Plants that bring good luck to your home and office in 2021

Crassula oval

Crassula is also called Crassula, money tree. This is perhaps the most famous plant in our country among all the flowers that bring good luck and money to the house.

Crassula has fleshy, oval-shaped leaves that look like coins. Hence the name “fat woman” and the attribution of the power of attraction of money.

The speed of its growth and appearance indicate how powerful the magical energy of a plant is. Thus, the flowering of Crassula is a sure sign of quick enrichment, for example, winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance. But the drying out of the money tree is a bad omen, promising bankruptcy.

Flowers for good luck, money and family happiness


If you have been single for a long time or constantly quarrel with your husband, plant spathiphyllum, because it’s not for nothing that its second name is “Women’s Happiness.”


The violet is called the flower of peace. It has been noticed that in a house where violets grow and bloom, household members very rarely quarrel. The violet also symbolizes eternal devotion. If you are going through a difficult period in life, get a white violet, it helps you endure mental suffering more easily.

Chinese rose or hibiscus

Hibiscus is a symbol of Malaysia, the emblem of Hawaii. There this plant is considered a symbol of peace, and also of passion.

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Wax ivy, hoya

In many countries, this plant serves as... a declaration of love, a green valentine for Valentine's Day. The best place for hoya in the house is the bedroom.


The best gift for a young family. Myrtle will bring peace, happiness and understanding to your home.


The popular name aichrizon speaks for itself: tree of happiness, tree of love.


Calathea will preserve family happiness. Calathea is a very good gift for those who are about to divorce.


This unprepossessing plant, by its very appearance in the house, promises peace and mutual understanding. This is also a good choice for an office space where there are many different people working with whom you need to be able to get along. Homemade chlorophytum purifies the air: place it in a room with new furniture or in an apartment where renovations have just been completed, and the flower will absorb all the chemicals from the air!

Oxalis, or sorrel

Despite such a sour name, oxalis can brighten up the life of a lonely person. It is believed that oxalis helps the owner find true love.

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This is a male talisman. Anthurium is also called “male happiness” because it has a beneficial effect on potency. Well, at least that's what they say. And that’s why such a flower has no place in the kitchen...


The plant gives the strong half of humanity masculinity and tenacity of character, and the fair half - softness and femininity. Cyclamen drives away nightmares.


Representatives of ancient Slavic tribes also attributed magical properties to ferns. They believed that finding the flower of this plant could attract good luck, protect against evil spirits and indicate the location of hidden treasures underground.

Unfortunately, the fern does not bloom, but still brings material well-being to the house and contributes to the rapid career growth of its owner.


Zamioculcas, or Dollar Tree, is an unusual plant from Africa. Refers to flowers that bring good luck and money, protect against diseases.

It is believed that the dollar tree has a very sensitive energy field, and therefore favors only those owners who truly love it. T

There is an opinion that the magical properties of zamioculcas are enhanced in cases where the flower serves as a gift for a birthday, New Year or other holiday.

Herbs for litigation (so that the case ends successfully)

Whatever process you are facing - civil, criminal or arbitration - it won’t hurt to use these simple recipes. Magic herbs and plants will come to your aid in court too!

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Chamomile. Before going to court, take a shower and then douse yourself with chamomile tea. This will ensure a favorable outcome to your litigation.

Ginger. This plant brings good luck in court. To ensure a good outcome for your side, when entering the meeting room, chew some ginger root and carefully spit the juice onto the floor so that no one notices. There is a high probability that the judges will make a fair decision regarding you.


The main distinguishing feature of any cactus is its spines. In money magic it is common to think that the plant uses them to open and expand “money channels”.

So, to enrich yourself, it’s worth getting several cacti at once. It is desirable that they belong to different types. After all, the more different thorns - money antennas - the better.

The only drawback of these plants is their dual energy. It’s not for nothing that there are so many signs associated with cacti. For example, it is believed that they destroy love fluids. Therefore, you will have to pay for attracting money and luck with loneliness.


Bougainvillea brings prosperity to the homes of those people who strive for it. This plant is an excellent choice for workaholics and those whose professional activities involve high risks, such as investors and traders.

Bougainvillea seems to be watching the owner and, if he sees that he is interested in improving his financial situation, helps him.

The positive energy of the plant can be enhanced by hanging a sword decorated with bronze coins next to it.


Geranium cannot be called the most effective flower for attracting money into the house. Its magical properties in this regard are not very pronounced. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will get rich quickly with the help of this plant. But saving and slightly increasing what you have accumulated will be easy.

Geranium changes the owner’s attitude towards money. And he begins to plan expenses in more detail, be frugal, and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Geranium easily “gets along” with other indoor flowers. A good neighbor is an azalea. Being next to her, geranium will enhance monetary properties.

Office of the head of the company

In the boss’s office, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, every detail is important. The performance and perception of the subject as a leader depends on energy. Therefore, if there are plants or pictures with them, correctly selected and located, the Qi energy will follow the desired course, giving enthusiasm for completing work tasks.

Indoor flowers should be arranged starting from the eastern sector of the office. For these purposes, evergreen begonia, tree crassula, or “money tree”, and tradescantia are suitable. These plants help increase finances and purify energy. Rosemary will relieve the fatigue that accumulates at the end of the day. Violet and chrysanthemum will not allow you to take it out on your subordinates due to some kind of trouble received from the outside. And they will have a good impression of the manager’s ability to keep his nerves under control. Working in one team is not easy work, and sometimes a whole challenge. That is why the help of flowers is so necessary.

To enhance charisma and improve health, croton will help, which takes away the excess of the leader’s ardent character. The flower promotes creativity and the manifestation of the positive qualities of the owner. And it increases your sense of purpose. Dieffenbachia is suitable for those working at a desk. Helps activate brain function and stabilize blood circulation. These two plants are especially suitable for installation in the office of a manager, because he often stays late at work, solving accumulated problems of a different nature at his desk.


A pot of mint placed in the kitchen is the key to attracting wealth. The leaves of the plant emit a special aroma, which is one of the odors used to attract money. This aroma plays the role of an enticement that attracts coins.

The rich minty smell of weed speaks of its powerful energy, which helps open “money channels”. But if the smell is weak, the plant does not work.

It is important to remember that a mint bush grown from seeds is much better than a purchased plant. Its magical properties are more pronounced.


Aucuba is an evergreen plant with large leaves interspersed with small patches. The Japanese believe in its ability to attract financial well-being and good luck, which is why they call it the golden tree.

The energy of the aucuba directly depends on the relationship with the owner. Considering this, it is better to refuse to purchase an adult plant and grow it yourself.

If the height of the bush reaches a maximum of 2 meters, then most likely money will flow into the house like a river.


Scindapsus is a small vine with large heart-shaped leaves. This plant does not directly attract money to the house. But it changes the energy reigning in the house from heavy to lighter - creative.

Finding himself in such an environment, a person again feels a taste for life, finds inspiration and happily carries out even the usual tasks, which contributes to rapid movement up the career ladder and increased income.

Dracaena Sandera

According to Feng Shui, Dracaena Sandera is an amazing plant that can give a person good luck, wealth, a strong family, loyal friends and good health. For this, the Chinese nicknamed it “lucky bamboo.”

The magical properties of dracaena depend on two important points.

  • The first one is the number of stems. If you dream of financial well-being, then there should be 5 of them.
  • The second point is location. It is advisable that the plant “looks” to the south, east or southeast.

What does mythology say?

People created myths and legends in order to somehow explain phenomena that were incomprehensible to them. There are quite a lot of stories about how plants brought wealth and good luck. Here, for example, is a legend that tells about our ancestors - the Slavs. It is said that on the night of Ivan Kupala they went to look for a magical fern flower. It was stated that whoever finds a magic flower will be given immense wealth by Mother Nature.

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Grapes are predestined by humanity to symbolize abundance and wealth. The ancient Egyptians believed that the god Shai, who was able to improve the material condition of ordinary people, patronized the solar symbol - grapes. Shai gave gifts to his admirers by connecting with them through the vine.

Naturally, myths are mostly fiction. But the basis for creating any fiction is reality. It’s not for nothing that so many legends talk about the same thing – flowers can influence a person’s life and their well-being.


The magical properties of the lemon tree have been known since ancient times. Our ancestors believed that it could attract good luck and become a guarantee of financial stability.

In the case of lemon, there are several important nuances.

  • Firstly, after planting the plant and receiving the first unexpected money, part of the latter should be given to the poor. This will expand the “money channel”.
  • Secondly, to enhance the energy of the plant, its leaves need to be wiped regularly.

Office color scheme

It may seem strange, but the color scheme of your office walls also has a big impact on your career success. The predominance of green and blue tones is considered ideal. According to Feng Shui, these colors are symbols of energy, sound thinking, sincerity, as well as harmony and peace. Decorate your office in similar colors and you will not feel tired, drowsy and irritable, but on the contrary, you will feel maximum strength and energy.

At the same time, gray and brown shades have an extremely unfavorable effect on workers. Such a dull color scheme will not contribute to your career advancement, because these colors absolutely do not improve vitality and productivity and have a depressing effect on the psyche.


Pachira is an exotic plant belonging to the baobab family. The Chinese have believed in its unusual properties for a long time. They are convinced that pachira is the only real money tree in the world.

This opinion is confirmed by legend. According to which, a poor peasant who happened to pass under the pachira noticed that money was growing on it instead of ordinary fruits. He collected them and became rich.

Room for relaxation and eating

The office involves not only active work and periodic meetings; there are breaks for a cup of coffee or lunch in the office. The rest room is used for this purpose. Here, employees shed negative emotions, share their impressions, and discuss everyday problems after they are called to the manager “on the carpet.” Based on the room's requests for a hairdryer, plants with flowing shoots and hanging leaves, which help get rid of negative energy, are suitable here.

Plants biophytum and monstera neutralize the radiation of electromagnetic waves from the microwave and help food to be well absorbed during a quick “snack”. Provide the southern sector with bright red and orange flowers, they will burn out accumulated passions, calm and relax.

Any plants that are planned to be placed in the office will contribute to the image of the company. Including photos and paintings. Starting from the entrance, plants will settle throughout all the offices, faithfully serving the inhabitants. After all, the office is the face of the enterprise. And here, too, the client’s first glance falls on the “clothes”, and then on the contents.


To grow indoor bamboo, one small shoot will be enough. He will grow quickly and attract wealth to the house.

It is noteworthy that bamboo has very strong energy, therefore it has a positive effect on the affairs of all inhabitants of the house, and not just the person who cares for it.

If the plant sprouts, then this is a sure specter of soon receiving a large sum of money.

Basic rules for keeping money plants

The main thing in all flowers that bring love, money and goodness is their magical properties. They can be strengthened in several ways, among which are:

  • planting a flower in a wide red or green pot;
  • location of the plant in the southern, eastern or southeastern part of the house;
  • obtaining a cutting in an unusual way (it is better to steal it unnoticed than to buy it, and even better to receive it as a gift from a very wealthy person);
  • planting a plant during the waxing moon;
  • refusal to install a money flower in the bedroom;
  • placing several coins of different denominations on the bottom of the pot;
  • performing magical rituals near a flower, for example, reading money spells;
  • treating the plant as if it were a living person (the flower should be praised, given compliments, etc.).

Feng Shui desktop

An important requirement for a table is size. For office managers it should be 1.5 m × 1 m, with smaller parameters it looks lower than the actual status. But such dimensions are not suitable for an ordinary employee in the office; inflated claims may be misunderstood by colleagues, relationships and mutual understanding will be disrupted. However, secretaries are allowed to have wide desks due to paper work, a large number of work folders, and workload.

It is important how and what is located on the desktop in the office of both management and subordinates. What you need should be at hand. Place non-essential items that are rarely used in a table or closet and take them out when needed. Junk, according to Feng Shui experts, leads to absent-mindedness, slackness, and deprives creativity in performing assigned tasks. Some important papers should be stored in red or blue folders, as practitioners of Chinese philosophy advise.

On the right, in the corner, place indoor flowers, they will take the negative energy that comes from other parts of the office. And install a table lamp or lamp in the left corner, you can replace it with a metal object - it will attract financial success. Photos of people close to your heart will also come in handy. They will contribute, according to the fan, to a creative mood and increased activity during the day.

According to followers of the philosophy of Feng Shui, metal objects or those symbolizing it attract monetary energy. There should be 2-3 of them on the table, in the left corner - placed diagonally. A frame for a photo with images of loved ones or banknotes is suitable. Crystals have the same properties and support the owner’s memory if they are located in the northeast sector. During the day there can be all sorts of distractions, so you can get off track. And then the crystals let the owner know, when looking at them, what he needs to do directly.

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