Money haircut in 2021 - how to choose the right day for a money haircut?

Our Lunar haircut calendar for May 2021 will help you choose the most favorable day to cut or dye your hair. The lunar calendar is based on three components: lunar phase

(new moon, full moon, waxing or waning moon),
zodiac sign
lunar day
These three factors influence hair health and growth. April

To make it easier to use the Lunar haircut calendar, you need to at least have a general idea of ​​what factors affect the health and growth of hair. Our Lunar haircut calendar for May 2021 is based mainly on three components:

  1. The position of the Moon in different zodiac signs has different effects on the condition of hair. The days when the Moon passes through the signs of Capricorn, Taurus, Leo and Virgo are considered the most favorable for visiting the hairdresser. But if the Moon is in Aquarius or Aries, then it is better to postpone the haircut.
  2. Different lunar days can have both positive and negative effects not only on hair growth, but also on health in general.
  3. The phases of the moon also affect hair growth. If you cut your hair on a waxing Moon, it will grow back much faster than on a waning Moon.

It should be noted that all these components of the Lunar haircut calendar often conflict with each other. The most favorable time to visit a beauty salon are the days when all these three factors will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair.

How to get ready to attract material resources

To attract prosperity into your life, you need to connect to the cash flow before getting a haircut. Affirmations will help you do this - special settings that help create the necessary mood and open energy channels through which wealth will begin to flow into a person’s life. You need to start saying them mentally on the way to the hairdresser and continue doing this while in the hairdresser’s chair.

You can come up with affirmations yourself. They must be written in an affirmative form, that is, have no “not” particles, and must contain gratitude to the Universe for its help. An example of a correct af.

The following phrases cannot be used as guidelines: “I want to get rich”, “I want to get rid of debts”. Instead, you need to say: “I am rich,” “I am getting rid of debts.”

You must believe in the power of magic words spoken during a haircut. If a person doubts the effectiveness of affirmations, then his financial situation is unlikely to improve.

Installations for opening money energies

Installations are statements designed to open new energy channels. You need to pronounce the settings to yourself while cutting your hair. And they sound like this:

  • I open myself up to positive changes in my life;
  • I am charged with the energy of monetary abundance;
  • I allow myself to be rich;
  • I gratefully accept financial flows into my life.

Settings may be different. The main thing is that they should reflect a positive attitude and sound in the present tense. It is not right to think: “I want to be rich. I want to close all financial debts.” Correct attitude: “I am rich. And “I close all financial debts.” This attitude allows you to improve the quality of your money hairstyle. And it leads to quick results.

On what days can you cut your hair to attract money?

Of course, the energy of the Moon is very important for the general condition of the body, and in particular for the hair. Still, when choosing a day to cut your hair, you need to pay great attention to the day of the week, since a lot depends on it.

As for attracting monetary energy, this is only possible if you choose the right day for this. According to astrologers, only Thursday can be so silent. Therefore, in order to improve your financial situation, you should cut your hair on Thursday.

There is a completely simple explanation for why you need to cut your hair on this day. This day is under the influence of the planet Jupiter, which in turn is the patroness of money and business. Therefore, by cutting your hair on this day, you can gain monetary energy and ambition to accomplish many things.

The lunar haircut calendar will help you find out which days are favorable for visiting the hairdresser. If you follow his advice, you can not only become the owner of beautiful hair, but also make sure that you always have money in your wallet.

Favorable days for visiting the hairdresser:

  1. 5th lunar day. Any actions with hair will bring an increase in income.
  2. 14th day. A haircut helps improve your financial situation. The person will have new property. If he works, then relations with his superiors will improve, which will have a positive effect on career growth and salary.
  3. 21st day. Cutting your hair will have a positive effect on your well-being. The day is favorable for business development.
  4. 22nd day. It is worth visiting a hairdresser for those planning property transactions.
  5. 27th day. A haircut will attract good luck in all areas of life, including material ones.

There are also unfavorable days in the lunar calendar when manipulation of hair can lead to financial problems. You should not trust your curls to a hairdresser on the 3rd day, otherwise you may face unexpected expenses. The 17th day is considered bad for a haircut: a person will encounter problems for which he will have to pay out of his own pocket. Shortening your hair on the 18th day of the lunar calendar can attract thieves and lead to loss of property

Men's highlighting (77 photos): haircuts with highlights for dark and light hair

How to choose the right time for money haircuts? The easiest way is to use a special lunar calendar, which lists good and bad days for changing your hairstyle, as well as providing additional instructions for improving your appearance. It is important to understand that getting a haircut during a favorable period is a prerequisite for financial well-being.

Of course, not everyone can afford frequent visits to the salon. In this case, invite someone you trust to join you. The process of shearing can be purely symbolic. But there are certain nuances. You cannot cut the ends yourself and never bring scissors to your hair. Such manipulations negatively affect your biofield, attract diseases and take away your luck. The change of image is canceled when the Moon enters the territory of Cancer and Pisces, during the period of numbers 9 and 29, as well as at the moments of solar and lunar eclipses. Consider the fact that procedures on Sunday worsen your health. Don’t forget that there are 2-4 successful material days in a month, so don’t lose the opportunity and coordinate trips to the salon.

Select a specific type of lunar calendar to learn more about the Moon's influence on other matters.

Types of lunar calendars:

Lunar calendar for hair cutting Lunar calendar for hair coloring Lunar calendar for gardeners Lunar calendar for affairs Lunar calendar for weddings Lunar sowing calendar calendar

In order to find out more information about the influence of one or another phase of the Moon on a person, or, say, find out the Lunar calendar for the month, select the phase of the Moon that interests you:
New moon

Waxing Crescent

Full moon

Waning moon

Favorable days for hair cutting in May 2021 for women and men

The calendar shows the days in green when it is best to cut your hair in May 2021, and in red when cutting your hair is not recommended.

Haircut calendar for May

The most favorable days for cutting hair in May 2021 are 2, 18, 22, 24, 25

In general, these are good dates for a haircut - 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 26

Neutral days for haircuts in May - 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 27, 28, 29, 30

The most unfavorable days for visiting a hairdresser are 5, 6, 11, 31

Not the best numbers to cut your hair - 16, 17, 23

Determination of money haircuts by month

Under no circumstances should you cut your hair yourself: by cutting off your hair, you interrupt the flow of energy from the Cosmos.

You should also be careful when choosing a hairdresser, because during the haircut process your biofields intersect.

Feng Shui recommends choosing days to go to the hairdresser according to the lunar calendar. It contains a list of days from January to December when a haircut will benefit you, and days on which it is better to postpone going to the hairdresser.

Here are some general rules taken from the calendar:

  • You can't cut your hair on satanic days. This includes the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th lunar days.
  • If you cut your hair during the waxing moon, it will grow faster.
  • On the contrary, a haircut during the waning moon will make their growth slower.
  • The most dramatic changes should be made on the full moon.
  • It is not recommended to make any changes during the new moon.

In addition to the lunar calendar, there is also a calendar for haircuts. He can tell you on what days you should change your hairstyle in order to attract material values ​​into your life. Hairstyle says a lot

Hairstyle can change a lot, both in a positive and negative direction.

Often girls with curls try in every possible way to straighten them, and vice versa, those whom nature has awarded with straight hair curl them with curling irons. It is not recommended to do this, since you can attract a lot of troubles into your life and lose harmony.

Everyday hairstyles are also important: a ponytail gathered at the top of the head will help you concentrate better and add energy, and, on the contrary, a bun tied at the bottom will smooth out misunderstandings. It is recommended to let your hair down when you are near your significant other, as this will help you become spiritually closer and bring harmony to your relationship.


Despite the fact that there is still a week left in August of this year, there are still no money cuts left this month. But this is not a reason to be upset, because there will still be days like this in September.

So, based on the forecast of Natalia Pravdina, in September 2021 there will be five cash days for hair cutting. She names such days as September 1, 6, 8, 9 and 21. And although in the first week of September the Moon will be in a waning phase, still, under the influence of positive signs of the Zodiac, cash flows will be able to open.

Thanks to a haircut on September 21, in addition to financial flows, many opportunities will open up for a person who decides to cut his hair. Moreover, all the things they take on will bring good income.


There will be only four days for money haircuts in October 2021. Natalia Pravdina calls these days October 5, 21, 22 and 27.

Thus, in order to improve your financial situation, it is worth cutting your hair on October 5, since this day will be under the influence of the zodiac sign Taurus. It is this zodiac sign, especially in the waning phase of the Moon, that best attracts financial flows.

For two days, namely October 21 and 22, under the influence of Capricorn, a haircut can open up many perspectives and opportunities. Moreover, a haircut will help you make the right important decisions for yourself, which, of course, will be related to money.

A haircut done on October 27 will help you move up your career ladder. All this is because under the influence of Pisces, people will have intuitive feelings.


November of this year will be very stingy when it comes to money haircuts. After all, this month there are only two such days, namely November 12 and 21.

So, on November 12, under the influence of the zodiac sign Libra, after a haircut, people will be able to make informed, and most importantly, correct decisions. To do this, it will be enough to trim the ends, and the magic of this day will begin to work.

For those who dream of making instant profits, it is worth cutting your hair on November 21st. At the same time, on this day any experiments with hair are possible, since in any case, they will all be for the good.


Six energetically important days will take place in December 2021. It is on these days that you should cut your hair in order to improve your financial flow. Natalia Pravdina calls such days the period from December 5 to 7, 15, 19, and 28.

A haircut on December 5th and 6th will help raise your self-esteem. And this, in turn, will have a positive impact on career advancement.

On December 7, hair cutting will be favorable in all areas. However, most of all it will affect the attraction of finance and material stability.

On December 15, cutting your hair will bring stability in terms of money. Thanks to the influence of Capricorn, a person will then awaken to determination and concentration.

In order to get rich, you need to do some unusual hairstyle on December 19th. After all, at this time Aquarius will have its influence, which will bring abundance to those who decide to get a haircut.

The last money day for hair cutting this year will be December 28th. On this day, even minimal hairstyle changes will have a beneficial effect on your financial situation.

When should you cut your hair from May 25 to May 31 to be happy?

May 27

Even the slightest shortening of the length of your curls can make a person happy. After all, our hair is capable of accumulating a lot of negative energy. It is necessary to get rid of it periodically.

May 30

Even the smallest haircut will bring happiness. Therefore, you should not deny yourself this pleasure.

May 31

In order to become more attentive and cheerful, you should visit a hairdresser. Secrets will be revealed to people that they could not notice before.

Haircut rules

Human hair contains energetic information about the personality. Therefore, they are believed to contain feelings, emotions and memory. By cutting your hair, a person gets rid of past experiences. And attracts new things into life.

That’s why, in difficult periods of life, I really want to change my hairstyle. But positive changes occur if the haircut is carried out on certain days of the month. Because it is important to take into account the lunar phases and their impact on humans.

To connect to the cash flow, you need to follow some recommendations. First of all, you should not cut your hair yourself. Because this sign goes back to the distant past. As you know, those who cut their own hair shorten their lives. This also leads to energy imbalance. By cutting hair, a person wants to get rid of the bad and attract the good. If you cut your own hair, you won’t be able to get rid of the negativity. Therefore, it is better to entrust the haircut to another person.

Secondly, the right attitude is important. You must truly believe in the power of a money haircut. And, of course, wish financial well-being for yourself. But for this, in the process of updating your hairstyle, you need to repeat installation phrases to yourself.

Tips and recommendations from astrologers

Astrologers recommend planning your haircut day, taking into account the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located. You should not go to the hairdresser when the celestial body is in Aries or Aquarius. Changing your hairstyle during these periods will negatively affect all areas of your life. For people who do not have financial problems, it is better to refrain from cutting their hair on days when the Moon is in Leo, since this sign can block the cash flow. But those who are having difficulties with money should not be afraid of Leo: he will change their life for the better and help attract wealth.

The periods when the Moon is in Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus are considered favorable for changing your hairstyle. Cutting your hair on such days will have a positive effect on your well-being. The Moon in Scorpio is a good time for careerists. They will be able to achieve a promotion and start earning more money.




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