Element Metal: characteristics and influence on humans

Element of personality. Metal Yang, Gen 庚

The personality element in Chinese Bazi astrology is the basis on which all subsequent analysis is based.

And in this article I will talk about the personality element Metal Yang 庚. After all, it is Metal Yang that rules the roost in the year of the Metal Rat. And since the year of the Rat opens the 12-year cycle of the calendar, the energy of time until 2032 will be the Yang Metal.

This is important to understand, since from 2021 for all these 12 years, not only trends in society will change, but also the relationship between space and time. We take the latter into account, for example, when choosing a favorable floor in an apartment building, and not only.

Therefore, it is especially important to understand what Yang Metal is, what its properties and character are.

Yang Metal Gen is a heavy metal, steel. It is a symbol of endurance and hardness, as weapons, swords and knives are made from it. The character Geng 庚 depicts harvesting the fruits of the earth or a man with a bow and arrow.

The metal is associated with autumn and mature age. Rules and fairness are very important to him. Therefore, issues of the struggle for justice will be very relevant.

One example of the influence of the energies of Yang Metal as an element of time is the widespread spread of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

It was in the year of the Metal Rat, since May 2021, after the death of African-American George Floyd at the hands of white police officer Derek Chauvin, that up to 26 million people took part in demonstrations, according to a survey published in the New York Times on July 3, 2021.

Please note that the previous year of the Metal Rat, 1960, was declared the Year of Africa by the UN. That year, 17 countries of the African continent immediately gained real independence.

In the photo on the right is a USSR Post stamp issued in 1970 and dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

It is believed that a person born on the day of Geng 庚 has leadership qualities.

This is a principled and very direct person who finds it difficult to compromise. At the same time, Yang Metal 庚 is a reliable and loyal friend.

Important qualities of Yang Metal Gen 庚

Metal Yang (Gen) is an image of raw metal, heavy metal, steel. Weapons, swords and knives are made from it. Yang Metal is considered a symbol of endurance and hardness.

Therefore, Yang Metal endows a person with the following qualities:

  • Endurance, observation, assertiveness and determination. Such a person is always ready for combat and rushes forward without hesitation.
  • Strong sense of equality and justice. Metal in Bazi is responsible for justice, so a person of Yang Metal hates injustice.
  • Integrity, directness. Such people are inflexible and find it difficult to compromise.
  • Leadership are also usually good speakers.

Metal is an ordered and rigid structure, so rules and order are important to it.

Because knives and swords are sharp and tough, a Yang Metal person has destructive potential, which he can channel into constructive channels and achieve great things.

Metal Yang (Gen) speaks 庚

One of the brightest representatives of the Metal Yang personality element is the “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher (Eng. Margaret Hilda Thatcher; October 13, 1925 - April 8, 2013) - a British statesman and political figure.

Not afraid of any difficulties, overcoming any obstacles, she managed to hold on as Prime Minister of Great Britain for 11 years, becoming the first and so far the only woman (struggle for equality and justice!) to ever hold this position.

A few more striking quotes from Margaret Thatcher that reveal the character of Yang Metal Gen:

  • The home should be the center, but not the boundary, of women's lives.
  • You need to study your enemy well, then one day you can turn him into a friend.
  • Doing everything with an open heart is not a good idea. The heart should remain closed, so it functions better.
  • As a rule, 10 seconds are enough for me to form an opinion about a person, and then it rarely changes.
  • Being powerful is like being a real lady. If you have to remind people that you are, you definitely aren't.

And here are also these quotes on behalf of Metal Yang, as the owner of 2020, the year of the Metal Rat:

Professional areas related to metal

The following professional areas belong to the Metal field:

  • Management, administration,
  • Legal services,
  • Metallurgy, railway transport,
  • Everything related to calculations, mathematics, programming,
  • and some others.

To find out your Personality Element (Master of the Day) do the following:

  1. Go to the “Calendars” menu section, select the “Chinese metaphysics calculators” section:
  2. In the calculator, enter your date of birth; if you know the time, enter it, but it is not important.
  3. Write down which element is at the top in your birthday - this is the element of Personality.

Share your questions, feedback and thoughts in the comments.


  • The personality element in Chinese Bazi astrology is the basis on which all subsequent analysis is based.
  • Yang Metal Gen is especially important, as it rules the roost in the year of the Metal Rat, and is the energy of time until 2032.
  • It is believed that a person born on Geng day has leadership qualities. This is a principled and very direct person who finds it difficult to compromise. He has other important qualities, which you can read about in the article.
  • Certain types of activities, as well as ways of doing things, are associated with Yang Metal.
  • To better understand the character of Yang Metal, read the quotes I selected for the article.

You can consider your specific situation and choose the optimal solution during an individual consultation, which you can read more about here.
Have questions? Please write them in the comments to this article. I will also be grateful for your response.

With respect and good luck,

See other publications on the topic:

  1. “Mountain” and “water” in Feng Shui: a factor of health and well-being
  2. Wealth sector in the house: how to find it according to Feng Shui

The influence of Metal on human health

In the human body, the influence of the element of Metal is manifested in the colon and lungs. As you know, the main principle of the Universe is the accumulation and subsequent release of energy. Thus, a person’s lungs absorb and store energy, and the large intestine is responsible for releasing it. When the nature of Metal is not in order, a person may begin to have problems with these organs of the body.

The breathing process can be controlled, and in some cases it is even necessary. The main thing is to learn to do it correctly and profitably, because with the help of various breathing techniques you can eliminate malfunctions in many physiological, emotional, and mental processes of the human body. Well, healthy food and a proper diet will help you cope with the health of your colon.

Super strong cards in Ba Tzu or following the power

In Eastern astrology, it is believed that when all the energies in a chart support the element of personality, then a person receives support from all sides. In such cards, the elements of personality, resources and wealth are considered favorable. And the harmful ones are the elements of power and self-expression. People with such cards tend to be tenacious, able to get back up after a fall, and quite stubborn. And women with super-strong cards usually cannot arrange their personal lives.

I conducted a consultation for a woman born on July 11, 1958 at 07:00 in the +3 time zone. In 1958, maternity time was in effect without a transition to summer and winter. This means +1 more hour. In her pillars of destiny there was solid earth. Therefore, the consultant said that her card was of the “super strong” type and assured her that she had nothing to worry about, because she had “everything covered and everything paid for.” Therefore, he advised her to relax and enjoy life. And this despite the fact that the woman at that time was suffering from a fatal disease that arose in the year of the earth.

Ba-Tzu layout of the birth date of a woman born on 07/11/1958 at 07:00 in time zone +3

Often people whose element of personality is too strongly manifested and supported die in the prime of life. Wanting to find a way to avoid a sad fate, this woman turned to several more consultants. If you calculate her date of birth according to Greenwich, it turns out that the woman was born on 07/11/1958 at 03:00. Its pillars also contain fire and wood, which slightly dilute the strong imbalance of the elements with a bias towards earthen energy. This woman had a difficult life. Everything was given to her and is still given only thanks to her hard work. And she doesn't give herself time to relax. Successful periods of her life were, as a rule, temporary periods passing under the influence of the elements of fire, wood, water and metal. It was these energies that I recommended that she strengthen. And now this woman is healthy and, as usual, full of strength. By the way, contrary to the “super strong card” theory of the special structure, this woman has been married for many years.

Bazi layout of the birth date of a woman born on 07/11/1958 at 03:00 GMT

During my entire practice, I met super-strong Ba-Tzu cards only three times. And in each case, the owner of such a card was an overly hard-working person. And this can be explained - by doing something physically - manifesting itself in society, people with such cards strengthen the element of self-realization, which contributes to the partial emergence of a balance of elements in the energy of the body. Only through hard work do these people achieve something. And if they relax, they suffer from endless problems. And even for the support promised by the theory of special structures, they need to ask a lot and persistently.

Man and the element Metal

The element of Metal endows its wards with unbending willpower, an incredible charge of energy and determination. The Metal man is not without adventurism and is ready to take risks at any moment. Such a person is independent and independent, and does not need outside help. He is overly categorical and smug, so he will not tolerate criticism and can explode, causing a loud scandal. He confidently walks through life, relying only on his own convictions, and throughout his life, pursuing the goals he has set for himself. At the same time, he does not pay attention to the opinions of others. This ambitious person devotes himself entirely to his life's work. Faith in success, perseverance, and patience help a person of the Metal element sign to always achieve the desired goals, without deviating from the path that was initially laid out and thought out to the smallest detail. By the way, any problems and failures will not force him to give up, but still he does not like surprises.

If people are born under the signs of the Zodiac, which endow their wards with endurance, stability and constancy, then the element of Metal further enhances these qualities. Just as steel is tempered in battle, so these people become stronger with each new test of fate. It is not without reason that in world history there are many famous military leaders, commanders or generals who were born under the auspices of the Metal sign. The external uncompromisingness and coldness of these people cannot hide from those around them the frantic flow of energy that they emit. However, only by overcoming their intractability will they be able to use their full potential to the fullest and successfully realize themselves, both in their careers and in their personal lives. After all, then nothing can stop them from building warm, trusting and strong relationships with loved ones.

Character of a man Metal

The Metal man is an uncompromising, independent and categorical person, because he is absolutely convinced of his own uniqueness and strives to show everyone around him how individual and unique he is. He is an incredibly ambitious and selfish person. He always mercilessly and headlong rushes towards his cherished goal. This applies to absolutely all areas of activity. However, such swiftness and perseverance prevent him from assessing his achievements and enjoying the long-awaited triumph, so usually, having achieved the desired goal, he, as a rule, fails to feel true happiness and pleasure from what he so zealously strived for. Often similar situations happen in his personal life. The Metal man is simply unable to admit that there are moments in a love relationship when you just need to listen to the words of the chosen one.

A man of the Metal element is simply confident that the life partner he has chosen for himself will certainly please him and indulge all his whims. This man can easily cope not only with the role of a husband and father, providing the family with everything necessary, but also with the roles of a lover and a great seducer at the same time. Of course, the character of the Metal Man indicates that he, as a self-sufficient, powerful and independent person, prefers to stand at the head of the family, demonstrating his superiority and power over his wife. Although, this gives him certain advantages in family relationships. Having built a truly strong family and being convinced of the correctness of his choice, a Metal man is unlikely to decide to have an affair “on the side” and will be a faithful husband to his chosen one.

True, in the lives of men of the Metal element there are periods of melancholy, when they strive for loneliness, torment themselves with doubts and suffer from self-criticism. First of all, their thirst for power is based on their own ambitions, so if they ever have to make a choice between their career and personal life, then most likely they will choose the first and leave the second to chance. They are simply convinced that their personal relationships will pass any test of strength. In some matters, these men are so unshakable that they sometimes seem insensitive and cold, devoid of love and passion. But in reality, they are endowed with developed intuition, which helps them successfully overcome even such life difficulties that others cannot overcome. They just have a strong nervous system, excellent ingenuity and a lot of energy.

The Metal man is a real ace in bed. He subtly senses the desires of his chosen one and usually determines what exactly turns her on even before making love. For him, love will forever remain his main source of pleasure and way of self-knowledge. The partner of such a man needs to prepare for the fact that from time to time the impression will be created that her companion thinks only about himself. However, in fact, this is a sign that the Metal man still feels lonely. A self-sufficient person like him can be happy even while remaining a single bachelor. However, for a woman who can appreciate and respect his enterprise and narcissism, he will certainly want to become a devoted and faithful spouse.

Character of a woman Metal

The Metal woman chooses her life partner very meticulously. It is important for her that she can unconditionally trust her chosen one, feel safe next to him and, most importantly, maintain her own independence in an honest and trusting relationship. At the same time, it is important for her that she be the absolute leader in the relationship, and nothing else. If suddenly a Metal woman has connected her life with a man who is unable to provide her with love, respect and material wealth, she will, willy-nilly, tear such a union to pieces so that nothing will remain. The Metal element woman admires power and sexuality. She is a rather voluptuous lady who enthusiastically enjoys erotic pleasures, causing a storm of emotions in her.

The Metal woman loves risk and danger, which make her sensations even sharper, but she is unlikely to succumb to such temptations and will not go to great lengths. First of all, she is a true owner, and at heart a loner. In addition, "walking to the left" can cost her peace of mind for many years, because she will immediately have a terrible feeling of guilt. Far from the only obstacle to a close relationship with her is her serious approach to life. The Metal Woman strives to fill every corner of her lover’s soul, but no lover can do the same with her, since she will not allow anyone to encroach on her own freedom.

The Metal Woman is used to the fact that she can conquer any peak. She needs communication, prestige, a high position in society, love and recognition, but, most importantly, her chosen one can provide all this to her.

The Metal woman often chooses loneliness rather than family life. She is a very independent person, it is easier for her to live knowing that she can only count on herself. In addition, her fear of experiencing love disappointment is much stronger than the hope of meeting the man of her dreams soon. But she skillfully uses the lack of personal life in order to achieve incredible heights in her career. She carefully monitors her appearance and style of clothing, so there are always a lot of gentlemen hovering around her.

In bed, a Metal woman can be both a temptress and a sophisticated one. If in a love affair she takes the position of leader, then she can always leave if she wants. But if the initiator of intimacy is a man, then she can completely surrender to her feelings, dissolving in her partner without a trace.

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