Bird Falling into Nest [Qi Men Dong Jia Activation]

A bird falling into a nest is one of the cool activations that helps make wishes come true. Do you like to dream and make a wish map?

We offer you an excellent way to enhance the energy of your most cherished desires and help them come true faster. This is a simple but very effective technique for fulfilling desires.

How to use the Bird Falling into the Nest activation

Using the “Bird Falling into a Nest” activation power is very simple - at the right time you sit down in the desired sector of the apartment and write down your goals, desires and steps towards their fulfillment.

In this sector, you can make a map of desires, draw, cut out images of your desires from magazines, etc.

But there is one important nuance here - after writing down your desires, you need to very clearly imagine their implementation. Imagine that what you planned has already become a reality, try to hold this picture in your imagination. What do you feel, where are you, what are you wearing, what sounds and smells surround you. The more clearly you create this image in your imagination, the faster the subconscious mind will accept it as reality and the Universe will lead you to this reality .

Listen to your intuition - if you could not solve some important question for yourself, then being in this sector, you will receive the necessary answer.

Just remember that you can't just sit around and wait for work, money or love to just fall from the sky. You need to do something to achieve your goals.

After activating “Bird Falling into the Nest,” fate will give you new opportunities, and your task is to take advantage of these opportunities.

This structure is very helpful for those preparing for exams - it increases the chances of getting high marks.

This activation differs from others in that the Bird can also be used on the day of a personal destroyer, since it does not require the installation of activators. you can just sit in the bird sector and dream.

Properties of the structure "Bird falls into the nest".

This is one of the most popular structures for attracting good luck and getting results without effort. Qi Men structure “Bird falls into a nest” (“Bird falls into a cave”) – designed to activate Qi Men indoors. Activation "Bird" gives quick and easy results.

This Qi Men Dong Jia structure has several different names:

  • The bird falls into the nest.
  • A bird falling into a nest.
  • The bird falls into the cave.
  • The bird crawls into a hole.

In our Qi Men Dun Jia calculator, the “Bird” structure is marked with a special icon for quick search.

Contains strong potential for success. It means receiving rewards and profits without effort. Desires and aspirations are fulfilled easily and quickly.

  • Harmonizes the energy of the room. Gives luck, improves relationships, improves mood, relieves aggression.
  • Most often it brings easy money, chances to realize your plans easily and quickly, or random money. The “Bird Falls into a Nest” activation brings pleasant surprises, random gifts and unexpected money (even something you never thought to ask for). But this luck is one-time and short-lived. And it is not at all necessary that it will be expressed in money.
  • Suitable for career advancement, profitable projects, litigation, construction, weddings and all positive matters.
  • You can use this activation for any matter that is related to improving your personal life or improving your financial wealth. But this activation has one feature - you need to be able to retain the luck you attract. Be careful not to miss the opportunity.

Many people like to activate the “Bird” structure, because everyone wants to get something good without making much effort. This is understandable - you don’t need to do anything, you just need to be in the right sector and think about what you want to get. You can watch TV, read, talk with loved ones. You can even sleep!

But it’s better not to sleep.:) This activation requires you to be attentive and focused on achieving what you want. It gives many favorable chances that you should be able to discern and use. Don't miss your opportunities!

The strength of the activation at different times is not the same and additionally depends on your period of luck. Therefore, the result of activation varies for different people and at different times. Sometimes new opportunities appear directly during the activation process, sometimes over the next few days.

The "Bird Falls into the Nest" structure is a combination of the Heavenly Trunk Bing on the Heavenly Plate with the Heavenly Trunk戊 Wu on the Earthly Plate. And one of the 3 favorable Qi Men Gates should join this combination:

  • Sheng Men,-gate of Life (Birth)
  • Kai Men,—Gate of Opening
  • Xiu Men,—gate of Rest

This structure is most powerful in the spring and summer months.

The Bird structure in Qi Men can be activated for any purpose. It is only necessary to correctly select the favorable accompanying operators of the layout. However, the activation “Bird falls into a cave” manifests itself most strongly:

  • To receive support in business and career.
  • To strengthen finances and receive money.
  • To strengthen and establish communication (left and personal)
  • To speed up project development
  • For help with health (searching for a doctor and treatment)
  • For support in exams and tests of any kind.
  • To search for patrons among superiors and obtain their support.

The peculiarity of the structure of “The Bird Falls into the Nest” is the ease of its implementation.

Activation of the “Bird Falls into its Nest” structure is carried out only indoors. This structure is not suitable for motion activation.

Installation of activators is not required. All that is needed is your presence in the desired sector.

Since this activation does not use any activators, you can carry it out even in those sectors where the unfavorable Flying Stars of the year and month are visiting. This is another reason why the “Bird Falling into a Nest” activation is so loved by many - it is simple and safe.


  • Find the corresponding sector in the room (in a house, apartment, office, etc.).
  • Place your favorite chair (sofa, chair, etc.) in this sector.
  • Spend 2 hours in this sector.
  • If you find the structure “A bird falls into a cave” in the layout of the month , then you can place a bed in this sector for the entire month.

To activate, at the specified time, you sit down in the desired sector of your apartment and spend as much time as possible in it, preferably the entire two-hour period. It is not necessary to activate at home. You can perform the “Bird Falls into the Nest” activation in an office or restaurant.

It is advisable to place yourself as close as possible to the outer wall of the apartment or next to a window. The closer you are to the outer perimeter, the stronger the activation impact.

During activation, you can do whatever you want. You can just read a book or watch a movie, you can have lunch or sleep. The main thing is not to leave the desired sector and think more often about what you want to get!

It is very favorable to make important calls at this time, think about activities to promote business and improve relationships, send a resume or deal with current work matters. While the “Bird Falls into its Nest” structure is activated, you can make requests for help, look for information, and contact your superiors. All this will be successful.

If you need support in entering a university or have to take exams, the Bird activation will also be useful to you.

Comments on the lesson:

You can purchase a list of all structures for walks, trips and activations for every day for the whole year here. All structures in the directory are divided by purpose so that you do not make a mistake in your choice. All adverse effects are excluded. There are detailed descriptions of use and precautions. All you have to do is find the time to activate the desired structure.

This course will help you learn how to choose the strongest activations for yourself.

To construct a Qi Men Dong Jia map, you can use an online calculator

A list of all available Qi Men courses is here

You will find separate free dates for activating the “Bird Falls into the Nest” structure in our Well-Being Calendar .

I wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, reliable friendship, family happiness and prosperity, health, high income and constant good luck!

Natalya Titova Consultant and teacher of Feng Shui, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Qi Men Dong Jia, author of the “Melody of Qi” project and the “Tools for Chinese Metaphysics” portal.

Calendar "Bird Falling into the Nest"

The activation calendar Bird Falling into the Nest is universal and suitable for everyone.

You can calculate the calendar for a month or 2 weeks in a time range convenient for you.

The advantages of such a calendar are that I highlight for you the strongest structures so that you get the best possible effects in fulfilling your desires.

An example from the Bird activation calendar

The cost of the activation calendar Bird falling into a nest + Dragon raising its paw (they come in one package) for a month is 600 rubles.

Secrets from Violetta

A BIRD FALLS INTO A NEST - such a beautiful name is given to the favorable energy QI MEN, coming at a certain time and to a certain place.

What can you get by activating this wonderful bird?

Another name for “A Bird Falling into a Nest” is “Luck Without Effort.” That's why many people like to do it - after all, everyone likes to get something good, and preferably without making much effort.

Indeed, by activating this energy, you can get a sudden pleasant surprise. The reward, one might say, will fall straight from the sky! It's like someone is delivering it on a silver platter.

They may offer something unexpected, even something you didn’t ask for. But this is short-term luck, a one-time profit.

It may not necessarily be expressed in money. They may, for example, offer a job if you were looking for one, and during the activation of the “bird” they sent out a resume via the Internet. Or, if you were making business calls at the time, the bird could attract interesting, profitable orders.

You can also try to play the lottery, maybe you will be lucky with winning.

Things are done easily, decisions are made easily. There are many options for exactly how your luck will fall. It depends on the potential of your Bazi card, and of course, real life conditions.

How to activate a bird falling into a nest???

Bird Falling into the Nest is loved by many not only because it brings profit without effort, but also because of the ease of this activation. This doesn’t even require activating items - candles, fountains, fans.

And you don’t need to do anything special - you just need to sit down at a certain time in a certain place in your home and spend two hours in this state. It is advisable to position yourself as close to the outside wall as possible. The closer to the outer perimeter, the stronger the effect of favorable energy.

When activating a bird falling into a nest, the Big Tai Chi of an apartment or house is used (find the desired sector relative to the entire perimeter of your living space).

What to do at this time? Yes, whatever your heart desires - you can work with a laptop, or make important calls while sitting still. You can write about your plans and wishes in a notebook. Or you can just relax, read a book, meditate, or dream, thinking about what is most cherished and desired.

The main thing is not to move around at this time, but simply to be in place and thus catch this magical bird. Which will fall into the nest, that is, straight into your hands.

You can “catch the bird” not only at home, but also in the office and in the hotel (if you are traveling at this time).

Reviews about Bird:

Join these lucky ones! Use the magical structure to make your wishes come true!

Feng Shui for everyone

In the month of the Dog, in 2021 of the Ox, everyone who has a Goat in their Birth chart receives Earthly punishment.

Earth Punishment is the simultaneous presence of three Earth animals Ox, Goat and Dog. Now we are in the year of the Ox, the month of the Dog is coming, and having a Goat in your Birth chart will create this negative impact on your life.

Earthen Punishment can lead to illness, stagnation in degraded affairs, loss of money and other negatives.

However, there are special activations that completely neutralize Earth Punishment. When using them, the above-described negative will not happen.

Activations for the complete abolition of Earthen punishment in the month of Dog 2021 Price - 1,000 rubles per month. To order, write to Skype e-mail : fengshuibest

Details below... ————————————————————————————————————

Earthly punishment is the simultaneous presence of three specific Earthly trunks in a person’s date or birth chart. Ox, Goat and Dog form Earth Punishment .

By themselves, these earthly branches do not want to harm us, however, when they are together, the result is too much excess earth, which slows down all processes. This affects human health as an abnormal slow metabolism . As a result, there is a tendency to become overweight, and then all sorts of unpleasant diseases. The aggravation of the negative qualities of Earthen punishment comes when one of the three animals comes in a year or month. 2021 is the year of the Ox , so in the coming year, troubles from Earthly punishment may worsen. But, I have good news for you!

Negativity from Earthly punishment can be avoided in 2021 and in subsequent years if you use the secret techniques of Feng Shui and Qi Men Dong Jia . I'll tell you more about this below. Firstly, how do you know if you have such a punishment in your Birth chart? Follow the link and build your Ba Tzu . Ba Tzu calculator.

Enter the date, time and city of birth. The calculator will build your personal Ba-Tzu .

If there is a Dog, Goat and Ox at the same time in any order, you have Earth Punishment , which means there are certain health risks. Here is an example of such a map.

If there are one or two animals from punishment , and in the “ten-year tick”, year or month the rest of the animals come, then during such a period of time you will also have Earthly punishment . Here is an example of such a combination of Earthly punishment.

Dog and Goat in the birth chart, Ox comes in 2021.


Earthly punishment is a really unpleasant cocktail of energies for a person. There are many advertised "cure" treatments for this problem. They are from the category: How to change yourself , your lifestyle and your thinking in order to resist this punishment. In reality, for a person with Earth punishment, this is very difficult to do. He simply won't have the strength to do it. I want to offer you a simple and effective way to avoid Earth punishment. Those who have studied Chinese metaphysics in depth know that the Earth punishment is canceled if at least one animal is diverted from the punishment. How to do it?
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