What figurines should be at home for happiness: 5 options

The modern world is developing at a very fast pace, providing humanity with more and more new technical solutions to implement the most incredible tasks. Such a stream of innovations fills a person’s living space with a huge number of household items, randomly located in all corners of the home. But not all people know that many objects, located in one or another part of the house, have not only a practical, but also an energetic impact on our lives.

The eastern wisdom of Feng Shui has been teaching humanity for several thousand years to live in harmony with nature and the subtle world, despite the level of technological development. And a properly equipped home plays a fundamental role in this, because a harmonious environment can create a favorable energetic background for the realization of any set goals. Otherwise, if there is energetic disorder in the house, a person encounters a lot of obstacles and obstacles on the path of life.

Figurines that help achieve certain goals when used correctly deserve special attention in Feng Shui.


The Egyptians revered cats and buried them according to human traditions. In their understanding, this sacred animal was a symbol of love, fertility, home and motherhood.

Religious admiration for cats has faded into oblivion, but admiration for these noble and graceful animals is still alive. Residents of Japan and China decorate their homes with the Maneki-neko (cat with a raised paw) talisman, symbolizing success and financial prosperity. An animal with a raised tail brings optimism and good mood, and a cat with a kitten brings happy motherhood.

What is Feng Shui

The art of Feng Shui dates back to ancient times. This ideology originated in Ancient China about three thousand years ago, but to this day it continues to develop and improve.

The teaching of Feng Shui is based on the harmonious interaction of people, objects and nature, which is achieved through the management of vital energy.

Qi is a key concept in Feng Shui ideology, denoting the vital force inherent in people, nature, phenomena, etc.

There are several main types of Qi:

  1. Human is the internal energy of people.
  2. Natural – the power of nature, animal and plant life.
  3. Celestial – the energy of the sky, stars and space.
  4. Social is energy characteristic of each individual nation.
  5. Home is a force that circulates within a certain room.

Every day, each of the listed Qi influences our lives. And if heavenly, social and natural energy does not depend on us in any way, then human and domestic energy can be developed and improved. Feng Shui teaches you how to arrange your home in such a way as to activate certain types of Qi and improve your life. According to this teaching, symbols, talismans and figurines should be placed in special areas.


Elephant figurines are no less popular. In the 50s of the last century, compositions consisting of seven stately and majestic animals moving one after another were popular. It was believed that elephants bring happiness to the house.

There is no need to buy such a caravan. It is enough to take one elephant and place it in a visible place. Feng Shui experts recommend choosing animals with a raised trunk and placing them on the windowsill, facing the window. It is believed that elephants draw positive energy from space and attract them to the home, making its inhabitants successful and happy.

Form, content and secret desires

“A strange title for an article about home decoration,” you might think, and in vain. Porcelain dogs, birds, wooden frogs and plaster gods hide centuries-old ideas of humanity. Sculptures of animals and semi-humans in many religions of the world are endowed with magical powers, and although the era of totemism is a thing of the ancient past, the modern city dweller still experiences the influence of this cultural “rudiment”. Which of them should be at home, how to fit them organically into the interior is a topic familiar to every lover of comfort. It is impossible to cover all the options in one small review, so I will focus only on the most popular ones.

What exactly will bring good luck?

  • figurines with the meaning of movement: flow, takeoff, eroticism;
  • figurines with mascot plants: clover, fern, lily of the valley;
  • unicorns and white horses;
  • colored fish and hedgehogs.

It’s great to place a shape depicting a sailboat or ship in the hallway; it will attract joyful events and good guests to your apartment!


A frog figurine attracts love, happiness, and financial well-being. Toads with protruding tongues are especially popular. If you put a small coin on it, there will be no shortage of money.

The most effective symbol in Feng Shui is the three-legged toad. It is recommended to place it in the southeast (wealth zone) or next to the front door. It is believed that the toad is afraid of heights, so high shelves and cabinets are not suitable for it.

What things should not be kept at home?

If some things and objects help to attract good luck, happiness and cash flow into your home, then there are a number of things that block all this.

Financial and family problems, lack of success in business, all this can be a consequence of the energy that fills your home.

Negative energy attracted to certain things in your home can negatively impact your entire life. You will begin to experience both financial difficulties and difficulties in relationships with loved ones.

Here are just a few of the items that you should get rid of as quickly as possible to cleanse the aura around you:

Old trash

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Outdated things that have turned into trash are a real magnet for failure and misfortune.

Cluttering leads to the fact that negative energy begins to accumulate in the house. Therefore, any unnecessary, faulty or simply unused item must be disposed of.

Old newspapers and magazines, a wardrobe that is already outdated, worn-out shoes, broken equipment, a cracked plate or cup - all of this, turning into “dust collectors”, accumulates negative energy.

Rid your home of clutter and you will feel relief and bring a breath of fresh air into your home.

Photo cards

Of course, there is no need to throw away all your old photos. Moreover, it is photographs that store the best memories of the events that we managed to experience.

But it would still be better to review your old photo albums. In the archives you may find photos that are unpleasant to you. Perhaps some awaken sad, negative memories in you.

So why keep such provocative pictures in your album? Photos should evoke pleasant memories, not disgust, anger, pain or resentment.

So, if your photos show some events, places or people that you would rather forget, get rid of those photos.

Thus, you will free your home from the accumulation of negative energy.

Other people's things

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If there are objects and things in your house that originally belonged to someone else, we dare to upset you: they will not bring you anything good.

As a rule, other people's things are charged with the energy of the person to whom they originally belonged. And if suddenly this energy was not the best, then this thing will not bring you good luck. You shouldn't expect anything positive from such a thing.

Try to avoid storing such things, and even worse, accepting them as a gift after the deceased.

This absolutely cannot be done if you want happiness and prosperity to settle in your home.

Be careful what you keep in your home. Leave only those things whose energy you are sure of. You must know exactly who owned this or that thing before you.

Symbolism of wealth that is broken and in disrepair

All talismans and amulets that work to attract good luck, love and financial well-being simply must be in perfect order.

Otherwise, they will not work in your favor. If suddenly the amulet is broken, scratched or becomes unusable, you need to get rid of it, as it starts to work in the opposite direction: in other words, the talisman can harm you.

The advice would be the following: carefully monitor your talismans and amulets, try to prevent dirt and dust from getting on them.

And as soon as you notice the first signs of an item’s unsuitability, get rid of it immediately.

Old wallet or purse

Probably everyone has heard that the right wallet has magical powers: like a magnet, it can attract financial flows.

If time and circumstances have taken a toll on your wallet, it is best to change it to a new one. It’s also worth noting that if you have an old, unnecessary wallet lying around at home, then it’s time to say goodbye to it too.

Unfortunately, no matter how much you want it, old shabby wallets negatively affect your financial situation and attract money problems.

Using an old wallet, you can observe the following: your income suddenly begins to decrease, your financial situation becomes precarious and leaves much to be desired, problems at work begin.


© Liia Galimzianova / Getty Images Pro

Oddly enough, it is money that can also repel financial flows.

The whole point is that money must be in circulation, creating a constant flow of funds.

If there are entire “deposits” of old bills or coins concentrated in your home, they will work against your well-being and block financial flows.

Tattered and torn banknotes also contribute to blocking cash flows, which should be “get rid of” immediately. Try to either spend them or exchange them at the bank for new bills.

If you want not to experience money problems, remember an important rule: money must be in constant circulation, it must be changed, spent, etc.

There is an exception to this rule: these are collectible coins that do not create a financial blockage.

Things that need cleaning

Of course, there is no need to get rid of things that are in disarray. But it is simply necessary to bring them into proper form.

Your home is important and needs to be kept in perfect order.

Old and frayed sponges, rags, brooms, dustpans are best replaced with new ones.

It is necessary to maintain cleanliness and order in the house, but, first of all, it is necessary to keep in order the things and tools that keep your home clean. Remember that these things ensure not only physical, but also energetic purity of the place where you live. Therefore, do not skimp on buying new sponges, mops and rags.


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Can food attract negative energy into the home?

How can they! If we are talking about expired products, for example. Dried food, rotten vegetables and fruits, old cereals and rotten meat - all this, like a magnet, attracts a charge of negative energy.

If you want to protect your home from failures, illnesses and financial failures, make sure that your refrigerator, pantry or cabinets contain only fresh food with a good shelf life.

Remember that food tends to spoil, so it is very important to update your supplies.

But the fact that you regularly throw away expired food is a reason to think about how thrifty a person you are and how rational your spending on food is.

Perhaps you should reconsider your views on shopping and start purchasing only those food products that you really need during the week/month.

Herbarium and stuffed animals

Of course, lovers of herbariums and other dried flowers will now protest and find a thousand and one reasons not to part with their favorite bouquet, which became obsolete 5-10 years ago.

Unfortunately, dried leaves, flowers or spikelets not only become real dust collectors, but also begin to attract negative energy.

The same can be applied to stuffed animals, which some men love to collect. For some, this trophy serves as a reminder of a successful hunt, for others, the stuffed animal is no longer a fashionable element of decor.

But the fact remains: a dead animal should have no place in your home! Otherwise, you really risk attracting negativity and bad vibes.

But if you have such trophies and don’t want to part with them, try to at least allocate a separate room for them away from the bedroom and other living rooms. In this way, you will partially divert negative energy from the place where you are often, if not constantly.

The Dragon

The dragon symbolizes life, success, wisdom, prosperity, development. It improves the atmosphere in the home, brings wealth and good luck in work. In order for the dragon to work for the benefit of the owner, it must be placed in the eastern part of the house.

Believing in the power of figurines or not is a personal matter for everyone. Most people notice that talismans help them be happy and enjoy life.

  • Author: lisavdushe
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Talismans to attract love

Mandarin ducks

By placing these figurines in the bedroom, experts assure that people will have a lot of love and happiness in their family life. Attracts loyalty and devotion.

Pair of pigeons

A symbol of love and fidelity, they should definitely be placed in the bedroom. Positively influence well-being and luck. Positively influence love and harmony in relationships.

Material of manufacture

Man began decorating his home with figurines even before he learned to draw on the walls of caves. This is evidenced by numerous finds at the sites of primitive people. Then various figurines were necessary for rituals and ceremonies. Thousands of years have passed, and figurines are still present in our homes, only now they are used for decoration or as a reminder of a holiday or trip. Separately, it is worth noting collectors, for whom figurines are a source of pride and their life’s work.

The modern variety of figurines and figurines can drive even the most experienced designer crazy. What can we say about an ordinary person who decided to decorate his apartment! It’s very easy to make a mistake and slip into bad taste, so it doesn’t hurt to understand in advance what type of figurines exist and what type of interior they are intended for.

Let's begin the classification with the types of materials used:

  • stone figurines They look solid, emphasize the status of home owners, and are distinguished by decent weight. The price depends on the type of stone used. Marble is held in special esteem; figurines made of stone, which corresponds to the zodiac sign of the owner of the apartment, are also in demand. This type of figurines will fit perfectly into classic interiors. However, you can choose a suitable option for a modern style. It could be a laconic-shaped figurine made of rough-cut gray stone;

  • metal figurines universal. Bronze figurines, forged items and figurines with gilding will ideally fit into classical style, art deco, modern and baroque interiors. For minimalism and hi-tech, you can choose figurines with a shiny or matte chrome finish, and figurines made of black and even rusty metal are an excellent solution for a loft;

  • faience, porcelain and clay – classic materials for making figurines. They are so flexible and versatile that they allow you to create almost any figure. However, more often such figurines are used in classic interiors. Porcelain and earthenware products can decorate the interior in the Provence style;

  • made of plaster and alabaster you can sculpt anything. The aesthetics of the finished figurine greatly depends on the painting technique and decoration. Very often you can find plaster sculptures on sale that are quite cheap both in price and in appearance, but if the manufacturer has worked responsibly, the product will look as if you borrowed it from some palace or museum;

  • tree It is also distinguished by its plasticity and pliability; quite intricate figurines can be created from it. Such products look great in ethnic interior styles. An African interior, for example, is difficult to imagine without graceful figurines of animals, girls, hunters or local gods. An Egyptian interior cannot be complete without wooden cat figurines. Since wood is a natural material, figurines for eco-style, country and Scandinavian style are made from it;

  • glass figurines can be safely used in any interior style, but this does not mean that the same figurine will look great in all apartments without exception. It is important to pay attention to shape and color. Classic, baroque, and empire style prefer the use of more intricate figurines: glass is decorated with numerous facets and combined with forged elements and rhinestones. For a modern interior, more laconic monochromatic figures are suitable; they can have a regular geometric or, conversely, a bizarre abstract shape;
  • plastic figurines used mainly in modern interiors. The technology makes it possible to produce a wide variety of figures from plastic. Graceful monochromatic figurines will be appropriate in minimalism, while bold and bright ones will fit perfectly into the avant-garde style.

The mistake of many of us is to put on shelves and cabinets all the figurines that have ever been brought from trips or given as gifts. As a rule, many of them not only do not fit into the interior style, but also do not harmonize with each other. We are not advocating throwing away gifts - it’s simply better to place figurines specially selected for the interior in a visible place in the living room. You can find a suitable figurine on the Domecor website. The store's assortment includes figurines made of various materials and in different price categories - choosing the most suitable product will not be difficult.

Where to put the figurines?

Even correctly selected figures may not look entirely appropriate if the wrong place is chosen for them. There are no strict rules in this matter, but designers advise adhering to the following schemes when placing figurines:

  • we turn the figurine into an art object. If the product is large in size, then it is better to leave it in splendid isolation - small figures located around will only distract attention. A large figurine can be placed on the floor, low cabinet, chest of drawers or mantelpiece;

  • grouping figurines of the same style or from the same material. On a shelf you can display, for example, all the available animal figurines, and it’s okay if they are of different sizes - it’s even more interesting;

  • The collections are worth mentioning separately . Entire racks are allocated for them, because this is the real pride of the owner. It would be appropriate to organize LED lighting to make the collection the center of the interior.
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