Pillar of the Day #50 己卯 Ji Mao (Yin Earth on Rabbit)

Yin Water, Yin Water.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…

Six Yin Water Personality Types

60 Jia Zi

People Water Yin

pliable, soft, non-conflicting. They are sociable, caring, gentle, but they are characterized by increased anxiety and a sense of fear. They often look different from what they really are. It is very difficult to understand what is inside such people. They easily change their minds and priorities. People of this type are not characterized by such traits as straightforwardness and frankness. In communication, they often prefer the indirect route. They tend to worry too much. They are prone to pessimism and negative thinking. They value freedom of choice, communication, and movement.

There are six types of Yin Water

癸卯Yin Water on the Rabbit. Emotional and sensual people. Creative, artistic. Overall a wonderful character. They are able to flexibly adapt to the situation and find a common language with people from different social spheres. Well-mannered, educated, tactful and cultural. They love neatness and clarity, but do not tolerate rudeness and cruelty. Money is not the main goal in life for them; they gravitate more toward art and creativity. Inspiration is important to them. Often these are spiritual people. They are more interested in the inner world than the external trappings of wealth or power. They easily attract helpers and influential people into their lives. In the pillar there is a star Noble Man. They have good taste, but sometimes tend to indulge their desires and have bad habits. Inspiration and pleasure are important to them. Romantic, charming. There is a tendency towards a second marriage. In relationships they know how to give and support their partner.

癸酉 Yin water on the Rooster. People are educated, polite, and often pursue careers in education. Receptive, over time they develop a desire for self-education, love research, and are proud of their education. Creative, intuitive, quite sensitive people. They make excellent poets and artists. They have a deep inner world. But these are rather difficult people; they do not always openly express their intentions. They can be cunning, dexterous, and, if desired, know how to manipulate people. They have a non-standard view of the world, they have original ideas. They speak well (oratory talent), sing, and work with information. They can be sharp-tongued and do not always notice that their statements offend people. They don't know how to keep secrets. They love to discuss other people and gossip. They are not afraid to expose their own shortcomings. Sexy and attractive. They often have a second marriage. They want to receive more in a relationship than to give. They like to play by their own rules.

癸巳 Yin Water on the Snake. People are smart and talented. They may have extraordinary abilities and do extraordinary things. Their ingenuity and intelligence help them in life. They have good intuition. On the path of life they meet many helpers. These are noble people, endowed with self-esteem. They try to do the right thing, but are inconsistent in their actions and promises. People are endowed with abilities and talents in different areas. They can be successful in business and politics. But they often do not strive for the heights of power or the pursuit of profit. They don't have excessive ambitions. Very correct, they prefer to play it safe, think everything over carefully. They can make a good career, often becoming excellent specialists in their profession. True, they are lazy. But if they find an incentive for themselves, they will move towards the goal methodically and purposefully. They strive to dominate in relationships.

癸亥 Yin Water on the Pig. People are smart and lucky. Somewhat mysterious and mystical people. You can communicate with them for many years, but never get to know them completely. They can be tough and calculating. They are straightforward, honest, and clear-spoken. Strong sense of justice. Ready to fight for truth and justice. These people are freedom-loving, often rebels or hippies by nature. Always follows your own path. They like to move forward, change their place of residence, work, environment. They are active and difficult to keep up with. People of this sign have high sociability, they are always surrounded by people. They make acquaintances easily, but break up just as easily. They attract helpers in different areas of life. They love to move and learn something new. They can travel a lot in search of inspiration. Relationships are built on equal terms.

癸未 Yin water on the Goat. People are smart, versatile individuals. Often impatient and harsh in their statements. They are ambitious, but often misunderstood by others. Somewhat arrogant, they love pleasure and beautiful things. Quite conservative and practical. Often interested in support from others. It is important for them to be appreciated by people. They can become attached to a person or group of people and blindly follow them. They can be followers. They have talents in different areas. They can do work that requires control. They have enough creative abilities. But they are, first of all, practitioners. They are more interested in a result that can be touched with their hands or valued in monetary terms. Quite stubborn and hardworking. They are considered a rather intuitive sign, we are even talking about extrasensory abilities. They love money and pleasure. They can do things chaotically and spontaneously. Change your type of activity. But they are quite successful financially.

癸丑 Yin Water on the Ox. People are smart, have a sharp and insightful mind, a broad outlook, and erudition. They are excellent conversationalists and always know how to listen. Friendly and persuasive, they rarely fail to achieve their goals. Attentive and neat. Able to distinguish right from wrong. They have clear principles. These are quite respected people, those around them listen to them and ask for advice. They can be somewhat fussy and noisy. But they are very stable in their principles. They are often afraid of unpleasant stories, which makes them be careful in their statements. Study and self-knowledge are important to them. They have a great interest in spiritual practices, alchemy, and metaphysics. People often engage in science for internal pleasure, and not for making money. They always move only forward, are quite ambitious, but are often not understood by others. Hardworking and persistent. But they need a specific result. They won’t just work for an idea. Talented, have good reflexes.

Each of the sixty Jia Zis is a whole layer of information about the character, abilities, and life opportunities of a person. The most complete information about the 60 Personality types described by Jia Zi in the new version of the 60 Jia Zi Handbook.

Human Personality and Yin Earth

A man of the Yin Earth perfectly “absorbs” knowledge, he has many hidden talents.
Usually intellectually developed, but at the same time conservative. Has difficulty accepting new items and the fast pace of life, preferring to do everything “the old fashioned way.” In everyday clothes he is classically restrained and modest, avoiding bright colors, although his sense of taste is well developed. The soil grows all living things, and the People of the Yin Earth also “grow” the people around them. Other people see them as an example to improve themselves even more.

Like Yin Earth, this person has a lot to give to others. He has highly developed parental instincts and a sense of caring for others. Such people make wonderful mothers and fathers. They devote themselves entirely to the educational process, but sometimes show excessive care. He is always friendly, the atmosphere around him is invariably filled with coziness, sincerity and comfort.

The soil is a complex environment, and the people of the Yin Land are not as simple and selfless as they try to seem. The soil contains many substances, deposits of resources and minerals. Likewise, people of Yin Earth have a tendency to accumulate and save. He thinks pragmatically and has financial potential already built into him.

Map of Yuri Nikulin

To be honest, I was very surprised when I saw his card. It was a big surprise for me to see such an established “7th Killer” . And then, looking closely at this card, I realized the beauty of this card.

Why is his card so attractive? So charismatic? Where does a person have so much charm, because Yuri Nikulin’s appearance is not at all Hollywood. But at the same time, all the characters, both humorous and dramatic, captivate him absolutely and unconditionally. Why can films with his participation be watched several times? I’m not talking about the fact that this is a person who survived all the hardships and difficulties of the war and came out of it with an even purer soul, not embittered or embittered. And he spent in the war from 1939 - a total of 7 years. A man who adored humor and did not tolerate betrayal, lies and greed. Now let's get back to the charm and charisma of this card . Why does she grab hold of people and then not let anyone go? I’m ready to watch the same “The Diamond Arm” over and over again. In the open Heavenly Pillars , one can see the desire of Yin wood and Yang metal to merge; they certainly do not merge, but strive towards each other. This is called "manifest peach blossom". Which means that a person has charm and charisma. This time . Secondly , power in the map is responsible for power over the minds and attention of other people. Very often there is strong power in the chart of fairly famous personalities. Thirdly , in the pillar of the month there are “ Peach Blossom ” (by day) + Red Luan (by day). Can you imagine how killer this card is? Plus the strong pillars of the Rabbit and the Rooster (although these are not native, but also peach flowers. It is interesting to know if Yuri Nikulin was born at the hour of the Horse? There is such a special structure. At the same time, the “ 7th killer ” gives a person the ability to think non-trivially and outside the box , react quickly in an unusual situation. The Rat in this card is a real blessing - it is a bridge between strong power and the daytime dominant. And such a strong power, which could absolutely and completely collide with the Daytime dominant, thanks to this, brings only positive opportunities to the card. This and the ability to influence other people, and the ability to negotiate with higher authorities and leadership qualities and the ability to quickly make decisions and take responsibility.But in this card I was more interested in why he was such a beloved and popular actor, clown and at the same time a talented circus leader He deserved true love and recognition of his talent and at the same time remained a Man with a capital M.

Brief analysis of personality elements in the Bazi chart

Yang tree

The Yang tree gives people strong character, perseverance and straightforwardness. Such people are conservative, do not like change and have difficulty making compromises. Personalities of this type easily achieve goals; they are characterized by perfectionism. They have a good imagination, learn and develop throughout their lives. They have a great need for communication. People are stubborn and tough. Often these are politicians and athletes.

Yin tree

This is a flower or vine. These people adapt well and quickly. They are excellent diplomats and psychologists. The Yin tree gives people softness, flexibility, and pliability. They easily adapt to circumstances and know how to smooth out rough edges. Such a person is characterized by delicacy, eloquence and a sense of tact. He is easily influenced by others.

Fire Yang

Fire Yin

Earth Yang

Yin Earth

If your personality element is Yin Earth, then you are characterized by honesty, caring, and intelligence. The disadvantages of individuals of this type can be excessive humility, naivety and inability to defend their interests. Possessing a strong maternal instinct, such people often surround loved ones with care, which often develops into possessiveness

Metal Yang

If your personality element is Yang Metal, then you are characterized by hardness, endurance, loyalty, and reliability. Such people are devoted in friendship and love, but do not forgive betrayal and betrayal. Thanks to their assertiveness and determination, these people often become leaders with a strong-willed hand. This type of personality has high resistance to stress and is not afraid of the opinions of others.

Metal Yin

Yin metal characterizes charming people who love comfort and strive for care and attention. Material well-being is important to them. At the same time, behind the apparent gentleness and humility lies a firm person who knows well what he needs from life. He knows how to show flexibility, pliability, hear different points of view, and find compromises.

Water Yang

Next, let's look at people whose Personality element is Yang Water. It gives the personality energy, love of freedom and strong will. Such people quickly adapt to circumstances and have good learning abilities. They are always very active.

Yin Water

In the next paragraph we will look at people with the Yin Water element. Such people are seemingly gentle and defenseless, but inside them there is great strength that gives them the opportunity to achieve any goals. They have a developed intellect, a rich imagination and are able to sense the mood of others. Their disadvantages include excessive secrecy and suspicion.

Secret Doctrine

Feng Shui forecast for 2013

Year of the Black (Blue) or Water Snake - from February 10, 2013 (according to the Lunar calendar) and from February 4, 2013 (according to the Solar calendar)

Conflict of Water and Fire. Significant aspects of the year The year 2013 is represented in the Chinese calendar, like any moment in time, by two signs (elements) - the heavenly one - the sign of Yin Water, and the earthly one - the sign of Yin Fire - the Snake, which are in a state of control (conflict) with each other. (Let me remind you that there are only 5 elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and each of them can manifest itself in the Yin or Yang aspect.) The interaction of Water and Fire - the release of steam - can “rip the lid off”, but can also move transport (steam engine). This combination is a powerful source of energy. The year may be full of changes, conflicts, uprisings. The previous years of the Snake are remembered by the following events: 1941 - the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 1989 - the destruction of the Berlin Wall, 2001 - the September 9 terrorist attack. Inside the Snake, as part of its elements, it contains not only strong Fire, but is also the birthplace of Yang-Metal, which is associated with weapons. Therefore, we cannot rule out violent clashes, revolutions, terrorist attacks, shootings, explosions and the threat of a nuclear issue. However, in 2013, Yin Water symbolizes the “morning dew”, a small drop of water, a drizzle, this Water is the most Yin of the elements. It appears as moderate, soft, restrained, tolerant, calm, accommodating and flexible, but on the other hand, Yin Water is cunning, secretive and deceptive and can leak out everywhere. If the energy is channeled in a positive direction, it can bring intelligent and innovative ideas and reforms. In the negative, it could be secret organizations, fraud, terrorist attacks and murders. The snake can be seen as mystical, unpredictable, like a chameleon. Behind events that outwardly seem to be developing smoothly, complex underlying trends may be hiding. Disastrous events during the year will be sudden and deadly, like the swift leap of an attacking snake. Good events will bring unprecedented discoveries and achievements ahead of their time! The water sitting on the Fire Snake is hot water, which leads to a high probability of natural phenomena such as drought, global warming, earthquakes and tornadoes. The Snake will form a combination with the Tiger and the Monkey to create a strong Fire combination - the so-called. "Fire Punishment" This destructive energy of Fire can cause explosions and fires. The most dangerous months are February (Tiger) and August (Monkey). Water sitting on burning Fire creates favorable conditions for viruses and the spread of epidemics. According to Feng Shui, Flying Star 5 will be in the Center this year (see below), and Disease Energy Star 2 will be in the southwest. So these two locations will suffer more from viruses and problems. The center includes a region in any country that is called Central and Middle. For example: China (“Middle State”), Middle East, Central Africa, Central America, Central Asia, Central region. At a smaller level, sources of potential travel hazards are also located in the center - intersections, roundabouts, bus and subway interchange stations, airports and other public places associated with transportation. In Chinese metaphysics, the Snake is the star of travel, and Water is also the element of transport and communication. Thus, the year of the Water Snake will bring more travel, but at the same time it will bring more traffic accidents, especially in the air and sea. There will be a lot of problems in the business related to airlines as well as shipping. In addition, the Snake is a long animal, this symbolizes the railway and the train, so serious accidents on the railways should be expected. The Fire Snake is also an element of entertainment and restaurants, which may indicate certain achievements and innovations in these areas.

Economy and Business In 2013, we can expect significant improvement in the economy as investors regain confidence with the support of Fire from the Snake. So this could be a year when economic activity and the stock market become very active, especially in the spring and summer. Strong Fire this year will create a positive mood that will bring optimism and confidence, and people will buy. This positive Fire energy will continue into 2014. Real estate, hotel business, mining, insurance, high technology, banking, technology, automobiles, and mechanical engineering will be successful in 2013. The year is also positive for the wood processing industry, as well as for other sectors of the Wood element - textiles, clothing, journalism, papers, books and ecology. Travel, tourism, transport, transportation, logistics and other water industries will perform well in the first and fourth quarters of this year. Hot industries: restaurant business, finance, entertainment will be very active, but competition will also be very high. Overall, the Year of the Snake under Yin Water is a symbol of optimism and enthusiasm for innovation and progress.

Health Water is the genitourinary system, kidneys, bladder, ears, bones and legs. The likelihood of weakening these organs is quite high. Since the Snake is part of a problematic combination of signs called the “punishment of Fire”, there is a possibility of problems in blood circulation and inflammatory problems. In addition, Yin Water is in conflict with Yin Fire - a symbol of the heart and brain, the nervous system in Chinese medicine. Such a collision can lead to heart attacks and strokes. People who have circulatory and heart problems need to take greater care of their health to lower their cholesterol levels and prevent clogged arteries.

Symbolic stars and signs of the Eastern horoscope In order to find out the influence of the year on a specific person, Feng Shui and Chinese astrology experts use the Four Pillars of Fate (or Ba Zi) system, which allows you to make a correct detailed forecast analysis, taking into account all the information about the person’s time of birth - year, month, day and hour. This year will bring special support to people born in years with the Heavenly Pillars of Yang-Water and Yin-Water. This refers to any year of birth ending with the number 2 or 3, such as 1962, 1963, 1972, 1973, 1982, 1983, etc. For these people, the Snake is the symbolic star of the “Noble Patron”, or “Noble One”, who is our guardian angel and comes to help us in any situation. Being under the auspices of the Higher Powers in 2013, you can succeed, take more risks, more easily implement your plans, and gain recognition. In such years, things go easier and problems are solved faster. By the way, every child born in 2013 will automatically have a Noble Sign in the year of birth - the Snake. Thus, this is one of the good years to have a baby (you can still make it in time). Animal signs associated with the year of the Snake are Monkey, Rooster and Ox. These animals are in harmony with the year. Moreover, these animal signs can appear both in the year and in the birthday. If you have a Rooster, Snake or Bull in your horoscope, then the coming year will be the year of the “Traveling Horse” for you, which, quite possibly, will call you on the road. Traveling is always about change and change. For people born in the Year of the Horse, the Year of the Snake will bring the "Flower of Romance", so you can expect a more sociable year and more opportunities to meet your soul mate. The Snake in Chinese astrology does not like the Pig. Therefore, for people born in the year of the Pig, this year will not be easy. They will travel more or face changes such as changing jobs, moving, even getting married. They must be careful when using water and air transport. They are not advised to travel directly in the direction of the Grand Duke of the Year, which is in a southeast direction. To “tame” the hissing of the Snake, it is recommended to place a monkey figurine in the southwestern sector of the house or your living room, or on your office desk. Another option is to wear a pendant or keychain with a monkey on it to symbolically distract the Snake. Snakes actually have a soft and kind heart. These are the people you can turn to when you need to plan something, and they always find ways to get what they want without confrontation. And they can bite only when they are disturbed too much! Some examples of famous people born in the year of the Pig and in conflict with the Snake in 2013 are: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carlos Santana, Hillary Clinton, Ricky Martin, Sofia Rotaru. There are people who were not born in the year of the Pig, but they are also under conflict because they were born in the day of the Pig, and they should also expect a difficult year. These are, for example: Prince William, Emperor Akihito, Winona Ryder, Jet Li, Celine Dion, David Bowie, George Michael, Alla Pugacheva. An encounter with the Day Pillar tends to cause change or conflict in the family or in the area of ​​human relationships, especially with a spouse or partner of the opposite sex. Another animal that is in an unfavorable position is the Snake itself. When the Snake meets the year of the Snake, it becomes the offender of the Grand Duke of the year, since it duplicates him. People who have both a Tiger and a Monkey in their date of birth will have a combination of “Triple Fire Punishment” with the year of the Snake. Such punishment usually brings disharmony, irritation, anxiety and disappointment, as well as illness. Examples of people born in the year of the Snake are Bob Dylan, Ben Bernanke, Dmitry Medvedev, Sarah Jessica Parker, Natalya Koroleva, Taisiya Povaliy. Examples of people having a Fire Punishment in 2013 are Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, both with triple Fire Punishment included in their Day Pillar affecting their marriage relationships in 2013. Other examples of people facing such punishments in 2013 include John Travolta, Madonna, Queen Elizabeth II. Since animal signs can appear in any of the Four Pillars of a person's birth date, the encounter or Triple Punishment with the Snake does not only affect people born in the year of the Pig and the Snake. Such clashes and punishments can also affect those who have such animals in the month, day or hour of birth. To calculate them, you need to contact a specialist who will also help you determine periods of financial success, career prospects, the best months and even days of the year, calculate the dates for activating your “Treasure Star” and attracting a romantic partner, clients, etc.

Feng Shui forecast for the home Let me remind you that Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese branch of knowledge that studies how the space of the home and the external environment affect human life, health and well-being.8) We are surrounded by many different types of energies, or natural forces. Some of them are kind to us and make our lives better, others are hostile, they bring us illness and misfortune. In classical Feng Shui, these different types of energies are called “Flying Stars”, since they are very mobile and constantly change their position - every year, every month and even day. When a cluster of several “bad” stars occurs in some important place in our home or office, such as a bedroom, hallway, front door, disaster can happen. That is why it is so important to know where the unfavorable stars are located in order to take the necessary protective actions in time and minimize their negative manifestations. There are also favorable stars, by activating which you can attract good luck, prosperity and happiness into your life. If a place is bad, we avoid it all year, if it’s good, we spend as much time as possible in it. And this is the most reliable and best use of Feng Shui energies of the year. Using a compass, divide your home or office into 9 sectors: the center and 8 sectors corresponding to the cardinal points. The most unfavorable energies of the year will be in the center and southwest of the house, where stars 5 and 2 are visiting this year. If possible, spend as little time as possible in the central and southwest parts of the house and do not sleep with your head facing southwest. The period from August 7 to September 7 is especially dangerous. If you have a bedroom or front door in the southwest, try to undergo a routine medical examination in early February - in this case, the “Star of Disease” (aka “Star of Doctors”) will be happy, and you will not have health problems throughout of the year. Take up health practices, yoga or qigong, and review your diet. As an antidote to the adverse effects of Star 2, they usually use a gourd, the metallic sound of bells or “wind chimes,” or a glass container with calm water. Avoid placing bright red or yellow objects in the center and southwest. The main thing to remember about Fives and Twos is that what they dislike most is worry. Try not to break walls, make noise in these sectors, drill, or hammer nails in 2013. If you are able to calmly perceive current troubles and emerging problems, you will see something more behind them, something that can be used for good, and then help will come and even, dare I say it, success. Take a closer look and you will see your best friend in your enemy. The most favorable sectors in 2013 are the northeastern (star) and southern (star 9). Despite the different specializations of the sectors, staying in one of them will bring you good luck in the new year. You can support the beneficial energy of these sectors by attracting the elements of Fire: bright lighting, beautiful objects in soft shades of red, candles, red Chinese scrolls and fans with symbols of abundance and prosperity, imitation gold bars. People who dream of meeting their soulmate should spend more time in the southeast room. In this case, a romantic relationship with a person is very likely , whom you have known for a long time, but perhaps did not dare to take a step towards each other. However, for spouses, the activation of this sector can lead to betrayal. The southeast will be the seat of the Tai Sui, or Grand Duke, who is also called the Ruler of the Year. The Grand Duke is accepted show all respect.Try not to sit facing him (that is, facing southeast), so as not to challenge the Grand Duke and incur his wrath. It is advisable to organize your workplace so that the Grand Duke is behind you, which will provide you with solid support throughout the year. You cannot make repairs in this sector, knock, dig, place actively working devices and equipment, or make noise. It’s good if you place Pi Yao, or Dragon Turtle, figurines in your house, turning their muzzle to the southeast. It is also not recommended to sit with your back to the East, as this will cause you to sit in the direction of the unfavorable energy called the “Three Shas”. The North-West is the “Position of the Destroyer” (Sui Po), going against the Grand Duke; one should also not constantly be or sit in this sector. The star of conflicts and gossip - 3 - will occupy the eastern part of the house. Here you need to place a sheet of red paper, another red object to minimize this bad influence. Less plants and water. The negative star 7, symbolizing scandals and robberies, will be in the West. The traditional solution for neutralization is to place 3 bamboo shoots in a clear glass vase with water. Star 1 - a completely favorable star, traditionally stimulating the influx of new things into our lives, intellectual and spiritual activity, travel and financial prospects - will show its best qualities in the North. To find out a more precise time when the events predicted by the Flying Stars may occur and to choose the right Feng Shui remedies, you need to know the location of other energies - the Flying Stars of the base map of the building, monthly and day stars. Feng Shui specialists can make the necessary calculations and offer individual corrective and luck-activating remedies, as well as calculate periods of ups and downs, dates of activation of luck throughout the year using the Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi) system. In our store you can purchase a set of tools for correcting and activating Feng Shui energies at home. Believe me, if you prepare for what may come your way and take the necessary precautions, the Snake will not touch you, but on the contrary, it will entangle itself in a ring - a symbol of wisdom, suggest the right decisions, and reveal hidden possibilities.

Elena Ivanovskaya, expert of Feng Shui studio “Breath of the Earth”, Simferopol +38-050-498-10-89 www.fengshui.crimea.com

How to decipher a bazi card: complete instructions for beginners

There is also an upper row of hieroglyphs - these are the Heavenly trunks (abbreviated as NS) and a lower row of hieroglyphs - the Earthly branches (abbr. ZV). 10 NS – five Yin and five Yang. Yang is hard and persistent, Yin is soft and gentle (weak).

Heavenly trunks show heavenly luck - what people see in us first of all, what impression we make on them. It cannot be changed. This is our destiny and luck.

The earthly branches represent earthly luck, the material world around us, our potential, the space where we live.

In addition to the main card, there are also Pillars or strokes of luck lasting 10 years. Every ten years a completely different energy comes to a person, and accordingly, something changes in a person’s life. Let's look at what luck bars look like.

To analyze the bazi map, we need to know what the Chinese characters mean. Let's get to know them.

Heavenly trunks

Earthly branches

Art of Bazi

According to the Chinese calendar, 2018 is considered the year of strong earth, Yang earth 戊 on Dog 戌, and the earth is dry, since the sign of Dog 戌 refers to the harmonious combination of fire. In the cycle of five elements of W-XING, the element of earth controls water 水, and when there is excess, it begins to suppress it. Therefore, in 2021, some people have a question about supporting weak water in their bazi charts.

The element of water* 水 corresponds to the winter season in the Chinese calendar and represents the night hours, the north direction in Feng Shui, irregular fuzzy outlines, dark blue and black. Associated with the kidneys, bladder, reproductive system and body fluids. People of the water element receive renewal and restore strength in the late evening and at night. Water 水 creates connections in nature, represents movement, travel, communication and deep emotions.

The element of water reflects the final period in the 60-year cycle between the ages of 48 and 60, a time characterized by reflection, sensitivity and the ability to persuade others. Water governs feelings, emotions and the need to communicate. Those with water 水 - master of the day in the bazi chart have a clear and quick mind. However, Water can also be chaotic because it does not have its own form and depends on the one it fills. Water element people know how to persuade others and control their environment. The water element 水 also gives a person a sense of compassion and gives a calm and balanced nature. Water descends, seeks and fills low places, strives for balance.

The water element 水 endows people with a deep spiritual nature and the ability to “thrive” in a social context or environment. People with a daytime water dominant have extraordinary intuition and tend to speak insightfully and directly. They are independent, often prone to solitude, and also have the strength to achieve their goals. The emotion associated with Water is fear, which sometimes develops into phobias. The element of water can give extrasensory abilities and imparts deep feelings.

For each element, there are differences based on yang 壬 (Yang Water, Ren) and yin 癸 (Yin Water, Gui) polarity. Whether a person is Yang Water 壬 representing the image of a raging ocean or Yin Water 癸 in the image of a running mountain stream, he may suffer from possible personal problems, troubles and doubts throughout his life.

Water signifies wisdom, as well as flexibility in behavior and decision making. Therefore, when the element of water is not enough in the bazi chart, the person is often not flexible in his actions, does not like to compromise, takes a rigid position, and does not adapt well to a new environment or environment. Water traditionally signifies feminine qualities. In Chinese society, it is believed that when a woman has a caring and loving husband who provides for her and gives her a comfortable life, then such a woman has Gui Qi 貴氣, manifested feminine qualities and an aura of elegance.

Thus, if a person lacks the element of water in the bazi chart, one can consciously introduce or develop the above positive qualities and control the opposite ones.

What can you use and what other actions to take if your useful element is Water 水:

  • The northern direction is favorable (337.6 - 22.5º)
  • Accommodation in a house facing north
  • Choose a bedroom in the northern sector of the house or apartment**
  • Open windows on the north side of the house more often so that favorable qi moves from this direction
  • Choose accommodation in houses near water bodies, river, lake, sea
  • It is beneficial to sleep with your head north to improve and maintain health
  • You can use a bed made of metal (metal 金 generates water 水)
  • Your useful colors are dark blue, black, use, for example, in clothes, and you can also wear metal jewelry and jewelry
  • Winter 冬天, the cold season is a favorable season for you, your plans and decisions can be realized during this period
  • When decorating your office or home, use cool colors
  • Evening hours can be productive for you
  • Eating slightly salty foods is healthy and helps preserve potassium, calcium and other electrolytes
  • When setting up your desk, it is favorable to sit facing north
  • Communication with friends and romantic partners with a predominance of the water element 水, as well as with those born in water years
  • To support mental health, it is advisable to avoid fear and anxiety, not to consume information that leads to a feeling of fear, horror films, crime news, etc.
  • Staying in cold and cool climates will help maintain physical health***
  • Choose hobbies and activities in your free time related to the element of water 水
  • Activities in the field associated with the element of water are favorable: navigation, fish farming, diving, logistics, transport companies, tourism, professions related to movement, journalism, public relations and communications activities, trade and partnerships, working with information, philosophy, humanitarian activities, restaurants and bars.

In addition to representing the physical element, Water in a particular chart will relate to one of the five factors of life: Personality, Self-Expression, Wealth, Power or Resource. If, for example, the element of water is associated with Self-Expression, then it is desirable for a person to express himself more often and more actively, be able to make plans and set goals, be creatively realized, and have the ability to express his thoughts and ideas.

If you are interested in questions related to useful elements in the bazi map, you can write your message in contacts, as well as write your questions on the forum.

*- General description without taking into account other factors in the map. **- without taking into account the influence of shapes inside the room. ***- the factor of favorability of “cold” or “warm” water should be taken into account.

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