Pillar of the Day #12 己亥 Ji Hai (Yin Land on Pig)

Yin Land

The land of Yin (Ji) is soft and fertile. This is the basis of life and growth. People of the daytime dominant Ji strive for prosperity themselves and are ready to support everyone around them. They are intelligent, resourceful and flexible. They are resourceful, talented, but modest and do not claim recognition. They are able to find a common language with everyone because they accept people as they are. Hardworking, productive, never sitting idle. They often focus on the needs of others and therefore forget to value and take care of themselves. It happens that others regard this as weakness and take advantage of the Ji person and do not take his interests into account.

The heavenly trunk of Ji combines with the Yin earthly branches, thus forming the pillars of Ji Chou, Ji Mao, Ji Si, Ji Wei, Ji You and Ji Hai.

Ji Chou, Yin Earth on the Ox

This Earth is rich in hidden minerals. Pillar people are smart, determined and self-confident. They are selfless, honest, true to their word and expect the same from others. Creative, seeking new knowledge, independent, persistent. They have personal ideals and principles, strive for truth and justice in everything. They are optimistic and hardworking—they prefer to take action in any situation. At the same time, they know how to enjoy life and strive for self-expression. They love travel. They are able to see the world without illusions, they believe in themselves and their strengths. Goal is important to them—it always motivates and supports them.

Like hidden minerals in the Earth, the talents of the people of this pillar may not be obvious to themselves and others, but Ji Chou's strong personality always attracts others to him. Innate intuition and sensitivity help them—Ji Chou can believe in the invisible, lead an ascetic lifestyle, and engage in self-development. It is very important for them to make a correct assessment in a timely manner and take into account the ethical side of events, so that, with their inherent stubbornness, they do not make a mistake. At the same time, they are often torn between a thirst for adventure and a desire for stability. If their plans fall apart, they may become despondent. They should teach themselves discipline and self-control and be selective with who they let into their lives. This will help avoid many problems.

Tzi Mao, Yin Earth on the Rabbit

Depending on other elements of the map, this pillar can take on two different images—either a plantation on fertile land, or dry, rocky, clayey soil, when the Tree is under the Earth, and all achievements are very difficult for a person.

People of Ji Mao's pillar are characterized by kindness, compassion and generosity. They are calm, balanced and carefully consider their actions. They are organized, focused on the task, always stick to the plan, do not like to lose and can be categorical in their assessments.

Ji Mao are ambitious, smart, constantly developing and trust their intuition. From birth they have a very down-to-earth connection with the world—sensitive to light, color, shape and sound. They are endowed with good taste and always strive to look beautiful. They often spend a lot of money on external attributes, which encourages them to earn more, but a person may find himself in the trap of consumption: money does not bring happiness, the Earth and the Pillar Tree thirst for Water and cannot get enough of it. To avoid this, you need to pay more attention to your spirituality.

Ji Si, Yin Earth on the Snake

The image of this pillar is sun-warmed hills. Or jade stone, which was formed as a result of the slow movement of the earth, high temperature and pressure. Ji Si people are like nuggets - they are talented, intelligent and have great potential. Outwardly modest, reliable, true to their word, respecting moral principles, demanding of themselves and others. They love to learn and strive for new knowledge, and are ready to devote a lot of time and effort to self-education. Persistent, energetic, decisive, value diversity. Resourcefulness and life experience help them in life. They are sociable and can express themselves beautifully and clearly. They are tolerant, tolerant, but do not like to go beyond limits and because of this they can think quite narrowly. They don't like to adjust plans. To avoid complications from this, they should learn to think things through carefully.

Some Ji Si are interested in spiritual teachings and make pilgrimages. They are usually lucky, always find help, earn money easily and spend money carefree. But they need to always remember high goals and avoid a purely material approach to life.

Ji Wei, Yin Earth on Goat

Depending on the set of elements in the map, this pillar will be like either golden sand or dry, cracked earth. Ji Wei people are smart, stubborn, patient, keep their word and have difficulty changing their minds. They do not give in to difficulties and always try to finish what they start. They are often attractive in appearance and friendly. They know how to make useful contacts, bring the right people together, and strive to help their neighbors. They value beauty in everything and strive for perfection themselves. They love to learn, have creative abilities, are often musically gifted, and understand art. They are emotional, energetic, and have a rich imagination. Ji Wei are both talented and courageous, but at the same time sensitive and practical. They may doubt themselves, and in order to achieve recognition, they take on too many things. They are interested in philosophy and spiritual movements.

Sand naturally contains a lot of salt and minerals. This salt helps retain moisture in soft soil. All this indicates that Ji Wei people can be carriers of much knowledge and useful information. Thanks to their intelligence and analytical abilities, they see and understand more than others, and are often even able to foresee consequences.

Ji Yu, Yin Earth on the Rooster

The image of Ji Yu's pillar is an hourglass. Sand contains salts and metals and symbolizes calm and structure, and the people of the pillar are talented, intelligent, stubborn, dynamic, resourceful and at the same time kind and compassionate. The Rooster gives them a certain cockiness, they can “fluff up their feathers” to show off their best selves. At such moments, Ji Yu becomes rude, competitive, and may ignore the opinions of other people. Despite this, they try to keep their promises and always love to eat delicious food.

Ji You are curious and teachable. They are constantly looking for new knowledge, quickly collect and analyze information, and are able to use it in innovative ways. They are always full of big plans and new ideas, moving forward and looking for challenges. Risk and adventure stimulate them and give them a feeling of fullness of life. As they grow older, their confidence in themselves and their strengths grows, they strive for freedom and feel young at any age. Good intuition helps them make decisions. Ji You are independent and do not depend on the help of other people. They can achieve a lot alone, but if they cope with their pride and ask for help, they will achieve success much faster. They make money easily, but spend almost everything. They very rarely receive inheritance and financial assistance from loved ones. Sometimes they talk to themselves.

Ji Hai, Yin Earth on Pig

The image of this pillar is a sandy beach at sunset. Ji Hai people are attractive, confident, and stand out from others with their bright appearance and beautiful voice. They are smart, kind and resourceful. Stubborn, true to their word, decent and balanced. They are attractive and know how to inspire, but sometimes they are too straightforward. They try to lead a stable, prosperous and safe life. Those close to you feel warm and calm next to Ji Hai: they are generous, reliable, inquisitive, and interested in many things.

Despite their inherent materialistic outlook on life, they are born with strong intuition, which turns into wisdom with age and experience. Because they tend to hide their true feelings, people may perceive them as overly intense. Meanwhile, Ji Hai are perfectionists. They are critical of everything around them and of themselves, but because of pride they do not reveal their anxiety. They often need approval and support from loved ones.

Earth YIN

Earth Yin - Soil. Ji己.

The energy of the Soil is more mobile and changeable. The soil is loose earth. This is the land of fields. You can imagine it in the form of a garden bed in which we grow cultivated plants. This is a more pliable Earth.

People of this sign are usually very cultured, educated, often involved in art, applied arts, and doing something with their hands. But they have a tendency to turn into a swamp. Especially if there is a lot of Water in the map, then the Soil turns into slurry, into a swamp, and such people begin to feel depressed, lethargic, passive, and find it difficult to move.

People of Earth very often have another negative quality - jealousy. In general, the Earth itself, these are people-owners, they need to own another person, they must be sure that the other person belongs to them completely. In Yin Earth, in Soil, this is more pronounced.

The natural task of the Soil is to create and nurture. It is a symbol of wisdom and patience, love and endurance. It may seem pliable. All the treasures of the world are stored in the earth. All other elements of nature are found in the earth. Therefore, it is an image of caring and giving. She needs a little Water so that she does not dry out, and the Sun so that she is warmed, because nothing can be sown in frozen soil, it cannot grow anything.

If you belong to the Soil Personality element, you need to pay special attention to the month of your birth. Is it winter, summer, spring or autumn? Then your further development will become clear to you. Either you will be preparing for sowing, or you need watering, or maybe you are going on vacation, into hibernation.

All birth charts are different, no two people are the same, no conditions are the same for the same Elements of Personality. Each birth chart is individual, and each person has his own path of development.

Let's look at nature and think about what is necessary for the Soil to fulfill its natural task?

The task of the Soil in nature, as I have already said, is to generate and grow cultivated plants. Many of you are engaged in growing crops on your own plots, and know what needs to be done to get a good harvest.

Before adding seeds to the soil, you dig it up and loosen it. The soil should be soft and loose.

Next, you water the seeds. The soil should be moist.

And the last thing that is necessary for the seeds to be strong and the harvest to be rich is more sunny days. The soil needs the sun.

Water and Sun are useful elements for the Soil. And there is a secret. Soil can be different, hot and cold, a Soil person can be born in winter and summer, autumn and spring, and for each Soil there will be its own Useful elements.

Examine your birth chart, try to see the picture of nature painted in it. Which element is manifested in the map the most, which element is not at all in your map?

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