We read 13 articles about the Inguz rune for you. Find out what's most important

A strong energy rune is one of the most favorable symbols. Her positive energy influences a person’s life and helps change fate for the better. Inguz is the rune of fertility, personality development, love and relationships. Included in the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark.

Answer for newbies! What is the Elder Futhark? This is the oldest alphabet, invented by the Scandinavian sages. Each of the sacred symbols has its own meaning and has a unique energy power.

Only the runes of the Elder Futhark are involved in fortune telling and magical rituals. But you shouldn’t joke with them and perceive them as squiggles from a fairy tale. In fortune-telling rituals, you need to treat the signs with all respect and read the union of runes as a message from our ancestors.

The meaning of the direct rune

The interpretation of the symbol depends on the person and his life situation. People who experience "stagnation" in life will go to a new stage. There may be difficulties on the way to new goals. But if a person works, he will be able to find something to do that brings him joy.

For people who are tired of an active life, Runa Inguz is a harbinger of peace and regularity. This symbol has the following interpretations:

  • Unexpected holidays that a person needs;
  • Travel to the Motherland, which will bring relief;
  • Treatment or rest in a sanatorium.

Regardless of the type of fortune telling, Inguz means a positive change in life. The rune advises a person to stop and think about the situation and make the right decision.

Inguz does not directly indicate in which areas of human life a beneficial change awaits. To find out this information, you must make another map. If it is Runa Bercana, then you should expect an addition to the family. If the second card is Fehu, he declares a bargain or a successful move. The Gebo symbol means new acquaintances that will turn into strong friendships or love affairs.

Inguz runes illustration

Symbolic and archetypal correspondences

  • Name: ING, INGUZ - the name of the god Inga. As Yngvi (Gothic), Yng (English, Norwegian, Icelandic);
  • Action: reproduction;
  • Deity: Ing/Frey; god of ginger beer fertility and carnal pleasures. Freya is his sister. His wife was Gerda, daughter of the giant Hymir. He is the son of Njord. The winter solstice festival (Yul) is celebrated in honor of Frey. The deer and the wheel are his symbols.
  • Tree: apple (Malus pumila);
  • Character: magnetic rune;
  • Essence: irreversible rune;
  • World of the Yggdrasil tree: Wanaheim. Another name for it is “place of peace and abundance.” The Vanir are the second generation of gods, they fought with the Aesir until they reconciled and mixed with them. The Vanir are fertility gods, but they are gentler than the Aesir.
  • For occultism - the higher mentality, the intelligent forces that control natural abundance and organic processes. For psychology - optimism and constructive thinking, the sphere of positive reflection.

Images of the Inguz rune

  • A man who has a child;
  • A sheep giving birth to a lamb;
  • An ear that produces seeds from which a new ear will emerge;
  • An apple tree that produces fruit from which new apple trees will grow;
  • A cell dividing into two;
  • Branching tree branch;
  • A river splitting into branches;
  • Document multiplying on a photocopier;
  • The painting is copied by the artist;
  • The road gets a backup road;
  • Spain, which “gave birth” to the countries of Latin America;
  • A dusty nebula that gives birth to stars and planets.

Analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

The Slavs had a symbol of ruin similar to Inguz is the femoral, which means love, passion, which is a sign of the God Yarila. Its interpretation was different for women and men. For masculine people they symbolized strength, courage and determination. Women wore amulets depicting OOD to look more attractive and be more passionate.

In addition, this Slavic rune can be interpreted as the unity of masculine and feminine principles, a symbol of new life. A talisman with its image can awaken strong feelings and creative abilities. The Slavs believed that UD is a symbol of spring, fertility and spring.

In Slavic culture, this symbol is associated with flowers.

Runic formulas

Now let’s look at examples of combinations of symbols with the Inguz rune:

  • Fehu - Inguz - Otala - Dagaz. It is used when a person is not fully ready to move to a new stage of life. Helps you get what you need, complete current tasks and start new ones sooner
  • Kenaz - Perto - Inguz. This is a healing formula, used when it is necessary to speed up the treatment of a seriously ill person, make him recover faster, recover faster after a serious operation or a long illness, speed up the recovery process
  • Uruz - Inguz - Berkano. It is used when a person is physically or emotionally exhausted and needs to quickly restore strength and return to normal life.
  • Petro - Inguz - Berkano - a combination for women who need to recover from childbirth as soon as possible and start caring for their baby. Also used for postpartum prolonged depression
  • Percano - Petro - Inguz. The formula restores the reproductive abilities of the body, promotes the return of male potency, treats infertility in women
  • Berkano - Uruz - Inguz. Used for sexual problems, mainly to treat female frigidity. Eliminates psychological problems that cause this phenomenon
  • Tivaz - Petro - Inguz. Used by men to eliminate psychological problems that have caused infertility or sexual impotence, used to treat impotence

The use of the Inguz rune in magic

This symbol has a magical meaning - rest in the near future, find harmony, relaxing. Esoterists believe in its healing properties, so they recommend wearing amulets with the image of Run, retracting them on clothing. Inguz is believed to help pregnant women eat easily and without complications.

This symbol is not used as a talisman because it does not have a clear protective effect. His powers are aimed at creation. In the Inguz magic rituals, it served to strengthen connections with extraterrestrial forces and the world of the gods.

Important! When using runes, you should know that it requires the use of high durability. Thus, the magician must correctly calculate the amount of his energy. But Inguz gives a fighter for gift and intuition.

Ingwaz develops intuition

Use in magical practice

Runa Inguz photo: how to draw correctly.

The most beautiful and probably the most powerful of the Futhark runes. Its use is actually an appeal to the god Frey (light ace). Magical meaning: the rune brings the onset of rest closer, helps to relax and relieve tension. It is believed that the Inguz rune in love enhances male potency and the desire to have sex.

It is a symbol of the successful completion of the plan; it is placed at the end of laudatory verses of inscriptions or magical formulas. It can also be used in a literal sense, for example, if you need to increase productivity (in this case, it is better to install it in the middle of a sign or inscription).

Can be used where there is a clear lack of natural fertility power:

  • Poor performance;
  • Low land productivity;
  • Male infertility;
  • Female infertility.

The Inguz rune in a relationship is able to relieve unnecessary tension and restore the balance of the vital forces of partners. It is used very often in healing magic.

Interpretation of the Inguz rune in fortune telling

Esoterists are encouraged to ask specific questions to obtain a complete interpretation. The Inguz rune symbolizes positive changes. But it doesn't give details, so it's hard to know how to make changes in which area of ​​your life. This is why you must phrase the question carefully before you start your currency.

For love and relationships

In this case, Inguz means improvement in your personal life. This relationship has entered a new step and single people are finding their soulmate. If lovers have been together for a long time, they will soon legalize their relationship. Couples will have a new life.

If the reading concerns a new relationship, Ingwaz may indicate the emergence of an intimate relationship in the near future. If a woman asks a question about his elderberry, the rune indicates the person's determination, confirming the seriousness of her intentions. When this map is drawn, a person must analyze his relationships for errors. Inguz symbolizes the right time to work on them.

The rune must be interpreted taking into account neighboring cards:

  • Berkana - the couple will soon have a child;
  • Rune Gebo foreshadows a new acquaintance that will develop into a love relationship or strong friendship;
  • The Fehu card means a romantic trip;
  • If you fought with Wunho, such a deal promises to quickly resolve conflict situations and improve relations.

Inguz is considered a rune that symbolizes honesty in love and relationships. The partner will not hide anything from his other half and will openly talk about all important matters.

Important! If the fortune teller finds new love, the ex-partner will not interfere with the relationship. They will be able to part as friends.

The exact interpretation of the reading depends on the adjacent cards.

For business and work

If it was about a career, this indicates positive changes in this area:

  • transfer to a high-paying job;
  • professional advancement;
  • establishing new business contacts.

Important! If a fortune teller wonders whether he should change his current job, Inguz means a positive answer.

The appearance of this rune in the script indicates the successful implementation of new projects. For aspiring entrepreneurs, this is a promise of success in business development and quick profits. The exact meaning of the Inguz card depends on the neighboring symbols:

  • Fehu means moving to a new place and successfully finding a job;
  • Odal warns against financial liability when organizing work;
  • Evaz warns the fortune teller that a job change will only happen with a move. Or the person is facing a long business trip;
  • Nautiz knows how to give negative meaning to reading. This could be a warning about a long-term contract without the opportunity to change jobs for a better one. However, this does not mean a bad contract or difficult working conditions. This combination will appeal to people who love stability.

On the career map, Inguz symbolizes the possibility of career growth and receiving lucrative offers. It also indicates a job change or a major career decision.

The Inguz symbol brings positive energy

To your health

In this fortune telling, Inguz foretells a speedy recovery. There are several interpretations of this symbol:

  • Reduction of painful symptoms, transition from acute to chronic disease;
  • complete recovery of the fortuneteller or his relatives;
  • successfully overcome depression and apathy.

However, for accurate interpretation it is necessary to take into account neighboring maps:

  • Thurisaz warns a person about the danger of injury, so be careful;
  • Gebo signals that the soothsayer is suffering from a hereditary disease that may appear in the near future.

In any case, the fortune teller should pay attention to the state of health. The overall meaning of the word "Inguz" in this scenario is positive, indicating a quick recovery.

Description of the rune of the day

Today you have the chance to complete a project or business with real success. If you need to part with something, go for it. On this day, partings will be easy, painless and will give true relief. In general, this is a favorable time for any actions and endeavors. Everything undertaken will bring not only benefit, but also joy, satisfaction, and liberation.

Use what you received today for further development and work, but do not go too far - do not become a workaholic. If something annoys you, stubbornly ignore it and don’t attach any importance to it. The less you succumb to negative emotions, the more luck and prosperity Inguts will give you. Enjoy a great mood and increased vitality, but do not fall into euphoria and control your appetite (it will also increase). If you decide to be happy, be happy, regardless of the opinions of others.

How does the rune affect different areas of life?

Inguz in any case means a favorable change, since there is no inverted image. This card appears when a person is ready for changes in life and has done enough to move on to a new stage. The symbol is patronized by the planets Venus and Freya, the goddess of fertility and joy.

This rune promotes strong feelings and strengthens relationships. Inguz helps people decide on an important step that will bring positive changes. All obstacles will be overcome and the person will achieve his goal.

Amulet with the image of Ingvaz

Inverted position

Interpreters say that the inverted Inguz rune has the same meaning as the regular one. However, many runologists put an end to Inga in order to accurately determine her position during fortune telling.

If there is a negative symbol next to the inverted Inguz rune, the meaning of their union will increase many times over.

Reverse Ing is a symbol of the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new stage in a person’s life. In the reading, the sign recommends completing protracted tasks in order to cleanse the spirit for future achievements. Strong attachments need to be rethought; they are a source of unfreedom. Everything that interferes with moving forward must be discarded - pure thoughts, a free soul and hard work will very soon lead to your goal.

Why do you need an amulet with the Inguz rune?

A talisman with his image will bring happiness to its owner in all areas of life. The amulet helps strengthen willpower, instills confidence in one’s abilities, and gives a person a positive attitude.

The Inguz Rune amulet will be especially useful in the following cases:

  • Entrepreneur for business development;
  • If you need to find a new job;
  • If a person needs to make an important decision;
  • If a couple is planning to have a child.

An amulet with the image of runes can be hung in the house to protect its inhabitants from theft and fire. Keychains are made only from natural materials.

Advice from a Scandinavian character

Recommends: Direct your vital energy towards making your dreams come true. Do the work in which you feel your purpose.

Ing helps:

  • Strengthen your self-confidence.
  • Gain confidence in the future.
  • Open new areas for self-realization.
  • Feel the connection with your ancestors and their magical protection.

The main advice from Runa! Listen to your inner voice; other people's opinions should not influence decision-making. People tend to give “good” advice in fits of envy. Listen to your friends and do as your heart tells you!

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Inguz rune?

It is not recommended to place a drainage pattern on the body because it is difficult to predict how its energy will affect a given person. But if a person is sure that she wants a tattoo of the Rune Inguz amulet is the safest. This symbol does not have an inverted image, which means that its reflection will not be damaged by its reflection in the mirror.

When choosing this awakening tattoo, remember that its main purpose is to change. A person must be prepared for instability and change. But the positive aspect of this tattoo is that it opens up new possibilities. The meaning of the picture depends on its location:

  • On the leg - frequent movements, field changes;
  • on the shoulder - circle of friends, instability in relationships;
  • On the neck and spine - strengthening ambitions, developing creative abilities.

A tattoo with Ruena Inguz is best suited for a freedom-loving, creative thinker who is not afraid of change. But this is not suitable for those who want stability and create a strong family. Yellow is recommended for Runa Inguz because it is considered a shadow.

Inguz talisman

The emergence of a symbol

The energy rune Inguz is dedicated to the Scandinavian god of summer and fertility Freyr (Ingvi). His name means "lord", and as a wise ruler, Frey creates peace on Earth, controls the sun's rays and sends people abundant harvests.

The rune has several names: Inguz, Ingus, Ing, Ing, Inguz.

The conventional runic inscription depicts the container where the seed is stored - the great power of the Ingaz rune.

How did the ancient Scandinavian sages know what a DNA molecule looked like? It is the Inguz rune that reflects its structure. It is a repository of genetic information that is passed on from ancestors to future generations. Like fruit on a tree branch, and like every living soul, the Ing rune strives for development. It activates the hidden potential that lies inside a living natural cell.

Rune advice and warning

If running through the day is the direct meaning of Inguz, it is worth giving up old habits if they interfere with development. It's better to try to find positives in changes. You also need to learn to listen to yourself, and not to the advice of others, it is worth it to develop your intuition.

The Ingvaz rune means positive change, but its exact interpretation depends on the question and neighboring cards. Sometimes its appearance is interpreted as a warning. As an amulet, it is used to develop intuition and rapid healing.

Making a talisman

The Inguz rune can be cut out on a wooden plank, applied in red ink on a blank sheet of cardboard, or depicted on a stone (green agate is ideal, you can also use sapphire or emerald). The amulet gives its owner the ability to perceive and process a huge flow of information; it will be very useful for people engaged in analytical or intellectual activities.

If you want to make an amulet for marriage, then depict the Inguz rune on a clay tablet. Place the talisman on the window at night so that it can be charged with moonlight. Once the talisman has served its purpose, you can keep it as a family heirloom. This will make relationships more harmonious and bring prosperity to your home.

Warning! Some people use runic signs to tattoo their bodies. It is highly undesirable to use the Inguz rune for these purposes, since it symbolizes the continuous circulation of energy. For some time, this sharply increases performance, but then apathy and loss of strength sets in.

How to use sign magic

The two most popular ways to use runic charms are through tattooing or wearing amulets.

The talisman is chosen by those who do not want to apply the design forever. It’s also convenient because you can remove it at any time and replace it with another sign. But unlike other symbols, the Inguz rune can be worn constantly and combined without fear of consequences.

Sign on the palm

Sometimes the outlines of runes can be seen in the interweaving of pattern lines on the hand. There are several versions of what the Inguz rune means as a sign on the palm in palmistry: success in creativity, high ability for motherhood (fatherhood), success in business or finance. The location will help clarify the interpretation:

  • Smart entrepreneurs have a diamond with a continuation under their little finger;
  • under the nameless one - promises good creativity.

To find a symbol, you need to look carefully. Sometimes it can only be seen by an experienced palmist. Not only the location matters, but also the combination with other designs on the hand and wrist.


The Inguz rune is also a popular amulet. There are no clear regulations on who can or cannot wear it. It is suitable for men and women who want to improve their lives and increase something. Therefore, esotericists recommend:

  • to get pregnant or start a large family;
  • for an influx of energy, a surge;
  • wear when completing an important task or a major purchase;
  • to consolidate the action of the remaining runes on the amulet or in the runescript.

The amulet will be useful for children if they lack activity or have difficulties in learning. The significance of the Inguz rune for teenagers is also important: wearing it during this period allows you to achieve good results in studies or sports, and direct energy in the right direction. For girls and boys it has a positive effect on the formation of the reproductive system.

For older people, in the meaning of Inguz, bursts of vigor and strength are important. It also helps to establish contact with small children in the family and awakens warm feelings for grandchildren. The mother of the family, wearing this symbol, is always surrounded by the care of all relatives.


A tattoo in the form of the Inguz rune is suitable for those who want to attract wealth into life, have a child, or receive more energy constantly, without ever getting rid of the influence of the sign. The power of the rune will always be with the owner. The pattern is difficult to remove, so the pros and cons are carefully considered before the procedure. It is important that the master repeats the sign exactly, otherwise the magic will not work.

It is constantly on the owner, so several nuances arise:

  • the Inguz rune always causes changes in life;
  • does not contain stability value;
  • encourages constant movement.

Suitable for someone who has not yet decided on life priorities, is ready to change often and part with the past. And also move a lot, travel, meet new people, and give up achievements without regret.

A tattoo with a rune is not the best option for introverts, families, or for those who are afraid to change something. In these cases, the pattern on the skin will cause internal conflict, and the person will feel in an uncomfortable situation.

Runa Inguz

Inguz is the most positive, powerful rune in terms of personal destiny. Symbolically associated with the sign Taurus. Under Inguz there is a transition from the sign of Pisces to Aries, from calm, depth, standing to a new manifestation. Inguz symbolizes a qualitative change in level that occurs against a person’s will. Quantity turns into quality. The accumulated experience, meanings and energies take on a new form and give birth to a new quality.

SYMBOLIC FIELD Deep transformation, completion of the process of self-organization. All experience, all meanings, all energies that we have accumulated self-organize, take on a new form, give birth to a new quality. Life force. Barn, grain, seed. Release of hidden energy. Parting with the old plot. Liberation from another attachment. Opening the next ring of karma.

As you know, fate does not consist of events, but of plots. Until a person works through the plot karmically, it will repeat itself all the time, cyclically returning again and again. In order for the plot that has tormented you to disappear, you need to do something mysterious in your soul. The appearance of Inguz indicates that we are leaving the power of the plot that dominated us. We reckon with the hardships, promises, hopes and deprivations of the past. All this fades into oblivion and does not prevent us from living anymore. Inguz is the rune of a resolved task, after which a person can afford something new. Part with the past and allow yourself to move on to a new quality.

Inguz symbolizes liberation from the prohibitions and “don’ts” that have enslaved us. And literally at the physiological level: a person feels that great energies are being released inside. And all our energies, as we know, are enslaved by the categorical “no”. Only those who find a way to bypass or free themselves from the categorical “no” become highly energetic. Inguz is the rune of freedom in its local manifestation, in connection with a certain problem at the time the rune fell. Source astrojurnal.ru Liberation from the role. Relief associated with removing the mask. Each person plays different roles in society. Any role is clothing. She's good when it's cold. It’s a good role to cover yourself and defend yourself. But when circumstances suddenly change, we sometimes do not have time to take off these clothes and free ourselves from the armored spacesuits of the masks. And as a result, the role, no longer fulfilling its protective functions, begins to limit, constrain and paralyze a person’s capabilities. For example, a 50-year-old woman raised children. They got married and moved away. But she, poor thing, doesn’t know what to do and keeps wailing and wailing. Things to do? Anything! By providing freedom, karma in no way implies depriving a person of pleasure. However, it is very difficult for people accustomed to social prohibitions, to a stereotyped and standardized life to free themselves from roles, because they are familiar, calm, and reliable. And it is very difficult to understand how to free yourself from the role when the role environment no longer exists.

When a rune falls out, it is very important to grasp what kind of mask we are taking off, what mask is dissolving, what new thing is appearing in us. For this new thing certainly appears in our new appearance, which can be felt.

In Inguz the meaning of the next cycle is hidden, the meaning of the next stage is hidden. The completion of one cycle is the beginning of the next. And at this point, as in a seed, the tree that gave this seed and the tree that will grow from it are inseparable. This seed symbolizes the zero degree of Aries.

You need to prepare for Inguz, try to understand the limitations. The situation is similar to a soldier’s demobilization: he counts the days until the end of his service and mentally plays out situations of new behavior. Inguz indicates the end of the period of development. But in order not to turn out to be a “naked king” at this moment and to competently fit into the next cycle without losing new opportunities, a person must learn to project: how will I live next? Design situations are scary at first. But the more actively a person views the future situation, the more adequately he fits into it in his imagination. And when Inguz comes, he calmly moves to a new level, without wasting any energy, time, or health.

Inguz is the rune of simultaneous completion and beginning. Both must be carried out efficiently. Many of us are familiar with the feeling of deep melancholy when we suddenly find ourselves in our old place of residence. A person comes into contact with the vibrations of the past. Memory rises in his soul. The main feeling: it was possible to live better. It was possible even then to reckon with the past, and in this case such melancholy would not have persisted. This is an example of karmic delay. A person should go through life in such a way as not to feel the pressure of the past. Otherwise, it is necessary to replay the past in the imagination, in conversations, in diaries - whatever you like. In place of old incompleteness, it is necessary to create a new magical reality and live these moments again, without fear of the situation, without fear of repetition of experiences, and see how differently one could have acted - more intensely, more harmoniously, brighter, lighter, kinder. What's unfinished needs to be completed. A person cannot move to a qualitatively new level of being, having old troubles and problems that are generated by incompleteness, unfinishedness, lack of thought, and lack of feeling. The study of a person’s past is the leitmotif of any psychotherapy.

When Inguz falls out, it is very important to record the positive experience of the past stage, draw conclusions, review the experience in its entirety, realize it, crystallize it and take it with you. This is the meaning of the New Year holiday and yearly religious holidays. They close a certain period of development. According to modern rituals, during the 7 days before the new year, a person reviews the old year. And within 12 days after the onset of the new year, the 12 months of this year are programmed according to the rule of the first moment. The New Year's holiday is not just a feast and mutual congratulations, but a turning point, a magical ritual that allows you to organize the experience in a foreign way, to complete it, to feel it, to finish it from the inside. Very often we rush further and further, and behind us stretches a trail of karmic tails - those very incompletenesses.

Adlerian psychologists use the method of emotional response to part with the past. If a person has not completed some situation, for example, he got scared, and therapy was not carried out on time, and he did not get rid of the fear, then until he returns to this situation, experiences the fear again, he will not be able to continue to live freely. Every stage, cycle, every life event is holistic. If we do not complete it, mental tension remains in us. The only way to get rid of karma is to go back and carefully watch your terrible movie or unrealized joy, or unspent resentment, or return yourself to a state of anger after which we did not repent. This is precisely the greatest meaning of repentance. Repentance is liberation from karma. The completed story is always visible. If we ask a question about some event or program and Inguz comes, it means that this program in us is being completed. So we are finishing it now. Moreover, the specificity of the occult organization of events is such that in the 29th degree of Pisces, preceding the zero degree of Aries, the entire Zodiac is symbolically repeated. At the end of the cycle, Inguz gives the opportunity to micro-experience the entire cycle. The events of the last steps reflect the entire cycle, and we have the opportunity to work through it in a completely realistic way.

Under Inguz it is very good to engage in memories, to free yourself from toxins and garbage. Inguz releases energy that can be directed to improving one’s own psyche, cutting off chains, calculations, reckoning and repentance. The moment of revision has come: I will take some things with me, and some I will leave forever. If a person gets used to doing such work, then Inguz comes to him more and more often, and the stories become shorter and shorter. And a person feels how intensively he is developing, gradually moving to a new qualitative level. Source astrojurnal.ru Consistent, gradual movement along the steps is an inguan situation. Each step completes a cycle. Cycle after cycle - and the karmic yarn unravels. Under Inguz, with minimal effort, we can achieve the spiritual results we need, because the seed of completion is accompanied by great Power.

In a magical sense, Inguz is perhaps the most powerful rune. She is even stronger than Uruz. Her Strength is good precisely because it is harmonious, despite the fact that it is great. This rune tells us the reserve of possibilities so that we complete the next stage of life. Inguz concerns only our personal problems. We are not talking about any production problems or social difficulties. Inguz only comes up with questions about ourselves. It corresponds to purely personal, individual, own problems.

As the esotericist develops, he begins to feel certain protective Forces. He feels the presence of some powers, local supporting principles that help him. They are called “helper figures.” They are connected with his own psyche and represent personifications of various subprograms of the unconscious. But helpers grow only when they serve the idea. Inguz awakens them when a person is organized strategically, when he lives not only for himself, when he serves the egregor, that is, the idea. For a selfish, greedy, stupid person, Inguz does not work, even if he pulls it out a thousand times.

When Inguz falls out, you need to think about why you lived for a whole year, what you can boast to yourself about without false pride. The Inguz rune, despite the fact that it concerns a person’s personal problems, indicates the quality of his service to the egregor. If a person has lived through the stage to no avail, then Inguz will not be of any use to him. In this sense, the saying becomes clear: all completions are dedicated to a personal god. Helper figures can symbolize a personal deity or a guardian angel. We dedicate the completion to the egregor: “Look how I worked for you,” not to people, but to some transpersonal Power that we respect, value, for which we work. Completion cannot be dedicated to yourself. We're kind of bringing it back. The beginning comes from the egregor, and the completion is our response to the egregor, to Heaven. It reveals the goodness of a person, his conscientiousness. If the beginning occurs regardless of a person - he perceives higher currents and begins to act under the guidance of a higher will, then completion is personal work transmitted upward. Naturally, the offering must be of high quality. The best sacrifices are made by perfect actions.

Inguz symbolizes three new things: new love, new work and new birth. All runes are in one way or another connected with karmic work. But Inguz frees you from karma. Under this rune, the final settlement with certain plots and programs occurs. Often they are carried out without human participation. Therefore, Inguz conveys strength, joy, and prospects. Inguz indicates the release of the vessel to accept a new gift, since only after completing the preliminary stage can one move on to the next one. That’s why runists call Inguz an appeal to God the Giver. If for some reason we turn to the Supreme Being, then it is necessary to make room for possible gifts. To pour new water into a vessel, you need to pour out the old one. We must thoroughly clear our minds, make space, provide a runway for what might fall from the sky.

The size of the Strength received under Inguz corresponds to the size of the sacrifice made. But the sacrifice should under no circumstances be forced. We are talking about voluntary vertical relationships. Inguz is not perceived if we do not have an idea of ​​​​a deity, an egregor. This rune acts exclusively vertically. The cycle itself unfolds horizontally. And Inguz reunites a person with Heaven directly.

Something new simply cannot appear if there is no place for it. This is precisely what human boredom is connected with: people cannot reckon with the past and free themselves from it in their consciousness. Therefore, consciousness is not filled with anything new. Because of this, the so-called closedness of perception, prejudice of the mind, and an abundance of superstitions appear. Unfortunately, we are more likely to hold on to something than to let go of it. We don't even want to let go of ourselves. It seems to us that the stronger we hold on to this world, the more reliable our connection with it. In fact, everything is different: the more we hold on, the more we become deadened.

SYMBOLIC FIGURES INGUZ Any housewife knows that if a button is sewn on and not secured, it will definitely come off. This is a symbol of unfinished cycles. Sooner or later, the memory will come up and attack the soul. It happens that in a hurry a person forgets to tie his shoelaces. The consequences are known to many.

The Inguz symbol is energy hygiene. It consists of working through the past. It would never even occur to us not to go to the toilet for a whole week - this is a vital need for the body. But the same is necessary for the psyche. In modern civilization there is no culture of liberation from the past, conscious, purposeful, systematic, regular, consistent liberation. A culture that has lost its understanding of holidays and carnivals does not give a person a chance to get rid of savings. The phenomenon of modern neuroticism is associated with the fact that we do not know how to properly free ourselves from unnecessary debts: thoughts and experiences. We all carry them within us.

Under Inguz we act as our own judge. Judges who judge not through the eyes of society, but through the eyes of a merciful, forgiving and loving God. In NLP (neurolinguistic programming), an entire treatment method is built on this - an internal resource. It turns out that everything good, positive, constructive, joyful, bright that we experience remains in our soul. We can use these states at any moment. For example, remember your first love, your first meeting with lilacs. And not just invent a dry form, but once again vividly relive the main events of the worked out stage and thank God, my body, and people for the fact that I had so many joyful moments throughout the year. All this is put into a piggy bank and taken with you. Positive states are our inner treasures. If a person works with Inguz, then over time he accumulates many positive experiences that form a mental reserve. Otherwise, there are simply no good experiences left in his soul. He does not fix them, does not crystallize them, does not put them on a shelf, does not separate the wheat from the chaff. As a result, he doesn't like everything. And Inguz is an experience of crystallizing the best of what we have experienced.

Inguz teaches you to use the best opportunities available. This includes communicating only with pleasant people, doing what you want to do, etc. This strategy leads to a radical change in life. The problem is solved at the turning point from the familiar to the pleasant. The usual is what is stereotyped, what is practiced. We spin around in the familiar, like squirrels in a wheel. The habitual is, as it were, normal and therefore, as it were, safe. Pleasant is the voice of God, the voice of the egregor in our soul. Inguz deprives a person of attachment to previous stereotypes, and he understands that he doesn’t have to do the usual. And he immediately feels relief, release.

We spend a lot of time and energy fulfilling illusory obligations and oughts. But in many cases, we, in fact, do not owe anything to anyone, we are not at all obliged to do anything, go somewhere. Influenza releases create a strange feeling in a person’s soul that life is starting anew. In these moments, the motto of life is symbolically represented: you need to live along the lines of preferences. In the depths of a person’s soul there is always a voice that, through “likes” and “I want,” leads him on the right path. There is not a single bright, bright, clean, healthy, full-fledged person who would ignore this motto. One gets the impression that holiness lies not in asceticism, but in the peace that comes after fulfilling one’s “likes.” A person doesn’t have that many “likes,” and at the same time, there’s not that much time to fulfill them either. Source astrojurnal.ru Allowing yourself to live the way you want frees not only us from many problems, but also other people from us (or our claims).

Inguz is complex. Liberation from karma, freedom gives rise to fear of oneself. Freedom scares people. He is disoriented: there are no chains, boundaries, bars, frames. A horrified person asks himself: “What if I want to kill someone?” No normal person would want to kill anyone. It would never even occur to him to break the rules of the hostel. Moreover, the freer a person is, the more inconspicuous, the more normal he becomes. The less he commits unfavorable actions. But inside he changes completely. He stops depending on anyone. And separation from attachments is the first sign of freedom from karma.

A person ceases to be programmable. He doesn't know what he will do in two hours. How can he know now what he will like in two hours? He feels immersed in a flow that harmoniously integrates him into life. A person feels that the Power leading him is intelligent. And this Power is represented in his soul by his own preferences. We are free from karma when we live according to our hearts and not our minds; by inspiration, and not by scheme, when we live in the current moment, and not by worries, prejudices, fears or negative expectations. This is easy to talk about, but difficult to implement in everyday life. Because “no” has penetrated deep into our souls.

Inguz reminds us of the need to search for freedom, of the need to complete the plot, revise the familiar, unsympathetic to us, and turn to what is pleasant to us. Where will we shift our assemblage point, what new prosperous, calm state (primarily internal), regardless of the opinions of others, can we move to in order to feel more harmonious, more alive?

Only a truly completed plot leaves us. However, many people miss their Inguz chance. Inguz is moving us to a new development cycle. And at the same time, we should not forget that this rune very rarely acts against the will of a person. Therefore, if suddenly in a new cycle we begin to see signs of the old in ourselves or become irritated by the fact that we behave in the old, stereotypical, habitual way, we need to think about what we have not completely freed ourselves from. This means we are dragging the old cycle along with us.

Karma consists of continuous stereotypes. There is a wonderful phrase - “don’t get hung up.” Karma is dwelling on or stopping in a cycle that should have already been overcome. This is dragging into the future something that should not be there - the past. If a person carries unfinished past experiences, he cannot live up to the present moment. He brings into the present something that should not be in the soul. For this reason he becomes neurotic. He feels a mismatch between his old self and the new situation and loses the opportunity to adapt. To stop being the past, you just need to feel, think, notice, work through, refine, complete the plot and leave it. Perhaps this is the most important work of a person, thanks to which everything else will work out by itself.

Fear is obsessiveness. Illusion is the same kind of looping. Painful experiences of shame and guilt are also looping, because they are associated with incomplete plots. Freeing oneself from loops allows a person to behave correctly and respond resonantly to what is happening. A person is a living part of his environment. And if he does not free himself from the old, then he seems to be switched off from reality and becomes a stranger to those around him. Breaking the threads of the past is a great responsibility.

Attachment to recent events generates little karma for now. But if people suffer because they entered the wrong university 30 years ago, this is complete karma! By bringing the past into the present, we continue to create mistakes.

It is not normal for a person in 1997 to emotionally experience the events of 1983. They no longer exist. But they live in our heads like in a landfill. How to get rid of it? Throw it away! According to a strange law, almost no one performs this basic operation. Nobody wants to ventilate the subconscious, revise the memory, clean it. Human memory is like pockets filled with all sorts of things. This garbage bothers us, but we don’t want to part with it. And this problem also extends to material life - how you don’t want to part with things that are no longer needed! This is a great symbol of karma. If we don’t have the courage to get rid of material layers, then we will be even more unable to part with our experiences.

The surprising thing is that a person only accumulates unpleasant experiences. In society, it is believed that it is beautiful to be suffering. When someone sheds a tear, attention is immediately paid to him. And when someone laughs, they envy him viciously. When a person is sick, we actively sympathize with him. And when he says that everything is fine with him, we diligently try to put a spoke in the wheel: “And at the expense of whom is this great for you?” This attitude of the public subconscious smacks of something devilish. People are immersed in total psychosis; they subconsciously want to look more unhappy than they are.

Comprehensive “no”, the garbage of the past are the basis of any social problems, crimes, conflicts. With what enthusiasm it is said everywhere that karma has entangled the whole world. And no one says how easy it really is to get rid of it and become just a happy person. The horror is that we don’t even want to imagine ourselves being happy. We cannot agree with the image of a healthy, joyful, smiling person. We don't like him. There is simply nothing sacred or valuable about negative experiences!!! They de-energize the psyche and suck out the juices. Shake them off like dead mosquitoes!

But why don't people want to do this? One reason is social preference. A person is afraid to live without the usual illnesses, without the usual troubles, without the usual and familiar suffering and lamentation. A person is afraid that he will have to change his lifestyle, his circle of acquaintances, and maybe even his job. A happy person must live in a completely different environment. Therefore, many people prefer the familiar and refuse the pleasant, and create a myth about the extreme difficulty of achieving a normal state. To become a happy person, you just need to understand that you don’t have to be suffering.

Solving a problem means allowing yourself to become different, to acquire a new quality, to free yourself from yourself, to free yourself from your usual way of life. But we rely on the ossification of the environment and say that even if we want to change, it will still return us to our previous state. Nothing like this! If at one fine moment a person decides to become happy, he will easily overcome any attacks. But the solution must be radical!

Inguz is the rune of awakening from sleep and illusions. Wake up. Everything is fine. The evil spirit was a figment of your imagination. And the man shakes his head and continues snoring. And all this is called suffering.

Inguz is associated with suggestion. Suggestion lives off Mowgli’s unconsciously professed motto: “You and I are of the same blood.” The phenomenon of suggestion is not the transfer of something from one to another, but the blurring of boundaries and a feeling of unity with another. The closer two people are to each other, the thinner the border between them. The greater the intimacy, the less the illusion of separation. Both love and hate create a connection. We are not connected only with those to whom we are absolutely indifferent. Only indifference saves you from suggestion. If we sincerely hate someone, then we already perceive the psychic contents of this person. We take it for granted, we accept the fact of its existence. This means that together with him we accept his existence. It is very serious. Because suggestion helps spread the contagion of the conviction between people that they need to be unhappy to a certain extent. Everyone chooses for themselves the measure of misfortune and its specific form. And we seem to feel our unity with our brothers and sisters. This is idiocy, but subconsciously we profess exactly this position. We believe that this is a demonstration of our affiliation with others, sharing a common burden. You need to understand that by becoming happy, you prevent others from being unhappy.

The connection between Inguz and suggestion can be traced astrologically. The Inguz rune corresponds to the sign of Taurus. The Moon in Taurus symbolizes the social subconscious, its most superficial layer. The moon unites us with the crowd. Venus is the planet of etiquette, related to the fulfillment of social norms. Through the control of Cancer, the Moon is connected with Neptune: hypnosis of others (almost always invisible). Many have observed that as soon as the interlocutor grimaces, we, as if out of respect for him, also grimace so as not to lose contact with him. We reflect it. Moreover, we believe that this is correct, that this is how we need to communicate. He will say: “Oh, it hurts here.” And we responded: “Oh, I don’t feel well either.” The horror is that it doesn’t even occur to us to react sensibly to the situation: “It’s okay. Wait. This will pass."

The Moon through the sign of Cancer, Venus through Pisces are connected with Jupiter. Jupiter symbolizes compensation for some kind of internal dissatisfaction. It’s mysterious, but true: unhappiness brings some kind of incredible thrill. With its help, a person feels his own importance.

The ability to resist suggestion is called resistance. It brings awareness of one’s separation from others, or an unconscious expansion of boundaries and protection. When a person moves from the familiar to the pleasant, he gains absolute psychological protection. He becomes inaccessible to the negative suggestions of the environment. Many call him indifferent, callous, unresponsive. Neurotics have come up with a large vocabulary of epithets to drag each other into the web of illness. A person who is determined to become happy finds absolute resistance. He is not subject to hypnosis. People around him begin to notice him, at first with irritation. But if you become happy and someone doesn’t like it, rejoice. He comes into contact with you. Keep staying happy. The suggestion of happiness began. You start to get into his psyche. At first he is indignant and rages: “It shouldn’t be like this. Why is your face so happy?” And then he makes the same one himself - you can also infect someone with a prosperous state.

Suggestion is not necessarily negative. It can also be positive. For example, in the form of conveying one’s own well-being, one’s own joyful tension. According to the Lord's plan, a person is obliged to be joyful. Joy is a feeling of the coming Divine grace. If you are in quiet joy, without towering over people, without pushing them, then you imperceptibly produce a completely real suggestion. People cannot resist him because they are attached to you with their hatred. Roerich called this phenomenon “carrying along with oneself.”

Joy is contagious in the same way that evil, crime, and any disease are contagious. If you remember this, you will gain supporters. They are no longer surprised that you have gone crazy. They get used to you, and then learn to be happy. It's actually not difficult to do this. For example, say to yourself: “Let’s smile!” Try repeating this motto as often as possible. Thus, we divide the psyche into two halves: a habit and a new state. Turning to something new should become stable and pleasant - a stable feeling of freedom, independence: “Even though the whole world has collapsed, no one needs me when I’m sick. Even if the whole world is destroyed, I, unhappy, will not be of any use to anyone. I will not be able to give people what they need - strength, joy, health, energy. First, I must become happy myself.” How? Start with a smile.

Joy is not something other than this world. It is originally present in us. And the more people we infect with joy, the easier life becomes. Communities, groups, and groups of people who rejoice quite often emerge. The crowd will no longer break this force. This is already a center of enlightenment, a fire in the night, around which the reviving “dead” gather. To show joy, to truly establish yourself in it, to free yourself from karma, cycles, negative memories and stories, you need great personal strength.

SOURCES OF ACCUMULATION OF PERSONAL POWER 1. Strength is gained in opposition to society. Have the nerve to be happy. Be prepared for the fact that many people won't like it. The results will appear after one solar year. It is necessary to observe yourself when you fall into depression, and consider it as a fall, bending to the ground, belittling your own dignity, and recover, knowing that effort will certainly open an inner source of joy.

2. The source of personal strength is sober self-analysis under the motto “Well, why are you so unhappy?” Try saying out loud the reasons for your unhappiness. The further you go, the more you will laugh at the insanity that makes you unhappy. Source astrojurnal.ru Of course, it is difficult to pull the soul out from under suggestions and troubles. We cry on the occasion of any illness and call it sympathy. It is known that a bad mood destroys the body and poisons the space.

But we understand it mentally. We become exhausted because we constantly empathize with each other. We have an incredibly strong emotional stereotype of empathy for misfortune. We do not know how to rejoice or have fun. Good condition is not a reason to have fun for a modern person. Of course, they won’t understand you if you start laughing in a cemetery. But when you make a sad face, try to remain calm inside. Think about how this had to happen. Separation is natural. Someday you and everyone else will leave. This is the cycle of life. The same Inguz who completes it. When a loved one leaves, we feel sorry for ourselves. After all, it’s not him, but us who feel bad without him. This kind of grief is self-pity, an egoistic experience aimed only at ourselves. This egoism is fixed in cultural patterns, in behavioral structures. We are convinced that we are fulfilling a moral duty to people, although in fact we only feel sorry for ourselves, strictly speaking, without any reason.

3. Personal power can be imitated. Imitation awakens the source of inner strength. If you feel bad, try to imagine that you are already strong. You stand on stage like an actor. Play a strong person. Play for real until you get bored. The game is a simple method of summoning the Force. The human body is designed in such a way that if we begin to play the role we need, then after this we acquire the corresponding internal states. Like Munchausen, we are dragging ourselves out of the swamp by our hair. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to remember the close relationship between soul and body, psyche and physiology. Using this technique in the direction of joy, disconnection from social problems, we actually acquire these qualities.

Unfortunately, people are looking for all sorts of excuses: “Why am I going to pretend when my soul is so bad?!” The worst thing is that your whole life passes under the sign of such thoughts. Roerich also said that people can sympathize, but only angels can rejoice. When we respond to joy with joy, when we recognize that his joy is better than our sadness, we serve God, nature, we become geysers of this joy. We open the valve in our hearts, and from there a certain sweet, rainbow stream erupts.

Selling your soul to the devil means living like everyone else. Give body, mind, mood, happiness, time to the masses. We are not talking about people who make up the mass. The crowd is a separate entity, something extremely boring and gray. It is not for nothing that they have always been called the mob. Any person is valuable when he stands out from the crowd. The task of esotericism is to take everyone out of the crowd and put them in their place, so that each person feels valuable without rising above others, so that a person does not trust the voices that tell him to be upset, so that he is turned inside out by such disorders. And then he will be right a thousand times, because what is pleasant is the voice of God in the soul. A person who allows himself to rejoice does not want to live in general stupidity, in darkness and greyness. He cannot save everyone yet, but first he saves at least himself. And then he will infect everyone else with salvation.

Liberation from karma is a feat, because it is very difficult to decide to go against everyone, against the inert, computerized, blinkered masses who have tortured themselves with their own stupidity. Victory over karma is a leap over the abyss, disconnection from the cozy bosom of society. Such a person does not want to explain anything to people. He doesn't rape or torture anyone. For starters, he simply leaves the game. Liberation from karma is an internal decision: allowing yourself to become different.

Inguz comes at the moment when another cycle ends and we have a chance to free ourselves from at least some part of ourselves. A window opens inside us, through which we can see the sky and fly out to freedom. And if we do not use this chance, then we doom ourselves to eternal work in the mines of ignorance. There is no benefit to a swaying organic gray mass. We can always get out of it. This does not require cunning, witchcraft, or any special energy. You just need to decide, allow yourself to leave. Hard to understand. And it's easy to do once you understand.

MANTIC MEANINGS INGUZ Situation : end of the plot. Challenge : gather your strength and put an end to it at the right moment. Warning : misunderstanding of the situation. Directions : make a sacrifice. Advice : if the plot is completed correctly, it symbolically repeats itself completely; uncertainty and tension are replaced by a feeling of completeness. Solace : Take a shower before starting a new endeavor.


Konstantin Selchenok Astrological interpretation of runes

For love and relationships

The rune of fertility and hearth symbolizes sincere love, loyalty and stability. For married people, it means the transition of relationships to a qualitatively new level: romantic love will eventually turn into mutual respect, friendship and deep understanding.

In the vicinity of Berkana, Ingvaz promises an addition to the family, a successful pregnancy and an easy birth. Inguz promises a lonely person a meeting with a reliable person, which will become the starting point of the novel.

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