What is a trigram in Feng Shui, or How to determine the type of your home?

Trigram Qian (QUIN)

This energy represents strength, activity and power. The Close People Zone symbolizes the sky, masculine energy, power and leadership. She represents everyone who is nearby and supports us: neighbors, friends and even our guardian angels. It embraces those who have made our lives happy through selfless acts and services. Older people can also be an important source of help when passing on their experiences to younger generations.

If this area is missed, the resident will often feel helpless and alone in their struggle. The situation in life and health can be quite weak.

Energy sources

Crystals, sculptures with a group of dolphins, a double helix, paintings or figurines of angels, bells, a parasol, a Guan Yin statue.

If the front door faces northwest

This has a very powerful and beneficial effect on male residents. All the male power of Heaven coming into the house carries a sense of respect and power of the Father of the family. He will occupy a worthy position in society, and colleagues and friends will often seek his advice.

Trigram Kun (KUN)

The energy of softness, weakness, constancy and trustworthiness. Like Mother Earth, the Marriage and Relationships zone contains the most vibrant feminine principles: purity, sensitivity and kindness. This is a nourishing energy, sometimes too generous and magnanimous. This zone reflects the entire spectrum of relationships: friendship, marriage, platonic and professional relationships, business partnerships.

When creating a zone, it is important to furnish it with symbols of solidarity, love and generosity. Try to avoid things that express separation and loneliness. If you skip this area in the room layout, it will be difficult - especially for women - to arrange a life together with a partner. Relationships with neighbors and colleagues will often be difficult.

Energy sources

A sculpture of two dolphins or other objects representing the couple, a crystal lamp, minerals or semi-precious stones, red roses, a double helix, a mandala, a Buddha statue, a peach.

If your door faces southwest

The Qi energy coming from the southwest carries the fertile energy of late afternoon. This is the time of day when Qi begins to settle and strengthen. She can easily create an atmosphere of warmth and satisfaction. If we consider it as the "late afternoon" of our own lives, it could represent solitude. Such a home would be an ideal place for a couple who wants to enjoy a long and exciting old age.

What it is?

The name itself is translated this way: “ba” means eight, and “gua” means trigram. So, the Bagua grid is a figure with eight corners, each of which contains one or another zone.

Bagua Map

Now a completely logical question arises: why is this grid needed? Everything is quite simple: Bagua helps to correctly divide your living or working space into sectors.

Thus, by competently influencing certain parts of your home or office, you can easily significantly improve your life, attract good luck, material well-being, love and everything that you lack for complete happiness and spiritual harmony.

Trigram Zhen (ZHEN)

This energy is impulsive, attractive and unyielding. Although her zone relates to Family, it is also associated with our biological parents and the people who shaped and still influence our lives: mentors, teachers, leaders, bosses and people in power or high positions. While this zone provides open and accessible energy, it is influenced by our past.

This is a zone of natural order, and it is symbolized by thunder and lightning. We are reminded how important it is to know our roots and draw on their strength. If this zone is missed in the housing layout, health problems and tense family relationships are very likely.

Energy sources

Dolphin sculpture, healthy and resilient plants, flowers, pond inside the house, aquarium, double helix, Chinese bells, dragon, bamboo plant, peach, elephant, trigram ribbon, lightning sign, swastika, crane, male animal.

If the front door faces east

This is where the Dawn Chi comes right into your home. It has a very beneficial effect if you are trying to start a new career, project, or trying to diversify, expand and build on existing work. This Qi, like spring, will bring success to the children of the owner of the house, as they live here at the dawn of their lives.

What are trigrams?

All processes and events in our world can be explained using the well-known concept of yin-yang. Any movement and activity gives rise to yang, while passivity and calmness awakens yin.

They have conventional graphic symbols. Yang energy, considered masculine, is drawn with a solid line. The yin energy, symbolizing the feminine principle, is depicted by a broken line consisting of two segments. Combinations of solid and broken lines form trigrams. Each symbol consists of three lines that are read from top to bottom. A set of them allows you to understand what energy the trigram carries.


Trigram Xun (XUN)

The energy of flexibility and progress. Feng Shui element – ​​Wood. It represents the zone of Prosperity. This zone reflects not only financial prosperity, but also luck and happiness. It is a place of happy accidents, often called “coincidences.” It helps you succeed in life.

The word “well-being” refers not only to material things like money, but also to inner wealth (joy, optimism, satisfaction), which has more value than is commonly believed.

If you ignore this zone in the planning, you can expect financial difficulties due to rash actions.

Energy sources

Aquarium, pond inside the house, tenacious and bamboo plants, golden fruits, poster with a waterfall, double spiral, fountain, sculpture with two ducks, other objects displaying two things or animals, mandala, orchids, stones.

If the front door faces southeast

Qi from the southeast entering your home will create a very lively, happy, energetic atmosphere. This is especially conducive to maintaining connections and good communication with the outside world, which can lead to new projects and ambitious endeavors. You can easily let new opportunities into your life. But you need to make sure that you are well organized to achieve your desired goal.

Manifestations of Bagua trigrams

Eight figures together form a bagua. The octagon helps to understand and describe all the processes and phenomena of our universe, including natural disasters, human organs and family members. Each trigram has millions of meanings, but there are universal characteristics for the figure.


  1. Three solid lines.
  2. Element of Metal.
  3. Number 6.
  4. North-west direction.

Tian is a symbol of strength and creation, associated with the masculine principle, the head of the family. It also means sky and light, energy, perseverance and celestial bodies. The horse is considered the symbolic animal of Tian for its endurance and fortitude.


  1. Three broken lines.
  2. Element of Earth.
  3. Number 2.
  4. South-west direction.

Kun symbolizes primordial energy, receptive and dark. She is associated with the feminine principle, devotion, responsibility and motherhood. Kun is associated with a cow and a calf, which symbolize fertility. It perfectly complements Tien without conflicting with the trigram. Regarding their relationship with a person: they reflect the relationship between a woman and a man, a boss and subordinates, a ruler and a servant.


  1. Two dashed and one solid line.
  2. Element of Wood.
  3. Number 3.
  4. Eastern direction.

Zhen represents constant movement and decision-making, aggressiveness and assertiveness. In the family, this is the eldest son, the future keeper of traditions. The animal that is associated with the trigram is the dragon. The symbol corresponds to a dark yellow color.


  1. Two solid and one dashed line.
  2. Element of Wood.
  3. Number 4.
  4. Southeast direction.

Shun is associated with tenderness, purity and mobility. In the family she is personified by the eldest daughter. She is characterized by indecision, meekness, and shyness. The color is white. A person who belongs to this type most often has large, clear eyes and a broad forehead, and is lucky in all financial endeavors.


  1. Two broken lines, between which there is one continuous line.
  2. Element of Water.
  3. Number 1.
  4. South direction.

Kan is a symbol of secrecy, cunning and wisdom. The trigram is associated with the eldest son, emphasizing an unhappy fate. Kan is also considered a dangerous symbol due to the fact that the strong side is sandwiched between two weak traits. The color suits the symbol is red.


  1. Two solid lines, between which there is one broken line.
  2. Element of Fire.
  3. Number 9.
  4. South direction.

Li symbolizes affection, brightness and attractiveness. This is the middle daughter in human form. She appears tough on the outside, but is weak and unsure on the inside. Lee is helpful, but obedient and dependent on others.


  1. There is one solid line on top, two broken lines below it.
  2. Element of Earth.
  3. Number 8.
  4. Northeast direction.

Gen personifies peace, firmness and stubbornness. The trigram symbolizes the youngest son. Another symbol is a mountain, motionless and indestructible. In the rocky depths, existence finds its end, only to be reborn after a while.


  1. Two solid and one dashed line.
  2. Element of Water.
  3. Number 7.
  4. Western direction.

Blowing symbolizes joy, fun and spontaneity. Associated with the youngest daughter, happiness and good fortune. Sudden openness, stubbornness and gentleness are her main features.

Bagua trigram

Trigram Kan (KAN)

This is the energy of the most important changes. It is associated with the element of Water in Feng Shui. Because of its close connection with the ocean, the Source of life, it is very powerful. Water reflects the vicissitudes of life, like a stream wandering aimlessly across a landscape. This energy belongs to the Career zone. It shows us what we want to achieve personally and professionally.

This area should be comfortable and tidy to allow energy to flow freely. Cluttered items such as shoes, books, boxes, etc. that are scattered (especially close to the entrance) will hinder progress.

If this area is missed in the layout, the resident will face difficulties in finding the right path in life, and professional goals will be difficult to achieve.

Energy sources

An aquarium, a small fountain in the house, a bowl of water, a mirror, a wave pattern on the walls or door, a poster with a waterfall, a vase, a fish, a small pond inside the house.

If the front door faces north

In this position, your door faces winter, cold and serenity. Residents of the home are likely to feel colder, become more isolated, and begin to worry about threats from the outside world. The cool Qi winds that blow from the north encourage people to remain inactive and not communicate with the world.

How are Bagua trigrams used in Feng Shui?

The Bagua octagon can be superimposed on the plan of the house and each individual room in order to correctly identify the sector and activate it.

  1. The southeastern part is responsible for wealth, independence and prosperity. To activate it, decorate the area with a money tree or an ornamental plant with money, a fountain, an aquarium with goldfish, or Chinese coins.
  2. The southern sector symbolizes career advancement, fame and recognition. Activate it with bright flowers, peacock feathers, paintings of a sunrise, a decorative fireplace, medals, diplomas and awards.
  3. The southwest sector denotes family relationships, love and passion. To activate it, use paired talismans. These can be candles, hearts, pillows and vases.
  4. The Western sector symbolizes children and is also associated with creativity. Activate it with the help of “wind music”, photographs and children's drawings, and bells.
  5. The northwestern sector characterizes the owner of the house and is responsible for travel. Its activation is associated with icons, images of prominent people, and bells.
  6. The northern sector is responsible for everything related to work. To activate it you will need a fountain, an aquarium, mirrors, pictures of the underwater world.
  7. The northeast sector brings knowledge and wisdom. Its activation is connected with a textbook on the science that is to be passed, crystals, and a globe.
  8. The eastern sector symbolizes basic necessities and harmonious relationships between the residents of the house. To activate it, you will need live plants, images of a green dragon, and photographs of your family.
  9. The central sector influences the health and success of all aspects of life. Its activation is associated with objects such as a crystal chandelier, an image of a crane or peaches, bamboo, pine and a dining table.

The use of basic Feng Shui techniques has a positive effect on personal life, family relationships, and career advancement.

Trigram Li (LI)

Energy of adventure and glory. It refers not only to external statues, recognition and honor from the outside world, or people's good attitude towards you. It is also associated with inner light, awareness, self-esteem and self-knowledge.

The Glory Zone in Feng Shui belongs to the Fire element, and its energy supports passions, talents and mental abilities. The Glory Zone is contrasted with the Career Zone, indicating that the path of life ultimately has a goal. This zone encourages us to think about how to give meaning to our lives.

If this zone is ignored, the tenant will pay too much attention to the opinions of others, experience self-doubt and feel undervalued.

Energy sources

Diplomas or trophies, bright lamps, Buddha statue, candles, crystal lamps, double helix, crystals, butterfly mobile, peach.

If the front door is facing south

The all-encompassing Fire entering your home “kindles” the home and its residents. You will become sociable, full of life, friendly and cheerful. But it is worth mentioning the opposite effect.

Fire, by its nature, illuminates everything that is in front of it, and tends to exaggerate these things. If you feel unhappy or lack confidence, Fire can enhance these feelings. Remember that Fire charges any atmosphere and, in the worst case, this can cause violent quarrels!

How are they used in Feng Shui?

All trigrams are located in a circle; they have unique directions in relation to any side of the world. There are two known variations of their designation.

Bagua of the Early Sky, which demonstrates the pristine and ideal structure of the world. This diagram shows harmony and order. Extreme Yin here is located in the north, and Yang is in the south. This pattern of marking can be seen on the Bagua mirror - one of the most famous Feng Shui symbols. This type of designation shows an ideal model of the Universe that has reached absolute harmony.

Note! The diagram was compiled by Wu of Xia, who discovered a turtle with a Bagua square on its shell.

The second variety is the Later Sky Bagua, which began to be used in 1143 BC, being introduced into use by Wen Wang. Using such a trigram, it becomes possible to assess the energy of any home. To perform such a measurement, you need to go outside and take measurements using a compass, focusing on the front door. Having found out the location of your home relative to parts of the world, you should take its plan and divide it into nine identical squares. The resulting drawing is then combined with the Late Sky Bagua. This comparison will allow you to determine which trigram controls each part of the home. If some part is unfavorable according to Feng Shui, then the totality of the features of this sector of the home is problematic. This puts negative energy on its residents.

In practice, it is the Later Sky Bagua scheme that is used. This happens because the world is not constant and ideal. Perfection is not continuous, everything changes and develops.

Trigram Gen (GEN)

The energy of trustworthiness, steadfastness and calmness. Like a rock at the edge of the ocean, this is the zone of Knowledge that symbolizes stability and security. It is associated with the element of Earth. Reflection, learning and wisdom are the subject of this zone. It reflects our inner wisdom, self-knowledge, and what can be achieved through our own efforts. She represents strong but passive energy.

This is an ideal area for meditation or arranging a personal library. It is also a good place to study and think, to collect thoughts. It is worth keeping some furniture here, since the area should not be too “dynamic”. If you miss this area in the layout, the tenant will make the same mistakes over and over again because it will be difficult for him to think things through.

Energy sources

Books, mountain paintings, unicorn sculpture, candle, crystal lamp, yin and yang symbol, mandala, minerals or semi-precious stones, Buddha statue, elephant sculpture, Guan Yin, crane, vase, mobile, sun umbrella.

If the front door faces northeast

Often the worst and most threatening cold winds come from the northeast. The icy wind of a Siberian storm coming through your door every morning is the most auspicious start! The strong, deep and penetrating nature of Qi from the northeast can lead to health problems such as colds, persistent infections, bronchitis and sore throats. It is also likely that women will find it difficult to become pregnant in a house where the front door faces northeast.

  • Compass luoban
  • Trigram method
  • Trigram Qian
  • Trigram Kun
  • Trigram Zhen
  • Trigram Gen
  • Trigram Xun
  • Trigram Kan
  • Trigram Li
  • Trigram Dui
  • Personal trigrams of a person and their meaning from the point of view of the science of feng shui
  • Positive and negative directions
  • Bagua octagon and its meaning
  • Chapter 2

    Feng Shui as a method of preventing physiological and mental diseases

    As mentioned above, in the home, as well as in the workplace (after all, we spend a lot of time there), it is necessary to achieve harmony between the forces of yin and yang, the five elements, attract and arrange the correct circulation of shen qi energy and expel sha qi. All this is necessary not only to achieve success in business and personal life, but primarily to harmonize chemical processes in the body, improve well-being, physical and mental health.

    Correct implementation of Feng Shui recommendations helps to achieve the best psychophysical health, which is primarily explained by following your Tao. By what methods is this achieved?

    First of all, the choice and layout of the place of residence matters. Unfortunately, we are not always free here, but this does not mean that we need to give up on everything and indulge in despondency. Even without the ability to influence the location of your home and its layout, you can do a lot to achieve harmony in the house, properly organize the space inside the living space and neutralize sha qi.

    Here you can use the Luo Ban compass, the trigram method and the Bagua influence method, and ideally all three. There are some other methods. However, due to their high complexity, we will not consider them in this book.

    The Luoban compass also requires high professionalism and great knowledge of the science of Feng Shui, so we will only briefly touch on this method of creating harmony in the home so that the reader has a general idea of ​​it. We will look in more detail at trigrams and bagua, which are much easier to use and accessible to any beginner.

    Compass luoban

    The Luoban compass is a round plate with a dial, divided into concentric circles - scales. Each scale contains information about the sign and direction of energy flows, the presence and strength of the elements and a number of other data, which, when compared with an individual horoscope, provide fairly comprehensive information.

    The center of the compass is called the Heavenly Pond. It is in it that the forces of yin and yang combine and come into interaction. An arrow is fixed on the surface of the dial, which is oriented in the desired direction when exploring the area. The number of scales on the dial can vary, although in practice Luoban compasses with more than 36 scales are almost never found.

    In addition to the Luoban compass, Feng Shui masters use a special ruler, the so-called geomancer's ruler, to measure the sizes and proportions of rooms and furniture, as well as to determine the degree of favorableness of the above-mentioned proportions.

    Luoban compasses with 9 and 36 scales

    The geomancer's ruler has divisions with gradations in centimeters, inches, as well as a hieroglyph scale that provides comments on the measurement results. The signs along the inch scale are intended to interpret measurements outside the room, and the signs along the centimeter scale are for measurements inside.

    Table 3

    Comments on the geomancer's ruler scale readings

    Between the divisions of the scales there are also signs indicating the favorableness of the measurement results. These signs are divided into groups of 4 signs, cyclically alternating favorable and unfavorable measurements. So, the first 4 divisions of the scale for external measurements are favorable, and the next 4 are the opposite. In internal measurements, the picture is exactly the opposite - the first 4 divisions are unfavorable, and the next 4 are favorable for residents. In the center of each group there is also another sign, indicating good luck/danger for the entire group. You can see this in more detail in the table above.

    Thirty-two symbols of the outer and forty symbols of the inner scale can be repeated as many times as necessary. The number of such repetitions depends on only one factor – the length of the geomancer’s ruler.

    Trigram method

    Trigrams are structured reflections of classified transformations that continuously occur in the Universe. These transformations are not chaotic or spontaneous, as it may seem at first glance.

    They are a component of the absolute order that is prescribed for each thing by its Tao, and therefore can be isolated and classified through 8 trigrams and their combinations, of which there are a total of 64. These combinations are called hexagrams. Commentaries on them are included in the Book of Changes (I Ching), which dates back more than 3,000 years.

    Late Sky Sequence

    The first hexagrams, now known as the Ancient Heaven sequence, were described by the same Fu Xi. He placed them on the sides of a regular octagon (bagua), which is a symbol of the harmonious Universe.

    The sequence of the Ancient Sky reflects the annual cycle of evolution of yin and yang, their increase and decrease depending on the time of year. Later by Emperor Wen Wang and his son

    Zhougong made changes to it and gave new comments. The result of the research of the august family was called the Later Heaven sequence.

    It has nothing to do with the change of seasons, carrying within itself a purely utilitarian function of determining the ratio of yin and yang in a specific place at the current moment. Subsequently, the Later Sky sequence was further refined, resulting in the Luoban compass.

    You can use both interpretations of the trigrams, comparing their meanings, but usually the interpretation contained in the I Ching is quite sufficient.

    In the Later Heaven sequence, the first line denotes the gender of the trigram, the second - the level of yin and yang (female and masculine), and the third line is taken into account only when the balance of forces is maintained.

    So, let's consider what trigrams mean, what semantic load they carry and what meaning they have for a person.

    Trigram Qian

    Description: three solid yang lines.

    Meaning: a symbol of creativity, strength and creativity. Associated with the eldest man in the family, father, head of the clan.

    Direction: northwest.

    Main property: strength.

    Natural phenomenon: sky.

    Trigram Kun

    Description: three broken yin lines.

    Meaning: symbol of receptivity. Associated with the mother of the family.

    Direction: southwest.

    Main property: softness.

    Natural phenomenon: earth.

    Trigram Zhen

    Description: two broken yin lines above one solid line.

    Meaning: a symbol of anxiety and determination. Associated with the eldest son.

    Direction: east.

    Main property: forward movement, forward movement, progress.

    Natural phenomenon: thunder.

    Trigram Gen

    Description: two broken yin lines under one solid yang line.

    Meaning: a symbol of stability, sustainability, focus on the inner world. Associated with the youngest son.

    Direction: northeast.

    Main property: calmness.

    Natural phenomenon: Mt.

    Trigram Xun

    Description: two solid yang lines above a broken yin line.

    Meaning: a symbol of tenderness, integrity, fortitude. Associated with the eldest daughter.

    Direction: southeast.

    Main property: penetration.

    Natural phenomenon: wind.

    Trigram Kan

    Description: One solid yang line between two broken yin lines.

    Meaning: a symbol of danger and vanity. Associated with the middle son.

    Direction: north.

    Main property: water flow.

    Natural phenomenon: Moon.

    Trigram Li

    Description: One broken yin line between two solid yang lines.

    Meaning: a symbol of fidelity, warmth and energy. Associated with the middle daughter.

    Direction: south.

    Main property: dependence.

    Natural phenomenon: Sun, lightning.

    Trigram Dui

    Description: two solid yang lines under a broken yin line.

    Meaning: a symbol of joy, pleasure, good luck. Associated with the youngest daughter.

    Direction: west.

    Main property: serenity.

    Natural phenomenon: lake.

    Personal trigrams of a person and their meaning from the point of view of the science of feng shui

    Each person, building, and area has its own trigram. All trigrams are conventionally divided into western and eastern groups. The trigram of a building depends on which direction the side opposite its façade faces (east, west). The human trigram is determined by simple calculations from the field of numerology. Although there are only 8 trigrams, the number of directions corresponding to a particular trigram and element will be equal to 9. This is explained by the fact that the center in the Chinese system is also the direction of light. The number obtained as a result of determining the personal trigram corresponds to one of the 9 directions of the Bagua octagon.

    For men, the personal trigram is determined in the following way: the last two digits of the year of birth are subtracted from 100, and the resulting remainder is divided by 9. The remainder after division is the required number. If there is no remainder after division, then the required number is 9.

    Let's consider this method in more detail. For example, a man was born in 1969: 100 – 69 = 31; 31: 9 = 3, remainder 4. The number 4, if you look at the Luo Shu square and superimpose it on the Bagua octagon, corresponds to the southeast and the Xuan trigram.

    For women, the personal trigram is calculated as follows: 4 should be subtracted from the last two digits of the year of birth, and the resulting number divided by 9.

    Let's look at an example. The woman was born in 1960. The following actions should be performed: 60 – 4 = 56; 56: 9 = 54, remainder 2.

    The number 2 corresponds to the southwest direction, therefore, the trigram of this woman is Kun.

    The central direction corresponds to the number 5. If this number is obtained in calculations, men should determine their number as 2, and women as 8.

    The trigram belongs to the western group if the remainder after division is 2, 6, 7, 8, and to the eastern group if it is 1, 3, 4, 9.

    Why is it so important to know your personal trigram and the trigram of your home? The fact is that people of the eastern group bring success and good luck to the south, southeast, east and north, while representatives of the western group are favored by the west, northwest, southwest and northeast, towards which housing should be oriented. Otherwise, the Tao of the house and the Tao of the resident will be in dissonance, the harmony of life will be disturbed, which, in turn, will lead, firstly, to rapid wear and tear of the premises, and secondly, to illnesses and failures in the life of its owner, even lethal outcome.

    Knowing your trigram and the trigrams of your loved ones, you can easily resolve the question of what kind of apartment you should buy, how to orient the house during construction, and whether your current apartment needs additional attraction of Sheng Qi energy (excess of it in housing is not recommended) and further harmonization. All this will help you follow the path of your Tao and will attract health, prosperity and good mood to your home.

    At the same time, the trigram method is also used when choosing the best location of rooms for each family member, the arrangement of furniture, taking into account positive and negative directions.

    Positive and negative directions

    In any house, in any apartment, there are four positive and four negative directions that matter to everyone who lives in this room. For each person they are purely individual. This is what explains why people feel differently in the same places, why some succeed while others remain eternal outsiders.

    Positive and negative directions are calculated based on the orientation of the house to the cardinal points, by comparing the trigram of the home with the trigrams of the residents. Each direction has a name corresponding to the area to which it belongs.

    The direction of life, called the main direction, since it is always opposite to the direction of the facade of the building, should always be at the greatest distance from the front door. It most of all belongs to the power of yin, and therefore it is here that it is most advisable to place the bedroom (bedrooms) of the head of the family and his wife.

    Table 4

    Determination of positive and negative directions according to the trigram of home

    The direction of luck gives the residents of the house health and energy. It is also favorable for the location of the bedroom of the head of the family and his wife and is well suited for placing a dining room or living room. In the event of illness of one of the family members, this direction is subject to stimulation (its methods will be discussed below).

    The direction of longevity gives residents good health, harmonious and calm relationships between them. It is advisable to stimulate this place in the house constantly, without expecting any troubles to occur.

    The direction of prosperity, also called the place that gives birth to sheng qi, is perhaps the most important for the well-being and prosperity of the residents. It is this that gives everything positive and happy that can happen in people’s lives. This direction symbolizes vitality, enthusiasm, success, happiness. The science of Feng Shui recommends placing the head of the bed and going on any journey (from going to the store to a long business trip) in this direction.

    The direction of death is associated with various troubles, troubles, illnesses and misfortunes. It is highly undesirable to place the front door, dining room, bedrooms and other places where people spend significant time in this direction. But it is well suited for installing a toilet, bathroom, laundry room and other parts of the utility unit through which the sha qi energy will evaporate. However, the toilet and bathroom can (and should) be located in any of the negative directions, since, firstly, they themselves are sources of sha qi, and secondly, they form a kind of drainage point through which this harmful energy evaporates.

    The direction of misfortune provokes commercial or legal failures, quarrels and conflicts. For this reason, placing a work or dining table in this area is contraindicated. Turning the head of the bed in this direction is highly discouraged by Feng Shui.

    The direction of six sha is the direction of a wide variety of delays that can lead (and often lead) to loss of time, money, reputation, clients, friends, spouse.

    The direction of the five spirits affects such unpleasant things as thefts, fires, financial losses and poverty. The front door should never be located in this direction, but it would be more than prudent to place the toilet here.

    Bagua octagon and its meaning

    The Bagua octagon is an alternative method to the trigram method for determining the meaning of a particular part of the home, the correct arrangement of rooms in the house from the point of view of the science of Feng Shui, as well as the influence of all these factors on your Tao in general and the health, luck and harmonious relationship of residents in particular.

    Octagon bagua

    Its 9 sectors (as mentioned above, the center in the Chinese tradition is also a direction) fully correspond to the 9 sectors of the lo shu square, of which bagua, in fact, is an improved version. These 9 directions represent 9 main areas of human life.

    Unfortunately, modern construction of public and residential buildings is carried out without taking into account the recommendations of the science of feng shui to neutralize the harmful influences of sha qi and its optimization through the use of lucky directions and numbers, however, the magic square of lo shu itself is still of great importance. Of course, builders may not take it into account, but with its help you can always weaken the negative influences of sha qi that were inherent in your home during its construction.

    Using this magic square and the Bagua octagon, it is possible to neutralize the adverse effects of destructive energy and enhance the influence of constructive energy.

    If you are planning to build a house, then you need to take into account the recommendations given below, although first of all they are intended for those who already have a house or apartment and plan to equip them using Feng Shui recommendations.

    So, we take the lo shu square and overlay it on the apartment plan so that the front door coincides with the quarry area. If a square is applied to a dwelling that has a complex shape, the square is stretched to a rectangle. At the same time, it must cover the entire space of the home. There is nothing wrong if it partially extends beyond the boundaries of the housing, but at the same time its entire territory should fall into the magic square, and the missing corners and sectors are virtually added to the actually existing parts of the apartment. Bagua can also be applied not only to the entire house, but also to each of the rooms.

    One more feature of Bagua should be remembered. It consists in the fact that the zones are not limited to the walls of the house, but extend beyond it, which is why when remodeling the house, arranging the adjacent territories and constructing extensions to the house, the zones are marked from the center of the house.

    Bagua overlay on L-shape and U-shape apartment plan

    Various areas of the home and their characteristics affect the psychophysical state of residents.

    The career zone determines success in private, professional and social activities.

    Its activity determines how successfully the residents’ relationships at work with colleagues, superiors and subordinates will develop, and how their careers will develop.

    This area is the best place to locate an office, reception area, or office. If things are not going well at work, she needs to be stimulated. To do this, any item that is directly related to the resident’s profession is placed in it, be it a telephone, a computer, a typewriter, or a collection of Russian legislation. This could be sports awards for a professional athlete, weapons for a military man, a shelf of textbooks for a schoolchild, etc.

    The marriage zone determines personal relationships between people (love, friendship, family, etc.). Stimulation of this sector, which occurs by attracting Sheng Qi here, is necessary when support is required in maintaining old or establishing new connections.

    Activation of the marriage sector occurs through the installation of bright lighting in it, placing in it any symbolism that is directly related to the relationship with others. These could be wedding photos and photos of friends, gifts from them or clients.

    Naturally, in this zone there should be things that evoke only positive emotions, bringing back pleasant memories. You can’t keep items there that remind you of a friend’s betrayal, failure, unrequited love and the like, as this can provoke a recurrence of troubles.

    The family zone is associated not only with close and distant relatives, but also with those people with whom very close relationships are maintained, with family in the broad interpretation of this word.

    The space in this part of the house needs to be carefully thought out and organized, constantly attracting Sheng Qi here, which will strengthen family ties, avoid problems within the family and make many new friends. The family area is best for storing family photo albums, heirlooms and other valuables that have belonged to the family over the years.

    This zone is of great importance for the health of the people living in the house, so symbols that conflict with their elements cannot be placed here - this will have the most detrimental effect on their mental and physical state. If one of the household members is ill, it is recommended to activate the family zone through crystals, bright lighting and symbols of the element that comes before the patient’s element in the cycle of generation.

    The wealth zone is responsible for everything that makes our lives happier and more abundant. In cases where it is desirable to improve your financial condition, maintain income, or conclude a profitable deal, this zone needs to be activated. This is achieved by placing a small fountain in it (it should function constantly, and not from time to time), an aquarium with eight gold and one black fish (the number 1 promises winning and independence, and the number 8 and the color of gold are a symbol of money and prosperity), any round and metal objects. These could be coins, a plant with round leaves, the so-called money tree, an amulet with the Xun trigram inscribed on it, a round tray made of silver or gilded, or wind chimes.

    Wind chime (my office)

    Naturally, the combination of the above items also attracts Sheng Qi to the wealth zone.

    The teacher zone is directly interconnected with those people from whom we can learn something, various spiritual patrons and mentors, leaders, assistants and in general everyone who provides us with support at one time or another in our lives.

    Those who need spiritual help are advised to place in this zone objects that are directly related to the problem occupying their minds.

    If it is necessary to receive advice from a more competent colleague or immediate supervisor, objects that are associated with success in business are placed in the teachers’ area.

    In addition, this sector is also associated with various trips and travel. For those who often go on business trips, travel, plan to spend some time on a cruise or hike, who appreciate and love this part of their life, it is best to place souvenirs brought from trips, a poster or a photo of the place they plan to visit in the teachers’ sector.

    The children's zone is the zone responsible for the future of a person: children, ideas, thoughts and creativity. This zone is activated when they are planning to have a child, or when there are difficulties in bringing any project to life. To successfully conceive a child, it is recommended not only to fulfill your marital duty, without which, of course, no feng shui can help in this good undertaking, but also to place children’s photographs (if you already have children), toys, children’s drawings and any other items that you associate with children.

    In the office, which, like other rooms, is also divided into sectors, like the whole house, it makes sense to put a desk, since it is in this place that people work most productively. In an apartment, the children's area is the best place for a children's room. Of course, it should be arranged not anyhow, but in accordance with the trigrams of the children. Sheng Qi is best attracted to this part of the house through music and crystals, and its free circulation will have the most beneficial effect on the psyche, health and success of children.

    The knowledge zone is responsible for all the knowledge, all the wisdom that we receive throughout life. Knowledge, if we choose it ourselves, is the most positive and active energy. That is why the knowledge zone in your home needs to be constantly and tirelessly activated.

    This part of the housing is best suited for study, meditation, reading, and educational games with children. This is a good place to place your diplomas, bookshelves, and set up a work desk at which you will complete assignments and copy notes.

    The symbol of the knowledge zone is a mountain, and therefore placing a picture of a mountain or waterfall in it will also not be amiss in attracting sheng qi. In addition, it will constantly remind residents of the need for constant self-improvement, advancement to the heights of spirituality and absolute knowledge.

    The zone of fame is responsible not only for honor and popularity, but also, first of all, for recognition of one’s own merits, true and objective self-esteem. In addition, it has a direct bearing on determining goals and prerogatives in a person’s life.

    This zone needs to be activated when self-doubt, embarrassment, indecision, depression, and confusion arise. To do this, you can place in the glory zone both evidence of your own victories and achievements, and portraits of those whom you want to become like. Mirrors also attract Sheng Qi energy to this area.

    The symbol of the zone of glory is fire, and therefore its lighting should be very bright, and all shiny objects located in it should be brightly polished. It is advisable to leave the light on here even at night. It’s a good idea to burn candles and incense in the glory zone.

    The central zone, also called the middle, the zone of luck and tai chi, symbolizes the beginning of life and the origin of everything in the Universe. Here, yin and yang converge in the home, being in harmony and balance. Sheng Qi energy is concentrated here and from here it spreads throughout the house.

    The luck zone is the most important sector in the entire house. When the space in this sector is not organized correctly, this most directly affects the security of housing and its owners.

    In order to activate the central zone and attract good luck into the house, you can place a crystal ball in it, the size of which must strictly correspond to the volume of the room. Another option for activating the central zone is to place a large crystal chandelier with crystal pendants in it, which will provide bright illumination of the central zone and attract shen qi.

    The luck zone is good for placing a living room or dining room in it, but placing a bathroom, toilet, pantry or staircase there is extremely contraindicated. Placing these rooms in the central zone will disturb the balance of yin and yang, and the sheng qi energy will therefore evaporate from the house.

    The lack of sheng qi will certainly affect the well-being of the residents. They will develop chronic fatigue syndrome, they will feel like helpless people, and misfortunes and failures will begin to fall on them like from a cornucopia.

    Table of contents

Trigram Dui (DUI)

The energy of joy, liveliness and communication. Like the bottom of a lake, this energy serves as a mirror of our true essence - the depth of our feelings. Knowing the potential that this energy carries, we can fully use it for our own purposes. The Children's Zone is not only a reflection of our biological children, but also a symbol of development and the future. All the ideas that we want to implement originate here.

If you're planning to open a business, for example, don't underestimate the power of the energy in this zone. This is the place where life and joy are born. When you design this area, let your imagination run wild. This is a place where creative shapes and colors will greatly enhance the flow of energy.

If the Children's area is overlooked in the planning of the room, its occupant will be prone to depression and melancholy, money will be spent on practical things rather than hobbies, and the relationship between parents and children will be difficult.

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