Symbols of family happiness, prosperity and health

The Russian day of love, family and fidelity appeared relatively recently, and one of the reasons for its appearance was the desire to supplant St. Valentine's Day and replace it with a “more patriotic” holiday.
But it so happened that both of these peaceful and bright holidays fit perfectly into our everyday life. And the newlyweds are happy to get married both on February 14 and July 8. And the symbols of love at a wedding are also common and understandable to many, regardless of nationality, age, faith and country of residence. What kind of symbols are these, what do they mean, how did they appear and where did they come from? The most familiar symbols of love from an early age - hearts, which even now often decorate wedding halls - are they really so innocent? And do they really mean the heart? What does a family tree symbolize and where did it come from? Why are swans or doves considered birds of love? Read about this and much more below. We discuss in this article:

  • Family symbols in Russia: guessing by petal.
  • Symbols of family and fidelity in different countries.
  • Symbols of love at a wedding: how to decorate?


Currently, in our country, the sign of pure love is chamomile; in addition, it also signifies fidelity, tenderness and simplicity. Its white color represents purity, and its yellow center represents home. The petals seem to unite into one whole - into a strong family. This flower has become a symbol of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, celebrated in Russia since 2008. It reflects a pure and great feeling. It is recommended to keep bouquets of daisies at home in the summer, and in other seasons it would be nice to hang an ikebana at home consisting of at least 5 chamomile flowers.

Open palms are also a symbol of family, implying the unity of relatives and the warmth they give each other.

Amorous symbolism of various countries of the world

In addition to the above-mentioned cupids, hearts, flowers and cooing doves, there are also national love symbols. Let's talk about it in more detail.

  • Egypt. During the reign of the pharaohs, the Egyptian symbols of love were red roses, as well as precious minerals: rock crystal, turquoise and emeralds.
  • Residents of Ancient Rome considered diamond and sapphire stones to be an attribute of high feelings. These gems still represent deep feelings to this day. Therefore, they are used as talismans to harmonize their couple.
  • The Japanese and Chinese also have their own symbol of love - butterflies. Moreover, the image of one butterfly suggests that the young lady has recently fallen in love and has not yet had time to dazzle her lover with all her charms. The relationship is just developing. When depicting a pair of winged sorceresses, we can talk about mutual love. They act as a family amulet.
  • In China , in addition to butterflies, love is also associated with the tangerine tree. It is believed that sunny fruits will make relationships more passionate. A pair of mandarin ducks is traditionally presented as a gift to newlyweds as the personification of tenderness.
  • The French revere the royal lily in the love field. There is a special custom according to which the groom presents his bride with one lily every day.
  • The Scots came up with their own love symbol - this is the Lakenbutt brooch. It is always used to decorate the bride's wedding dress.
  • For people in the UK, the turtle dove represents loyalty and devotion to one's other half until death.
  • Russia. In the Russian Federation, family values ​​and feelings are personified by seemingly unremarkable flowers - daisies. Although they are simple in appearance, they are filled with deep symbolism. Thus, the white tint indicates purity and innocence, and the yellow center reflects the home. Petals - act as symbols of all relatives gathered together.

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Ancient family symbols

The Slavs worshiped the forces of nature, and this was reflected in the making of amulets. Such symbols could be found everywhere: they were not only a means of decoration, but, according to legend, they provided certain protection and attracted good luck.

So, among these signs that our distant ancestors used, we can distinguish such as Solard, Ladinets, Colard, Bunny, Svadebnik. They provide protection to family members. Let's take a closer look at them.

Solard - marks prosperity, wealth. The Colard sign is a similar symbol, the difference is that the swastika of these signs is located differently: clockwise and counterclockwise. It helps strengthen the family unit and gives health to the offspring.

These two signs are solar and fiery, they are aimed at maintaining well-being in the home, and patronize those who live in peace and harmony.

Ladinets symbolizes happiness, love and harmony in the family. It is a truly feminine amulet, for example, it provides protection from the evil eye. For married women, it becomes important to protect the family hearth, well-being and prosperity in the home. Often the pair of this amulet was the Kolyadnik, who was the personification of male power. In those days, the goddess Lada was considered the patroness of women, and the god Kolyada was considered the patroness of men. The combination of these two signs represents the unity of the two sexes, mutual understanding between them, the strengthening of marriage bonds, and, of course, true love.

The bunny personifies renewal and is considered a family talisman. During pregnancy, it was customary to wear a belt with this sign; it was believed that it endows mother and baby with light, sunny energy.

Symbolism of love

Today, many different amorous attributes are known. For example, the most famous are: hearts, a pair of wedding rings, paired items (gloves, shoes, and so on).

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Love symbolism is actively used on postcards, in the process of preparing for a wedding, or a romantic date. And just to show your loved one how dear he is to you.

Next, I propose to understand the popular love symbols, dividing them into categories.

Feng Shui: symbols of family well-being

In Feng Shui practice, a figurine of mandarin ducks is considered a symbol of inseparability and devotion for a married couple. As a rule, it is placed in the southwestern part of the home. Also in this teaching, trees are signs of family. Among them are bamboo, cypress, pine, and plum. In addition, a dragon figurine can contribute to well-being. It brings good luck and protects all family members.

Framed photographs of household members are also a kind of talismans. They should be located in the eastern part of the home. Frames should be rectangular and made of wood. It is advisable to choose green or blue color.

What kind of feng shui painting for a bedroom is needed for love and marriage?

Having found out the location of this sector, you need to know how to strengthen the love zone according to Feng Shui. You can place here various images on photographic paper, paintings, figurines. They are able to support, spread, but also enhance sensual romantic energy. How to choose them:

  • Images of peonies or roses symbolize bright feelings, trust, sincerity, and therefore will help maintain a stormy relationship in the marital bed;
  • Reproductions or photographs of single women (for women) or single men (for men, respectively) can play a bad joke on you, as they can attract similar things into your real life. It is best to opt for paired happy images, projecting this energy onto yourself;
  • The energetic power of the full moon can increase the likelihood of attracting your chosen one. That is why a painting of such a landscape will become irreplaceable;
  • You shouldn’t hang your portraits, but you can find a photo of the person you like in a specific place.

Items in everyday life that are amulets

Symbols of family and marriage: bast shoes, figurine of a house, linen, horseshoe, donut, chain. Onion is a talisman against tears. Bread means prosperity and harmony in the home. Sunflower seeds promise health for children. Corn – family cohesion, procreation, protection from diseases, mutual understanding. Female and male figurine tied with strings - inextricability of bonds and love. The knot is a talisman against scandals.

Mystic knot

This interesting Chinese pattern, which has no ends, in a love relationship means infinity of feelings. It can be used in the same way as a sign of double happiness - applied to any object, hung as a decoration on the neck or placed somewhere in the interior.

Many people have a question: if a mystical or, as it is also called, a magical knot brings success in all areas of life, how can you set it up specifically for success in personal relationships?

Everything is very simple: you need to make it from a thread yourself or draw it with your own hands, putting the message you need into the amulet - then it will be charged with your energy and will “work” exactly in the area in which it is needed.

Wedding symbols

A pair of doves is also a symbol of love and family well-being. It’s not for nothing that there is such a wedding tradition as releasing these birds into the sky.

Wedding rings are symbols of family, an unbreakable union between a man and a woman entering into marriage. By exchanging rings, spouses transfer part of their energy to each other. It is recommended not to take them off in the first months after the wedding and not let anyone try them on.

Veil – gives the bride protection from the evil eye. The custom of wearing it at a wedding came from Poland. It creates a kind of energy shield that reflects negativity directed towards the bride. At the same time, after the wedding, it is necessary to carefully store the veil; it will serve as a talisman that can protect the young family.

The bride's bouquet is another important attribute. According to legend, the girl who catches him should soon get married, this happens because she begins to emit special energy, and the wreath seems to come to her. It is better to have white flowers in the bouquet: they are a sign of purity and eternity.

A magical symbol for a family is a loaf. Only in order for it to become such, it must be baked correctly. The mother, relative or godmother of the bride, that close woman who has a good family life, should work on its production. It must be baked so that it has a neat shape, without cracks.

Family symbols are laid out on the loaf, which give protection to the young couple. Flowers, birds, viburnum, mint and rye are often used as them. The loaf is distributed to all guests, so that the energy of the two families merges together.

Towel - the bride must embroider it herself, in secret from everyone. She should be alone and in complete silence. First, the girl reads a prayer. When embroidering, her thoughts should be positive and filled with ideas about her future family life. Work must begin on Thursday. It is embroidered on a clean and whole canvas. The towel is a symbol of the life path that a family must go through together.

Parents bless the newlyweds on it, and no strangers should be at home. The towel has male and female halves, so it is important to stand on it correctly during the blessing. From this moment on, this attribute takes on the meaning of a talisman. The ceremony must certainly take place on Sunday.

Parental blessing is an important symbol of family happiness. The attributes for this are the icon of the Mother of God for the bride, and the icon of Christ the Savior for the groom.

DIY talisman for love and marriage

Well, where would we be without a traditional section for those who are used to making everything with their own hands? Are store-bought talismans not appealing to you? Seem too expensive or not very well made? Feel free to take matters into your own hands and make a talisman yourself.

The easiest way to ask the Universe to fulfill your dreams and love fantasies is to write a wish scroll.

How to make a love amulet with your own hands:

  • Prepare a bag of love. We have already talked about herbs and spices. Now let’s add that in addition to an aromatic sachet pad, it can be a bag of stones. Fill it with minerals responsible for love, and your life will be transformed.
  • Make a scroll of wishes. Perhaps the easiest way to ask the Universe to make your dreams come true. Take a piece of paper and clearly describe there all the expected changes on the love front. Down to the place where you met the man of your dreams and the color of his eyes. Reviews on the Internet confirm that everything down to the smallest detail can come true!
  • Make a keychain. A small toy in the shape of a heart can also bring good luck in amorous affairs. Decorate the talisman with ancient Slavic symbols or embroider your wish on it. In the case of the latter, it is better not to wear the amulet with your keys or on your bag, so that no one will jinx it.

An amulet made at home may not work. The reason for this is not a lack of talent, but a lack of faith in its power. After all, when a talisman is made by a person who does this professionally, he is confident in his abilities. Therefore, it would not hurt for you to believe in yourself.

Use these skills wisely and don’t forget to share them with your loved ones so that they too will be happy!

Stones that are a symbol of family happiness

These include:

  • Beryl is a sign of family, loyalty and love.
  • Aquamarine – protects the happiness of spouses.
  • Sapphire is a stone of love, family and fidelity.
  • Carnelian – preserves home peace, happiness and protects against evil spells.

Thus, we have determined that there are many different designations for the institution of marriage, and interpreted the meaning of the symbols of family and love. They have been used since ancient times, when they firmly believed that the mysterious forces of nature could help in building happiness. Be that as it may, we should not forget that the basis of true well-being in a family is sincere love, respect and loyalty.

Stove and hearth - their symbolic meaning


The main amulet of the house. The stove is an ancient symbol of the home, a symbol of the mother. Oaths were taken at the stove, contracts were drawn up at the stove pillar. Symbolizes feminine transformative power, the womb and birth.


It means the focus, the inner spiritual center, the transfer of spirit by fire. The center of the home, the power of a woman, fire in its earthly and feminine aspect.

But fire can take on a masculine aspect coupled with feminine earth. It also means warmth and provision of food.

The hearth as an ancient symbol is sacred; it unites those living in the same house as “people of the same fire.” The connecting link in the three-membered Cosmos between the sky (sun), life and ancestors.

You cannot insult the fire: pour water into the fireplace, spit on it, jump over the fire, touch the fire with sharp objects, throw dirt and debris into it. It insults the spirit of home.


A column of smoke rising from a hole in the roof of a temple, house, wigwam or yurt symbolizes the world axis, the saving path from time and space to eternity and infinity.

This is temporal and spatial extension, a combination of air and fire, an ascending prayer. An invitation to attend addressed to a deity; can also mean an ascending soul purified by fire.

In the Christian tradition, smoke as an ancient symbol is considered to be a hint of the shortness of life, the futility of glory, malice or anger.


Any hole in the roof of a temple, tent, wigwam, etc. represents a passage for moving “to heaven” (solar gate), from the temporary to the eternal, from space to infinity.

Santa Claus comes to children through the chimney, bringing gifts straight from heaven, and therefore does not use an earthly gate or door.

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