoat, fishing accessories, varnish products. Buildings and structures - a ship, boat, dining room, hotel. From food and drink - milk, juice, wine. From classes - an official of the salt department. Tian Rui. The symbolic meanings of the Star Tian Rui: in the sky - fog. On Earth - a plain, field, garden. Of the people - a peasant, a pregnant woman. The mood, character is stubborn, patient, conservative, stubborn. In the body - cheeks, muscles. Of the items - canvas, matter, a board for playing checkers, an empty box, a suitcase. Buildings and structures - a village hut, a low house. From food and drink-rice, wheat, sugar-sand. From classes - agricultural activity. Cung Jong. The symbolic meanings of the Star Tian Chong: in the sky - thunder, lightning. On the ground - a forest, a fruit garden. Of the people - manager, witness. Mood, character - eloquence, mercy. In the body, this is the jaw, a heart bag, the points of the channel of three heaters. Of the objects - an ax, an iron awl, a large drum, a bell, a flute, a bell. Buildings and structures - high Terassa, a high house. From food and drink - fruits, radish. From classes - an official in the forest business. Tian Fu. The symbolic meanings of the Star Tian Fu: in the sky is a rainbow. On Earth is a grave, a flowerbed. Of the people - a nun, carpenter, carpenter. The mood, character is strict, as well as obedient, soft. In the body - eyebrows, liver, gall bladder. From objects - needle, thread, brush, mascara, letter. Buildings and structures - a hotel from food and drinking - vegetables and tea, noodles. Of classes - a person who is taking into account the population, a passportist. Tian Qin. The symbolic meanings of the Star Tian Qin: in the sky - typhoon. On the ground - a wild place, a wasteland, a dead end ending with a wall. Of the people - a villain, robber, killer, thief. The mood, character is rude, uncouth, cruel. In the body - the brain, blood. Of the objects - a knife, a sword, a peak, a bomb, a rifle, a gun. Buildings and structures - a destroyed structure, high pagoda. From food and drink - decomposed and rotten objects, rotten fish. From classes - an official of the court. Tian blue. The symbolic meanings of the star is the si: in the sky - a clear sky. On Earth is a large metropolitan city. Of the people is a big official, a hero, a rich man. The mood, character is strong, persistent, smart, strong -willed in the body - the forehead, the channel of the May, bones. Of the items - precious objects, a car, a hat. Buildings and structures - palace chambers, an official institution. From food and drink - dry meat, bones. From classes - military affairs. Tian Zhu. The symbolic meanings of the Star Tian Zhu: in the sky - hail, hook. On Earth - a pond, a lake. Of people - a fisherman, a sorceress. The mood, character is cunning, deceptive, insidious. In the body - mouth, light, large intestine. Of the objects - a boiler, an ax, a cup, a glass, a bucket, a battery. Buildings and structures - a lecture hall, a room for classes. From food and drink - food that is brought to Buddha, meat of a wild bird. From classes - the manager of the temple, ministry in the monastery. Sile Ren. The symbolic meanings of the Star Tian Ren: in the sky - the wind with sand, sandstorm. On Earth - mountain range, peaks and cliffs. Of the people - Taoos, a person who has reached immortality, a holy man. The mood, character is passive, compliant. In the body - nose, spleen, stomach. Of the objects - a table, a chair, a bedspread, a blanket, a screen, a screen. Buildings and structures - hotel, warehouse. From food and drink - lean food, fat, butter. From classes - an official of the prison, a caretaker. Tian in. The symbolic meanings of the Star Tian In: In the sky - a bright sun. On the ground - a lively street, noisy avenue. Of the people - a businessman, a scientist. The mood, character is true, devoted, beautiful, straight. In the body - eyes, heart, small intestines. Of the objects - lamps, candles, books, mirrors. Buildings and structures - a present place, store. From food and drink - Liver, seaweed. From classes - a library worker. Perfume. Zhi Fu. Zhi Fu symbolic correspondences: in the sky - a clear sky. On Earth - a meadow, mountain peak. Of people - immortal, Buddha, noble people. The mood, character - exalted, refined, calm. In the body is a stomach, nose, snot, nails. Of the objects - silver, gold, printing lace, precious objects. Buildings and structures - a temple, a monastery, a rich house. From food and drink - vegetables, fruits. From classes - a monk (especially practitioner Tao), a diplomat. Tang She. Symbolic correspondences of Tang Sha: in the sky - the sun. On Earth - the foundation, wild places. Of people - a vulgar person, a low woman, a woman. The mood, character is empty, hypocritical, cunning, deceptive. In the body - heart, eyes, blood, veins. From objects - ropes, contracts, money. Buildings and structures - a brothel, tea. From food and drink - flour, dry products. From classes - a digger, gardener. Tai Yin. Symbolic conformity Tai Yin: In the sky - the moon. On Earth - cliffs, cliffs, cave. Of the people - a hermit, writer, writer. The mood, character is straight, even, kind, responsive. In the body - lungs, mouth, saliva, skin. Of the items-carving items, objects with fur or with feathers, the remains of some hieroglyphic records. Buildings and structures are the scientist’s office, a cool gazebo. From food and drink - vodka, wine, milk. From classes - the path of the scientist, the path of art. Leah heh. Symbolic correspondences of Lei He: in the sky - rain. On Earth - a fortified camp, ditch. Of the people - a carpenter, an artist speaking in the squares. The mood, character is kind, soft, responsive. In the body - liver, tears, eyebrows, qi breathing. Of the objects - cakes, boat, wagon, good clothes. Buildings and structures - theater, hotel. From food and drinking - horseman, fish. From classes - a musician. Gow Chan. Symbolic correspondences of GOU Chen: In the sky - thunder. On Earth - hunting grounds, forest. Of the people - a hunter, a soldier. The mood, character - is very strong, slap. In the body - skull, tendons. Of the objects - a sword and a knife, onions, an ax. Buildings and structures - prison, military unit. From classes - military operations, police. Zhu Ke. Symbolic correspondences of Zhu: in the sky - the wind. On Earth - the market, the seas. Of the people - an alcoholic, actor. The mood, character is an intellectual, preoccupied. In the body - kidneys, ears, urine, bones. Of the objects - a headdress, stone coal, butter, salt. From food and drink - an egg, pickled food. Buildings and structures - boat, store. From classes - a businessman, an entrepreneur. Jiu di. Symbolic correspondence to Jiu Dee: in the sky - a cloud. On Earth - fields, flat plain. Of the people is a pregnant woman, a peasant. The mood, character is scarce, greedy. In the body - spleen, cheeks, urine, muscles. From objects - a piece of fabric, table, chair. Buildings and structures - a bank, a monastery for a nun. From food and drink - pumpkin. From classes - agriculture, cattle breeding. Ji Tian. Symbolic correspondence to Jiu Tien: in the sky - lightning. On Earth is a metropolitan city, a large avenue. Of the people - a doctor, fortuneteller, old man. The mood, character is hard, strong, fair. In the body - intestines, forehead, sweat, hair. Of the objects - a wagon, minerals that are used in pharmacology, all sorts of amulet things. Buildings and structures are a monastery, a school. From food and drink - food with a high level of nutrition. From classes - monasticism, religion. How to use it: the technology for using qi -qi dong structures remained the same, i.e. To be considered a point A, we must fix it in it, for at least 3-4 hours, we go to a point of at least 15 minutes, we are fixed at a point B for 15 minutes or more, but you can expand this application and connect to the energy of structures, Without passing 15 minutes, just see the structure of the structure, even having passed 5 minutes and less. For example, take the structure on July 19 per hour Monkey on the SZ: what can you see or what to pay attention to when traveling, walking, or take some desired item with you in advance or do what corresponds to the signs of the structure: the Palace SZ: a man older than 45 Years, see the sky, see an important person, bosses, celebrities or take an important person, president with you, to feel an important person, take his father or a man who has children, etc. In the heavenly plate, the Yang Earth is: yellow objects, take with you objects of yellow, put on yellow clothes, see a school, go to the store, see a smart person, or feel like a smart person, take a smart person with you, see a teacher, eat fresh I’m going, if you have good vision, you can see Mercury, etc. Gate Life: to see the bride, or to become a bride, to see the official, or to become the bride of the official, to see an active person or become for them during a walk, go to a brothel, eat vegetables or fruits, etc. GOU Chan's spirit: He can thunder, see the soldier, go to the forest, prison or military unit, see the police station, feel like a police officer, etc. Star Tian Qin: go to a wild place, a wasteland, an impasse ending with a wall, see a villain, see a knife or take it with you, see a destroyed structure, buy rotten fish or see an official from the court, etc. That is, as you can see, there are many options. What is it for-in order to connect to the energy of the structure, if you see a sign or pay attention to something related to the structure, it is enough just to leave the entrance and see the policeman-everything is activated, and then you can be confident that you will get effects from the structure, i.e. You will be, as it were, on the same wave with the energies of the structure. I wish you all the excellent results of the use of qi smuls dong!

Categories:Qi Men Dun Jia

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The main way to perform Qi Men Dun Jia walks

There is one small but very significant secret. The key that reveals the meaning of your actions and their consistency with the world.

It is important to be aware, to be here and now and see what is happening around you, the signs that the environment gives you and your unconscious picks out .

Have you ever wondered why you give manifestations while walking? Why, when you walk, should you see certain objects and people? You are constantly being trained .

They train you to be here and now. Calm your thoughts and trust the world. The world is always attentive to you and your desires. But you often don’t. Social factors eat you up every day.

Only a successful person can be attentive to the world. He feels its integrity, the integrity of himself with the world.

When you ask a question about how to make money, what happens in your head? Again, a rapid flow of thoughts, plans, strategies on how to implement this, what I will do, what my partner, colleague will do, etc. The mad herd of thoughts began its acceleration .

What would a successful person do? He asked a question, relaxed, and trusted what was happening around him. And then everything is simple. Calm the mind and wait. Calm the mind and wait. Calm the mind and wait. Waiting for answers from the world . How?

While walking, your subconsciously begins to pick out some actions, plots, situations, pictures, sounds. Despite the fact that your subconscious snatched this information for you, you do not consider it important! You cannot put the information you receive into the view of the world that you have. You are waiting for specific answers, that you need to “go to Ivan and ask him for the phone number of Uncle Makar, who sits in the State Duma and can resolve your issue.”

The world subtly responds to you as you walk, and your task is to learn to read the information you receive. And maybe you will see an inscription about the State Duma, but will you be able to put this puzzle together right away? Below are some examples of responses from the outside world during our clients' walks. Read carefully and watch, maybe some stories will show you a concrete example of how this happens.

Walking for luck along Qi Men Dong Jia

These legendary walks of Qi Men Dong Jia for strong vibrating energy... They blow up the Internet with their mysticism and descriptions of the subsequent effects.

However, their essence is simple - at certain periods of time the energy is unstable. Knowing where the strong vibrating energy is at a particular moment, we can go in that direction, or be in it, or activate it - and receive this energy to use for our needs.

A kind of energy jujitsu. Very powerful, by the way. And you will see this for yourself if you choose to use this technique.


In other words, change your actions for success. In our culture there is even a separate proverb about this: “Without labor, you cannot catch a fish from the pond.”


No gods, energies, and especially activations can help you if you yourself have not decided what you need. “If you don’t know where you are going, not a single wind will be favorable for you” - and this was already aptly said by Seneca, a couple of thousand years ago.

Therefore, be sure to set goals:

  • in numbers and terms: what, when, how much
  • in a written form
  • and to myself (!)

“So that your husband’s business can improve” - this goal is not about you, and you shouldn’t even meditate on it. Although it is clear from the phrase what you want. “In March 2014, I received $10,000 from my husband for expenses” - you are in this goal.

At a minimum, goals must be realistic. Start small - what your brain believes in. What is the use of a goal if you tell yourself about it that it is unrealistic?

I have whole instructions on how to correctly formulate goals - Well-being.

You can write a lot about goals. But the topic is important. Therefore, ALWAYS, when doing activations (putting objects down, sitting, going for a walk) think about what you want. And think - positively!


Which is quite logical. Since we use geographic qi, and when traveling, moving for much longer, we capture a huge amount of energy.

In order to receive this energy, it is important to start the journey at the right time. And this is the moment of LEAVING our house. Not the moment of departure, but the moment when we crossed the threshold of our house with a suitcase.

And this, it seems, can be controlled. That is, leave the house early. In my personal practice, I had an important trip, for which I left 13 (!) hours in advance. And it was worth it! But this rarely happens: usually it’s only 1-2 hours earlier. And sometimes the matter is resolved in just a few minutes.

After leaving home, you can go to work, visit clients, shops, cafes, or visit. Theoretically, it’s better to spend no more than 2 hours in one place, i.e. don't fixate. In practice, this is relevant for places where you have already been, for example, guests and work. You can spend a lot of time in public places without it becoming a fixation.

It’s also great for travel if you also come back to a good structure. Then the effect is multiplied.


There are 3 simple ways to use this energy: walking in a strong direction, being in a strong sector and activating with an object. At the same time, walks can be used by default for any good structure. The second and third ones are used only if there are direct indications of such a possibility.

What does it mean to take a walk?

At a given time (deviating from the boundaries for 5-10 minutes) - you leave the room (preferably from home, but you can from any other, provided that you have stayed in it for at least 2-3 hours) - and move (walk , driving a car, transport) in a given direction.

For example, if it says – Yu – go south. You can meander and go around buildings, but the trajectory must be clear.

You can select a specific place on the map in a given direction and move towards it. You need to move for at least 10-20 minutes.

In individual calculations there are columns in each activation “Signs of activation”. If you see the sign described there, even a few minutes after you start moving, you have caught the energy. If you don’t see it, it happens too, don’t be upset, just keep walking for the given time.

You can move on to the next stage - after 10-20 minutes of movement or a sign, you need to stand in this place for another 10-20 minutes. Just be in this place - you can go to a store, coffee shop, etc.


We choose the direction from the place from which we will move. We open any map - Google, Yandex maps, DoubleGIS, an atlas or a map in an iPhone (it’s very convenient on an iPhone - there the blue arrow always points to the North relative to your location). For other cards:

  • Yu - South - always below
  • S – North – always at the top
  • B – East – always on the right
  • W – West – always on the left


By remembering or writing down this simple formula, you can determine the direction at any point.

MY ADVICE: buy an atlas or find it on the Internet and print out a map of the city, mark your house and/or office on it - and you can always quickly determine the direction of movement from your point.


The activations say: Hour of the Snake, Hour of the Dragon, etc. Using this table you can determine the time by clock.

It is advisable to retreat 5-10 minutes from the beginning of the two-hour period.



Our personal energy imposes certain restrictions on the result of activations.

Dates for which the energies of personal destroyers are present are not suitable - the results of activations on such days are too unpredictable to take risks.

If your year:Do not use activations with:
The DragonDog
DogThe Dragon

Very often, next to the activations, there is an indication of who it is not suitable for.

Other activation options:

To be in the sector is to just sit. Sometimes it is necessary to sit in the opposite sector - so always look for specific directions.

The strongest energies are located near the perimeter of the outer wall (no more than 60 cm) - therefore it is better to sit near the wall and closer to the middle of the sector.

It is also possible to use geographical directions - using maps, Google, iPhone, etc.

I wrote in detail about the rules for being in the sector here (so as not to repeat myself).

Activation of a sector with an object - at a given time, after retreating for 5 minutes, we place the desired object. It is advisable to carry out it in an apartment or house (that is, where there is a lot of your qi). But it can also be done in the office.

The traditional question is whether it is possible to activate with water if there are: unfavorable energies of the natal chart, women shen, 5 years and months, different shas... (information for those who know what it is).

Answer: yes, you can. Except for cases when the ground cover is disturbed outside in this sector right during activation or noisy work is carried out. I say this as a practitioner.

Some examples of Qi Men Dun Jia walks to achieve specific goals:

1. The girl had a desire to buy a car. During the discussion, it became clear that it is needed for comfortable travel around Russia and beyond. I created a version of a walk for her, she formulated the question: “Show me a comfortable and reliable car for traveling!” While walking, she did not go through the brands and models of cars; she was attentive to what was happening around. And all around there was a presentation of white Land Cruiser Prado. There were so many of them in a unit of time compared to other brands that everything immediately became clear. They overtook each other, cut each other off, drove to a meeting, stood at an intersection. It was impossible not to notice this. The world responded.

2. This example is a little more complicated than the previous one. But the situation is more interesting, since the results have so far exceeded all expectations. The bottom line is that when people ask for too much money and they are not energetically ready for this, then the possibility of such events occurring due to the lack of congruence (the coincidence of what they want and what they receive) is practically zero. But I decided to check the Feng Shui work because I felt that the client was ready to cope with this task.

His request was: “ I want to earn 2,500,000 rubles a month. I don’t know how to do this! ". He tuned in, using a certain technique, to the figure of 2,500,000 rubles per month and asked for it from space. Certain activations were made in the house according to Feng Shui, walks along the Qi Men Dong Jia and the calculation of strategically important meetings.

The world began to respond again . Proposals and implementation of these proposals began over the next 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the amount earned was 1,400,000 rubles!

“What’s going on?” the client looked at me in bewilderment and blinked his eyes.

But something happened that the person rejected. A few months ago, I told him that his period of luck had changed , that he needed to rebuild and change his field of activity, make changes to the style of making money.

But then he was carried away by the struggle with the world, the struggle with himself, and did not allow himself to see these opportunities. He could not combine the proposals that came to him with what he was doing now and had been doing for many years.

Before the activations, I asked him one thing: to calm his brain and trust the world. “The world itself will lead you in the right direction,” I told him at one of the consultations.

And so it happened. The world began to actively offer him the work that he had rejected for several years using all possible methods. And he took this step, went to meet the world. At the time of writing this article, the client called and said that today he earned another 750,000 rubles .

3. This story is less colorful with numbers, but it is very indicative of those situations in which you are trying to find an answer. She is 35 years old and her recently acquired hobby has begun to bring not only satisfaction, but also income. She wanted to open a new office in her city. The city where I was born and lived for more than 35 years. The new hobby gradually began to develop into a business. Right now, this summer, a turning point has come. The moment of making cardinal decisions. The business asked for expansion, but for some reason all the events developed in such a way that there was no room for an office.

" What to do? Should I open an office here or move to another city? “, she asked a question while walking.

“And then the planes flew. They weren't in the sky before! Literally 3 minutes later the question field, one after another the planes flew off and all to the West,” she said with her eyes wide open.

The West is precisely the cardinal decision that was associated with the move. The answer was received. It's time to start moving and opening a business in another place, a place located to the west of the point where the question was asked.

In all examples, I proceeded from the position of individuality and the goal that was set before me.

What issues can be solved thanks to Qi Men?

  1. Where to look for a lost item?
  2. Do I need to change jobs? Should I accept the offer for a new position?
  3. Is it worth opening a business? When and which one?
  4. Is it profitable to have a business partner?
  5. Will there be a promotion or not?
  6. What will you find on the exam? Will I be able to pass the exam?
  7. What profession would be a good choice?
  8. Should you make a purchase right now?
  9. How to buy the right house or apartment?
  10. What happens if you move to a new apartment?
  11. How to fix a broken relationship?
  12. How to influence your soulmate?
  13. Where and how to find your love?
  14. How to achieve maximum safety while traveling?
  15. Which doctor should I contact? Will he be able to help?
  16. What is the destiny of man?
  17. and many, many others...

One of the main points of achieving your goals in Qi Men Dun Jia

Only by being here and now can you communicate with the world and receive answers from it. Only by experiencing this world on a more subtle level can you understand them. And, in fact, Qi Men Dun Jia helped me, just the same, to feel united with the world. This is what I teach my students. See the signs!

Then Qi Men Dun Jia becomes not a complex science, but a pleasant art. The main thing in the art of Qi Men Dun Jia is to correctly interpret the layout in order to understand what to do. This is only possible by trusting the world. A world in which sometimes there is no logic, where you simply TRUST.

Qi Men Dun Jia is an art that allows us to use the energy of space for our benefit. Not by stupidly going on all the walks, there is no point in that, but by following this qi, adapting to it in order to be as effective as possible. I’ll be honest: - I don’t go for walks to accumulate good luck, I use Qi Men Dun Jia in a specific case, for a specific task.


There are many ways to read the Oracle. A simple way is to take the template and read it. This is what I teach at the “1st stage of Qi Men Oracle”. It’s more difficult if we add a second one to one template. And it’s even more difficult if we look at it in 3 or more ways.

Why complicate things? Sometimes the question is complex and additional confirmation is needed or, often, the answer is not 100% yes or no, and this is where it’s worth the trouble.

Today I will show you an analysis of 3 layers. Unfortunately, all 3 options are unanimous.

The girl took out a loan and invested it in a financial pyramid.

Very quickly the company declared bankruptcy, but they promised to return the money. Question 07/26/21 at the hour of the Horse.

Question: will the money be returned? If yes, which part?

Girl of the year of birth 庚-Metal Yang

1 layer

生 - money

庚- girl

Money in the east is far from a girl. If they come back, it won’t be all because they are under control.

But while the month of the Goat is in progress, there is a chance to return at least something, since a tree triangle is formed. Month of the Goat + Questioner in the Pig Palace, the day is also the Pig + 生 Rabbit = a strong tree that further destroys the gate 生, but the connection of the palaces is communication.

A girl in the Qi phase is weakening + Illness Star 芮 + 驚 - of course stress, shock and worry.

With the Gate 驚 Shoka there are conversations, negotiations, it is clear that she is not silent, she is trying to find out something, talk, ask questions.

(It turned out that the victims have a chat and they discuss everything there.)

Spirit 雀 and Star 芮 do not get along. Thoughts are in chaos, many wrong thoughts.

Despite everything being unfavorable, the combination of the Gate and the Star is quite favorable: “A high-ranking person will appear and cause surprise and fear. Literary talents are favorable. An official can get a position.” This means you need to go to the prosecutor’s office, someone may get a position for this case, and writing a statement may benefit her. But there is not a word about enrichment and return. It can be assumed that these actions will bring more moral satisfaction.

(It turned out that the case was noisy and the authorities had already gotten involved)

In this case, it is useful to be in the position of the owner, that is, the reacting party. Build your behavior strategy from the actions and words of the company.

Actions and communication will be more effective on 乙辛卯酉 days

Conclusion on this layer: A small part can be returned through communication and contacting the authorities. There is little chance. In the month of the Goat there is still an opportunity, also in the month of the Monkey and the days of the Rooster or Goat. Because the Wave of wooden time ends in the Goat, but in this palace there is a Monkey. Therefore, the day of the Goat still holds the wave, and the day of the Rooster breaks through money, giving birth to a girl.

2 layer

Day 乙—questioning

Hour 壬—subject of the question: refund

乙 got caught up in the problem and ended up in the NW with the ugly contents of the palace. She listened to some man and did as he advised her.

The man is in weakening, and she is in death. He's in a better position. The spirit of lying - he/she lied consciously, but a girl with the same spirit, which means she understood the risks.

(It turned out that the girl invested the money on the advice of a friend)

In ST they are both in emptiness; perhaps they communicated via the Internet. There's a Gate

景+天 - high ideals, ambitions and big plans.

輔—people and learning. I suspect this whole scam was framed with a touch of education. Charts, plates, etc.

Here is a symbol of money in emptiness and with a horse - bank transfer and galloped away = loss of money. That is, people who invested at that point in time had already essentially lost their money.

壬 give birth to a questioner, but there are two of them and 庚 is stronger, it will squeeze out the support of the hour and that’s not a fact, only on the days of 壬辛, the Rabbit and the Rooster.

壬+ 死+ 英 - the end of the process, the situation will end at the moment the void is filled.

Conclusion for this layer: It's about the emptiness with death - the answer is no.

3 layer

符 — investor, questioner

英—the one who received the money, the company

Do you need a lawyer?

符 - wins over the borrower - no intermediary is needed. 符 is strong here, although time no longer supports and the month of the Goat and Monkey pulls qi from the questioner, leading this qi into the void. Just a drain of Energy. There is no way to control someone who is in the void.

英 + 死— are not perceptible.

壬+丁—the documents merged and became wood, just pieces of paper, or were destroyed.

Main Gate on the outer ring - the situation will last for months or years; a survey of the client or people who understand the processes is needed to understand how long “long” in this matter is.

符 sees 己—the salary phase—works, earns money, all thoughts are only about money.

英 conquers 傷—constant conflict, no help.

You can also look at the star of money 蓬 it is not in season, although it generates 符, but there is no qi, which means there is nothing to return or it is very little money, but most likely not.

While the month of the Goat 英 is in a high phase according to the season and overcomes 傷, there is money, but it will not return or will return little.

In the month of the Monkey there are almost no chances, the star is weakening.

While there are no spirits or stars of deception with 英, there is a spirit of 地—greed and slowness. From this combination I conclude that they did not intentionally deceive, the scheme just came to a logical end, they squeezed it out to the last. This means that if the questioner had studied the history of similar companies and the stages of their development and the moment of closure, and compared it with the lifespan of this company, it would have been obvious that collapse would soon occur. The court does not appear in the layout.

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Life saved. Qi Men Dong Jia in action

"I don't believe in fate, which befalls people when they act,

but I believe in the fate that befalls them if they do nothing.”


Qi Men Dong Jia - Magical, mystical Gate that hides Jia.

The art of Qi Men Dong Jia is to hide Jia. Jya is a General, commander, Boss, chief, commander...

This complex science of Chinese metaphysics was previously used during the war. Time and direction were calculated in order to launch an attack in time and gain an advantage over the enemy, or in order to hide from the enemy.

In Feng Shui , we look for places with prosperous Qi , we strive to collect it and use it to achieve specific life goals. In Qi Men Dong Jia we follow Qi, its flow.

It is good to use Tsimen in business, since Tsimen was originally used in war - a military strategy, because business is war. Qi Men is also good to use for relationships, health, increasing profits, health, career, conceiving children, improving luck. There must be a clear purpose for using Qi Men Dong Jia.

In Qi Men Dong Jia there is:

  • Oracle - we use it to search for missing things, select real estate, office, predictive technology, etc.
  • Destiny is your map at the moment of birth.
  • Select Date
  • Activations both in the interior and we use walks to solve a key problem (finance, relationships, improving luck, health, etc.).

Qi Men Dong Jia is a separate science that can be combined with Feng Shui techniques and methods to achieve greater results.

At the moment, this technique is very relevant, the world is in a stage of war and crisis. Therefore, this science is gaining more and more popularity every day. More and more people are using walks and activations along the Qi Men Dong Jia. The results of the application are not long in coming.

Today I want to tell you the story of one of my clients.

The consultation included a request to find a soul mate.

There are prerequisites in Bazi, we made Feng Shui of apartments with an emphasis on new relationships, and also calculated walks along the Qi Men Dong Jia to activate Romantic Luck.

Less than a month passed, a client called me and said that due to her duties she was being sent to the ATO zone for a month. She was frightened by this news; it’s not every day in the 21st century that you are sent to war. We had several days to take steps to save her life.

Why save life?!

The 5th yellow month flew into the palace with the front door. During such periods it is good to leave home, 5 yellow will come, but you are not at home, but it is good to go on vacation, not to war.

She managed to take several walks around Qi Men Dong Jia to improve her luck, and we also “hid” her at home and “placed a guard.” All these activations were done by Tsimen. Plus she insured her life.

It was not possible to choose a departure date; we did not know the direction (place of deployment).

There was a choice between two two-hour periods. If she had not asked for help, she would have left at this time.

A very bad hour, plus the door is Horrible, plus there is a 5 yellow sign on the front door, who knows what could have happened?!

But she was a little late, because... I came out later, but we weren’t going on vacation, and it was necessary to observe safety measures. This is the two-hour period in which she left the house.

Of course, it’s not ideal, the hour collides with her year of birth, but we choose the best of what we have.

The result is that she returned alive and unharmed. I won’t tell you what happened to her, here is her comment:

09/16/2014 at 20:02

“I would like to say thank you again, Yulia, for the technique of “Walking along the Qi Men Dun Jia”, as well as for activating the “Four Nobles.” I went to the ATO as part of my service, and before that I performed “walking along the Qi Men for relationships." But before my business trip, I completed several walks for a successful return from the ATO zone, installed a bed according to your recommendations and carried out several targeted activations. The business trip was successful, despite the risk to life and health (once we returned to the place of deployment ahead of schedule, and at the time when we were supposed to return, a bus was shot on that road - with victims. Also on the road where I I was passing through, life-threatening situations often occurred, people were shot there, and my team and I were carried away, the place where we were stationed was also shelled, but everything worked out here too) and upon returning home, very good career prospects fell on me, and so Having been on a business trip, I met my love there. Thank you, Julia, I always follow your recommendations.”

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