The meaning and principles of the Yin-Yang symbol and what it means

This article is intended for women. In it, I wanted to share my awareness of how the interaction of the Masculine and Feminine Principles determines who in a married couple holds the key to joint happiness. Who determines whether the love with which God unites people will survive? Source - Esoterics. Living Knowledge
  • Indivisibility and relationship of Yin - Yang
  • Specifics of Yin-Yang energies
  • First impulse
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And how the Yin-Yang relationship determines a woman’s mission in relation to her man. But how can you talk about her without touching him?

Indivisibility and relationship of Yin - Yang

In the name of development, the self-aware Spirit divided itself into two basic forces: one with a negative charge, the other with a positive charge. People called the first the Feminine Principle, or Yin, the second, the Masculine Principle, or Yang. These two energies are inseparable, are in continuous motion, are present in all spaces, in every smallest particle, and the concentration and strengthening of one causes a weakening of the other.

In their various combinations

phenomena, elements, seasons, changes of day and night are formed, the human energy system is built, emotions and feelings arise in subtle bodies, systems and organs in the physical body... And
their penetration into each other
gives birth to a new creation.
And their imbalance
causes natural and social disasters, illnesses and discord in relationships.
In their balance
, everything is normalized, the body is healed, connections are established.

But what connects these two principles, making them one? Divine Love. Therefore, everything that is created by them is initially harmonious and filled with Love.

But in today’s distorted consciousness, these two principles are so unbalanced that the Earth is shaking, nature is groaning, social spheres, culture and art are degrading, the destinies of nations and people’s lives are being crippled. And until these two creative energies are balanced, decay cannot be overcome. How to do it? Start with yourself.

God so wisely created man that his development is based on the indivisibility and interconnection of two principles: in men, Yang energy is leading, Yin is developing, and in women, on the contrary, Yin prevails, and its expansion, deepening and external manifestation occurs on the power of Yang energy.

From this it follows:

1 – in order to be healthy, successful, grow spiritually and build harmonious relationships, you cannot assert yourself in your dominant beginning. And to notice this, you need awareness.

2 – You should learn to distinguish between the energies of Yin and Yang and recognize their manifestation. And this requires even deeper awareness.

3 – It is she who opens the Spirit – the Source, where both principles originated and where they are automatically balanced.

Thus, just one touch of the energies of Yin and Yang leads to spiritual growth.


In every person there is an interaction of two energy flows, at one moment Yin is superior, at another moment Yang wins.

It is worth devoting time to studying your inner potential, accumulating this or that energy, so that at the right moment you can find the strength to make your dreams and plans come true, achieve results, and reach the top.

Balance is an inherently complex state; only those who work on themselves will be able to balance, regardless of the environment, to be holistic and harmonious. Practices based on breathing exercises, meditation, qigong, and yoga can be ways to balance energy flows and harmonious perception of the world.

Women in modern life often have to do work that requires a masculine approach to business, determination, and strong-willed acumen. To ensure that Yang energy does not suppress the feminine principle and does not de-energize the channels of the flow of female energy, it is worthwhile, before starting male Yang affairs, to say to yourself: “By doing this, I will become not only stronger, but also more feminine. Calmness and charm will become my faithful companions.”

To be in harmony with yourself, it is important to live at your own pace. For some, comfort lies in regularity and unhurriedness, while for others the feeling of speed is vital, it feeds and saturates with even more energy.

Another aspect of balance and harmony is contemplation. The lack of Yin can be compensated by observing the grace of a woman, trying on her image.

Specifics of Yin-Yang energies

There is a lot of information about the Feminine and Masculine Principles. But isn’t it more interesting to resort to your own experience?

If you recreate Yin energy in yourself, expansion appears,

in which the sensation of the body,
the boundlessness
that contains all conceivable and inconceivable hypostases,
calmness and the absence of resistance
to anything disappears.

These characteristics make the Feminine Receptive.

And due to its versatility - mysterious, incomprehensible and therefore alluring.

And if you recreate the energy of the Masculine Principle, it will become clear that this is a clear, concentrated, purposeful Force that paves the way for the new, penetrates the unknown, constructs and implements. Striving for achievements, it is directed outward.

This makes it
a source
and engine of progress.

And this explains why men are so striving for fulfillment in society, and their leading position in it comes from the specifics of the leading principle.

Making a talisman with a Chinese symbol

The talisman provides its owner with energy balance. It helps you achieve success in your career, find love and make your life more harmonious. The symbol also allows you to strengthen weak energy and suppress the dominant one. The sign protects its owner from the influence of negative forces.

One of the key factors in the influence of the amulet is its attitude towards its owner. You cannot purchase an amulet and wait for its effect to begin. Talismans require mandatory preparation and activation. If you follow the basic rules, you will be able to get a very powerful amulet that provides a person with protection and good luck.

  • The Yin symbol represents the dark side. He is considered calm and mysterious. This sign symbolizes the feminine principle, which corresponds to water and metal.
  • The Yang sign is considered a symbol of the light side. This is a powerful masculine principle, which is compared with fire and wood.

A talisman with this sign helps change your life for the better.
You can make an amulet with your own hands. For this, it is possible to use a variety of materials - wood or metal. You can also put an image on paper and place it in your home.

Regardless of the method of making the amulet, it must be activated. Only in this case will the product work effectively and be charged with the energy of its owner. Before activation, the amulet must be cleaned.

To clean the product, you need to hold it under a stream of water for several minutes or dip it in a salt solution. You can also simply put the talisman in salt.

Before activating the amulet with your energy, it is better to charge it with the potential of your element.

  • Representatives of fire signs should carry the amulet through the flame 7 times in a row. A candle is best suited for this purpose.
  • Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios, who belong to the element of water, should dip the amulet into a glass of water 7 times.
  • Air signs - Libra, Aquarius and Gemini - need to fumigate the amulet with incense. 2 minutes is enough for this.
  • Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns should sprinkle the product with earth. It needs to be held in this position for 2 minutes.

After this, you can proceed to activating the amulet with your energy. To do this you need to choose the right day.

For women, the procedure can be performed on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are suitable for men.

The amulet must be charged late in the evening. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Sit at the table, take the talisman in your hands and squeeze it tightly in your palms.
  2. Focus and concentrate on the good. Sit in this position for at least 10 minutes.
  3. You can use magic to strengthen the amulet. To do this, you should read a special spell three times.
  4. Wrap the talisman in fabric of any color except black and put it in a secret place for a week.
  5. Every evening for a week, take out a magical talisman and hold it in your hands. You can talk to him and share your deepest secrets. Thanks to this, the amulet will absorb the energy of its owner.
  6. In a week, the talisman will absorb the maximum energy of its owner. After this you need to carry it with you.

You need to talk to your amulet, charge it with your energy for a week.
Using the talisman is not difficult. In this case, the following rules should be observed:

  • It is not recommended to display the talisman and give it to other people;
  • it is important to periodically clean and wipe the amulet;
  • To maintain strength and energy, you should take the talisman in your hands and talk to it.

Experts advise sharing the best events of your life with the talisman. This will help turn the sign into a powerful amulet against troubles and problems.

The sign is often used in tattoo art.

First impulse

Yang is the essence, the core, the idea, the first expressed impulse. But only if Yin accepts and supports it, development will begin: the content will be embodied in form; original strategy will be combined with daring tactics; in a creative takeoff, the Mind will unite with the Heart, and the new creation will delight the Souls; The sperm will penetrate the egg, and the miracle of creation will happen...

What if it doesn’t affect his feelings or emotions? Will he develop a desire to give back? No, because his Masculine Principle is not stimulated.

So from whom does the first impulse come?

In the subtle World, in the Divine game of Yin-Yang, everything is initiated by the active Female Hypostasis of the Spirit, the Will of God the Mother. In Indian philosophy she is called Shakti.

This She, and not the mind that ascribes authorship to itself, accomplishes everything. Without realizing it, it is to Her that we call when we pray or ask Heaven for help. It fills with energy, corrects, guides, transforms, inspires. The refined awakened consciousness, vibrating at a frequency where there is no mental “I,” feels Her messages and follows them.

In the physical world, everything happens by analogy - the implicit first aspiring stimulus comes from the woman.

Energy qualities

Feminine: Shakti, Yin, Prakriti

Time of day: night, darkness.

Planets: Moon, Venus.

Qualities: flexibility, softness, pliability, humility, obedience, compliance, agreement, acceptance, following, fluidity, chaos, inertia, coldness, heaviness, slowness to the point of lethargy, grounding energy, always tends downward. Represents matter.

In the human body, Yin is responsible for the lower part.

Yin energy can be compared to flowing water. Imagine this image. Water has no form, it takes the form of the surrounding world. She adapts, fills herself.

The earth also possesses powerful Yin energy: it obediently grows seeds within itself, humbly fills with strength not only cultivated plants, but even weeds. It does not act - it lies as a potential force and waits to be used.

Yin energy calms, grounds, and gives deep strength. But to better understand its nature, you need to imagine a clot of energy that looks like a ball. It doesn't move anywhere because it's inert. It simply sits in space, waiting for a movement vector and the opportunity to be used.

That is, female energy is strength without a vector! Strength in itself, because the word “shakti” is translated exactly like that: “power.” Shakti contains enormous energy potential.

The scriptures say: being separated from Shakti, Shiva (the male principle) was in emptiness in non-action, his whole being was immersed in a trance, his body was immobilized. And when Shakti united with Shiva, Shiva awakened and began to act.

This often happens in life: a man lives alone, he has a sofa, a stove and a refrigerator with instant food. For example, one single man I know in his house has a large bed, a table with a computer, a refrigerator and a stove, nothing else - no dining table, no chairs, although the apartment is huge. And such men live calmly, they don’t need anything special. And then a woman appears in the life of such a man

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