Feng Shui: which paintings can be hung in the bedroom and which ones cannot

» Feng Shui » Arrangement of paintings for the bedroom according to Feng Shui



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It is believed that the bedroom should be a place to relax. It is in this room that a person sleeps and gains strength for a new day. In the bedroom you need to adhere to a special arrangement of furniture and details so as not to burden the room. Feng Shui paintings for the bedroom should bring harmony and tranquility to a person.

Arrangement of paintings for the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Favorite place

As I already said, the bedroom is the very room in the house where we relax, the place where we want to find peace and comfort. When choosing the interior for your bedroom, think about the paintings you want to hang there.

They should convey peace and tranquility, but at the same time, correspond to the spirit of your room, emphasizing its style and the characteristics of the owner of the apartment.

To find out where it is better to hang a picture in the bedroom, how to do it according to Feng Shui and what the basic rules are, read this article to the end, look at the photos and get inspired to create a special atmosphere in your bedroom.

Interior options for the bedroom

First of all, you need to pay attention to the color scheme of the bedroom. The practice of Feng Shui convinces that red interior items would be an ideal option for a bedroom. It is a symbol of passion and love between spouses. If you don’t have a loved one, then the color red will help you quickly establish your personal life.

You also need to install fresh flowers in the bedrooms. As you know, they are able to absorb negative energy and attract happiness into the home. Living flowers can even sense a person’s fear and take it upon themselves. But, in the bedroom there should not be more than 2 vases with flowers. Choose only plants with rich colors and in perfect condition. Feng Shui says that it is better to choose peonies, because they are considered the most powerful love talismans.

Most Feng Shui experts say that there should not be many cutting or sharp objects hanging in the bedroom. You also need to choose furniture in such a way that there are no sharp corners. It is believed that such objects can destroy human energy. This can lead to deterioration in work matters or family quarrels.

Also, don't get carried away with mirrors. Mirror surfaces are characterized by negative energy, which can destroy the love and passion between spouses. Mirrors are also commonly referred to as magical objects that bring otherworldly spirits into our world. To avoid unpleasant consequences, mirrors should be abandoned.

Give preference to crystals. If you constantly have crystals of different shades in your room, then you will increase your chances of conceiving and having a baby. Make sure that the crystals constantly shimmer in different shades. To do this, they can be placed near a floor lamp or attached to a ceiling chandelier. Literally after a while you will hear favorable news about pregnancy.

What picture to hang in the bedroom at the head of the bed

According to tradition, the most favorable paintings for the head of the bed are paintings depicting flowers, as well as what the owners of the room would like to achieve or desire.

Bad energy will be carried by paintings depicting the water element, misfortunes and dead people, as well as wild animals.

There are also restrictions on color. According to Feng Shui, paintings in natural and calm colors and shades are suitable for the bedroom: yellow, blue, brown.

In general, this ancient teaching involves a long and conscious choice of paintings for your home. Therefore, you should not rush and immediately buy the first painting you like. It’s better to look at different options and think about how this or that thing will look in your home. By the way, one of the main principles of Feng Shui is that you like the picture, and when looking at it, you experience only positive emotions.

Paintings for the bedroom by location

As I wrote above, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is better to place paintings in the bedroom on one wall. If you place them on the sides of the bed, then these should be paired paintings. At the headboard, if it is not high, strictly in the center.

If you place them near adjacent walls, you can hang several paintings, the main thing is that they are all symmetrical to other objects in the room.

It is also better to hang a picture opposite the bed symmetrically to it and at eye level when you are sitting in bed.

Inappropriate images

Canvases that depict natural disasters are not suitable for the bedroom. Of course, such images are beautiful, but their energy is destructive.

Volcanoes, tsunamis or typhoons can destroy your energy shield and your relationship with your loved one.

You cannot decorate your bedroom with canvases that depict the water element. Items that depict an ocean, river, fountain or sea should be immediately removed to another room. Of course, the Feng Shui system claims that water can attract money and material well-being to the house. But it negatively affects a person’s relationships with others and his health.

Some people mistakenly believe that aquariums in rooms have a positive effect on the nervous system. But an aquarium can destroy the trust between parents and children.

Avoid paintings that depict wild animals. An energy shield of such an image will constantly attract troubles associated with accidents into your home, because the energy of death will always be present. You should not hang pictures in the bedroom that show the golden autumn season. Give preference to other seasons.

Oil, watercolor or pencil

Oil painting on canvas is a classic art genre.

However, such paintings, especially those enclosed in a brutal baguette, look rather hard in a bedroom. If you nevertheless decide on this type of wall decor, opt for light storylines: images that are too realistic, overly crowded with details have a rather heavy energy.

Another nuance: oil creations can emit odors contained in varnishes, paints, primers, and even cause allergies. Therefore, be careful when purchasing.

A good solution is watercolor.

Filled with airiness, graceful strokes perfectly harmonize with the calm atmosphere of the bedroom, giving it some romanticism. A room in Provence or country style, decorated with watercolors, will be a great place to relax.

Fans of extravagant interiors will appreciate paintings in ethnic style or abstract paintings. If you wish, you can hang images that differ in execution methods, but are united by one artistic idea.

And finally, pencil drawings. Someone may speak of them with disdain - what kind of paintings are these?

Of course, these are not paintings, but as an element of interior decoration, they are in no way inferior to reproductions of paintings.

In addition, for a number of stylistic solutions, such as minimalism or modern high-tech, pencil drawing is one of the best options.

Many famous artists (Rubens, Durer, Dore, Savrasov) performed many works in pencil. If you are closer to contemporary art, take a look at the graphics of Linda Haber or Adonna Hair. Perhaps here you will find ideas for your interior.

Finding an interesting solution for the bedroom is not easy. If you are just thinking about renovation, the photographs of combined stretch ceilings we prepared will help you find your design solution.

Look at the photos of bedrooms in a modern style in our article.

Or in a photograph in a minimalist style in our other article - https://flaterra.ru/spalnya/dizain-s/stil-s/minimalizm-foto-intererov.html

How to hang according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui experts are strongly against placing any image in the area above the bed. It is believed that it attracts various currents, which are not always positive. They suggest hanging pictures above bedside tables. You can also equip a special niche in the bedroom.

To increase the effect of the image, additional equipment with backlighting is allowed.

The image looks great only on a plain wall. On wallpaper with a pattern, any picture will look like a foreign body.

Paintings must be the same size and have a similar plot

Selection rules

The choice of painting is a creative decision and a matter of taste. But there are universal rules:

  1. Color and theme should promote good sleep, rest and relaxation. It is better to avoid dramatic or heavy subjects in such a room.
  2. The painting should not be wider than the furniture, just narrower. The ideal ratio, comfortable for the eye: 75% of the width of the bed. However, these calculations must take into account all the lines in the room. Perhaps the width of the bed is continued by the bedside tables, merging with it.

Size and shape - how not to make mistakes

When choosing paintings for the bedroom, listen to your own feelings, while not forgetting the recommendations given by professional designers.

Paintings with a vertical image, having an elongated shape, are great for rooms with low ceilings, visually enlarging them.

Wide, horizontal variations will favorably emphasize short walls, expanding their surface.

Please note: paintings with too impressive dimensions can “eat up” the free space, making it visually cramped. Of course, if the bedroom has a huge area, then this option has a place to be, but a small room should not be “burdened down”.

And, on the contrary, very small paintings are easily “lost” against the background of a large surface of the walls. In this case, it would be a good idea to decorate the interior using the modern technique of arranging several panels into one composition.

Engravings, prints, lithographs

Engravings or prints from them (prints) cannot be classified as paintings, posters, or drawings. But they can also be used as a decorative element.

In appearance they will be very similar to pencil drawings. This is largely due to the technique of creating an engraving - an engraver manually creates a design on a metal, wooden or plastic plate using cutters. If you then apply paint to the plate, you can make an impression from it - a print.

Both the estame and the engraving will look like a pencil drawing due to the large number of fine lines applied with engraving pens.

Lithography differs from engraving in terms of execution technique (if you don’t go into details: engraving is a three-dimensional print, lithography is flat), but the end results will be very similar.

On the wall you can place both the engraving itself, a print, and a lithograph. All of them will give your bedroom an antique, vintage look. You can create a composition in which you use several engravings or an engraving and family photographs.

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