We select the color of the bedroom according to Feng Shui and depending on the location of the room

Would you like to know how to get the perfect feng shui bedroom? There is no place in the world like your own cozy and comfortable home. No matter how much you spend on expensive furniture or Italian marble floors, if there is no harmony in the interior, all this luxury goes to waste. A tranquil home is what we all desire after a tiring day at work, and the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui teaches just that.

The art of creating a home that contains the right feng shui values ​​is quite easy and straightforward - it's just a matter of a few adjustments.

Bedrooms are our safe haven. A place where we not only retire at night, but also spend most of our time. Whether it's reading a book or listening to music, your bedroom is where you spend quality time doing what you enjoy doing the most. The utmost care and attention should be given to the bedroom.

The ancient teaching of Feng Shui originates from the alignment of energies that bring happiness and peace in space. All you need to do is try to achieve the best bedroom layout and carefully avoid bad layouts that can cause any disturbances or unwanted energies. Other important aspects that create balance in a home are the use of certain colors and textures. Everything from mirror placement to choosing decorative items, artifacts and frames.

The influence of color on human life

Are you wondering which shades will attract the feng shui energy you need? It doesn't matter if you have a significant other, are married or are single, the energy in the bedroom has enough power over your health and controls the flow of love in your life. Moreover, this applies both to feelings towards oneself and towards the opposite sex, a partner.

The bedroom should be primarily for people Source pix10.agoda.net

Interior design websites are replete with a variety of offers. Some are impressive, featuring bedrooms ranging from bright turquoise to jet black. But thoughtless transfer of a ready-made template can negatively affect the life of the occupant of the room; not everything brings positive energy into the house.

Even though people have predictable reactions to color - i.e. yellow, orange is happy, blue, green is calming, etc. - choosing a shade for the bedroom can be difficult. Not only because the colors that are shown to us in samples in hardware stores are usually very different from what appears on the walls, but also because many of the surrounding elements in your bedroom should harmonize with the shade, accept it.

Carefully choose the color for your bedroom walls Source kulturwerk-kraichgau.de

Having knowledge of Feng Shui, it is easier to select colors: the teaching gives very clear recommendations. If doubts remain, you can simply choose a flesh color and play with it with details. In addition, there is still room for imagination, because skin color has a lot of shades: from white to rich chocolate brown.

If you want your Feng Shui bedroom color to truly attract harmonious energy in your home, you should explore the topic further.

Bedroom decor according to feng shui

There are a lot of things to cover when setting up your bedroom decor. The first is the type of furniture you use. Chinese philosophy favors clean lines and edges, which are recommended and loved for their attractiveness.

Remove any decorative items that hang directly above your head, as this will constantly make you feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Instead, you can place them above the dining table. Another rule is to not place any large furniture near the bed. Many people hang bookshelves next to their beds for easy reading at night. Remove anything large you have near your bed to ensure a restful sleep.

Avoid placing a TV or desk in your bedroom to stay away from anything that disturbs your peaceful time. As hard as it may sound, leaving your smartphones outside the bedroom will truly give you time to connect one-on-one with your loved one without any interruptions.

Art and decoration plays a very important role in creating good feng shui. You can personalize and bring in decorative elements of your choice, keeping in mind the simple rules of Feng Shui art.

It's great to have posters and pictures, but nothing too edgy or out of touch with your lifestyle should be part of your bedroom. Scary face masks, paintings depicting sadness or violence will make you feel uncomfortable and will eventually transfer these emotions into your life.

Another important decorative element is a mirror . We love placing mirrors as they reflect light and keep the room feeling spacious and bright. According to Feng Shui rules, the mirror should not be located directly in front of the bed, as you can unconsciously see all your movements.

Bagua: bedroom location and color choice

One way to choose a shade to ensure harmony in the home is to meet the energy needs of each bagua zone, a special area determined by the arrangement of rooms according to cardinal directions.

If you find it difficult to determine in which part of the house the bedroom is located, use a compass.

The Bagua scheme will help in choosing a color for the walls Source bezkovrov.com

There are 8 options for the location of the bedroom in the apartment:

  • East;
  • southeast;
  • south;
  • southwest;
  • west;
  • northwest;
  • north;
  • northeast.

According to the teaching, everything in the world consists of energy and everything is interconnected by it. Therefore, when you change the color schemes in your home, it directly affects your life. The effect can be very significant. For each cardinal direction, Feng Shui recommends using certain colors and their shades.

Suitable talismans

Having identified and cleared the northern feng shui zone in the apartment, you need to select talismans that will help you achieve success in your career:

  1. The most common mascot for this zone is a turtle. It can be black or metal-colored. It is a symbol of heavenly support, wisdom and longevity. There should be only one turtle, since the number of this sector is 1. It is best to have a live turtle, but an image or figurine with a portrait of the owner attached to the shell will do. The most powerful talisman will be a live turtle, which is in an aquarium with water.
  2. An amulet that attracts financial well-being is a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, which should not be glued. It is best to place the figurine in water, for example, in a fountain or aquarium.
  3. A figurine of Hotei with a bag of money, made of any material, will become a symbol of material wealth.
  4. A ceramic vase, inside of which there are special Chinese coins, symbolizing the unity of Heaven and Earth, has similar properties.
  5. A ship with raised sails and filled with coins appears only in a house that expects financial stability. The nose is directed to the right, but not towards the door or window, otherwise the wealth will go away.

Eastern and southeastern

The eastern part is also called the health and family well-being zone. It involves choosing a color for the bedroom according to Feng Shui of three elements out of five possible: Water, Wood or Earth. That is, these are all shades of blue, green and brown.

The area just to the south meets the same requirements. Therefore, feel free to choose the colors of Earth and Wood - green and brown, black and blue - Water and Earth, and other combinations.

For a bedroom in the southeast, green and woody colors are suitable Source d1gc6ba1r4599p.cloudfront.net

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The southeast zone is associated with the flow of abundance, so the bedroom can be seen as an opportunity to attract wealth into your life. But at the same time, any water objects - aquariums, fountains, as well as images with water - paintings, tapestries, are undesirable for use in the bedroom, even if it is located in an area of ​​wealth and prosperity.

Strengthening cardinal directions

In Feng Shui, each cardinal direction is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life. If initially the zones are in a negative position, it is possible to strengthen each of them.

The wind symbol in the north-west direction, according to Feng Shui, helps strengthen family and career

  • The East symbolizes the sunrise and harmony in family relationships. To activate the energy in the eastern zone, it is recommended to decorate it in brown or green tones with the addition of red lines and place indoor plants in it. Photos of deceased people in this direction are unacceptable, since its energy is incompatible with such a phenomenon as death.
  • Southeast - prosperity and wealth. There should be no fresh flowers in this area. It is recommended to purchase a figurine of a money tree and install it on this side.
  • Northeast is the land zone. She is responsible for learning and acquiring new knowledge. Activation is carried out with crystals, Buddha figurines and crystal objects. Here it is recommended to glue red wallpaper.
  • The Western side is responsible for the relationship between parents and children, as well as for the sphere of self-realization. This side of the world can be strengthened through the number seven: for example, seven elephants or seven bells, and the objects should be round in shape.
  • The southwest zone is the sphere of love, relationships and family. Here it is advisable to place figures of butterflies, mandarin ducks, crystals and other symbols of romance.
  • North West - career advancement, achievements and family values. This is the home owner’s area, for which it is better to choose gray-yellow tones. A good solution in this place would be to install wind chimes. There should be no erotic paintings or weapons here.

The northern zone is responsible for career advancement. Black and blue colors should be present in this area of ​​the room. If the bedroom windows face north, there is no need to activate energy in this direction.

The southern part is responsible for ways to achieve results and social position in society. You can strengthen the zone through a golden pyramid, your own portrait and a picture of a phoenix. Once positive energy is activated in each side of the bedroom according to the rules of Feng Shui, being in this room will become much more pleasant.

A bedroom is not only a room for rest and recuperation, but also a place of unity for a couple, therefore, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the strength of the relationship between spouses depends on the arrangement of furniture and utensils. According to the practice of Feng Shui, if you choose the right location of the bedroom, the colors of its interior, and organize the space in this room, the positive energy activated in it will be able to harmonize all aspects of its owner’s life.

Bedroom colors in the southern and southwestern parts

The southern region in Feng Shui is associated with the energy of reputation in society, fame, and the Fire that feeds them. The ideal choice in this case is red and all its shades. Purple and yellow will do. You can also add the energy of Wood, which feeds Fire, filling the interior with decor from light to dark brown and all shades of green.

It is easy to decorate a room in the southwestern area of ​​an apartment according to Bagua, based on the teachings of Feng Shui. This area is associated with energy, marriage, love, family. All kinds of art and decor items symbolizing deep affection, love, romance are welcome here.

The color of Fire and Love is red Source stroy-podskazka.ru

Feng Shui bedroom colors for married couples are associated with the elements of Earth and Fire. The ideal would be a combination of any shades of red, even violet and purple, with earth tones: brown, gray, sand and so on.

Feng Shui of an apartment: zone of wealth

In the wealth zone, a fountain symbolizing abundance (or a picture with its image) would be appropriate. A successful alternative to a fountain can be an aquarium with goldfish swimming in it.

  • When activating the wealth zone, you need to place several traditional symbols of abundance in it. Most often, a figurine of a money frog holding gold coins in its mouth is chosen for this. Its head must be directed inside the room so that there is a feeling that the frog has jumped from outside, bringing wealth into the house. When designing the wealth sector, you should show a sense of proportion and not overload it with a large number of traditional Chinese symbols.
  • In this corner of the apartment you can place a hieroglyph of wealth and a bunch of Chinese coins tied with a red cord.

Bedroom colors of the western area of ​​the house

Part of the house associated with the energy of childhood, creativity, art. Ideal for placing a child's room here and for those who dream of a large family. But don’t think, bright flashy colors and a mixture of colors will do. In fact, according to Feng Shui, the best colors here are gray and white. They express metal, which is the main element of the western region.

The colors of the Earth are also suitable, because it is the one that is so important for Metal. Therefore, all natural tones will fit perfectly in a bedroom in the western region, attracting the energy necessary for its inhabitant.

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Plants for the bedroom

Flowers in the recreation area are not the best option. Experts say that only one plant can be placed in it. If the owner of the bedroom would like to see bouquets in it, paintings with images of flowers are placed on the wall.

Plants must be selected taking into account the direction of the world:

  • peonies are symbols of passion, they are relevant for newlyweds, and for people who have been married for a long time, they are associated with infidelity;
  • roses carry positive Qi energy, especially yellow or purple ones, but they do not tolerate proximity to other flowers;
  • the orchid is a source of anxiety, which is associated with its aroma, which prevents you from getting enough sleep at night;
  • the money tree is a symbol of wealth, but since it is not recommended to place plants in the bedroom, you should limit yourself to their figures;
  • poppies in the relaxation room help to establish love relationships.

Placing such a painting opposite the bed will contribute to the couple’s love harmony

Northwestern and northern region

The areas of the apartment in the north-west and west are ruled by the same element - Metal. For a bedroom, a harmonious choice would be white and gray, all earth tones. Be careful to limit the strong presence of red - fiery - shades: the Fire element comes into conflict and causes damage to Metal.

Gray and white colors for the bedroom give elegance Source www.mkumodels.com

It is generally accepted that it is somewhat difficult to decorate a lounge in the north, since the colors of this area are not the most flattering for a bedroom. The element of Water, which rules the north, wears blue and black. To use them in the bedroom, the designer will need enough skill not to create a feeling of overwhelm. It is ideal to dilute dark shades with the colors of the Metal element, because it is supported by Water. White and gray colors combined with blue and light blue are great for a bedroom in the northern part.

Office color scheme

It may seem strange, but the color scheme of your office walls also has a big impact on your career success. The predominance of green and blue tones is considered ideal. According to Feng Shui, these colors are symbols of energy, sound thinking, sincerity, as well as harmony and peace. Decorate your office in similar colors and you will not feel tired, drowsy and irritable, but on the contrary, you will feel maximum strength and energy.

At the same time, gray and brown shades have an extremely unfavorable effect on workers. Such a dull color scheme will not contribute to your career advancement, because these colors absolutely do not improve vitality and productivity and have a depressing effect on the psyche.

The influence of the colors of the five elements

Having decided on which side the bedroom is located and choosing the colors that suit it, it will be useful to know what exactly this or that shade means, what energy it will attract, and how it will interact with other colors. This knowledge will help you optimally choose not only the furniture and wall color in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, but also decorative elements and even bed linen.

Before renovating your bedroom, decide on its purpose Source st.hzcdn.com

Bed in the bedroom according to feng shui

The position of the bed plays the most important role in shaping the feng shui of the bedroom. The main rule is to keep the bed as far away from the door as possible. This is called the "command" bed position. The bed is in a position of power when it is not in a direct line of energy that flows from the door.

Layouts where the door is visible from the bed bring peace and prosperity to your life. A bed on the opposite side of the door and yet not directly facing the door or placed under a window is the best position to create peace and harmony. Placing it against an adjacent wall is also a good Feng Shui bedroom layout.

How not to make a mistake in choosing

Radical renovation is an important part of many apartment and house owners. It requires not only concentration in choosing a design, but immaterial costs. It’s a shame if after the renovation it will be difficult to stay in the bedroom. And this is quite possible if expectations do not coincide with reality. How to make sure that the selected colors fulfill their function and give the owner of the bedroom peace and tranquility.

Depending on your mood, the style of the room can be changed at least every quarter Source img.tsn.ua

A few tips before starting a renovation:

  1. Decide on the color you want in your bedroom and head to the hardware store. It is advisable to have a sketch of the future premises with you.
  2. Having chosen the necessary shades, do not rush to make your purchase. The patterns on your wall may look completely different from what you imagine. Buy several samples.
  3. At home, apply strokes to the bedroom walls, or better yet, draw squares, combining the selected colors on all walls.
  4. Leave it for several days, looking at the flowers at different times of the day and in different moods. It is quite possible that your opinion will change.
  5. Having finally decided on the shades, proceed to complete painting or wallpapering.

Add accents with details Source fairoom.by

Amulets for the career field

First of all, you can use all the items directly related to the element of water, for example: aquariums, small fountains, models of ships and sailboats and, of course, fish.

Sailboats or ships are the most suitable solution for those people who have their own business or dream of it. Then the model of the sailboat must be placed in such a way that its bow is directed towards the wall or towards the corner of the room, but in no case looks at the window or door.

But the stern of the ship must be placed exactly the opposite way to the front door, so that your ship seems to float into your home and bring with it success in all respects.

As for fish, you can, of course, purchase real fish, but it is better to turn to artificial ones, made in the form of figurines, for help. In this case, the fish figurines must be gold or bronze. In addition, you can place a fan on the wall, decorated with images of fish, and the more of these cute creatures painted on it, the better.

It is also allowed to use talismans that indirectly relate to the element of water and also enhance the metal element. Among them, the first place is deservedly occupied by the turtle, symbolizing wisdom and support from above. Therefore, if you dream of getting help from higher-ups (for example, your boss), be sure to purchase a turtle figurine.

And remember that there should only be one turtle. Options with a pyramid with three turtles will not work in this case. It is ideal when the turtles are made of heavy metals, for example cast iron, the greater the weight of the figure, the better

A rather unusual item that will help enhance your luck in business is a voluminous spherical vase. You need to place white flowers in it. The metal will help increase financial well-being, so the vase will not just stimulate career growth, but will help you get much more than before.

It is recommended to hang wind chimes in those areas where you most need to attract good luck (such as doors to your home, dimly lit places). In this zone it can be formed by several metal tubes. In order for the tubes to make sound, additional parts should be attached to them, for example, metal sticks.

Now you know how to attract good luck in your work and career. Use this knowledge to improve your situation, and to complete the topic, be sure to watch this interesting video:

The main element in the spotlight

Nothing is given as much attention when arranging furniture in the bedroom as its main element - the bed. It should not be replaced by a sofa, sofa, folding chair or other alternative to this essential piece of furniture. Rules for choosing a bed:

  • Even if there is only one person in the bedroom, the bed should be a double.
  • On this piece of furniture, the mattress should only be one-piece, and not made up of two parts, otherwise discord between spouses is inevitable.
  • The best location for the bed is against the walls near the door, but not opposite the exit. However, the person lying on the bed should be able to see the door, but not lie feet first in relation to it (in the “dead man’s” position). This position is very important, since the right direction attracts health and protects against illness.
  • The bed should always be neatly made, have fresh linens, good pillows, a mattress and a blanket, and be stable and durable.
  • A double bed placed by a bachelor or a single woman on one side close to the bedroom walls will lead to the person sleeping on it choosing to live alone.
  • It is very bad if there is a shelf, bulky paintings, or other interior items hanging over the bed.

In order for the sleep on this bed to be sound and complete, it is necessary that there are absolutely no things, drawers, boxes or just rubbish under it. Cleanliness and order in the bedroom are an indispensable condition for quality rest.

The object that absorbs all diseases and takes the entire blow upon itself is the “calabash” - a specially prepared dry or copper pumpkin. If this talisman stands to the left of the bed while sleeping, it prolongs the life of its owner.

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