Feng Shui love and marriage zone: activate and attract love into your life!

How to find the love zone in your apartment

So, there is a zone of love and marriage in the southwestern part of the room. You can determine where this sector is located in your home using a compass, as well as a Bagua grid. Read more in our article “Feng Shui Bagua Grid: Creating Complete Harmony in Life” .

Figurines that attract good luck and success into the life of every person

Figurine of Hotei

It has a positive effect on happiness in family life and can attract happiness and prosperity.

The Dragon

A symbol of wisdom, faith and positive mood. It is recommended to place it in an office where people often work. Attracts good luck, happiness and wealth. Thanks to this figurine, you can solve financial problems.

Bull and cow

They are symbols of confidence, family happiness, prosperity and finance. Figurines feel good in the living room, improve well-being, attract good luck, happiness, and help you advance up the career ladder.


It means devotion and fidelity and will be a good protector for home and family. Helps protect the home from negativity and failure.

Animal figurines with a pot of coins

They are a symbol of wealth and good luck, helping to find the right path in life. They attract career growth and success in all endeavors.


A talisman for attracting money and a talisman against failures in life. Positively influence the future, as well as good luck. It is best to place the figurine in the south-eastern part of the house; it gives peace and gives faith in a good future.

Elements and colors of the marriage sector

There is a certain rule, knowing which you can properly organize the space in the marriage sector:

  • the main element of the zone is the Earth
  • generating element – ​​Fire

Therefore, the main colors of the love zone are pink, red and all fiery shades. Earthy shades also have a beneficial effect on the area: yellow, brown, terracotta, sand. Shades of “fire” will add passion and intensity to your relationship, while shades of “earth” will ensure stability and duration.

  • the weakening element of the sector is Metal
  • destructive – Tree

Try to avoid placing wooden and metal products, including furniture, in this area. Unfavorable colors for this zone, respectively, are blue, light blue, black, green, white and silver.


There are several of the most popular and effective (according to a large number of people) tips for attracting a man:

  • during the full moon, you need to float lighted candles, preferably aromatic ones, across the water;
  • to enhance chi energy, you need to wear red clothes or some red wardrobe items on a date;
  • It is very important to get rid of reminders from the past and gifts from former partners, because only in this case will you be able to open yourself to a new life.

An important element is the visualization of the partner. You need to describe your partner as accurately as possible. This is necessary in order to find a life partner, and not to connect your life with the first person you meet.

When sending a request to the Universe, it is important to mention not only the positive qualities of the desired chosen one, but also to use formulations with the word “not”, for example: “not rude”, “not evil”, etc.

After you have limited the set of desired qualities of your future life partner, you need to take red or pink paper and carefully write everything down in beautiful handwriting. Now the message needs to be rolled up and secured with a red ribbon. After this, the note must be placed in the love zone.

Activation of the love zone according to Feng Shui: symbols and talismans

This sector is very capricious. God forbid you place something wrong - and all your efforts will come to nothing. Remember, the love and marriage zone only accepts paired items! The symbols of the marriage sector are paired pillows, paired candlesticks, and paired figurines.

By the way, paired mandarin ducks, cranes, pigeons or swans will help perfectly activate the marriage zone. These birds, according to Chinese beliefs, although also according to our Russians, personify mutual love, fidelity and marital happiness. You can place beautiful butterflies as a symbol of lightness, tenderness and joy. Learning to think metaphorically

Be sure to purchase beautiful paired candles in pink, yellow, red shades, best scented (or beautiful paired aroma lamps with geranium, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang or cedar oils). And light them up! The more often the better! Otherwise, they won’t be of any use... Just don’t forget, please, about fire safety rules: a burnt love zone will not add happiness to your personal life, just like the burnt tail of your beloved cat

Otherwise, it is better to use paired sconce lamps. You can certainly turn them on as much and whenever you want. A little secret: if you drop a couple of drops of aroma oil onto a switched-on lamp, the effect will be no less impressive.

Let’s make a reservation right away: there should be no floating candles in glasses in this area. As well as aquariums, fountains and other “water” attributes. Taboo.

Better put a crystal (porcelain, clay, ceramic) vase with chocolates, they will become a direct hint to your sweet dreams and fantasies... Mmmm *wink*

Figurines that attract wealth and happiness

There are different figurines, some are capable of destroying family happiness, while others, on the contrary, attract love, prosperity and positive thoughts. They improve your well-being, help you tune in to the wave of success, and overcome difficulties along the way. Animal figurines help activate the Qi zone, which attracts happiness in finances and good luck in family life.


Means wisdom and longevity. Can be placed anywhere in the house. Attracts wealth, luck and happiness if you need to find a good job and increase your income. The best place for this figurine is the northern part of the house, placing it near the head of the bed, there will be harmony and happiness in family life.


The figurine can positively influence the future, luck and happiness. They definitely advise you to pay attention to its trunk before purchasing. If it is curved upward, it means there will be success and good luck in everything in family life. If you place an elephant near the window, then you can expect trust, love and good luck in family life.


This animal has a positive effect on luck, happiness and success. Therefore, you should definitely buy this talisman to attract prosperity and wealth in everything. It is advisable to place the figurine facing the front door. It will help you fulfill your deepest desires.

Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth

One of the most powerful animals that attracts wealth and prosperity to the home. It can be placed in the south-eastern part of the house; this zone is responsible for wealth.

To have a lot of money in life, experts advise placing a figurine near the front door. Attracts wealth, relieves home owners from poverty and unnecessary expenses. It is not recommended to place this figurine on the closet, as toads are afraid of heights and there may be problems with money in the future.

Cross out the past

If in the recent past you have had difficulties in your relationship with a young man, and they broke up, try to start a new relationship . Destroy all photographs and things that remind you of your past love. Throw away everything that once connected you - notes and letters, gifts, delete SMS and phone numbers of your ex-boyfriend. If you don’t do this, then the shadow of the past, your previous love, will haunt you for the rest of your life, and this will become a stumbling block to new relationships and feelings.

Remember that the teaching of Feng Shui advises improving not only your inner, but also your outer side. We all know the phrase “We are greeted by clothes...”, we could supplement it with the words “... according to Feng Shui.” This tells us that not only your thoughts and soul, but also the clothes and various accessories in your appearance should be beautiful. Don't skimp on your appearance, love yourself .
It is your appearance that tells others how you feel about yourself, dictating how they should treat you.

The nuances of making a talisman yourself

It is believed that self-made talismans have stronger magical properties. Previously, amulets were made from:

  1. Klykov.
  2. Claws.
  3. Rogov.
  4. Stones with a hole.
  5. Wood.
  6. Bones.
  7. Feathers
  8. Dried fruits.

Now talismans are made from the following materials:

  • metals;
  • glass;
  • gems.

Color is also important: for example, love talismans are made in red, protective ones in black, and healing ones in green or light shades. To create your own amulet, you need to choose a day, place in advance, think over a sketch, spells and select materials.

You can enhance the magical properties of the talisman by decorating it with the following symbols:

  1. Signs of the planets.
  2. Runes.
  3. Individual words or letters.
  4. Zodiac signs.

You should not put everything on the talisman at once.

The process of making a talisman:

  1. Prepare all the necessary materials and spells.
  2. Calm down and call on the strength that will help you create a talisman.
  3. Start making and don’t get distracted.
  4. When the amulet is ready, thank the forces that helped in its creation.
  5. Charge the amulet using spells.
  6. After completion, you need to clear the workplace and close the magical space. This could be a special gesture or sign.

When creating a talisman, you need to retire to the chosen place, tune in emotionally and not be distracted. A talisman tuned to a person will only help him.

Putting our thoughts in order

According to Feng Shui, not only things and the interior, but also your thoughts should be in order, you need to direct them in the most correct direction. To do this, you need to try not to be bothered by obsessive thoughts about work and other problems not related to the desire to get married .

Remove items from your home that make you think about work or make you sad. Before falling asleep, it is advisable to dream about things that are pleasant to you, as well as about your future with your loved one.

Balancing the feminine and masculine

The ancient teaching of Feng Shui views the world from the perspective of Yin and Yang. These are not opposite aspects, but complementary ones. This is how you need to treat the feminine and masculine principles. They should not fight among themselves, but harmonize.

Yin and Yang are in balance, although they are polar: like black and white. Each time there is a transformation of opposites into each other, they tend to always be in motion, they flow, which gives rise to a flow of Qi energy.

The balance of emotions, masculine and feminine, helps to develop harmonious relationships in your personal life.

Attracting love according to Feng Shui is a daily work. A person needs to be friendly and harmoniously arrange his personal space. It should have a balance of male and female energy. For example, a single woman should not fill her entire apartment with cute floral patterns, cat figurines and lace. In such a space there is no male energy, attracting a partner is unlikely. You should supplement the space with yang energy: purchase objects of rich colors, “masculine” in energy.

Home interior

As for the housing itself, special attention should be paid to the location of the sleeping bed. If your bed is only accessible from one side, you will need to rearrange it so that it can be accessed from both sides.

In the linen closet, empty one shelf with the thought that soon the things of your future chosen one will lie here. This needs to be done even if you do not plan to bring him into your home.

If there is a bathroom and toilet in the southwest of your house, be sure to ensure that their doors are always tightly closed, otherwise you may not meet your happiness.

Points to consider when using Feng Shui for marriage

In order for your relationship to find harmony, you first need to find the Love Zone and activate it if you are single. It is believed that such a zone is the southwestern and northwestern sides. The first direction is associated with a woman’s place, with her role as a housewife and mother. The second is connected with the man, the eldest in the house. These areas must be kept clean and tidy; under no circumstances should they contain kitchen furniture, a bathroom, or a place to store unnecessary items. The environment that is created in the Love Zone will directly affect the relationship of the partners. Pay attention to what things are there. Do not store broken or cracked ones, as they will emit unfavorable energy, leading to quarrels and reducing the strength of relationships.

Cleanliness is very important. Quarrels and resentments are often observed in families where this area is not monitored and maintained in order.

You should not clutter the area with items that belonged to others. They can store the energy of past owners and also negatively affect your relationship.

The most important place for spouses is their bedroom. Even if it is not in the Love Zone, you need to determine the southwest and place some two objects in the room that will symbolize the Earth Element, because it is the primary element of this zone. These could be stone amulets or just a couple of amulets. The main condition is that the items be paired, otherwise they will contribute to an atmosphere of loneliness, depression and sadness.

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