Black cat figurine: meaning and methods of use according to Feng Shui » Feng Shui » Black cat figurine: meaning and methods of use according to Feng Shui

Among the many different interior items, the black cat figurine is especially popular among modern designers. Its characteristic features are: an exorbitantly long neck, a proud posture and a stern look. Because of this, those around her often associate her with a strict and dangerous beast, who at any moment can attack anyone who approaches him. But is this really so? Should you be wary of such decorations or, on the contrary, should you definitely bring them into your home?

The meaning of figurines in modern homes

Unlike ancient times, today cats are not considered deities, but they are still loved and respected. They are associated with purity, independence, grace, wisdom and beauty. A cat figurine in a modern person’s home is used as part of the room’s decor, as well as a talisman or some kind of instrument for making wishes come true.

The most common pose in which the animal is depicted is a sitting cat. According to the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, such a figurine in the house means protection, prosperity and good luck. A figurine with a raised tail is a symbol of optimism and success. Graceful figurines in the Egyptian style symbolize femininity, nobility and motherhood.

Figurines of an inviting cat – Maneki-neko – are very popular. It is believed that the figurine helps to attract wealth, luck, and prosperity to the home. If a cat waves his right paw, he attracts success, and his left paw attracts money. In many oriental shops you can see a figurine of an inviting pet at the entrance. He waves his left paw, luring customers.

Also in modern homes you can see entire compositions with several figurines of cats. Most often it is a symbol of friendship and fertility.

When decorating the interior with figures of a graceful animal, you need to remember that taste is manifested in the ability to refuse what is superfluous. Designers do not recommend cluttering the room with many different figurines.

Such different sphinxes

Sphinxes with the heads of a man (androsphinx), a hawk (hyeracosphinx) and a ram (cryosphinx) are also found in the cultures of the Assyrians, Persians and Phoenicians, personifying solar deities. All animals, whose body parts were borrowed from these fantastic creatures, also symbolized the cardinal directions in Indo-European cults dedicated to the sun.



Greek female androsphinx

Cat symbols in ancient times

In ancient times, cats were credited with mystical abilities. They were believed to have a connection with the other world. Among some peoples, pets personified the gods to whom they prayed and made sacrifices.

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In Japan, cats were considered intelligent magical creatures. The symbol of an inviting cat with a raised paw has a mysterious and mystical origin. According to legend, the pet, sitting at the gate of an old temple, beckoned with its paw to the emperor, who was hiding from a thunderstorm under a tree nearby. As the emperor approached the animal, lightning struck the tree. The abbot came out of the temple and invited the emperor to wait out the storm. The ruler liked this place and gave money to restore the shrine. Since then, it is believed that the image of a cat with a raised paw brings good luck to the house.

In ancient China, the goddess of fertility was depicted as a cat, so this symbol was used to pray for the harvest. And in Ancient Greece, animals personified dark forces. In Greek mythology, the pet was the faithful companion of the goddess of moonlight and the underworld, Hecate.

Animals appeared in Europe thanks to traders who illegally exported them from Egypt. With the onset of the Middle Ages, the cat family had a hard time. The creatures came under extermination because it was believed that they harbored the power of dark magic. There is still a superstition that black cats bring bad luck.

It is worth highlighting the role of cats in Ancient Egypt. Animal domestication took place in this state.

Cat character

If you decide to have a Mau at home, know: this Egyptian cat will become a true family friend. She always treats the residents of the house warmly and affectionately, while remaining absolutely cold and indifferent to people she does not know. Mau is a very kind cat, which in its affection and devotion is even somewhat similar to a dog. She loves to spend time with any of the family members, whom she recognizes as her masters.

Cats are very active and love to play. That is why it is better to make sure in advance that the kitten is provided with a set of toys, because if it is boring, any of your things that the animal can get to are at risk. However, despite their docile nature, representatives of this breed are known as good hunters. If you have a Mau in your home, be sure that there will be no mice in your house (don’t be surprised if you see a little gray surprise caught by a cat in your home, which recently spoiled your food).

As mentioned above, cats are very playful and love their toys. But at the same time they are terribly persistent. If you take away her favorite item, she will not leave you until you return it to her. Plus, these cats are smart and perceptive and can find a toy on their own no matter how far you hide it. They are vigilant, and if you try to steal a toy from under her nose, come to terms with the fact that a small gray “tail” will run after you demanding that you return what was taken away.

How cats were treated in ancient Egypt

In ancient times, the Egyptians deified various birds and animals, but cats were especially revered. The creatures became the embodiment of the ancient Egyptian goddess Bast, who was the patroness of women, motherhood and fertility.

The image of a cat in Ancient Egypt was associated with the moon and the sun. The Egyptians believed that the animal was the eyes of the sun god Ra on earth.

The honor of pets was so great that when a cat died, it was mummified and a special sarcophagus was made. Everything necessary for the animal’s other life was placed there, including mice and rats.

People in whose house an animal died shaved off their eyebrows, thereby showing their grief. Killing a creature, even unintentionally, was punishable by death.

Every resident of the ancient country wanted to have a freedom-loving animal in their home. Those who could not afford to keep the beast decorated the house with figurines, figurines and drawings with its image. People believed that, having this symbol, they were under the protection and love of the goddess Bast. After all, the Egyptian cat figurine symbolizes the goddess Bast (daughter of the god Ra). It still brings peace and prosperity to this day. Many tourists strive to bring this souvenir home from Egypt.

Egyptian cat: let's get to know each other better!

Mau is a breed that will make you fall in love at first sight. This cat has an average height, a well-developed, muscular body, which absolutely does not prevent her from looking elegant. Her weight indicators are quite typical for animals of medium breeds: an adult cat will weigh approximately 4-6 kg, the weight of a cat fluctuates between 3-4. You will recognize these bright green eyes even from afar; with the appropriate incidence of light, they will sparkle with the color of unripe gooseberries.

A distinctive feature of cats is their color. When choosing an animal, carefully examine its head, because it is by this that it is very easy to determine the authenticity of the Mau. Even if you see a cat in a photo, you can easily recognize it by the patterns on its head. There are several trademarks that distinguish this breed from many others:

  1. Pay attention to the area above the eyes. It must have a pattern on it that is shaped like the letter M.
  2. If you have verified its presence, make sure that on the top of the Mau’s head there is a signature pattern in the shape of the Latin letter W.
  3. On each side of the muzzle there should be two lines that run along the cheekbones and just below eye level.

In addition, cats can vary significantly in their color. If you want to buy a purebred cat that will participate in various exhibitions, then when choosing, you need to pay special attention to this nuance. In particular, Mau of the following colors will be allowed to participate:

  • silver;
  • bronze;
  • smoky.

If you are looking for an animal exclusively for your home, you should also like a marbled or black Mau, but you will not be able to travel with them to exhibitions, since they will not be allowed to participate. Many people confuse this breed with another Egyptian breed, the Sphynx. These are completely different animals, and if you want a hairless cat, the Mau is not for you.

Where to place the figurine in the house

Despite the fact that black animals are associated with trouble, a black cat figurine in the house will only complement the elegant and sophisticated interior.

And according to Feng Shui, figures such as a cat with a raised paw should have the correct location in the room. This room cannot be a bedroom, bath or closet.

A hall or living room is a good place to place the figurine. So, to attract wealth, it is recommended to place the figurine in the southeast. In order for your business and career to “go up”, it is worth placing it in the northeast.

Read more: deciphering the Feng Shui sectors

A mysterious and graceful cat, even in the form of a figurine, can make life successful and prosperous, provided that they sincerely believe in it.

Cat health and care

Cats are fairly healthy, but at the same time, problems with the respiratory (asthma) and cardiovascular (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, heart disease in cats) systems can sometimes arise. Sometimes allergies can also occur. Initially, the health situation of these animals was much worse, but targeted selection made it possible to significantly improve immunity, so when buying a Mau for yourself, you can be sure that you will visit the veterinary hospital mainly for preventive purposes.

The animals do not require special care; they are short-haired, so they do not need constant brushing. It is enough just to comb the animal a couple of times a month and trim its claws. Mau themselves love to be brushed. Typically, Mau live for 13-15 years.

Egyptian cats have become a real cult among the population. Some owners even get a tattoo with their image; any self-respecting artist who keeps a day-old animal will definitely find a sketch of it. Owners show their love for Mau in different ways, and cats love to reciprocate their love! Mau is one of the best breeds of domestic cats that will give you all the love if you treat them properly! Love your cats and they will love you back!

Great Sphinx

The ancient Egyptians placed sphinxes at the entrance to sanctuaries. They were believed to be lords of secrets, keeping secrets and warning those who entered not to reveal them to the uninitiated. The most famous Egyptian sphinx is located in Giza, representing Pharaoh Khafre with a lion's body. This image symbolizes the invincibility of the ruler. Some other ancient Egyptian kings are depicted in the same way, for example Sesostris Shi Amenhotep III. The image of such a powerful beast also symbolized the divine power and wisdom that the pharaoh used to protect the country and rule his people.

Sphinx at Giza

Energy magic of a cat

The cat is one of the most magical animals on earth. Its aura is so great that it covers not only a specific person, but also his family, home and territory, which the cat considers its own.

Therefore, you need to understand that when a cat rubs against your legs, it is not only caressing, trying to get its way, it also means that it is sharing its magical, astral power with you. The one who pushes the cat away at this moment, telling her “get out, no time for you,” simply refuses the positive energy that she wanted to give him. But next time the cat will no longer give such a person part of its astral power, and maybe even, on the contrary, take it away.

The cat not only protects the house from evil spirits, preventing it from entering the territory sacred to the cat, but it also rids the house of it, if there was one in it before. This is especially useful for those who are moving into a house that someone else has lived in before. Having discovered evil spirits in the house, the cat first watches it for some time, trying to determine its intentions. Convinced that this astral entity threatens its territory, the cat makes every attempt to expel it by displacing it with its energy field.

And if she doesn’t succeed, then she, as it were, “draws” the evil spirit into herself and takes her out of the house. Hence, in some traditions, motives arose when evil spirits ride on cats. Therefore, if you see that a cat is constantly in some place in the house, in a tense position, clearly watching something, you know that there is evil spirits there.

To help your animal get rid of evil spirits, read some prayer over that place or perform a cleansing ritual. If you don’t know prayers and don’t have any magical cleansing techniques, then at least fumigate this place with wormwood. Wormwood is a very powerful exorcist.

The cat’s astral abilities are so strong that it can easily drive away a ghost or the astral body of a dead person from the house. For this reason, magicians do not recommend keeping a cat in the room during a seance. It can scare away astral entities. Although in some cases the presence of cats during magical rituals, on the contrary, is highly encouraged.

The presence of a cat will also protect you from any evil eye and damage, but for this it is good at the moment of perceived danger of damage or the evil eye, or when talking with a person whom you suspect of unclean thoughts, to keep your hands on the cat, while stroking the cat’s scruff with your left hand, and on the right is her tail. In this case, you will be in full contact with the animal, and your energy fields will close into a single circuit, which will help to withstand even a very strong magical blow from a sorcerer or witch.

Since cats are conductors of cosmic energy, they can bring into the house those energies that will contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the entire family. The cat loves to be in places with a strong influx of energy, i.e. in geopathogenic zones, and often chooses those places where negative energy accumulates in large quantities. Therefore, knowledgeable people use this animal to cleanse the space of the house from negative vibrations.

In this case, the cat, figuratively speaking, works like a kind of “vacuum cleaner”, taking on negative energy and transforming it into positive. We can say that if trees transform carbon dioxide, which is harmful to us, into oxygen, then cats do the same work for humans, but in energy terms. This is due to the fact that the cat’s own biofield has a negative charge.

It was not for nothing that in Rus' there was such a ritual: when moving to a new place of residence, the cat was allowed into the house first. If the house was old, then the cat took upon itself all the negative alien energy left over from the previous owners. If the house was new, then it demanded a “ransom”, that is, a powerful energy charge, which the cat could give.

If we continue the topic of home, then we need to mention such a moment as the magical connection between cats and brownies. It is believed that the brownie loves cats very much. This is due to the fact that a cat, by its nature, can also act as a trickster (mediator), that is, serve as a conductor between the human world and the other world. Therefore, through the cat, the brownie established a connection with the person. If you don’t give the brownie a cat, he may become angry and begin to harm those who live in this house.

Often the cat was allowed into the house first also in order to appease and appease the brownie and so that she could establish relations with him. Cats' magical abilities have been widely used in healing. Cats of any breed and color have the ability to heal and can involuntarily heal their owners by lying on their sore spots.

One of the simplest methods of treatment with a cat is simply stroking it, which relieves a person of stress, mental and nervous tension. Cats are also used in healing to improve vision. To do this, some healers advise stroking the tail of a white cat.

According to the degree of psycho-emotional impact on humans, cats with congenital (not acquired) structural features of the body and face (Scottish folds, Persians and exotics, bobtails, sphinxes, munchkins, rexes) have double magical powers.

Those people who are going to use the magical properties of this animal need to know how to choose the right cat for themselves, in which cases you need to get a black cat, and in which a ginger cat. When choosing a cat for magical procedures, it is very important to consider their color. There are rules to consider.

— Black color: witchcraft, occult powers, protection, deep magic. Despite all the superstitions, animals of this color take away negative energy, ward off trouble from household members, and bestow wisdom and insight. In Britain, a black cat is considered a good omen.

— Red cats and male cats are a classic companion of witches, full of masculine strength, the power of the Sun, and Yang energy. Whatever their gender, representatives of this color carry the magic of wealth, money, hearth, “a house is a full cup.”

- Blue (gray, smoky gray) - cats of this color, dedicated to Freya, silent and secret! Until now, in Thailand it is customary to give cats of this color to brides. Cats of this shade bring love, happiness, good luck, as well as emotional stability and sensual peace.

— White: cats are sorcerers, they create lunar magic and have powerful healing powers. They give people a feeling of beauty and admiration, relieve tension, charging them with cleansing energy of health. In America it is considered a good omen.

— Color point (color of a Siamese cat), royal color. Cats with this color were bred in Siamese temples, jealously guarding the purity of this color. Cats of this color bring fame and success, longevity, help in solar magic, Yang energy.

— Calico (tricolored) is the cat of the supreme goddess. The classic tricolor colors combine white (maiden), red (parental: mother and father), black - the color of deep magic. This color is associated with the three-faced goddess. Calico cats bring good luck both on land and at sea, protect the home and family from harm, and bring happiness and prosperity.

— Bicolor (black and white, orange and white, gray and white): according to legend, bicolor cats are the best mousecatchers and are very friendly. They give the energy of wisdom, understanding and common sense.

— Tortoiseshell color is a woman’s magic, since only females inherit the breed’s genes for this color. Childish, pure magic that grants clairvoyance and healing.

- Golden, golden brown (like an Abyssinian cat) - a revered temple cat, playful, wise, regal, which bestows grace, helps to master age-old wisdom, solar magic.

— Tabby color (tabby) is a smiling Cheshire cat, a madman, a hooligan, at whom witches and family and friends laugh, and who bestows good luck, an easy, cheerful attitude to situations, and charges with the energy of humor and enthusiasm.

Knowledgeable people say: it only seems to us that the decision to get a purr came from us.

Theban Sphinx

The most famous Greek myth in which the Sphinx is mentioned is the legend of King Oedipus. The Sphinx lay in front of the gates of Thebes and asked every passerby a riddle: “Who walks on four legs, two and three, and the more legs, the weaker it is?” Those who could not guess the riddle were torn apart by the monster, and only Oedipus was able to give the correct answer: “Man.”

A fragment of the painting “Oedipus and the Sphinx” by a French symbolist artist of the 19th century. G. Moreau

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