Pillar of the Day #41 壬寅 Ren Yin (Yang Water on the Tiger)

Yang Water, Yang Water.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…


Wu-shin theory of 5 primary elements. Tree. Fire. Earth. Metal. Water

By observing the cycles of life, the course of stars and weather changes, people studied natural phenomena and connected them with human life.

It was from these observations that the doctrine of Tao was born. Tao means "that which cannot be named." It has no direction, no will, no goal, but everything is born from it. From Tao arose the opposites Yin and Yang, earth and sky, matter and energy. And from these, in turn, the Five Elements (Elements) were born - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

The Chinese term "disaster" does not have the same meaning as the Western one. The Chinese define an element not as a material substance, but rather as a force - a special property of the Universe. This term refers generally to the laws of nature and its basic principles. The elements are regarded as transitional phases of various manifestations of Qi, as energy states that repeat themselves again and again.

According to Chinese views, the Five Elements are manifested in all phenomena of our world, our Universe: space and time, stars, climate, seasons, the existence of plants and animals, and, finally, in human lives. The organs and tissues of living beings, as well as their perceptions, sensations, emotions and mental capabilities are closely related to the elements. The elements maintain balance in each other, give birth to each other, pass over and control one another.

If the energy levels of the elements are not balanced, then people experience discomfort and illness, and in society - unrest, revolutions, and wars. When the elements are balanced and strong, a person gains health, and the world gains harmony, beauty and mercy.

Wood element

The tree brings the desire for movement and growth. It stimulates creative processes - planning and decision-making, conveys a desire for new horizons, projects and discoveries. The color green is associated with Tree.

The tree symbolizes growth in all directions: up and down, west and east, north and south. A tree is a symbol of powerful energy. In autumn and winter, it withdraws into itself and accumulates strength for the next spring and summer, for a new growth cycle.

The organs of the Tree are the liver and gall bladder.

The liver contains the energy of the Yin Wood.

It is the Liver that creates the power of imagination, the energy of creation, which is expressed in growth. The liver is an inventor, a discoverer, an innovator.

The Yang organ of the Wood element is the Gall Bladder .

It is responsible for our ability to make decisions and assert our needs in the real world. The Liver can be compared to an architect who designs a house, and the Gallbladder is like a builder who makes the decisions necessary to make the house a reality. The functions of both organs are closely related. Without a common, overarching idea, decisions made day after day are incoherent and meaningless. At the same time, grandiose plans are worthless if they are not implemented.

To implement any project you need to take certain steps. We must overcome ourselves and bring to life what we need. Therefore, muscles and tendons also belong to the element of Wood.

Tree growth occurs in all directions. If there is enough space and nutrition, the tree grows symmetrical. Coordination and symmetry are the basic characteristics of this element in nature and in human life. The causes of many diseases, the symptoms of which appear in only one half of the body, or diseases characterized by insufficient coordination in the functioning of the organs, can be found in disturbances of the element of Wood. Very often, an imbalance in the Wood element can be determined by the asymmetry of the face or body, or by a significant difference in visual acuity of the eyes.

The main role of the Tree is to restore mental, spiritual and physical balance, the coordinated work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Spring is the time of awakening of the powers of the Tree.

When the element of Wood is in balance, the coming spring brings new interests and goals, new energy. And, conversely, if the element of Wood is “exhausted,” fatigue and depression come along with spring.

If you can preserve the vital energy received in the spring, carry it through the summer heat, the period of fruit ripening in late summer, the autumn harvest and winter dormancy, then seeds will sprout, ready for a new cycle of development.

Element Fire

If the nature of Wood is expansion and growth in all directions, then the power of Fire strives vertically upward, from the depths of the earth to the sky, from the material to the spiritual, from ignorance to knowledge. Its colors are scarlet and red.

The Yin organ belonging to the element of Fire is the Heart . He is also called the Fire Prince, the supreme ruler of all organs. The heart is the center of consciousness, feelings and thoughts.

When the Fire energy located in the heart is too active, the Chinese say it is an excess of Qi. The consequence of this excess is talkativeness, profuse sweating and nervous tension. People in this state believe that they must take everything into their own hands, must control everything themselves. Most often, they are unable to allow others to take responsibility for themselves. This is typical of the modern "manager's disease", which often leads to heart disease. This imbalance usually occurs as a result of a deficiency in the energy of the Water element.

The lack of Fire energy in the heart is called Xiu - “incomplete”, “imperfect”. Xiu leads to such disorders as the inability to clearly express one’s thoughts, muteness, and perversion of taste. Since the Heart is responsible for “internal content,” its functions include purification of thoughts and speech, as well as the formation of responsibility and motivation.

Activation of the Heart meridian is usually used to treat neurological disorders: insomnia, nervousness, hysteria, manic-depressive psychosis, epilepsy. And also to correct speech disorders or to learn to listen to other people.

The Small Intestine is the first Yang organ associated with the Heart. The function of the Small Intestine is to absorb nutrients during the digestive process. The small intestine allows nutrients to be absorbed into the blood. It also influences a person’s intellectual level through receptivity to ideas.

A deficiency of energy in the Small Intestine manifests itself in a person if he accepts the knowledge, beliefs, beliefs of other people without processing, that is, without “digesting” them. Such a person is not able to develop his own system of ideas and beliefs.

When the element of Fire in the human body is balanced, summer brings him joy and the fulfillment of all desires. Such people are calm and balanced. They are able to foresee future events. They know when to speak and when to remain silent. The joy they experience is never excessive. They may be leaders, but they always know when to step aside. Their eyes radiate light and joy. They are familiar with kindness and generosity. They have good taste.

Element Earth

The middle is the direction corresponding to the Earth, it is not Yin or Yang. The Earth's energy moves horizontally in a vicious circle. Transitional periods between seasons are also associated with the elements of the Earth. These are moments when you need to look inside yourself and gather strength for a new phase of life.

The colors of the Earth are yellow and brown.

In humans, the element of the Earth manifests itself through compassion, understanding, empathy and love, unity with nature and other people. Such a worldview provides a person with the desired reception everywhere. He is at home everywhere, and he is always welcome. A person with a healthy Earth element has an inner wealth that allows him to give and care for others.

The spleen is the Yin organ of the Earth element . She is characterized by logical thinking, a rational mind, the ability to criticize, the ability to think everything through and a good memory.

The opposite characteristics are worrying about a thousand little things, returning to the past and addiction to fruitless memories.

On an intellectual level, the action of the spirit of the Earth is seen in the categories and concepts that we use to describe late summer: gathering, processing, selection, nutrition, survival and gaining the wisdom that brings a sense of security in the various situations in which life puts us.

A person with a developed Earth spirit reads a lot, thinks, collects information, stores and processes it. True, the latter is only possible when a person has enough Fire: independence, the ability to choose and process the collected facts.

The state of Shi, or Fullness of the Spleen, is characterized by non-stop thinking: an incessant internal monologue.

On a physical level, the spleen regulates the distribution of water and blood.

In addition to the Spleen, the elements of the Earth include connective, fatty and muscle tissue. And also the Yang organ - Stomach . The stomach in Chinese tradition is considered to be the combination of the lips, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, duodenum and the initial part of the small intestine. That is, the stomach is the system responsible for the absorption of nutrients.

The main function of the Earth's organs is to nourish and maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body. After all, the Chinese concept of “nutrition” refers not only to providing the body’s cells with nutrients, but also to supplying them with oxygen.

Disturbances in the rhythm of life also indicate an imbalance in the elements of the Earth.

Rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, breathing rhythm, menstrual cycle, diet, rhythms of physical, spiritual and psychological activity - all of them are to a certain extent related to the rotation of the Earth around its axis and around the Sun.

The earth generally plays a central role in the Chinese worldview. In the earliest diagrams of the Five Elements, Earth is depicted in the center, with the elements of Water, Wood, Fire and Metal surrounding it on four sides. In ancient China, there were medical schools in which all physical and mental disorders were treated by restoring the balance of the elements of the Earth.

In these schools, results were achieved through practical knowledge of the power of the elements in various foods and medicinal herbs, as well as through the use of massage and acupuncture of the Stomach and Spleen meridians. Special physical exercises were also used to enhance the energy of the Earth in a person.

Element Metal

The essence of the Metal element is concentration and condensation. The energy of the element is directed inward. The color of the element is white.

Minerals of the Earth belong to the elements of Metal, without them growth, and most importantly, the fertility of the earth is impossible. Earth is the mother, Metal is the father. He is responsible for the organization, maintenance and concentration of all things.

When Earth and Metal unite, there is an opportunity for birth and growth, realized by the element of Wood.

The Yin organ belonging to the Metal element is the Lungs, and the Yang organ is the Large Intestine.

In Chinese tradition, the Lungs are compared to the first minister or high priest who maintains proper order in society. The lungs receive vital energy Qi, and the Large Intestine cleanses the body and releases excess. Here two main functions of the Metal element are formulated: receiving and giving - the main forms of energy movement on earth.

Most spiritual practices use concentration and breath control in meditation techniques. These traditions view the breath as man's connection with the Universe, and its conscious use as a means of harmonious coexistence with heaven and earth.

The dualism of the breathing function (inhalation and exhalation) - saturation with energy and its release - is the principle by which the entire cosmos exists.

The same principle underlies pulsation, expansion and contraction. The action of this principle has been discovered in the life of galaxies and in the life of single-celled organisms. Metal's ability to concentrate does not contradict the principle of pulsation or breathing, because concentration is possible only through the rhythmic alternation of tension and relaxation.

Rhythm is generally the main category of the Metal element. Rhythmic and full breathing maintains the pulse of life and gives us the strength to maintain connection with the external environment.

The skin is an important respiratory and excretory organ. Through the skin we continuously interact with the environment: we express our attitude towards others by allowing them to touch us or avoiding contact; We interact with nature, enjoying the coolness of water or wind, the warmth of the sun, the softness and roughness of the earth, the tenderness of plant foliage.

The sensory organ of Metal is the nose . A poor sense of smell indicates a lack of proper balance in the Metal element. Thanks to the sense of smell, we divide food into good and bad, and distinguish the diverse smells of flowers. Relationships with people are also connected to the sense of smell.

The element of Metal represents our relationship with the Universe, our “connection with the heavens.” Moreover, “heaven” is synonymous with the intellectual and spiritual world.

If a person has not developed the ability to cleanse, his body will be in a state of stagnation, or stagnation. This is why the Large Intestine is no less important than the Lungs for our “connection with heaven.”

Only if we can regularly free ourselves from outdated thoughts and old thinking patterns can we perceive fresh ideas and give birth to new thoughts.

Therefore, the functioning of the Colon on a psychological level provides the body with the energy necessary for mental clarity and foresight.

A sign of a lack of balance in the element of Metal in a person is an insufficient connection with the environment and a pessimistic attitude towards life. If the Metal element is healthy, then trust in life, optimism and a positive assessment of the future prevail.

Living according to the laws of the Metal element is difficult. On the one hand, the essence of the elements is concentration, liberation, sadness, life within certain limits and withdrawal from the world. On the other hand, it is a connection with the environment, our vitality, a connection with heaven. We often have to look back, step back, in order to comprehend the deep connection of things and events, imperceptible in everyday life.

The circle closes only when we free ourselves from the past. If we free ourselves, a space is created where the old dies and the new is born. It is also important that the form changes. Then the essence will manifest itself. You need to free yourself without giving up or losing faith. Then the refuge in the outer world will become a refuge in the inner world.

Element Water

The power of Water increases in winter, during the season of short days and long nights. The ground is covered with snow, the sun does not warm.

The energy of Water is a vertical flow directed to the center of the earth, the nature of Water is immersion. Water draws you into the depths. It acts as a force of attraction and leads life to its origins, to the depths of consciousness, to the center of being. Elemental color is black.

The taste associated with Water is salty. Salt regulates the amount of water retained in the body.

The physiological mixture of various salts in the blood and tissue fluid has a composition similar to sea water for millions of years. But excess salts in the body lead to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues and, consequently, to edema and weight gain.

The nature of the element of Water is expressed in the image of grain, which contains the powerful potential for future development.

Compressed in a small space lies what will in the future turn into a mighty tree. The grain contains the essence of the tree.

In Chinese tradition, this essence is defined as Ancestral Energy. The kidneys are its guardians. Ancestor energy is the various types of energy that a person inherits from his parents and other ancestors; this term is similar to the concept of genetic code.

The organ of Yin Water is the Kidneys. The Yang organ is the Bladder. The element of Water also belongs to bone tissue .

Kidneys in Chinese medicine are considered not only as a place for storing the Energy of Ancestors, but also as a reservoir for those types of energy that enter our body after eating and digesting food and are not immediately used.

The kidneys, like any other organ, can be considered as a force field that extends its influence to the entire body.

Water energy in the body is presented in various forms. Water is the fluid building material of the body. It makes up at least 65% of body weight and acts as a lubricant and solvent.

Continuous cleansing of the body with water is carried out thanks to the Kidneys, which is one of their most important functions. The movement of water in the body has nothing to do with nutrition. Nutrition is the work of the Stomach and Pancreas. Water also does not provide the body with vital energy; the Lungs do this.

The flow of water has no color or shape. Water collects waste, prevents stagnation and provides movement, freshness and fluidity to the body. There is not a single function or process that could do without water. Internal secretion requires water.

The kidneys are responsible for maintaining the constancy of the ionic composition of the blood. This is important for building bone tissue and many other biochemical processes.

Without the required amount of salts, nerves cannot function, muscles cannot move, and the heart cannot beat. This is why the Chinese consider the Kidneys to be as important an organ as the heart. The kidneys guarantee the constancy of the internal environment of the human body, the basis of its life.

There is a close connection between the function of the kidneys and the nervous system, since the kidneys are responsible for maintaining the balance of ions in the blood, and therefore throughout the body.

Perhaps this is why Chinese tradition assigned the brain and spinal cord to the element of Water. In ancient Chinese texts, the brain is called the “Sea of ​​Essence.” The kidneys control hearing. The quality of our hearing is determined by the balance of fluid in the ear. The sense of balance depends on the distribution of fluid in the ear labyrinth and also relates to the element of Water. The causes of most ear diseases are associated with disturbances in the element of Water.

Behavior and emotions associated with Water are explained by the action of adrenal hormones. Real or imagined danger that causes fear becomes the strongest stimulus for the release of these hormones into the circulatory system. In China, fear is associated with the mighty power of Water.

The nature of the spirit of the water element represents that vitality that helps a person overcome difficulties on his life path. It opens when the body is clean and free inside, and when hormones regulate metabolic processes well.

In turn, this makes it possible to increase vitality and energy. This energy is embodied in body flexibility, joint mobility, sexual potency, strong bones and healthy teeth, shiny hair, good hearing, a desire for action and active adaptation to life circumstances.

With an imbalance, harshness and coldness are revealed, which lead to a lack of flexibility, stiffness in the back and lumbosacral region, decreased elasticity of the muscles of the back of the thighs and legs along the Bladder meridian.

Other manifestations of coldness and stiffness may include sciatica and bladder infections. Imbalances in the element of Water lead to urolithiasis, urinary tract infections, bone diseases, hair loss, some types of diarrhea, menstrual irregularities and insomnia. Such people constantly have cold feet and hands.

The ability to respond to any changes in the surrounding world is a feature of the element of Water: softness, pliability, refusal to resist. Serious disturbances in the element of Water lead to attacks of panic, delirium, persecution mania, fear of the dark, “closed space” and states where fear fetters and paralyzes a person.

The element of Water keeps the deep secrets of life. When we perceive the energy of Water, inner peace comes to us. In this inner silence the unconscious realm of sleep and the world of dreams are slowly revealed. Water is the element of deepening into oneself, the element of meditation. If a person feels at home in the depths, he calmly faces the storms that rage on the surface. It is in the element of Water that we become acquainted with that which has no name - with Tao.

Let's refuse to get sick and start loving! Chinese horoscope for the week from November 29 to December 5

5-tv.ru publishes forecasts by Tanya Bendz, based on the ancient Chinese system of “bazi”, which means “eight hieroglyphs of fate”. You can learn more about what “bazi” is here.

The coming week will be colored by energy conflicts and clashes. It will begin with a scandal between the leader of the day (Snake) and the leader of the month (Pig), and will end with the day of a solar eclipse. Well, in between there will be all sorts of minor troubles itching above the ear.

I don’t want to be a whiner, but what conclusions can be drawn from this situation? The first conclusion is that you need to be as attentive and aware as possible - that is, understand exactly what you are doing, why and for what purpose. Then the chances that you will be sucked in by negative energy will be significantly reduced.

The second conclusion is that in case of any unfavorable forecasts, one must keep one’s emotions in check. Do not allow yourself to panic, become limp, swear and be offended. Well, or if this happens, quickly reset, make peace with everyone and move on.

On a positive note, the week will be very good for meetings, dates, and even engagement. Those who don’t want romance can build good relationships with colleagues and even their boss. This lafa will begin on Wednesday. It is worth using favorable energies to the maximum.

Monday, November 29, Yin Metal and Snake

The week will begin with an energy skirmish. The lord of the day - the Snake - will face the lord of the month - the Pig. Usually such clashes lead to quarrels, disputes and health problems. And if we take into account that the Snake this time will be metal, then the likelihood of various kinds of injuries and similar troubles increases many times over.

Bazi advises not to lighten up or plan important things on Monday. Don't make wishes or build expectations. There may be disruptions and delays, problems, errors and failures. In short - complete destructiveness and energy chaos.

What makes sense to do? It is worth doing daily, small things, a calming routine that does not require vital costs. The most important thing to do this Monday is not to be nervous. Remember that most of our “troubles” are in our heads in the form of an idea of ​​​​what “trouble” is. If we change the idea, we will change the situation.

People of the Pig sign will especially benefit from calming meditations this Monday. Pigs can get very nervous over trifles; it makes sense to support them morally.

Tuesday, November 30, Yang Water and Horse

Tuesday is forecast to be slightly more favorable than Monday. The key word here is slightly. The energies of the day bring instability, primarily emotional. The combination of Yang Water and the fiery sign of the Horse always means overflowing feelings, passion and spontaneous reactions.

It makes sense to mentally prepare for the fact that the things you start on Tuesday will take a long time to do. To reduce risks, it is better not to plan important things for this day. Special instructions for this day: do not visit hospitals, otherwise treatment may take a long time.

You should be especially careful on the roads. Postpone extreme sports until later; it is better to postpone engagement and the start of big trips to another day.

People with the Rat in their chart will feel the most vulnerable on this day. It will be difficult for them to concentrate and control themselves.

Wednesday December 1st, Yin Water and Goat

The first day of December carries ambivalent information. On the one hand, the ruler of the day, the Goat, will fight with the ruler of the year, the Ox. And this means that some comrades will become more stubborn, and some will be irritated beyond measure.

On the other hand, the same Goat, when faced with a Bull, can help the latter open a treasure chest. Translating from bazi to human - Wednesday is a financially favorable day for people with Ox and Goat in the chart. They may receive unexpected profits for which nothing will be paid.

For all other individuals (without the Ox in the chart), it is better not to plan super-important things on Wednesday. It is better to limit yourself to short-term, not very fateful tasks. To have the opportunity to replay, if necessary.

Some good news. Wednesday is a favorable day for all kinds of contacts with the opposite sex. Make appointments, dates and get-togethers with pies - the energies of the day will help you charm your counterpart.

For the heroes of the day, Goat people and Ox people, Wednesday will be a potentially successful, but difficult day. You, gentlemen and ladies, should take care of your health and especially not overeat.

Thursday, December 2, Jan Tree and Monkey

Thursday will give you an energetic break. The Monkey, a sign of Yang Metal, will of course try to cut down the Yang Tree, but this will not change the overall positive balance of the day.

On Thursday it is recommended to collect something - debts, harvest, money, awards, recognition. Everything you have earned so far will fall into your life basket. It is also beneficial to ask for help and support. The chance that you will not be refused will be significantly higher.

The day is under the “star of virtue,” which means it is favorable for the sphere of relationships. Meetings, dating, establishing contacts will go well, but the most successful, gentle and environmentally friendly will be divorces and separations - do not forget that on this day the Monkey will still try to cut down the Tree.

For people of the Tiger sign, Thursday can be inharmonious. Failures in plans, missing documents and violations of agreements are likely. Tigers are not recommended to take risks and make big plans for this day.

Friday, December 3, Yin Tree and Rooster

Friday promises to be easy and interesting. After days of protracted conflicts, energies will open the way for new projects and add artistry to plans and plans.

On Friday it will be favorable to open businesses, sign contracts, start a new job, and make new romantic acquaintances. In short - it's all about the ball! Fountains of ideas, inspiration and the brilliance of a better future are guaranteed to us.

You shouldn’t go to the doctors on Friday, start repairs and diet. There is a possibility that all these stories will drag on for a long time. On the contrary, it is worth starting those things and projects that you would like to prolong as much as possible.

For people of the Rabbit sign, Friday may not cause much enthusiasm. They are categorically not recommended to take risks on this day and should keep an eye on their wallets and documents.

Saturday, December 4, Yang Fire and Dog

This Saturday is a day that several forecast systems are talking about: don’t go anywhere, stay at home, relax.

According to Bazi, December 4, a day without energy is a stop day. On Saturday you should not start any serious business, projects, etc. If you are still forced to move, then calmly accept the delays and obstacles that are very likely on your way.

Saturday is also a “day of illness,” so it would be completely wrong to schedule medical procedures and doctor visits on December 4th.

Then, December 4 is the day of a solar eclipse, and on such days the Chinese recommend limiting vigorous activity as much as possible, it is better not to leave the house at all. The energies of an eclipse can confuse your thoughts and bring chaos to your usual actions, so focus as much as possible on awareness or, if space allows you, immerse yourself in your inner world - dreams and daydreams are welcome.

People with the Dragon in their chart need to be especially careful on Saturday. On this day they will be plagued by irritation that has come from out of nowhere. Don't worry, gentlemen, everything will pass soon.

Sunday, December 5, Yin Fire and Pig

Sunday - the day of the double Pig will be favorable for everyone except Snake people. I’ll tell the snakes right away - crawl into cover. You may be seriously stormy on this day.

For everyone else, Sunday will bring good mood, optimism and a desire to do a lot of things. It’s good to do long-term planning, arrange a move or trip, organize an engagement. We boldly plan all the things that will bring a harvest of prosperity into your life in the future.

You can start treatment on Sunday; special attention should be paid to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Good bazi everyone!

2022 Forecast for Animals of the Chinese Calendar

The coming year 2022 will be ruled by the Yang Water Black Tiger, the “River Walking Tiger.”

Characteristics of the ruler of the year

Water Yang

is running water, a river, a waterfall or an ocean, it is masculine and can become a flood, a torrential rain or a raging ocean. Water is associated with wisdom in the Chinese theory of the five elements.

Characteristics of Yang Water are talented, wise, insightful, agile, restless and progressive. In the Chinese I Ching, water is associated with danger. Other features of Yang Water are severity, mercilessness, and provocation. Yang Water is the 9th element of the 10 heavenly stems. The color of Yang Water is black or dark blue.


- the third animal sign of the 12 branches. According to the Chinese theory of five elements, the Tiger belongs to the Wood group. The tiger is Yang, the great spring tree. By nature, the Tiger is a predator. Often alone, does not communicate and has difficulty getting along with others. The Tiger has a commanding disposition and an intimidating appearance. The characteristics of the Tiger are courage, determination, tenacity, dictatorship, ambition and self-confidence.


also contains some Yang fire, which is associated with the sun, a powerful force or public figure. The Tiger likes the warmth of Yin Fire and Horse Fire to raise its energy. The Tiger does not like it when the Pig and Monkey suppress his passion and vitality.

Yang Water Tiger

ranks 33rd out of 60 earthly branches. Yang Water is the Heavenly Stem and Tiger is the Earthly Branch in the Chinese zodiac calendar.

What does the Year of the Tiger symbolize?

Chinese New Year 2022 will begin on Tuesday, February 1st. The symbol of 2022 is the Tiger crossing the river or a boat sailing along the river. This implies travel, adventure, exploration, courage and new life. This is a sign to start something new, such as a new business or career.

Forecast for 2022 for annual animals


In 2022, the Rat will be lucky - the year will be much better than 2021. In particular, career prospects, active work, and good luck in love await her. The forecast advises the Rat in the new year not to be too arrogant, to do everything themselves and make more efforts. They are advised to maintain a positive attitude and work activity in the first half of the year, and reap the benefits in the second half.


The bulls will meet their patrons in 2022. No matter what happens, they will be able to turn the unfavorable into a promising and profitable one. People born under the Chinese zodiac animal Ox will meet an auspicious star in 2022. This means that they will be protected and will receive help, especially in their careers. The Ox will have many friends around who will help when they face difficulties and adversity. Thus, advice for the Tiger is to value friendship and new acquaintances.


In 2022, everything will not go as smoothly as we would like for the Tiger. All sorts of failures and obstacles in business are possible. They will face a lot of social or family pressure and even fall into a state of confusion and despair. Since Tigers often act impulsively, they can easily fail in their work. Thus, the advice for the Tiger is not to set too high goals and objectives for 2022, to implement everything gradually and according to plan. If they are diligent, luck will find them!


Rabbits will have mixed fortunes in 2022. Although their star sign is generally prospering this year, things may get worse in some aspects. However, the advice for the Rabbit is not to take a passive position, not to fold your hands, but to act at your own discretion. In addition, in 2022 there is a high probability of major happy events, such as wedding ceremonies, buying real estate or the birth of children. This will make Rabbits' lives more positive.


Dragons in 2022 will be impetuous and can easily get out of control in the face of difficulties and obstacles in work and daily life. This will add stress and uncertainty to their lives. However, in the second half of the year their condition will change and improve. A lucky star will bring Dragons good luck in career aspects, and therefore opportunities for promotion.


Those born in the years of the Snake may experience troubles, financial losses, and difficulties in business due to a collision with Tai Sui. Big changes may occur in their family. However, the general condition of the Snakes cannot be called bad. Even though they are facing Tai Sui, thanks to the appearance of lucky stars, they will be able to solve and overcome all problems. An important tip is to think carefully before you act.


2022 will be a generally harmonious year for Horses. Their condition in various aspects of life will improve under the influence of favorable stars. But although Horses will receive great help and protection from favorable stars, they still need to be vigilant and beware of strong emotions and experiences. Horses have good career prospects, but only as long as they work hard.


Sheep will be lucky in 2022. They will receive great support and favor from many favorable stars. Their general moral and physical condition will be very good. Representatives of the Sheep sign will have good luck in their careers and love, and fruitful results in their work. However, when everything goes well, the influence of ominous stars will appear, and many things will change. Therefore, Sheep, do not lose your vigilance and do not rush to rest on your laurels.


Due to the conflict with Tai Sui, the Monkeys will have difficult times in 2022. And their careers will especially suffer. They may become ineffective and antagonize their colleagues. In business, losses and general monetary losses, as well as unsuccessful investments, are possible. 2022 is a test of Monkeys for stamina and endurance. Therefore, it is useful to remain positive and take initiative in business.


2022 will be a year of good fortune for the Rooster, thanks to the favor of many favorable stars. Their career and money areas will benefit the most in 2022. No matter what difficulties they encounter along the way, they will receive help from their patrons and overcome obstacles. However, at the same time there will be the arrival of ominous stars, which will have an extremely detrimental effect on the health of the Roosters. Advice - take care of your health all year and don’t cause problems in your body!


Representatives of the Dog sign will have a year of luck and harmony. They will not only have the secret support of “Tai Sui”, but also the favor of favorable stars. Their overall fortunes will be much better than in 2021 and they must take the initiative to take advantage of the year's opportunities.


In 2022, the Pig will spend the year of compatibility with Tai Sui. As a result of the Tai Sui Destruction, their work and life will undergo some changes. This year they may be slow to move up the career ladder, it will be difficult for them to earn money and they may experience a “swing” in their love relationships. However, they should not worry too much because many favorable stars will favor them. Therefore, the “falls” will inevitably be followed by a new rise!

Even more information about the Year of the Black Tiger

you will receive at my annual Astro Forecast -2022.
Expectation and reality December 8-10! Register now and get 2 gifts!
After which, you will start to get lucky, even if a black cat crosses the road.

  • Video lesson: “Introducing Ba Zi: Building a map, going over the basics”
  • Video lesson: “Feng Shui instructions in 12 steps: removing toxins from our home”

The black water tiger will come into its own on February 1, 2022, less than 3 months left. You still have time to prepare for it in advance, protect your family and activate luck in your home 100% and feel supported in all areas of your life throughout the year!

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