Feng Shui animal clocks (Monkey, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Rooster, Goat and others)

Everyone knows that according to Eastern tradition, every year has its own patron animal. But few people know that there is a guardian animal for every hour. Meanwhile, this is very useful information for people who like to plan everything in advance. After all, the “character” of a time period is associated with the habits of its beast. For example, the hour of the Monkey is rich in surprises, the time of the Pig according to Feng Shui makes a person irritable, and the Dog helps to study.

How are biorhythms and patron animals connected?

In fact, there is no mysticism in dividing the time of day according to patron animals. The human body obeys biorhythms. In the East, much attention was paid to their study, although the term itself appeared much later. The ancients found their definitions for the phenomena, simple and understandable even for uneducated peasants.

It was noticed that at certain periods of the day people are possessed by the same desires, quite clearly expressed. Followers of the teachings of Feng Shui found for each such time period the corresponding types in the animal world, real and mythical.

For simplicity, we took the same animals that patronize the Chinese horoscope - there are twelve of them. Accordingly, the day is divided into a dozen equal intervals of 120 minutes: animal hours in Feng Shui philosophy last twice as long as usual.

Rat (23.00-01.00)

The countdown of the day in Feng Shui begins not at midnight, but at eleven at night. If someone has not fallen asleep before this time, it is better not to try now: sleep will be restless. But it's not easy to stay awake either. The behavior and desires of a person are completely consistent with that of a rat. People are overcome by fussiness, anxiety, and also the main enemy of the figure - night hunger. It’s hard to fight the desire to sneak into the kitchen for something tasty.

The best way to spend the sleepless minutes of this period is on painstaking work that does not require much physical effort. For example, embroidery, knitting. You can clean up your closet or desk drawers: The Rat loves when everything is put in its place.

Bull (01.00-03.00)

The deepest sleep comes during this period of the day. But for night owls this period is also good if they are engaged in mental work. Inspiration visits writers, composers, artists. The Ox is calm, balanced, but at the same time goes towards the intended goal, not noticing obstacles.

However, early risers, even creative ones, should not experiment with the body and set an alarm clock. Their work will be much more effective if the “larks” get a good night’s sleep.

Tiger (03.00-05.00)

Last chance to sleep off for night owls. Meditation and quiet, calm music will help you go to the kingdom of Morpheus. A person simply needs sleep during the “tiger” period of the day, because his brain is now sorting out the information received during the day. The sleeper has vivid, fascinating dreams that he will remember.

And the Tiger is a hunter. Therefore, those “larks” who are accustomed to starting their day before dawn, under his auspices, work more efficiently and earn better than others.

Cat, Rabbit (05.00-07.00)

In the eastern horoscope, the Cat and the Rabbit replace each other, sharing protection over the same year and period of day. This duality is especially noticeable in the morning. Some people just want to pamper themselves like a cat without getting out from under a cozy blanket. Others believe that the best way to start the day is quick sex without much frills and a healthy breakfast of something light, like vegetables and fruits.

People are often irritable in the morning. There is no need to blame yourself for your bad character: this is natural; the hormones accumulated overnight make themselves felt. But you should be more careful in your communication and not lash out at your loved ones and work colleagues over little things.

Dragon (07.00-09.00)

Fortune favors the brave and active. It's time to storm your studies, work - everything will be within your reach if the hands show the hour of the Dragon according to Feng Shui. An excellent period of the day to learn new things, argue, get acquainted, communicate - in general, for everything that requires activity and self-confidence.

But for night owls who spent the night at work, sleeping under the auspices of the Dragon is real torment. Well, nightmares are the price to pay for staying awake at night in the company of the Bull.

Snake (09.00-11.00)

The Wise Snake is the patroness of those who obtain knowledge. Those who are engaged in mental work will also perform well in this period. Intuition works well, so you can make risky decisions if your inner feeling tells you that they are correct.

The Snake is especially favorable to representatives of the elements of Water and Air. “Fire” people should be more careful when making decisions, and “earth” people should beware of conflict situations.

Horse (11.00-13.00)

The Hour of the Horse according to Feng Shui is a very suitable time for physical activity. It doesn’t matter whether it’s unloading trains or pumping iron in the gym - everything will be beneficial.

But what this period is absolutely not suitable for is to sort things out. The horse does not like scandals.

Goat (13.00-15.00)

If possible, you should structure your schedule so that the hour of the Goat falls on rest. The goat is not lazy, but it is very sociable. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the Goat period will be spent chatting with colleagues. By the way, this property of this interval has long been noticed. Therefore, lunch breaks to please the Goat are usually scheduled for this period.

Only those whose work involves communication can work effectively under the auspices of the Goat: call center employees, consultants, journalists, etc.

Monkey (15.00-17.00)

Problems and surprises often make themselves felt at the hour of the Monkey according to Feng Shui. The monkey is full of surprises, and not all of them are pleasant. Jokes Monkeys are often angry. Therefore, followers of the teachings of Feng Shui recommend that everyone be careful when the tailed minx Monkey comes into its own.

On the other hand, those people who are accustomed to acting with cunning and deception achieve success precisely under the auspices of the Monkey.

Rooster (17.00-19.00)

The hour of the Rooster should be devoted to communication with the family, especially children. Be a “mother hen” in your family nest, show concern.

In addition, the Cockerel is a bright and noisy bird. He likes holidays and parties. You can also go shopping under his auspices - they will be successful.

Dog (19.00-21.00)

The Active Dog manages to do everything everywhere; its range of hobbies is very diverse. The dog likes activity, so its period can be devoted to sports, dancing, jogging, and cycling. The dog is sociable - that means it’s time for a party, a visit. The dog is devoted - you can spend this period at home, with your family, or in a warm circle of friends. In addition, the Dog is smart. Information under the auspices of the Dog is perfectly absorbed.

Boar (21.00-23.00)

The strong, decisive, but overly aggressive and touchy Pig closes the daily cycle according to Feng Shui. Most quarrels, fights, and crimes occur under his auspices. For all those who value peace, it is better to spend this period alone, devoting it to peaceful activities: listening to music, watching a movie.

But there are activities for which the Pig’s patronage is very well suited. It's all about risk, adrenaline, challenge, competition and aggression. For example, competitive sports like boxing or auto racing.

If you were born between 5:00 and 7:00

You are ruled by Mars. It should be noted that birth exactly at sunrise is a special sign of heaven. Your isolation and exclusivity are so great that when you enter the room, everyone present drops their business and interlocutors and looks only at you. And it depends only on you what they see.

All others born between 5:00 and 7:00 also have a strong personality and vitality. You are the favorite and pride of the whole family. You are highly valued in any society, without you it is boring. Any, even the most ordinary event in your life, looks like a novel. Therefore, often you need not so much a full partner as just a listener. But you will find true happiness only by finding your soul mate. Although at first he will have a hard time, because you need to be tamed, just like in the movie “The Taming of the Shrew.” But then you admit to yourself that this is exactly what you have been waiting for all your life. Next to you there should be a worthy, strong and strong-willed person whom you would respect. It is difficult for you to limit yourself to home and family, and you will definitely make a career in your chosen field. The worst thing for you is disappointment and loss of faith in yourself and your strength. In general, a lot in your destiny depends on yourself and, no matter what trials befall you, you will always have enough strength to overcome any problem in life.

"Like a cat and a dog"

Of considerable importance is how the patron animals interact with each other according to Feng Shui. Among them there are antagonists, that is, those who will try with all their might to harm each other. Here are all these pairs:

  • Rat - Horse;
  • Ox - Goat;
  • Tiger - Monkey;
  • Rabbit - Rooster;
  • Dragon - Dog;
  • Snake - Pig.

This means that, for example, on the day of the Goat it is better to moderate activity during the period of the day under the auspices of the Ox, and vice versa, on the day of the Ox the minutes of the Goat are unfavorable.

If you were born between 1:00 and 3:00

You are under the protection of Mercury. Children's portraits of people like you usually hang on the honor board at school. You almost certainly have a gold/silver medal at the end of school and a red diploma reminds you of the institute. In any case, your teachers will never forget you, because during lectures and lessons you loved to sit at the first desk and ask smart questions. When your class meets many years later, after graduation, it will be you who will call all your former classmates and organize a meeting. You look younger than your age and like to be around young and active people. For your relatives, you are an absolutely irreplaceable person. Cousins, siblings, aunts and uncles gather at your place at regular intervals, unaware that you are the one bringing them together. Neighbors sometimes confuse your house with theirs. This may not always be a good thing, but if you need help, the whole house will help solve problems. You can be fickle and changeable, so it is advisable to decide on career issues before the age of 35. Since you love change, make sure your work involves travel and communication. The job of a manager, journalist, or any intellectual job is suitable for you. In love, you are a great experimenter, but usually too many people know about your feelings. Agree, it’s unpleasant when going on a date to listen to advice from all sides on what to wear and how to behave, and upon returning to be subjected to a formal interrogation about how it all went. If you think about it, the culprit is your excessive openness and spontaneity; you are ready to share your thoughts with everyone, and as a result, your acquaintances find themselves privy to all the details of your private life. Your chosen one may not like this, so for the sake of peace in the family, from time to time you will have to limit your ebullient sociability.

The secret to effective planning

The secret of success is that each lesson corresponds to the time period that is optimally suitable for it according to Feng Shui.

Any person periodically faces the fact that some work, which he previously could easily cope with, suddenly stops and does not proceed, no matter how much effort is put in. And the reason is just the wrong time of day for him.

The proverb says: “There is a time for everything.” And indeed it is. There is an ideal time for any kind of activity or work, from eating to magical practices. You just shouldn’t plan risky things during the hour of the Monkey in Feng Shui, but sort things out during the hour of the Horse.

If you were born between 9:00 and 11:00

Your patron is Uranus. You are pleasant and friendly. You may not make a lasting and stunning first impression, but once people spend time with you, they will be captivated by your warmth and understanding. You have many friends, you are the life of the party. To feel free and comfortable, you need the company of good and pleasant people, where all your best sides are revealed. Friendship is sacred to you. You strictly observe all written and unwritten laws adopted in your “circle” and immediately call to order those of “yours” who violated them. The position obliges you, you are an informal leader. You also don’t like everything ostentatious, any work “for the public.” I must say that your demeanor is so friendly and open that members of the opposite sex often mistake it for something more. You yourself often confuse friendship with love, completely unintentionally misleading those around you. Your feelings change from “Let's stay friends” to “Let's start all over again,” and both are completely sincere. Only a true and devoted friend, who, in fact, will become your husband (wife), can withstand this. And most likely, in any case, you prefer to hear only the truth, whatever it may be. Most likely, at work, you are universally loved; your bosses are partly afraid of you and respect you, because they know about the power of your influence among your colleagues. You rarely come into direct conflict with your bosses, since by nature you are unambitious.

If you were born between 11:00 and 13:00

You are ruled by Saturn. Let us especially note the birth at exactly noon. When they see you, everyone involuntarily “gets together” internally; they want to straighten their clothes, smooth their hair and watch their speech and manners. The most unbridled hooligan will not say a word to you and will quietly retreat to a corner - so great is the unconscious power of your authority. You are given unlimited opportunities for career advancement.

All others born during this period are also successful in their careers. For years you can assure all your relatives and friends that you don’t need this career and responsibility for other people at all, that it’s just a headache, but you yourself won’t live a day without this headache. If you suddenly get sick, call your work ten times to find out how you are doing and check everything. You are an ideal manager; you adequately carry out the orders of your superiors and do not allow your subordinates to relax. Of course, ups and downs are possible in your career, it can be postponed for a certain period of time, after all, no one is immune from failures. But fate will inevitably take you to the top, so you cannot avoid the boss’s chair. From the outside it may seem that your personal life is as uneventful as that of the unfortunate bossy aunt from “Office Romance.” In fact, this is not true at all. Of course, your career comes first, but no one has canceled your personal life. You will get along well with a person who shares your ambitious plans, this could be your boss or co-worker. Or vice versa, a person who will wait for you at home and provide rear support may suit you. In any case, you will be distinguished by constancy and attentiveness to your spouse and his problems.

Making wishes for the New Year

During the New Year and Christmas holidays, we make wishes, make plans for the year, let's try to involve the help of the Qi Men Spirits in this magical process. Spirits in Qi Men are not Deities in our understanding, they are the strongest energy in a particular scenario, which is endowed with wonderful magical powers, and it will help you get what you want, you just need to ask correctly) So, on the indicated dates you can sit with your back to the desired direction (you can be anywhere, as long as your back is to the indicated sector) focus on your desires and turn to higher powers for help in fulfilling them. It’s good to write down your wish on paper, feel it, and at the end, of course, thank you!

  • January 7, hour of the Dragon or Monkey, back to the north
  • January 8, hour of the Late Rat , back to the north
  • January 9, Hour of the Dog, back to the north
  • January 10, hour of the Monkey , back to the north

Health in January

Nature is an eternal balance of components favorable and unfavorable for our health. Favorable ones bring health and harmony, unfavorable ones bring spontaneity and illness. Which half of nature will fill the void in our body? If we don’t make this choice ourselves, nature will make it for us. And, as a rule, she chooses the weakest, most vulnerable places. Our body is a delicate self-adjusting structure, but it requires that it be monitored and come to its aid in a timely and professional manner. Then the self-tuning mechanism works smoothly and, most importantly, for as long as possible.

In winter, the human body, like all of nature, “closes down”, and many life processes in it slow down. The cold season places certain demands on our behavior, lifestyle, and nutrition. We need energy to stay warm and protect ourselves from the cold; We feel the need for foods high in yang, fatty high-calorie foods, hot food and drink. Since January is the month of the earth, processes slow down even more, this often leads to digestive problems, so play sports, spend more time outdoors, switch to a gentle diet after holiday feasts. The earth period promotes weight gain, so be sure to combine feasts with physical activity! Go to the bathhouse or sauna to add the element of Fire, of course, if there are no contraindications!

In the off-season, a large load is placed on the spleen and pancreas, do not put additional stress on it. The spleen and stomach make their needs clear: a person develops a craving for sweets. Therefore, in the off-season, sweet taste is useful , which activates the spleen, stomach and pancreas. Sweet tastes are not foods with sugar, but mostly most grains, legumes, starchy vegetables and meats, eaten naturally but cooked. It is good to eat beef, nuts (a little of them, in the first half of the day and it is better to soak them overnight), honey, millet porridge with pumpkin.

In order not to harm the kidneys, which are afraid of the cold, in winter, Chinese doctors advise keeping the entire lower part of the body warm, especially the lower back, knees and feet. It is useful to do lymphatic drainage massage with a dry brush, or similar to lymphatic drainage massage (if there are no contraindications).

At this time of year, it is useful to use pickles stored in the summer for food, and cook pickle more often - this food gives energy to the kidneys. Among sour foods, sauerkraut is especially useful. In addition, in cold times there is a need to maintain the yang of the heart with bitter taste. Pu-erh are suitable for this , which, unlike green tea, have warming properties.

After the New Year holidays, doctors often note a surge in inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract . The fact is that overeating, an abundance of spicy, smoked, fatty foods, and even coupled with alcohol, does not have the best effect on the condition of the stomach. Because of this, the so-called “ heat in the stomach meridian ” syndrome often develops. And as soon as you get even a little hypothermic against this background, a banal infection will immediately bloom in full bloom in the throat or paranasal sinuses. Therefore, it is advisable to dress warmly in cold weather, to be moderate in food preferences and emotions, and then we will find in our physical body an ally, and not a hindrance to our aspirations and plans.

Make sure your bed is not placed in the south, southeast, or east this month. There are stars that can contribute to the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

You have an error.

From time to time we receive letters with the following content: “Your calculator calculated my card incorrectly!”, “On another calculator I have a different hour of birth!”, “Why does the hour of the Dragon not start at 7 am, yours is wrong!”, “They write me as a Dog, and I am a Pig”, “In my city it’s +4, but the calculator gives +3, this is wrong!” and so on.

Let's figure it out, are these errors or not?

Wrong year of birth?

This question is often asked by those born in January and early February. In Bazi, most Masters use a solar calendar, in which the beginning of the year ALWAYS falls on February 3-4. This means that everyone born BEFORE this date belongs to the animal of the previous year.

For example: 2021 was the year of the Pig, and 2021 is the year of the Rat. And everyone who was born in January 2021, as well as February 1–3, 2021, received a Pig in their bazi card in the year of birth. But after February 4 (the exact time can be found in the Chinese calendar), little Rats (Mice) began to be born.

Why do they think this is a mistake? Because on the Internet they often write about the beginning of the year according to the lunar calendar (the official new year in China); This date is floating, and most often falls in the interval from mid-January to mid-February. But we don’t use it to calculate Bazi!

If you are more experienced in Bazi and are looking for your date in a printed calendar, it is also easy to confuse the beginning of the month according to the lunar and solar calendars, especially since the Chinese calendar is lunisolar, that is, the column of the month most often begins with the first lunar day, and the solar beginning The month may even end up in a different column. You need to learn how to use a classic calendar, or take an adapted, solar-lunar one.

Wrong time of birth? Or In another calculator - another hour of birth!

Here we need to go a little deeper, the options for such discrepancies can be different:

  1. "China time" or local time?

If you read forums or books about the four pillars of fate, you have probably seen the sign:

And, of course, focusing on it, you expect to see the hour of the Dragon in the chart if you were born from 7 to 9 am, or the Dog if you were born from 19 to 21. But not everything is so simple.

Now it is customary to recalculate time to local time, taking into account longitude (by the way, even progressive Chinese Masters are beginning to use such recalculation). Therefore, it may turn out that a person was born at 8 am, but the hour of birth is not the Dragon, but the Rabbit or the Snake. Pay attention to the city of birth.

And this is correct if local time is used. And we recommend using it to calculate Bazi. If your Master taught you otherwise, simply do not check the “Local Solar Time” checkbox.

For advanced users: some consultants use True Solar Time, which also takes into account the change in the Earth's rotation speed throughout the year. It is also sometimes believed that latitude needs to be taken into account when calculating the duration of two-hour clocks (“rubber” clocks, variable hour branches), but in this case quite a lot of questions arise, especially for cities located beyond the Arctic Circle. If there are enough people interested, we will also include these possibilities in the calculator.

2.Place of birth

You have seen how critical it is to choose a city when it comes to local solar time. Therefore, an incorrect birth hour may appear if the city is not selected.

3.Daylight saving time and other time adjustments

If you manually calculate the hour of birth, do not forget that from time to time in cities they moved the time, changed time zones, introduced and canceled daylight saving time. All these changes are saved in the amendment databases. And if it is now +3 in your city, it is quite possible that at the time of your birth it was +4 and may result in a different pillar of the hour. To avoid searching for these changes, we have UTC Auto which determines UTC automatically depending on the year, date and time.

4 . It is important what calculation systems are used by the calculators on which you check the hour. In our memory, there are cases when the hour on another calculator was displayed incorrectly because:

  • Only "Chinese time" was used, without adjustments
  • “Curve” correction bases were used, with errors. For example, the Google database does not always take into account the history of time zone changes
  • There were simply errors in the calculation algorithms
  • Calculations were with true solar time or variable hour branches - always check which system is set

You can learn more about time in our free video Time Amendments.

When the time of birth falls on a change of year, season (month), day or hour, then in this case it is recommended to consider both versions of the chart.

Wrong month of birth?

This happens if you were born on the border of months. Typically, Chinese months begin from the 3rd to the 8th - the specific time of the shift must be looked at on the calendar. And if you are lucky enough to be born on the exact day when one month changed to another, you need to very carefully check the hour of birth and place of birth.

For example, a person was born on June 6, 1986. This is the day the month changes. For St. Petersburg, according to local solar time, the month changes at 3.44 am (attention - for another city the hour may be different!) This means that if the birth time is before 3.44, the month will be Snakes, and later – Horses.

Favorable dates

January 13, 25. This is the most favorable and positive day. Suitable for any business from which a positive result is expected - engagement, wedding, opening a business, moving, construction, travel, starting treatment. Don't start litigation. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Rabbit. January 13 is a very energetic day, if you have an important thing planned, use it.

January 14, 26 . On this day it is good to receive something - reward, recognition. Suitable for asking for promotion and help. It's good to start studying, get married, start a new job. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Dragon. Try not to contact sick people these days, there is a high risk of infection.

January 15, 27. Good for opening a business, housewarming, receiving guests. You can start a new business or resume a business after a long break, get married or negotiate deals. You can accept a position and start studying. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Snake.

January 17, 29. Suitable for starting a new job or taking up a position, negotiations, visiting friends, commercial transactions and transactions. You can seek medical help, start traveling or studying. The days are suitable for valuable acquisitions, such as real estate. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Goat.

Unfavorable days: January 6, 10, 11, 16, 18, 22, 23, 28, February 3 - do not start important things on these days.

January 9 is the “day of loss”; all actions on this day will simply be a waste of time.

January 6, 7, 14, 22, 26, 31, February 3 - try not to contact people who are sick, do not visit them in the hospital, as there is a high risk of getting infected.

Days with the “ star of illness” - January 16, 28 . These days it is not recommended to visit a doctor or begin serious surgical treatment.

from January 30 to February 21 , so plan important things before it occurs.

In January , travel in the eastern and southeastern directions is undesirable.

For very important matters, be sure to use individual date selection,

for example, a personal calendar!

Elements of the signs of the eastern calendar

The eastern calendar assumes the presence of 5 elements, each element corresponds to certain colors. The elements change in the following order: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Thus, the cycle repeats itself completely after 60 years. You can determine your element and the element of a certain year by the last digit of the year:

  • “4” or “5” - Tree (color green).
  • “6” or “7” - Fire (color red).
  • “8” or “9” - Earth (color yellow).
  • “0” or “1” - Metal (white).
  • “2” or “3” - Water (color black).

Each of the elements slightly changes the animal representing the year, giving it a unique shade. For example, the Fire Goat is active, active, with creative abilities, differs from the Earth Goat - a reserved, dry realist, busy with earthly, practical matters.

You can use the eastern horoscope to improve mutual understanding with your family, loved ones and friends by identifying their signs and elements, and therefore understanding the deep essence and motives of actions. Animal signs will help determine the prospects of relationships between people (friendships, love or business).

Hour of the Snake


A period of active intellectual activity. Wisdom and insight will help solve pressing problems. During the hour of the Snake, Water signs should listen more to their sixth sense - their intuition at this time is sharper than ever. The Snake endows representatives of the element of Air with eloquence - they can safely plan to hold negotiations or speak in front of an audience at this time. Earth signs need to avoid conflict situations in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Signs of the fire element should not rush into making important decisions and should not rush into decisions.

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