What indoor plants will attract women's luck, help you find a man and get rid of loneliness?

September 29, 2020 Category: Feng Shui Author: admin

Feng Shui teachings. It is multifaceted and affects all aspects of human life. You can believe or not believe in this philosophy. But an interesting fact is that our traditions largely overlap with the rules of Feng Shui. Accident? Most likely, this is a pattern. The pattern is that you need to build your life in harmony with the world around you, with nature. In the modern world, we do not notice our connection with nature. But following the teachings of Feng Shui, we tune ourselves to this connection. According to Feng Shui, flowers in the house are an important moment in a person’s life!

We try to create flows of favorable energy in our home. One of the ways to attract positive energies in your home or apartment is by placing indoor plants. After all, it is well known that there are plants that have a good effect on humans, and there are those that cannot be placed in the house. The placement of indoor flowers according to Feng Shui is a very large and interesting aspect in this teaching. Properly selected and correctly placed indoor flowers can not only bring comfort and coziness to the apartment, but also bring health, wealth and happiness to the owners. According to ancient Chinese teaching, flowers attract positive Qi energy, on which the well-being of the family depends. With the help of colors you can influence and control energies. What flowers in the house according to Feng Shui are for happiness and wealth?

  • Houseplants and Feng Shui How to choose flowers in the house according to Feng Shui for happiness and wealth?
  • Feng Shui wallet: Choosing the right color and size
  • Abundance check: How to fill out correctly and what goal to set
  • Overview of Feng Shui plants
      Zamioculcas or dollar tree
  • Crassula tree or money tree
  • Geranium
  • Begonia
  • Ficus
  • Citrus trees
  • Bamboo
  • Azalea
  • Myrtle
  • Aucuba flowers in the house according to Feng Shui
  • Feng Shui cacti
  • Houseplants and Feng Shui

    Almost all indoor plants belong to the Wood element.

    And the most favorable place for them is the eastern and southeastern sector.

    In Feng Shui, a tree means growth and prosperity. It is believed that beautiful, healthy, well-growing plants contribute to the growth of wealth and strengthening human health. Therefore, it is very important to take good care of your flowers. Color is also important in Feng Shui. Everything in this teaching is symbolic. If the flower blooms with red, pink or yellow flowers, then it must be moved to the southern sector of the house. Because red is a symbol of fire. And the element of the southern sector is Fire. When rearranging, we consciously activate the positive energy in the sector and enhance the effect of the plants.

    How to choose flowers in the house according to Feng Shui for happiness and wealth?

    It is believed that for this it is necessary to choose flowers with round and oval leaves, in the shape of coins, directed upward. This form is a symbol of good luck and success. Positive Qi energy, flowing around round and oval leaves, does not linger and flows harmoniously further. If the plant’s leaves are sharp, carved or prickly, then the energy will be retained. Its smooth flow will be deformed. This will lead to the transformation of positive energy into negative. For the same reason, you should never bring home weakened or diseased plants. After all, they are sources of negative, destructive Sha energy. If a plant was growing well and suddenly became ill, you should try to quickly cure it. Remove dry leaves and flowers from plants in a timely manner. They are also carriers of bad energy. Therefore, you cannot place dried flowers in the house. According to Feng Shui, these are dead flowers. And they only carry negative energy.

    When purchasing Feng Shui flowers in your home, you need to know which of them are carriers of favorable energy and which are negative.

    Carriers of positive energy are such indoor flowers as:

    • zamioculcas or dollar tree
    • Crassula tree or money tree
    • cyclamen
    • geranium
    • begonia
    • ficus
    • orange and lemon trees
    • camellia
    • hibiscus
    • bamboo
    • azalea
    • myrtle
    • Aucuba and others.
    1. According to Feng Shui, flowers in the house have different energies. Plants with round, thick leaves belong to Yin (feminine) energy. These are Crassula or money tree, cyclamen, geranium, begonia, ficus.
    2. Plants with elongated, upward-sloping leaves belong to yang (male) energy. They grow well upward and accelerate the beneficial flows of Qi in the house. Plants with Yang energy are well placed in the south, southeast and southwest in offices and living rooms.

    Flowers with Yin energy are best placed in the kitchen and children's rooms.

    • According to Feng Shui, it is not advisable to place flowers in bedrooms. This will interfere with sound sleep.
    • Thus, in order to balance the energies in the house, you need to have plants with different energies.
    • And a few more rules for activating the monetary magical properties of plants.
    • For the plant to bring the energy of wealth and success, it is advisable to receive it as a gift from a wealthy person.
    • When purchasing a plant, transplant it into a red or green pot.
    • It is better to replant plants on the waxing moon.
    • When replanting, place coins of different denominations at the bottom of the pot.
    • Love plants and take good care of them.

    Let's look at photographs and descriptions of flowers in the house according to Feng Shui for happiness and wealth.

    What do flowers symbolize in the life of an ordinary person?

    People attach great importance to indoor flowers. Plants fill the room with oxygen and living energy, making the house cozy and attractive.

    Housewives usually select flowers so that they match the color scheme of the interior and have a pleasant smell. Also, flower lovers often pay attention to the influence of indoor plants.

    So, according to some people, the money tree brings wealth, geranium protects against diseases, and blooming cyclamen helps get rid of nightmares. The red rose is considered a symbol of love, and the cactus signifies patience and constancy.

    However, there are different interpretations of plants for the home in the world. They differ depending on the cultural and religious beliefs of a person, his place of residence and his nationality.

    Overview of Feng Shui plants

    Zamioculcas or dollar tree

    This is a plant that brings health, wealth and luck to its owners. It has a very subtle energy and helps only those who love it. To activate its magical properties, it is advisable to receive this plant as a gift.

    Crassula tree or money tree

    The thick, fleshy leaves of this plant are shaped like coins. That's why it's called the fat woman. This is one of our most famous plants, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Crassula grows quickly. It is believed that wealth will grow just as quickly. If Crassula blooms, it is a sure sign that you will receive money soon.

    To activate its magical properties, it is best to plant it in a pot yourself. Before planting, place coins at the bottom of the pot. A pot of crassula is placed in the southeast. When the plant grows, you can additionally decorate it with a red ribbon and hang coins on the branches.


    • This flower has Yin energy. It does not exhibit any special monetary properties. But when adjacent to others, for example, azalea, it enhances their beneficial properties.
    • This flower, with its energy, can gradually change the owner’s attitude towards money. Force him to distribute finances more competently and plan expenses in advance.
    • This flower preserves and strengthens human health.

    Its smell calms and relieves headaches. Repels insects. Due to the strong smell, geraniums should not be placed in rooms where people spend a lot of time. Since the flower has Yin energy, it is best to place it in the kitchen.


    The plant has round leaves, which has a beneficial effect on energy flows. Begonia, like geranium, has Yin energy. She has the ability to transform negative energy at home into positive energy.


    Ficus brings peace and vitality to the house. It removes aggression in the house and drives away laziness. But it cannot be placed in the family and marriage sector. This can ruin the relationship between spouses. Ficus is the owner of Yan energy. Therefore, it can be placed in the living room and in offices in the south-eastern sector.

    Citrus trees

    Citrus trees have Yang energy. They contribute to the development of:

    • Curiosity
    • Independence
    • Increase the need for knowledge

    Therefore, citrus fruits are good to place in children's rooms. Their medicinal properties are well known. The phytoncides of these trees disinfect the air from bacteria and microbes.


    This amazing plant in its hollow stem can transform negative energy into positive. That is, it transforms the energy of the house. Caring for it is easy. It can grow not only in soil, but also in stones with water or just in water.


    This is one of the most beautiful indoor flowers. The energy of this flower brings prosperity and joy to the home. Helps develop creative talents and find inspiration. But in order for a flower to delight with its lush bloom for a long time, it must be well looked after.


    Since ancient times, this flower has been considered a plant that brings love and happiness. The positive Qi of the plant strengthens family relationships and brings happiness and prosperity to the family. But its smell can cause headaches. Therefore, it should not be placed in places where the family spends a lot of time.

    Aucuba flowers in the house according to Feng Shui

    Aucuba is an evergreen plant with green leaves that have small patches of yellowish color. Maybe because of them the Japanese call aucuba the “golden tree”. According to Feng Shui, the “golden tree” can attract good luck and wealth. But to do this, you need to grow the plants yourself, love them and care for them. It is believed that if you grow an aucuba tree on your own up to two meters, then money will flow into your house.

    Feng Shui cacti

    Feng Shui has a dual approach to cacti. The plant has many thorns, which seem to be unfavorable for the movement of Qi. But in China they believe that the spines on cacti are small antennas that catch monetary energy. The thorns open and expand money channels.

    The most important thing is to find the right place for cacti. If they are placed on a windowsill or balcony, then cacti will protect the house from thieves and from negative Sha energy. If you place them next to a computer, they convert radiation from equipment into positive fluxes. Cacti also pacify anger and aggression.

    But for all their advantages, cacti destroy love relationships. Therefore, the owner of these plants may remain lonely.

    Magic or practicality?

    The basis of Chinese philosophy, if, of course, you can even try to fit it into a few words, is the understanding that everything in our world has the vital energy “qi” and interacts with each other . Thus, according to Feng Shui, a certain placement of certain home interior items affects the movement and strength of the emerging energy flows that bring people luck, health, prosperity and well-being.

    At first glance, this all seems more like the occult than any real design guidelines. But let me give you some basic principles that this direction adheres to, and I can easily prove to you their feasibility.

    According to Feng Shui:

    • The front door is the main source of vital energy entering the house , so it is necessary to constantly lubricate its hinges, keep the door panel clean, keep the locks in good working order, and not block the doorway itself. So, what is overly mystical in these instructions? Creaking is not pleasant to anyone, dirt is a sign of unsanitary conditions, reliable locks are a guarantee of safety, and free exit is prescribed by fire safety rules;

    Clean, properly working front door

    • Energy flows also enter the room through the window , therefore, it should also not be blocked. And then you can say: “Yeah, where can I dry my clothes if not on the balcony?” But in fact, it’s really better not to put some wet things on public display, especially since today there are drying chambers in washing machines and folding dryers that are easily installed in apartments. Well, for a private house this situation does not create a problem at all;

    Perhaps this is not the best use for a balcony after all?

    • With wasted water, “qi” energy also flows out of the house , so you should close the taps in a timely manner, and if a leak occurs, immediately call a plumber. That is, in essence, recommendations that allow you to reduce utility bills and eliminate the occurrence of an emergency are wrapped in a beautiful mystical wrapper. You say this to someone: “Your pipes are leaking,” and he responds: “That’s nonsense, there’s no time to do this!” But if you warn: “The life force is leaving your home...”, then people may react faster from fear;

    Leaking water pipes are dangerous not only according to Feng Shui

    • Mirrors must be large in size so that you can be fully reflected in them, and not cut off, without stains, scratches or other defects that distort your appearance. Well, if you don’t want to go on a visit or to work with many flaws in your appearance, then the described rules should be followed even without Chinese philosophy.

    Every housewife dreams of mirrors recommended by Feng Shui.

    • Old unnecessary things poison the energy of the house and, therefore, should be thrown away. Of course, many find it difficult to part with their great-grandmother’s chest of drawers, a single ski, old dusty curtains or a falling apart floor lamp due to the abundance of memories associated with them or for some other “important” reasons. But all this prevents the emergence of new modern furniture interior items that will give a lot of hitherto unknown sensations. But you still need to get rid of the junk sooner or later, so why wait to turn your home into a closet?

    As you can see, in fact, Feng Shui in the interior is, first of all, order, which will not interfere with any country house or city apartment . Secondly, a set of tips for a harmonious combination of furnishing elements in your home , which I will introduce you to later.

    Aichrizon, or tree of love

    The very name of the plant suggests that it is associated with feelings and relationships. They say that aichrizon senses the atmosphere in the family. With frequent conflicts, leaves will fall from the tree, and it will grow slowly. Aichrizon helps women protect themselves from brawlers and traitors . It’s worth taking a closer look at how the plant will behave. It is also believed that if the tree of love blooms, you will soon meet your betrothed. And if you have already met, it means that everything will be fine in the relationship.

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    Yin and Yang flowers

    According to Feng Shui, flowers are believed to carry their unique energy of yin - feminine and yang - masculine. Truly male flowers are considered to be plants with a straight stem, leaves and branches directed upward. These can be trees, bushes, cereals, etc. The yang plant is distinguished by its sharp leaf shape - sickle-shaped, heart-shaped or xiphoid, for example: leaves of narcissus, gladiolus, etc.

    A plant that has an ampel shape or creeps along the ground, with shoots, branches and leaves hanging down, has the feminine energy of yin. The leaves of these plants have a round, smooth shape, such as a “money tree”.

    The bedroom is the room where it is generally not recommended to place yang plants. The active yang energy that male plants provide can disrupt sleep and, over time, cause problems in the intimate sphere. The bedroom should be dominated by calm feminine yin energy.

    What flowers are recommended for feng shui in the house?

    1. Tradescantia.

    This plant does not have strong energy, but it can reflect the energy microclimate of the home. If negative energy reigns in the house, Tradescantia turns yellow and dies.

    2. Geranium.

    It has powerful energy, but it is not recommended to place it in the bedroom and other recreation areas - prolonged inhalation of the aroma of geranium can cause a headache.

    3. Ficus.

    Brings harmony to relationships - neutralizes anxiety, anger and aggression between household members.

    4. Fern.

    Absorbs negative energy, effectively cleansing the microclimate of the home.

    Geranium Fern Ficus Tradescantia

    A few final recommendations: what is missing in restaurant design for its success

    The depth of research and application of Feng Shui depends on your capabilities and wishes. In some cases, small and low-cost changes are enough to achieve a colossal effect.

    Feng Shui is not a set of Chinese paraphernalia in the form of figurines and hieroglyphs, but a practical science of attracting positive energies, almost the same as interior design. To achieve harmony, it is not at all necessary to create the concept of a Chinese restaurant.

    To avoid becoming a victim of scammers posing as specialists in such a complex field, before concluding a contract for services, personally inquire about their past achievements, talk to clients of restaurants where Feng Shui actually works, and read reviews. Better yet, try to study some of the basics of the teaching yourself so that you can communicate with specialists at the appropriate level of understanding.

    Flowers that should not be kept at home

    1. Orchid.

    According to Feng Shui, this plant absorbs human energy, most active after midnight. Being in the house, an orchid can cause poor health, depression and chronic fatigue in its owners. But the orchid can be placed in places where there is a rapid change in qi energy (energy draft) - in the hallway or corridor. The orchid will successfully slow down fast energy flows.

    2. Cactus.

    This plant introduces imbalance and aggression into the home energy system; as a result, the cactus becomes an indirect cause of discord and quarrels. But its positive feature is that it promotes intellectual thinking.

    3. Monstera.

    Many people believe that this plant is an energy vampire. But a short and not too frequent stay near the monstera contributes to the formation of constructive thinking and making serious decisions.

    Cactus Orchid Monstera


    Cyclamen is a beneficial indoor plant because it has calming properties . Why all this fuss and panic? Just relax, enjoy life, and yours will definitely come to you. Cyclamen will also help get rid of bad thoughts and clear your mind. If you and your partner have frequent conflicts, then this indoor flower is just for you.

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