Activating the southern sector of your home according to Feng Shui teachings

Let's look at what the southern sector represents according to Feng Shui:

  • Main element: Fire
  • Power element: Wood
  • Damaging element: Water
  • Weakening Element: Earth
  • Trigram, Li sector number, number 9
  • Favorable colors: Red, green
  • Favorable shapes: Triangular, rectangular
  • Dangerous symbols: Objects representing water, black and blue colors, mirrors, wavy shapes.
  • Talismans: Fireplace, red candles, pictures of the sunrise, plants, red triangles, green objects, images of blooming sunflowers or poppies, diplomas and awards, your own photo with a joyful face, personal wish list, circle of creation, crystal sconce, crystal pyramid, image of a Phoenix, image of a rooster or peacock, peacock, cock or pigeon feathers, horse.

Southern Glory Zone

The Fame sector is the main place for those who seek popularity and recognition. Take a close look at the space in your home. It will tell you a lot about you.

What is he responsible for?

Each of us is a genius. It doesn’t really matter what you do, but there will definitely be a talent within you at which you excel. According to Feng Shui, the Glory Zone is responsible for our popularity and position in society. If you want to become known to the whole world or have recognition in narrow circles, then this sector is for you.

Where is

The South is the side that is responsible for the sector of Glory and Recognition. You can find it using a pocket compass or use an application on your phone. It is recommended to allocate a separate space in the house or a certain sector in a separate room.

Feng Shui Affirmations for the Southern Sector

Affirmations for achieving fame and success in the practice of Feng Shui:

  1. I believe in luck! My self-confidence is growing every day. My enthusiasm increases every day. I believe in myself! I am confident in the positive results of my business.
  2. I am constantly growing and developing. I trust my Higher Power to constantly guide me to victory. I have many talents and abilities, and they open the path to success for me. There are things I can do better than others. I open up to my work, improve my skills, and this brings me success.
  3. Success is my natural state. Everything I do is Divine, and therefore, of course, successful.
  4. I'm succeeding! I am a successful person. I succeed in everything I undertake. My plans come true, my ideas work and come to life, everything works out for me.
  5. I am worthy to succeed. I easily let success into my life. I deserve a better life. I can always turn failure into success because I know how to draw the right conclusions and learn the necessary lessons.
  6. Everything that happens is for my highest good. Very happy opportunities are already being laid for me. I have everything I need to succeed. Every day I discover new attractive qualities in myself, improve myself, and show all the positive things that are in me.
  7. I am open to success. I get rid of fears and doubts and easily let success into my life. I was created by a loving creative force for success! I'm a lucky person. I know that everything that happens to me is for my good and benefit. I believe in myself, I believe in my unlimited capabilities, and life confirms this every day. I know that I deserve to receive all the best things, and I easily and calmly accept all the gifts of life. Every day I find dozens of ideas that can lead me to success. My mind is free, flexible, liberated, I know that I have enough strength to realize everything I plan. I am on the path to success, and my life is changing for the better hourly. I'm always lucky!

© Ogudin Valentin

I'm open to fame and success

According to Feng Shui, the Southern Zone of Glory is fueled by different energies and shades. It is important to remember this so that the fame sector smells fragrant and blooms. Proper design of the space will allow you to gain fame in a matter of days.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Fire.


According to feng shui, the Glory Zone is ruled by Fire and fueled by Wood. There should be a lot of light in the form of lamps, floor lamps, sconces and red or green candles. Any living plants that strive for the sun will also be quite appropriate.

You should not place aquariums or fountains in the Glory sector. It is necessary to abandon any metal shelving and household items, as well as ceramics and sea stones. The element of Metal in large quantities will weaken Wood.

Shapes and colors

Try to decorate the Glory sector in favorable colors. If this is not possible, then complement the interior in the recommended colors.

FormFavorable colorsUnfavorable colorsScents of success
  • triangle;
  • vertical rectangle;
  • extended arrow upward.
  • red;
  • orange;
  • gold;
  • yellow;
  • scarlet;
  • green.
  • black;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • violet.
  • geranium;
  • jasmine;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation.

Practical tips for activating aspects of life

First you need to decide on the space you plan to improve. You can start with the smallest thing - by improving your workplace. If you dream of big changes, start decorating your office or apartment.

  1. The first stage is drawing up a layout of the premises and general cleaning of the rooms. Getting rid of unnecessary things, dust and dirt is one of the most important conditions for accepting the flow of free and positive energy.
  2. Divide the schematic drawing into a matrix consisting of nine squares of equal size. Do not rush to sign the zones of the squares, since first you need to decide on the cardinal directions, and for this you will need a compass.
  3. Stand in the middle of your office or home and use a compass to determine north, south, east and west. Record directions according to your plan. You can combine the compass values ​​with the diagram by drawing cross vectors (the same as on the device).
  4. Determine the exact directions (southwest, southeast, northwest, northeast) between the main cardinal directions and also reflect them on the plan. After this, you can safely sign the sectors, identifying them with zones of real space.
  5. Having decided on the zones, you can understand what is missing or what is destroying the vital flows of qi in this room. To make it clear, write in pencil the possible changes for each room in accordance with the definitions that were described earlier.
  6. The space should not be overloaded with symbolic figurines, figures, pictures. It should be functionally convenient and pleasant for your contemplation.
  7. Once changes are made, you must carefully maintain the existing order. If you put a tree in the family or wealth zone, it needs to be carefully looked after and watered. Dry leaves or dead roots will bring destructive shea energy, hindering your growth of wealth and family idyll.
  8. Get saturated with information about those objects that activate a particular sector. For example, if you lack fame or peer recognition of your talent and experience, it is not necessary to display all your awards and diplomas in the fame sector. It is enough to place a cone-shaped pyramid on the desktop. After all, it is triangular objects that personify fire (the symbol of the zone), the desire to strive upward and not stop there. And the pencil lying next to it will be a symbol of the tree that feeds your fire. And then you will be constantly fed with new ideas and goals that lead to success.

How to activate the Glory zone

The Glory Zone requires some activation. Carefully inspect it for the necessary items. Setting up your space correctly can bring you high social status.


Try to always keep the Glory sector clean. Any rubbish must be thrown out, dirt must be removed, and broken things must be repaired. Your recognition directly depends on the cleanliness and comfort in the southern space.

Activation of the Glory Zone

The Southern Zone of Glory according to Feng Shui and its activation falls on your shoulders. It is necessary to supplement the sector with the correct symbols. Items that are located in the table can be arranged in space as you wish.

candles, fireflying eaglecrystal lamps
any images of firegolden fanfigurines and images of the sun
living plants and their imagescrystal pyramidsunflowers
wooden furniture and cabinetsportraits of idolssummer landscape
diplomas, certificatespeacock and peacock feathersawards, cups

Cut out a square from red cardboard or paper. Starting from the top left corner, write the words in each corner: Luck-Success-Recognition-Glory. Leave the talisman in the southern zone. It will bring you good luck.

What should not be placed in the glory zone

Despite the fact that the element of Wood feeds the element of Fire, figurines and figurines made of wood are not recommended in this zone, since their presence can lead to the loss of a person’s good name. It is better to give preference to images on paper or fabric, made in suitable shades.

Any items directly related to the elements of Water and Earth are not allowed in the glory sector.

These include not only indoor plants, fountains, aquariums and water containers, but also mirrors, black and blue things, wavy and oval-shaped objects.

Vastu Shastra: influence of celestial bodies

Each of the cardinal directions is influenced by a celestial body:

  • northern direction - Mercury,
  • northeast direction - Jupiter,
  • eastern direction - Sun,
  • southeast direction - Venus,
  • south direction - Mars,
  • southwest direction - Rahu (northern lunar node, one of the nine celestial bodies in Indian astrology),
  • western direction - Saturn,
  • northwest direction - Moon.

Northern direction – Mercury

Mercury is considered a symbol of rapid change. His sphere of influence includes intellectual activity, communication, finance, and entrepreneurship. A good place for an office, safe, desk, living room. Suitable colors: gray, brown, green, blue.

Northeast direction - Jupiter

Jupiter, ruling in the northeast, enhances the best qualities of a person, spiritual growth and development. Jupiter promotes self-realization, prosperity, gaining knowledge, and activates mental activity. Through the northeastern sector, prana - vital energy - enters the home, so it should be filled with furniture to a minimum. Suitable colors: gold, yellow, orange, blue.

Eastern direction - Sun

The sun is a cleansing masculine energy, reason and common sense, power, career. Suitable colors: dark yellow, metallic, white, blue, brown shades.

Southeast direction - Venus

Venus represents the feminine energy in the home. The southeastern sector, according to Vastu Shastra, is responsible for romantic and family relationships, love, beauty, comfort, and women's health. The best place for the kitchen. Suitable colors: pleasant muted shades, pastel colors, white.

South direction - Mars

Mars is associated with fire, impulsiveness, pressure. It is interesting that, despite its apparent destructiveness, Mars protects the home from conflicts and quarrels. It also affects vitality, luck, development, charisma. Suitable colors: all shades of red.

Southwestern direction - Rahu

The southwest is influenced by Rahu, the northern lunar node. This is the “heaviest” sector in which a large amount of negative energy accumulates. And if in all other sectors it is necessary to maintain order and free space from things, there is no need to clear anything here. Large dark rooms with bulky doors and thick curtains come under the influence of Rahu. The southwestern sector is well suited for the location of the bedroom. Suitable colors: orange, brick, olive, brown.

Western direction - Saturn

Saturn influences in the west. It promotes concentration, discipline, perseverance. The western zone is great for a children's room, dining area, bathroom, pantries, closets and trash can. Suitable colors: black, purple, blue, brown. However, Saturn is still a dark planet, and overuse of these colors can increase its negative influence.

Northwestern direction - Moon

The Moon is responsible for maternal energy, the subconscious and intuition. Its sphere of influence includes relationships, travel, emotions, and communication. A suitable place for a pantry or bathroom. Suitable colors: pastel colors.

Where is the glory sector?

The feng shui glory zone corresponds to the direction to the south, the main element of this sector is considered to be fire, and the color, accordingly, is red.

This zone occupies a place exactly in the middle between the zones of love and wealth and is ideologically a kind of arithmetic mean between them, because common love here brings well-being in a material sense.

The symbols of the zone are the trigram Li (“fire”), the features of which indicate the ability to flare up more strongly from what has the property of burning. This trait manifests itself in fame - whatever the reputation, it tends to maintain itself, because people perceive a person in the same way through the filter of past actions.

Subtleties of activation

The Glory Zone requires a slightly more complex activation process than other dwelling zones.

Its classic talisman is deservedly considered to be the image of a phoenix, which in China is considered the king of birds.

Eastern myths indicate that he is not a living being, but a clot of energy that has an endlessly repeating cycle of life, it dies and is constantly reborn.

Feng Shui is a phenomenon by definition of Taoist origin, and much of it is drawn from ancient Taoist magic and alchemy. In practice, the role of a phoenix can be played by images of a peacock or a red rooster, as well as nine different eagles in the form of frescoes, paintings or figurines. The number 9 is also favorable for the south.

The zone is also activated by stones that came out of the fire - volcanic tuff, pieces of magma and its derivatives.

Under no circumstances should sea stones or blue stones be placed in this part of the apartment.

The most powerful activator of the power of glory here can be the symbol of upward movement, a good image of which is a pyramid, especially a red and gold one. Red candles are also suitable for this; they need to be lit from time to time and used for their intended purpose, so that the fire, alive and real, grows and lives in this house.

It’s great if it’s in this sector that you can place a fireplace. The room can also be moderately placed with objects and fabrics of green color, also associated with wood, which feeds fire.

A living flower or other plant is ideal for this.

The ideal decoration of a room in this sector is wooden decoration, made in red tones. A number of decorative elements are also suitable, for example, figurines of the same phoenixes. After all, wood feeds fire.

This direction’s own magical talisman is a red square, for example, made of paper, in the corners of which words should be written (better if these are hieroglyphs written by a professional calligrapher) with the names of those aspects of life that are needed to implement this sector: “Success”, “Recognition”, “Luck”, “Glory”.

In the center of the square you need to write your own desire in a simple affirmative form.

What other symbols can be used to activate the glory sector?

Feng Shui also recommends using in the southern room all those symbols that establish a person as famous, recognized and are part of the social recognition of reputation or fame. These can be a variety of certificates, commendations, diplomas or diplomas, as well as awards and orders, including those that were awarded or granted to the ancestors or relatives of the owner of the house.

Traditional images of celebrities or idols with shades of red will also work well here. There may also be sheets with quotes from famous people who spoke on the topic of achieving success and well-being in society. As a rule, traditional excerpts and quotes from the works of Confucius, the Taoist canon, and the sayings of saints were used for this.

In the same room there should be or be installed those personal items that are responsible for success or were associated with achieving success at a certain time in life in the past.

The power of the fame zone is needed not only for gaining fame, it manifests itself when a person must join a team that is new to him, takes on a new job, works with public attention (journalism, PR, etc.) or if it is important for professional fulfillment to gain fame . Activation of this sector is necessary even simply in order to maintain an excellent reputation among acquaintances and friends and maintain their trust.


Light, cleanliness, mirrors and other rules

The correct arrangement of furniture, talismans and activators in the apartment is not enough. What else to pay attention to:

Cleaning the apartment

Without bright light, fresh air and banal cleanliness in the apartment, Feng Shui is powerless. Do some general cleaning, get rid of junk and things that bring up unpleasant memories. All this has no place in a good apartment. The house should be cozy, clean and light, because this is a place of replenishment.

  1. The placement of mirrors may not work in favor of the owner of the house if they reflect sharp corners.
  2. Doors and windows on the same line are a bad omen, as the Chi energy does not linger in the room. Place large plants, such as ficus, on this line, but there is no place for a desktop here.
  3. Objects with sharp corners should not be placed close to the bed or hanging above your head.
  4. When purchasing housing, some rely not only on the location of the rooms, in particular the bathroom and bedroom, but also on the apartment number. Each individual figure and their sum are interpreted.

Universal ways to activate zones

The universal talismans in Feng Shui philosophy are:

  • crystals . Used in areas of health, love and wisdom. They attract an influx of positive chi energy and block negative energy. Crystal or glass pendants, balls, cones or pyramids can be used as crystals; natural stones in the form of leaves on a tree;
  • candles . They cleanse the house of negative energy and fill it with positive energy. Activate the element of fire;
  • mirror . Redistributes the flow of qi energy and recreates the missing zone. It is beneficial to place the mirror so that beautiful objects are reflected in it (a picturesque landscape, a lake, a richly served table). It is highly undesirable to hang a mirror opposite the front door or windows (positive energy will not enter the apartment). You should not place mirrors in the bedroom (in a dream a person is more susceptible to the influence of reflected energy);
  • paintings. Positive energy is carried by images of nature, happy people, as well as paintings with semi-precious stones. Pictures depicting grief, suffering, aggression have a negative impact; abstract paintings;
  • The music of wind . These are small bells that are suspended in the air flow. They make pleasant sounds when the wind blows. “Wind music” reduces the level of negative energy in the room and helps eliminate conflicts. Traditionally, they are hung above the front door, in corners (where energy stagnates), above windows;
  • singing bowl . It is a small bowl made of a metal alloy. When exposed to it with a wooden stick, it makes a sound similar to a bell. This sound transforms negative energy into positive energy. You can use it after quarrels, visits from guests, during illness and in a depressed state. In addition, the bowl is indispensable for meditation.

Singing bowls

What is the Glory Zone responsible for in Feng Shui?

The Glory Zone in Feng Shui is not only responsible for fame itself. Activation of this sector in the house affects your success in life, popularity, and advancement up the social ladder.

This zone supports you as an individual, helps you achieve recognition in society, success, and strengthen your good reputation.

And, of course, if you strive for fame, then activating this zone will perfectly help you in this.

You need to activate this sector if you are doing business. After all, you see, a good reputation in business is very important. And the activation of this sector can lead, for example, to the expansion of your business (and, as a result, to an increase in income), receiving unexpected help from the right people, etc.

Zone of fame and fame according to feng shui

It is known that the correct approach to using zones directly affects the degree to which the favorable energy flow into our lives is enhanced. The fame zone acts as a special feng shui sector that accompanies our dizzying success, spiritual self-realization and long-awaited popularity in society. Its targeted activation, taking into account the southern direction in the premises sector, makes it possible to reveal our talents to the fullest, conquer new heights and successfully “feed” the objects of our reputation: be it a career, friendly relationships or your family life. Let's look at its main characteristics:

  1. Direction: South.
  2. Main element: Fire.
  3. Power element: Wood.
  4. Weakening element: Earth.
  5. Destructive element: Water.
  6. Trigram: Li.
  7. Number: 9.
  8. Colors: all shades of red, green, orange, yellow.
  9. Shapes: triangular, tall, elongated, rectangular.
  10. Talismans: phoenix, red rooster, eagle, peacock, images and feathers of a peacock and other listed birds, frozen lava, red candles, pyramid, large coins, circle of creation, fireplace, wooden products, diplomas and awards, red fan, plants and their images, paintings of the sun, blooming sunflowers or poppies, crystal pyramids and lamps.
  11. Dangerous symbols: objects and symbols of water, mirrors, statues of birds of prey, the use of blue, purple and black colors, symbols of earth, as well as symbols representing the killing of birds: spears, arrows, etc.
  12. Scents: grapefruit, lemon, cedar, jasmine, lavender, cypress, eucalyptus, patchouli, mint, incense, rose.
  13. The effect of activation: success in business, gaining fame and a good reputation among others, career advancement.

Considering the popularity zone, you can see that it is directly related to our self-development and manifestation of individuality. Proper design of the sector plays an important role in shaping our prestige, developing potential and achieving good results that influence our position in society.

Zone activation

Since the fame zone is the central link between the wealth zone and the love zone, it attracts material well-being through the achievement of universal love from our environment.

Therefore, before activation, pay attention to the “cleanliness” and transparency of your zone - clean your space of old things and unnecessary trash, organize space and order for the movement of a positive flow of energy into your sector.

As we have already understood, the key element in activating our zone is the phoenix: it, like a clot of fiery energy, has an endless and continuous life cycle that needs support. Alternatives to the phoenix could be the peacock, red rooster or eagle. These can be not only figurines, but also images of these birds. In addition, any fire symbolism will work in this zone to attract and activate energy: candles, images of fire, sun or hearth, and maybe a real fireplace - all these are suitable activators for this zone.

Any symbols associated with success and achievement will also work well in this zone. These can be diplomas, certificates, commendations, diplomas, awards, medals - in general, everything that reflects merit and good reputation.

Considering that the feeding element for the element of fire is wood, wooden products are also a good companion here: figurines, wood products or wickerwork (rattan), or the so-called fire stones - pieces of frozen lava or volcanic tuff.

However, these should not be stones symbolizing water - ordinary pebbles, for example.

If we consider the ideal option, a wooden room in red or orange tones, diluted with green shades, will perfectly serve to activate the glory zone. However, do not forget that the water elements “extinguish” the flame, so beware of marine shades and objects associated with the water element.

The interaction of fire with earth also has its own nuances. In sufficient quantities, land serves as a guarantor of our stability, creates soil under our feet, giving confidence in the future. In excess, it leads to stagnation of energy, preventing favorable and successful events from entering our lives.

To achieve optimal balance, one light brown rug or painting symbolizing calm and stability will be enough.

Considering that the number of the southern direction is 9, the use of nine objects, such as nine eagles figurines or nine tulips in a painting, will certainly enhance the activation of the glory zone. Objects that are actively growing upward also have a beneficial effect on the popularity zone: use elongated red candles or place a bright red pyramid in a prominent place, accelerating the flow of fame and success into your home.

It doesn’t matter whether you have been working in a certain field for a long time or decided to try yourself in something completely new, or maybe even changed your social circle - so that the fire of glory continues to circulate and bear fruit, actively saturate it with positive thoughts and actions, strengthen their friendly and family ties.

Positive affirmations created by you personally are also an indispensable magnet for the successful implementation of goals and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. The most important thing here is their compilation in an affirmative form. Turn within yourself, voicing them as if you already have everything you have in mind, repeating them in the glory zone several times a week. But do not make unnecessary efforts: let go of your desires, leave them to your symbols and talismans to realize them, and the fire of your glory will never go out.


Laws of Bagua Sectors

Plan the rooms in the house according to their location according to the cardinal directions. Good feng shui is a bedroom in the Family or Love sector, a study in the Career or Wealth sector, and a children's room in the Children's zone.

The Bagua sector does not always harmonize with the room in the house that falls on it. For example, a toilet in the money area is the worst solution. Money will flow out of the family like water down a drain. This is why it is preferable to build your own home rather than buy a ready-made apartment with a layout that is difficult to remodel.

Each of the nine zones is subject to a specific element. There are only five of them: Water, Earth, Wood, Metal and Fire. Bagua zones have their own colors and activators. Let's look at everything in detail.

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