How to quickly attract money into your life: real and proven methods

Many people would like to know how to attract money into their lives. It is possible to improve your finances without much effort. The article will reveal the secrets of the most effective methods, practices, and rituals for attracting success and abundance.

Basic rules for attracting money

For wealth and prosperity to come to you, change the thoughts that make life boring and poor. Think about money only in a positive way. Below are the best recommendations and rituals for attracting money.

Scientists' opinions about lucky and rich people

Psychologists are confident that financial well-being depends not only on the efforts made to earn money, but also on the attitude towards money. They managed to identify 7 subconscious attitudes that prevent poor people from getting rich:

  • money is evil. The poor believe that money spoils people, making them selfish and selfish. And no one wants to be like that;
  • You can only earn money through hard work. The more a person devotes to work, the greater the chance of getting rich. There is a certain rational grain in this. But money, in the presence of such an attitude, is associated with constant fatigue, lack of free time and even loneliness;
  • It is impossible to earn big money through honest work. This attitude forces a person to come to terms with the idea that he is poor, but he maintains his honor and does not participate in dirty financial fraud. But you can earn money by bringing benefit and joy to people, making the world a better place;
  • you need to constantly save. People who count every penny and are afraid to spend too much do not like money;
  • you should buy only cheap things. Inexpensive clothing, equipment and shoes quickly break down and require replacement. And poor quality food affects health;
  • I'm just unlucky with money. By putting on himself the stamp of a person who is simply unlucky, a person cuts off his financial flow and is forced to remain in poverty all his life;
  • I am simply not capable of earning more than I already receive. This attitude is typical of people who lack ambition and are afraid of minimal risk. It’s easier to spend your whole life in a job you don’t like, receiving a tiny salary, than to try to step outside your comfort zone.

Rich people believe that they are able to earn money, the process of earning money brings them joy, they prefer to buy the best for themselves and constantly strive to become even richer. And self-confidence gives them energy to move forward! This is the kind of person you need to be in order to improve your financial situation.

Wallet with a secret

Choosing the right wallet will help you attract hard cash into it. So, when changing your wallet, you should think carefully and refuse to choose a cheap one, since it itself carries the energy of poverty and large bills have almost no chance of ending up in it.

Let the wallet be solid, stylish, the kind that people who have achieved success in life have. The material from which it will be made must be natural (leather, suede, fabric). But in no case is it polyethylene, because it does not carry any material energy. Moreover, due to its artificiality, it blocks access to natural monetary energy.

The color also cannot be avant-garde; it is best to stick to shades of earth and metal. These include brown, black, variations of yellow and gold. Be sure to include an irredeemable coin in your new acquisition, but it should lie separately from all other money, let it attract wealth alone.

And here's another important note. Many wallets have transparent inserts that contain photos of your husband or children. Under no circumstances should this be done!

Firstly, photographs interrupt the flow of money, and secondly, the energy of the wallet and the money itself can influence your loved ones through photographs. And it’s not always good. Only money should be in the wallet. Let nothing stop them from “multiplying” there.

How to attract money to your home correctly

How to attract money using real methods?
You should start with a few simple steps. (Click on the image to enlarge) Start doing them now to get closer to the desired result:

  • get rid of the junk. Old items, out of order equipment, cups and saucers with broken edges, clothes with stains and pills... All this, when stored in the house, blocks new financial energy. By getting rid of clutter, you create the opportunity for something new to come into your life. Feng Shui experts advise first of all to get rid of unnecessary papers, old magazines and catalogues, and written notebooks. When taking paper out of the house, you should imagine how new bills will take its place;
  • buy a new wallet. The money will come if you prepare “housing” for it in advance. Don’t skimp: the wallet should be beautiful, high-quality, preferably made of genuine leather. Immediately after purchasing, put a Feng Shui financial talisman in your wallet - three yellow metal coins tied with a red thread. It is advisable to buy a wallet during the waxing moon on Wednesday or Thursday;
  • think about how much you would like to earn per month. Write this amount on a small piece of paper and put it in your wallet.


There is an opinion that a wallet that attracts wealth must be chic. You should not spare money to charge your wallet with the so-called energy of prosperity. So, if the wallet is cheap, then there will be no money in it.

The wallet should look respectable. The wallet should be such that all the bills lie straight. It is better to choose a wallet of brown or black color, silver - such wallets increase savings. You cannot buy a blue or dark blue wallet - the money will flow away like water.

The wallet should be made of leather or suede. There should be a mirror in your wallet - without it it is more difficult to make a profit.

There are many ways to attract disproportionate wealth, luck, and money into your home. The key to success is positivity and harmony reigning in the house. Remember that lazy people will never have money!

Popular ways to attract money

Attracting good luck and financial well-being is not an easy task. There are many methods to help you get into cash flow and improve your life. Choose the one that suits you and start acting!

Affirmations for money

If you don't know how to attract good luck, start with financial affirmations. Affirmations can be combined with any other methods. Their main goal is to create a certain mood, reprogram your subconscious, and force yourself to believe that you can earn enough.

Affirmations are short statements that must be repeated 20-30 times daily. Affirmations should be short enough; there cannot be a “not” in them. After pronouncing the phrase, you should feel a surge of energy, your mood should improve.

Before you start reading, imagine holding money in your hands or how it comes to your card. Try to feel the feeling of joy and independence that money gives, to feel its energy.

It is best to come up with affirmations yourself. But you can use ready-made ones. For example, like this:

  • It’s easy for me to earn money;
  • money comes to me easily;
  • I am a happy, rich person;
  • I love money, money loves me;
  • I always have a lot of money;
  • I earn (name the amount you need) per month.

Repeat affirmations in the morning or evening, and the result will appear within a month. To help you remember to read your affirmations, you can hang your chosen phrase in a visible place in your home, such as your workspace or on the refrigerator door. Additional list of affirmations for money.

Meditation on money

To attract money, you can use a special meditation. It is carried out as follows. You must be left alone. Nothing should distract you. Turn off the phone, close the windows with curtains. Take a shower and put on your best clothes. Sit in the most comfortable position, light a red candle. Looking into its flame, imagine how you are gradually enveloped in a golden glow.

With every breath you take, the light should become brighter. This light is monetary energy that you must absorb into yourself.

Visualize that the light envelops you from head to toe, saturates you through and through. When you feel that you have attracted enough energy, try to see how the light gathers into a small dense ball hanging at the level of your solar plexus. Take it in your hands, imagine how concentrated monetary energy saturates them. Say to yourself:

“Gold comes into my hands, easily and simply.”

When the light disappears, dissolving in your hands, stay in a calm, relaxed state for a while. After this, slowly open your eyes.

You can meditate once or twice a week. Use additional meditations.

The golden rule of attracting money

In order to understand how to attract money to yourself, you need to study a special rule. The key to success is following the golden rule of attracting money. It consists in the fact that you have to love money. They come only to those people who do not experience negative emotions and prejudices towards them. Surprisingly, many people do not like money, and this is what prevents them from becoming successful. Here are a few rules to help you fall in love with money:

  • think about money only in a positive way. Try to get rid of the thoughts that money is evil, that it does not bring happiness, that it is easier for poor people to be happy;
  • learn to visualize. Imagine that you have a lot of money, that you buy everything you want, travel, spend what you earn with pleasure. Money is not valuable in itself: it gives opportunities that make a person happier. It is this idea that helps attract the right energy;
  • show love for money. Carefully put them in your wallet, smooth out crumpled corners, count them regularly.

Folk signs for attracting money

Don't know how to attract money? Start by using folk signs. Surprisingly, they really work, despite the fact that they are not approved by the church and cause ridicule among many modern people.

Main financial signs:

  • count the money, completely pulling it out of your wallet or piggy bank;
  • Don’t complain to anyone that you don’t have enough money or that you’ve recently spent your last. It is especially important not to bring up such topics in conversations with strangers: they can put the evil eye on you and even cause damage;
  • give money with your right hand and accept with your left;
  • Don't take money from strangers. Let him put them on the table. Many people have negative energy and can transfer it to you along with banknotes;
  • Never carry money in a leaky wallet or pocket. So you risk losing not only coins and bills, but also monetary energy;
  • your wallet should never be empty. It should always contain at least a nickel or a ruble;
  • place one nickel in each corner of your apartment;
  • pay back the borrowed money in the morning. You should also lend money in the morning;
  • do not pick up small money, especially if it is lying at an intersection. Such coins are often left by witches who want to transfer damage to someone;
  • do not whistle at home: this way you risk wasting money;
  • never boast about your money! Envious people can put the evil eye on you without even having any intention of doing so.

Attracting money according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient science that studies the secret properties of the surrounding space and energy “Qi”. Feng Shui knowledge can be used to become more financially successful. Do you want to become richer by using the secrets of the Chinese sages? Here are some simple tips to attract good luck:

  • get rid of the junk in your home. As mentioned above, trash accumulates negative energy and does not allow new energy into the house;
  • There should be no leaking taps in the house. Together with them, monetary energy leaves the house;
  • if you have a carafe of drinking water, try to always have a few coins next to it;
  • buy a red lampshade. According to Feng Shui, red color attracts money energy;
  • Ventilate the room often. In China, fresh air is believed to bring financial prosperity;
  • buy a money tree or decorate your apartment with bonsai;
  • get a turtle. In Chinese philosophy, this animal is the personification of wealth;
  • There should be plenty of light in your home. Try to ensure that there is not a single “dark corner” left. Light improves the energy of the home and opens the way for financial flow.

Money ritual for good luck

This ritual to attract good luck should be performed once a week, preferably on Mondays before work.

The night before, take a silver coin and place it in a glass of clean water. Place the glass on the windowsill. When placing a coin in the water, say the following spell:

“Money for the house, happiness for the house. Everything that’s mine comes to me, I won’t take someone else’s.”

In the morning, immediately after waking up, take one sip of water and use the rest to wash your face. Place the silver coin in your wallet and carry it with you throughout the week, without changing it or spending it in the store. On Sunday or Saturday you must give a coin as alms. Check out powerful ways to attract good luck.

Growing a money tree

Money tree, or Crassula, is a plant that is believed to attract financial well-being to the home. If you want to become a more successful person, you should definitely have one on your windowsill.

The easiest way to grow a tree is from a scion. Ask for a scion from a person who, in your opinion, is financially prosperous. Place the cutting in a container of water, immersing it 3-4 centimeters.

After a few days, when the fat plant has roots, you can plant the tree in soil intended for cacti and succulents. The money tree should be watered abundantly, not allowing the soil to dry out. While watering, you can repeat your money affirmations to yourself or simply mentally ask the plant to give you good luck and prosperity.

Use of amulets and talismans

Let's figure out how to attract good luck and luck. Use special talismans to help improve your financial situation. The most popular of them relate to Feng Shui:

  • Money Tree. The fat woman should be in the southeastern sector of your home;
  • oranges. In China, this fruit is considered a symbol of a rich life. After all, an orange both in shape and shade resembles a gold coin. There should always be a vase of oranges in your kitchen;
  • boat The ship is another talisman that attracts money. You can purchase a model of the ship or hang its image on the wall. The best option would be to place the boat in such a way as if it is sailing into your home, bringing good luck to it;
  • a toad with three legs holding a coin in its mouth. Such a figurine will bring money, prosperity and longevity. It is important that the coin in the mouth is not glued: it should be positioned freely. If a coin falls out of the toad’s mouth for no apparent reason, it means you are in for a profit. Wipe the toad from dust more often, rinse it under running water, place coins near it, and it will definitely bring you success:
  • coins. Three coins tied with a red ribbon are one of the financial talismans in Feng Shui. Place them under the rug near the front door or hang them on the mirror in the hallway. If you have a money tree, you can tie coins to its branches: this will double your luck;
  • Hotei (laughing Buddha). This figurine attracts a carefree life and financial well-being. The figurine should be on your desktop. According to legend, if you rub the figurine's belly clockwise 300 times, your wish will definitely come true.

Choosing the right wallet

The right wallet will help you attract luck and money into your life. You must select it according to certain rules:

  • under no circumstances carry money in an old, holey wallet;
  • the wallet should be beautiful and pleasant to the touch;
  • The more expensive the wallet, the better. Otherwise, it will be saturated with the energy of cheapness, which will block the financial flow;
  • artificial materials do not attract monetary energy well. Therefore, make sure that the wallet is made of leather or natural suede;
  • the wallet should have an earth tone: brown, ocher or black;
  • immediately after purchasing, put a coin in your wallet and do not take it out until you purchase a new one. After placing the coin, close the wallet with the words “Multiply and preserve”;
  • If you are given a wallet that you do not like, do not use it under any circumstances. You can use a gifted wallet only if you are sure that the giver wishes you well and does not feel envy towards you.

We store money correctly

To attract financial luck, you must store your money correctly. They should be in the southeast sector of your home. Store banknotes carefully straightened: they should not be wrinkled or crumpled.

It is advisable to take a special expensive wallet for storing money or keep it in a nice box made of natural materials (bone, wood). Of course, under no circumstances tell anyone about where exactly your money is and how much you have. This can lead not only to theft, but also to the fact that you will be jinxed, cutting off your financial flow.

Count your money regularly. Take them in your hands while in a good mood: this will help attract a new portion of financial energy.

We say money mantras

If you don’t know how to attract luck and money into your home, start regularly pronouncing special mantras aimed at opening the financial energy flow. A mantra is a linguistic construct that directs a person’s energy in a special way.

The money mantra, which comes from Buddhism, goes like this:


It should be repeated daily in the morning and evening.

Saving savings

If you are thinking about how to attract luck and money into your home, then it is not enough to be able to earn money well and quickly; it is also important to organize the storage of money correctly. From each salary you receive, you need to put aside a certain amount - just a little, ten percent of your earnings, you need to put it in a piggy bank so that it attracts the next income.

The cache should be located in the southeast of the room - this zone is responsible for wealth.

It is important to understand that money is saved for a reason, but for specific needs. If you really need a certain amount of money, then in principle you can “borrow” it from yourself, but then immediately return it.

How to attract luck and money to your home with spells

Let's figure out what conspiracies can attract money. Use special texts to help attract financial energy flow. Choose your favorite plot and get started!

Conspiracy for prosperity and wealth

In order to quickly attract money, use this simple conspiracy. You will need a yellow metal coin. On a full moon, place the coin in front of you and say these words:

“As the moon shines in the sky, so does the money in my wallet shine. The moonlight will not run out, my money will not be transferred. Let it be as I say.”

Place the coin in your wallet separately from other money and carry it with you for a month. If you spend it or give it to someone, your financial luck will leave you.

Plot for good luck and fortune

How to attract luck into your life? Experience the power of this spell, which is aimed at making you a luckier person. The ritual should be performed on the eve of an important interview or negotiations regarding a salary increase.

You will need seven coins, a saucer of water and a church candle.

Light a candle and place a saucer in front of you. Pass each coin through the candle flame, saying a spell for good luck:

“I temper with fire, fill with energy.”

After this, put the coins in a saucer, sending them into the water one at a time and saying:

“Water flows in a stream, so money will flow to me.”

Leave the saucer on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on them. In the morning, take out the coins and put them in your pocket, saying:

“Silver is with me, luck is with me. I’ll buy luck for silver and get gold.”

Conspiracy to repay debts

This plot will be useful to you if someone borrowed money from you and does not intend to pay it back. You will need a photograph of the person who owes you a large amount of money and some grains of rice. Place the photo in front of you and sprinkle rice on it. Say the spell:

“(The person’s name) was walking through the city, saw my grains, took them for himself, but didn’t want to give them back. Let my grains become a burden for him, let his conscience whisper to return what is someone else’s, let him have no peace until what is mine becomes mine again.”

Collect the grains and scatter them near the debtor’s house. After some time, he will definitely contact you and offer to meet to return the money.

Conspiracy to attract big money

How to attract money if you suddenly need a fairly large amount? Take advantage of this spell. Remember: you can carry it out no more than once every three months!

You will need a red wax candle, a metal container, a piece of paper, a pencil and a glass of water. Write on the sheet the amount you need. After this, light the candle and start dripping wax onto the paper, saying the spell:

“Fire attracts all living things to itself, so let it attract gold to me. I call gold and silver to my house, gold comes to me in a stream, silver comes to me in a river. I shall not be beggars and poor, I shall not know sorrow, may it be so forever and ever.”

Roll up the paper and light it from a candle flame. Let the paper burn in a metal container and turn to ash. Add a pinch of ashes to a glass of water and drink the water in one gulp, imagining how you are filled with money-attracting energy.

Vanga's conspiracy to attract money and good luck

If you need to attract money and luck into your life, use the ritual from the Bulgarian seer. You will need a piece of refined sugar. Transfer it from your right hand to your left, saying the following words of the conspiracy:

“Just as sweet sugar attracts bees to itself, let money attract me in the same way. Just as bees bring nectar to the hive, so let them bring gold and silver to me from all corners of the world. Money will fly to me from everywhere, it won’t fit in my wallet.”

After this, put the refined sugar in your wallet and carry it with you for a week.

The magic of numbers or what numerologists advise

Money is closely connected with the world of numbers and counting, so they often resort to the magic of numbers to attract luck.

So numerologists consider bills with 1 and 2 unlucky for attracting money. One in the minds of numerologists is almost 0 or almost nothing, and two is the first digit suitable for division. Try to operate less (borrow, set payment for services, etc.) with amounts of 100, 200, 1000 and 2000 rubles.

An amount with a three at the beginning of 300 or 3000, 30,000 rubles and then symbolize additional earnings, income generation, but it is undesirable to keep them in your pocket for a long time. Amounts with 4 in (400 or 4,000, 40,000 rubles) are good to save and put aside. Numerologists do not recommend borrowing or giving amounts above 4.

Amounts of 5 and 6 symbolize spending, routine, saving, restriction. Money in amounts starting with 7 is dangerous due to impulsive spending and unjustified risks.

Amounts of 8 are the happiest, eight symbolizes stability, “financial infinity.” 9 is a neutral number. With it, the balance in your wallet will not change either up or down.

The most powerful prayers for money and luck

How to attract prosperity through prayers? Try turning to the help of saints. If you believe that they will hear your prayers, you will definitely get your wish!

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifunsky for money and well-being

You can pray to this saint both at home and in church.
To make prayer work better, carry a small icon of Spyridon with you, trying to keep it near your wallet. The prayer for money sounds like this:

“Oh Saint Spyridon! Pray to the Lord not to judge us for our sins and to show His mercy. Ask for us a serene, peaceful life, spiritual and physical health, and protect us from devilish temptations. Ask the Lord to forgive our sins and reward us according to our labors. Amen".

Prayer to attract money to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Most Holy Theotokos always hears prayers addressed to her.
You need to ask her for money if you need it urgently and the question is very important to you, for example, you need to buy an expensive medicine for a loved one. A prayer to attract money sounds like this:

O Most Honest Lady Theotokos, our All-Honorable Mother Abbess, of all Orthodox monasteries of monastic life, in the holy Mount Athos and throughout the entire universe! Accept our humble prayers and offer everything to our generous God, that He may save our souls by His grace.

Look upon us with Thy merciful eye and bring about our salvation in the Lord, for without the mercy of our Savior and Thy holy intercession for us, we, the accursed, will not be able to accomplish our salvation, for our life has been tarnished in the vanities of the world, for the time of Christ’s harvest is approaching. The day of the Last Judgment has arrived.

We, the accursed, are perishing in the abyss of sin, for our negligence, according to what was spoken by the holy fathers, the first leaders of the angelic life according to the flesh: as the last monastics, through the negligence of their lives, will become like worldly people, which will come true today, for our monasticism floats with its life on the sea of ​​life. amidst great storms and bad weather: for our holy abodes remain in the dust for the sake of our sins, our All-Righteous Lord Jesus Christ, so benevolent, but we, unworthy, have no place to bow our heads.

O our sweetest Mother Abbess!

Gather us, the scattered flock of Christ, into one and save all Orthodox Christians, grant us heavenly life with the Angels and all the saints in the Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him be honor and glory with His Beginning Father and with the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for money

Holy Matronushka, like the Mother of God, is more willing to fulfill requests regarding finances if you need money urgently and the issue concerns life and death.
Words of prayer:

“Mother Matronushka, merciful protector. I trust in you with my soul, my heart, and my mind. You always ask for the unfortunate and the poor, you always come to the rescue. I ask that joy and wealth come to our home. Get rid of the sin of envy, help us achieve a worthy life, let there be no poverty and grief in our lives. Amen".

Coins at the door

Place small denomination coins under the doormat in the hallway, heads up. Every time you return home and cross the threshold, say to yourself: I’m going into the house, and the money is with me.” It is ideal for the color to include red.

We buy a new rug and glue five 10-ruble coins on the back side: four in the corners, the fifth in the center. If semicircular: two in the corners, three inside in a semicircle along an arc. After a year, the mat is thrown away along with the coins and replaced with a new one. Place a banknote in the pockets of your clothes put away for the season.

Plant a crassula money tree. Its leaves are shaped like coins; according to Feng Shui, it is considered a symbol of prosperity.

Secrets of wealth and luck from non-superstitious people

The attraction of money and wealth is a rather subtle matter. Successful business coaches and people who know how and love to make good money believe that it is enough to know only three secrets. And this will help change your life for the better.

Secret No. 1

Stop wasting your time.

If you exclude from your life meaningless sitting on social networks, chatting on the phone and watching uninteresting films, reading books that are “chewing gum” for the brain, you will understand that you have an important resource for attracting money. It's about your time.

Try starting a part-time job or learning something new. And you will definitely become more successful. Remember: time is money. By taking away your time, you are robbing yourself and your family.

Secret No. 2

Learn to believe in yourself.

What prevents most smart, educated people from earning money? Fears, uncertainty and internal complexes. You must learn that the main difference between you and a rich person is your lack of belief that you can be rich.

A poor man's complex often develops in people who grew up in a low-income family. Such people are accustomed to living in poverty and do not imagine that there may be other options for existence. It is not easy to get rid of such a complex. However, it is possible to do this.

First, stop saving on everything. Learn to spend money with pleasure. Invest money in your development: this will help you earn more in the future. Don't allow yourself to wear low-quality clothes, don't buy the cheapest products. This will help you change your internal attitudes and start thinking like a person who attracts money.

Secret No. 3

Don't be afraid to take risks.

Start looking for a new job that will pay you more, start your own business, gain the strength to talk to your boss about a promotion. Staying in your cozy comfort zone, you will never be able to increase your wealth.

Signs from the people

  • All debts are repaid in the morning in the second phase of the moon.
  • Money is always given to the seller with the right hand, change is always taken with the left hand.
  • On Tuesday you should never lend money to anyone.
  • Money is not counted after sunset. Also, after sunset, money is not borrowed.
  • When giving alms, never touch a beggar.
  • The salted crust of bread should be eaten every day before lunch.
  • Nails should be cut on Tuesday and Friday.
  • The broom should always stand with the whisk facing up.

Expert advice

In order to better understand how to attract good luck, it is important to remember a few simple rules:

  • believe in yourself. People who lack self-confidence will never achieve success;
  • look for something that brings you joy and a sense of self-realization. Then your work will bring you pleasure and you will want to constantly develop as a specialist;
  • don't listen to those who drag you down. If someone laughs at you or claims that you will never earn much money, simply cut off communication with this person. Don't let other people's envy ruin your life;
  • do visualization. This works to quickly attract money, creating a certain subconscious attitude. Before going to bed, imagine how you are counting money or buying something you have been dreaming of for a long time;
  • start a vision board. It will remind you of your goals and motivate you to move forward. On the board, be sure to write the amount you would like to earn during the month;
  • get rid of old, ugly and broken things. Rich people never hang on to old junk; they prefer to buy quality things that will give them joy.

Anyone can attract money energy. The main thing is to believe in your strength and that there are no unattainable goals! If you didn’t have enough information, you can look at additional 35 ways to get rich.

To give or not to give? That is the question!

Previously in Russia it was customary to give a tenth to the church. This money was used not only for the construction and maintenance of churches, but also for social welfare: the maintenance of schools, hospitals, orphans and beggars.

Russian nobles and merchants understood that charity is not only a payment for wealth (it is better to give something away consciously than to lose it when you don’t expect it), but also an increase in monetary energy (the more you give, the more you receive). So do charity work whenever possible.

Donate at least a little money to an orphanage, buy toys, take things there and be sure to make sure that your help reaches the recipient. Now the number of street beggars is prohibitive and you can’t always understand who is who. If you feel that you need help, help. And don't regret it. Because if you wanted to help and didn’t help, you will definitely lose somewhere else. But at the same time, do not look into the eyes of the person asking.

Help those who do not ask, but earn money on the street and in the passages. After all, street musicians so often create a good mood for us.

Money magnet

You take a not very large jar and start gradually, day after day, collecting small change there. Don't try to finish this process quickly. Let everything be natural. If you have small change, collect it in a jar, if not, then no. It is very important not to bother yourself with this issue, not to count how much has been collected there. Just do it with the idea that there is more and more there.

When the jar has accumulated, close it tightly, you can wrap it in a beautiful cloth. In general, arrange it the way you like. At the end, seal it with some kind of seal. Now place this money magnet somewhere in your apartment. It’s better in the kitchen or in your room, where you are more often.

That's all. The money magnet stands and works. The more you identify it with the source of wealth energy, the more useful it will be.

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