Feng Shui desktop wallpapers attract favorable energy

Red Dragon

A picture depicting a red dragon will help you gain material wealth without much effort.

Since ancient times, it was believed that this talisman controls four elements at once. This supernatural power will not only give you countless treasures and fulfill all your deepest desires, but will also make you wiser.

It is important to put the red dragon on the screensaver, because it has incredible and inexplicable power. It is a symbol of protection and abundance, and not just in money.

To attract love

The following pictures will help you find your soulmate, bring harmony to relationships, awaken passion and bring back romance:

  1. Two peonies.
  2. Cherry blossoms.
  3. Mandarin ducks.
  4. Lilac in bloom.
  5. Crystal lotus.
  6. Pansies.
  7. White Lily.
  8. Magnolia.
  9. Poppies.

Pictures to attract love

All these images are powerful love talismans. In Feng Shui, hieroglyphs are given particular importance. You can put the “one hundred years of marriage” symbol on your phone screensaver for those who dream of a long and happy family life. The hieroglyphs “love” and “two people are happy together” are also suitable.

Pendants with coins

Chinese pendants with coins are truly miraculous talismans that have amazing powers. They symbolize the connection of the two most powerful energies on earth: Yin and Yang.

This is what helps to attract good luck and wealth into your life. They say that it is better to put three Chinese coins tied together with a red thread on the screensaver.

And if you own your own business, then soon things will go uphill, your capital will increase several times.


For monetary luck and wealth

Experts believe that the request for material security works on objects associated with gifts, care and beautiful things. When contemplating luxury, a readiness to accept is born. You allow yourself to own luxury property from trinkets to factories with steamships.

The positive energy generated during contemplation attracts wealth. Move aside your prejudices and immerse yourself in the mysterious world of symbols.


Options for specific desires:

  1. A box of chocolates, a package of perfume - winning the lottery; finding 5,000 rubles under a pillow or on the road; luck in banking. Ideal for those dreaming of housing and those on low incomes.
  2. Jewelry, especially paired jewelry - for a single woman who wants to create a bond with a wealthy partner.
  3. Cake in festive packaging - bonus, salary increase.

A vertical photo of an expensive accessory will attract a similar price level. Consider the magic of symbolism and act.

Cash flow

To attract financial abundance, you need to find balance. A background with a huge number of banknotes will cause subconscious mistrust. A small pile will cut off motivation. Give preference to the “golden mean”.

Main nuances:

  • the banknotes are arranged vertically;
  • absence of wrinkled, torn, damaged bills;
  • the image of a continuous current that has no beginning or end.

For career advancement, take photos related to your professional occupation. This will help careerists.

Waterfall or fountain

Changes for the better will please you if you choose this option:

  • after forty years, when you feel burnt out;
  • there is a desire to expand boundaries - it will tune in to the desired wave;
  • for businessmen - will help to quickly attract fortune;
  • If you are experiencing grief, it will support and restore you.

Water is a material element. A beautiful landscape with sparkling streams will contribute to internal revival. Fate will definitely smile.


The amulet will help in choosing the right path in life; will get rid of obstacles. Specifics:

  • helps a girl student understand her purpose;
  • will serve as a support in case of financial difficulties and problems with property;
  • will pull you out of a streak of failures.

Four-leaf clover

The plant combines four elements. Fire promises excellent achievements in career and studies. Water - sedateness and security. Air - love, mutual understanding with loved ones. Earth - longevity.


  • will give sincere feeling and peace of mind to married people who need harmony and trusting relationships;
  • will increase the savings of women up to forty years old, with a good level of income.

Indispensable for those who have lost their jobs. Attracts lucrative offers. Increases the level of self-esteem, as a result of which you open your first business.

gold fish

Children's faith in miracles dwindles with age. And this is the path to the social bottom. Bring back the magic of unprecedented achievements with a picture of a wonderful magician from a fairy tale.

Suitable for ambitious people dreaming of new heights. Will fulfill any desire and ensure financial independence. Will inspire those who are hesitant to change their field of activity.


Birds attract luck and money. It is worth considering the color of the feathers. Yellow - strength for a creative project, increasing clients in trade; blue, blue - recognition in endeavors, reduction of commercial risks; red - lucky.


  1. Mandarin ducks - peace in the family, tenderness and love. Because they only choose a partner once. Ideal for lonely hearts.
  2. A flock of birds - an increase in cash inflow, new clients for business; He protects various audits, including tax ones.
  3. Eagle - rapid advancement up the ladder of success.
  4. Flamingo symbolizes a wealthy spouse.
  5. Owls represent the appearance of an experienced friend, a teacher, which will be useful for students and people who are confused and apathetic.

A bright peacock and a cocky rooster promote self-realization in any direction, to the delight of the ambitious.


The personification of success and wealth. Protects from negativity and the evil eye. Correct orientation:

  • curved upward - resembles a cup of abundance;
  • horns down - happiness will pour on your head.


The image is mysterious and multifaceted. Therefore, it is suitable for anyone who is desperate to find a job, cannot save money for an apartment, or is under stress. And also, for entrepreneurs and students:


  • abundance of luxury;
  • perseverance, moving forward;
  • new conquests and development;
  • the continuity of generations.

Pay attention to the last point. If there is a hereditary dispute going on in your family circle, then strengthen your own position.


The golden hue of the fruit gives positive energy and sufficient finances:

  • restore joy and optimism;
  • promote success;
  • encourage positive thinking and well-being.


This dessert is very useful for contemplation:

  • promises chic, grace and gold;
  • stimulates the functioning of the sexual chakra;
  • makes the gadget owner confident.

Suitable for solving several problematic issues at the same time.

Special symbols

Eastern amulets certainly should not be neglected:

  1. Chinese coin - stimulates financial activity.
  2. Elephant - stability, wisdom and prosperity. Take this into account if you work a lot and are nervous.
  3. Triskel - promotes making the right decisions through the development of intuition.
  4. The all-seeing eye is a shield from trouble.
  5. The eye of Fatima (Nazar) will drive away enemies and envious people; will come to the rescue in any difficult situation.


As strange as it may sound, money can easily attract money. It doesn’t matter at all what exactly you decide to put on your screensaver: banknotes or ancient coins.

Our world is material. Therefore, it is important to be not only rich spiritually, but also to achieve financial balance.

There is no doubt that money can solve most problems. You can earn them, but it is important to have a good luck talisman with you and not tell anyone about it.

This symbol of money can bring you untold wealth, success, and career advancement. Try not to change your screensaver, even if it seems to you that your life has improved.

For material wealth

Today on the Internet you can find many pictures that help attract finance, prosperity and abundance, and increase wages. Among them:

  1. Maneki-neko cats.
  2. Hieroglyph "wealth".
  3. Fan in the form of banknotes.
  4. Dragon on the background of money.
  5. Waterfall.
  6. Boat of abundance.
  7. Tangerines and oranges.
  8. Gold fish.
  9. Three-legged toad.
  10. Money Tree.

You can use a wish-fulfilling mantra as wallpaper. The mantra font made up of symbols that are associated with wealth has powerful energy.

All these images can influence a person’s fate. They can be used as a screensaver on your computer desktop, and the original picture on your mobile will allow you to always carry good luck with you.


Citrus fruits such as lemons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruit will not only show off on the screen of your mobile device and delight you with their warm colors, but will also bring you material benefits.

The bright colors of fruits can relieve you of stress. If you have a nervous job, in order not to lose control over yourself and the situation, it is better to put beautiful bright yellow lemons or oranges on your screensaver.

They will lift your spirits and set you on a positive wave. This is what will contribute to the growth of your capital. It is not without reason that according to Feng Shui, citrus fruits are the main symbol of wealth.

For health and longevity

The positive content of the background constantly corrects the subconscious. The process is a targeted effect on problematic areas of the body. Energy flows are straightened, the body is restored.


Tired of being sick? Feeling overwhelmed? Install wallpaper with our little brothers and get rid of oppressive ailments. You cannot use aggressive, pressing types.

Kittens, dolphins, puppies are the best option.

Strong image

Contemplation of a muscular body helps to reorganize the subconscious into a wave of health and endurance. A photo of a slender gymnast, favorite sports competitions, acquaintances who are associated with strong-willed personalities will do.


Indicated for elderly and energetically weakened people. Additionally, they are nourished with life-giving juices. At the same time they perform the function of protection against the evil eye.

According to Feng Shui, flora means:

  • pine forest - longevity;
  • bamboo grove - a peaceful state of mind and relaxation;
  • blooming garden - spring renewal, increase in physical strength.

Fruit basket

Ancient texts talk about it as the embodiment of a fortress. When choosing images of fruits, trust your intuition.

Fruit energies:

  • grapes turn bad luck into prosperity;
  • pineapple - tones;
  • orange - increases vibrations, refreshes and gives strength.

Baskets with ripe apples and peaches are the basis of youth and love of life.


Another analogue of perseverance and endurance. The best color for this theme is green:

  • land - to maintain health;
  • waterfowl - healing from psychological suffering.


The deity attracts happiness like a magnet, protects from envious eyes, damage, helping to achieve what you want. Especially shown to public, successful individuals.


This item has been a symbol of possession for centuries. The matter concerns not only material assets (a car or an apartment). The keys will help you find yourself, determine where to go next, and find your other half.

Also, thanks to the talisman, you can gain new knowledge, solve a difficult problem and open all the doors on the path of life.

A silver item will help improve your personal life. To quickly resolve your housing issue, decorate the screen with an image of a bunch of keys.

Feng Shui of desktop in office

However, before approaching your desk, you will have to wander for a long time around your own office or the labyrinths of a common workspace, where it is absolutely impossible to sort everything into shelves.

Therefore, first of all, you need to position yourself favorably so that the favorable Qi energy settles in your corner.


Previously, they were mini-factories for the production of flour necessary for baking bread. This product was considered the most important on the table. Since then, the mill has been a symbol of abundance, fertility and prosperity.

If a period of calm has begun, then her image will help restore the previous pace in all areas of life.

Those who have problems on the love front should be careful with such a screensaver. The mill will spin them even more.

Feng Shui desktop

They say that happiness is defined very simply in our world. A happy person goes to work with joy in the morning, and after a working day rushes home with no less joy. At the same time, personal life and work processes are so closely interconnected that ideally the happiness from such harmony should be limitless. But more often than not, at least one side of life is lame, which entails problems with the second. That is, there is no success in work, and there is no career growth, most likely, financial wealth suffers. And modernity is very cruel to people and their families who do not have financial security.

There is only one conclusion - we set high goals for ourselves and go towards them by all means... Well, or almost all! According to my own experience, I can say that at work, almost the most important thing is the proper arrangement of the desktop and the workplace as a whole. Everything depends on this - your attentiveness, composure, preparedness for the assigned tasks. As my mother once said, if you put things in order around yourself, then everything in your head will work out as it should. And that means in life.

“How should it be?” - the question involuntarily arises. The answer is known in China, where the Feng Shui of the desktop is laid out in detail on shelves and distributed in drawers!

Wish card

An accessible method to achieve what you want is to create a wish card: a collage of pictures of what you would like to have. When creating, you need to clearly imagine and know what exactly you want to attract into your life.

When choosing images, be guided by your desires, and not by the desires imposed by other people. You should choose pictures that make you feel warm. Gloomy and dark wallpapers should absolutely not be used in drawing up a wish map.

It has been proven that in this way the desire has many chances to come true. Every time you turn on your computer or laptop, the first thing you will see will be a map, reminding you of your tasks and goals, helping you to follow your dreams.

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