What does it mean if your feet itch - on the right or left legs?

People have long believed that each of us is accompanied by higher powers from birth. There is always an angel to the right of a person, and a demon to the left. It is they who send us signals in the form of manifestations of the body.

Our ancestors knew that it was very important to interpret these messages correctly. To avoid a number of problems, it is better to study some signs, for example, find out why your left foot itches.

You may be sent on a business trip after itching in your left foot.

Why does the foot itch according to folk superstitions?

When unbearable itching occurs in the area of ​​​​the feet, the thought involuntarily arises of what this can lead to.

There are many signs that explain why the feet itch, but the interpretation is influenced by which limb itched, left or right, at what time and on what day the discomfort arose.


The interpretation of superstition, why the sole of the right foot itches, in general, has a positive meaning. Possible values:

  • You will meet a new person who will change your life.
  • Superstition marks the possibility of travel, which will leave a lot of positive impressions.
  • A meeting with an old acquaintance is coming, which will end in long conversations.
  • Often, itching in the area of ​​the right foot means an improvement in financial situation.

If in a dream you dreamed that your right foot was suffering from a burning sensation, it means serious losses are coming.


Unfortunately, the interpretation of folk signs associated with the left side of the body does not bode well. This is due to the fact that the devil accompanies a person on the left side, who tempts him to commit bad deeds.

Interpretation of the sign:

  • A long journey awaits a person, but the reason for which he has to go on a trip will not be joyful.
  • Any new endeavor will not be successful.
  • The long-awaited trip will be disrupted and the time spent on its preparation will be wasted.

According to legend, if your feet itch, it means a negative event is coming.

Both at the same time

Sometimes an unpleasant sensation occurs in both limbs at the same time.

What do the signs say about this, why does the left and right foot itch:

  • Sudden changes are coming that will change life for the better.
  • Feelings for your partner may increase, leading to a stronger relationship.
  • Success in work, favorable resolution of difficult business negotiations, career advancement.
  • Change in the pace of life - boring, same-type days will be replaced by bright and dynamic ones.

If itching in the right and left feet occurs in a pregnant woman, then she should devote time to her health and give preference to passive rest.

Basic interpretation

Get ready to go!
The most common belief is that if the left foot begins to itch, then the road awaits the person. The news that we will soon have to hit the road will come soon. This belief originates from those distant times when news was conveyed by messengers and they traveled on foot. It is this interpretation of the sign that most often turns out to be the most reliable and truthful.

Depending on the location of the itching

According to the interpretation of the sign, if an unpleasant sensation occurs on the right side of the foot, then it is time to start a new important business or resolve deferred tasks. Superstition promises a quick resolution of all issues, and without much effort.

You should also pay attention to the discomfort you experienced in your dream.

If the area closer to the pads itches, you should wait for a visit from guests. Good news is also likely. Well, if your fingers themselves itch, it means a big holiday is coming, and you won’t be able to do without visiting it.

If discomfort occurs in your left foot, it means there is a long road ahead, full of difficulties. It is also likely that the body needs rest.

When the area near the heel itches unbearably, it is worth reconsidering your own priorities and learning to use time rationally. But when your fingers or the area between them itch, it means there’s a journey ahead.

For athletes, itching in the left foot is regarded as a favorable sign sent from above. There is a high probability that the upcoming competition will end in first place.

Taking a foot bath will help get rid of the unpleasant sensation.

Where exactly does your foot itch?

Itching in the left heel warns of useless activities in which you are very passionate. By spending a lot of invaluable time and effort on this, you forget to do really necessary and useful things. Stop wasting your life senselessly, this will not lead you to even the slightest success. All your hopes most likely have no prospects.

An itchy heel can also be a sign of an overnight trip. But in it you will only get tired. Again, a pointless exercise.

When your toes itch, your body wants to tell you about the upcoming trip, which will drain a lot of your moral strength. Be patient, you will definitely need it. External stimuli will affect you for a long time. Although problems will await you at every corner, if you are able to solve them, the result will greatly please you. Don't give up!

The center of the foot itches means waste or loss of funds. The nature of the loss can be very different. You may be robbed or deceived. Or maybe you yourself will become the culprit of the situation by betting on your favorite team to lose. Postpone plans to invest money, even if it is a small amount. You will lose 100% of your funds.

But when the middle of your foot itches on the other side, rumors will start to spread about you. And, as it happens, they are very unpleasant and even angry. Get ready for the fact that they will start throwing mud at you, which will cause your reputation to radically change for the worse. Don't trust people you don't know well in the next couple of weeks. And in life too. It’s better to postpone serious plans for the next 24 hours.

Is the side of your foot itchy? This is just a sign that your efforts are pointless and will be ineffective. Even if you are busy with your immediate work. At the same time, which specific side itches is completely unimportant.

Meaning for guys and men

Unfortunately, men are skeptical about signs, but in vain. Often, knowing the interpretation of superstitions allows you to avoid bad events.

So, for young boys and men, the belief is interpreted as follows:

  • For married men, a sign that explains why the foot itches promises a major family quarrel that can arise for no reason.
  • An unpleasant feeling may arise before a love date. However, you should not rejoice, because such a meeting will not be fateful; on the contrary, it will most likely add problems.

A woman with itchy feet may soon meet her soul mate

Taking into account the day of the week and time of day

To correctly interpret folk superstition, one should take into account the day of the week when the unpleasant sensation arose. At the same time, it should be noted that if discomfort appears in the right foot, you should wait for the onset of pleasant events, and if in the left, then prepare for the blows of fate.

The interpretation of superstition goes like this:

  • If your foot itches on Monday, it means there is an unplanned trip ahead that is associated with bad events.
  • Discomfort on Tuesday foreshadows a noisy feast that will not end at all rosy. However, there is one thing - if a girl has an unpleasant feeling in the evening hours, then this week she will probably meet an interesting man.
  • On Wednesday, the sign prophesies minor failures that may arise due to the fact that a person with black thoughts has appeared in the environment.
  • Itching that occurs on Thursday promises the arrival of uninvited guests. Moreover, these people do not always come with good intentions, so, probably, such a visit is just an excuse to ask a person for a favor.
  • An unpleasant feeling that appears on Friday is a sign of loss. A quarrel with a friend or loved one is possible, which will lead to a break in the relationship.
  • On Saturday, the sign promises a serious discord with friends. A quarrel can arise over the slightest reason, so on this day it is recommended to limit communication and stay at home.
  • On Sunday, the sign of itchy feet foreshadows minor troubles next week, because of which the person will be mentally exhausted.

Girls are more inclined to believe omens, but men are skeptical about them.

Not only the day of the week, but also the time of day affects the reliability of the interpretation of a sign.


  • Morning. If your foot itches in the morning, it means that an interesting meeting will happen that day: it could be a date or a business dinner, but certainly with a positive outcome.
  • Day. Superstition portends personal failure. It will have an impact on work and income. The person will probably have to put things aside and go on a trip in order to resolve problems.
  • Evening. A person may make a mistake, the consequences of which will not take long to arrive. To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you should listen to your inner voice.
  • Night. If the itching occurs at night, then fate will provide a chance to achieve the desired goal.

In some cases, superstition can even promise a change of place of residence.

If your feet itch, then the sign, as a rule, promises a long journey

What does medicine say about this?

Today, there are many reasons that cause itchy feet. These include: somatic diseases, allergies, severe stress, diabetes, immune problems, dry skin, fungus or bacteria, dermatitis, impetigo, folliculitis or insect bites.

Often this phenomenon worries women during pregnancy. This condition can be caused by various reasons. These include:

  • varicose veins of the legs;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • restless legs syndrome.

In the latter case, the expectant mother experiences not only itching of the foot, but also a tingling and twitching sensation. These symptoms manifest themselves strongly in the evening and cause a lot of inconvenience.

A specialist will help you accurately determine the etiology of itching. Usually, to make a diagnosis, he prescribes general and chemical blood tests.

How to enhance the effect of a sign

Sometimes the effect of a sign can be strengthened, especially if a person wants a positive outcome.

The easiest way to strengthen the effect of popular superstition is to knock on the mirror - every time your foot starts to itch, you need to go up and lightly knock on the mirror.

In addition, you need to believe in folk signs, trust the signs that the body gives.

Continuous itching may indicate a lack of vitamins in the body.

How to neutralize negative consequences

The most effective way to neutralize the effect of a sign is to read a prayer.

But there are other ways to scare away misfortune and attract good luck:

  • You need to get up from your sleeping place on your right foot - this will increase the likelihood of success in business.
  • Put shoes on your left foot first and only then on your right. This trick will attract good luck.
  • When leaving the threshold of your home or office, you need to step with your right foot first.

Signs that explain why the foot itches, as a rule, do not foretell the onset of good events. But, knowing how to neutralize their effect, you can avoid difficulties and attract good luck.

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