Dolphin totem animal - meeting good luck and finding joy

Practitioners believe that a dolphin talisman made of onyx, glass, silver or white gold will protect the owner from troubles on a water or air journey, and will protect him from envious people and ill-wishers. The sea mammal is very smart and kind in nature, therefore, according to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, every home should have an image of one or more animals having fun in the sea. A talisman in the form of a decoration is very useful for children who cannot find friends. The advantage of a powerful dolphin amulet is the absence of side effects and negative reactions.

Mythological aspect

Dolphins are represented in every culture, in the ethnic groups of those countries and peoples whose life is connected with water , seas, and oceans.

In maritime culture, this is the archetype of the savior of those who are shipwrecked and the guide to the other world of the souls of those who can no longer be saved. There were also legends that the Spirit of a drowned sailor inhabited a dolphin. Ancient legends and frescoes depicted him as a friend of man, his main qualities being safety in the marine environment, freedom and speed, nobility of character.

In post-Flood civilizations, the image of a dolphin symbolized the gods who came ashore and taught the people the sciences, writing, agriculture and construction. The Sumerian-Semitic god of wisdom Enki is associated with him. The Greek god of the oceans, Poseidon, often took the form of a dolphin. It is also one of the attributes of the Semitic goddess Ishtar. The Egyptian Isis, one of the aspects that was associated with wind, water and navigation, was depicted with dolphins.

Greek mythology created a beautiful legend about how a dolphin helped Poseidon find the beautiful Amphitrite and take her as his wife, which brought happiness to both of them, and the dolphin’s ascension to heaven and transformation into one of the constellations .

If you remember the Indian love epic Kama Sutra, then you will be interested to know that the god Kama rode not on a horse, but on a dolphin. The theme of love and pleasure is connected with a modern legend of the inhabitants of the Amazon, which tells about pink werewolf dolphins who, on full moon nights, turn into handsome seducers and come to local girls.


The health of Dolphins is greatly influenced by their emotions and mood. Dolphins can get sick from worries and anxieties, melancholy and resentment. But people of this totem can easily recover if they receive good news. If the Dolphin has a stable mood and emotions are in order, then he is not afraid of illnesses. Therefore, the Dolphin needs, first of all, to ensure that he has a pleasant environment.

Dolphins should know that they should not overload themselves with excessive impressions and long solitude; they need everything in moderation. It’s good if Dolphins alternate between work and rest, rest as often as possible, and not accumulate resentment. They are encouraged to take short holidays frequently.

Dolphin symbol as a talisman, amulet, talisman

Being a water totem, the dolphin enhances a person’s desire and ability to live in information . It will add to your intuition, bring more words, movements and thoughts into your reality, and add travel to it. Will help you in a profession that is related to human relationships .

Interaction with this image and symbol will enhance your “oddities”, but will make them your “trick” and help you find people like you - friends, loved ones, groups where you can realize yourself.

It will deepen your feelings and imaginative thinking. The dolphin amulet will help you navigate in space, it will be easier for you to find your way in life and your path in the area.

It will enhance sexuality and make you a more sensual partner. In this case, a talisman with a couple of dolphins can be yours or live in the space of your home.

A talisman with a couple of dolphins pointing in different directions represents two multidirectional forces of the cosmos - evolutionary and involutionary, which a person can and should take into account as the force of creation and destruction. On the contrary, dolphins looking at each other symbolize the principle of balance and harmony, the ability to maintain a golden mean.

The symbol of a dolphin with an anchor will help a person maintain prudence and act more practically.

Dolphin tattoo with anchor


If Dolphin holds a leadership position, then he will not take his sense of humor with him to work. Of course, he can smile, but only if he surpasses a competing company or catches a subordinate in a lie. Dolphin will force the team to work exactly at 8-00, not a minute earlier or later. He does not accept it when his employees waste time on empty chatter, drinking tea, and so on. Trying to deceive the Dolphin boss is simply impossible, since he is too sensitive, and therefore will be able to catch any false intonation. And if the boss once kept silent and let the employee go, this only indicates that he is well aware of the true reason.

Dolphins will make excellent leaders, since they have developed intuition and worldly acumen, and therefore can foresee the situation and develop a successful business development strategy. Even in a crisis, the Dolphin Boss maintains his business.

If Dolphin is a simple worker, then he will be indispensable to his superiors, who are ready to pay for good work. Since the main motivation for Dolphins is material gain, they will not work if management does not appreciate their diligence, professionalism and hard work. No amount of praise, tricks or praises will help.

Who is the Dolphin symbol and totem suitable for?

Best suited for water signs, especially the zodiac sign Pisces . And also to the air sign Aquarius .

The main qualities of a person who is able to interact with this totem:

  • friendliness and positivism , otherwise the dolphin’s energy will not resonate with you and will not be able to activate your subconscious;
  • playfulness and curiosity - if you can avoid being too serious and heavy;
  • development of intelligence above average, the ability to simultaneously think abstractly and to navigate system information, to go beyond the boundaries of stereotypes.

If this is all about you, interact with the dolphin, his joy and wisdom will accompany you through life.

Description of the animal

It is known that dolphins have very high intelligence, and they willingly make contact with humans. These are very intelligent creatures who, in addition, are not alien to emotions. They remember people, and are even able to take offense at those who treated them poorly.

They are playful and active, easy to train, quickly remember and learn.

These creatures, despite the fact that they live in water, breathe with their lungs, and when they sleep, one half of their brain is awake - this is necessary in order to float to the surface and take a breath of air. Dolphins are not fish, but mammals.

To navigate underwater, they use echolocation - ultrasound. Dolphins are able to distinguish each other by their voices, and for communication they use whistles and sounds similar to bird chirping.

It is known that dolphins often save drowning people, which is also why people treat them with such sympathy and see their image as a symbol of good luck.

This is not all that could be said about such amazing creatures, however, in this article we consider dolphins as a totem, and therefore we will need information about their properties primarily from this point of view.

Dolphin totem

The person who has this totem manifested is, for all his intelligence, gullible and quite naive. It's all about his natural love of peace , he is a humanist and pacifist, it is difficult for him to demonstrate aggression or deal with it in the outside world.

He does not tolerate pressure on himself well and the strict rules that the outside world sets for him. Dolphins are special and it is important for them to remember, feel and realize this. And try not to go into rough and cruel places and similar people, where it is not clean enough, in an informational and energetic sense.

He always believes in the best, is focused on the future, outwardly he often smiles and moves rapidly. His speed and intensity of life are also above average. We can say that such a person retains his childish qualities, the ability to enjoy life, play and have fun.

He is able to selflessly help others, both morally, by investing his soul and spending energy, and materially. He feels especially happy in a group of friends, in a team of like-minded people connected by one idea or topic.

The dolphin of both sexes is a very gentle and reverent partner, who is often tied to one love for life. At the same time, he has high sexuality, loves subtle play, and is receptive to new things and experiments.

A woman is a very caring mother, and a man is more interested in children when they get older and you can be friends and interlocutors with them.

Dolphin professions are often informational, related to human communication and knowledge. Pedagogy at any level suits them well. Game and team sports attract dolphins, first at the athlete level, and then at the trainer level.

They also love to work in the field of tourism and travel, especially exotic ones.

They find themselves in the field of research - social, humanitarian, in the field of human rights protection.

These people are artistic, so the stage and related professions attract them with the additional opportunity to play and experience.

They work well with deep and complex information, know how to analyze, and at the same time they tend to present the material easily and colorfully, which makes them wonderful lecturers. They themselves love to speak in front of smart and young audiences, conduct seminars, and participate in conferences.

Trade and power professions are contraindicated for them; this is not their habitat. And vice versa, esotericism comes easily to them and can become their field of activity, both amateur and professional.

There is a theory that the civilization of whales and dolphins arrived on our earth from other, more developed planets to look after us and help in our development. And people who have a dolphin as their animal of power realize this destiny at the highest level.

Other articles on the topic “Totems”

Tags: Talismans and amulets, Totems of birds and animals

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Love, family, relationships

Dolphin is a deep personality with strong emotions. However, Dolphin is used to keeping all his passions to himself. He has been waiting all his life for true love, a person with whom he could live a happy life until the end of his days. At the same time, Dolphin people are very active and mobile. They have a sharp mind and a good sense of humor. Therefore, they have certain requirements for choosing a partner. A dolphin will not rush into the arms of the first person it meets. Most likely, the Dolphin will decide to wait for a person who is more suitable for the character of his totem animal.

For Dolphins, there is practically nothing more valuable than family. They love children. They strive to start their own family, and in children they see the whole meaning of life. One of the main goals of Dolphins is procreation. Dolphins are convinced that children should be born from great and sincere love.

True, due to their youth, Dolphins can sometimes make mistakes and incorrectly prioritize relationships. They can pay attention to their partner’s appearance, but not think about what their inner world is like. But the main thing is that the Dolphin begins to understand his mistake in time, and therefore it is inherent in him to see other qualities in people. The dolphin needs to have a person next to him who will be strong, honest and decent.


Dolphin in heraldry: this is valor, bravery, constant readiness for battle. The reason for this opinion was the menacing grin of the dolphin’s toothy mouth and strong tail. Therefore, the image of a dolphin appears in the coats of arms of many port cities and in ship emblems, denoting freedom of trade and safety of sea routes. In 1150, the dolphin became a detail of the coat of arms of the rulers of lower Burgundy, which because of this became known as the Dolphinate (French “Dauphine”); after the death of the last Burgundian prince, who had no offspring, the principality came under the rule of the king. Starting from 1349 and until 1830, the first-born son of the French kings began to bear the title of Delphine (Dauphine).

The heirs to the French throne were called Dauphins (dolphins), but without any relation to the symbolism of dolphins - it was a personal name that became the title of the rulers of the province of Dauphine and passed on to the French kings in the 14th century.

In heraldry, the dolphin is depicted as a scaled "porpoise", for example on the coat of arms of Dauphine, a historical province in south-eastern France. The heirs to the throne in France, who had dolphins painted on their personal coat of arms, were called “dauphins” (French “dolphins” means dauphines).


A proud eagle signifies success according to Feng Shui. Eagles help you find a compromise, point out the right path in decision-making, do everything to ensure that your efforts do not go unnoticed, and, of course, rewards follow.

Such a talisman can be given to a military man, an official, a scientist, or simply a purposeful person.

According to Feng Shui, the eagle soaring above the sun is one of the most powerful talismans; for it to work, choose the southern part of the room for it.


  • For the ancient Greeks, the dolphin was a psychopomp, a guide of souls to the Isles of the Blessed.
  • An image of a dolphin on an ancient Greek coin (gold, silver and magnesium alloy). Lindos, 560-520 BC. e.
  • A boy on a dolphin in the interpretation of the Renaissance period. V. Cartari, 1647
  • An image of a dolphin on an ancient Greek coin (gold, silver and magnesium alloy). Lindos, 560-520 BC. e.
  • Boy on a dolphin ft interpretation of the Renaissance period. V. Cartari, 1647


The complete opposite of the dolphin is its antitotem - the shark. They are just as smart, but they are in complete control of the situation and establish contact with a person for their own benefit. Sharks are greedy and evil, for them there are no moral standards and rules.

Philosopher sharks often propagate false teachings, despise and distort the truth, create discord on any topic, and start civil wars.

By nature, these are real avengers; they will never regret even a loved one if they feel the “taste” of resentment. These people are ruthless and leave real chaos behind.

The Zoroastrian 32-year cycle of ancient astrology assigns each year a specific totem in the form of a patron animal. The representative of the 29th solar year is the totem animal Dolphin. He owns the dates: 1934, 1966, 1998, as well as the future year 2030. He follows the Fox totem, and next is the Boar.

The patron of the totem is Vohu-Man, which means a good thought. Planet – Mercury. The period of activity is all year round. Key definitions are the power of breath and sound. The symbolism of the sign is an allegory of salvation, a friend of man, erotic deities. The dolphin is the totem of the Breath of Life. Blue color. The zodiac sign favored by the Dolphin is Gemini. The totem is also a symbol of the zodiac sign Scorpio.

You can often notice the image of dolphins looking in different directions, which means the duality of the forces of nature, a combination of the directions of involution and evolution. A pair of dolphins symbolizes the forces of balance, the balance between extremes. An anchor depicted next to an animal indicates prudence, which comes from a combination of speed and slowness.

The dolphin symbolized salvation and eternal life in early Christianity and was associated with Jesus Christ - the savior and creator. A dolphin chained to an anchor or pierced by a trident also symbolized the crucified Christ. In the mythology of the ancient Greeks, he appears as the sacred messenger of the gods, the embodiment of the image of the sea element. This animal was present next to the gods, and dual traits were attributed to it. The image of Dolphin with Apollo indicated the sun and light, and with Aphrodite or Eros - the properties of the moon. Hinduism depicted the dolphin under the guise of the horse Kama, the god of love.

Main meaning of Dolphin

Life originated in the primordial ocean. Water is a symbol of creative power, altered states of consciousness, passion and sexuality. The dolphin, as an inhabitant of two elements, sea and air, is able to penetrate into other dimensions. He also understands the manifestation of the hidden depths of the soul. The basis for such capabilities is the dolphin’s special breathing technique, which gives it the opportunity to remain at depth for a long time.

As you know, special breathing techniques allow you to change consciousness, gain new abilities, access new energies, and heal your body and soul. The dolphin carries the knowledge of how to use Manna, the life force, through the breath. The totem encourages you to follow the energy rhythms of nature. It's time to exhale negative energy, making room for a new, clean life.

Breathing also helps create sounds. The right combination of breath and sound can influence water, allowing it to form what you want. The dolphin has sound location technology and can provide this knowledge. Sound, breath, water are the primary sources of life forms. The work of prayers and affirmations is based precisely on this principle.

On the physical plane, this totem helps people with respiratory diseases and blood pressure disorders. Controlling your inhalation and exhalation is the key to gaining Dolphin power. If you imitate its rhythm, you can penetrate the primordial sources of your own energy.

Life mission

His main goal in life is peacemaking and the fight for justice. His special instinct for people in need of support tells him the right path. He helps them realize their desires and aspirations. The totem does not care about a person’s nationality, religion, or political affiliation. He is able to be on the same wavelength with any person.

At the same time, the delicate Dolphin does not require reciprocal gratitude and never acts demonstratively. He is driven by the realization that he is doing an important, necessary thing. Material benefits and honors are not as important for them as for others. People value Dolphin for his aristocracy, high intelligence, truthfulness, and sociability. But due to his high altruism, they do not always understand such an idealistic view of the world.

The dolphin is a wanderer who is not attached to a particular place, but is able to find a kindred spirit everywhere. His intelligence deserves special attention. This year, especially insightful people are born who are capable of transmitting thoughts at a distance. An extraordinary mind is combined with secrecy; their true intentions are always shrouded in mystery. Dolphins have a philosophical view of the world, are mysterious and enigmatic, and love to quietly observe everything around them.

Personal life

In his personal life, Dolphin's love does not bring much joy to the family because of his readiness to suddenly take off. He is always on the go, doing business, so he has no plans to create a large family with children. However, Dolphin is an exemplary spouse and a gentle parent. He tries to make his family ideal, forgiving the shortcomings of his loved ones and showing tact. You can strengthen your relationship with him only by taking part in his good deeds or becoming the object of his tutelage. Dolphin knows how to maintain friendship, always helping everyone.


The traits of marine mammals are usually not reflected in the appearance of people born under the auspices of this totem. They can be recognized only by their behavior and character traits. People born under the influence of the Dolphin totem have a powerful, confident look. They are characterized by smooth, refined movements. Their speech is smooth. Dolphins have an excellent physique. Celebrities born in the year of the Dolphin: I. Bunin, Sophia Loren, V. I. Lenin, Brigitte Bardot, A. Kuprin, S. Lemeshev, Elvis Presley, I. Kurchatov.


An elephant made of bronze, stone or ivory looks simply magnificent. It gives the owner strength, wisdom, and makes him invulnerable. It can help get a good harvest, bring long-awaited rain and increase soil fertility. The white talisman is a symbol of chastity.

It helps close people appreciate each other, maintains an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, and makes household members of different ages more tolerant of each other.

For some people, luck enters the house right through the door, perhaps this happens as a result of the light of a favorable star illuminating its path, or maybe for another reason. But this doesn’t happen to everyone; an elephant figurine will help you bring good luck into your home. Many people believe that no matter how far away your luck is, the elephant will reach out to it with its long trunk and pull it in. To do this, you just need to place the figurine on the windowsill so that the trunk is towards the star, and that’s it.


Based on the totem's lifestyle, it is safe to say that Dolphins can easily achieve recognition, although they do not strive for it. Popular Dolphins:

  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian revolutionary);
  • Ivan Bunin (Russian writer and poet);
  • Sergei Lemeshev (opera singer);
  • Sophia Loren (Italian actress and singer);
  • Brigitte Bardot (French actress and singer, public figure);
  • Elvis Presley (singer and film actor, king of rock and roll);
  • Nikita Kiosse (singer, lead singer of the group “MBAND”);
  • Ryan Newman (actress).


The opposite of the Dolphin is the Shark (Crucian Carp) under the rule of Akimana. The description of the antipode speaks of such properties as anger, devouring everything indiscriminately for the sake of acquiring power. The shark is capable of destroying even friends; its vengefulness knows no bounds. All these qualities are fueled by powerful performance. The inability to restrain one's anger, evil character, greed and deceit of the antitotem lead to the blurring of the boundaries between good and evil.

The appearance of people with the opposite totem is almost no different from the Dolphin, so it is necessary to closely observe the thinking and behavior of such individuals. A year under the rule of the antitotem brings eternal chaos of strife, destruction, uprisings, and wars. Many sects and false teachings appear, and atheism flourishes.

The spirit animal Dolphin manifests itself when it is time to accept new life. It is necessary to explore various breathing techniques and spend more time in the fresh air. The Dolphin totem encourages you to have fun and explore the world around you. But it is more important to understand the formation of your life under the influence of your own thoughts and words. Imitating the Dolphin means generating waves of joy, a feeling of integrity with the whole world.

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