What does the owl symbol mean for cash flow, in Feng Shui, in the form of a tattoo - the symbolism of an owl

The owl is a mysterious bird. She is considered the personification of wisdom and a guide to other worlds. Such beliefs arose because of her appearance and habits. Shaggy, with large, thoughtful eyes, she lives and hunts at night.

In ancient Rome they were even afraid of owls; it was believed that they, with their unlike others voice, foreshadowed trouble. However, watching the owl longer, people saw a good sacred meaning in it. Since then, the owl amulet began to accompany priests and sorcerers in their affairs. They believed that the bird helped them become more receptive to the surrounding energy, discover the gift of clairvoyance, and protect them from the evil eye.

And today the owl, as a talisman, has not lost its popularity. Perhaps this is why owls fit so well into fantasy worlds, such as the Harry Potter series of books and films.

The meaning of the symbol in different cultures

Owl as a sign of wisdom.
Since antiquity, the owl has been a symbol of wisdom, secret knowledge and logic. Images of this bird can be seen on artifacts from almost every culture that has ever existed.

Scientists found the first drawings of a night feathered hunter in Mexico: they belonged to the Pre-Aztec culture, whose people considered the owl to be the goddess of rain.

Later civilizations that appeared in southeastern North America also worshiped the owl. The Aztecs and Mayans believed that the wisdom of this bird made it a good guide to the world of the dead.

However, due to its connection with otherworldly forces, this creature was considered dangerous and was often associated with a demon, so jewelry with the image of such an animal was never used. But the feathers of this bird were in demand: they were attached to hats to become wiser and gain secret knowledge.

In ancient times, the owl symbol was considered dangerous in China because... this animal was associated with evil death. It was believed that children who received any item with the image of a night hunter would become ungrateful and abandon their parents to their fate.

There was a similar opinion about the wise bird in Egypt: here it was a symbol of death and a guide to the world of the dead. Since the owl symbolized night, cold and loneliness, it was believed that a person who received a gift with the image of such an animal would soon die. People presented such decorations to enemies whom they planned to defeat in battle.

In ancient Greece, the owl was associated with Athena: this bird was an obligatory companion of the goddess, because kept the knowledge and wisdom of the warrior. Initially, the night huntress began to accompany the protector of Greek cities due to the fact that both of them were symbols of the night.

Over time, Athena and the owls acquired a lighter image, because thanks to secret knowledge, they protected all the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and coped with even the most dangerous enemies of the people.

Therefore, jewelry with the image of a wise bird has become popular among people of all ages. The animal was so strongly associated with the warrior that the smoky owl was named in its honor - Athene Noctua or “Night Athena”.

The ancient Slavs, like many other peoples, were afraid of owls and eagle owls. It was believed that if such a creature flew up to the house, a fire would soon occur or someone would die.

Although these birds were considered harbingers of death, people did not always avoid them. To protect their souls, hunters always carried owl claws with them: they believed that the guide of the spirit world, seeing a piece of herself on their clothes, would be more supportive and help them reach heaven.

With the division of the Slavs into different nations, the opinion about feathered predators flying in the night changed:

  1. In Ukraine, these creatures became a kind of banshees - their cry foreshadowed the death of someone who got lost in the forest.
  2. Belarusians were sure that hearing the voice of an owl was a good sign. These birds announced the imminent arrival of a child in the family.
  3. The Poles believed that wise birds after death lead people to underground riches.
  4. The Bulgarians found in the huntress with her gaze an image of loneliness. It was believed that the owl and the owl were enchanted brother and sister, whom their mother punished for disobedience. So she turned them into birds that would never meet.

In Europe, the feathered predator was initially feared because... she was a symbol of witchcraft. Later this image changed to a lighter one: the bird began to be associated with knowledge. Already from the 18th century, her image was actively used as a cover for educational materials.

Body amulet: what does an owl tattoo mean?

Today, the owl symbol is applied not only to interior items or decorations, but also directly to the human body.

A tattoo of an owl or its feathers is considered a reliable talisman, meaning both wisdom and fear, joy and sadness, loneliness and intelligence, antisocial and reasonable behavior.

Men's owl tattoos, depending on the area of ​​application, mean the following:

  • Back - for those who prefer night to day;
  • Neck - a tendency to restrain oneself in statements and actions;
  • Legs - the desire to be a leader and value life; calves or feet - the desire not to succumb to pain;
  • Right arm or shoulders - suitable for determined men with highly developed intellect.

A tattoo on the body of the fair sex means a desire to explore the world around us, to study everything mystical, and an interest in esotericism. Lovers of night parties often depict night birds on their bodies. The unusually executed drawing testifies to the shocking nature of the beauty, her attempt to express herself.

For women

If the image is located:

  • On the left leg - the girl is prone to self-knowledge, searching for hidden internal resources. She is not satisfied with the current order of things, she wants to change her life.
  • On the right leg - the girl has already chosen her path in life and is determined to move along it.
  • On the hand - the girl plans to do what she likes, without attaching importance to the opinions of others.
  • On the wrist - a tattoo protects its owner from negative energy;
  • On the neck - the beauty is confident in her exclusivity, chosenness, and the presence of a unique gift.
  • On the chest - the owner has her own opinion on any matter, she will not accept the norms of society, challenging the outside world.
  • On the back is an attempt to protect yourself from others, and, at the same time, a desire for power. Her main desire is to activate her inner potential and demonstrate it to others.

General information about the owl mascot

Today, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. It helps in studies and contributes to obtaining material benefits.

Strength and Opportunity

A figurine in the shape of this bird improves concentration. A person who owns such jewelry is able to read for a long time without being distracted by anything. In addition, the owl protects its owner from procrastination. If there is an object in the shape of a feathered predator in the room, there will be no desire to put things aside and watch TV.

Another ability of an owl is to protect a person from any negativity. Thanks to the wisdom that it imparts to the owner, you will not be upset over trifles and pay attention to angry conversations.

A magical artifact used for such purposes can be carried with you. Since walking around with a figurine in your pocket is inconvenient, it is better to purchase a pendant and brooch with an owl. The effect of the amulet will be enhanced if it is decorated with colored stones. The base of such an accessory should be made of metal or wood.

To achieve prosperity and wealth, the figurine of the night huntress must be placed on your desktop. She will attract money, help deal with financial problems and show the best solution for career development.

The strength of the owl's influence on this aspect of life depends on the position in which the bird stands. For good luck in business, you need to choose a talisman where the feathered predator is depicted with wings wide open.

An owl with open wings is a symbol of success in business.

Who is it suitable for?

Magical artifacts in the shape of an owl or an eagle owl are almost universal.

They are suitable for those who:

  • goes to school;
  • is going to take an exam;
  • tries to acquire new knowledge;
  • wants to get promoted;
  • strives to develop his own business;
  • seeks wisdom to maintain harmony in personal relationships.

Who is the talisman suitable for?

The Owl amulet is suitable for almost any person, regardless of gender and age. It will allow the child to actively explore the world around him. The teenager will show diligence while studying at school, as well as in the clubs that he attends. The student will be able to successfully pass exams during the session.

For a young girl who has not yet gained worldly experience, the Owl talisman will tell her the right path so that she cannot make many mistakes. For a married woman, the talisman will help enliven life together and remove boredom from an already boring relationship.

The talisman will also help the stronger half of humanity. Young people who have already received an education will be able to begin to successfully build their careers or even start their own business. For mature husbands, it will help increase cash flow. To make the right decision, a figurine of an owl with folded wings is suitable.

Types of amulets and their properties

Owl talismans vary in shape, color and material from which they are made:

  • all black amulets in the shape of such an animal are intended for people whose profession is related to mental work;
  • figurines made of ceramics, stone or wood are suitable for those who want to improve their memory;
  • a figurine of a bird with folded wings is most often placed in the bedroom to rekindle old feelings between husband and wife;
  • a wooden decoration with a pattern of an owl is recommended to be worn by those who want to improve themselves;
  • an amulet with a night huntress spreading her wings makes a person purposeful and persistent;
  • a feathered forest dweller with chicks is suitable for women who want to get pregnant;
  • An owl talisman with crystal eyes reflects any evil from the owner.

Owl talisman with stones as a talisman against evil.

Amulet against evil spirits

The mysterious bird of the night, the owl, has aroused fear and respect among people since ancient times. She was considered a symbol of the other world, mysteries and secrets.

In the countries of the Middle East, Egypt, America and Japan, the owl is considered a bird that brings death. On the European continent, this nocturnal bird is considered the patroness of sorcerers and hermits.

Modern traditions consider the owl to be a talisman against the evil forces of the other world. The large eyes of a bird with a mysterious glow give such a talisman special power - this speaks of the pure light of the soul, which drives away all evil spirits.

They believe that the night bird develops intuition and allows one to guess the bad intentions of another person and the motives of his actions. The owner of such a talisman better understands his desires and habits (including negative ones). Such a talisman develops clairvoyance abilities and allows you to accurately sense untruths.

Shamans of the peoples of the north use the white owl in the treatment of human ailments. A figurine of a night bird made of oak wood in these parts is considered a talisman against all sorts of ailments. She gives strength to everyone who touches her at least once a day.

How to choose depending on your zodiac sign

The effect of the talisman depends on the zodiac sign of the owner:

  1. An amulet with a real owl feather will suit Gemini. The artifact will protect a person from lies and bad thoughts from colleagues.
  2. Cancers need a magical object with the image of such a bird in order to maintain harmony in the house and not quarrel with loved ones over trifles.
  3. Leos can wear owl jewelry to soften their character and become wiser.
  4. For Virgo, a painting with a feathered huntress will help her become calmer and bring comfort to her home.
  5. To move up the career ladder, Libra will need a figurine of a night predator made of crystal.
  6. The owl gives Scorpios strength and makes them reasonable.
  7. This bird helps Sagittarius achieve what they want, makes a person more purposeful, and eliminates inconstancy.
  8. For Aquarius, a talisman in the form of an owl should be placed above the entrance to a house or apartment, then love will come into their life faster.
  9. For fish, the right choice would be a pendant with an image of an owl spreading its wings - such a talisman will help you gain self-confidence.
  10. Aries needs to choose a calmer image: a bird in a calm, relaxed pose. Such an amulet will bring good luck to men, and will make girls more feminine.
  11. Taurus should give preference to pendants where the feathered predator looks proud: such an artifact will make its owner courageous and help achieve his goals.

Stuffed owl in the house

Some experts insist that the feathered figurine should be made of natural material. Wood, clay and stone can enhance its beneficial effects. In modern interiors, you can increasingly see not only figurines and figurines of birds, but also a stuffed owl in the house.

According to the beliefs of the Indians of North America, the appearance of such a bird in the house foreshadows imminent death or a natural disaster. The predator can bring good luck only to sorcerers.

However, psychics and astrologers say the opposite, that having a stuffed owl in the house is a good omen. It is necessary to place it near the front door, in the corridor. People with bad intentions do not stay in the apartment for long, hurrying to leave.

It is important to remember that various figures and figurines are not just things, but objects that carry a certain charge of energy. In order for luck not to pass by, it is necessary not only to give them a place among us, but also to believe in them.

DIY methods

The easiest way is to make a painting with your own hands depicting an owl. It is not necessary to do it in photorealism: simpler styles will do. Even a sketch can have magical properties if such an artifact is activated correctly.

Another way to make an owl talisman is to carve an amulet from wood.

Any breed will do, but it is easiest to work with:

  • oak;
  • cedar;
  • linden;
  • alder;
  • birch.

Amulets made of wood.

Owl is a symbol of intelligence

It is believed that such animals see well only at night, while during the day they are practically blind.

Owl is a symbol of intelligence:

  • This does not apply to the owl at all, since during the day its vision is much better than that of a person.
  • However, thanks to its echolocation abilities and ability to pick up the quietest sounds, the owl hunts best at night.
  • At night there are fewer extraneous sounds and noise that can lead the animal astray. These features made it a symbol of intelligence.

Rules for wearing a talisman

If you want to improve your financial situation, you need to place a figurine in the form of a night predator in the southeast. This direction in Feng Shui is responsible for the material part of life. In this case, the figure should be well lit.

An amulet or brooch can be worn on any clothing made from natural fabrics. There is no need to hide the talisman: it cannot be jinxed, because the owl reflects all evil words.

Activation and charging

In Feng Shui, magical items do not require special rituals to be activated and charged. It is enough to hold the artifact in your hands for 5-10 minutes so that it absorbs some of your energy. After this, the talisman will begin to work.

Owl as protection

This amulet protects household members from dark forces and negative energy flows. The standard talisman for protection is the image of an eagle owl. It scares away evil spirits and unfavorable people visiting the house.

I would recommend monitoring your behavior and relationships between loved ones near the figurine, since the owl has the ability to accumulate the entire aura around itself, and then share it with others. Therefore, avoid quarrels and conflicts in her presence, so that no trouble will affect your future life.

For a protective effect, I prefer gold and silver figurine materials.

Removal of troubles

In medieval books about magic, the tawny owl and the eagle owl were often mentioned as protectors from bad events.
There are legends where there are magical guardian owls who never sleep, protecting ordinary people from black magicians. A person can find protection in such a bird when he is tormented by forebodings. In this case, at sunset you need to look in the direction where the sun is hiding, and, clutching a clay figurine of an owl or a real owl feather in your hand, ask for protection from harm.

You can formulate this in your own words, the main thing is to put in sincere feelings.


High technology has long refuted many superstitions, but people still continue to believe in the supernatural properties of some objects. He returns to his roots. It is unlikely that you will be able to create a cult and worship any deity, but everyone can believe in their talisman. A small figurine on the table will attract success and protect its owner from negativity and evil.

If there is a need for additional aggressiveness due to natural modesty, then pay attention to the meaning of the shark tooth or bear claw amulet. Just be careful - these are very powerful talismans.

We suggest you read: Is it possible to install a mirror opposite the front door?

Is the owl a symbol of what in Feng Shui?

Today, the owl has lost some symbolism, but is still considered a symbol of female cunning, which will build a strong family. Some experts believe that the owl should be made of natural wood or material. It could be clay or stone.

Owl is a symbol of what according to Feng Shui:

  • The figurine of an owl receives a lot of attention in Feng Shui philosophy. It is believed that, along with a toad, such a figurine will help make you more successful in business and improve your financial situation.
  • Usually the predator is placed next to the toad, which is holding coins. It is best to plant a bird on a money tree so that income is higher than expenses. Our ancestors believed that it was the owl that guarded treasures that were hidden.
  • It is the figure of this bird that promises insight, as well as a good perception of small details that will allow you to enrich yourself. It is necessary to pay a lot of attention to the color of the owl. If it is white or golden, then such a figurine will help preserve the family hearth, as well as improve the relationship between spouses. For this purpose, the figurine is placed in the kitchen or bedroom, where family members most often gather.

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Often such jewelry is recommended to be purchased by esotericists after the evil eye and damage have been removed from a person. This is an excellent protection that allows a person to be wiser, and make the right decisions, choose good people for friendship and cooperation.

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