The Easter Bunny: who he is and what traditions are associated with him

Easter is the most long-awaited and brightest spring holiday among Christians around the world. This event does not have an exact date and is celebrated on different days every year.

Traditionally, Great Easter is celebrated on Sunday; it personifies the main phenomenon of biblical history - the rebirth of the Son of God Jesus Christ.

Easter is symbolized with Easter cake, eggs, and among Catholics the main attribute of this day is considered to be a rabbit, the appearance of which is associated with many interesting legends that are interesting to children and adults.

On the day of the celebration, the longest strict Christian fast ends. All believers attend the service and give each other gifts. This holiday, depending on the people, has its own traditions and history. Orthodox Christians.

Easter Bunny - who is it and how did it appear?

The main symbol of Christ's Resurrection in European countries is the Easter bunny. It has primordially pagan roots and personifies the continuation of life on earth and high birth rates. And the egg represents life itself.

In ancient times, people worshiped the Great Goddess Ostara, in whose honor they celebrated the solstice every year. It is known that it symbolized the arrival of warmer times and fertility.

The appearance of the rabbit is explained by ancient legends:

  • ​Many centuries ago, during the Flood, when a warrior was sailing on the water, he came across a sharp mountain. Because of this, a gap formed at the bottom of the ship. He would have died if not for the brave hare, who plugged the hole with his tail. Therefore, interesting stories began to be invented in memory of the brave animal.
  • ​Another ancient legend says that by bringing decorated eggs to people, rabbits thus ask for forgiveness for the losses caused to them in the spring after raids on the plots.
  • ​The most rooted story is about the goddess of fertility, who took pity on a poor bird dying after the winter. To bring her back to life, Ostara turned her into a hare, which continued to lay eggs. And as a sign of his salvation and respect for the goddess, every year he presented elegant and painted eggs as a gift.

In ancient times, the egg was interestingly interpreted as a model of the Universe with four elements: the shell - the earth; protein - water; yolk - fire; air bubble - air.

Basic information about the Easter Bunny is contained in the German chronicle. It was there that they first began to observe such a holiday tradition. It was believed that the animal brought eggs and sweets only to obedient and kind children who behaved exemplary throughout the year.

Subsequently, the story about the hare began to spread further. Now it is the main attribute of Easter Sunday in all parts of America, Norway and some countries of Western Europe.

Why is the rabbit the symbol of Easter?

Catholic Christians celebrate Easter on the Sunday immediately following the spring equinox. As a rule, this is the time of the full moon. And the hare, as you know, is considered a lunar animal.

There is an ancient tale about the Easter Bunny, which was first mentioned in the early 16th century. According to this story, a brave hare saved the life of Archangel Gabriel, who descended to earth, from evil robbers.

The latter were flattered by his rich and holy attire. And then the rabbit promised that every year on the day of the beginning of spring, on Great Easter, he would bring beautiful, decorated eggs to true workers and good people in their gardens.

Therefore, all people, in particular children, believed that the hare would certainly bring them decorated Easter eggs. Therefore, on this holiday, the tradition of baking various cookies and butter pies, buns in the shape of a rabbit, placing a whole egg inside, has been preserved.

Travelers on long journeys and pilgrims always took this food with them. In addition, residents truly believed that hares do not bring eggs open, but always hide them in the grass or under bushes in the garden.

This ancient belief has now grown into an interesting game that is equally loved by both adults and children. On the day of Great Easter, parents hide beautifully decorated and chocolate eggs around the entire perimeter of the site, and children try to find them.

Tell me who is your friend

In 2023, making new friends is very useful. These can be not just connections, but very productive acquaintances that will develop into true friendship. Old friends may resurface and play an important role this year.

Young people are somewhat at risk. Since the Rabbit is very sociable, but very easily controlled by temptations, teenagers may not end up in the best company. Therefore, parents should take a closer look at their children’s new friends.

The history of the origin and appearance of the Easter Bunny

The origin story of the Easter Bunny has ancient roots and begins in the Germanic country in the pre-Christian period, when the inhabitants believed only in a pagan deity.

At that time, Ostara, the goddess of fertility and spring, was greatly revered. On the day of the solstice, her holiday was celebrated. And the rabbit became its symbol, because it is the most prolific animal of all. It was customary to personify the hare with the continuation and renewal of life.

The inhabitants of ancient Germany had a special story that explained the origin of the Easter Bunny. According to her, the great goddess Ostara once found a wounded bird in the snow and, in order to revive it to life, turned it into a cute hare.

Despite the fact that the bird became a bunny, it did not lose the ability to lay eggs. It is from that distant time that the rabbit lays and decorates eggs, presenting them to Ostara as a sign of salvation and the beginning of spring.

Hares are personified with the arrival of warmth, the awakening of all living things from hibernation. They are the ones who begin to look into private lands in search of food when it is difficult to find food in the spring. Therefore, the residents, seeing hares in their gardens and orchards, knew that Great Easter would soon come.

Phrase from the movie “The Matrix”

The phrase “Follow the white rabbit” was spoken by the main character of the film The Matrix. Then Neo received this message by email.

Soon a guy and a girl came to him and gave him a floppy disk. The man suggested that the main character go to a club to have fun. At first Neo refused, but then he noticed the girl had a tattoo of a white rabbit on her shoulder. He immediately remembered the message he had received and agreed to the offer.

In the context of the film The Matrix, the meaning of the phrase “Follow the white rabbit” means pay attention to the secret signs and do what they say.

Why do the hare bring Easter eggs in Europe?

The distant roots of the European tradition are associated with pagan rituals. In those days, rabbits were associated with the spring goddess of fertility, Ostara. In ancient times, the egg was a symbol of life itself, and hares were the continuation of life and its renewal.

In different histories of the peoples of Europe, other animals were also found, these are foxes, roosters, chickens and deer, but hares supplanted everyone and took the main position.

As the Christian faith spread, many pagan holidays began to be adjusted to the Christian spirit. The changes also affected Easter.

The day of honoring the goddess of fertility was combined with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and thus a new format for celebrating Easter Sunday appeared. The hares were replaced by rabbits, but they continued to lay eggs.

Based on history, the first information about Easter eggs and the traditions of such a holiday appeared in the 16th and 17th centuries. The features of the celebration of Christ's Sunday were documented in 1698 by a German professor.

In his works, he wrote that in many nearby countries and neighboring regions, Easter eggs are called bunny eggs. Children are told interesting legends that decorated eggs are carried by a hare and hidden in the grass or bushes.

After which the kids run out into the street and look for them. A similar tradition of celebrating Easter has survived to this day in Germany, America, Canada and Western European countries.

There, the main attribute of the celebration is still the Easter bunny, carrying elegant and beautiful eggs. Over time, in addition to regular eggs, the animal began to bring chocolate eggs, as well as candies and various sweets.

Loving Rabbit...

Love will come unexpectedly! In the year of the Rabbit, it's time to stop keeping your heart under lock and key. The year promises new, stunning love, primarily for those who have long decided that the arrows of Cupid always fly by. The rabbit will do everything as it should.

But those who like to tickle the nerves of their other half with provocations will have a hard time.

The habitual bullying of a partner by flirting with strangers will result in a huge scandal and separation. Therefore, if there are no plans to break up the relationship, then you should reconsider your behavior and stop blowing your partner’s mind with endless mockery. The rabbit is jealous and will not forgive shooting with its eyes. Jealous people will have to make a choice: either part with their overly sociable partner, or accept all his admirers and trust, trust, trust. Especially if the partner does not go beyond ordinary coquetry.

Well, those who nurture their relationships, protect them and develop them in the right way can safely submit an application to the registry office. This year is great for starting a family.

Traditions associated with the Easter Bunny in different countries

Different Christian countries celebrate Great Easter with their own traditions and customs.

America, Canada and Western European countries are considered Catholic believers. It is there that Bright Sunday of Christ is celebrated, according to certain traditions:

  • ​In Germany, Easter is especially revered. Thanks to this event, all schoolchildren go on vacation, which lasts 1-2 weeks. Children really look forward to this day because the Easter Bunny comes to them and brings decorated eggs. Usually the parents dress up in the animal's outfit and place beautiful chicken and chocolate eggs in different areas in the garden.
  • ​In all European countries where Catholic Christianity exists, various holiday attributes and souvenirs appear in all stores within 2-3 days. These include postcards, chocolate Easter bunnies and eggs.
  • ​The tradition of placing decorated eggs in bird nests has been preserved since ancient times. Every parent shared with their children the legend that it is rabbits that bring eggs and decorate them. The guys had to find such gifts; it turned into an interesting and funny game.
  • ​In any part of America, Christ's Sunday is always associated with the arrival of spring and a cheerful mood. Children are given gifts and positive emotions. The main symbol of the holiday, the Easter bunny, came to the country from neighboring countries, namely Western Europe, and quickly spread throughout the territory, becoming an integral part of the celebration.
  • ​Gifts for children and adults are prepared on Easter night. Candies and other sweets, as well as chocolate and simple decorated eggs, are placed in a basket and placed in any place in the garden or simply in the grass. Afterwards, the whole family searches for them, often organizing playful competitions to see who can do it the fastest.

On the eve of the celebration in the West, it is customary to beautifully and brightly decorate houses with various figurines of hares. These can be soft toys, postcards made of cardboard or paper, felt.

2-3 days before Easter, everyone can take a photo with the festive bunny, which can be seen everywhere: on the street, in a store, in a park and in educational institutions.

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