What does the elephant symbol mean in different senses?

Feng Shui talismans are magnets of well-being that reflect your aspirations at a given time. One type of such talismans are classic talismans. Most often they are expressed in the form of figurines of Gods, animal figurines, coins, vases, candles or bells. They are effective because they have been used for thousands of years. The main thing is to purchase a talisman that you like and position it correctly.

So, what does an elephant mean in Feng Shui? Nowadays, elephant figurines are most often used as a decorative element. But they still remain an ancient Feng Shui talisman. Elephants bring positive chi energy into everyone's life, which symbolizes sustainable living and understanding. This figurine will help wasteful people not to waste money needlessly.

To protect your office or home from all kinds of attacks, it is best to buy elephant figurines and place them at the entrance with their heads facing those entering.

If you want to wish someone prosperity and strength, peace, fidelity and tranquility in the house, then it is best to buy a figurine of an elephant as a gift, because its presence in the house eliminates problems and conflicts, brings communication and understanding.

When you buy an elephant figurine, it is very important to pay attention to its trunk. It can be curved down or pointing up.

Types of elephant figurines

The teachings of Feng Shui advocate the presence of two figurines of different elephants in the house at the same time. One will serve as a magnet for positive energy, the second as a barrier protecting the home from evil and stupid thoughts.

Elephant with trunk raised

If a person wants to bring material wealth into his life and learn how to rationally distribute financial resources, then a figurine of an elephant raising its trunk to the sky is a suitable option. His powers will help you gain a clear mind and reasonable thoughts, especially in financial matters. If there is harmony and prosperity in the house, you can put a figurine of an elephant with its trunk facing the room. This way it will retain positive energy inside the home, preventing it from slipping out.

A figurine of an elephant with its trunk raised will cleverly bring consistency to property matters. And also this figure will become an assistant and protector from troubles in work situations. In order to gain the support of higher powers, you need to install a figurine of a small elephant or place a landscape with an image of an animal behind your back.

In ancient times, the raised trunk of an elephant meant the presence of fortitude. The roar emitted by the trunk announced the victory cry, thereby personifying the trait of the winner, and symbolized power.

Elephant with trunk down

An elephant with its trunk down, according to popular belief, protects women and gives them the powers of motherhood. That is why women who are desperate to give birth or conceive a child are recommended to use the energy of an elephant figurine with a lowered trunk. For such cases, it is recommended to purchase a figurine of a mother elephant with several cubs. It should be located in the southeast, in the area of ​​luxury and prosperity.

The opinions of people who practice Feng Shui are divided into supporters of the positive power of the figurine and those who consider its influence ill-fated. Therefore, you can maintain neutrality and buy a figure of an elephant with a baby elephant.

A figurine of an elephant, symbolizing wisdom and stability, can be a beautiful and symbolic gift for any celebration.

How to activate?

The elephant is a fairly strong symbol that does not require additional activation. However, if you want to have a “precious elephant” in your home, you can place a basket of jewelry on its back or hang beads around its neck. You can also place it on a pile of coins or a red napkin.

To quickly fulfill your wishes, you can talk to the elephant, without forgetting to stroke it. But the number of elephants installed in the house plays a certain role:

  • 1 elephant . Set in the happy direction of the head of the family. Symbolizes stability of wealth and prosperity.
  • 2 elephants . Installed in the bedroom. Strengthens the relationship between spouses.
  • 3 elephants – 2 elephants and a baby elephant or 2 elephants and a kneeling elephant. Contribute to the appearance of a child in the family. Installed near the bed.

It is not recommended to place more figures in a living room. The only exception: 7 elephants - symbolizes the harmony of all aspects of life:

  1. health;
  2. longevity;
  3. Love;
  4. luck;
  5. happiness;
  6. wealth;
  7. relationships with loved ones.

They are installed in the sector whose activation is required at the moment.

Important! Do not store figurines that have scratches, cracks or chips in the house. Such symbols promise poverty and failure.

If an elephant “lives” in the house, good luck and prosperity will never leave it. By following simple rules, a figurine of a mighty animal will help your family find the desired happiness and prosperity.

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Feng Shui meaning of seven elephants

In the teachings of Feng Shui, numbers are given great importance. Regarding the number of elephants in the house, seven or three are considered auspicious. According to numerology, seven is a number with favorable energy. The number seven represents pure perfection. Therefore, when placing a figurine of seven elephants in your home, expect seven times more positive energy to flow into your hearth.

Having pleased a dear person with such a souvenir, you can point out his valuable qualities and show respect for his person. Seven elephants have a special impact on the owner, with their help the luxury sector is revitalized. According to Feng Shui, this means an endless stream of financial luck. Life will be filled with passion and harmony.

The seven elephants are also known to be used as a center for attracting an auspicious star, known as the Flying Star. It will bring peace and harmony to all areas of a person’s life. The number seven will work to complete all the things you have started.

Where is the best place to place an elephant figurine?

The place where to place it must be selected carefully, since the strength and intensity of the impact of its energy depends on this.

Some best options:

  1. Windowsill. If it seems that luck has run out and you need to return it, you need to place the figurine on the windowsill, placing its trunk towards the window. With this arrangement, the elephant will be like a conductor between the outside world and internal energy. It will take living energy from the outside and give it to the owner. Having felt the stabilization of your affairs, you need to consolidate the result by turning the souvenir elephant in the opposite direction - with its trunk towards you.
  2. Opposite the front door. In this place there are two elephants. They are used as guards, so they can keep an eye on everyone who enters and weaken bad thoughts. This is especially useful if there are enemies whose presence is a burden. This way you can preserve a favorable state for a long time.
  3. Near sharp corners. Every home has sharp corners that carry negative energy. To reduce the impact on household members, you need to place a figurine in the opposite direction from each corner. Thus, there will be a decrease in the number of quarrels and troubles in the family.
  4. By the bed. A figurine near the bed or on a shelf in the bedroom will give strong family ties. You will instantly feel the onset of balance and harmony in your life together.
  5. At work. Placing your favorite elephant figurine in the work area will help increase your productivity and give you confidence in the future. Soon success will come and every step will be appreciated by your superiors.
  6. Children's room. An elephant figurine will personify the strength contained in this animal and will add perseverance in studies and all endeavors.
  7. Dark places. If you want to achieve prosperity and ensure the well-being of your household, leave the figurine in dark places in your opinion. In this form, the figurine will serve as a guiding ray of light and will ward off dark forces.

Recommendations for placing the figurine depending on the cardinal directions:

  1. Southeast. This direction is responsible for the financial and material well-being of the inhabitants of the house. If you need to improve it, use your compass to determine the southeast side and place the elephant there.
  2. Northwest. If you need to support the head of the family in solving problems, or to make such a patron appear, install the figurine in the northwest direction of the apartment.
  3. East. Health is the main aspect for family happiness. You can ensure good health for your loved ones, as well as the absence of illnesses, with the help of a figurine in the eastern side of the house.

To maintain love and peace in the house, it is recommended to leave the elephant figurine on the windowsill, with its trunk towards the starry sky. They say that admiring the falling stars will feed on their beneficial energy.

How to activate the elephant figurine

Possible implementation options:

  1. Hang decorations on the elephant's neck. Both jewelry and costume jewelry are suitable. Elephants are accustomed to living in luxury and, as a sign of gratitude, will take upon themselves the patronage of their owner.
  2. Place a beautiful, brightly colored napkin or felt stand under the figurine’s feet. For a greater spiritual connection with the amulet, create the product yourself. The sewn napkin will absorb the energy of the owner, which will connect with the magic of the elephant and will work with redoubled force.
  3. Carry on a conversation with the figure. Sharing experiences means trusting. It is also worth asking for a figurine to fulfill your wish. This method will immediately convey the request to higher powers.

What do popular types of talisman symbolize: the meaning of different compositions

There are many types of figurines themselves. Let's look at which one is right for you and what they mean.

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White albino

It stands to protect the house from the flow of negative energy. And it will definitely protect the family from various troubles.

Mother elephant with baby

This figurine simply needs to be placed on a young family if they want to have their own baby. Then motherhood is guaranteed. And if there are already children, then the elephant will protect them, just like her calf.

Three animals together

Three principles unite: earth, sky and man. Live as one.

Composition of seven figures

But a composition of seven elephants will ensure good luck in everything. If you place the figures of seven elephants, then you are guaranteed harmony in all areas of life (longevity, luck, love, good health, immense happiness, wealth and mutual understanding).

On coins

Well, here it is clear that it will increase material well-being and bring true wealth.

Important: if you put an ivory figurine of an elephant in the house, it will bring trouble to the owners. The figurine itself will only draw negative energy into the house. And there is no need to say why he acts this way.

With a hanging trunk

There are two opinions about this energy of this figure. Some believe that such a figure promises happy motherhood. According to another interpretation, she will only bring despondency and bad mood into the house.

The meaning of the elephant amulet

In the cultures of many countries around the world, jewelry and body designs with the image of an elephant are common. Moreover, the fashion for the image of this animal has not gone away for many centuries.

Amulets are found in the form of various decorations that have a specific meaning, for example:

  1. A ring with an elephant endows its owner with strength, prudence and wisdom, and jewelry with its hair promises victory in amorous affairs.
  2. A bracelet with the heads of two elephants will provide a woman with attention from representatives of the stronger half of humanity.
  3. A pendant or pendant with an elephant will heal emotional wounds and bring happiness.

In the culture of Asian and African countries, tattooing with an image of an elephant is common. It suits people with a strong and strong-willed character, making them even stronger and more self-confident. The elephant is such a powerful symbol that it can charge and harmonize space from any direction and in any manifestation.

The meaning of the elephant figurine: what does it mean as a symbol?

The elephant has always been considered one of the main symbols according to the teachings of Feng Shui. It is not for nothing that in some countries it is considered a sacred animal. So a talisman in the form of an elephant will bring many positive qualities, namely:

  • wisdom;
  • kindness;
  • stability;
  • longevity.

And most importantly, the figure of an elephant itself attracts good luck to the home; this can be compared to the way an elephant drinks water through its trunk. It draws it in with such force that the house will simply be filled with luck. Even a little elephant will “work” and bring love, trust and warmth of soul into the house. Moreover, there will be an influx of Qi energy, i.e. positive energy.

Owners in whose homes there is a talisman in the form of an elephant will also spend their savings more moderately; the elephant will keep them from thoughtless and large waste. Much depends on the position of the figurine’s trunk. If it is raised up, it means there is wealth. And if he looks down, then this means motherhood.

The elephant itself is a powerful animal, it stands confidently on its strong legs, like pillars, and the same stability in relationships and business will be observed in the house. You, like an elephant, will stand firm through life.

Photo gallery

Chinese elephant figurine

Souvenir elephant from India

African war elephant figurine

Figurine from Thailand

Multiple meanings

The elephant amulet has many different meanings, because this creature has a lot of positive qualities. For this reason, it is considered a universal magic item that can be used for different purposes.

In most cases, its meaning depends on what a person wants to receive. For example, such a talisman protects the owner from illnesses and promotes longevity. But do not forget that one of the qualities is moderation, so you should not expect quick results from the amulet.

The figurine is suitable for people who want to get rich. Urges the owner to take only deliberate actions and not waste money. Often this animal can be seen in heraldry, as it personifies wisdom and prudence, as well as friendliness and perseverance in achieving goals.

What is the significance of the amulet?

Universal qualities are attributed to this talisman in all cultures and religions. The elephant helps solve the most difficult problems and life situations. The animal is a symbol of longevity and health; it is he who is asked to save the life of not only the owner of the amulet, but also his loved ones.

It is strictly not recommended to hang jewelry on an elephant's trunk or use it as a stand. The energy flow of the Universe passes through the animal’s trunk, and its use for other purposes can “offend” the animal.

  • The elephant promotes the development of analytical skills. They will not only improve the financial situation, but will also help to use existing resources more efficiently.
  • An elephant with a calf is a symbol of childbirth and fertility and will help a married couple conceive a long-awaited child.

Reference. His friendly attitude, inner strength and constant desire to reach new heights make him a “welcome guest” on many coats of arms and banners.

Raw materials for creating a talisman

An important question will be about the material from which the elephant amulet is made. It can be made from any raw material:

  • wood;
  • ceramics;
  • rubber;
  • paper and so on.

The exception is ivory. A talisman made from it will only bring misfortune instead of luck.

Even soft toys and photographs bring results. You can even create an elephant with your own hands from a piece of cloth. The power lies in the symbol itself, not in the material from which it is made.

But it is worth remembering that a large number of images and figures will bring disharmony to the Universe. And aesthetically it will not look attractive.

To obtain the greatest effectiveness from the power of an elephant, be sure to check whether this animal talisman is suitable for your zodiac sign.

Great gift

Choosing a gift is not an easy task. When presenting a gift to a relative, friend or acquaintance, you want to please the person. At the same time, it is important that the gift has useful properties: if not practical, then spiritual. In this regard, an elephant figurine is well suited - it will bring happiness and goodness to the life of a person and his family.

However, depending on the material from which the thing is made, the figurine can have different meanings:

  • If the figurine is presented to a female leader, you should choose a silver elephant. A leadership position implies responsibility for the work of subordinates, the ability to quickly make thoughtful and winning decisions. In order to help a woman cope with these tasks easily and naturally, you can give her a figurine of an elephant made of silver;
  • An animal figurine carved from the semi-precious malachite stone is suitable as a gift for people planning a transition to a new stage in life. Whether it's moving, changing jobs or starting your own business. Often a person lacks the determination to change something. The malachite elephant will help you acquire it;

  • An animal figurine made of white marble will be a good gift for an impulsive person with a quick temper. Such a gift will help you not to take over your emotions in situations where this is inappropriate. In addition, an elephant made of white marble will help make it easier for a person to cope with difficulties and adversities;
  • A figurine of a powerful beast made of crystal can be presented to someone who needs protection and support. The fragile thing has great spiritual power - it will take away all adversity from a person;
  • An elephant figurine made of gold or other yellow metal can be given to an athlete. It is believed that such a gift will help him achieve heights in his professional field;
  • An elephant figurine made of amber is suitable for a person prone to jealousy. The gift will help him get rid of the gnawing feeling that is destroying a relationship or marriage.

Having examined the meaning of the symbolism of the elephant in different cultures of the world and learned about the amazing magical properties of the animal figurine, you can see that the attitude towards the majestic mammal in many countries is extremely positive. Human respect for the elephant dates back to time immemorial.

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