Feng Shui forecast for June 2021: The horse requires decisive action

06/05/2021-07/06/2021 (month of the Wooden Horse)

June is the middle of summer in the Chinese calendar, the most powerful Fire energy, but this year June may be a mixed month.

On the one hand, over the last two years the element of Fire has been so weak that we are waiting for it with the hope of economic growth, optimistic events in the world, and more positive things in life. And just in this cool year, the month of Yang Wood and Fire is what is needed to balance energies. On the other hand, this June there are many non-standard astrological phenomena that do not promise a quiet life, slow down all processes, and besides, the interaction between the Horse and the owner of the year Ox is not clear, but we consider all the coming months in relationship with the year.

Let's take a closer look. The pillar of the month , the Yang Tree on the Horse , is a Tree bathed in dazzling sun, beautiful, bright. This combination of energies gives optimism, speed of reaction, creative solutions, but often also recklessness, erroneous actions, and eccentricity, because the Horse is a very active, energetic animal that loves to be the center of attention.

The stubbornness of the Horse competes with the stubbornness of the Ox; if something is not to its liking, it bites the bit and rushes forward, not paying attention to the warnings of others. For this reason, the Horse often suffers defeats in life, but, however, quickly recovers from each of them, reaching even greater heights if desired. Many people this month will want active action rather than careful planning, because of this there may be a rush in business and thoughtlessness. There may be a lot of emotionally charged information, but it is not a fact that it will be reliable; there may be many misconceptions and illusions. This month, the process of destruction of an established way of life and the emergence of something new, unusual, unfamiliar to us may become even brighter in society.

In the second half of the month, you need to be careful when contacting equipment and electricity. If you are engaged in intellectual work, there may be some “braking”, it is not possible to collect a large amount of information into a coherent system, so give your head a rest, spend more time in nature, switch to another type of activity.

Also this month we see the “harm” relationship Horse - Ox . What does this combination mean? Under the influence of such a combination, people can suddenly break off relationships (personal or friendly, related) and this happens due to the fact that they do not have the patience to listen and understand the other person. Therefore, if Fire is not useful to you, try not to destroy relationships that are dear to you, or harm yourself at work, this will especially affect those who have this combination affecting cards (there is already a Horse or Ox in the card).

In general, for those who Fire , the time of achievements is coming, new opportunities will open up for them, the month will bring a lot of joy and positive emotions, entertainment events and advertising can work out well.

Well, for those to whom this energy is not useful, and especially if it is in the element of resources in your chart, negative manifestations such as jealousy, envy, suspicion, fears, and various psychological problems may interfere. To mitigate the negative effect of excess Fire , it is necessary to transfer this excess to another plane - to creativity, creation, charity, some kind of vigorous activity, sports.

If your Ba Zi card already has a Horse 午, or even more so two, then a situation of “ self-punishment” . These are mistakes that we make ourselves; there may be hasty actions or rash words, decisions, or perhaps absent-mindedness. There may be a biased attitude towards oneself, complexes and self-criticism will raise their head. To avoid falling into this trap, be more attentive than usual with those people and in those areas of life that the Horse represents for us. You can determine this from your Ba Zi card by calculating it on a calculator.

If you already have:

  • Horse in the year - attention to social connections, superiors, older generations.
  • The horse in the month is your brothers, sisters, colleagues, parents, work.
  • Horse in the day - your family, spouse.
  • Horse in the hour - children, subordinates, business.

Pay special attention to the dates June 15, 27 .

The positive aspect of the month is the Horse - this is the animal of the “ Flower of Romance ”. People born in the years or days of the Snake, Rooster, Ox will gain additional attractiveness in June and can enjoy romantic adventures. The most attractive will be people born in the year or day of the Rooster; the “wizard of love” will also come to them, don’t miss this chance!

If the topic of relationships is relevant for you, you can activate the annual and monthly Tien Xi , place flowers with buds that are ready to bloom in the southwest 3 (for example, June 5 at the hour of the Monkey) and west 2 (for example, June 6 at the hour of the Rooster) . We place flowers in both of these sectors, then the effect is stronger. Keep in mind that in June, new relationships can be quite illusory, so don’t take everyone’s word for it right away; light flirting has never bothered anyone, but move on to a serious relationship after getting to know your partner better.

People born in the years of the Rat, Dragon and Monkey need to be careful while driving. And be sure to take care of your health this month, at least go to a preventive appointment with the dentist.

For people born in the year or month of the Rat (December), June can be a difficult month and they need to be especially careful when choosing important dates in the month. Be especially careful on June 9, 15, 21, 27, July 3.

of the “eclipse corridor ” and retrograde Mercury continues . As I always write in the forecast, eclipses do not affect everyone, but some people are very sensitive to these periods. If you notice such a feature in yourself, then try not to schedule important events, postpone major operations, do not buy cars, complex household appliances, especially on the day of eclipses - June 10 . Western astrology says that at this time it is better not to contradict fate, not to go against events, so try not to make hasty decisions, especially under the influence of feelings and emotions.

Mercury continues its retrograde movement until June 22 and during this period it is not recommended to start new business projects or sign contracts. It’s good to finish long-standing tasks that you have planned or prepared for a very long time. This time makes it possible to see what slowed us down in moving towards our cherished goal and get rid of this ballast.

The layout of the Noble Helpers in 2021 is as follows:

Noble Helpers improve the sector in which they appear. They help you get additional help and support in solving complex problems, and activate your wealth and career.

Activating Noble Helpers helps us a lot if there are unfavorable energies in the sector.

Enlisting the support of Noble helpers means protecting yourself from troubles and discovering additional opportunities for using the energies of your home for your own benefit.

In sectors with Noble assistants, moderate activity is desirable and the use of activators is favorable. However, before installing the activator, you should make sure that this sector is not affected by negative Flying Stars and there are no negative annual energies.

In 2021, not all Noble Helpers will work at full capacity. This is due to the fact that in their location they will coincide with the negative influences of the year.

So, in 2021 the Sun coincides with the negative annual influence of the Three Shas. Therefore, you should activate the Sun in 2021 with caution.

The placement of the Noble Assistant Moon coincides in 2021 with the influence of the Yellow Five. Therefore, we do not have the opportunity to activate the Moon in the year of the Ox.

But the Noble Dragon and the Happy Noble in 2021 can be activated in any cases. And you shouldn’t give up such a great opportunity to attract additional luck to your side.

The noble assistant Sun comes to Northeast-3 in 2021.

The influence of the Sun can be compared to the Noble Helper in the Bazi chart. Tai Yang is a strong beneficial energy that neutralizes other negative influences and helps protect against many troubles.

Since the Sun is a symbol of masculine energies, its influence is especially beneficial for men and improves the luck of all male representatives who live in the house.

For women, the influence of the Sun can be expressed in the fact that help, patronage and protection will come from men.

Favorable dates

June 6, 18, 30. Suitable for weddings, construction, starting a trip, negotiations. But be careful - do not plan things in which you want to win, as the energies of this day bring all forces into balance. Now, if you are weaker, your position will level out. Not suitable for litigation. It’s good these days to make peace if you are in a quarrel, to establish contacts, to make new connections. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Rabbit .

June 7, 19, July 1. Suitable for starting a long process or events from which you want to get a lasting effect. Good for weddings, opening a new business (except June 19) , hiring an important employee, buying a pet, medical procedures. Do not use for traveling, moving to a new home , or taking out a loan. June 7 is suitable for both building relationships and soft partings. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Dragon.

June 11, 23, July 5. Success Days are suitable for dates, meetings, job searches, and relaxation. June 11 is suitable for starting treatment. Unfortunately, these days have the “Robbery Sha of the Year”, so they are slightly spoiled, it is not advisable to choose these days for travel, or to watch your things and wallets very carefully. Do not start litigation and repairs. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Monkey.

June 15, 27 days of strong Fire. If Fire is what you need, use these days! Suitable for starting a new job or taking up a position, negotiations, visiting friends, commercial transactions and operations. You can seek medical help, start traveling or studying. It's a good day to start construction, but you can't lay foundations or demolish old buildings. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Rat!

June 29 - everything started on this day multiplies. You can sign agreements, celebrate housewarmings, collect debts. Not suitable for signing onerous contracts or taking on a new position. You should not take out loans or start legal proceedings. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Tiger .

Unfavorable days: June 4, 9, 10, 14, 21, 26, 28, July 3 - do not start important things on these days.

“Days of illness” - June 3, 12, 23, 24, July 5, 6 - try not to contact people who are sick, do not visit them in the hospital, as there is a high risk of getting infected.

June 14, 26 - it is not favorable to carry out operations, start treatment, or consult a doctor (there is a danger of medical errors).

June 17 and 19 - “days without wealth” - expectations will not be met; you should not choose this day for signing contracts, major purchases, presentations and commercial transactions (except for hiring). In June , travel in the southeast and south .

June 20 is a disconnecting day; energy on this day is at zero. It is best not to assign any important tasks on this day from which you expect growth and development.

For very important matters, be sure to use individual date selection,

for example, a personal calendar!

How to activate the Sun (Tai Yang):

The most effective method is to knock on the wall (with a hammer, stone, whatever), drill a hole in the wall, or drive a nail into the wall.

From time to time, rearrange the furniture in this room. It is good to do general cleaning when moving part of the furniture to wipe dust in hard-to-reach places.

The movement of people in the Tai Yang sector of influence also contributes to activation. Dance, jump, play active games with your child, do physical exercises! The main thing is that you move actively and for at least an hour.

It is beneficial to install activators (burning candle, fountain, fan) and carry out activations in accordance with the methods of other areas of Chinese metaphysics.

It must be remembered that in 2021 Northeast-3 is affected by the Three Sha. Therefore, to activate the Sun in 2021, it is permissible to use only burning candles, a fountain or a fan.

In addition, the activation of Northeast-3 in 2021 can only be short-term - no more than 2 hours and no more than once a month.

West 2021

Star 8 “white” - money thanks to hard work. This is the star of stable wealth, slow but sure prosperity. She is considered one of the most popular stars for the mass segment, as she brings not only money, but also reliability. After all, most people strive for everything to be stable and predictable. If you conduct a survey “would you like to get 100 thousand right now or 1 million in a year?” - many will choose the first option as more reliable.

Star 8 is the universal “money star”. Its influence, although it does not provide opportunities for a big financial breakthrough, will help improve the financial situation in general. For this, it is useful to spend more time in the West - constant work and development will be guaranteed!

Months when solar activation is not recommended:

In May
2021, the Yellow Five of the month will be visiting the Northeast.
In August 2021

in the Northeast the monthly star 2 influences.

In May and September
2021 , Northeast-3 will be influenced by the Three Sha months.
During these months, you should not unnecessarily disturb and activate the North-Eastern sector, so as not to incur trouble.

In 2021, the Moon (Tai Yin) is in Southeast-1.

It is a smooth, calm and peaceful energy that in most cases influences relationships by creating order and peace.

This is a symbol of a sensible woman, the guardian of the family, who calmly and peacefully resolves contradictions and conflicts.

Unfortunately, in 2021 the location of the Moon coincides with the negative influence of Flying Star 5. Therefore, we cannot activate the Moon in 2021 .

In 2021, Lucky Noble is located in North-West-1.

Happy Noble is associated with positivity and optimism.

Its activation gives a feeling of happiness, a positive attitude, love of life, interest in life and events in general.

Activations: Bird falls into nest

For this activation, you need to choose a convenient place closer to the outer border of the apartment or house (the energies are stronger there), here you will stay for two hours.
What can you do during this time? Relax, work, do what you love, the main thing is not to leave. In this simple way you can attract good luck and help yourself make an important decision. DATE

05.06.2021INPigs (21-23)Tiger
18.06.2021YUMonkeys (15-17)A rabbit
30.06.2021NERooster (17-19)A rabbit

Months when it is not recommended to activate the Happy Noble:

In March and December

In 2021, the Yellow Five of the month will be visiting the North-West.

In June 2021

in the North-West the monthly star 2 influences.

In March, July and November

2021 in North-West-1 will be influenced by Three Sha months.

During these months, you should not unnecessarily disturb and activate the North-Western sector, so as not to incur trouble.

In 2021, the Noble Dragon is located in Southwest-3.

Its energy neutralizes other negative influences in the sector of its residence, improves financial luck and helps overcome stagnation in business.

South 2021

Star 1 "white" in Feng Shui is described as wisdom and knowledge. It is represented by the element of Water, and Water means depth. The knowledge is deep and truly valuable. And noble, influential people often turn to sages for advice. Therefore, the influence of star 1 will help attract noble and well-connected people with impressive resources. Metaphorically speaking, this will give access to the Information Ocean. And then both promotion and financial success largely depend on the acquired intellectual baggage and cleverly expressed thoughts. When others see not just an interlocutor, but a source of wisdom, they are imbued with respect and trust.

Decisive action

The Wooden Horse does not tend to cling to the old. She calmly lets go of what has already become obsolete and can no longer be restored. Therefore, June is a great time to let the wind of change into your life. Throw away conservatism, be open to everything new and boldly go towards the unknown. If you have long been planning to do something radical, for example, move to another city, change jobs, bring clarity to your relationship, then perhaps it’s time to move from words to actions?

Warming the Money Star

In order to activate money luck, you need to light a candle in the specified sector at the right time and leave it burning for two hours. After the two-hour period is over, you must put out the candle, not allowing it to burn completely. What to expect from this activation? Money can come in the form of an increased flow of orders, bonuses, repayment of debt, an unexpected gift, or a pleasant bonus.

05.06.2021NEGoats (13-15)CandleTiger
24.06.2021NERabbit (5-7)CandleRooster


05.06.2021INPigs (21-23)Tiger
08.06.2021INHorses (11-13)Snakes
19.06.2021SWHorses (11-13)Dragon
30.06.2021NERooster (17-19)A rabbit
01.07.2021NEDragon (7-9)Dragon
04.07.2021NEDogs (19-21)Goats
05.07.2021SWPigs (21-23)Monkey

Magic walks

Those who like to walk in the fresh air do this to their advantage - by going for a walk at a certain time in the right direction, you can improve those areas of life where there are some difficulties. Start from home or any other point, staying there for at least two hours. Plot a route using the map, taking into account the desired direction of the world, and go for a walk or by car. Travel for at least half an hour on foot (it will take less time by transport), stop at your destination for 15-20 minutes and return back.

Activations to attract financial luck and income growth (generals)

This activation is similar to the previous one; it also warms up monetary energy so that you have the opportunity to receive a pleasant financial surprise. Only here various activators are used - a fan, a candle, a fountain. Do not confuse them and activate only at the specified time.

07.06.2021WITHDogs (19-21)CandleDragon
10.06.2021ZMonkeys (15-17)FanGoats
14.06.2021ZHorses (11-13)FanSnakes
18.06.2021YUMonkeys (15-17)FountainA rabbit
23.06.2021NWHorses (11-13)FountainMonkey
23.06.2021SWGoats (13-15)FanMonkey
24.06.2021ZDragon (7-9)FanRooster
29.06.2021YUMonkeys (15-17)CandleTiger


23.06.2021NWHorses (11-13)Monkey
30.06.2021SWRabbit (5-7)A rabbit
01.07.2021SWRooster (17-19)Dragon

*The article indicates solar time.

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