Patchouli oil - attracting money and wealth into the home!

Essential oils gained popularity many centuries ago. The areas of their use are varied - medicine, beauty, perfumery. However, this article will focus on richness and how it relates to patchouli oil.

Another area of ​​​​use of essential oils is not so well known, but very interesting. It `s Magic. They are used in rituals to improve one or another aspect of life: love, career, financial well-being. We will tell you why people use patchouli oil to attract money and how it works.

What is patchouli oil and its characteristics

Patchouli is the plant from which “money oil” is extracted.
Patchouli oil is extracted from an inconspicuous shrub that grows wild mainly in the Philippine Islands and is cultivated in many Asian countries. The plant extract smells pleasantly of damp earth or grass; some people detect spicy, resinous and woody notes in it. Local residents have studied the properties of the plant in detail and use it in folk medicine in the form of tea or tincture. But it was the oil made from this plant that contributed to the spread of the shrub. People have noticed its beneficial properties for a long time:

  • In India, patchouli oil is used as an effective, environmentally friendly insect repellent. This is also an excellent method of disinfection and, of course, one of the popular means for aromatizing living rooms.
  • Some peoples note that this product has the ability to awaken sensuality and create an atmosphere of spiritual comfort. Therefore, there is still a tradition of rubbing the bride’s body with patchouli extract before the wedding, and when moving to a new home, scenting all the rooms with it.
  • During the popularity of oriental fabrics, merchants used patchouli to protect goods from moths. Rows of expensive fabrics were fragrant with an unprecedented aroma, which began to symbolize luxury and wealth. The smell became fashionable in Europe and essential oil turned from a moth repellent into an expensive product. They began to make perfumes and cosmetics based on it, and oil sellers made a fortune. Maybe this is where the confidence comes from that it attracts money?

Today, patchouli is often used to create long-lasting, elegant perfumes with a touch of mystery.
Patchouli oil is actively used in perfumery and is added to the production of natural soaps and many cosmetics.
However, this remedy owes its popularity not only to its practical, but also to its magical properties. It is believed that the ability to attract good luck makes it indispensable in rituals for attracting material wealth.

The magical properties of patchouli oil

Unfortunately, there is no reliable data on where the legends about the magic of patchouli for attracting wealth came from. They probably go back to the Renaissance, when merchants brought the wonderful oil to Europe. Then the scent of patchouli was called “the smell of money,” at first as a joke, because that’s what expensive oriental fabrics smelled like. Then the catchphrase caught on and a belief arose that the strange oil really attracts money.

Whether this is true or not, after trying it once, many people note the reality of the magical properties of patchouli. Within a few days, long-forgotten debts are returned, work tasks become easier to complete, and if management has not paid attention to the work for a long time, they will soon appreciate it and reward it with a long-awaited bonus. In addition, from the moment the ritual is performed, relationships with colleagues improve, and patchouli oil itself plays the role of a talisman protecting against envy.

For better effectiveness, aromatherapists recommend creating a mixture of essential oils that attract wealth and fortune in your career. These include cedar, bergamot, pine and sunny orange.

Thanks to the following magical properties, the product has established itself as a “wealth magnet”:

  • attracting good luck;
  • unleashing creative potential;
  • raising money;
  • beneficial effect on mental abilities;
  • providing a stable source of cash income.

It is worth understanding that magic will not work if it does not feel the return. This means that a person must work hard to earn money, and the magical patchouli essential oil will help make the profit stable.

The magical properties of patchouli oil can be enhanced with additional esters of cedar, bergamot, pine and sunny orange.

The main beliefs that have survived to this day:

  • Having a jar of patchouli ether in the house will ensure the constant presence of money in the family;
  • if you lubricate your wallet with a few drops of patchouli extract, lost or stolen money will definitely be returned in the very near future;
  • An item charged with money cannot not only be given to strangers, but also shown. When transferring a bottle of oil into the wrong hands, a person interrupts the flow of money;
  • patchouli extract must be used to the last drop, so the bottle is used until the patchouli aroma has completely disappeared from it;
  • losing a bottle means expecting large material costs.

Aroma oils by zodiac sign

Your oil enhances your energy:

  • Aries - cedar, pine.
  • Taurus - patchouli, geranium, ylang-ylang, rosewood.
  • Gemini - lavender, eucalyptus, mint.
  • Cancer - eucalyptus, rosewood, petitgrain, neroli.
  • Leo - rosemary, bergamot, lavender.
  • Virgo - lavender, geranium, rosemary.
  • Libra - ylang-ylang, rosewood, mint.
  • Scorpio - pine, patchouli.
  • Sagittarius - cedar, pine, mint, grapefruit.
  • Capricorn - patchouli, cedar, eucalyptus.
  • Aquarius - lavender, patchouli, pine, cedar, eucalyptus.
  • Pisces - eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, pine, rosewood.

The connection of an essential oil with a zodiac sign is necessary to know in order to prepare an effective mixture for a specific person.

Attention! All oil mixtures are prepared when the Moon is waxing, when the Moon is in the 1st quarter and in a good mood.

Using patchouli oil to attract money

For the best effect, you need to not only use patchouli oil, but also follow a few Feng Shui tips:

The speed of fulfillment of desires depends on the strength of faith in the effectiveness of actions performed with oil and sincerity in the desire to achieve the goal.

  1. Experts advise using the method of visualizing the expected profit during the ritual. And it’s even better if the process of progress towards the ultimate goal - wealth - is presented in stages: for example, the successful completion of a project, followed by a promotion in the near future and the accrual of a bonus. If you are an entrepreneur, imagine a successful deal with a long-term client, an increasing demand for your goods or services. The final visualization is a vision of a luxuriously furnished living space, a vacation in a long-desired country, or a tidy sum in a bank account.
  2. Patchouli oil is a tool that needs to be charged with your energy. The easiest way that is suitable for the average user is to hold a bottle of ether between your palms, sincerely talk to him, tell him about your goals and material desires. After this, patchouli oil will begin to work for your goals.
  3. Another method of using patchouli oil to attract success and money is processing banknotes. Sprinkle large amounts of money lightly so that they return to you faster and multiply.
  4. If you like aromatherapy, mix the ether with olive oil in a glass container. The resulting mixture should be rubbed drop by drop into the wrists, ankles and other places where the blood pulsates. The latter option is used to attract good luck not only in material terms, but in all aspects of life.

The speed of fulfillment of desires depends on the strength of faith in the effectiveness of actions performed with oil and sincerity in the desire to achieve the goal. Therefore, in some cases, the result comes literally in the first days after the ceremony, while in others it may take several weeks.

How to use the magic of patchouli to attract money

The easiest way to use patchouli oil to attract money is to rub a few drops of patchouli essential oil on your wallet. The best effect can be achieved if you combine the action of the product with special purse talismans: for example, a scooping spoon or a purse mouse.

Women also handle jewelry boxes. Businessmen and entrepreneurs sprinkle oil on a folder with an agreement on a very important profitable deal to attract good luck. You can also treat the pen that is usually used to sign documents.

Ether can be used to treat objects directly related to work activity - a computer keyboard, a cash register, etc.

To attract material well-being, you can perform a ritual using patchouli and two candles:

  1. Place two green candles on both sides of the table.
  2. Light it and drop a few drops of ether into the melted wax.
  3. Sit between the candles and visualize your desires - career growth, successful deals, attracting new partners.

After the ritual, candles should never be thrown away. They are extinguished and hidden in a secluded place so that no one can see. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed.

In any ritual to attract money where a candle is needed, it should be green - this shade symbolizes money and good luck.

You can use other rituals to attract money:

  1. Buy a pack of unscented sea salt, patchouli essential oil, optionally a cinnamon stick or several cedar cones. Water is taken into the bath and all the salt is diluted in it. Then you need to drop a little ether. If you decide to use cinnamon and pine cones to enhance the effect, simply dip them in water. While plunging into the water, imagine all your desires of a material nature. As a rule, after just one such ritual there is an influx of money.
  2. Ritual with a candle. You will need a thick candle, patchouli and cedar essential oils. Place 7 drops of each ether on the candle and spread over its entire surface. Leave it in a place invisible to guests so that she gets used to the energetic atmosphere of the home. Wait until the 6th day of the lunar calendar, light a candle closer to midnight, and extinguish it at midnight. Repeat daily at the same time. The candle must burn before the full moon.

Such options do not require constant repetition. The ritual must be performed once, and if necessary, can be repeated after six months to strengthen the result.

Recipe for a “profitable” aroma oil

To prepare a mixture of aromatic oils that brings money into the house, you need to add each ingredient in turn. First, add 7 drops of patchouli ether, followed by 5 drops of cedar oil. Immediately after this, add two drops of cinnamon. And finally, pour in 4 drops of pine oil.

At the same time, as you infuse each new scent, you should visualize money and profit in your mind. That is, it should look something like this: add aroma oil, inhale the aroma, present money. As a result, you will have a whole composition of magical ingredients. With this mixture you lubricate items that are related to finance.

Use your favorite oils to lubricate:

  • inner and outer parts of wallets;
  • safes;
  • bank cards;
  • business documentation;
  • banknotes;
  • goods intended for sale;
  • business portfolio;
  • own hands;
  • walls in the house, door frames, window frames, mirror frames, etc.
  • Soak a cotton pad with aromatic oils to attract money, luck and love and place it, for example, in a desk drawer.
  • If you earn money from using your own car, you can apply a few drops of ether to attract money on the steering wheel, seat (especially important for taxi drivers), and on an air freshener attached to the rear-view mirror. This will attract worthy clients to you.

Precautions and contraindications

Essential oils are not toxic substances, but they have quite a strong effect on the body. First of all, it is worth remembering that it can only be used externally, it should not be taken internally.

When using essential oils, you should remember the precautions and rules.

If used incorrectly, it can cause headaches and nausea. If the extract is applied to the skin in its pure form, allergic redness may appear.

The following are contraindications for use:

  • asthma;
  • hypersensitivity directly to the active component;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • lactation period.

The aroma of an essential product entering the body through the respiratory tract affects the functioning of internal systems no less than when entering through the skin.

Selection criteria: what to look for

For money rituals, you should buy only high-quality and natural oil. If it is fake or improperly stored, it will not be possible to attract wealth.

Tips for choosing a product that will help you avoid mistakes:

  1. The cost of essential oil is $8-11 per 10 ml bottle. Cheap substances are of synthetic or semi-synthetic origin.
  2. When purchasing an aroma oil, you must ask for a certificate of its quality. The abbreviations GMP or ISO must appear in this document.
  3. High-quality oil is sold in a dark glass bottle, which is closed with a screw cap equipped with a dispenser. You should refrain from buying ether bottled in transparent bottles, since it loses its properties when exposed to sunlight.

Reviews about the use of patchouli oil

Sveta, 23 years old. After I started using patchouli oil, my relationship with my boss improved. Previously, he often made comments or did not notice my work at all. Now he periodically praises me, and after about a month of using patchouli he suddenly gave me a bonus - it was very pleasant.

Zhenya, 35 years old. I noticed a very interesting feature - I dropped some magic oil on the money, and then I paid with it in the store, and soon it came back. I think this is a very good sign, I’m looking forward to getting rich soon.

Yulia, 28 years old. I use ether to scent clothes. The smell is wonderfully calming and helps you concentrate and clarify your thoughts at work. I think this is one of the effects of his miraculous help in the field of work.

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