Hexagram 22 Bi (Decoration) interpretation according to the Book of Changes

Epigraph: “The hardest thing is to be honest with yourself.”

Interpretation of the 22nd hexagram Bi (Decoration) from the Book of Changes I-Ching.

Your life is not as transparent as you think; there are many different masks in it. You shouldn’t hide your feelings now, because very soon all your falsehood will come out, which will lead to considerable problems. This hexagram is good for you if your nature is created for art. In other cases, you can’t hope for luck. This also applies to love relationships - in such matters, falsehood is definitely inappropriate. It will take a long time for your wish to come true, so be strong.

Hexagram 22 Book of Changes I Ching - short and complete interpretation for fortune telling, interpretation of the meaning of lines.

Canonical text

Accomplishment. It is favorable for the little one to have a place to perform.

  1. Decorate those toes. Leave the chariot and go on foot.
  2. Decorate that beard and mustache.
  3. Disorganization! Decoration! - Eternal endurance is fortunate.
  4. Disorganization! White! The white horse is definitely flying! - (If) it weren’t for the robber, (there would be) marriage.
  5. Decoration in the garden on the hill. A bunch of brocade (for a gift) is of low grade. - Regret, (but) in the end - happiness.
  6. White decoration. - There will be no blasphemy.

Interpretation of 22 hexagrams

Literal meaning

  • Historical. Decoration. Decoration. Beauty. Success. Small favor. There are places to go.
  • Allegorical. Teaching. Upper - external Gen - doubts, tossing, acting in defiance, winding mountain path. Lower - inner Li - meaningless vanity, vision, culture and writing, knowledge, revelation of secret meaning, impermanence. Combining trigrams - thinking about the correctness of a decision or behavior; defending one’s positions that run counter to public opinion.

Activity. You are separate from the subject of the question and cannot influence the outcome of events. Important plans will not be fully realized. You do not have a clear understanding of what is causing the problems, so the best thing to do is to leave this issue for a while. Concentrate on routine tasks and familiar work.

Detailed interpretation

  • A person’s interests are concentrated not only in the material field; he admires art and harmony. What is more important, the outer shell, the aesthetic component, or the inner content, the beauty of the soul?
  • The hexagram gives the answer to what is paramount and what true beauty includes. Here you can quote a line from the song: “You can’t drink water off your face, but how, I want to be beautiful too...” The desire to be attractive, bright, to make you fall in love with yourself.
  • However, not everyone is so lucky, a small number of people get attractive external characteristics, the rest have to be content with what they have, periodically imagining how life would turn out if they were a little more beautiful. It is especially difficult for teenagers during puberty; many are simply not ready to accept the shortcomings of their appearance, which are often far-fetched and exaggerated. Only a psychologist can help you accept yourself and find peace.

The outer shell plays a role in a person’s success, but do not forget that warmth, kindness, sincerity, and the ability to empathize are sometimes much more important. It is especially important to pay attention to the internal content when choosing a partner.

  • Everyone can improve their appearance with the help of cosmetology and plastic surgery. With good taste, you can choose the right clothes, improve your body by restricting your diet and playing sports.
  • The diligence shown on the path to improving your appearance will bear fruit. Self-esteem will increase. But perhaps the result of your work will be a desire to simplify, as if you will return to “poverty” again. However, this is a delusion, you have found the truth, you no longer depend on the assessment of others.
  • The hexagram means success. The fire of creativity (Fire) is deep (Mountain) and this gives him prosperity and good luck. Work hard, do not forget about the external component of communications with the world, use external data wisely.
  • It is a means, not an end. Go on a journey, make plans, contemplate the beauty of the world.

Meaning of lines

  • Bottom line. Despite the fact that you did not keep your mouth shut and made an ambiguous impression on those around you, the general trends are favorable. Act on your own; you don’t need outside help right now.
  • Second line. Earning authority by hiding behind your loved ones is wrong. Forget about this idea. Don't misinterpret other people's statements.
  • Third line. You are greedy for the shell. Think about what around you is not so bright, but rather faded, but brings much more happiness.
  • Fourth line. Uncertainty in your capabilities will become an obstacle to something significant and important.
  • Fifth line. You are still in the illusory world. There is no need to ask others to help you; time will pass and the tension will decrease.
  • Top line. Avoid vulgarity; there is no need to overly strive for perfection of what is already beautiful. Avoid displays of cynicism.

Comment by Yu.K. Shchutsky

If the skill of the previous stage has been passed correctly, if a relatively peaceful position has already been won, one can turn to the stage of cultural development that follows such a conquest. Negative elements, palliatives of knowledge are already suppressed here, and new criteria can be established and the brilliance of newly acquired knowledge can be demonstrated. All this is a path of development. However, this development is limited to only minor, purely external innovations and does not introduce anything new in essence. These innovations are just a shiny decoration that has already lost its former value. Even the name itself indicates this if we conduct a pictographic analysis of the term “bi”. If we take into account that in this hieroglyph the determinant is “shell,” then doesn’t the thought arise that once in China shells served as a unit of exchange and only later were they replaced by money? (The modern word “money” is written with the determiner “metal”.) Shells, having lost the meaning of money, still retained the meaning of “value”, “decoration”, which is easy to see in the complex of hieroglyphs that have “shell” as a determiner and relate to objects , associated with the concepts of values ​​and decorations. Although decoration is meant here, this decoration is only external and cannot be given much importance, as evidenced by the negative assessment given by Confucius to this hexagram, as stated in the encyclopedia “Lüshi Chunqiu” (I quote from Nagai Kimpu “Xuekisity”, see. under this hexagram). Thus, for large and significant matters, this hexagram is to undertake only unimportant matters, as stated in the text: Decoration. Development. In small things it is beneficial to have somewhere to perform.


The desire to decorate oneself, from a certain point of view, is the desire to hide one’s shortcomings and appear to be something other than what a person really is. Therefore, in this situation it is better not to decorate yourself. At the first stage, the tendency to decorate is not yet very strong, because the process is only at the beginning, and since the beginning of the hexagram is below, the text also gives an image of decoration on the toes. But along with this, the decorations need to be contrasted with something real, which the legs should serve as; That’s why the text says: In the beginning there is a strong line. Decorate those toes. Leave the chariot and go (on foot).


Decoration does not have a bad effect if it does not completely absorb a person, if he can relate to it with complete detachment. The second feature of this hexagram is weak, or in the terminology of the Book of Changes, “empty.” This emptiness here symbolizes the necessary detachment through which decoration is permissible. At the same time, a person does not attribute jewelry to himself, but only to his environment. If the face is the most individualized expression of personality, then sideburns, mustaches and beards only frame the face and symbolize not the person himself, but his immediate environment. Taking this into account, we can understand the text: The weakest feature comes second. Decorate this beard and mustache.


The crisis of this negative process is expressed in the fact that here it operates less intensely, and even the greatest pomp of decoration is not dangerous here. However, this is only a weakening of the negative impact of this situation, but not its disappearance. Therefore, here it is still necessary to actively maintain a strong attitude towards the perhaps seductive beauty of the outfit - in order to achieve a happy outcome of the entire process. That is why in the text we read: The strong trait is in third place. Disorganization. Decoration. Eternal endurance is fortunate.


Although this position is one of self-denial, the empty desire for decoration has already managed to increase so much that here it exerts its strong influence on self-renunciation, depriving it of even its essence and turning it into mere decoration. This position, however, is susceptible to the beneficial effects of the remaining positions of this hexagram, which in relation to it symbolize (according to Wang Yi) enlightened teachers and good friends, but here it is possible to understand the meaning of the white color (“white horse”), understood as the opposition to pure selflessness and diversity of decorations. This “marriage” is impossible here due to the action of the “robber” - the above-mentioned desire for decoration, which takes away reality even from self-denial. This “robber” appears here, according to Wang Yi, because of the self-distrust characteristic of a person in such a position in life as is described in this position. The text puts this into the following images: The weak point is in fourth place. Disorganization. White. The white horse definitely has wings. If it weren't for the robber, there would have been a marriage.


The fifth position in itself is favorable, but here it is represented by a weak line that has an obstacle in front of it (the upper strong line). Therefore, it symbolizes a person who, in the process of renouncing external splendor for the sake of the essential, despite his position, has not developed sufficient strength to attract help from a more developed person. Although he can distribute gifts (brocade), his gifts are meager and wretched. Therefore, regret awaits him. However, the very desire to attract help to oneself, at least with such gifts, does not turn out to be fruitless and sooner or later leads to happiness, as the text says: Weakness is in fifth place. Decoration in the garden on the hill. Bundles of (offered) brocade are squalor. Regret. In the end - happiness.


A complete eclipse of the tinsel of jewelry with something essentially valuable is impossible in the situation described in this hexagram. The greatest thing that is possible here at a time when this situation ends is a genuine rejection of the variegated decorations and the admission of white decorations, symbolizing purity and innocence. The text puts it succinctly: There is a strong line at the top. There will be no blasphemy. White decoration.

Meaning in fortune telling

In negotiations and politics you can get your way. But it will still be hard for you. You shouldn’t trust anyone, because intrigue is very close to you. Time must pass for your wish to come true.

This hexagram is suitable for people working in cinema or theater. It reveals itself quite clearly: you do not show others what is in your soul and heart, and people pay you in the same coin. Not everything is good with love relationships either. If you work in show business, you can hope for success. Don't flounder against the tide, enjoy life and everything will get better soon. And your wish will come true, but not right away.

22 Hexagram of the Book of Changes “Bi” - graphical view.


1. Starting nine.

Your actions should be graceful, harmonious and in accordance with etiquette. But you must be independent. “Walking” means refusing help, benefits and ease of getting what you want. You will not encounter any obstacles in achieving your plans, despite the longer path to it.

2. Six second.

The beard and mustache are something secondary. The movement of the chin and facial expressions cause facial hair to move. Psychologists believe that a man with a beard hides his feelings, intentions, and closes himself off from the world. Therefore, embellishing a beard means exaggerating the unimportant, caring about the unimportant. This trait predicts a meeting with an influential person; you need to carefully, unobtrusively convey your request, and briefly hint at the problem itself.

3. Nine three.

Beauty is the kindness of the soul. If you hold this opinion and live according to this worldview, you will receive true happiness, not a beautiful, shiny candy wrapper, but the candy itself. What has come into your life will bring long and serious success, sincerity and peace of mind.

4. Six fourth.

An awareness of truth in beauty, insight comes to you. Phoenix is ​​a symbol of transformation, resurrection from the ashes. The old leaves your life, and the new, happy one rushes on like a fast horse. You have come to understand what is truly beautiful and worthy of respect, and what is an illusion that brings disappointment and pain. This required a certain life lesson (you know what we are talking about), but you acquired wisdom (“silvered” - gray hair, wisdom) and received a reward.

5. Six fifth.

You shouldn’t get carried away with accumulating expensive things and jewelry, don’t hide your talents and capabilities, everything can be lost forever. You will regret your foolish behavior, but luck will restore the course of events. How to manage your newly acquired wealth is up to you. Don't repeat the same mistakes.

6. Top nine.

The most effective behavior for you in this period of time: simplicity, unpretentiousness, absence of spectacular external attributes and empty mannerisms. You are valued for your inner qualities. Embellishment loses all meaning, natural harmony and naturalness have prevailed over the artificial and soulless.

Meaning and interpretation of each line

  • Bottom line. Despite your talkativeness and the unfavorable impression made on others, everything will be fine. You don't need outside help, do it yourself.
  • Second line. Earning respect from the authority of your loved ones is not at all right, it’s a bad idea. Stop gossiping.
  • Third line. Don't be fooled by a bright wrapper, look for something that is not so shiny, but is much more valuable for happiness.
  • Fourth line. The obstacle to achieving significant success is your lack of faith in your abilities.
  • Fifth line. You live in a world of illusions and no one will help you get out of it, the time will come and everything will become clear by itself.
  • Top line. An excessive desire for beauty and perfection can turn into vulgarity, kitsch and cynicism; try to avoid this if possible.
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