How to choose a rug for the front door so that it attracts wealth into the house

The teachings of Feng Shui will give a person valuable tips that allow him to build his life safely, including attracting financial success. The energy of any room is adjusted with the help of the secrets of ancient Chinese teachings so that it becomes favorable for a person’s good financial situation. Feng Shui for attracting big money, first of all, includes the right attitude - a person must imagine a wealthy life in detail and sincerely believe in his success.

Interior decoration: colors

Before you begin to implement ideas for attracting money, you should determine the area in the room that is responsible for your financial condition. This is usually the southeastern part of the building. Here you always need to maintain perfect order, preventing the accumulation of old unnecessary things. When decorating the interior of an office or home, they pay attention to the choice of colors according to Feng Shui, the energy of which has a beneficial effect on a person’s financial situation. These are the following:

  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • black;
  • golden;
  • silver.

Three-legged toad

Decor items, furniture and room decorations should have these colors. Piggy banks, wallets and other accessories for storing money should also have a similar color scheme. Green, blue and blue colors, on the contrary, prevent the creation of an aura of enrichment, so they should be avoided.

Family heirlooms

Russian wedding traditions require giving the newlyweds valuables that are passed down in the family from generation to generation.
As a rule, these are ancient icons consecrated in churches. A family bible or chronicle can be a unique and original gift, the design of which is ordered from a designer at a printing house. A portrait made of crystal or a family coat of arms will also pleasantly surprise the newlyweds.

A personal family tree would be a wonderful wedding gift.

, representing the entire family pedigree of the bride and groom or a detailed astrological forecast for compatibility. Such a gift requires careful preparation, as it must be as reliable as possible and take into account the smallest details of the family’s biography.

Wallet: which one to choose?

Choosing a wallet is an integral part of activities aimed at attracting wealth, since a person uses this accessory to store banknotes. The energy of a wallet plays an important role in enriching its owner. If a person is going to buy this accessory, then preference should be given to a high quality product. The ideal Feng Shui wallet is made from natural materials, such as leather. A synthetic wallet with the “effect” of cheapness does not allow energy flows to pass through it well.

The wallet that attracts money is of a size that allows you to store banknotes in a straightened form. The ideal shape of the accessory is rectangular, since money can lie freely in such a wallet. It is advisable that the wallet be equipped with compartments for bills of different denominations, since order in the storage of money helps to attract the energy of wealth. It is not advisable to carry any business cards in your wallet. To store them, it is better to have a business card holder.

In order for your wallet to attract money, you need to put talismans with strong Feng Shui energy into it. Many people prefer to keep photographs of children, parents and friends in their wallets, but this habit does not help attract finance. The best talismans for a wallet are:

  • a new mirror tied with a red ribbon;
  • a bunch of three Chinese coins;
  • a small picture depicting a bunch of grapes.

Feng Shui experts recommend carrying a bag of dried mint leaves in your wallet, as the aroma of this plant attracts cash flows. Even the most reliable talisman cannot be carried in a purse all the time, since it tends to lose its energy. To charge coins with new strength, it is recommended to bury them for several days in the soil of a flowerpot with any indoor plant. You can replace old talismans with new ones.


It is always necessary to keep your wallet in order. All kinds of checks and stickers with notes have no place here. Any kind of clutter of this kind clogs the energy field of the wallet, which is why it does not attract money enough.

How to arrange a gift of money for a wedding?

The best wedding gift is money. There is nothing immodest or unusual here. Money donated for a wedding is the basis of a young family’s budget. Previously, money was given in its pure “paper form”, thrown into glass jars, handed over to newlyweds or thrown at their feet.

Then money envelopes appeared, which became more and more beautiful every year. These envelopes could “hide” a sum of money. It’s nice to give them and no one will even notice how many bills are in your gift, because it’s not customary to open the envelope right at the celebration.

A savings book for newlyweds consists of several parts:

Options for wedding savings books as a gift for newlyweds:

travel style savings book

shopping style savings book

retro style savings book

Money mat

Without this Feng Shui attribute, it is impossible to imagine attracting material wealth into a person’s life. The rug is a bright, beautiful napkin that helps to activate the energy of wealth in any sector of the room. In order for this talisman to benefit its owner, you need to take the choice of item seriously. First of all, attention is paid to the color scheme of the money mat. The ideal option is a thing made in red and gold. If there is a symbol of “Arrival of money” on the mat, then its power will manifest itself more.

When choosing the color of the talisman, you need to take into account the direction of the main door of the home. If the opening “looks” to the south, then it is recommended to give preference to shades of red and green. If the door faces southwest, the rug should be brown.

How to use:

If a person lays a rug under the front door, then three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon should be placed under it. If such a talisman is not in the house, you can take three five-ruble coins and place them under the rug with the eagle facing up.

The rug is used as a place to count money, and this attracts financial flows into the house.

The attribute is useful to store on the desktop of the office and home in the sector responsible for wealth.

A money mat should not be placed in the bathroom, as water circulates here, “washing out” the aura of wealth.

It must be remembered that such an attribute of wealth is not a stand or a napkin that can be used for household purposes, otherwise the opposite effect will occur.

Feng Shui elements shapes

Feng Shui elements support different shapes. When purchasing bedding and furniture, you should adhere to the requirements. If we take for example the southern direction, where the element is fire, then shapes with angles are acceptable here. And rugs can be selected in diamond- or triangular shapes, then the energy disperses throughout the home in different directions.

The earth element refers to the northeast and southwest direction. In this case, rectangular and square shapes of rugs are allowed. The northern direction is supported by water, any shapes are allowed, without corners. As it spills, it takes on different streamlined shapes. The east and southeast are supported by the wood element, you can use elongated oval rugs in front of the front door. In the northwest, metal dominates; here you can lay round bedding.

Water symbols

The correct use of water symbols in the design of a wealth zone will help attract money into a person’s life. Circulating water brings changes for the better: self-development, prosperity, new opportunities. Therefore, it is useful to place a small fountain in the area responsible for material well-being. If it is not possible to acquire a mini-reservoir, it is replaced with a picture of a river landscape. It is not recommended to use paintings in interior design that depict a waterfall and a sea storm: money does not like the raging element of Water.


An aquarium with fish is an effective talisman that can easily attract big money into a person’s life, but only if the home mini-pond receives high-quality care.

Other ideas

Also, banknotes are used to make postcards, topiaries, and complement them with embroidery and paintings.

You can assemble a house or a cake from banknotes, hide them in many gift boxes, placed one inside the other.

Many people like to make a collage in a frame made of money. To do this, you will need a regular photo frame into which money is carefully glued. Banknotes can be supplemented with wishes or funny inscriptions. You can add photographs or paintings made of money to the frame - your imagination is not limited.

An umbrella with money is also an unusual option. Banknotes are attached to the open umbrella with a fishing line, then it is carefully closed and given as a gift in its closed form. At the holiday, it is suggested to open the umbrella “for trying on”. When it opens, it creates a money rain effect.

Money symbols

Using symbols that attract wealth in interior decor will help improve the financial situation of the family in a short time. Hotei is considered a powerful representation of money. Many people know him as the figure of a smiling plump Chinese man holding a money bag behind his back and several coins in his hands (alternatively peaches). The figurine of the deity Daikoku is also suitable for decorating the area responsible for wealth. The energy of the symbol will increase if you place the Tai fish next to it.

One of the ancient effective symbols of Feng Shui is considered to be three Chinese coins, which are recommended to be tied with gold or red braid. The talisman is carried in a wallet or stored near the workplace.

A beautiful and useful symbol for attracting wealth that should be in every home is the money tree. The plant is bought in a specialized store or made with your own hands at home. The last option is optimal, since when creating a money tree, a person conveys his mood for wealth to the craft. A plant consisting of 100 or more coins has powerful energy. The height of the tree does not matter, but it is located in the zone responsible for material well-being.

DIY cash gift

In the bank

A cash gift packaged in a glass or tin jar is the most popular option after standard envelopes. They put real money here, mixed with fake toy ones, and roll them up into a tube, and fill it with change. The main condition is to fill the jar completely.

Naturally, the larger the jar itself, the more impressive its presentation looks.

After filling the container, you can start decorating it. Here satin and silk ribbons, lace, twine and other decoration elements will come to the rescue. They can be used to bandage such non-standard packaging to your taste.

Another option for preparing a jar is to order an individual label for it with congratulations and inscriptions appropriate to the celebration.

Another condition for registering money as a gift in a bank is its lid. The container can be rolled up like a can; some people prefer temporary rubber lids, which can also be decorated to match the style of the entire jar.

The photographs show how you can make a cash gift in a bank:


You can creatively play up a gift with the help of a money rug. Such a gift will be especially appropriate if the party is being organized in the style of the USSR or the 90s, because in those days it was fashionable to give carpets.

In order to “weave” a money carpet yourself, you will need:

If you are thinking of a beautiful way to give money to a girl, consider making a fan out of money.

You can take a ready-made fan-souvenir as a basis, and attach banknotes to it. Or you can make such a base yourself, for example, from wire. String money onto a wire by folding and twisting, or take the thinnest tape and secure the money with it.

If you have minimal origami skills, you can make such a fan entirely from banknotes without any additional base.


Regarding how to give money in an original way, the option of making a souvenir with your own hands for a child or an adult is a great idea that takes time, which makes the gift even more enjoyable.

The most popular option is to arrange money in the shape of a ship. To do this, you can buy a ready-made ship in a souvenir store, cut the sails from it and attach banknotes instead.

The second option is to create it completely yourself:

A few cash souvenirs in the photo:


Collecting figures from money is no more difficult than from any other paper, and this is a great way to give money in an interesting way. Most often, the following figures are chosen for gifts:

Of course, you need to choose a form in accordance with the format of the event and the person who is receiving the gift. So, for weddings, people most often give hearts, for New Year they make Christmas trees out of banknotes, for women on March 8th or a birthday they give flowers, and for men they give shirts and cars.


An excellent option for an original gift for a person who has everything would be a money necklace. The ceremonial putting on of such jewelry will not leave anyone indifferent.

To create a necklace you will need:

Photo steps on how to make a money necklace:

How else can you make a necklace:


You can pack money in the form of a passbook. This is the perfect gift for scrapbooking enthusiasts and people who want to express their creativity. To create a gift passbook you will need:


This is a gift for a person with humor. The idea came from the expression “raking money with a shovel.” It usually serves as the main wish when presenting such a money shovel.

The bills can be wrapped around the handle or taped to the shovel itself. Additionally, you can play with this presentation with ribbons, rhinestones and other elements.

Hold symbols

Material wealth must not only be attracted, but also kept in the house. Symbols of preserving wealth will help you do this, especially the figurine of a three-legged golden toad holding a coin in its mouth. The amphibian's head should look deep into the home (office), but not at the front door. To activate the symbol figurine, it must be lowered into a container of water. It is useful to place the toad itself near an aquarium with live fish.

A money owl is an acquisition that allows you to avoid irrational expenses. It is recommended to place the figurine near the money tree. In Feng Shui, not only the owl, but also the rat is considered a symbol of wealth.

A person who dreams of becoming rich must also actively work to improve his financial situation: look for sources of additional income, plan expenses, invest savings in profitable financial instruments.

The presence of old and broken things, associated with poverty and stinginess, can harm material well-being.

Hand-made ideas

A gift made by yourself is an indicator not only of your creative thinking, but also of a particularly reverent attitude towards the newlyweds. If you have the ability to create with your hands, then feel free to get down to business.

Wedding gifts in the style of scrapbooking and decoupage are becoming increasingly popular.

, which are individual designs for postcards, photo albums, plates, boxes, frames and small interior items.

Mastering the manufacturing technique is not difficult with the help of the Internet. Hand-sewn sofa cushions or an embroidered tablecloth with the image of the bride and groom

can also become a memorable and original surprise.

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