Table and online converter for determining the date according to the lunar calendar

Eastern numerology has its own characteristics and differences from Western numerology. For example, in Eastern numerology there is no life path number. It is believed to have been discovered by Pythagoras 2,500 years ago when he adapted numerology for the Western world. Therefore, there is no analogue of this number in the East.

A person’s birth chart compiled according to the rules of Eastern numerology will also differ from one compiled according to the principles of Western numerology. Today we will look at a person’s birth chart in more detail.

So, what are the differences between the Western and Eastern birth charts? There are only two of them. And the first thing that catches your eye is the principle of placing numbers in a square. The numbers are arranged in a special way, like in a magic square, or rather the Loshu Square. (Sum of numbers on any line=15).

The second difference between the birth chart in Eastern numerology is that it is built not according to the solar calendar, but according to the lunar calendar (that’s why I call it “lunar”). Accordingly, a person’s date of birth will be completely different from that according to the solar calendar.

The lunar calendar is a rather interesting phenomenon. According to it, the New Year begins with the 2nd new moon after the winter solstice (so those born in January or February will find that they were born a year earlier). The number of days in a lunar month is 29-30. Sometimes there is a 13th leap month in the year. The number of days in the lunar calendar ranges from 353 to 385.

Eastern human birth chart

The Eastern (lunar) birth chart has three horizontal rows:

The top row is the intellectual level (human intelligence); The middle row is the spiritual level (intuition, feelings, emotions); The bottom row is the material level (success in business and financial affairs).

In Eastern numerology, these levels are viewed from an agricultural point of view. The top row is associated with rainy and sunny days. The middle row is with crops grown on the ground. The bottom row is connected to the ground itself.

The three vertical rows of the eastern birth chart have the following meaning:

The left column is associated with a person’s thoughts; The middle column is responsible for activity; The left column is related to human strength.

Now let's look at how an eastern birth chart is compiled using my birthday as an example. According to the solar calendar, this date is 10/31/1984. We need to convert this date. For this we will use tables (unfortunately, the tables are compiled only up to 2000).

The 1900-2000 calendar is here.

Calculate the eastern birth chart using the Chinese calendar date online (free).

Select a table with your year of birth. In the table, the month of birth is listed first, then the day (10/31). Opposite your date of birth there is another date (10/8) - this is your date of birth according to the lunar calendar.

Then everything is simple - fill out the birth chart according to the Loshu Square principle and move on to the meaning of numbers in Eastern numerology. But first I would like to give a small recommendation regarding the interpretation of numbers in the birth chart:

Considering the meaning of each individual number, take into account the meaning of the 5 elements of Feng Shui and Chinese astrology!!! Often, combinations of numbers in Eastern numerology are more important than the meaning of each number taken separately. Therefore, the absence of a number does not necessarily have a negative meaning. The main thing in Chinese numerology is balance, and this can be ensured by combinations of certain numbers in the birth chart. In addition, you can compensate for missing numbers using the 5 elements of Chinese astrology.

Chinese calendar online


* Point at the cell with the desired year to get a hint.

The calendar covers 3 cycles of 60 years from 1900 to 2079. The table clearly shows which sign is associated with which animal, and indicates the first day of the New Year. The color shows the element that is associated with the year: red = Fire; yellow = Earth; white = Metal; blue = Water; green = tree.

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