Text of the book “Chinese Magic (Book of Sacred Traditions of China)”

一 (yī)

Translation : one

Just a horizontal line. Easy to remember, isn't it? The most interesting thing is that two in Chinese are two horizontal lines:

(èr) - two.

And three... guess what! Three features!

(sān) - three.

Then it’s more complicated, so for now we’ll focus on the first three numbers.

Examples of use:

我一个人来。 (wǒ yī gè rén lái) - I came here alone.

我要一个。 (wǒ yào yī gè) - I would like one (when buying or ordering something).

What not to do

You should not choose a master who specializes in several types at once, and not just tattoos in the form of hieroglyphs. It is better to choose a tattoo artist who works in one direction, as he knows much more about hieroglyphs.

There is no need to get tattoos “for fun” without putting any special meaning into them. Eastern states do not accept frivolous behavior. In addition, hieroglyphs can be very similar, and in a hurry it is easy to confuse them. When you notice the mistake, it will be too late, since tattoo removal is a complex, long and unpleasant process.

You should also not get a tattoo if you cannot tolerate pain. Tattoos on the neck take a very long time to heal, much longer than on other places. In order not to harm yourself, you need to follow all the recommendations of the tattoo artist and maintain hygiene.

It is not recommended to get tattoos for people with diabetes, skin diseases, or blood clotting disorders. Also, you should not drink alcohol before the procedure, as it thins the blood, which can cause bleeding.

十 (shi)

Translation : ten

Another numeral that is easy to remember.

十诫 (shí jiè)一 10 commandments.

Examples of forming numbers with 十:

十一 (shí yī) - eleven;

十二 (shí èr) - twelve,二十 (èr shí) - twenty (two tens);

十三 (shí sān) - thirteen,三十 (sān shí) - thirty (three tens).

In other combinations, the word can be translated differently:

十分 (shí fēn) - very much;

十成 (shí chéng) - completely.


There are quite a lot of hieroglyphs with this meaning, but for now we will start with this sign. "Kanji" 安 consists of two elements : "crown, roof" at the top and "woman" at the bottom. The element “crown” is the key of the hieroglyph , by which the sign can be found in the dictionary. His number is 40 .

By the way, this hieroglyph has another meaning – “cheap”.

Pay attention to the order of strokes when writing the sign:

The hieroglyph reads as follows:


Kuns:やす(い) – cheap, inexpensive; calm

The association will probably help you remember this sign. As we have already noticed, it is perfectly decomposed into two components - the “roof” and the “woman”. A woman under the roof of a house can symbolize peace, right?

"Kanji" is used in these words :

安全あんぜんsafety, security
安心あんしんpeace of mind
安価low price; cheapness
円安えんやすlow yen exchange rate; yen depreciation

人 (rén)

Translation : man

Looks like a cartoon man, doesn't it? More precisely, on his feet, confidently walking somewhere. Stick, stick...

The funny thing is that if you add one more person, the meaning will change to “everyone”, “everyone”:

人人都爱喝可乐。 (rén rén dōu ài hē kě lè) - Everyone loves soda.

Moreover, “man” in Chinese is 男人(nánrén) , and woman is 女人(nǚrén) .

Other usage examples:

人丛(rén cóng) - crowd of people;

人体(rén tǐ) - human body;

He is a very popular guy (person) .

女人一般比男人长寿。 (Nǚrén yībān bǐ nánrén chángshòu.) - Women usually live longer than men.

Popular Chinese characters for tattoos and their meanings

Chinese characters were first used as tattoos in the West. At first it was considered something exotic. They were applied exclusively in black. It is worth considering that tattoos in the form of Chinese characters are exclusively a European invention. This is almost never practiced in China.

At the same time, inscriptions as tattoos in English are becoming popular in salons in Japan and China. In both English and Chinese, a professional can find gross and sometimes ridiculous errors in body writing.

Before you tattoo something on your body, it is better to find out in advance the exact meaning of the inscription; you can contact a professional translator.

Examples of popular hieroglyphs for tattoos and their meaning:

  • Happiness 福 [fú].


  • Love 爱 [ài].

Love tattoo in Chinese

  • Strength 力 [lì].


  • Dream 梦 [mèng].


  • Beauty 美 [měi].


  • Loyalty 忠 [zhōng].


  • Water 水 [shuǐ].


  • Ox 牛 [niū; niú].


  • Peace, harmony 和平 [hépíng].

Peace, harmony

  • Brave, valiant 英勇 [yīngyǒng].

Brave, valiant

  • Freedom 自由 [Zìyóu].


By the way, we have a separate article about Chinese hieroglyph tattoos.

上 (shang)

Translation : up, above, at the top; on

The symbol seems to be moving upward - this is a hint that makes it easier to remember.

水果在桌子上。 - The apple (is) on the table.

请上楼。—Please go up the stairs.

他上电台了。 (Tā shàng diàntáile.) - He is on the radio.

晚上 (wǎn shàng) - in the evening.

早上 (zǎo shàng) - in the morning.

上车 (shàng chē) - to get into the car.

It is also often used when we talk about “visiting something” or “going somewhere”:

上课 (shàng kè) - to go to classes;

上班 (shàng bān) - to go to work.

How to use hieroglyphs

It’s not enough to know how this or that hieroglyph works; you need to be able to activate it and make it work for you. What do I need to do? • Before you determine which hieroglyph you need, carefully study the information about it. It is advisable to search for information in several sources to make sure that a given symbol means exactly what you need. • As you already understand, there are hieroglyphs that are very similar in meaning, but each of them has its own purposes. Therefore, you should determine exactly what goals you want to achieve with the help of hieroglyphs. Your intuition will be of great help in this matter. • Remember that those hieroglyphs that are designed to protect you or your entire family should be located separately from all other hieroglyphs and amulets. Find and allocate a special place for them, where there will no longer be any attributes. • It doesn’t matter at all in what form your hieroglyph will exist. This could be a picture hung on the wall in a frame (you can even draw it yourself) or a sketch in a working notebook. This could be embroidery, an amulet on a string to be worn around the neck, painting on a T-shirt or nails, a screen saver on a computer or mobile phone screen, or even a tattoo.

• The greatest energy and, as a result, power are possessed by those hieroglyphs that you drew with your own hands. After all, you put your energy into it. The drawing should start from top to bottom and from left to right. Only in this sequence and nothing else. • When using hieroglyphs, you should always remember that only those dreams, desires and plans that are not capable of harming others come true. Otherwise everything will be useless. • You can place the hieroglyph symbol anywhere in your home or office. Next to the bed, on the desk, on the wall. And you can find a place for it according to the Bagua grid, placing the hieroglyph in the sector that meets your goals. For example, the hieroglyph “Money” can be placed in the “Wealth” sector. It is believed that, in this case, the effect of the hieroglyph is enhanced. • Do not expect that the hieroglyph will start working immediately as soon as you place it in its place. It may take two or even three months before its effect begins. Take your time, be patient, the hieroglyph will definitely help.

The most important thing, of course, is to believe in the power of hieroglyphs and that they will definitely help you achieve your goal. If you are skeptical about the symbol, it will remain just a beautiful image that does not carry any energy. So, everything is in your hands, be happy!

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下 (xià)

Translation : down, below, under

And this symbol, on the contrary, seems to be directed downward. And it has exactly the opposite meaning to the previous one.

小猫在桌子下面。— The kitten (is) under the table.

今天下雨了。— It’s raining today.

In addition, it is also used in the meaning of “to leave”, “to leave”, “to go out”, etc.:

下班 (xià bān) - to leave work;

下课 (xià kè) - to leave class;

下车 (xià chē) - to get out of the car.

日 (rì)

Translation : day, sun

Short for 日本 (Japan). The main meaning is day, daytime. If you add one more character, you get the meaning “every day”. In addition, this symbol is used when writing dates. That is, 5日, for example, will mean the fifth day of a month. Example:

2019年4月1日—April 1, 2021.

More examples of using the symbol:

每日 - every day, every day;

昨日 - yesterday;

日出 (rì chū) - sunrise.

月 (yuè)

Translation : month, moon

In Chinese, months do not have their own name - each month consists of a numeral and the symbol 月: 1 month, 2 month, etc.

一月 (Yī yuè) - January;

二月 (èr yuè) - February;

三月 (sān yuè) - March.

Instead of symbols, by the way, there may be the usual Arabic numbers (1月, 2月, 3月). Therefore, the names of the months in Chinese are easy to remember. By the way. We have already written about this.


This hieroglyph consists of two elements - on the left “ear” and on the right “mouth” , which is the key of hieroglyph number 30 .

Ony:ワ、オ – peace, harmony, harmony

Kuna:やわ(らぐ) – soften; subside, weaken やわ(らげる) – soften; calm down; calm down なご(む) – soften なご(やか) – quiet, calm, peaceful

The ancient form of the character uses an element instead of "mouth" to represent a wind instrument played in ancient China. Perhaps the combination of “ear” and “wind instrument” personifies the Chinese understanding of the word “harmony” - the union of nature and man .

In Japanese, this character has another meaning - “Japan”, “Japanese” . Using this sign, the name of Ancient Japan is written - Yamato 大和.

和服わふくjapanese clothing, kimono
平和へいわpeace, harmony
調和ちょうわharmony, coherence; symmetry
和尚おしょう[Zen] monk; abbot [temple]

How do you like the new hieroglyphs? Have they brought peace to your heart? Just in case, we remind you that it is better to learn “kanji” by making cards with them and be sure to remember the words that you come across in the texts. Write hieroglyphs more often and repeat them more often . Don’t be afraid to forget a sign - this is an absolutely normal stage of memorization, this is how our brain “records” the information we need. Good luck in learning Japanese!

Japanese characters: “peace”, “tranquility”, “harmony” - we analyze them on our website! Read our articles about how to learn Japanese characters.

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