Cleaning that always makes money in the house. Rules and recipe for money water

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, our lives are directly and directly influenced by the energy flows surrounding the space around us. They can influence us favorably if they are in harmony with universal laws, or they can block the entry of all good things into our lives if we do not follow simple rules.

Order in the house is the key to success

Feng Shui masters say that even the way we clean our home affects our lives. By following their recommendations, you can harmonize your state of mind, attract wealth, success and luck into your life.

Important cleaning rules

In order to clean the house, choose a day when, if possible, household members will be absent or will not be distracted, and you will not need to rush about business. The most favorable days of the week depending on the purpose of cleaning:

On Sunday, cleaning the house is strictly prohibited! This is the day to rest.

Cleaning for the New Year to attract money

Cleaning before the New Year to attract money

Proper cleaning before the New Year can give you material well-being. To do this, follow certain rules.

  1. Throw out everything unnecessary from your home, while imagining how you get rid of all the negativity accumulated over the year.
  2. Accumulate exactly twenty-seven coins in advance (their denomination must be a multiple of five) and rinse them thoroughly in running water. Then pour them into a bowl of water and leave for seven minutes. After this, wash the floors in the house with the same water in which the coins were lying.
  3. When cleaning, place Chinese coins in the wealth sector of your home, which is located in its southeastern part. Leave them there until the new year comes, and then it will bring you wealth and abundance.
  4. Don't forget about the symbols of wealth that exist in the practice of Feng Shui. They are also most often located in the southeast of the apartment - a three-legged toad, an aquarium with an odd number of fish, mystical nodes, and so on. All of them will help increase your wealth.

Let's get started

Get up in the morning and open the windows to ventilate the room. Wash your face three times with cold water and think about what to do when and what cleaning tasks need to be completed.

To update the energy of your home, be sure to get rid of old unnecessary trash and those things that cause negative associations in you. Make sure there are no broken items in your home. Such things have negative energy and can bring into the house not only lack of money, but also various troubles, misfortunes, even health problems.

Place the items in their places, ventilate the rooms, wipe the mirrors, and then you can start wet cleaning. You definitely need to wash the windows, thresholds, doors: but not with plain water, but with special water, like cash. Let's figure out how to do it.

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General recommendations

Clean your house regularly

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The first thing to remember and what all Feng Shui adherents say is that junk, old and unnecessary things, dust clog not only our home, but also the energy flows around us, which, of course, negatively affects the quality our life.


And vice versa - cleanliness and order can lead us to well-being. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations.

  1. Cleaning according to the lunar calendar. To carry out general cleaning, choose the period of the waning moon. Since this phase of the lunar cycle itself represents cleansing, cleaning at this time will have the most beneficial effect on the energy of your home.
  2. Get rid of dust daily. By wiping dust, you thereby neutralize the negativity that accumulates in your home. Clean carpets and floors regularly with a vacuum cleaner, but remember that when you use it, tiny particles of dust remain in the air. Therefore, after working with it, spray the room with a spray bottle; you can first add a drop of your favorite aroma oil to it.
  3. Leave with a positive attitude. According to Feng Shui masters, treating cleaning as a hated chore is extremely unprofitable. Instead, you need to develop a new attitude towards it and, while putting things in order in the house, imagine how by doing so you are putting things in order in your soul and life. Because that's how it is!
  4. Take advantage of the energy of music. Clean while listening to energetic music - you will not only perk yourself up, but also activate the energy flows in the house. After cleaning, take the Chinese bells and walk around the rooms, ringing them. And then you can put on calming music that harmonizes the energy.

Final stage

When everything around is sparkling clean, when all the dirty linen has been swept out of the hut, and there is no dust or dirt left in a single corner, then you can begin the final stage. It involves replanting a houseplant. Choose the plant at your discretion. You can buy a new one in the store or transplant a cutting from an existing one. The most important thing is to transplant the plant into a new, pre-purchased pot.

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When you finish the job, place the potted plant on the windowsill, then open the windows to ventilate the apartment again.

Correct arrangement of things in the house

The arrangement of things and areas in the house is of great importance. If the wrong elements are in the money zone, they will weaken and destroy it. Remove from the money zone:

  • fireplaces and candles.
  • large metal objects with sharp corners.

If the money area is located in the bathroom, the money will flow away with the water. To stop this, do the following:

  1. Hang a landscape painting or a large mirror on the bathroom door.
  2. Place a red rug on the floor.

Indoor flower Crassula: Pixabay
If the zone of wealth is in the bedroom, install here furniture made of natural wood, paintings with natural beauties and fresh flowers. If the wealth area is located in the same place as the kitchen, then hang a large mirror opposite the kitchen table. So double the abundance.

The workplace in the home office must be equipped correctly:

  1. At the back there is a wall for support. Hang a poster of a mountain on it.
  2. There is room ahead for vision, growth and development. Here place a picture depicting endless sea expanses or fields.
  3. Choose a chair that is stable, with comfortable handles and armrests.

Before making changes to the existing way of life, wait for the right moment.

On a note

Pay attention to important rules that will increase the effectiveness of your spring cleaning ritual. Here are the main points:

  1. On the day of cleaning, do not allow guests into the house so that they do not “draw” all the positive, powerful energy onto themselves.
  2. Don't clean in such a way that you fall off your feet. Do the work in stages, breaking it down into small tasks. Rest after each stage.
  3. During a break, you can meditate and think about something good. Try not to turn on the TV. To set the mood, you can turn on your favorite music.
  4. When you clean, visualize wealth. Think only about the good, imagine a happy future, good changes that will happen in your life immediately after you clean the house.

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Lunar cycles according to feng shui

Any changes and rearrangements to activate the energy of money in the house are best carried out during the period of the waxing Moon: as it grows, so do the possibilities.

You can plan your purchases of interior accessories for this period. Then these details will definitely help expand the money channel. The author of the book “The Golden Rules of Feng Shui. 10 simple steps to success, prosperity and longevity” Valentin Ogudin.

Start taking action on the third day of the new moon, and leave the first two for planning and preparation. The third day of the new moon is called the day of the Leopard, and it is ideal for any changes.

Even if there is not enough money in life yet, be positive and believe that soon everything will change for the better. It is important to use a holistic approach to Feng Shui magic to speed up the acquisition of financial abundance. Start with cleaning, arranging furniture and accessories, remembering to believe that all these actions lead to wealth.

Original article:

The best plants according to feng shui

Only live plants should be kept in the house. Artificial and cut flowers attract negative energy.

Flowers can help in adjusting the interior of a home, for example, hiding sharp corners or zoning a room where the window and door are located on the same line.

The best plants for the home:

  1. Violets are feminine flowers that bring peace of mind to the home.
  2. Chlorophytum, asparagus and other upright plants have masculine energy.
  3. Pomegranate – for harmony in married life.
  4. The date palm accumulates positive energy and shares it with the residents.
  5. Spruce, especially New Year's, helps fulfill desires.
  6. Crassula, or money tree, affects income growth.
  7. Citrus fruits purify the air and fill it with a pleasant aroma.

Choosing the ideal container for money or where to store money: tips

How to store money:

  • The best place to store banknotes is considered to be a red envelope, which you can make yourself or buy in a special store.
  • It is recommended to deposit money by denomination - from large to small. It is very important to ensure that there is an even number of bills in the envelope, otherwise they will “fall out” among themselves. Experts also say that it is best to store green or purple banknotes.
  • A red velvet box is perfect for this “Luck”, “Wealth”, etc. on the lid or envelope. You should never write “for a rainy day” or “for a funeral”; this attracts not only negative energy, but also brings that day closer. “On loans” is also prohibited, since on a cosmic level this will not allow you to get out of debt. And that means increasing your fortune.
  • It is advisable that no outsiders see this storage, even if they are relatives or close friends. Therefore, you should not show off your new acquisition, but rather hide it away from guests.
  • Also note that denominations must have their own compartment, and large bills must be on top.

  • Money box

    • For small change, either a box or a piggy bank is suitable, but it should be spacious enough and very attractive. When choosing a piggy bank, you should rely only on your preferences; it should please the eye of its owner. The piggy bank can be placed on the window and refilled as often as possible so that the flow of energy is not interrupted.
    • If you want to completely forget about financial difficulties and constant debts, first of all, change your attitude towards money. You should treat your savings wisely and follow all the rules of Feng Shui wisdom. Tune in to the positive, and only then will the desired effect be achieved, because... money senses your mood and loves order.
    • Chinese sages also recommend making a special bowl to store money. We recommend reading about the rules for making it in our article “How to make a cup of abundance?”

    If you love and cherish your banknotes, they will love you too. You need to give, save, store and spend money with ease and without any regret. It is worth remembering the golden rule: wealth comes only to the house where money is not the main meaning of life, but only a tool for improving it.

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