Minor Arcana Tarot Five of Wands: meaning and combination with other cards

We see that a brawl is depicted here. Minor arcan Tarot card Five of Wands (staffs, sceptres), the main meaning is to defend one’s interests. How serious the conflict situation is will be indicated by the presence of negative cards in the layout. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

A person needs to show perseverance, courage and show others what he is capable of.

General meaning of the Five of Wands in a reading

The card speaks of constant disputes, competition, misunderstandings. But this is all a game, quarrels are not serious. A person is involved in a clash, a battle of people for ideas, a discussion environment. Disrespectful attitude of partners, rivals towards each other, clashes, quarrels, emotional defense occurs. It is better to hold joint meetings and on-site trainings to relieve stress.

  • The events of the map take place mainly at work. Competition, criticism, which have a positive impact on a person, thanks to this he builds a good career. The Five of Staves symbolizes tension and challenge. Rivalry, testing one's strength, will, talents, abilities, knowledge in fair competition with others. Exam, defense of scientific work, diploma, competition, competition. The experience of participating in such events will benefit the person in the future.
  • The Five of Wands, the meaning of the card, indicates a situation where a person is trying to draw attention to himself or to some problem, but no one listens to him or cooperates, as a result the project falls apart. Disagreement, contradictions, rivalry.
  • If there are positive cards in the layout, then things work out, disputes are resolved in favor of the questioner, while he takes an authoritative position and convinces his competitors.
  • The Five of Scepters indicates vain aspirations, unfulfilled desires, obstacles, troubles, interference, restrictions, burden with unnecessary affairs, turmoil, participation in other people's problems. If there are negative cards in the layout, then rash actions and decisions, unattainable goals, fantastic plans, divorces and quarrels, as well as the questioner’s persistence in a losing cause are possible.
  • The problems indicated by the Five of Wands Tarot card, although unpleasant, are short-lived and will resolve soon. It is also a challenge from fate, which invites the questioner to measure his strength with her and to demonstrate all his talents to the fullest. This is a chance to try yourself in a new activity, competitions, competitions and learn important life lessons. A person has abilities and talents for this, but until this time he did not have much of a chance to demonstrate them.

Now life gives you such a chance and says, go for it! There is no reason to be afraid of losing or losing something. Everything will work out for the best. To more accurately determine the result of the competition, you need to look at the presence of negative cards in the layout.

Don't miss the chances that life gives. It is these opportunities to prove yourself that will give you confidence in your abilities and talents. Tarot card Five of Wands, the meaning indicates diversity and change, an attempt at accomplishment. If there are other positive cards in the layout, then it indicates overcoming problems, success and vitality. In the presence of the major Arcana, it means completing an important task that will expand the boundaries of your life experience and wisdom.

Personal Description

Cheerfulness, ambition.
Internally, a person is tense, as colossal work is happening, caused by external influences. The struggle for success, luck, wealth. Man is characterized by tenacity, grasp and greed, arrogance and pride. There is a very great desire to be different from everyone else, better, to achieve what no one else could. A person fiercely fights for his “place in the sun”, wants to be noticed, constantly worries that his merits will not be appreciated by society, therefore he is a hypocrite, manipulates and lies. The person shows that he will not let himself be offended, and he is not simple as he seems.

Positive features

A person struggles within himself with his own illusions and conflicting desires. It seems to the questioner that the whole world is against him. But in fact, the struggle takes place inside a person, since his actions do not coincide with his true desires. A contradiction arises that tears a person in different directions. Five of Staves, meaning symbolizes the crisis of personal self-improvement.

The card also indicates a person for whom participation in various competitions, competitions, and events is a way of life. Professional athletes, musicians, etc.

The Five of Wands is a strong person, he is always “on horseback”, accepts challenges, argues on any issue, and seeks adventure. He is strong, impudent, tenacious. It's almost impossible to corner him. He is passionate and loves change, loves to overcome his fears and show strength.

Negative traits

If there are negative cards in the layout, then the Five of Wands indicates that a person has to fight for his place with enemies. It is survived in different ways. He becomes either a “scapegoat” or an “errand boy.” Brings disharmony into a stable life.

Also, this card personifies a cruel person with clear thinking, high self-esteem, who does not accept life lessons and does not know how to extract experience and wisdom from them. He sees everything in black and white.

On a deeper level

Five of Scepters, the meaning of the card promotes revolution, renewal, and bringing something new into stability. These changes make it possible to restore the lost harmony. The old life faces a challenge. A person is experiencing a crisis of internal growth and conflict; inside him there is a collision between the ego, which wants to leave everything as before, and evolution, which is taking its course. T

Creative energy cleanses the soul of discomfort caused by different aspirations living in one person. Energy will bring development and remove stagnation in life for a person who has been sitting too long. The healing power of development, movement, destroying the stagnation of the past. The map indicates that a person combines incompatible directions that are different in nature.

The Five of Wands symbolizes the process of individual self-discovery, teaches one to realize one’s individuality, originality, manage oneself and one’s emotions, develop a strategy of action, saving resources and not being led by circumstances.

Man takes fate into his own hands. But he is so immersed in the process of individualization and the search for inner truth that this leads to a discrepancy with the views of other people and results in conflicts. Because of this, opportunities are limited and obstacles arise in achieving what is planned. From the outside it looks like a lone rebellion. A person has the strength to be himself and go against everyone, without needing the recognition of others.

How to interpret the lasso in fortune telling for health

  • As a signifier of illness, the 5 of Wands indicates problems with the immune system. How serious they are is shown by the orientation of the map and its surroundings.
  • With a favorable proximity in an upright position, it can indicate a common cold. In a bad scenario - about an autoimmune disease or severe infection.
  • Various neurotic disorders pass along this map, mainly those where it seems to a person that the world is incredibly cruel and has taken up arms against him.
  • Sometimes a lasso can indicate a disregard for one’s health.

The meaning of the Five of Wands in various layouts

For career and work

The card indicates competition.
A lot of noise, chaos, confusion and turmoil. Conflicts, but not destructive ones. Disputes over issues of property, copyright, money, finance, work. Outsiders interfere with your project, which introduces a destructive element into your activities. The card indicates adaptation to current conditions and changes in creativity. If there is a work schedule, then new employees cannot join the team, and the new manager rightfully takes his place. Empty hassle, bustle, running around, deadlines, clashes, conflicts, but there will be no result from this activity. There are many problems, their resolution will be indicated by other cards in the layout.

The Five of Wands symbolizes learning, learning something new, gaining knowledge. A person undergoes development, both physical and mental. Professional training in which a person faces his fears, weaknesses, and unwillingness to obey someone.

A clash of people of different levels of training, with different worldviews and thinking, who at the same time need to cooperate in a joint project. The card also carries a favorable meaning - success in educational, scientific, and sports activities.

A person asks the question “Is the game worth the candle?” To answer the question about the advisability of continuing activities, you need to look at the presence of negative cards in the layout. The Five of Wands indicates a change of work, transformation. A person gets rid of everything unnecessary, leaves his comfort zone and expands his capabilities, receives new opportunities, attempts to conquer new peaks and territories. Intense competition.

For finances and property

Money doesn't fall from the sky. The struggle for money, wealth, a person has undermined his financial balance with his useless spending and is now looking for additional income. Constantly wasting time on earning money, all thoughts about it. A person is “like a squirrel in a wheel.” The card also indicates the struggle for what already exists. Fraud, dubious benefits, disputes about money.

But the Five of Wands itself can have a favorable meaning. It means profit, wealth, abundance, luxury, success in solving financial issues. But at the same time, there may be a loss of social guarantees and an unstable period. Changing of the living place. Difficulties with purchasing housing.

For love and relationships

Together it is difficult, apart it is bad. Five of Tarot Wands, meaning in relationships - conflict escalates from minor disagreements to major scandals. Slight discomfort, partners try to prove to each other that they are right, personal confrontations.

If there are no negative cards in the layout, then the Five of Wands indicates a good union, marriage. And now there is a process of getting used to each other, after which the relationship becomes even stronger. If there are negative cards in the layout, then this is an alliance of tyrants.

Selfishness, jealousy, unwillingness to give in, rivalry and hidden grievances, dissatisfaction with intimate life. In this case, the card indicates the conception of a child. A person may have started this relationship on a dare, but now he is playing the game of “who will win.” Strong attraction to your partner. The card may indicate rivalry between men or women, the fight for a partner as for a trophy.

Liberation from destructive past connections. Divorce is noisy, pettiness, fighting, squabbles. But the result of the divorce will be paltry in material terms, but emotionally destructive, a pointless waste of a large amount of energy. The card indicates the release of tension through conflict, but if this situation is long-standing, then the consequences will be sad.

A “fresh wind” is needed in relationships to restore them to their original level. For lonely people, the card indicates internal conflict. On the one hand, a person wants to enter into a relationship because he is tired of being alone, on the other hand, he is accustomed to his loneliness.

For health status

Immunity disorders, colds, infectious diseases.


Keywords most accurately express the main essence of the map.

A game

You and I are playing games. There is a book by Johan Huizinga - “Homo ludens” - “Man at Play”. We play games all the time. For example, a teacher gives a lecture to students, this is a game of teacher and students. The young man got a new job. There are many games going on there: career, undercover, love, financial fraud, favorites, outcasts.

With whom and what are you going to play, what games are you involved in, and which ones are passing you by because you simply don’t see or notice them. Understanding this, what game you are playing, who you are playing with, is a very important point. Because it largely determines whether you win or lose. This card has another meaning, look at the card.

There are five people there and everyone does something different. One brags about a stick, this is what kind of stick I have, the second thinks: now I’ll hit someone in the head with a stick and I’ll have two sticks, the third put it on his shoulder, carries it and thinks: what a heavy stick I have, but how good and It's great that I still have it. Here, all these people who surround you: who are they, what are they, why are they doing this, why are they involving you, what are they telling you?

So they involve you in their games, are you interested in them, do you want to participate in them, who do you want to participate in? A very, very interesting and challenging map.

Struggle. Competition

Very often this card is simply reduced to struggle and competition. But wrestling is just a special case of the game. It has rules: don’t hit someone who is lying down, don’t bite, and some other rules. But besides the rules there is a goal. What is my goal in this competition, what is victory? So I want to win, but what does it mean to win in this situation? So that I, for example, sleep with a girl or marry her, or so that she cannot “spoil” me?

For example, me and a girl: we have completely different ideas about victory, about losing, about how this fight should go, about the rules of this fight. The rules of fighting for the Five of Staves are a very, very important element.

Rules of the game

The better a person knows the rules, the more chances he has to win. We all know this proverb - “Ignorance of the laws is no excuse.” And knowledge of the laws frees you from responsibility. It should be remembered that this is not always pleasant, but it is true that in many games the most important condition for victory is the ability to competently break, circumvent or change the rules.

For example, tax optimization: everyone pays taxes, but I took mine and optimized it. I don’t pay taxes at all; the state itself already owes me money. Here is a typical example when a person knows the rules and knows how to use them and wins, and everyone else says: this is not fair. Well, what is dishonest here if I used these rules. This is such a complex, interesting map.

Council of the Five of Wands

To achieve goals you need willpower and determination of thoughts. Take the challenge and prove yourself. Argue, defend your interests, fight, turn your rivals into allies, try your hand at new endeavors, don’t be afraid of mistakes, move on.

Life gives you a chance to take part in a unique training of strength, will, knowledge and talents, and gives you the opportunity to show your versatility from all sides. To achieve your goals and overcome difficulties, apply your existing life experience. Don't be afraid of competitors and rivalry, it will only benefit you.

Five of Wands Tarot, the meaning of the card warns not to make rash conclusions and actions. Actions committed “on a dare” and out of adherence to principles will lead to dire consequences. You devote a lot of time to one area of ​​activity or thoughts. Collisions with others cannot be avoided.


The Five of Staves warns that now is a time of stress and the need to gather all your resources together. Alarming news or unpleasant events are about to burst into life. Even the Universe seems to be working against you. The time has come to prepare properly for struggle and confrontation. It is important to be completely sure that people from your inner circle fully share your true intentions.

Constant exposure to stress can lead to physical and mental exhaustion.

The meaning of a reversed card

Dishonesty on the part of competitors. The questioner may receive a stab in the back from those from whom he does not expect. Litigation, problems with the law, intrigue, disputes. Oppression and displacement from the “grain place”. Persecution, persecution, quarrels.

The Five of Wands reversed means a lot of troubles and worries. All situations will be resolved poorly, for a long time and not in favor of the questioner. Someone else's quarrel or conflict can serve as a lesson. Solving the conflict in a roundabout way. An opponent can “buy a victory”, give a bribe, or bypass.

Planned business will end in failure. Postponement of competitions and events. Injustice, criticism, stupidity in actions and thoughts, lack of cooperation. The partners' points of view do not coincide. Fraud, failure at competitions, performance. Involvement in unfavorable activities against one's own desire.

Family and home

Direct position

A tense atmosphere in the family, empty chores, a pile-up of family problems that household members cannot cope with. The card also speaks of destroyed family comfort - we can talk about repairs, moving, problems with buying a home, leaving the family.


The meaning of the Five of Staves in an inverted position: the subsidence of family conflicts, the establishment of an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the house, minor quarrels and misunderstandings among family members will not be able to destroy the overall well-being.

Combined with other cards

How is the Five of Wands interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With Strength - a situation of disagreement, measuring strength;
  • With Moderation – coordination of interests, harmony, joint work;
  • With the Tower - bad luck;
  • With the World – integration, peace, joint activity;
  • With the Four of Wands - luck;
  • With the Seven of Wands – opposition, battle;
  • With the Ten of Wands - quarrels, squabbles, resistance, collision with obstacles;
  • With the Five of Swords there is frantic rivalry to the point of betrayal. The Kiss of Judas is somewhere nearby. Dangerous discord, confrontation between sides.
  • With the Two of Cups - truce, agreement, joint movement;
  • With the Two of Pentacles - coordinated work, peaceful resolution of conflicts;
  • With the Nine of Pentacles reversed - theft;
  • Reversed with the King of Cups - lawsuit, loss,
  • Reversed with the King of Swords - everything is definitely not in favor of the questioner.
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