Minor Arcana Tarot Two of Swords: meaning and combination with other cards

In the center of the card, attention is drawn to a woman sitting on a stone dais, the woman’s eyes are blindfolded with a white cloth, her face does not express any emotions, her arms are crossed, and the woman holds a sword with each hand. The woman sits with her back to the pond, on the map it is night - this is indicated by the month in the sky, stones are visible in the reservoir, and in the distance on the horizon the land of an island or the opposite shore is visible.

The setting of the card is calm, the only tension can be caused by two crossed swords in the hands of a woman.

Keys to the meaning of the card: quarrels and conflicts, misunderstandings. Balance of power. The situation in the relationship between two people is very precarious, on the verge of conflict. Divorce, division of property. The tension of the situation. Hesitation and doubt. Waiting for something. You need to look inside yourself. Lie. Duplicity, duality, as an option split personality. A break is needed, a pause. Slow motion situation. Temporary solution to the problem. You have to choose from two specific options.

Meaning of direct position.

Direct position keys:

  • balance of the situation due to submission to circumstances.
  • Masculinity.
  • Armament and truce.

There may be a glimpse of tenderness, love, intimacy between two people. The birth of an unsteady harmony. Demonstration of perseverance and fortitude. Inner balance. Willingness to overcome difficulties. Quarrels and conflicts end in a truce. It’s worth taking a little break, the difficult situation is left behind.

A fortuneteller encounters difficulties and obstacles along the way, but thanks to the available strength and resilience, confidence in oneself and one’s actions, and with the presence of internal reserves of the body, one can withstand difficulties and overcome them. Thus, it is possible to emerge victorious from any situation.

Your problems will be resolved as they arise. In this case, peace of mind will not suffer. Difficulties will be successfully passed, problems will be solved.

In conflicts, quarrels and confrontations between two sides, you will be able to resolve the situation, compromise and find convincing arguments for your point of view.

If there are internal experiences and conflict within you, then you can tame your feelings and emotions, take them under control and normalize your state of mind, finding harmony.

The Two of Swords is a fairly favorable card, but you shouldn’t let your guard down. Calm and self-confident and you will be empowered to advocate for yourself when necessary.

Card of the day:

On this day, you will be overcome by doubts: whether the decision was made correctly, whether it is worth agreeing, whether this person deserves trust, what to do next. There will be a feeling as if the inner voice has disappeared, intuition is completely turned off. It is worth postponing making an important decision until tomorrow. The morning is wiser than the evening.

Card tip:

Weigh all the possibilities, take into account all the pros and cons, make a decision calmly and based on logical calculations, and not impulsively under the influence of emotions. Question everything. Trust but check. Look for a compromise.


In this situation, only the power of intellect will not help; it is necessary to unblock emotions. Get ready for a long siege fight.

Meaning of inverted position.

Upside down keys:

  • two-faced game, forgery,
  • conflict within yourself
  • perfidy,
  • sell,
  • deception,
  • quarrels and conflicts with uncontrolled development,
  • fraud,
  • betrayal.

The fortuneteller lacks harmony with himself, has no stamina and has lost balance - all this unsettles the person, there is no way to concentrate and follow the right path. Conflicts with others have a painful impact on your condition, you are unable to argue in your favor, they don’t listen to you or don’t want to listen. You lack the authority or willpower to present your point of view. Strong feelings prevent you from adequately assessing the situation; uncontrollable negative emotions burst out. At the moment, what you consider to be your strengths, on the contrary, show your weaknesses, and you expose all your weak and insecure positions. Uncontrolled emotions bring destructive moments into the situation; you are not in control of the situation. Your victory escapes you, the confrontation drags on, and conflicts depress and lead to new quarrels and misunderstandings.

Work and finance

In a straight position

The meaning of the Two of Swords in the professional sphere: uncertainty of prospects, signing a contract “blindly”, a stop in career advancement, fruitless negotiations, professional incompetence, instability in business, forced compromise with colleagues.

In the field of finance, losses, delays in payments, and unforeseen expenses when concluding contracts and transactions are possible.

Reversed position

In the reverse position, the card warns of the receipt of false information from subordinates, intrigues of colleagues, and the spread of gossip that will harm the business reputation of the questioner. Now it is worth considering every word or statement so that it is not misinterpreted. This is not the time to trust business partners; most likely, their true intentions are hidden, they are trying to hook the fortuneteller.

In the field of finance, you should be wary of robbery, money fraud, and the signing of any contracts.

Druid Crafts

Witch Tarot

Tarot of White and Black Magic

Two of Swords in relationships.

This card literally blocks emotions and the heart. It may indicate a relationship that will not develop further because one person is afraid to experience pain and he covers his heart. The card can also mean that one person really doesn’t want to be in a partnership, while the other is trying to force himself.

If you are in a relationship, the Two of Swords speaks of fighting, bickering and unsettled thoughts, problems and mental disorders that the person does not know how to cope with.

Straight position. Relationships that have begun to find harmony assume balance, and the lost peaceful position is restored. a truce may come, which will give time to accumulate forces. Prosperous development of relationships.

The fortuneteller has certain questions and doubts about his partner. There are also doubts whether it is worth asking exciting questions or whether the answers can be found out in some other way. All doubts and questions relate to the future future together or separately, whether the relationship will exist or is it better to separate.

On the other hand, the Two of Swords can help find a compromise, look at a person from the other side and find common ground, establishing a path to reconciliation. It is worth paying attention to the nearby cards and the general disorganization of the layout.

Inverted position. Your partner does not want to deal with the problems that have arisen, does not want to interfere in your affairs, the same can be said about you. There is no understanding in relationships, partners do not value each other. Now there is a period when everything is quiet and calm and it seems that the problem can still be solved, that the relationship has a future, but in fact, productive dialogue has already been lost, the moment for reconciliation has been missed. The situation is tense.

There is a problem in the relationship and talking about it cannot be avoided.

Two of Swords in Feelings

Arcanum means in fortune-telling a person’s feelings that he is confused, denies something about himself, or feels very contradictory.

He has a conflict between emotions and intellect. He does not want to feel anything and tries to replace sensations with conscious thoughts.

Inner meaning

The impulse set by the Ace of Swords begins to look for a way out, strives to prove itself. It must be thrown out of a person’s soul, because otherwise it is impossible to live or work normally. But the outside world always resists this energy, and this resistance, like a spark, gives rise to the impulse of the Two of Swords.

The Ace of Swords in the 2 of Swords encounters resistance from the environment. This is a vector that was directed towards another vector. This is why at the lowest level the 2 of Swords represents a clash. The task in this map is to come to a constructive compromise, to develop some resultant. Therefore, this kata also has meanings: cooperation, agreement, agreement, harmony, but on a superficial level.

External passivity with strong internal tension. Defensive position.

Two of swords at work.

Specialties: ophthalmologist, esotericist, fencer.

Straight position. Honesty and openness in negotiations. There is common sense and a realistic assessment of the situation. A person knows how to resolve conflicts and difficult moments in a team, avoids rough edges and selects the right partners for work. On the one hand, the situation is in balance, but on the other hand, there are questions to which there are no answers yet, there are unspecified points. Temporary agreements and common project with competitors.

Inverted position. Misconceptions in the field of activity. The path is on the wrong road. The wrong direction of development has been chosen. Incorrect information. Closedness, taciturnity, and reluctance to discuss problems can lead to an uncontrollable scandal among subordinates, into which you may be drawn in.

For money

In fortune telling for money, the Two of Swords describes the improvement of one's material condition through profitable cooperation. You may receive an interesting offer in the near future.

In financial matters, use logic and common sense. You should not invest in dubious matters and make thoughtless purchases.

When reversed, the Two of Swords indicates an unstable financial situation, losses, expenses and losses. Be careful with money. Deception, theft or meeting with a scammer is likely.

The Two of Swords is about the situation as a whole.

Frozen situation. Two swords are a symbol of two factors, two external problems that prevent you from freely possessing information and acting; these factors block your activities. It is necessary to focus on internal sensations and trust your intuition, since you may not see some moments - this is indicated by the blindfold on the woman’s eyes.

External factors block your ability to act. It is necessary to submit to circumstances. It may be worth taking a wait-and-see approach and waiting for a more favorable moment to take decisive action.

A month in the sky shows that there are hidden opportunities or circumstances, and some information may also have been hidden. All that remains is to install:

- you hid this information,

- They hid something from you.

It is difficult to count on anything while the internal state is unbalanced.

What you should do: stop, pause, take a neutral position.

What you shouldn’t do: plunge into betrayal, be a coward and clothe yourself in duplicity.

Questions to consider:

- what decision can you make, why are you avoiding this problem?

— what contradictions did you encounter along the way?

- what are you ready to forgive or let go of?

— what are you prepared not to see?

- What is an external threat for you? What harms your condition and balance?

-why are you hiding? From what?

Interpretation in the context of personality psychology

The direct lasso Two of Swords characterizes an indecisive and weak-willed person. He gives in to life's difficulties and is easy to subjugate to his will. Perhaps this situation has arisen due to a negative past from which the questioner cannot free himself. There may be suppressive influences from the environment. It is necessary to analyze the influence of loved ones and exclude imposed values.

The inverted Two of Swords shows that a person doubts the correctness of the chosen path of development. Because of his chosen position, he lies not only to those around him, but also to himself. You must learn to look critically at your plans, then the traps of consciousness can be avoided.

Interpretation of the Two of Swords in combination with the Major Arcana

  • With a jester. Everything related to relationships with a child: quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings.
  • With a magician. Doubts about your field of activity or profession. Uncontrollable situation.
  • With the High Priestess. You prefer to live in ignorance. You drown in your illusions and open up to the wrong people.
  • With the Empress. Waiting to see how everything will develop.
  • With the Emperor. Avoidance of one's obligations.
  • With the hierophant. Take a neutral position. You don't have to choose. Your conscience is tormenting you.
  • With lovers. There is uncertainty in relationships. Understatement. There is a choice between two partners.
  • With a chariot. You hesitate, solid ground disappears from under your feet, it is impossible to make a decision, since there is nothing to rely on.
  • With strength. Face your contradictions.
  • With a hermit. Doubts about yourself, your strengths and capabilities. Withdrawal into oneself, isolation. The desire to be alone with yourself.
  • With the wheel of fortune. You don't want to pay attention to a lucky chance and miss your luck.
  • With justice. You renounce arguments supported by arguments and do not notice reasonable proposals.
  • C hanged. Waiting, positions are taken. You have chosen the path of sacrifice, your desire is not to get involved with anything, not to interfere with anything.
  • With death. The wait will soon be over. You despise change. Reluctance to live a full and rich life.
  • With moderation. Compromise is necessary, you may be required to give in.
  • With the devil. Don't notice imperfections.
  • With a tower of lightning. Accept what you've lost.
  • With a star. The update processes will not work because you are deliberately preventing them.
  • With the moon. You close your eyes to the fact that you are being deceived and betrayed. Hiding something, they are persistently trying to hide something from you. Hidden motivations, a person may not reveal sincere intentions to communicate with you. You voluntarily release the situation from your control.
  • With the sun. Not everything is as it seems, open your eyes and you will see the reality. The negotiations will be successful. Contradictions will be eliminated.
  • With the court. You are ignoring your capabilities. The case has a positive solution. The decision will be made in your favor.
  • With peace. Peaceful course of the situation. A truce, temporary, but quite stable. New opportunities open up for you, but you are in no hurry to take advantage of them.

Family and home

Direct position

Family members have reached a temporary compromise, but the situation is precarious and the balance achieved is precarious. Friendly interaction between household members will be possible only after the resolution of pressing problems and contradictions.


Problems in the family, a tense atmosphere at home, a conflict or a strong quarrel can break out at any moment. The tendency of parents to turn a blind eye to their children's antics will not lead to anything good. Family problems cannot be solved by denying their existence.

The meaning of the two of swords in combination with the suit of wands.

  • With an ace. Restraint. The decision takes a long time. You suppress your desires.
  • With a deuce. You have reached the top, stop and rest. No vision, no desire to hear and listen. Failure to acknowledge the situation.
  • With a three. You do not notice what is happening around you, you live in the old and past.
  • With four. There is a holiday or victory all around, but the holiday is not for you and the victory is not yours. You close yourself off from others, try to be an isolated loner.
  • With an A. Don't interfere in other people's squabbles, don't take part in someone else's game. Ignoring other people's opinions.
  • With six. Fears and concerns. Diffidence. The wrong path was chosen.
  • With seven. Tense confrontation. The strength for further struggle is running out.
  • With eight. Missing opportunities. The confrontation is within you.
  • With nine. Indecision increases. You feel fear of the prospects that have opened up.
  • With ten. The hopelessness of the situation. Lost.
  • With a page. Bad news. You are difficult to train.
  • With a knight. Parting, both for a short period of time, and the final break. Your goal is still too far away.
  • With the queen. Conflict relationships with a loved one.
  • With the king. Someone has an influence on you, isolate yourself from it. Inaction.

Psychological condition

The Two of Swords indicates several emotional states. A person in such a situation may pretend to be dead. He has isolated himself so much from the outside world that he no longer reacts to external stimuli.

The Two of Swords speaks of a very difficult internal state. The questioner is either trying to reconcile two contradictory impulses, or is in circumstances where nothing depends on his actions. He can only wait. But there are no guarantees that the situation will come to an end. The questioner demonstrates submission to circumstances and takes a position of passive expectation. Or he is in a state of extreme tension, fatigue, exhaustion.

Interpretation of the Two of Swords in combination with the suit of cups.

  • With an ace. Contradiction in matters of the heart. A request that has not received an answer.
  • With a deuce. A painful union. There is disagreement in relationships.
  • With a three. Disagreement with others, most likely with relatives or friends.
  • With four. Conflict or quarrel.
  • With an A. Touchiness, misunderstanding.
  • With six. Misunderstandings do not arise overnight. Something that lasts a long time.
  • With seven. Misunderstanding. It is necessary to make a choice between illusions and reality.
  • With eight. You deliberately avoid controversial situations and showdowns.
  • With nine. Misunderstandings need to be resolved. It's worth talking. Bad purchase.
  • With ten. There are disagreements in the family.
  • With a page. It's better to hide your love. Everything is moving towards reconciliation.
  • With a knight. Truce for an unspecified period.
  • With the queen. Understanding and accepting a person. Receiving forgiveness.
  • With the king. Emotional pressure from outside. Comfort.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

The Two of Swords always appears when a person delays making any decision. You need to analyze the situation and answer the following questions:

  1. What issue is causing you anxiety?
  2. What prevents you from making a decision?
  3. What contradictions have you encountered?
  4. What are you turning a blind eye to?
  5. What do you perceive as a threat and how scary is it, is it worth hiding from it?

Other cards:

Ace of Posokhov
Two of Staves
Three of Staves
Four of Staves
Five of Staves
Six of Staves
Seven of Staves
Eight of Staves
Nine of Staves
Ten of Staves
Page Posokhov
Knight of Staffs
Queen of Staves
King of Staffs
Ace of Cups
Two of Cups
Three of Cups
Four of Cups
Five of Cups
Six of Cups
Seven of Cups
Eight of Cups
Nine of Cups
Ten of Cups
Page of Cups
Knight of Cups
Queen of Cups
King of Cups
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Ace of Coins
Two of Coins
Three of Coins
Four of Coins
Five of Coins
Six of Coins
Seven of Coins
Eight of Coins
Nine of Coins
Ten Coins
Page of Coins
Knight of Coins
Queen of Coins

Two of Swords combined with the suit of swords.

  • With an ace. Opposite views.
  • With a three. There are no opportunities for action. Gap, hopelessness.
  • With four. Delay for the moment of clarification of relations.
  • With an A. The confrontation is fierce, the situation is tense.
  • With six. The conflict is over, the result is separation.
  • With seven. The temporary world has come to an end.
  • With eight. The captivating state will last a long time.
  • With nine. Anxiety due to quarrels and conflicts.
  • With ten. Breakup is an irrevocable decision.
  • With a page. Clarification of circumstances, clarification of relationships.
  • With a knight. Hysterics, scandals, uncontrollable emotions.
  • With the queen. Termination of relationship.
  • With the king. It is necessary to act and fight, you should not stand aside. Eliminate grievances.

Situation, question

A direct card says that the querent is faced with a dilemma and cannot understand where to go next. It is difficult to determine who to listen to - the heart or the mind.

In such a situation, it is important to learn to keep your emotions under control. Don't bury your head in the sand and waste time, otherwise the wait will become eternal. We need to tackle problems.

The direct card's answer to the question is a dead end. She cannot give a definite answer to the yes-no question. This occurs either due to contradictions in the soul of the questioner, or due to the specifics of a particular question.

A reversed card indicates a recent decision. Now the questioner needs to pause and observe events. He has already broken the deadlock, now changes will happen soon.

The meaning of the Two of Swords in combination with the suit of pentacles.

  • With an ace. Disagreements over money. Delay in any payments.
  • With a deuce. The fears are unfounded. Inconsistency in the financial sector. Receiving losses.
  • With a three. Disagreements with customers. Inconsistency of actions.
  • With four. Stabilization of any position is necessary.
  • With an A. Financial difficulties. Financial losses due to disagreements, quarrels and lack of coordination.
  • With six. Make concessions. Undeserved reproaches.
  • With seven. The project was postponed, they could not reach an agreement.
  • With eight. Differences need to be resolved.
  • With nine. Dispute about profit. controversial entry.
  • With ten. Keep family treasures secret. Dispute about inheritance.
  • With a page. It is necessary to take into account the desires of both parties and consider the claims of each party.
  • With a knight. Financial concessions.
  • With the queen. Dispute over budget funds.
  • With the king. The financial strategy is questionable, there are disagreements in drawing up the plan.


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To the situation

The Two of Swords indicates a favorable period of time in all matters. you are interested in will be resolved in your favor . The most important thing is not to rush into decisions and rely on common sense.

In a situational reading, this lasso can also indicate that you will have to make some concessions in order to achieve your goal. Solve the problem only through peaceful means. Show reasonableness and wisdom.

If necessary, take the first step. Don't be afraid to compromise and sacrifice something. Try to put yourself in the other person’s position, don’t put pressure on others, be patient and open to any lucrative offers. In the end, everything will work out well.

In an inverted position, the Two of Swords describes a rather complex and contradictory situation. On the one hand, excellent opportunities and prospects open up before you. On the other hand, there is a possibility of deception and betrayal. Be prepared for someone you trust to disappoint you.

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