The rooster is an important bird! About the symbol of the year in myths, customs, fortune telling and even in foreign languages

According to Feng Shui, the rooster plays several roles: it embodies the masculine principle, serves as an activator of success and wealth, and puts a barrier to negative energy. A correctly selected and positioned image of a bird normalizes the vital flows of Qi, so the owner of such a figurine will restore strength and attract success and money capital.

The rooster, a symbol of the Yang element, represents active masculine energy and is endowed with many virtues. This ambitious sign will help you achieve a lot in the social and financial sphere, protect you from troubles and ill-wishers, and protect you from betrayal and betrayal.

The meaning of the rooster in the teachings of Feng Shui

According to Chinese beliefs, the rooster is the bird of the sun and heavenly fire, a conductor of solar energy. The bird embodies 5 virtues: courage, reliability, protection of the weak, dignity in war and nobility in peacetime. In Chinese, the words "rooster" and "luck" sound the same.

A rooster can help in various life endeavors: according to Feng Shui, the meaning of this symbol is multifaceted. The courage and strength of the bird will push you to conquer career heights and increase your income, and will become a magnet for good luck and fame. The image of a bird will help keep your other half faithful. The patronage of the sign will protect against physical harm (theft, fire) and moral damage (evil eye, slander, ill will).

The Rooster will help you gain luck, wealth, career growth; the embodiment of masculinity and active yang energy will put a barrier to negativity from the outside, protective properties will be able to protect the house from intruders.

The rooster is an important bird! About the symbol of the year in myths, customs, fortune telling and even in foreign languages

“Petya, Petya, the cockerel, the Golden comb, the butter head, the silken beard.” The words of this children's nursery rhyme are familiar to each of us. But the rooster is not only an indispensable inhabitant of the barnyard and not only a lollipop for childish fun. Everything is much more serious: for our ancestors it was a sacred and important bird. There are many beliefs and customs associated with the rooster in the cultures of different nations. They are also reflected in the language. By the way, how do the harbingers of dawn shout, say, in French, Japanese or Hindi? And why would a roast rooster peck at us somewhere? We will cackle about this and other things at our leisure.

Since ancient times, people have paid special attention to three roosters: white, black and red. Our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers... revered the Rooster as the embodiment of fire, light forces, power, combat fervor, fertility, guardian, and at the same time he was very often and almost universally sacrificed to gods, spirits and higher powers. So, the Slavs killed a black rooster when building a house. With such plumage, the bird personified the underworld, hostile to man, the kingdom of death (it’s not for nothing that Pogorelsky called his fairy tale about the underground inhabitants “The Black Chicken.” Although Chernushka is a chicken, she is, in fact, a werewolf and the guide of the boy Alyosha to the secret kingdom). But the white rooster was dedicated to the highest deities, so it was believed that the white rooster brings happiness to the house.

In the beliefs of many peoples, the Rooster was a bird of things and was endowed with the ability to resist evil spirits: “The first roosters sing at midnight, the second disperse the devils, the third call the sun to heaven.” And indeed, remember how it was with Gogol, in his “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”:

“...The coffin crashed in the middle of the church and remained motionless. The corpse rose out of it again, blue and green. But at that time a distant rooster crow was heard. The corpse sank into the coffin and slammed the coffin lid shut. The philosopher’s heart was beating and sweat was pouring down; but, encouraged by the crowing of a rooster, he quickly finished reading the pages...” (story “Viy”).

The rooster was used to prepare ritual dishes to celebrate the end of the harvest, weddings and funerals. But, for example, Tver Yezidis slaughter roosters as a sacrifice and gratitude to God if they managed to avoid mortal danger or major troubles. By the way, “rooster” in Yazidi sounds the same as in Arabic – “dick”.

“If, for example, a person gets into an accident or undergoes a successful operation, we perform the Kurban ritual - sacrifice. We always say a prayer over the rooster, then it is killed and a dish is prepared, which we treat to friends and neighbors. We also prepare dishes from the rooster for the holidays – Yazidi Easter and St. George’s Easter,” explained the head of the Tver public organization “Pirani” Zado Dzhndoyan.

It is wrong to believe that the rooster is only a male symbol. As Polina Akulova, head of the folklore sector of the Children's Music Center TGOM, the rooster was embroidered on towels and on the hems of women's dresses. They just called them peahens or firebirds.

— Peahens, according to legend, guarded the tree of paradise, which in the pre-Christian tradition was the tree of the family or life.

But the expression “Let the red rooster go” (means “start a fire”) is known in many languages ​​and goes back to the ancient pagan symbolism of fire and the cult of the thunder gods.

— For many peoples, the red rooster was a symbol of the deity of fire and the sun, and they sacrificed red roosters to this deity (different peoples had their own: for example, the Slavs had Perun as the god of fire, Svarog as the sun god, and the ancient Germans had the thunderer Thor). There are popular beliefs that during a thunderstorm, a red rooster jumps to the ground along with lightning and sets houses on fire. By the way, this connection of the rooster with lightning is also reflected in material culture: for a long time, tin figurines of the rooster were decorated with the roofs of houses and temples to protect them from lightning and fires,” said Irina Ganzhina, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, teacher at Tver State University .

In general, there are several phraseological units about the rooster in the Russian language: “give (let) the rooster” - make a squeaking sound while singing; “get up with the roosters”, “live with the roosters” - i.e. get up very early, “walk until the roosters” - i.e. all night, until dawn (in these three phrases the word “roosters” became a designation for early time). There is also an outdated expression “only an Indian rooster thinks” - this is how they jokingly said in response to the excuse: “I thought...”, and now this expression sounds like “The turkey also thought, but ended up in the soup.” Or here’s another one - “Falling into cabbage soup like chickens” - about a person who found himself in a stupid situation or in trouble. After all, in the old days a rooster was called a “chicken.”

— As for the expression “Until the roast rooster bites,” I have not found any mention of its etymology in any of the numerous dictionaries of phraseological units. What is written on the Internet, it seems to me, is in the realm of unreliable assumptions. In my opinion, this expression (like many proverbs and sayings, the author and conditions of their origin are unknown) was formed among the people under the influence of everyday observations of animal habits: as you know, roosters often peck the offender in order to protect their hens; it is clear that a roast rooster cannot do this - that is, this is from the same area as expressions like “when the cancer whistles on the mountain,” i.e. never,” explained Irina Mikhailovna.

But how does a rooster crow? In general and in general, the sonorous crow of a rooster sounds approximately the same in many languages, although, of course, there are differences. Thus, our Russian “kukareku” is consonant with the Hungarian kukuriku, German kikeriki, and Greek kikiriku. Roosters crow a little differently in Denmark - kykyliky, Holland - kukeleku, France - cocorico, Spain - quiquiriquí, Japan - ko-ke-kok -ko-o), Finland - kukko kiekuu. But the Italian looks like a sparrow - chicchirichi. In England, a kochet wraps something complicated - cock-a-doodle-doo. But the Chinese rooster is somehow wrong: all the roosters are like petki, but this one says “vovo.”

TIA interviewed several foreign students studying in Tver about how the word “rooster” sounds in their language, its singing and the wish “Happy New Year!”

In Rus', and not only, the ritual of fortune telling with the help of a “sleepy” rooster was widespread. So, on the floor in the upper room, for example, they laid out: grain (for the harvest), coins (for wealth), a ring (for marriage), a sliver or cross (for death), a bowl of water was placed (the husband will be a drunkard), etc. . Next, the girls brought a rooster from the dark room, which in the light “saw its sight” and predicted its fate - that is, they looked at where it would come closer or where it would stop. The girls also told fortunes with the rooster about marriage - the one who pecks the grain first will sew a red sundress.

Oh, yes, an interesting fact - scientifically, fortune telling with the help of roosters is called alectryomancy. This is exactly what we did at TIA when we prepared our funny prediction for next year.

Now is the time to thank the passing year for all the good things that happened in it. But still, a leap year is a leap year. The monkey is not our animal. And I really want to hope that the Cockerel will bring us luck, happiness and joy. Happy New Year, dear TIAvians! And finally, to lift the mood, a small gift from our friends from Sri Lanka, who sang a song in Russian at the festival of the Tver linguistic and cultural club ANEFRA.

Recommendations for choosing a suitable mascot

The rooster figurine is an artistically executed copy of a bird with the distinctive features of its species: a proud, confident appearance, elegant plumage and tail, and a fleshy comb.

It is better to choose a figurine made from natural materials. A correctly selected figurine will help reveal the incarnation of the rooster that will attract the necessary energy to achieve goals.

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A metal talisman will attract wealth. A metal souvenir will attract cash, help develop leadership skills and entrepreneurship, and become a patron of business. The energy of money will intensify in combination with other attributes of abundance: a rooster sitting on a handful of coins will additionally replenish the budget.

A figurine made of ceramic, porcelain or crystal enhances the protective properties of the symbols. This option will protect you from negative influences from the outside: it will protect your home from people with bad intentions, it will ward off homewreckers in the family and prevent betrayal, and at work it will protect you from competitors in business and slander from colleagues.

A wooden symbol of a bird will create a positive atmosphere in the house, bring comfort, tranquility and peace. The owner of a wooden talisman will also feel a beneficial effect on the body and psyche. The Rooster will help you restore strength, cleanse yourself of negative energy, and find harmony.

Rooster among the northern peoples

This bird plays a special role among the Scandinavians, Celts, and Germans - the northern peoples consider it a powerful and rather ominous bird, a messenger of hell. Among the Scandinavians, the rooster is the bird of the underworld; its cry resurrects the heroes of Valhalla for the final decisive battle. The Celts also considered the rooster to be a messenger of the underworld: it controls souls, calls the dead to battle, and warns the gods of danger. In North Germanic mythology, a rooster with a golden crest guards the rainbow bridge leading to the abode of the gods.

Where to put a rooster figurine

An artistic depiction of a rooster can not only complement the decor of your home, but also, if placed correctly, attract well-being and activate positive energy.

According to Feng Shui, the South is the zone of Glory. If the rooster is located in the southern part of the room, the owner of the figurine can count on achieving fame and honor, acquiring a good reputation and public recognition, and increasing social status. It is better to choose a red bird figurine: this will enhance the effect of the talisman in achieving ambitious goals.

The southeastern housing sector is responsible for achieving wealth and capital accumulation. Placing a symbol in this part of the house will help realize desires related to money. To increase the possibilities of the winged patron in the financial sector, choose a metal figurine.

The rooster is a strong talisman. The qualities of a defender will be most fully revealed if you place the figurine at the entrance to the house. A Feng Shui assistant located there will protect you from people with hostile intentions, fire, the evil eye and other adverse influences from the outside.

Security features are also used to prevent third parties from interfering with your personal life and business. A figurine on your desktop will protect you from the envy of your colleagues and the intrigues of your competitors. A figurine standing at home in a closet or chest of drawers will prevent possible betrayal and preserve the devotion of the spouses. To enhance the protective properties, the bird figurine can be placed on both sides of the cabinet door.

You should not place the figurine next to a phoenix or dragon: the conflict of energies will neutralize the beneficial effects of these symbols.

Rooster and the signs of the eastern horoscope

It is also important to dwell in detail on what the eastern horoscope will tell about the influence of the Rooster on other signs. After all, you can expect anything from this bird, so let’s find out what surprise the Rooster has prepared for each of the symbols.

For those born in the year of the Rat, this year will be quite calm and stable. Nothing supernatural will happen, and any troubles in society will not affect them.

Those who, according to the horoscope, were born in the year of the Ox will feel a surge of strength and energy that they so lacked in 2021. They can safely take on new things and projects, as well as complete everything that they lacked the strength and time for.

For anyone, but for the Tiger, this year will be a year of real struggle. The ancient power of a true warrior will awaken in him, so he will be able to cope with any obstacles and difficulties, will move forward, and nothing will stand in his way.

A troublesome year filled with bustle awaits rabbits. Moreover, everyone around will fuss, and the Rabbits will simply remain in meditation and be amazed at the vanity of existence.

Who will be able to shine this year and show themselves in all their glory? Of course, the Dragon! He will be able to show everyone around him what he is really worth, and the fiery color of the Rooster will help him with this, highlighting all his advantages favorably.

All those who, according to the horoscope, were born in the year of the Snake are advised not to plan anything serious this year. Also refrain from quarrels and conflicts, try to learn to find a common language with everyone. It is these qualities that will help you successfully cope with all the features of the Year of the Rooster.

Horses, as the Chinese horoscope says, will pass through this year with beauty and grace. They will be able to prove to themselves and others that they are independent, responsible and know how to keep their word.

For those born in the year of the Goat or Sheep, this year will bring one continuous holiday. Almost all year they will be in an upbeat and blissful mood, they will want holidays and emotions. It must be said that Goats and Sheep will have many reasons to celebrate this year.

As the Chinese horoscope says, those born in the year of the Monkey will not be disappointed in 2021. A lot of new acquaintances, entertainment, changes and transformation await them. And perhaps one of the Monkeys will even change their place of residence.

This year will be wonderful and successful for the Rooster. Everywhere and in everything he will have a green light, he will be able to start what he has long dreamed of and strived for. In general, the year will be successful, active and memorable - just like the scarlet color of its plumage.

For whom will 2021 be as good a year? Of course, for the dog. The main thing that representatives of this sign need to remember is that no little things in life should distract them from the main goal.

All those who, according to the horoscope, appeared in the year of the Pig, this year will need to work hard to get a star from the sky. But if you try, you will succeed, and you will know what recognition is.

Is the amulet suitable as a gift?

A Feng Shui figurine as a gift is not only a material offering, but also a wish for appropriate qualities to the recipient. A talisman in the form of a rooster symbolizes the accumulation of wealth, protection from ill-wishers, and strong masculine energy. Choosing this figurine will allow you to figuratively express your wishes for money and prosperity.

A gifted figurine of a bird carries several meanings: it is an interior detail that will decorate the house, an activator of positive energy that brings protection and wealth to the owner, and a material embodiment of good wishes.

The rooster is the soul of the Indians

In the beliefs of the Indians of South America, the rooster occupies a special place. It is believed that a person has several mystical companions - these are parts of the soul that live separately from the person in some guise. The more such spirit companions a person has, the more powerful he is - strong sorcerers can have more than a dozen of them, and all take the form of predatory animals or birds. But an ordinary person can have only one such spirit companion - and most often it is a rooster: its death entailed the death of the person.

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