How to attract money into your home using the aromas of essential oils?

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The benefits of essential oils and their ability to influence the psycho-emotional state and attract more subtle energies have been known since ancient times. With their help you can easily achieve harmony, improve your mood, awaken creativity and even attract money and wealth. Money is energy. And energy can be attracted with the help of certain rituals and aromas; smells will help you tune in to a certain wave, since the energy of money also has its own frequency and vibrations.

The ability of some essential oils to attract good luck in trading and enhance the energy of money has long been noticed by sellers. And aromas that encourage you to slow down at the shelves with goods are actively used in small shops and supermarkets.

The most profitable essential oils

Bergamot . Capable of extinguishing the aggressive mood of an entire crowd. Helps to be heard and understood. He facilitates mutual understanding, it is easier to sign the most difficult contracts with him. Used in magical rituals to attract good luck in business. A pendant with Bergamot on your human chest is a sure way to put yourself in a business mood. It goes well with an expensive suit for men and women, and is appropriate in an expensive car.

Vetiver is one of the most powerful scents that helps to cope with difficult situations and pay off debts. Allows you to see the source, the reason for what is happening, thereby acquiring solid ground under your feet. It has monetary energy superior to patchouli and basil. Oil can be dripped into your wallet or money pockets. You can scent the premises of offices and retail outlets. Used to protect against enemies. To do this, dried vetiver is placed in a protective bag. To achieve power and success, drop oil on a purple candle and light it every week. Pairs very well with jasmine and vanilla.

Geranium – removes many inferiority complexes. Its main purpose is protection. It puts you above unpleasant situations and allows you to see the world in brighter colors. Facilitates understanding between people. Attracts wealthy clients and money. It is better not to use it in the office - it takes you away from reality and interferes with the work process, but in personal negotiations Geranium is irreplaceable! Recommended for women, especially after 40 years.

Grapefruit allows you to achieve success and achieve what you want. Improves communication and sharpens intuition. Increases endurance and performance. For men, grapefruit is suitable without a doubt. And women seem younger and more determined.

Jasmine is used for rituals of career success and finances. This is the aroma of spiritual and material wealth. If you use Jasmine in your daily perfume, then meeting you will remain in people's memories.

Ylang-ylang can attract good luck in business and the ability to appreciate what you have. Gives the ability to see the big in the small. Ladies who use ylang-ylang in their perfume easily manipulate their male business partners.

Ginger protects against aggression, black anger, negativity and envy of competitors. Has a powerful attraction of finance. You need to place the aroma lamp in the flow of traffic, for example, next to the cash register. The root of dried ginger can be placed in the pocket of your bag. You can make an aromatic sachet with dried ginger shavings and add a drop of ginger oil to it once a week.

Cedar allows you to determine the true values ​​of the world. It smoothes the flow of thoughts and protects you from vanity. Able to attract finance, provided that her path is paved with noble intentions. Very strong energy tonic. Cedar oil quickly restores, cleanses and increases energy.

Cinnamon is the aroma oil of success. Improves well-being, attracts money and success. Increases performance. Facilitates mutual understanding. It needs to be sprayed in a study or office. You can add Cinnamon to your wallet or pocket. You can keep cinnamon bark in your wallet. Useful for hypotension and fatigue.

Lavender - Lavandin (a hybrid of lavender, with many properties superior to it) can bring prosperity, but this is not exactly its task. With lavender it is easier to make the right decision, the result of which may appear after some time. Removes the evil eye and damage. With Lavender it is useful to take a bath by candlelight, reflect, guess, dream, make plans.

Melissa wards off evil, drives out ill-wishers, and saves from the evil eye. Creates a pleasant atmosphere of peace and restraint. Use in areas of conflict.

Nutmeg is an ancient magical amulet. It is worn on the chest for good luck in gambling. With its help, it is easier to gain power, both over people and over your own vices. Determines fate, gives protection, attracts money. Prevents competitors from envy. Strong masculine scent!

Peppermint brings prosperity. Unlocks abilities and new talents. A strong, cool scent from childhood. The oil helps to increase the number of customers and turnover. Restores strength, improves tone. Do not use mint oil at night.

Neroli is the oil of prosperity. It was used only by noble and wealthy nobles. This is a trail of luxury, and not just the smell of despicable metal. If you want to get more in life, then the magic of Neroli will attract what you want to you. It can be used as perfume, dripped onto a handkerchief (although they are no longer in fashion... more and more paper napkins).

Make yourself a mixture based on 10 ml of fatty oil (for example, almond) and 5 parts of neroli. Before leaving the house, rub your wrists 1-2 times and your day will be successful. The smell is too floral, but with other oils, like lime and sandalwood, you can get something special...

Patchouli . It is known to be a strong magnet for money energy. Add it to your wallet or spray it in your hallway or office reception area. You can light a green candle with the scent of patchouli, on the incoming flow of energy. Patchouli oil awakens creativity. With its help, you can make plans for the future, draw pictures, and visualize. Men who use patchouli as a perfume seem more masculine to their partners, and women feel a reliable wall next to them.

Rosemary . Strong, energetic, improves concentration. Excites, gives a surge of strength, relieves fatigue. Spray around the office, especially in the accounting department... there will be fewer mistakes! Raises sales to a high level. It should be avoided by hypertensive patients.

The rose tree guides you to the right path, the right decision and a way out of a difficult situation. Rosewood sprayed in crowded areas will improve the atmosphere and protect against pathogenic energies. Perfectly applicable for personal growth and manifestation of abilities.

Sandalwood revives lost abilities and reveals new talents. Sandalwood protects against rash actions. Attracts new investors and assistants. Guides you to make the right decision and accomplish the most ambitious and daring plans. An expensive scent that not everyone can afford - only the luckiest!

Pine attracts material well-being. Many magical rituals require burning a pine cone. It makes it easier to make important life-changing decisions and eliminates doubts. Pine oil is used in the management's office and... at business meetings of partners... in the bathhouse. Remarkably stimulates the mind, especially if you need to find a solution in difficult situations.

Oil is most often obtained from fresh pine needles by steam distillation. Helps in prosperity and development of spirituality, attracts money, increases energy, tones, relieves stress and fatigue. Disinfects and cleans the space.

Eucalyptus . Cleanses the room from stagnant negative energies. It is necessary to spray eucalyptus in non-residential premises. Eucalyptus will drive away all negative entities. Will help you get comfortable in the new office. Improves intellectual activity, restores after a sleepless night.

What works well to attract wealth into the home?

Some essential oils effectively attract money and good luck not only to one specific person, but to the whole family. They are used to create an atmosphere of well-being and prosperity in the home.

The following smells can attract wealth into your home:

  • eucalyptus – helps to get used to a new workplace, improves brain function;
  • citronella – protects from bad companions, saves from the evil eye;
  • pine – eliminates doubts and gives courage to take risks, sharpens intuition;
  • chamomile – attracts the energy of money;
  • rosemary – attracts investors, gives a surge of energy.

Recipes for money


Patchouli and pine in equal parts is a universal blend that brings good luck and wealth. You can lubricate your plastic card or money with these oils before spending it - then it will come back to you. You can apply a few drops to a cosmetic cotton pad and put it on your desk at your workplace, that is, where the money comes to you. You can, after soaking them in lavender, patchouli or orange oil, place them in closets and bags with things, and you will no longer see moths.


Take a bottle or small cup, pour in the base oil, one teaspoon. Then add 5 k each of your chosen oil: “money oils” and “your oil.”

In the process of making a mixture, nothing should distract you from the process, think only about the purpose for which you are doing all this! And it’s better not about money, but about what you need it for.

Imagine how your money is added with every drop of oil.


Mix: 2 parts neroli; 2 q. roses; 3 parts sage; 5 parts patchouli; 2-3 k. of your oil.

But the ideal option is when you make a mixture intuitively, inventing a composition of money, protective and good luck oils, checking with your feelings.

Shield aromas Protect the subtle energy shell from external aggression: bergamot, cloves, cajuput, cedar, cypress, incense, lemon balm, juniper (almost the strongest of the protective essential oils, but it has a very specific smell), citronella, tea tree.

To strengthen the energy shell of Elemi (it is becoming more common and the smell is simply magical), anise, orange, cedar, incense, neroli, fir, rose, citronella, tea tree, eucalyptus.

To restore the energy shell: verbena, cypress, sandalwood, citronella, eucalyptus.

For toning and relieving fatigue This is bergamot, ginger, juniper, neroli, pine, sage, sweet orange, rosemary, lemon. All these oils in any combination can be added to the aroma lamp.

To eliminate fears: Ylang-ylang, marjoram, myrrh, sandalwood, sage, mandarin.

To strengthen self-confidence: Bitter orange, basil, cypress, patchouli, cinnamon, palmarosa, fir, rosemary, citronella.

What is your scent according to your zodiac sign?

Your essential oil enhances your energy:

Aries - cedar, pine. Taurus - patchouli, geranium, ylang-ylang, rosewood. Gemini - lavender, eucalyptus, mint. Cancer - eucalyptus, rosewood, petitgrain, neroli. Leo - rosemary, bergamot, lavender. Virgo - lavender, geranium, rosemary. Libra - ylang-ylang, rosewood, mint. Scorpio - pine, patchouli. Sagittarius - cedar, pine, mint, grapefruit. Capricorn - patchouli, cedar, eucalyptus. Aquarius - lavender, patchouli, pine, cedar, eucalyptus. Pisces - eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, pine, rosewood.

An essential oil is associated with a zodiac sign, so this knowledge will come in handy when preparing an effective custom blend.

How to use essential oils at home


  • Well, this is when the scents are fresh, which means regularly update your money scents, they should only be fresh and natural!
  • Essential oils should absolutely not ! Be sure to mix with the main oil, otherwise you will get burns. The exception is synthetic oils.
  • Standard dosage for application to the body: – 1 tsp. any liquid base oil. – 3-5 drops of essential oil.

Don’t think that you can use aromatic oils to attract money only by purchasing a special lamp. In fact, everything is much simpler, and the range of possibilities is much wider.

Can be lubricated:

  1. inner and outer parts of wallets;
  2. safes;
  3. bank cards;
  4. business documentation;
  5. bills;
  6. goods intended for sale;
  7. business portfolio;
  8. own hands;
  9. walls in the house, door frames, window frames, mirror frames, etc.

Soak a cotton pad with aromatic oils and place it, for example, in a desk drawer.

If you earn money from using your own car, you can apply a few drops of ether to attract money on the steering wheel, seat (especially important for taxi drivers), and on an air freshener attached to the rear-view mirror. This will attract worthy clients to you.

If you work primarily at a computer, you can spray aroma oil onto your keyboard to attract money.

If you are making telephone calls to clients, then drop some ether on the phone.

Money soap

First production option . You need to grate regular soap using a grater, add water to it, and leave until dissolved. Beat the resulting mass with an immersion blender until the soap dissolves completely. Add the selected essential oils to the soap solution to attract money and mix again. The consistency of the finished composition should be similar to liquid soap; it can be used using a container with a dispenser.

The second preparation option involves making your own soap.

The third method is the simplest and involves adding aroma oils for money to a container of liquid soap. Do not forget to shake the composition and you can safely start using it.

Money baths

Do not neglect frequent cash baths with essential oils.

Their essence is very simple:

  • Choose a suitable aroma oil, add no more than five drops to foam, bath salts or milk and pour into water. If you don’t have the necessary ingredients on hand, it’s okay - you can use regular salt or even a small amount of baking soda.
  • Make a mixture and add it to your bath.
  • When you dive into the water, inhale the aroma three times deeply.
  • While lying in the bath, imagine that you have already achieved your well-being.

Oil burner

Using aroma lamps is the most common and simplest way. An aroma lamp is a vessel in which there is a hole for a heating candle. Warm water is poured into the upper part of the structure, adding a couple of drops of essential oil. A lit candle is placed down. The water and oil evaporate, filling the room with a magical aroma. This way you can attract wealth and prosperity into your home.

Money amulet pendant

This method is suitable for attracting money into life outside the home. Take a natural material (it can be anything: a stone, a piece of tree bark, a cut of wood, etc.), soak it in aroma oil, imagining at this time that you are achieving financial well-being. Wrap the amulet in a small piece of green cloth and place it in your wallet or bag.


To charge oils with the necessary energy, they must first be rid of the energy contained in them.

First, anoint a green candle with the oils you need (as this color is a symbol of wealth). After this, light the candle every day for a few minutes.

Dive into the money bath

Dilute three drops of patchouli, a drop of cedar and a drop of cinnamon with 50 grams of sea salt. Add honey and milk to them. Then pour the mixture into the bath and immerse yourself in it for 20 minutes. During the session, imagine your happy future .

For workers with computer equipment

If you spend a lot of time in front of a laptop or PC screen, gently lubricate the keyboard with a drop of oil (choose any monetary value that you like best).

Handling your own body

Dilute your favorite essential oil for money with vegetable oil in the proportion of 1 gram of essential oil per 10 grams of vegetable oil. Apply this mixture to yourself. After the ritual, your body will attract money to itself.

Important tips for using aroma oils

  • When you begin to treat the surfaces of objects with essential oil to attract money, do not forget to say the words “This is for money!”
  • It is necessary to carry out a money ritual while being in a good mood. If you are not in the mood, put it aside for a while, otherwise the result of the magic will be the opposite.
  • To enhance the effect, use visualization. Imagine that you have already achieved financial stability and prosperity, received the amount of money that you need (great if you know the specific amount).
  • If there is no specific amount, visualize those items or benefits for which you need material resources.
  • Maintain stability and regularity in your actions. Conducting rituals from time to time is not enough.
  • Money energy is most active during the waxing moon. Rituals can be performed from the first day of the lunar cycle.
  • Don't worry if you can't perform all the necessary rituals. It will be enough if you choose one or two, but start doing them regularly.
  • If you have been doing some ritual for a long time, but are not getting results, try the following: change the aromatic oils you use to attract money, choose others, or change the ritual itself.
  • Do not forget to always express gratitude to the Universe, God, money, your own luck, etc. It does not matter whether you thank during the ritual, after it, or before it. Just do it - because this point is one of the most important.
  • Do it for a month, even treating it as a game or entertainment.
  • When performing such magic, do not forget to have fun during the ritual.

Incense and natural essential oils are an indispensable attribute of magic and spiritual practices. They have a beneficial effect on you, the space around you and the result of your practice: they calm you down, promote concentration, and cleanse you of negative energy.

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Why am I doing this?

Since ancient times, the aroma of patchouli has been considered the smell of success, wealth, prosperity, and fruitfulness.

The sense of smell is one of the main organs of our perception. How different smells affect brain function has long been studied by scientists.

Much has been written in various esoteric books about the fact that patchouli is the smell of money. But in fact, all this is scientifically based.

The fact is that the aroma of patchouli affects our brain so much that we begin to better concentrate on business, tasks, and goals. We become more active and productive, courageous and decisive. We find it easier to implement new ideas.

When a person is on such a wave, he begins to succeed in many things. Accordingly, he becomes more successful, more financially wealthy.

Patchouli oil. The rich have their own secrets of attracting money.

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