Wheel of Fortune (fate) Tarot – 10 arcana: meaning in relationships, love, money and combination with other cards

» Tarot » Meaning of Tarot card Wheel of Fortune



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When fortune telling with Tarot cards, you need to know the interpretation of not only each arcana, but also their combined meaning. Sometimes it differs from the independent meaning of each card. The combination of Tarot cards Wheel of Fortune and any other card from the Major or Minor Arcana will allow you to more accurately explain the fortune-telling layout.

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

Description of the map and plot

To describe the 10 arcana of the Tarot (Fortune), and to do this as fully and intelligibly as possible, let us turn to the plot that the Rider-Waite represents in the deck. We watch here:

  • The central image of the card is a yellow wheel of Fortune.
  • There are 8 symbols along its rim, and a sphinx sits on top.
  • The wheel is supported at the bottom by a strange figure with the head of a dog, made in red.
  • The picture has a background of blue sky with white clouds.
  • Golden figures are located in the corners: from top to bottom, from left to right in the following order - man, eagle, lion, bull. Each figure is equipped with wings and holds an open book.
  • On the left side of the wheel, a snake wriggles head down.

Considering the deep meaning of the depicted drawing, one can understand that it means Fortune itself, which is constantly moving and turning towards a person, either positive or negative. Thus, luck and happiness are changeable and a person does not have complete control over these components in his own life.

The Wheel of Fortune in Tarot can also be found under the following descriptions:

  • Wheel of fate.
  • Wheel of happiness.
  • Fortune.

The sacred meaning of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot

The sacredness of the image of the Wheel depends on the large number of images and symbols that the lasso depicts.

  • The wheel is the main symbol of the card. The superficial meaning of the Wheel is an endless movement that no one can stop, because it turns around according to the will of the Almighty. The deeper meaning of the Wheel is that it divides all things in our world into internal and external. And their border is the rim of the Wheel, which is identified with the Universal Wheel (can be depicted as a snake stinging its tail).

What is inside the Wheel is the material world. Thanks to the movement of the wheel, a centrifugal force arises, indicating the desire of all living beings to get to the center - to reach a place of peace and bliss.

  • The downward movement symbolizes the base animal instincts in man, and the upward movement indicates their combination with a high level of consciousness. The deep meaning of this card is so that a person, if by force of circumstances he finds himself at the bottom of his life, does not become an animal. And if, on the contrary, he rose upward, he did not forget about the material world, suppressed the animal instinct in himself and transformed it into the necessary experience.
  • The theme of karma – the law of cause and effect (retribution) – also comes to mind here. In the lasso, this process is controlled by the Sphinx, who makes sure that a person, having risen to the top, is not deluded by his chosenness and does not show pride. And if he notices such a violation, he immediately sends the person back down.

The Sphinx symbol in the map harmoniously combines animal and human principles. He has a human head, the paws of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the tail of a bull. The combination of these images indicates the main animal instincts given in the process of Creation.

  • The eagle correlates with inspiration and creative self-expression.
  • Leo is its complete opposite, symbolizing aggression, quick attack and ferocity.
  • Ox - indicates the ability to concentrate on something, thanks to which a person can realize various ideas.

The meaning of the card in the main and reversed position

To correctly interpret the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card, it is worth considering its upright and inverted positions.

If in a situation where fortune-telling is carried out, it has a direct position, then the prediction will be as follows:

  • A person expects positive changes that will bring him a lot of positive emotions in life.
  • The situation is changing for the better. You can expect success in your career, love, and finances.
  • For many, a real karmic reversal awaits, which cannot be changed.

Most often, people are accustomed to calling such drastic changes fate and the finger of fate. There is practically no way to influence them and they are perceived by a person as a confluence of happy events that bring joy and happiness to life.

But the interpretation of the card from the other side, that is, when it appears upside down, has a contradictory connotation. Some tarot readers believe that in this situation, fate may present a person with a not very pleasant surprise.

While others believe that the wheel has neither top nor bottom, but represents a cyclically changing situation. Therefore, a description of the situation can only be given taking into account neighboring cards. Accordingly, the Wheel of Fortune in this case will bring such changes as the combination appears in the scenario.


Keywords reflect the main essence of the map.


The map indicates a journey, a movement in space. Unlike The Chariot, this is a calm and leisurely journey. It is possible to move to another city or even another country.

Six months

The period is six months. On the one hand, this is a literal indication of the duration of the process, on the other hand, it is a metaphor for slowly accumulating changes. The card speaks of changes that are as inevitable as the change of seasons. But they do not happen abruptly, slowly, smoothly, gradually, almost imperceptibly. But after just six months, you can see how the seasons have changed each other. The card itself is neutral; the situation is usually getting worse or better from neighboring cards.


“All things pass away,” was engraved on the outside of Solomon’s ring, and on the inside, “This too shall pass.” The idea of ​​cyclicality is very important in this card. Neither the worst nor the best situation will last forever. Sooner or later it will change, and it is up to a person to influence what changes will happen.

Relationships and love

The Tarot Wheel of Fortune meaning for love can be both positive and somewhat overshadowed by life lessons. This is an unpredictable card that, when dropped, can bring an all-consuming feeling of love or a fateful breakup into a person’s life.

Meaning for fortune telling for love

The most important thing, if such a card falls out, is to correctly read the events taking place in fate. Regardless of whether expectations are met or not, a person in love must perceive what is happening as something given from above. Any relationship that is happening now and will develop in the near future is karmic contacts that are sent down by fate to learn a life lesson. The following changes in fate are possible:

  • Understanding that one’s own purpose is to serve the family and loved one. Such awareness and a sharp turn can come to a person who was self-centered and selfish.
  • The whirlpool of love and numerous connections can stop and lead to a conscious marriage. So, for example, a man may experience a strong desire to feel like a family man, although he had previously shown no interest in legitimizing relationships.
  • A woman can unexpectedly become a mother, although there seemed to be no hope for this. This often occurs when the natural time for this process has come to an end or there have been intractable medical obstacles.
  • You can expect the emergence of extraordinary, bright personalities who can become not only unforgettable partners, but also significantly influence the person himself and his worldview.

Even if a love relationship does not end with what you would like most, you should not be completely upset. This means that fate itself needs this - through the appearance of certain people in your destiny, it influences the course of events and makes you look at things in a new way and develop unusual character traits. Each personality that appears in fate carries a certain role.

Development of a relationship

If we consider love relationships and their changes, we can expect the following turns in fate:

  • New novels.
  • It is likely that a rival or rival will appear.
  • Interesting, fateful meetings that will significantly affect your personality.
  • Relationships that will become fatal and lead to a reassessment of values.
  • Fateful love that will change the world.
  • Breakups.

As can be seen from the list presented, the 10th lasso can bring both positive and negative to a person’s destiny. But, not only the card is important, but also its combination with neighboring drop-down ones. Therefore, it is extremely important that the tarot reader pays attention to the nearby images. In this case, the description of what is happening and its interpretation will be as complete as possible.

You can choose Tarot Manara, which will help you perform fortune telling with an erotic twist. This will help you understand the problems that have arisen in relationships between people and set them up for the best. This is an excellent option that you can choose from the entire gallery of Tarot cards specifically for love layouts.

Analogues from various decks

How did other occultists perceive Arkan? They put in their own understanding.

Tarot of Thoth (Aleister Crowley):

Externally similar to Waite's image. Image of the Universe. Connection with Jupiter. Unpredictability. Good or bad changes.


A girl in a black sweater and matching boots stands in front of the mirrors. The reflections are her own desires. Apart from them, the lady doesn’t want to see anything else. This is a person with the archetype of a winner. She is focused only on herself, on her aspirations. In fortune telling it is a symbol of triumph and success. The idea will definitely find its implementation.

78 doors:

The map shows a ritual of spiritualism. The only reference to the Wheel is a round wooden table. Complete unknown. Trying to bring luck to your side. The plot can be compared to the expression “freebie, come!”, which students shout the night before the exam.


Liberation from shackles. Dominance, influence. Harmonization of life. Balance. Luck. Reward, winning.

Wheel of the Year:

Seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn. The connection between the past, present and future. Beginning.

Tarot of the Magic of Pleasures:

Transformation. Fatalism. Believe in yourself. Changeability in relationships. Rebirth. Cyclicality, at the same time impermanence.

Tarot of Shadows:

Correspondence - “Reverse wheel travel”. Transports you to the past. Indicates old, unresolved troubles that require resolution. Nostalgic impulses. A person who tends to remember. Doesn't let go of what's gone. Self-destruction. Redemption. Karmic debts.


Comparison with God Jupiter. Possession of power. Large business management. Gifts, abundance, generosity.


Another name is Yaudim (connectedness of thoughts). Jump. Favorable events. Complete a project, submit a report, complete an assignment. Promotion, moving up the career ladder.

In the Lenormand deck, Lenormand is interpreted positively:

Image of the Goddess blindfolded. She doesn't discriminate between people. She doesn’t care who is in front of her: rich or poor, man or woman, old or young. Lady Fate is favorable to the questioner. But this does not mean that her loyalty will be eternal. The meaning of the Arcana is the same in any position.

Money, career, professional activity

The decoding of this card is no less important in a situation where such areas of life as money and work are assessed.

The following options are possible for how the future will move if this card appears during fortune telling:

  • A pleasant turn in professional activity.
  • Reward for completed work that was no longer expected.
  • A change in the field of activity, and this can happen completely by accident and change a person’s fate beyond recognition.
  • The abundance that will come as a response to properly executed commercial projects or investments.

But the tenth lasso can also bring with it the loss of work or money. Therefore, when you start guessing, carefully monitor and analyze what falls along with the Wheel of Fortune. This is the only way to analyze the karmic path.

Ways to increase income

In order for finances to turn into an inexhaustible or at least not drying up stream, you need to correctly perceive the signals of fate. And if this is a dropped Wheel of Fortune, then accept the signs of fate and let them into your life without resistance.

If a not-so-prosperous situation develops in which a person loses his job, then he needs to realize what the problem is and how he can realize his own potential. Take what is happening as a sign for self-improvement and conquering new horizons. Don't give up and move in a new direction with increased activity.

Often, even the most negative changes, which a person perceives as a tragedy or punishment from fate, then unfold in a positive way and open up new horizons and prospects.

Do not be afraid of changes - respond to them willingly and take part in the game that fate itself is trying to impose on you and do not perceive the fate that happens too tragically. Everything in this world changes very quickly and a fall can be the beginning of a future ascent.

General monetary situation and progress of changes

The dropped straight 10 lasso has the following meaning:

  • You can expect large sums of money to come quite unexpectedly.
  • Your career will go uphill. You can also expect increased interest from your superiors in your person, which will allow you to establish yourself as an indispensable employee.
  • Receiving any reward.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The Tarot Wheel of Fortune can have both positive and negative effects on a person in all areas of life. And finance is no exception. As a rule, when such arcana appear in layouts, you can expect the following turns in fate. If the card is in an upright position, this can be interpreted as:

  • Getting easy money.
  • Improving the financial situation for the future.

If the card is upside down, then with a high degree of probability expect:

  • Unexpected loss of finances. Although, most likely, this will happen in relation to the money that also came quickly and unexpectedly.
  • Some difficulties that will be impossible to resolve.

And all this will bring with it a dozen lasso.

Choosing a promising profession

When the cards are dealt and symbols such as the Wheel of Fortune appear, you can calculate the promising profession that fate indicates for a particular person:

  • The professional sphere is best associated with movement. For example, you can give preference to journalism, public relations, teaching or scientific activities.
  • This sign may also indicate that a person should associate himself with the field of show business or related professions.
  • Also, the Wheel of Fortune is a sure sign that all changes in a person’s life will bring him new sensations, the need to move in a new direction and work on himself more diligently.

Together with the Priestess

You will be overtaken by a passionate desire to work and create. Vigorous activity will captivate you so much that sometimes you will forget about such banal physical needs as sleep and food.

Life changes chaotically, and you easily adapt to its rhythm, discovering new talents in yourself. There is a high probability of achieving heights in occult and mystical teachings .

The inverted card of the Priestess predicts a sharp change in orientation, disappointment in the object to be emulated.

Personality characteristics and psychological state

This is how the psychology of a person is revealed in whose reading this sign appears in the upright position:

  • The personality is not afraid of changes in fate.
  • Man is accustomed to meeting any circumstances halfway.
  • His life is varied and filled with various events.
  • The state of mind is quite stable and, despite the prevailing circumstances, a person is ready to accept any changes that fate sends him.

With the Tarot card reversed, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • The personality has a changeable character and mood.
  • It is difficult to concentrate and accept as given the events that occur in fate.
  • There are sharp changes from vigorous activity to a state of complete apathy. They prevent you from maintaining a certain level of performance and achieving your goals.

Such a psychological analysis can be carried out in a situation where the Tarot Wheel of Fate appears.

Couple with Hermit

Events are about to occur that will lead to long-awaited solitude . A clear understanding of your true purpose will come, and this knowledge can both give you a feeling of complete satisfaction and plunge you into dark regrets about missed opportunities. There may be a desperate desire to catch up, but it will be too late. All that remains to be done is to look for ways to develop in the present.

The reversed Hermit card speaks of the need to be alone.

Health issues

If we consider the issue of health, then the designation of the Wheel of Fortune in an upright position gives the following interpretation:

  • The personality has sufficient life potential for various achievements.
  • Although, moments of vigorous activity and excellent well-being can be replaced by a state of lethargy and apathy. These cycles are a kind of reciprocal symbol of a wheel that is constantly changing its position.

The health of a person who has an inverted Tarot Wheel of Fortune in the reading can be described as follows:

  • Strength fades away, as does vital energy and general tone.
  • Possible injury.
  • Karmic diseases are possible.

The situation develops this way due to the fact that a person does not want to accept the changes that fate sends him on this day or year.

Financial position

The Wheel of Fortune is a signifier of casinos, financial pyramids and all enterprises that spin clients’ money, often in not entirely legal ways. Therefore, the appearance of this card in the layout strongly recommends caution in financial matters.

Perhaps the fortuneteller recently received a tempting financial offer, but before accepting it, he needs to double-check everything a hundred times. The risk of losing money is high, especially if the card is upside down or in a negative environment.

If no investments or transactions are planned, the lasso in direct orientation indicates a good financial situation. Additional payments and bonuses are possible. An inverted card predicts that a bonus will not be given.

In combination with other cards

When interpreting the card - 10 arcana, it is important to compare it with what the major and minor arcana are in the layout. After all, esotericism pays attention to all the subtleties and little things that can arise during fortune telling. The deck has no secondary meanings or meanings - all of them, perceived together, form the correct interpretation.

Meaning in combination with the major arcana

Let's consider the combination of the Wheel of Fortune card with the following major arcana and give their key interpretation:

  • The jester is evidence of failure.
  • Magician - what will happen will compel you to action.
  • High Priestess - eventful times are coming.
  • Hermit – developing events will lead to loneliness, impending retirement.
  • Strength – unable to accept what is happening.
  • Justice – events in the field of jurisprudence.
  • Death – fatal events, fate.
  • Moderation is to accept what happens.
  • Moon - unpleasant times.
  • Sun - what will happen will lead to luck and fame.
  • A star means great opportunities and prospects.
  • Priest – acceptance of new information.
  • Tower - plans are not destined to come true.
  • The devil is an evil rock.
  • The Chariot - what will happen now will create a feeling of chaos.
  • Lovers are a real miracle of personal life or other positive changes.
  • The Hierophant is a change in life priorities and worldview.
  • Emperor – events will only lead to increased self-organization.
  • Strength – it is difficult for a person to perceive current events.

In combination with the suit of Wands

If the Wheel of Fortune is combined with different cards of staves (wands), then this is what interpretation it can bring:

  • Ace – prospects for a favorable outcome.
  • King - recognition in society
  • Queen – optimistic forecast.
  • Knight - circumstances will force you to leave your place of residence.
  • Page – attractive opportunities.
  • 10 – difficult times lie ahead that must be overcome with dignity.
  • 9 – do not take part in other people’s affairs for 6 months.
  • 8 - unexpected news.
  • 7 – saving achievements.
  • 6 – new opportunities at work.
  • 5 – changes in internal states
  • 4 – moving, new space.
  • 3 – positive changes.
  • 2 – change of place of residence.

In combination with the suit of Cups

When a given card demonstrates compatibility with any number and card of cups, this is how it can be interpreted:

  • Ace – love positive changes.
  • The king is an interesting acquaintance with a man who will change your destiny.
  • Queen - a meeting of a karmic nature with a woman.
  • Knight - prosperity and calm days.
  • Page – prospects and opportunities.
  • 10 - pleasant bonuses from fate.
  • 9 – good luck in all matters.
  • 8 – luck and luck.
  • 7 – a gambling mood and surprises.
  • 6 – a feeling of deja vu.
  • 5-ka - when the Wheel of Fortune and the 5-ka cup are combined, you can expect a deterioration in your emotional state due to losses.
  • 4 – missed prospects and opportunities.
  • 3 – pleasant chores when preparing for the holiday.
  • 2-ka – business planning.

In combination with the suit of Swords

This is how the magic is revealed when a card depicting a sword with a different numerical characteristic is combined with the Wheel of Fortune:

  • Ace - a conflict situation is looming.
  • King - you can make a move with your knight, any door will be open for you.
  • Queen - independence.
  • Knight - chaos will reign in life.
  • Page – the wind of change has begun to blow, get ready for changes.
  • 10 - you can start everything from a new page.
  • 9 – negative forecast for the future.
  • 8 – difficult and unfavorable prospects.
  • 7 - you can try to deceive fate, the scales will most likely lean in your direction.
  • 6 - can expect positive changes.
  • 5 - you will have to face a whole series of difficulties.
  • 4 – it’s better to stall for time.
  • 3 - fatal mistakes are likely that will change fate.
  • 2 – it will be difficult to come to terms with changes.

In combination with the suit of Pentacles

If the Wheel of Fortune is combined with the suit of pentacles, then fortune telling with Tarot cards gives the following interpretation:

  • Ace - a pleasant reward awaits you for your efforts.
  • King - you can expect upward career moves.
  • Queen - time to shine and blossom.
  • Knight – favorable circumstances.
  • Page - you will be able to overcome many difficulties associated with exams and tests.
  • 10 – good luck and the smile of fortune.
  • 9 – financial well-being.
  • 8 is the time to work hard.
  • 7 - you have to retreat.
  • 6 - fate will smile on you.
  • 5 – financial losses and poverty.
  • 4 - it’s better to leave everything in the state it is now.
  • 3 – concluding agreements that can change circumstances.
  • 2-ka – unstable condition.

What does it mean to combine the Wheel of Happiness with other arcana?

Gives the situation a positive direction, invites you to cheer up and perk up your spirit. Let's look at the combinations.

With elders

Adds semantic meaning.

  1. Jester (Fool) - transition to the next cycle; catch two birds with one stone (solve several problems at the same time); influence on karma.
  2. Magician - money bets; lucky moment; lucky person.
  3. The High Priestess (Popes) - ideals; hidden values; relationship with mother; divinatory abilities.
  4. Empress (Mistress) - childbirth; well-being; material wealth; waste.
  5. The Emperor is the architect of his own fortune; regulate troubles with money and connections; competent budgeting; generosity within reasonable limits; authority; self-esteem.
  6. Hierophant (Priest) - inheritance from the father or his relatives; religion; look for experience in other people's mistakes; student of the Faculty of Finance; fatalist; influential person.
  7. Lovers - find a partner; marriage; enter into a contract.
  8. Chariot (Charioteer) - achieve career heights; moving to a new job; extreme sports, hobbies; desire to be the center of attention; speak in front of an audience; social activity; involvement; consequences due to attention deficit.
  9. Strength - psychological work with complexes, phobias; rates; risk something.
  10. Hermit - mistakes bring experience; karmic developments associated with loneliness; problems with making money.
  11. Justice - disposal of savings; conclusion of a contract, signing of an agreement; project affecting business; equal relationships.
  12. Hanged Man - debt obligations; get treatment, buy medicines.
  13. Death - lose a chance; die; lose money, crisis.
  14. Moderation is a gift of fate; financial support, subsidies; pick a four-leaf clover (enter a lucky streak).
  15. The devil is malicious manipulation; casino; interest; excessive fatalism; to get into debt for gambling.
  16. A tower is a big investment; lose your home; life turned upside down; there is no opportunity to influence, to make a personal contribution.
  17. Star - actions that improve karma; to do good; prediction of a cloudless future; investments.
  18. Moon - phobias; Time of Troubles; internal fears; statement, receptivity; no money.
  19. The sun is a lucky one; material benefit; work towards achievements; greed, commercialism; spend money on yourself, your loved one.
  20. Court - inheritance; karmic works.
  21. World - finances from another country; luck; change of location.

With the younger ones

Review of combinations. The event part is detailed.

With swords

The suit is closely related to the element of air. Movable, energetic.

  1. Ace - disagreement; good moment.
  2. Two - unknown; deadlock situation.
  3. The Three of Swords is the wrong choice.
  4. Four - waiting.
  5. Five is bad luck.
  6. Six - change for the better.
  7. Seven is a tricky move.
  8. Eight - activation of actions (strengthening).
  9. Nine is a negative influence.
  10. Ten - the current cycle is completed.
  11. Page - resist change.
  12. Knight - spontaneity, chaos.
  13. The Queen is a successful woman.
  14. The king is a happy man.

With wands

Staves require careful planning.

  1. Ace is a new chance.
  2. Deuce - change of scenery.
  3. Three - find fertile soil.
  4. Four - positive changes.
  5. Five is an unjustified risk.
  6. Six - development.
  7. Seven - defend a position.
  8. Eight - rapid advancement.
  9. Nine - wait for a catch.
  10. Ten is the unknown.
  11. Page is a bargain.
  12. Knight - excitement.
  13. The Queen is a self-sufficient lady.
  14. King - the actions of a man that gave him authority.

With cups

Cups are responsible for relationships.

  1. Ace - an established personal life.
  2. Two is a fateful connection.
  3. Three - there will be a holiday.
  4. Four - a favorable opportunity has been missed.
  5. Five - depression, apathy.
  6. Six - events repeat themselves.
  7. Seven - believe that fortune will smile.
  8. Eight - put everything you have on the line.
  9. Nine - happiness, success.
  10. Ten - harmony in the family.
  11. Page - new meeting.
  12. The knight is a joy.
  13. The Queen is the beloved.
  14. The king is the chosen one.

With pentacles

Denarii describe the material base.

  1. Ace is a win.
  2. Two - uncertainty.
  3. Three is a chance to prove your skills.
  4. Four is a dead point, stagnation.
  5. Five - financial losses.
  6. Six - subsidies, financial assistance.
  7. Seven - analyze the situation before the next step.
  8. Eight - work, invest.
  9. Nine is wealth.
  10. Ten is abundance.
  11. Page - finish your studies.
  12. Knight - successful circumstances at work.
  13. The Queen is a practical woman.
  14. The king is one who has built a career.

Reversed meaning

When choosing a layout, you can use options such as:

  • Celtic cross or simple cross.
  • Three cards.
  • Path.

Regardless of which option is chosen, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • Mentally focus on the problem or question that you would like to clarify.
  • Shuffle the cards or fan them out and choose at random, relying on intuition.
  • Remember that astrology, numerology and fortune telling are spheres based on subtle matters that unite a person and the surrounding energies. Therefore, when performing the alignment, you should think about life, positive changes and desired results. Thoughts when a person thinks about death or negativity are undesirable.

Even if an inverted card appears, you should not tune in to the negative. Any life changes are given to a person by fate so that he follows the path destined for him, transforms spiritually, acquires certain life values ​​and brings something of his own into this world.

If the Court is nearby

You have been sitting in one place and are about to fall into stagnation . To develop, you need new experiences, useful contacts and a change of location. Now is the right time to make fateful decisions: move, open your own business, change jobs, confess your feelings. Fortune will be on your side, and if you don’t chicken out, everything will turn out the way you dreamed. If you decide to leave everything as it is, in the future you will bitterly regret a life lived in vain.

The inverted Judgment card falls on strong individuals who know how to swim against the tide. “Immunity” to sidelong glances, ridicule and censure will strengthen your character and make you a respected and successful person.

Card of the day

This version of the layout helps to lift the veil of the unknown and look at least a little into the future. In relation to the Wheel of Fortune card, the following interpretation can be made in the layout for the coming day:

  • The direct placement of the card promises interesting prospects and opportunities that will happen regardless of the efforts made - according to the will of fate.
  • If you find yourself in an inverted state, then on the contrary it warns that you should not count on the fulfillment of plans and expectations. Fate will surprise you unpleasantly. But it is worth taking it with some courage and drawing conclusions from it in the form of lessons that must be learned.

Card of the Day Caution

Pay attention to the special warnings indicated by the Wheel of Fortune card:

  • Don't resist change.
  • Accept any difficulties with dignity.
  • Pay attention to adjacent cards, as otherwise correct interpretation is impossible.

Combination with Jester

This situation can be characterized by the catchphrase “fools are lucky.” You will miraculously manage to avoid the irreparable consequences of your risky act. The danger will come from the water. A similar interpretation is that a spontaneous decision made at the “call of the heart” will bring short-term pleasure, but does not guarantee happiness. It is likely that you will regret your adventure later.

Note ! To really change your life for the better, you need to get rid of infantilism and excessive craving for pleasure. Learn to focus on the present moment and distinguish what you want from what you need.

A reversed Jester card can mean excessive pride, boasting and inappropriate abuse of authority.

Questions that can be answered by drawing a card

Tarot cards can be asked almost all questions of interest that relate to areas such as:

  • Love.
  • Career.
  • Fate.
  • Money and important expenses.
  • Psychological state of the individual.
  • Other aspects. But, focusing on what you want to know, you should not ask specific questions - “yes” or “no”. There may be some distortion here.

But at the same time, the lasso, which will become the key one, will set the tone for the interpretation. After all, each image carries the key to understanding the answer to the question posed:

  • A tower, chariot, hanged man, wheel of fortune, sword or other will become key, and additional arcana will help to perform the interpretation more accurately.
  • You need to focus on the direct or reverse image, as well as on the situation in which the question is asked.
  • Whether you choose classic cards of 78 units or others depends on individual preferences. For example, Crowley's cards or the Thoth Tarot will help you approach the fortune-telling process “transpersonally” and holistically.

And in the modern world this can be done both “live” and online.

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Knight of Swords Tarot: meaning in relationships, love, work and in combination with other cards for fortune telling

10 (Ten) Tarot Swords: meaning in relationships, love, work and in combination with other cards when…

Page of Swords Tarot: meaning in relationships, love, work and in combination with other cards for fortune telling

When it comes to health

The direct position of the card indicates an outwardly normal state of a person, which cannot be said about the state of mind. The fortuneteller experiences surges of strength, resources, a desire to live, create and create something new. They are abruptly replaced by a complete loss of strength, apathy and lack of motivation.

If the fortuneteller does not pay attention to his mental health and condition in time, then negligence can lead to prolonged depression.

The Reverse Arcana assures that the fortuneteller has health problems that should be paid attention to and see a doctor. But the person denies this, thinks that everything will go away on its own, and lets the situation take its course. The card may indicate that a person has childhood psychological traumas that need to be worked through, because they prevent him from living a full life and enjoying it.

What does the Judgment Tarot card look like and what does it mean?

To understand the meaning of the combinations of the Judgment Tarot card in the layout, first let’s look at what is depicted on it. In a classic version, it shows a picture of the Last Judgment. In the hands of the Angel, towering above the dead, is a golden trumpet, he calls them to a new incarnation in the physical body, to a new life. On the bottom of the card is a family ready for resurrection: dad, mom and baby. Behind them, other people are still visible in the background. How should the meaning of this lasso be interpreted? Usually they talk about entering a new stage of life or about paying off karmic debts.

It must be said that there are different images of the “Judgment” card in different divination systems. If you take Aleister Crowley’s deck, then on this lasso there is the image of an Aeon, symbolizing a time of global change. The card in the Witch Tarot system has a completely different meaning: it depicts three witches casting a spell over the nest of a black raven, which in turn denotes the wisdom of the Universe. In the White and Black Magic Tarot deck on the “Judgment” lasso, a girl is depicted who undergoes a hypnosis session to see herself in past lives. In this case, the image symbolizes not only the return of karmic debts, but also the transition to a new level.

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The “Judgment” card is close in meaning to the “Death” lasso and also indicates the end of one period and the beginning of a new one. But the difference is that it carries information about positive changes. Good times are coming. All doubts come to an end, the truth will be revealed to you.

Both the spiritual and secular sides of life are connected with these issues. In the usual everyday view, the card speaks of career growth, the prospects for new relationships and, in general, all life changes.

However, it is much more important to get a clear answer regarding the spiritual side of life. If before this you did not understand what the true goals of your soul are, but sought to know them, now they will be revealed to you.


No. in deck : IV Planetary correspondences : Mars World of the divine : Eternal and hierarchical embodiment of the possibilities that the Absolute Being contains Historical correspondences : Architect of the Universe Astrological correspondences : Aries, Sun in Capricorn, in exaltation World of the intellect : Embodiment of the ideas of being based on the quadruple work of the Mind Kabbalistic correspondences : Tsadeh Occult meaning : Incarnation Physical world : Carrying out actions governed by Science and Truth, willpower, work of internal organs Other names : Master, Pharaoh, Lord among the Almighty, Son of the morning, Lord, Master, King, King

Where to buy tarot cards

We are glad to present to your attention our online store “Witch’s Happiness”, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia.

You won't have to spend long searching for Tarot cards. In our online store “Witch’s Happiness” you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

In addition, our store offers various esoteric products. You can purchase everything you need to conduct magical rituals: fortune telling with Tarot cards, runic practices, shamanism, Wicca, Druidcraft, northern tradition, ceremonial magic, and much more.

You have the opportunity to purchase any product that interests you by ordering it on the website, which operates around the clock. Any of your orders will be completed as soon as possible. Residents and guests of the capital can visit not only our website, but also the store located at the address: st. Maroseyka, 4.

Take a look into the corner of true magic!

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