The element of Water and its manifestation in the Heavenly trunks and Earthly branches

Yin Water, Yin Water.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…

Me and HE according to Feng Shui


Your element sign: Yin Water

The smooth, flowing and calm nature of Water is best expressed in calm and leisurely lovemaking. Yin Water sexuality is something mysterious and elusive, at times quite distant from more earthly, carnal personality types. The desires of Yin Water are aimed at implementing responsive tactics. Yin Water flows with those who are next to it; she, like a mirror, reflects the instincts and needs of her partner, sometimes to such an extent that she forgets about her own.

To fully open up to a new partner or lover, Yin Water needs time; at the same time, she always latently seeks variety in love. In a certain sense, Yin Water gravitates toward intrigue and secret operations in the spirit of “knights of the cloak and dagger,” even though such adventures can bring her bitter love experiences, conflicts, and other troubles. You may find that aesthetic considerations play a big role in choosing a partner - you like handsome men (women), poets, musicians and artists much more than rude types who are used to raking in every penny. Yin Water is more tolerant than Yang Water; therefore, you need to be more consistent in your love relationships. Satisfying your sexual appetites is difficult, but this does not mean that you are always unpredictable in sex or, on the contrary, agree to boring everyday life. On a mental level, you can be both demanding and selfish, and very indecisive when it comes to commitments. This is the dual nature of Water: no partner is destined to forever calm the ebb and flow of your sexual dynamics. A significant part of the sexuality of the Yin Water element is fantasy. If your partner is able to listen to you and understand that the mystery and imagination deep within your sexual energy needs to find expression, you may have the chance for that explosive exchange of passion that you have long dreamed of. And if you allow this incomprehensible reaction to happen, then as a result your desires and fantasy will merge together, turning your sexuality into something tangible.

Characteristic differences for your sign: Water Woman

“Time and my intentions are bloodthirsty, like wild animals. They are more cruel... than the insatiable tigers of the roaring sea."

Good amber is rare, and therefore ancient civilizations especially valued this stone. The mythical creature who supplied amber to people has always been the goddess of the sea. It is her image that best corresponds to the type of Water woman, distinguished by mobility, variability, and rare airiness. The Water Woman can sometimes be as elusive and unattainable as real amber.

Her capricious, clearly cunning nature can sparkle like a bright gem at parties, charming many men and filling the hearts of no fewer women with rage. In a sense, the Water woman appears in the form in which she would least like to be. It is very difficult for a woman who is under the rule of the element of Water to convince someone that she can be faithful and constant, while maintaining both charm and intelligence. She lives under the auspices of the Moon and in this way is no different from the ocean waves. Her sensitivity to the world around her is so high that she can draw mental portraits of her former lover, subsequently projecting them onto every man she meets in the future. Filling with so many vibrations suggests that love for a Water woman is a very complex game, but no matter what, Water strives to enjoy this game, no matter how high the stakes.

The fact that the Water woman often dates several men at the same time (and almost always these are not the ones she needs) can be explained simply: she is not sure what love is. Romantic encounters are high on her list of priorities, as is carnal love. However, a relaxed approach at the beginning of a relationship may give way to oscillations between assuming that the new lover is the man of her dreams and understanding the transitory nature of this relationship. Unable to understand what she really feels, the Water woman is often forced to swim against the current. If she could learn to perceive herself, to know her feelings as something different from the feelings of others, then she would be able to establish longer and stronger relationships. Ultimately, this is exactly what she strives for, but it doesn’t always work out.

The Water woman's special abilities to communicate can involve her in a variety of ambiguous situations. So, for example, she has a habit of using conversation to provide herself with a way out of any situation (especially if she had to face a completely opposite type, for example Fire, whom she will certainly drive to white heat with her lax lifestyle). But at the same time, a soft and deceptive appearance makes men pursue the Water woman in the hope of catching her fickle and flowing heart. The paradox of this woman is that although she enjoys the pursuit and is always ready to giggle, acting out the process of seduction and romantic sighs, her mood can suddenly change, and then the Water woman will simply refuse to participate in this masquerade. Such is the duality of this nature: nomadic, but in need of constancy, unpredictable, but able to reliably “hook” the soul of a lover and keep him close to her. Typically, such a vulnerability is immediately classified as a weakness; however, in a Water woman's personal relationships, vulnerability can be one of her greatest strengths. If she finds a man who will protect and take care of her (at the same time letting go of the leash so that his chosen one does not feel too bound by obligations), then the Water woman will most likely calm down in this constancy that is important to her.

To know herself, a Water woman needs many different relationships. She tries on different partners the way other women try on clothes - all in order to figure out which one will suit her best. Such experiments give her the opportunity to feel “real,” but at the same time, Water is absolutely sure that she wants a strong relationship with only one partner with whom she can interact without feeling either bound by obligations or placed in rigid boundaries. This is the problem that the Water woman constantly faces (and which turns out to be a serious obstacle for everyone with whom the Water woman enters into a personal relationship). Sometimes it seems that her restless, sometimes neurotic behavior contradicts her desire to remain with the only man she loves. It is difficult for Water to maintain a monogamous relationship, unless in it it receives such variety as is possible in the relationship of two partners; otherwise, she will swim away and return, guided only by her desires. Naturally, this won't be the easiest swimming lesson for any partner.

It is absolutely necessary for a Water woman to avoid conflicts and disagreements. She will not only stubbornly deny the existence of any conflict, but will also sneak away from the scene of hostilities at the first opportunity. It is always very difficult for her to cope with disharmony in life relationships.

A partner belonging to the Earth element may find Water a disappointing companion, not so much because of its variability and absent-mindedness, but because with every manifestation of possessiveness and insistence on the part of the Earth, Water will try to quickly disappear. The trouble with Water is that it idealizes every man she meets, seeing in him only what she wants to see. If the chosen one does not live up to her expectations, Water will only perform a “disappearance trick” or begin to flirt with such fervor that he himself will leave her. Once in a close relationship with a partner, a Water woman requires a lot of variety in the sexual sphere; she likes a lot of fun and light, non-committal flirting. For her, sex that is not associated with an exciting pastime quickly turns into a boring activity, because for Water, the physical expression of love should always be romantic, full of fantasy and... escapism.

An extrovert who is prone to experimentation and belongs to the element of Wood has a better chance of keeping Water close to him than any other element. The persistent and powerful magnetic appeal of Metal leads the Water woman into a romantic trance, and then her own charms become no less provocative and seductive than those of Metal. But its variability and inconstancy may turn out to be incompatible with the egocentrism of Fire and the possessive passion of Earth. Like a sea goddess bringing beautiful amber to the shore, Water can disappear into the surf just as easily as it came out.


Your element sign: Yin Fire

In principle, you are almost no different from a Yang Fire, with the slight exception that you are more inclined to indulge in a strange mixture of games, playing yourself a patient person today, and an impatient person tomorrow. The problem is that your energy is not expressed so clearly; on the contrary, it can be suppressed, pulled deep inside. It can make you become so immersed in yourself that everything around you seems small and insignificant. This is a kind of overcompensation for your inability to let off your sexual “steam”. You would like to share your anger and energy with your partner, but it will probably be difficult for you to open up to another during a hot and passionate embrace in bed.

Yin Fire needs more fun, more chances for freedom and expression of its inner tension (physical or mental). When you get into bed, come up with joint games, use mental analogies, and don’t think that to prove your love you need to shudder with orgasms all night long! If you like sex so much that you prefer to immediately proceed to the most active part of it, remember that to bring back at least a little romance into your life. Be creative with your time. Unlearn your annoying habit of controlling others - just calm down and wait for them to come to you. If you feel like your love relationships are gradually becoming mundane and monotonous (and your Fire element, although Yin, actually hates routine), try using sex toys and using your imagination to help. Place Fire talismans around your home, as you are able to absorb the energy of your native element. A great addition for a new romantic connection are candles and incense - they will make your carnal union more expressive. Anyone who belongs to the element of Yin Fire tends to expect too much from their partner; he may even come to the conclusion that it is quite enough for him to constantly be in the spotlight. However, Yin Fire needs constant praise, support and love - someone who belongs to this element can never be compared with former affections! Be careful with this fragile and valuable acquisition!

Characteristic differences for your sign: Fire Man

"Don't play with fire!"

Getting burned by real fire or the flame of someone with the passion and impulsiveness of the element of Fire is, needless to say, a rather painful way to learn about life. But if you are the type of person whose element is Fire, such a statement will seem nonsense to you! Still would! Fire men simply need adventure, the excitement of surprises and all kinds of risks. In addition, they need intimate connections—lots of connections. This doesn't mean that Fire is indiscriminate, it's just that the Fire man, being impatient and passionate about life, can literally burn his way into someone's heart. For the element of Fire, the word “passion” has a special meaning. Fire has an internal need to wait for the next event, sometimes for the next love (especially if its current partner does not share the enthusiasm and passion for life characteristic of Fire). Possessing an incredibly powerful motivation to move forward in life, Fire can sometimes seem unstoppable. And yet, even a Fire man strives to find balance in life so as not to burn out on the fly. Fire is consonant with inspiration and the future. For Fire, the past is a closed book, or an old film, or a videotape that is too late to rewind. Perhaps it is precisely because of the inner need to keep up with life and never stop that Fire manages to meet many people and experience more pleasures and sorrows than any other element. Obviously, luck is constantly knocking on the door of the house where Fire lives, and he immediately takes advantage of the opportunity given to him. Sometimes Fire needs to show its fiery character, and it does this so fiercely and lightning fast that as a result it turns out to be a participant in many more escapades and all sorts of adventures than it would like.

In love, Fire can be defeated. He tends to be irresponsible in his responsibilities, refuses to listen to the problems of others, and often turns out to be so busy with himself that he does not even have time to listen to someone else's point of view. With Fire, you must first remember that he loves to play (and therefore the phrase “Don’t play with fire!” suits him perfectly). He loves to play cat and mouse with life; like Prometheus, who stole fire from the Gods and gave it to people, the Fire man has the habit of playing with any danger. He enjoys the risk much more than the end result of the enterprise. The Fire man is a man of action. The result doesn't really matter to him, he just goes ahead and does what needs to be done, no matter what. As soon as the game ends, the Fire man immediately starts the next one, rushing headlong into a new risky adventure.

At heart, Fire is a real child: he constantly fantasizes about love and relationships with other people. That is why he easily falls in love and starts romantic relationships, but as soon as real life gets to the first signs of obligations, paperwork and other purely ordinary routine of love relationships, the Fire man immediately jumps into his sports car, disappears around the corner... and remember how called - he had already fallen in love again.

For a man whose element is Fire, sexual relations are not a purely physical act of copulation - they symbolize the very style of his existence. The problem with expressing his sometimes unusual desires is that it can be difficult for his partner to understand why Fire often prefers his own romantic and erotic fantasies to sexual intercourse. A representative of the element of Fire in its “pure form” is attracted to a partner with equally purely expressed characteristics of the element of Earth. In this case, we are dealing with a widespread projection of Fire onto a lost connection with the element of Earth; It is this desire for restoration that lies at the heart of Fire's dreams. But at the same time, the Earth expects much more intense sexual relationships and sensual experiences than Fire is capable of giving. As a result, Fire may feel like it is being used as a machine to satisfy sexual needs! In such a situation, a real threat of rupture hangs over the relationship. By the way, it is reality that the Fire man prefers to avoid. Feeling that he can no longer remain in his dreams and plans, the Fire man strives to quickly escape from the problem.

Fire, more than any other element, is prone to sudden outbursts of physical passion. This is the passion of Eros (it has nothing to do with the cupids on Valentine's Day cards), the embodiment of erotic and passionate love. If the passion of Fire is not counterbalanced in the form of another type of love, then very soon he will incinerate his own desires and wonder why this woman, whom he recently desired so much, now looks no more seductive than all those whom he knew before. That is why in Feng Shui it is very important to balance the energy of a person belonging to the element of Fire with the elements of Earth and Wood.

Desire is a word that is very close to the heart of the Fire man. However, by desire, Fire does not mean love for a specific person, but rather the desire for ideal love. Fire projects this desire onto almost every woman he meets. The Fire man’s weakness is the physical attractiveness of his partner, however, being confident in his “better half,” Fire will show attentiveness to her and understanding of her needs. He is honest and brave, but sometimes tactless - for example, saying that he could love many women. Other men hate him for this, which cannot be said about women - many of them admire such statements.

Connecting your fate with Fire is dangerous, unless you are morally ready to share with it the risk that it so strives for. Fire should feel freedom and ease in relationships. He avoids strong emotional attachments and cannot stand intrusive company. But at the same time, the Fire man can show amazing jealousy, noticing that his current fiery passion has spread to a new bundle of brushwood!

Fire needs the opportunity to express its love for life, romantic relationships, its passion and need for games. He will feel great in an open (and faithful) relationship, not limited by emotional boundaries and not overloaded with techniques of emotional blackmail; Probably, in such conditions, he is unlikely to look for his ideal outside the relationships that suit him. The difficulty of the Fire man is that he needs to maintain contact with his own feelings and the rest of the world, although contact with reality is not easy for Fire. He does not need a partner who will be his mother - no, he needs a mistress, but one who will not demand lovemaking all night long. For a Fire man, the flame of the soul is much more important than the fire in the loins. First of all, he is interested in food for the mind and the partner’s appeal to his spirit - perhaps after this he will begin to enjoy the intimacy and sensuality of a relationship that transforms him.

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