Minor Arcana Tarot Ace of Pentacles: meaning and combination with other cards

Tarot cards are a powerful tool that allows you to shed light on events in the near or distant future, as well as make decisions in difficult life situations. Previously, we have already introduced you to the interpretation of many Tarot arcana, and in this article we will tell you what the meaning of the Ace of Pentacles card is.

By the way! On our website there is a Collection of fortune telling using Tarot cards online - use it for your health!

Image of the Arcana Ace of Pentacles Tarot

The card depicts a hand emerging from behind the clouds and holding a gold coin. At the bottom of the lasso you can see a flowering garden with a gate and a road leading to the mountain slopes.

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The Ace of Pentacles (also called the Ace of Coins Tarot or Ace of Denarii) is a symbol of the earth element. On it you can see the image of a five-pointed star - a pentagram that connects the five primary elements (fire, water, earth, air or ether). In the Eastern tradition, air and ether are replaced by metal and wood.

In Kabbalah, the pentagram denotes a tetragram of the name of God, to which the letter “shin” is added, which is interpreted as the name of Jesus Christ.

The Ace of Coins says that, having discovered the meaning of the primary elements, we leave the Garden of Eden, discovering the real world filled with miracles. We need to accept everything that the world has given us and constantly learn different life secrets.

This lasso is the most favorable of all the minor arcana. When the Ace of Denarii appeared in the layouts of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, they stopped further fortune-telling, because they already knew that the outcome was favorable.


In matters of health, the interpretation of the direct Ace of Coins symbolizes rebirth. In a physical sense, this could be an incredible healing after a complex illness or an unconfirmed terrible diagnosis.

An inverted card represents unexpected illnesses:

  • disability due to an accident;
  • heart attack;
  • breakdown.

The Ace of Denarii card in the Tarot advises you to behave carefully during a difficult period and expose yourself less to danger. The lasso also indicates: problems happen through the fault of the fortuneteller himself, and the cause is his imprudence.

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Meaning

From an astrological perspective, the map corresponds to Venus in the second house, which represents the possibility of achieving internal or external well-being and success.

In a straight position

Arkan says that a person has acquired some skills, new financial horizons are opening up for him, new opportunities for career growth and self-improvement.

  1. General meaning of the card: predicts the receipt of a large present, indicates available resources.
  2. In events: the prospect of receiving finance, the beginning of a good start.
  3. In business: speaks of large start-up capital, long-term loans, interest-free loans. A person acquires his own property, real estate or makes purchases that give him pleasure. The money will be invested in a timely manner and very successfully (the possibility of large investments and significant financial support).
  4. At work: advancement up the career ladder is coming, well-deserved recognition, a bonus or high salary will be received.
  5. The lasso indicates an excellent state of health. Pathologies of the legs, salt deposits, gout, varicose veins are possible, but to a weak degree. But in some cases, the Ace of Pentacles will tell you about the appearance of a tumor that quickly becomes malignant.
  6. In the sphere of relationships: balance reigns here, love is perceived as a gift from above. A love affair with a future perspective, strong, favorable, mature.
  7. Ace Denariev describes a person who loves fundamentality, who cares about his image, and who is prone to excess weight. This is an authoritative person who is difficult not to notice. May have creative talents.
  8. The card advises you to use luck, which itself comes into your hands. Pay close attention to what is happening.
  9. Warns you to rely on yourself, and not on others or higher powers.
  10. The final answer to your question is yes. Stop the fortune telling.

In reverse position

In an inverted position, the Ace of Denariev indicates a lack of opportunity to grow, a worsening financial situation, or a person has money, but it does not make him happy.

  1. In events: receiving a gift or help that obliges gratitude. At the same time, it is typical that you don’t really need the present, it causes discomfort, and does not bring joy.
  2. In business: now is not the right time to invest. It is possible to receive imposed investments in order to later influence your affairs. The need to take out a loan, a loan at a high interest rate. You need to pay a bribe. In order to get something, you will have to “sweat” a lot.
  3. A person “trades” his health or beauty: the card shows an athlete, model or donor.
  4. Relationships in a couple are based not on love, but on calculation.
  5. Arkan describes a person with an oppressive, heavy character who forces himself to be listened to and is inclined to impose his opinion on others.
  6. He advises not to forget that you have to pay for everything.
  7. Warns: the emergence of serious obligations cannot be ruled out.
  8. Weigh how what you want may turn out to be for you.
  9. The lasso marks the beginning of a prosperous period, but fraught with obligations.

Detailed meaning of the Ace of Coins Tarot

Like other aces, the Ace of Pentacles demonstrates the chances that are hidden within ourselves. He calls for turning deep into your subconscious to search for new opportunities to solve the current situation (it belongs to the earthly element and symbolizes mainly spiritual wealth).

Although the card is quite positive, it does not mean that success will fall on you from above - you will have to make some efforts for it. The main thing is that the final result will not only meet your hopes, but will also make you a truly happy person.

In progress

Landing the Ace of Denarii foretells a wonderful opportunity to achieve professional success. In one case, this may indicate a high level of income and financial stability, in another - about honor, respect, well-deserved fame, and in a third - it indicates that the person is satisfied with his activities.

Be that as it may, the lasso demonstrates the beginning of wonderful prospects for further development and achieving your goals.

In the sphere of consciousness

Here, as in the previous case, the card indicates the chances and possibilities of obtaining important and necessary information. You will probably come up with an idea that will quickly and easily solve a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. Or you will learn an important life lesson, thanks to which you will realize new facets of the universe.

What does the Ace of Pentacles Tarot mean in relationships?

The ability to create strong, sincere relationships. Often, Ace foreshadows a new promising acquaintance. But there may also be an option that the card foreshadows the opening of new opportunities in the old union, thanks to which both partners will become truly happy.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Reversed keys: restless moods, vanity, greed, exhaustion, obsession with money and profit, envious moods, fear of losses, possible ruin. There may be monetary losses for which you will be to blame. Unreasonable actions, the other side of money. Prosperity does not bring pleasure from life and joy to its owner.

You may have reached a stable situation or have already reached such a position, but you do not feel it due to the unnecessary pursuit of a big jackpot. This way you don’t calm down and drive fortune away from you. You don’t know how to be content with little and what you achieved earlier, you crave more, chase after it, in the end you will lose what was achieved earlier and you won’t understand why you were chasing.

The desire to have more wealth drains your moral, spiritual, mental and physical strength. Against this background, negative and destructive emotions are born. You become envious, jealous, arrogant, harsh with others, distrustful, and afraid of losing everything. At such a moment, you may not realize that you may have already lost something.

This includes the saying: “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” And in fact, financial wealth will not bring joy, only disappointment, because you do not know how to appreciate what you have.

Advice: reconsider your attitude towards money and then, most likely, the Ace of Pentacles will turn favorably towards you.

Combination with other arcana

  • With the “Jester” lasso - financial difficulties.
  • With the “Magician” lasso, money begins to work for you.
  • With the “High Priestess” lasso - passive money (indicates the stash).
  • With the lasso “Empress” - making a profit.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - family capital.
  • With the Hierophant lasso - the need for financial donations.
  • With the lasso “Lovers” - the total budget.
  • With the Chariot lasso there is an ambiguous probability of making a profit.
  • With the lasso “Strength” - an opportunity to bounce back.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso - thinking about an important issue.
  • With the "Wheel of Fortune" lasso - a time of financial instability.
  • With the lasso “Justice” - get what you deserve.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso - a material donation.
  • With the lasso “Death” - a project that has no future.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - the need to save money and resources.
  • With the “Devil” lasso - receiving “dirty” money.
  • With the Tower lasso - a time of financial losses.
  • With the “Star” lasso, a person hopes to receive a profit or a valuable gift.
  • With the lasso “Moon” - financial deception, dubious activity.
  • With the “Sun” lasso - financial well-being; excellent health; conception.
  • With the lasso “Judgment” - the efforts of the past will bring you profit.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - receiving a monetary reward.

The following video reveals a lot of interesting information about this Tarot arcana:

Work and career

In a professional situation, it means a new job with good monetary reward and prospects. New business venture. A good start to a business, but remember that there will be many more difficult situations ahead, so it won’t hurt to save a little for a rainy day.

Your hard work is starting to pay off. This can be either financial incentives or an increase in income, or an increase or promotion.

Also, the Ace of Pentacles can indicate the initial stage of the career of a hardworking and ambitious student or apprentice. For a creative person, it promises full recognition of his talent.

The reversed position of this Ace indicates a possible job offer, but it will not be well paid. Job loss. There is not enough money to implement ideas and projects. Questionable transactions can also take place using this lasso. Corruption, abuse of power, “black” accounting, salary “in an envelope”.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ “One card” layout

Ace of Pentacles General Meaning

Such a card indicates that a person will live in prosperity and will not experience need.
These relationships need to be valued and preserved.
Partners harmoniously complement each other. Health
General health is not cause for concern.
However, in some cases, foot problems may occur. affairs
await large, successful investments or an interest-free loan. Large transactions or real estate purchases are also possible.

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✚ For the future

Ace of Pentacles The card does not denote a large number of emotional experiences and feelings; it is a symbol of cash receipts, which will come in handy in the current situation. Be sure to pay attention to your health; at the moment you do not have any diseases, but over time they may appear because you devote little time to your own well-being. Go through a comprehensive diagnosis to learn more about your condition, which is very important for every person who values ​​life.

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✚ On relationships

Ace of Pentacles This card has only positive meaning. If you are already in a relationship, then be prepared for pleasant changes that will take the relationship to a new level. You can also expect a new side of your partner to reveal itself, perhaps marriage or the appearance of children. For single people, the Ace of Pentacles card is a sign that in the near future the fortuneteller will meet a new person who has qualities that the questioner has not met before. And this set of qualities will be ideal for the questioner; from such a meeting one can expect a long and strong relationship. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For today

Ace of Pentacles Gift of fate, personal achievements, satisfaction and prosperity. The card promises successful projects, worthy prospects, career advancement, property acquisition and financial success. You are in good health, excellent physical and emotional condition; Karat advises to devote even more time to your health. Balance reigns in relationships, and a happy and strong family life lies ahead. You are a very lucky person with creative abilities, watch your image. Rely only on yourself and carefully monitor what is happening!

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✚ For tomorrow

Ace of Pentacles A card denoting great material opportunities. Literally a cornucopia of material resources. It can also talk about any favorable changes relating to the material world.

Tomorrow the questioner can expect an unexpected bonus, the return of long-forgotten debts, a salary increase or a significant gift. The card can also indicate a promotion or major purchases.

In family life and love it means a comfortable relationship.

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✚ What does he think about me

Ace of Pentacles A period of great mutual understanding and harmony has begun in your relationship; you have learned to understand each other perfectly, so you enjoy being in each other’s company. You know how to feel emotions and experiences, so you are always ready to support your partner in a difficult situation. Provide real help that can simplify the biggest difficulty in mutual love between two people. Remember that harmonious and calm relationships are rare in the twenty-first century.

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✚ On request

Ace of Pentacles The wish will come true very soon. As a result, you will be satisfied in all aspects. Even if the result is completely different, it will still bring satisfaction. It is impossible to talk about the rest now. There are no obstacles and luck is on your side. Try not to treat your wish carelessly and it will definitely come true.

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✚ On the situation

Ace of Pentacles A gift from heaven and a sudden opening of new horizons awaits you. New opportunities have opened up for you. This is a period of self-improvement, a good start for what you have planned. Don't miss this life-changing opportunity.

You are pursuing success in business. Events are developing in the most positive way. But if you are not attentive to the signs of fate, then you may miss another opportunity. Accept everything that fate has given you!

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✚ For the betrothed

Ace of Pentacles A strong, long-term and passionate union promises you the Ace of Coins. It will be based on both psychological attraction and physical attraction. It is precisely such relationships that most often lead to the appearance of a family, children, and so on. It is interesting that with age this passion will not fade away, but will only intensify the desire to be together.

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✚Guardian Angel Advice

Ace of Pentacles A person eager to do something necessary, important, valuable.

You are starting a new business or the next stage in the previous one. New sprouts will bear their beneficial fruits. Like a fruit-bearing tree, a person sometimes bends under the weight of the burden, but the richer the harvest. You will be able to enjoy the results of your work.

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✚ On the King

Ace of Pentacles This card is associated with sensual pleasures, therefore, if you are currently in a relationship, then they move into the phase of physical pleasure with each other. Romance and relaxation together are what we need right now. Your partner is crazy about you, he is reliable and faithful.

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✚ For treason

Ace of Pentacles In this situation, the Ace of Pentacles card indicates the prospect of creating strong family relationships. This lasso carries the possibility of a strong, harmonious union in which both partners will value and respect each other.

The couple will prosper, financial well-being is possible. The consequence of this development of events may be the birth of children and happy sexual relationships.

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✚ “Three cards” layout

Ace of Pentacles There are a lot of opportunities and useful information around you for their implementation. Whatever you undertake, complete success and prosperity awaits you. If you have worked long and hard on something, then the lasso shows that the time has come to collect the fruits of your activity. Good material enrichment is possible.

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✚ Love triangle

Ace of Pentacles The card foreshadows a balanced relationship, which partners perceive as a gift, value them and value each other’s feelings. In the future, they will reach a new level, and lovers will build a strong, prosperous family. The card is recommended not to “throw away” such relationships and protect them.

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✚ To fate

Ace of Pentacles Magnificent prospects for achieving your plans are open to you. You know exactly what result you want to achieve and how to get there; all circumstances are favorable. Get started without delay! You will have to work, but at the finish line you will not only be successful: you will be completely satisfied with your achievement.

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✚ To Work

Ace of Pentacles The card portends a loan without interest or profitable investments in business or a major acquisition. Arkan also promises good start-up capital for opening your own enterprise. The work will bring in a lot of income. Cash investments will give greater profits. It is possible to purchase real estate or another major acquisition that will increase your social status. Arkan recommends not to miss out on luck.

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✚ For pregnancy and children

Ace of Pentacles Fertilization has occurred. There may be minor but financially costly problems during pregnancy, but this will not affect the health of the mother and child. Try to lead a measured lifestyle and not overload yourself emotionally and physically.

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